RNS Number:3896L
Acquisitor PLC
21 May 2003

                                                                     21 MAY 2003

                             ACQUISITOR PLC ("ACQ")
                        ("ACQUISITOR" or "the Company")
                  (Ticker: Reuters ACQ.L or Bloomberg: ACQ LN)


The Board of Acquisitor Plc is pleased to announce the Interim Results for the
six months to 31 March 2003.


* Interim results showing net profit #87,790

* Earnings Per Share 3.1p per share

* Net Asset Value  #1,136,515 (40p per share)

Commenting on the results Chairman John Radziwill said: "I am pleased to report
the Interim Results for Acquisitor Plc for the six months ended 31 March 2003".

"Your Board's opinion that management can successfully apply their proven '
Private Equity in the Public Market' acquisition techniques in the UK and
continental European markets had much to do with our decision to reorganise the
Company in October 2002.
The Company's initial experiences bear this out and we are now seeking to expand
and grow operations in the UK. In view of a number of acquisition opportunities
that the Directors believe are available, the Company will be seeking to raise
additional funds in order to capitalise on these opportunities".

The above summary should be read in conjunction with the full text of the
following announcement.


Maxine Barnes                    maxine@barnesandwalters.com
Barnes and Walters Ltd           020 7430 1600

Further information on Acquisitor Plc can be found at: www.acquisitor.com

                                 ACQUISITOR PLC
                        ("Acquisitor" or "the Company")
                  (Ticker: Reuters ACQ.L or Bloomberg: ACQ LN)


                              Chairman's Statement


As reported in the Company's Report and Financial Statements for the year ended
30 September 2002, Acquisitor completed the transfer of substantially all its
assets to Acquisitor Holdings (Bermuda) Ltd on 7 October 2002. As a result of
this restructuring, the Company was left with net cash (cash less liabilities)
of #1.05 million (36.7p per share). At that time the Board redirected the
Company's acquisition policy to target businesses located in the UK and
continental Europe.

Financial Highlights

For the six-month period ending 31 March 2003, the Company reported net profits
of #87,790 or 3.1p per share. I have not made my usual comparison with last
year's results due to the reorganisation which renders any such comparison

The Company benefited from an over-provision of corporate taxes in the year to
30 September 2002 resulting in a write back to the profit and loss account of
#120,281 in the period.

Net assets at 31 March 2003 were #1,136,515 (39.8p per share).

Normally I would not discuss unrealised gains or losses as the Company's
holdings have a tendency to fluctuate wildly and irrationally in the public
market place, irrespective of underlying value. However, given that the
transaction has been publicly announced, I believe that reference to our only
current holding in IndigoVision Group plc ("Indigo") should help shareholders to
better understand the Company's acquisition methodology.

On 15 November 2002, Acquisitor announced it acquired 3,740,606 ordinary shares
in Indigo, representing 5.5% of that company's issued share capital. On 19
December 2002, Acquisitor announced that it was seeking further discussions
regarding a possible offer for IndigoVision. However the IndigoVision board
announced that day that discussions with Acquisitor had been terminated.

Your Company's Board has worked diligently to close the value gap between the
public market value and Indigo's Private Market Value. I am, therefore, happy to
report that on 11 December 2002, Indigo announced its intention to seek approval
of shareholders and then of the Court, for a return of at least #11 million (17p
per share) of cash to shareholders.

As a result, Acquisitor will show a healthy gain on its holding without having 
disposed of one share.

I view this result as a 'partial' success but will not be happy until I can 
report that we have finished the job and completely closed the value gap.

Unusually therefore, I will make reference to our net asset value on a
mark-to-market basis which at 31 March 2003 stood at #1,255,441 (44p per share).

Acquisitions and Disposals

During the period under review, one holding in Protagona plc was bought and
disposed of due to a takeover by an industry acquirer. Acquisitor realised a
profit of #90,975 on this transaction.


Your Board's decision to reorganise the Company in October 2002 had much to do
with our opinion that management can successfully apply their proven Private
Equity in the Public Market techniques from the US to the UK and continental
European markets.

The Company's initial experiences bear this out and we are now seeking to expand
and grow operations in the UK. In view of a number of acquisition opportunities
that the Directors believe are available, the Company will be seeking to raise
additional funds in order to capitalise on these opportunities.

