RNS Number:5384I
AFA Systems PLC
11 March 2003

Tuesday, 11 March 2003

                        AFA Systems plc

    Preliminary results for the year ended 31 December 2002

AFA  Systems plc, the AIM listed provider of software solutions
for  global  financial markets, today announced its preliminary
results for the year ended 31 December 2002.


* As  anticipated  in  our year end trading  update  on  24
  December 2002, turnover decreased to #6.0m (2001: #8.1m) due to
  tough market conditions and resulting lack of new product sales
* Group  operating  losses  before  exceptional  items  and
  goodwill amortisation of #2.4m (2001: #0.5m) included impact of
  #0.6m  investment in our international asset management sales
  team during the year
* Group  losses before tax reduced to #10.6m (2001: #14.6m)
  after  exceptional items and goodwill amortisation  of  #8.3m
  (2001: #14.2m)
* First  sales  of  investment management products  outside
  South Africa
* Cost  reduction programme implemented during  the  second
  half of 2002 to accelerate elimination of losses should deliver
  annualised cost savings of approximately #1.0m in 2003
* Transfer to AIM in January 2003
* Alliance with London Bridge Software Holdings plc ("London
* London Bridge acquired 8.2% of AFA as part of a placing in
  January 2003 to raise #2.0m (#1.8m net of expenses)

Mike Hart, Chairman & Chief Executive, commented:

"We have made significant progress in developing AFA's business
and market position.

"The  recent share issue will enable us to continue development
of AFA during recession and to position it to take advantage of
an  upturn, whilst reducing the financial concerns of  existing
and potential customers by strengthening our balance sheet.

"Together  with  the  benefit  of last  year's  cost  reduction
programme  and  the increase in the Group's recurring  revenues
and  business from its installed customer base, our aim in  the
current financial year is to eliminate our operating loss."

For further information, please contact:

AFA Systems plc                             www.afa-systems.com
Mike Hart, Chairman & Chief Executive             020 7337 7250
Henry Sallitt, Finance Director

Weber Shandwick Square Mile
Reg Hoare/Sara Musgrave                           020 7067 0700


When we reported on our 2001 results, we stated that the period
was  one of the weakest ever for the sales of software products
particularly into the financial services sector.

There  was held a genuine view that 2002 would see some limited
improvements.  Clearly as the year progressed this  has  proved
not  to  be  the  case.  The continued decline in  world  stock
markets  and  the  general lack of confidence  in  the  finance
sector  has  led to further cost reductions that have  included
lowering or deferring capital expenditure on new systems.

Despite  the tough market conditions, the Group has had another
year  of  progress  in terms of building its business  for  the
future.   A  number of key milestones have been achieved  which
can be summarised as follows:

  * successful integration of acquisitions made in 2001
  * continued investment in our products with new product launches
  * investment in marketing and sales including an international
    asset management sales team
  * new distribution agreements signed
  * successful product implementations at core reference sites
  * revenues from existing Musketeer customers grown
  * international product applicability demonstrated with
    sales of all products to new territories

These  milestones are reviewed in more detail in  the  sections

The Business

AFA Systems develops, implements and supports a broad range  of
integrated  financial  software solutions  that  enable  banks,
institutional investors and financial intermediaries to manage,
trade,  invest and monitor their financial assets competitively
and   reduce   costs.   To  date,  more  than   100   financial
institutions across 20 countries around the world have invested
in our systems.


The  Group's  strategy  has  been  to  complement  its  organic
software  product  development with strategic  acquisitions  of
software  products for global financial markets.  This strategy
is  supported  by  low cost offshore development  backed  by  a
strong management team.

Due  to the uncertainties in financial markets, during the year
the  Board  undertook a strategic review to establish  its  way
forward.  As we have stated in the past, we believe that  there
is a strong need for consolidation in our industry and a number
of  options were considered.  Many of these were closed  to  us
given  the sharp fall in the stock market and the route  chosen
was to ensure that the Group remained financially robust whilst
continuing to invest in its business.

We  were  therefore  delighted to announce  an  agreement  with
London  Bridge  in December 2002 through which  they  became  a
cornerstone  investor  as part of a #2.0 million  fund  raising
being undertaken at that time.  This fund-raising was completed
on  30  January  2003 and was accompanied  by  a  move  of  the
Company's entire issued share capital from the Official List to
AIM.   In addition we also created a strategic alliance between
our two companies, which is discussed further below.


Group  revenues for the 12 months to 31 December 2002 decreased
to  #6,013,000  (2001:  #8,136,000), reflecting  the  difficult
trading  conditions  that  persisted throughout  the  financial
year.  As anticipated in the pre year end trading statement and
in  the  circular to shareholders dated 8 January 2003,  second
half  revenues were similar to those experienced in  the  first
half.  Both as a result of this reduction in revenues and  also
the  #0.6 million investment in a sales and marketing team  for
its  asset management range of products, the Group incurred  an
operating   loss   before  exceptional   items   and   goodwill
amortisation of #2,376,000 (2001: #536,000).

The  acquisition of Dart was completed in April 2000 on a share
for  share  exchange, when the AFA share price stood  at  640p,
creating goodwill of #26.5 million.  Since then there has  been
a  substantial and continuous repositioning of share prices  in
AFA's  sector.  Having recognised in 2001's accounts  an  #11.0
million impairment of the carrying value of this goodwill,  the
Board  has  now recognised a further impairment totalling  #6.0
million  in 2002.  The Board continues to be pleased  with  the
underlying  performance of Dart since its  acquisition  despite
continued  tough  trading conditions.  The  recurring  goodwill
amortisation  in respect of this and goodwill  created  on  the
acquisition  of Smacsoft in February 2001 is #2.0  million  for
2002 (2001: #3.2 million) and will be #1.2 million in 2003.

In  response  to  the  difficult  conditions,  we  successfully
implemented  a cost reduction programme in the second  half  of
2002   that  should  result  in  annualised  cost  savings   of
approximately  #1.0  million being achieved,  the  benefits  of
which will principally be derived in 2003.  At the same time we
reorganised  our South African activities into one location  in
Cape  Town.  As  a result of these changes, we  incurred  total
restructuring  charges of #338,000 in the second  half  of  the
year  (made  up  of  #202,000 of staff costs  and  #136,000  of
relocation  costs).   These  have  been  treated  as  operating
exceptional  items.   We  monitor our  costs  against  expected
revenue levels on a continuous basis.

Losses  after  tax of #10.7 million (2001: #14.6  million)  are
stated   after   operating  exceptional  items   and   goodwill
amortisation of #8.3 million (2001: #14.2 million).

Adjusted losses per share, reflecting the trading activities of
the  Group  and more fully described in note 2, were 9.3  pence
compared with a loss per share of 1.7 pence in the same  period
last year.

At  the  year-end  the Group had a net cash  position  of  #0.9
million  and  net  current  assets of  #1.0  million  including
deferred  revenue  of  #0.6 million.  As  mentioned  above  the
Company completed a fund-raising in January 2003, raising  #1.8
million,  net of expenses.  When stated to include the  receipt
of  these  funds net of expenses, pro forma net cash  stood  at
#2.7 million and net current assets at #2.8 million.

The Board is not recommending the payment of a dividend.

The Market

The market for our products has for the second consecutive year
been very difficult due to the global economic and stock market
slowdowns which have led to a lengthening of sales cycles and a
number  of project delays with no significant improvement  seen
in  the  second  half of last year or in the current  financial
year to date. As has been widely reported, the financial sector
continued  to  suffer  from low levels  of  investment  in  new
systems throughout the year as it struggled to sustain its  own

However,  we  continue  to believe that over  the  medium  term
financial  institutions  must invest in  systems  in  order  to
create   competitive  advantage  and  achieve   reductions   in
administrative costs. In order to position the Group  for  this
we  strengthened  our sales and marketing resource  during  the
year  with  an investment in an international asset  management
sales team.  This continued investment means we have a stronger
presence in our chosen markets than at any time in our  history
and  at a time when many competitors have had to cut back.   We
are therefore better positioned than ever to take advantage  of
any upturn.

Alliance with London Bridge

In  line with our strategy to continue the development  of  the
Group  during  the current recession and to position  ourselves
for the upturn, AFA entered into an Alliance with London Bridge
in  December 2002.  The Alliance includes a Reseller  Agreement
and  an Infrastructure Agreement that allow AFA to continue  to
increase sales opportunities whilst giving London Bridge a fast
start to create its own low cost offshore development facility.

The  Reseller  Agreement is indicative of  AFA's  objective  to
increase  its  sales by widening its distribution channels  and
will  allow  London  Bridge to sell AFA's  treasury  and  asset
management  products.  These modules will  be  integrated  into
their  Phoenix  Banking System to deliver  a  fully  integrated
retail and wholesale banking product.

The  Infrastructure  Agreement  will  give  London  Bridge  the
opportunity to use AFA facilities and infrastructure to  create
its  own low cost development centre in South Africa. Under the
terms of the Agreement, AFA will facilitate the fast start  and
operation of the facility in Cape Town.

As  an  indication  of its commitment to the  Alliance,  London
Bridge  acquired 8.2% of the enlarged issued share  capital  of
AFA at a cost of #0.5 million, as part of the #2.0 million fund
completed in January 2003.

Distribution Agreements

During  the year we signed two distribution agreements, one  as
part  of our Strategic Alliance with London Bridge (as referred
to above) and the other with ABC Professional Services S.A. who
signed  as  an  AFA Systems' exclusive regional distributor  in
Greece  and Cyprus. The distribution agreement covers a  number
of  AFA's asset management solutions. ABC, established in 1982,
was among the first suppliers of financial systems in the Greek
market  and  is  one  of  the  leading  suppliers  of  banking,
accounting,  investment management, treasury  management,  risk
analysis   and   general  financial  software  solutions.    As
previously  announced, the first sale through this channel  was
completed in July 2002 and is now running live.

Our  other distribution agreements, including that with ITS,  a
major  provider of systems to the banking market in  12  middle
eastern  countries,  continue  to  perform  in  line  with  our
expectations  and are fundamental to our strategy  to  increase
international sales at a time when the traditional  markets  of
the US and Europe are struggling.

Product Development

The majority of the Company's products continue to be developed
in  South Africa, taking advantage of its very substantial cost
advantages.    This   has  allowed  us  to   maintain   product
development at high levels despite the recession and  positions
AFA to drive organic growth as the market improves.

We  estimate  the  cost of development in South  Africa  to  be
approximately  20% of that in the UK.  The last  twelve  months
however  have  seen a significant strengthening  of  the  South
African Rand versus Sterling.  This is substantially offset  by
the Group's South African Rand earnings.  In 2002 the Group had
South  African  Rand costs of ZAR52.7 million and  revenues  of
ZAR34.3  million.  It is not the Group's policy to  hedge  this

During the year, we relocated our Johannesburg capabilities  to
Smacsoft's existing Cape Town development centre where all  our
South  African  activities are now located. A further  70  man-
years  of  additional development was invested in  the  Group's
products,  none  of  which  is capitalised  under  the  Group's
accounting policies.  We will continue to enhance our  products
in  the current year to ensure we maintain our competitive edge
and position our products for when the market returns.

The Board

As  was reported at the time of the Group's interim results  in
September  2002, Jon Letts, an Executive member of  the  Board,
left  the Company on 15 August 2002.   It is not envisaged that
he  will  be replaced at this time, and existing senior members
of staff, reporting to the Chief Executive, are now undertaking
his duties.

Eddie  Robinson, a non-executive director since  the  Company's
flotation on AIM in July 1996, retired from the board as of  30
September  2002.  We are grateful for his contribution  to  the
development of the Group.

Staff numbers fell from 168 to 136 during the year, as a result
of the rationalisation undertaken in the autumn, of whom 91 are
based  in  South Africa.  We would like to thank them  all  for
their hard work and commitment to the Group.

Transfer to AIM

In December 2002 we applied to the UK Listing Authority for the
transfer of the Company's entire issued ordinary share  capital
from  the Official List to AIM.  The shares simultaneously  de-
listed from the Official List and commenced trading on AIM on 8
January 2003.

The  Board believe that the Group will benefit from this change
as AIM is less regulated than the Official List and provides  a
greater  degree of flexibility to small companies at a time  of
depressed stock markets.

Current Trading and Outlook

Throughout the current downturn and despite the lack of closure
of  new  sales, AFA has continued to enjoy high enquiry  levels
and  a strong sales pipeline as evidenced by being short-listed
for a number of large projects in our chosen sectors. With over
100   customers  in  20  countries,  our  underlying   business
operations  continue  to perform well with  successful  product
implementations,  product launches and acquisition  integration
undertaken during one of the toughest years on record  for  our

Whilst  market  conditions  have  substantially  impeded  sales
growth  compared  to our previous expectations and  objectives,
over the last 3 years we have nonetheless succeeded in building
up  by  acquisition  and organic growth a strong  portfolio  of
internationally   applicable  products  in  the   banking   and
investment management industries. We therefore believe that the
Group  has made significant progress in developing its business
and market position during this time.

The  recent  share issue will enable us to continue development
of AFA during recession and to position it to take advantage of
an  upturn, whilst reducing the financial concerns of  existing
and  potential  customers by strengthening our  balance  sheet.
Together  with  the  benefit  of  last  year's  cost  reduction
programme  and  the increase in the Group's recurring  revenues
and  business from its installed customer base, our aim in  the
current financial year is to eliminate our operating loss.

Mike Hart
Chairman & Chief Executive                             11 March

                     GROUP PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT
                  For the year ended 31 December 2002

                                                           2002             2001
                                                   Notes   #000             #000

Turnover                                                  6,013            8,136

 Staff costs                                             (6,415)          (5,917)
 Depreciation and other amounts written off
 tangible  and  intangible assets                        (8,175)          (14,396)
                                                      -------------     ------------
 Other external charges                                  (2,117)           (2,554)

Operating loss - continuing operations                  (10,694)          (14,731)

Operating loss excluding exceptional items
and goodwill amortisation                                (2,376)             (536)

 Goodwill amortisation                                   (1,980)           (3,195)
 Exceptional goodwill impairment                         (6,000)          (11,000)
 Exceptional operating costs                               (338)                -
                                                      -------------     ------------

Operating loss - continuing operations                  (10,694)          (14,731)

 Interest receivable                                         57               135
 Interest payable                                            (1)              (23)
                                                      -------------     ------------

Loss before taxation for the financial year             (10,638)          (14,619)

Tax on loss on ordinary activities                          (38)               (6)
                                                      -------------     ------------

Loss  after taxation  for  the  financial year          (10,676)          (14,625)
                                                      =============     ============

Basic loss per ordinary share                        2   (42.0p)           (58.5p)
                                                      =============     ============

Adjusted basic loss per ordinary share               2    (9.3p)            (1.7p)
                                                      =============     ============

Diluted loss per ordinary share                      2   (41.9p)           (56.9p)
                                                      =============     ============

                      GROUP BALANCE SHEET
                    as at 31 December 2002

                                                            2002             2001
                                                            #000             #000
Fixed assets
  Intangible assets                                        9,343           17,286
  Tangible assets                                            413              369
                                                           9,756           17,655

Current assets
  Debtors                                                  1,644            3,340
  Cash at bank and in hand                                   861            2,147
                                                           2,505            5,487

Creditors: amounts falling due
  within one year                                         (1,498)          (1,697)

Net current assets                                         1,007            3,790

Total assets less current liabilities                     10,763           21,445


Net assets                                                10,763           21,445


Capital and reserves
  Called up share capital                                  6,002            5,922
  Share premium account                                   11,409           11,407
  Share capital to be issued                                 353              420
  Merger reserve                                           5,150           12,794
  Profit and loss account                                (12,151)          (9,098)


Equity shareholders' funds                                10,763           21,445


              for the year ended 31 December 2002

                                                             2002            2001
                                                             #000            #000
Loss for the financial year                               (10,676)        (14,625)
Shares issued for cash net of expenses                         15              80
Shares issued for acquisitions                                  -           3,773
Key Executives' Reward Plan                                     -              55
Foreign exchange loss                                         (21)           (645)

Net decrease in shareholders' funds                       (10,682)        (11,362)
Equity shareholders' funds brought forward                 21,445          32,807

Equity shareholders' funds carried forward                 10,763          21,445

                   GROUP CASH FLOW STATEMENT
              for the year ended 31 December 2002

                                                             2002            2001
                                                             #000            #000

Net cash outflow from operating activities                 (1,022)           (570)

Returns on investments                                         56             112

Taxation Paid                                                 (19)            (53)

Capital expenditure                                          (187)            (16)

Acquisitions                                                    -          (3,158)

Cash outflow before management of liquid
  resources and financing                                  (1,172)         (3,685)

Management of liquid resources                                458           3,947

Financing                                                      15            (256)

(Decrease)/increase in cash in period                        (699)              6

Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net funds

(Decrease)/increase in cash in period                        (699)              6

Cash inflow from decrease in liquid resources                (458)         (3,947)

Change in net funds arising from cash flows                (1,157)         (3,941)

Effect of foreign exchange differences                       (129)           (618)

Change in net funds                                        (1,286)         (4,559)

Opening net funds                                           2,147           6,706

Closing net funds                                             861           2,147


1.This report has been prepared on a basis consistent  with
  the accounting policies stated in the financial statements for
  year ended 31 December 2002.  During the year, the Group  has
  adopted FRS19 (Deferred Tax).  This has had no impact on either
  the current or preceding year's results.

2.The calculations of the loss per ordinary share are based
  on the following: -

  Loss per share
                                                          2002           2001
  Adjusted basic loss per share before
  exceptional  items and goodwill amortisation           (9.3p)         (1.7p)
  Effect of exceptional items and goodwill
  amortisation                                          (32.7p)        (56.8p)
                                                    -------------   -------------
  Basic loss per share                                  (42.0p)        (58.5p)
                                                    =============   =============

  Earnings                                                #000           #000

  Earnings for adjusted loss per share calculation      (2,358)          (430)
  Operating exceptional items                           (6,338)       (11,000)
  Goodwill amortisation                                 (1,980)        (3,195)
                                                    -------------   -------------
  Earnings for basic loss per share calculation        (10,676)       (14,625)
                                                    =============   =============

  Number of shares                                     Million        Million

  Weighted average number of shares used in
  basic loss per share calculation                       25.40          24.99
  Dilutive effect of options                              0.08           0.73
                                                    -------------   -------------
  Weighted average number of shares used in
   diluted   loss   per   share   calculation            25.48          25.72
                                                    =============   =============

  The  weighted average number of shares used in the basic loss
  per  share calculation included all shares issued  or  to  be
  issued  in connection with the acquisition of Smacsoft  Group
  Limited as if issued on the day of acquisition.

3.No  dividend  has  been declared for the  year  ended  31
  December 2002

4.The  comparative results for the year ended  31  December
  2002  are  not  the  company's statutory  accounts  for  that
  financial year.  Those accounts have been reported on by  the
  company's auditors and delivered to the Registrar of Companies.
  The report of the auditors was unqualified and did not contain
  a statement under section 237 (2) or (3) of the Companies Act

5.The final results for the year ended 31 December 2002 will
  be posted to shareholders before 25 April 2003.  Copies of this
  document are available from the company's registered  office,
  Bury House, 31 Bury Street, London, EC3A 5AR.

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange