Comprehensive additional information is available on our website: JOHANNESBURG, South Africa, Sept. 10 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- * Operating profit, excluding Sasol O&S, - up 18% * Headline earnings per share - up 10% * Final dividend - up 37% to R5,90 per share * Oryx GTL producing on specification product * Several major capital projects nearing completion - expenditure of R12 billion, 54% in South Africa * Sasol O&S retained - turnaround in progress * BEE transformation progressing well - 10% ownership transaction at Sasol limited announced Overview "This has been a year with good results and significant strides on safety, transformation, improved stakeholder relations and major capital projects, which together with our strong balance sheet provides a solid foundation for sustainable long-term growth," says chief executive Pat Davies. Earnings attributable to shareholders for the year ended 30 June 2007 increased by 64% to R17,0 billion from R10,4 billion. Our earnings per share of R27,35 and headline earnings per share of R25,37 were respectively 63% and 10% higher than those of the previous year. Operating profit of R25,6 billion was 49% higher than the prior year. The increase in operating profit resulted from a 12% weakening in the average exchange rate and a 2% increase in the average dated Brent crude oil price. The increase was partly offset by the combined effect of the two planned maintenance shutdowns of our Synfuels operations, the starting up of the selective catalytic cracker (SCC), production interruptions and lower sales volumes. "The pleasing earnings growth, despite the negative impact of the Synfuels maintenance shutdowns, together with our strong cash flows have enabled us to deliver on our financial targets and build value for our shareholders," says Christine Ramon, chief financial officer. These results include the Sasol Olefins & Surfactants (O&S) business which was reclassified as a continuing operation from March 2007. Operating profit would have increased by 18% and earnings by 15%, had the impact of Sasol O&S been excluded. Our cash generated by operating activities of R28,5 billion represents a 16% increase on the prior year. The directors have declared a final dividend of R5,90 per share. The total dividend declared for the year of R9,00, including the interim dividend, reflects a 27% increase on the previous year and translates into a dividend cover of 3 times. Safety focus delivering results Safety remains a top priority for the group. Our recordable case rate (RCR), covering employees and service providers, including injuries and illnesses, has improved from 0,91 at 30 June 2006 to 0,73 at 30 June 2007. It is very pleasing to report that Sasol Gas achieved an RCR of zero for the year and that most businesses recorded significant improvements in their respective RCRs. Major capital projects advancing Cash spent on capital projects amounted to R12,0 billion, of which R6,5 billion (54%) was invested in our South African operations. Several of our major capital projects are nearing completion and we expect to see initial contributions in our 2008 financial year. Major projects advanced during the year included the following. -- Our fuel quality enhancement and polymer expansion project (Project Turbo) is almost complete. The polyethylene plant has concluded its warranty runs and the SCC was started up. The SCC was subsequently taken out of operation for modifications following initial performance tests. -- Oryx GTL has produced and sold product. During start-up all systems and process units were successfully tested and demonstrated their design intent. Technical challenges, reported during May 2007, are in the process of being resolved. -- Construction of our Escravos GTL joint venture project in Nigeria continues, with beneficial operation expected during 2010. -- We are making good progress in Arya Sasol Polymer Company with commissioning of the ethane cracker having started and the plant expected to be producing to specification in the last quarter of 2007. The two polyethylene plants should be in beneficial operation by the first quarter of calendar 2008. -- Construction of our third Octene train in Secunda is expected to be completed later this calendar year, with start-up towards the end of the first quarter of 2008. The severe global shortage of engineering and construction resources for large contracts continues. We carefully monitor developments and have taken appropriate mitigating actions, where possible, to curb the impact