As always, I wish to thank our Board for their contribution and our shareholders
for their continuing support.

John Radziwill

                                 ACQUISITOR PLC
                        ("Acquisitor" or "the Company")
                  (Ticker: Reuters ACQ.L or Bloomberg: ACQ LN)

Profit and Loss Account 
For the six months ended 31 March 2003 
                                                       6 months          12 months           6 months 
                                                     to 31.3.03        to 30.09.02        to 31.03.02 
                                                     (reviewed)          (audited)         (reviewed) 
                                                              #                  #                  # 

Administrative Expenses:                                                                              
Exceptional items                                             0          (416,492)                  0 
Other                                                 (142,223)          (917,764)          (481,629) 
Operating Loss                                        (142,223)        (1,334,256)          (481,629) 
Profit on disposal of investments                        90,975          2,315,523            784,613 
Other interest receivable and similar income             19,835            300,706            110,579 
Interest payable and similar charges                    (1,078)           (69,405)          (145,899) 
PROFIT on ordinary activities before tax               (32,491)          1,212,568            267,664 
Tax on ordinary activities                              120,281          (464,987)           (80,299) 
PROFIT on ordinary activities after tax                  87,790            747,581            187,365 
PROFIT transferred to reserves                           87,790            747,581            187,365 
Earnings per share                                        3.1p              26.2p               6.6p  
Shares outstanding                                    2,857,145          2,857,145          2,857,145 

                              ACQUISITOR PLC 
                     ("Acquisitor" or "the Company") 
               (Ticker: Reuters ACQ.L or Bloomberg: ACQ LN) 
Balance Sheet  
As at 31 March 2003 
                                                 31.03.03           30.09.02          31.03.02 
                                               (reviewed)          (audited)        (reviewed) 
                                                        #                  #                 # 
Fixed Assets                                                                                   
Holdings at cost                                  600,785          8,644,357         8,240,103 
Current assets                                                                                 
Other debtors                                           0                  0             3,387 
Prepayments and accrued income                     11,568             15,199            10,148 
Cash at bank and in hand                          598,906          7,569,634         6,786,339 
                                                  610,474          7,584,833         6,799,874 
Creditors: Falling due within one year                                                         
Bank overdraft                                      6,286          2,782,091         2,903,779 
Trade creditors                                     1,720            211,402            73,733 
Corporation tax                                         0            488,718           286,043 
Accruals                                           66,738            791,623           381,282 
                                                   74,744          4,273,834         3,644,837 
Net current assets                                535,730          3,310,999         3,155,037 
Net assets                                      1,136,515         11,955,356        11,395,140 
Capital and Reserves                                                                           
Ordinary share capital                             57,143             57,143         2,857,145 
Share premium account                                   0                  0         6,665,818 
                                                   57,143             57,143         9,522,963 
Profit & loss account                           1,079,372         11,898,213         1,872,177  
                                                1,136,515         11,955,356        11,395,140 
Net asset value per share                          # 0.40             # 4.18            # 3.99  
                                ACQUISITOR PLC 
                         ("Acquisitor" or "the Company") 
                   (Ticker: Reuters ACQ.L or Bloomberg: ACQ LN) 
Cash flow statement 
For the six months ended 31 March 2003 
                                                           6 months          12 months           6 months 
                                                Note    to 31.03.03        to 30.09.02        to 31.03.02 
                                                         (reviewed)          (audited)         (reviewed) 
                                                                  #                  #                  # 
Cash outflow from operating activities             2    (1,073,159)          (816,605)          (379,203) 
Returns on investments and servicing of finance                                                           
Interest received                                            20,391            217,482            110,579 
Interest paid                                               (1,078)           (69,405)           (34,484) 
                                                             19,313            148,077             76,095 
Corporation tax paid                                      (368,437)          (182,013)                  0 
                                                          (368,437)          (182,013)                  0 
Capital expenditure and financial investment                                                              
Purchase of investments                                   (792,698)        (7,388,357)        (4,505,419) 
Proceeds on disposal of investments                         282,888         10,617,626          6,476,911 
                                                          (509,810)          3,229,269          1,971,492 
Cash inflow/(outflow) before use of liquid                                                                
resources and financing                                 (1,932,093)          2,378,728          1,668,384 
Capital reduction                                       (2,262,274)                  0                  0 
                                                        (2,262,274)                  0                  0 
Increase/(decrease) in cash during the period           (4,194,367)          2,378,728          1,668,384 

