Carlton Communications Plc - Directors' Dealings

Carlton Communications Plc has today been notified that the Carlton Employee
Share Ownership Trust (Carlton ESOP) has today transferred 34,481 Carlton
ordinary shares for nominal consideration pursuant to the exercise of vested
options by non-director participants in Carlton's Deferred Annual Bonus Share
(DABS) plan and Long-Term Incentive Share (LTIS) plan.

Accordingly, the Carlton ESOP has ceased to be interested in 34,481 Carlton
ordinary shares and is now interested in 1,609,192 Carlton ordinary shares.

The transfer has been made by the Trustee of the Carlton ESOP, Barclays Private
Bank & Trust (Isle of Man) Limited.

Each Carlton executive director is a discretionary object of the Carlton ESOP
and as such a potential beneficiary thereunder.

15 December 2003