of these resource constraints on both the timing and costs of our projects. These include a revision to our contracting strategy, an almost 25% increase in our own staff at Sasol Technology and closer collaboration with our strategic engineering and construction contractors. Plans are underway to increase Sasol Synfuels' capacity by 20% within the next decade, mostly based on additional natural gas imported from Mozambique. We are exploring the feasibility of constructing another sizeable inland coal-to-liquids refinery, of about 80 000 barrels per day, to serve South Africa's growing inland fuel requirements in close co-operation with the South African government. The pre-feasibility study will take into account a variety of factors including project economics, the potential environmental footprint and safety standards. Black economic empowerment progressing well We are making good progress in our transformation activities. These include: -- The sale of 25% of Sasol Oil (Pty) Limited to Tshwarisano LFB Investments (Pty) Limited with effect from 1 July 2006. -- Announcement of the first terms of our proposed broad-based black economic empowerment (BEE) transaction for a proposed 10% ownership at Sasol Limited level. -- Expected finalisation of the first phase of our Sasol Mining empowerment deal and an announcement on a second empowerment transaction to be made later this calendar year. -- Continuing investment in skills development of both our own employees and through our corporate social investment programme. -- Increased procurement from BEE entities, now at R4,2 billion. -- Improvements in our overall employment equity statistics with additional focus at managerial levels in the organisation. Operational review During the past year we formalised the group's structure into three focused business clusters - South African Energy Cluster, International Energy Cluster and Global Chemicals Cluster. Each business cluster will work together to set strategic goals, improve safety, identify synergies and reduce costs. South African energy cluster Sasol Mining - lower production volumes The operating profit of Sasol Mining of R1 171 million was 5% lower than the prior year primarily due to planned higher coal purchases from an external supplier, Anglo Coal's Isibonelo Colliery, lower production volumes as a result of the Synfuels shutdowns and the effect of a strike in December 2006. Sasol Gas - increased sales volumes A 7% increase in sales volumes, higher sales prices and the profit of R346 million on the sale of 25% of Republic of Mozambique Pipeline Investments Company (Pty) Limited (Rompco) resulted in Sasol Gas increasing its operating profit by 27% to R1 936 million. We are making good progress in the expansion of our pipeline gas network. During the year, a second pipeline-gas co-generation plant, for the production of electricity and steam, was commissioned in Newcastle, KwaZulu-Natal. Sasol Synfuels - record year despite reduced sales volumes Sasol Synfuels had another record year, achieving an increase in operating profit of 20% to R16 251 million due to higher oil prices and a weaker rand. Production volumes were 2,8% lower than last year as a result of the shutdowns, production instabilities during the start up of the SCC and some production interruptions. Operating costs have increased as a result of the need to import high-octane fuel blending components to meet demand during shutdowns, as well as higher coal and natural gas costs. Sasol Oil - operating profit maintained despite increased imports Operating profit declined marginally by 1% to R2 417 million mainly as a result of lower volumes from Sasol Synfuels due to the shutdowns and an increased level of imported petrol, diesel and fuel components. We are making progress in retail network expansion under the Sasol and Exel brands with 394 service stations in operation. This exceeds industry growth. International energy cluster Sasol Synfuels International (SSI) - first GTL production, focused on resolving the remaining technical challenges The Oryx GTL facility was started up during the year and produced on specification product. We are confident that we will resolve the remaining technical challenges and steadily increase production throughput. Sasol Chevron continues to evaluate GTL opportunities in other locations including Australia. SSI continues to investigate coal-to-liquids opportunities in China, India and in the USA. Operating losses increased to R763 million during the year as a consequence of increased activity. Sasol