                                ACQUISITOR PLC 
                        ("Acquisitor" or "the Company") 
                  (Ticker: Reuters ACQ.L or Bloomberg: ACQ LN) 

Notes to the Accounts 
1. Basis of Preparation 

The accounting policies used in the preparation of this Interim Report are the
same as those used in the statutory accounts for the year to 30 September 2002.
The adoption of Financial Reporting Standards, which become effective for the
first time during the year to 30 September 2003, will not give rise to any
changes to these policies in the
accounts at 30 September 2003.  

The six month period is treated as a discrete period. 

The comparative figures for the financial year ended 30 September 2002 are not
the company's statutory accounts for that financial year. Those accounts have
been reported on by the company's auditors and delivered to the registrar of
companies. The report of the auditors was unqualified and did not contain a
statement under section 237 (2) or (3) of
the Companies Act 1985. 

The Directors approved the report for circulation on 20 May 2003. 

2. Reconciliation of Operating profit to Operating cash flows 
                                              6 months         12 months            6 months 
                                           to 31.03.03        to 30.09.02        to 31.03.02 
                                            (reviewed)          (audited)         (reviewed) 
                                                     #                  #                  # 
Operating loss                               (142,223)          (917,764)          (481,629) 
Exceptional items                                    0          (416,492)                  0 
(Increase)/Decrease in debtors                   3,631            (9,459)            (7,795) 
Increase / (Decrease) in creditors           (934,567)            527,110            110,221 
Net cash outflow from operations           (1,073,159)          (816,605)          (379,203) 

3. Reconciliation of net cash 
                                       6 months          12 months           6 months 
                                    to 31.03.03        to 30.09.02        to 31.03.02 
                                     (reviewed)          (audited)         (reviewed) 
                                              #                  #                  # 
Net cash brought forward:                                                             
Cash at bank                          7,569,634          6,756,645          6,756,645 
Bank overdraft                      (2,782,091)        (4,431,054)        (4,431,054) 
                                      4,787,543          2,325,591          2,325,591 
Net movement in the period:                                                           
Net cash inflow/(outflow)           (4,194,367)          2,378,728          1,668,384 
Exchange movement                         (556)             83,224          (111,415) 
                                    (4,194,923)          2,461,952          1,556,969 
Net cash carried forward:                                                             
Cash at bank                            598,906          7,569,634          6,786,339 
Bank overdraft                          (6,286)        (2,782,091)        (2,903,779) 
                                        592,620          4,787,543          3,882,560 

                                 ACQUISITOR PLC 
                         ("Acquisitor" or "the Company") 
                   (Ticker: Reuters ACQ.L or Bloomberg: ACQ LN) 
Notes to the Accounts (continued) 

4. Reconciliation of movement in shareholders' funds 
                                   6 months          12 months           6 months 
                                to 31.03.03        to 30.09.02        to 31.03.02 
                                 (reviewed)          (audited)         (reviewed) 
                                          #                  #                  # 
Share capital:                                                                    
Brought forward                      57,143          2,857,145          2,857,145 
Capital reduction                         0        (2,800,002)                  0 
                                     57,143             57,143          2,857,145 
Share premium:                                                                    
Brought forward                           0          6,665,818          6,665,818 
Capital reduction                         0        (6,665,818)                  0 
                                          0                  0          6,665,818 
Profit & loss account:                                                            
Brought forward                  11,898,213          1,684,812          1,684,812 
Profit for the period                87,790            747,581            187,365 
Capital reduction              (10,906,631)          9,465,820                  0 
Carried forward                   1,079,372         11,898,213          1,872,177 
Brought forward                  11,955,356         11,207,775         11,207,775 
Profit for the period                87,790            747,581            187,365 
Capital reduction              (10,906,631)                  0                  0 
Carried forward                   1,136,515         11,955,356         11,395,140 

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange