Intel Corp. (INTC) has expanded its lead in the global microprocessor market to the highest level in almost four years, according to iSuppli Corp.

In the second quarter, Intel received 81% of global microprocessor revenue, up from 79% a year earlier. That was the chip giant's largest share since the third quarter of 2005, when it had 82%, according to the research firm. In the first quarter of this year, Intel also held 79% of the market.

Intel benefited as the global personal-computer market began to recover, said iSuppli analyst Matthew Wilkins. Both it and rival Advanced Micro Devices Inc. (AMD) posted lower microprocessor revenue than a year earlier because of a decline in PC shipments.

AMD's share of global microprocessor revenue fell 0.4 percentage point from a year earlier to 12% in the second quarter. In the first quarter, it had 13% of the market.

AMD didn't benefit from the small sequential rise in PC sales because its average microprocessor pricing was lower than the first quarter, Wilkins said.

ISuppli said Intel saw strong demand for its new-generation products in all segments, including desktops, notebooks and servers, but only the notebook segment showed growth from a year earlier, at 13%. Both the desktop PC and entry-level server segments declined from a year earlier.

Late last month, Intel boosted its third-quarter sales forecast, citing stronger than expected demand for its microprocessors in a surprise update of its guidance in July. That new forecast came as other tech bellwethers began offering signs that the market is stabilizing after several quarters of sharp drops in demand. Last week, Texas Instruments Inc. (TXN) also raised its third-quarter forecast.

Intel's shares recently traded at $19.35, down 0.8%, while AMD was flat at $5.68. Intel's stock is up 32% this year while AMD has more than doubled. Both are little changed from a year earlier.

-By Kathy Shwiff, Dow Jones Newswires; 212-416-2357;