Petroleum International - higher exploration activity Operating profit declined by 50% to R300 million for the year primarily due to a significant increase in exploration costs offset by higher selling prices, a weaker rand/US dollar exchange rate and increased sales volumes. Global chemicals cluster Sasol Polymers - increased operating profit despite impact of shutdown Operating profit increased by 32% to R1 089 million on the back of higher margins, despite higher oil-related feedstock costs and the reduced volumes stemming from the Synfuels shutdown. Sasol Solvents - stronger product prices negate the impact of lower volumes Operating profit increased by 27% to R1 106 million due to stronger product prices and a weaker rand whilst the Synfuels shutdowns and operational issues led to lower production levels during the year. Sasol Olefins & Surfactants - divestiture cancelled, turnaround in progress In March 2007, we terminated the divestiture process and announced our intention to retain and restructure Sasol O&S. In the first phase of our turnaround, we have shut down unprofitable production facilities in Baltimore, USA and Porto Torres, Italy. Operating profit for the year was R1 140 million (2006 - operating loss of R3 567 million), taking into account the reversal of the 2006 fair value write-down amounting to R803 million and the recognition of restructuring provisions of R406 million. Other chemical businesses - significantly improved performance Sasol Wax has more than doubled its operating profit to R629 million, primarily as a result of improved product margins and a focus on higher value- add blends. Sasol Nitro has also recorded an improvement in operating profit of 31% to R610 million mainly due to higher sales volumes in the fertiliser business and growth in our explosive initiators business. Gearing - share repurchase programme reactivated Our gearing has reduced from 29% at 30 June 2006 to 22% at 30 June 2007. This was due mainly to the increase in cash flows from earnings and the proceeds received on the disposals of 25% of Rompco and 25% of Sasol Oil (Pty) Limited. We reactivated our share repurchase programme and, in the current year, have repurchased 14,9 million shares at an average price of R245,94 per share, which represents about 2,4% of our issued share capital. Profit outlook - earnings will be maintained in the 2008 financial year We will commission substantial new production capacity during the coming financial year. This is expected to benefit our earnings late in 2008 and into the 2009 financial year as these plants ramp up production to full operating capacity. A specific focus in the year ahead will be on controlling cash costs per unit of production. This will be balanced with the need to further enhance the on-line availability and efficiency of our facilities, and thus the overall production rate. Taking into account our assumptions on prices and currencies, earnings in the 2008 financial year will be maintained at 2007 financial year levels, despite anticipated lower product margins and costs associated with our growth programme. The effects of our proposed empowerment equity transactions have not been taken into account in this outlook. Basis of preparation and accounting policies The summarised, provisional consolidated financial results for the year ended 30 June 2007 have been prepared in compliance with the Listings Requirements of the JSE Limited, International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and the South African Companies Act, 1973, as amended. Except as otherwise disclosed, the accounting policies applied in the presentation of the financial results are consistent with those applied for the year ended 30 June 2006. The group has, with retrospective application, changed its accounting policy with regard to costs incurred to develop the operations of existing, operating mines. Under the amended accounting policy, all development expenditure incurred after the commencement of production are capitalised to the extent that they give rise to future economic benefits and are amortised over the estimated useful lives of those assets. The effect on earnings and headline earnings per share is an increase of 1 cent for the year ended 30 June 2006. Further details will be provided in the annual report for the year ended 30 June 2007. These summarised, provisional consolidated financial results have been prepared in accordance with the historic cost convention, except for certain financial instruments which are stated at fair value. Related party transactions The group, in the ordinary course of business, entered into various sale and purchase transactions on an arm's length basis at market rates with related parties. Acquisition and disposals of businesses With effect from 1 July 2006, a 25% interest in Rompco was sold to Companhia de Mocambicana de Gasoduto (CMG) and a profit of R346 million was realised. With effect from 1 July 2006, Tshwarisano acquired a 25% shareholding in Sasol Oil (Pty) Limited for a consideration of R1 450 million and a profit of R315 million was realised. In October 2006, Sasol's interest in DPI Holdings (Pty) Limited was sold to Dawn Limited for a consideration of R51 million and a R7 million loss was realised. In September 2006, Sasol Nitro acquired the remaining 40% of Sasol Dyno Nobel (Pty) Limited for a consideration of US$31 million (R221 million). Post balance sheet date events Windfall tax On 6 August 2007, the Minister of Finance announced that National Treasury would not pursue a windfall tax on the South African liquid fuels industry. Black economic empowerment transaction Today we also announced the first terms of our proposal to conclude a broad-based black economic empowerment (BEE) transaction, which should result in the transfer of 10% beneficial ownership of Sasol Limited's issued share capital to our employees and a wide spread of black South Africans. It is anticipated that a further announcement of the detailed terms of the BEE transaction will be made in the first half of 2008, after which shareholder approval will be sought. Sasol Dia Acrylates Sasol Chemical Industries Limited and Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation (MCC) agreed to dissolve their Acrylates joint venture, whereby Sasol Chemical Industries Limited will acquire the shares held by MCC. The various agreements relating to this transaction are well advanced. Sale of businesses On 10 July 2007, Sasol Wax disposed of its investment in Paramelt RMC BV, operating in the Netherlands, realising a profit of R118 million. In August 2007, Sasol Investment Company (Pty) Limited disposed of its investment in FFS Refiners (Pty) Limited and realised a profit of R101 million. Significant changes in contingent liabilities since 30 June 2006 In terms of the sale of 25% in Sasol Oil (Pty) Limited to Tshwarisano, Sasol has provided facilitation for the financing requirements of Tshwarisano. The undiscounted maximum exposure at 30 June 2007 amounted to R1 051 million. A liability for the fair value of this guarantee at 30 June 2007, amounting to R37 million, has been recognised. Principal foreign currency conversion rates 30 June 30 June One unit of foreign currency equals 2007 2006 Rand/US$ (closing) 7,04 7,17 Rand/US$ (average) 7,20 6,41 Rand/euro (closing) 9,53 9,17 Rand/euro (average) 9,40 7,80 Independent audit report The summarised, provisional consolidated balance sheet at 30 June 2007 and the related summarised, provisional consolidated statements of income, changes in equity and cash flow for the year then ended have been audited by KPMG Inc. Their unqualified audit report is available for inspection at the registered office of the company. Declaration of dividend number 56 - dividend increased by 37% The final dividend, dividend number 56, of R5,90 per share (2006: R4,30 per share) has been declared in the currency of the Republic of South Africa. The salient dates are: To holders of ordinary shares: Last day for trading to qualify for and Friday, 5 October 2007 participate in the final dividend (cum dividend) Trading ex dividend commences Monday, 8 October 2007 Record date Friday, 12 October 2007 Dividend payment date (electronic and certificated register). Electronic payment will be undertaken simultaneously Monday, 15 October 2007 To holders of American Depositary Receipts: Ex dividend on New York Stock Exchange Wednesday, 10 October 2007 (NYSE) Record date Friday, 12 October 2007 Approximate date for currency conversion Tuesday, 16 October 2007 Approximate dividend payment date Thursday, 25 October 2007 On Monday, 15 October 2007, dividends due to certificated shareholders on the South African registry will either be electronically transferred to shareholders' bank accounts or, in the absence of suitable mandates, dividend cheques will be posted to such shareholders. Shareholders who have dematerialised their share certificates will have their accounts credited on Monday, 15 October 2007. Share certificates may not be dematerialised or rematerialised between Monday, 8 October 2007 and Friday, 12 October 2007, both days inclusive. On behalf of the board Pieter Cox Pat Davies Christine Ramon Chairman Chief executive Chief financial officer Sasol Limited 10 September 2007 2006 2007 2007 2006 Turnover Business unit analysis Operating profit R million R million 67,111 77,019 SA Energy cluster 21,775 18,684 5,466 6,042 Mining 1,171 1,227 25,649 29,084 Synfuels 16,251 13,499 32,787 38,191 Oil 2,417 2,432 3,209 3,702 Gas 1,936 1,526 1,398 1,465 International energy cluster (463) (42) 161 65 Synfuels International (763) (642) 1,237 1,400 Petroleum International 300 600 49,284 58,881 Global chemicals cluster 4,293 (1,471) 7,639 9,410 Polymers 1,089 822 11,666 13,766 Solvents 1,106 873 19,095 22,582 Olefins & Surfactants 1,140 (3,567) 10,884 13,123 Other chemicals 958 401 1,450 2,843 Other 16 41 119,243 140,208 25,621 17,212 (36,848) (42,081)Intercompany turnover Capital items (1,140) 4,272 82,395 98,127 24,481 21,484 Turnover Geographic analysis Operating profit R million R million 42,909 50,908 South Africa 22,259 18,541 5,150 5,747 Rest of Africa 701 1,254 17,836 22,448 Europe 1,757 (1,632) 3,992 4,489 Middle East, India, Far East 4 116 9,839 11,258 North America 691 (1,220) 1,249 1,387 South America (5) (18) 1,420 1,890 Southeast Asia 214 171 82,395 98,127 25,621 17,212 balance sheet at 30 June 2007 2006 Restated Rm Rm ASSETS Property, plant, equipment 50 515 39 826 Assets under construction 24 611 23 176 Goodwill 586 266 Other intangible assets 629 775 Post-retirement benefit assets 363 80 Deferred tax assets 845 691 Other long-term assets 3 140 2 293 Non-current assets 80 689 67 107 Assets held for sale 334 12 115 Inventories 14 399 8 003 Trade and other receivables 16 994 12 067 Short-term financial assets 16 180 Restricted cash 646 584 Cash 5 987 3 102 Current assets 38 376 36 051 TOTAL ASSETS 119 065 103 158 EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Shareholders' equity 61 617 52 605 Minority interest 1 652 379 Long-term debt 13 359 15 021 Long-term financial liabilities 53 - Long-term provisions 3 788 3 463 Post-retirement benefit obligations 3 661 2 461 Long-term deferred income 2 765 1 698 Deferred tax liabilities 8 304 6 156 Non-current liabilities 31 930 28 799 Liabilities in disposal group held for sale 35 5 479 Short-term debt 5 621 2 721 Short-term financial liabilities 383 514 Other current liabilities 17 282 12 219 Bank overdraft 545 442 Current liabilities 23 866 21 375 TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES 119 065 103 158 Note: The comparative periods have been restated for the effects of a change in accounting policy and the reclassification of assets under construction from property, plant and equipment and other intangible assets. income statement for the year ended 30 June 2007 2006 Restated Rm Rm Turnover 98 127 82 395 Cost of sales and services rendered (59,997) (48,547) Gross profit 38 130 33 848 Non-trading income 639 533 Marketing and distribution expenditure (5,818) (5,234) Administrative expenditure (6,094) (4,316) Other operating expenditure (1,004) (7,862) Translation (losses)/gains (232) 243 Operating profit 25 621 17 212 Dividends and interest received 825 341 Income from associates 405 134 Borrowing costs (net of amounts capitalised) (1,148) (571) Profit before tax 25 703 17 116 Taxation (8,153) (6,534) Profit 17 550 10 582 Attributable to Shareholders 17 030 10 406 Minority interests in subsidiaries 520 176 17 550 10 582 Basic earnings per share (Rand) 27.35 16.78 Diluted earnings per share (Rand)1 27.02 16.51 1. Diluted earnings per share is calculated taking the Sasol Share Incentive Scheme into account Note: The income statement has been restated for the effect of the reclassification of Sasol O&S as a continuing operation. changes in equity statement (abridged) for the year ended 30 June 2007 2006 Restated Rm Rm Opening balance as previously reported 52 352 43 533 Effect of change in accounting policy 253 220 Restated opening balance 52 605 43 753 Shares issued 332 431 Shares repurchased (3,669) - Attributable earnings 17 030 10 406 as previously reported 10 373 effect of change in accounting policy 33 Dividends paid (4,613) (3,660) Increase in share based payment expense 186 169 Movement in foreign currency translation reserve (254) 1 147 Movement in cash flow hedge accounting reserve - 359 Closing balance 61 617 52 605 Comprising Share capital 3 628 3 634 Share repurchase programme (3,669) (3,647) Retained earnings 61 109 52 001 Share based payment reserve 966 780 Foreign currency translation reserve (443) (189) Investment fair value reserve 2 2 Cash flow hedge accounting reserve 24 24 Shareholders' equity 61 617 52 605 cash flow statement for the year ended 30 June 2007 2006 Restated Rm Rm Cash receipts from customers 97,339 80,229 Cash paid to suppliers and employees (68,914) (55,702) Cash generated by operating activities 28,425 24,527 Investment income 1,059 444 Borrowing costs paid (1,816) (1,745) Tax paid (7,251) (5,389) Dividends paid (4,613) (3,660) Cash available from operating activities 15,804 14,177 Additions to non-current assets (12,045) (13,296) Acquisition of businesses (285) (147) Cash acquired on acquisition of businesses - (113) Disposal of businesses 2,200 587 Cash disposed of on disposal of businesses 33 (1) Other net cash flows from investing activities (441) 695 Cash utilised in investing activities (10,538) (12,275) Share capital issued 332 431 Share repurchase programme (3,669) - Dividends paid to minority shareholders (408) (75) (Decrease) / increase in long-term debt (13) 1,305 Increase / (decrease) in short-term debt 865 (2,938) Cash effect of financing activities (2,893) (1,277) Translation effects of cash of foreign operations (24) (133) Increase in cash and cash equivalents 2,349 492 Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year 3,244 3,224 Movement in cash in disposal group held for sale 495 (472) Cash and cash equivalents at end of year 6,088 3,244 Comprising - restricted cash 646 584 - cash 5,987 3,102 - bank overdraft (545) (442) 6,088 3,244 value added statement for the year ended 30 June 2007 2006 Restated Rm Rm Turnover 98 127 82 395 Purchased materials and services (56,353) (51,364) Value added 41 774 31 031 Investment income 1 230 475 Wealth created 43 004 31 506 Employees 11 695 9 551 Providers of equity capital 5 133 3 836 Providers of loan capital 1 874 1 755 Governments 6 757 6 620 Reinvested in the group 17 545 9 744 Wealth distribution 43 004 31 506 headline earnings 2007 2006 Restated Rm Rm Reconciliation of headline earnings Profit 17,550 10,582 Less minority interests (520) (176) Effect of capital items (1,140) 4,272 Impairment of assets 208 1,067 Reversal of fair value write-down (803) - Reversal of impairment - (140) Fair value write-down - 3,196 Profit on disposal of assets (749) (132) Scrapping of property, plant and equipment 204 281 Tax effect on reconciling items (93) (431) Headline earnings 15,797 14,247 Capital items Mining 13 16 Synfuels 64 187 Oil 2 8 Gas (370) (138) Petroleum International - 82 Olefins & Surfactants (707) 4,143 Polymers 9 17 Solvents 152 (105) Other (303) 62 Capital items (1,140) 4,272 Headline earnings per share Rand 25.37 22.98 Diluted headline earnings per share Rand 25.06 22.61 salient features 2007 2006 Restated Selected ratios Return on equity % 29.8 21.6 Return on total assets % 24.2 18.5 Operating margin % 26.1 20.9 Borrowing cost cover times 14.5 10.1 Dividend cover times 3.0 2.3 Share statistics Total shares in issue million 627.7 683.0 Treasury shares (share repurchase programme) million 14.9 60.1 Weighted average number of shares million 622.6 620.0 Diluted weighted average number of shares million 630.3 630.2 Share price (closing) Rand 266.00 275.00 Market capitalisation Rm 166,968 187,825 Net asset value per share Rand 100.55 84.45 Dividend per share Rand 9.00 7.10 - interim Rand 3.10 2.80 - final Rand 5.90 4.30 Other financial information Total debt (including bank overdraft) - interest bearing Rm 18,925 17,966 - non-interest bearing Rm 600 300 Borrowing costs capitalised Rm 989 1,448 Capital commitments Rm 18,575 14,628 - authorised and contracted Rm 28,416 29,152 - authorised, not yet contracted Rm 11,720 6,875 - less expenditure to date Rm (21,561) (21,399) Guarantees and contingent liabilities - total amount Rm 35,110 33,212 - liability included on balance sheet Rm 13,388 12,106 Significant items in operating profit - employee costs Rm 11,695 9,551 - depreciation and amortisation of non- current assets Rm 4,015 4,268 - operating lease charges Rm 707 568 Directors' remuneration Rm 45 32 Share options granted to directors - cumulative '000 1,124 1,506 Effective tax rate % 31.7 38.2 Employees at 30 June number 31,860 31,460 Average crude oil price - dated Brent US$/barrel 63.95 62.45 Average rand/US$ exchange rate 1US$ = rand 7.20 6.41 The reader is referred to the definitions contained in the 2006 Sasol Limited annual financial statements. The Sasol Investor Relations team Tel.: +27 11 441 3113/3563/3321 DATASOURCE: Sasol Limited CONTACT: The Sasol Investor Relations team, Tel.: +27 11 441 3113, or 3563, or 3321, Web site:
