Annual report and 
     Consolidated Financial Statements for the Year Ended 31 December 2016 
                       Secured Property Developments plc 
                       Company Registration No. 02055395 
Secured Property Developments plc 
Contents of the Consolidated Financial Statements 
for the Year Ended 31 December 2016 
Company Information                                 1 
Notice of Meeting                                   2 
Chairman's Statement                                3 
Strategic Report                                    4 
Report of the Directors                             6 
Report of the Independent Auditor to the 
shareholders of Secured Property Developments plc   8 
Consolidated Income Statement                      10 
Consolidated Balance Sheet                         11 
Company Balance Sheet                              12 
Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity        13 
Company Statement of Changes in Equity             14 
Consolidated Cash Flow Statement                   15 
Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements     16 
Secured Property Developments plc 
Company Information 
for the Year Ended 31 December 2016 
       DIRECTORS:            J Townsend 
       R France 
       R Shane 
       P Stansfield 
       J Soper 
                 SECRETARY:                     I Cobden 
                                           42 Orchard Road 
                                           N6 5TR 
REGISTERED NUMBER: 02055395 (England and Wales) 
AUDITOR:  Lubbock Fine 
                    Chartered Accountants & Statutory Auditors 
                    Paternoster House 
                    65 St. Paul's Churchyard 
                   London EC4M 8AB 
SHARE DEALING:       The Company's Ordinary shares are quoted on the NEX 
Exchange (formerly the ISDX market) and persons can buy or sell shares through 
their stockbroker. 
REGISTRARS:           Avenir Registrars Ltd 
                                    Suite A, 6 Honduras Street, 
                                    EC1Y 0TH 
Telephone 020 7692 5500 
SHARE PRICE:   The middle market price of the Ordinary shares were quoted at 31 
December 2016 on the NEX (previously the IDEX Market) at 18.5 pence per share 
(2015: 18.5 pence per share) 
Notice of meeting 
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the twenty fifth Annual General Meeting of Secured 
Property Developments plc will be held at The Small Mall Room, The Royal 
Automobile Club, 89 Pall Mall, London, SW1Y 5HS on Thursday 13 July 2017 at 
11am for the following purposes: 
-     To receive and adopt the financial statement for the year ended 31 
December 2016 together with the reports of the Directors and the Auditor 
-     To re-elect R Shane as a director (retired by rotation) 
-     To authorise, by special resolution in accordance with s701 of the 
Companies Act 2006, the Board to purchase up to 5% of the Company's own shares 
in the open market at a minimum price of 15p per share and a maximum price of 
60p per share, such powers to expire at the AGM to be held in 2018, or on 13 
July 2018 if earlier. 
-     To appoint as Auditor Lubbock Fine and to authorise the Directors to 
agree their remuneration, such powers to expire at the AGM held in 2017 
            By order of the board 
I H Cobden                           Date:  22 May 2017 
1.     Enclosed with these accounts is a letter concerning the supply of 
documents and information by e-mail. Please read this letter and, if you would 
like to receive documents and information in this way, please complete and 
return the enclosed form. 
2.     A member entitled to attend and vote at this meeting is entitled to 
appoint a proxy to attend and vote in his stead. A proxy need not be a member 
of the Company. Proxy forms must be lodged at the Registered Office not later 
than forty-eight hours before the time fixed for the meeting. 
3.     We would draw the attention of members proposing to attend the meeting 
to the RAC Club dress code, which requires men to wear a tailored jacket and 
trousers, collared shirt and tie at all times and women to dress with 
commensurate formality. 
Secured Property Developments plc 
Chairman's statement 
The predicted fallout earlier in the year from both Brexit and the US elections 
failed to materialise with both the equity and property markets showing 
positive signs of growth, up until, the announcement by the Government to hold 
a General Election in June, which has added another element of uncertainty to 
the markets. 
This hasn't been helped by the inevitable protracted exit negotiations from the 
European Union following the triggering of Article 50 which no doubt will be 
put on hold until the result of the election is known. 
The effects of the punitive levels of stamp duty on residential property both 
at the top end of the market and the additional burden on the purchase of 
second homes, have added to the increasing disadvantages of holding buy-to-let 
investments with many investors switching to the commercial sector. 
However, demand continues to outstrip supply in all areas making it difficult 
to compete at the right level and while the forthcoming election may have more 
of an impact on the equities and bond markets, it may well channel more buyers 
into property. 
There has also been speculation about a modest rise in interest rates in the 
short term, following the expected rise in the US, which may result in a good 
deal of volatility and a possible increase of forced sellers to provide 
opportunities to invest. 
While a number of opportunities have presented themselves to the Board, the 
huge demand witnessed in the auction rooms and the widespread shortage of stock 
in the private treaty market has proved challenging and prevented us from 
recommending further investment at this stage. 
We have in the meantime, following an EGM last September, financed the 
development of a prime retail investment in York at an attractive rate of 
return to offset our cost base in the short term. 
With this in mind, we have also reviewed the cost of our annual audit and 
appointed Lubbock Fine as our new Auditors and would like to thank KPMG for all 
their valuable help and advice over the previous years. 
Paul Stansfield has decided to retire from office and I would like to express 
thanks on behalf of the Shareholders and Directors for his valuable 
contribution to the development of the Company. 
I would also like to thank my fellow Directors for their sterling efforts 
throughout the year to act in the very best interests of our Shareholders. 
We will continue to monitor the market and potential opportunities and are 
hopeful of being able to secure something suitable during the course of the 
The Annual General Meeting will take place at the Royal Automobile Club, 89 
Pall Mall, London SW1Y 5HS on Thursday 13 July 2017 at 11:00 am and the 
Directors look forward to meeting those shareholders who can attend. 
J P Townsend 
Secured Property Developments plc 
Strategic report 
Principal Activities 
The principal activity of Secured Property Developments plc is investment in 
commercial and residential property. The Group comprises the holding company, a 
finance company and a second property company. 
Business Model 
At Secured Property Developments, we focus on maximising the return from our 
portfolio of properties whilst looking for new acquisitions where we can, by 
development, increase value and thereby create value for shareholders. 
We create value by:- 
Acquiring Properties 
-     We seek to acquire properties and unlock value. 
Optimise Income 
-     Optimising income by development and carrying out improvements and good 
estate management. 
-     Employ our knowledge of occupiers' needs to let to high quality tenants 
from a wide range of businesses and to minimise the level of voids in our 
portfolio and 
-     Collecting our rental income on due date. 
Recycle Capital 
-     Identify properties for disposal where value has been optimised and 
dispose of those which do not fit the Group's long-term plans. 
Maintain robust and flexible financing 
-     Negotiate flexible financing and retain a healthy level of interest cover 
and gearing 
Business Review 
The results for the year are set out on page 10 of these consolidated financial 
The Group's investment properties have now all been sold and all borrowings 
have been repaid. A review of the business is included in the Chairman's 
Statement set out on page 3. 
Principal Risks and Uncertainties 
Going Concern 
The directors have prepared the financial statements on a going concern basis. 
Strategic report (Continued) 
Principal Risks and Uncertainties (continued) 
The main risks arising from the Group's financial instruments are interest rate 
risk and liquidity risk.  The Board reviews and agrees policies for managing 
each of these risks and they are summarised below. 
Interest rate risk 
The Group has no exposure at the present time to interest rate risk however the 
Group's policy is to borrow at the lowest rates for periods that do not carry 
excessive time premiums. 
Liquidity risk 
As regards liquidity, the Group's policy has throughout the year been to ensure 
that the group is able at all times to meet its financial commitments as and 
when they fall due. 
Signed on behalf of the Board 
R Shane 
                                                 Dated:     22 May 2017 
Secured Property Developments plc 
Report of the Directors 
for the Year Ended 31 December 2016 
The directors present their report with the financial statements of the Company 
and the Group for the year ended 31 December 2016. 
The directors shown below have held office during the whole of the period from 
1 January 2016 to the date of this report. 
J Townsend 
R France 
R Shane 
P Stansfield 
J Soper 
The directors who held office at the end of the financial year had the 
following interests in the shares and loan stock of the group companies as 
recorded in the register of directors' share and debenture interests. 
                                                             Interest at     Interest at 
Director        Company             Class               31 December 2016  1 January 2016 
                                                                  Number          Number 
J Townsend      SPD plc*            Ordinary shares                    -               - 
R France        SPD plc*            Ordinary shares               88,888          88,888 
R Shane         SPD plc*            Ordinary shares              574,456         574,456 
                                    Deferred shares              154,666         154,666 
P Stansfield    SPD plc*            Ordinary shares                6,250           6,250 
J Soper         SPD plc*            Ordinary shares                    -               - 
* SPD plc is used above as an abbreviation for Secured Property Developments 
According to the register of directors' interests, no rights to subscribe for 
shares in or debentures of the Company or any other group company was granted 
to any of the directors or their immediate families, or exercised by them, 
during the financial year. 
Substantial shareholding of ordinary shares of 20p each as at 31 December 2016 
R France                      4.51% 
G Green                        4.57% 
R Shane                        29.15% 
M Jackson                     6.25% 
Proposed dividend and transfer to reserves 
The directors do not recommend the payment of a dividend (2015: GBPnil). 
The loss for the year retained in the group is GBP69,062 (2015: GBP23,517 
Report of the Directors 
for the Year Ended 31 December 2016 (continued) 
Following the sale of the last of the investment properties and repayment of 
bank debt the Directors are now able to actively consider investment and 
development opportunities that arise. 
The directors are responsible for preparing the Report of the Directors and the 
financial statements in accordance with applicable law and regulations. 
Company law requires the directors to prepare financial statements for each 
financial year.  Under that law the directors have elected to prepare the 
financial statements in accordance with United Kingdom Generally Accepted 
Accounting Practice (United Kingdom Accounting Standards and applicable law), 
including Financial Reporting Standard 102 'The Financial Reporting Standard 
applicable in the UK and Republic of Ireland'. Under company law the directors 
must not approve the financial statements unless they are satisfied that they 
give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the company and the group 
and of the profit or loss of the group for that period.  In preparing these 
financial statements, the directors are required to: 
-     select suitable accounting policies and then apply them consistently; 
-     make judgements and accounting estimates that are reasonable and prudent; 
-     ensure applicable UK accounting standards are followed subject to any 
material departures disclosed  and explained in the financial statements; and 
-     prepare the financial statements on the going concern basis unless it is 
inappropriate to presume that the company will continue in business. 
The directors are responsible for keeping adequate accounting records that are 
sufficient to show and explain the Company's and the Group's transactions and 
disclose with reasonable accuracy at any time the financial position of the 
Company and the Group and enable them to ensure that the financial statements 
comply with the Companies Act 2006. They are also responsible for safeguarding 
the assets of the Company and the Group and hence for taking reasonable steps 
for the prevention and detection of fraud and other irregularities. 
So far as the directors are aware, there is no relevant audit information (as 
defined by Section 418 of the Companies Act 2006) of which the Group's auditor 
is unaware, and each director has taken all the steps that he ought to have 
taken as a director in order to make himself aware of any relevant audit 
information and to establish that the Group's auditor is aware of that 
The auditor, KPMG LLP, resigned and have been replaced by the Directors by 
Lubbock Fine who will have their appointment confirmed and will be proposed for 
re-appointment at the forthcoming Annual General Meeting. 
I Cobden - Secretary 
Date:   22 May 2017 
Report of the Independent Auditor to the Members of Secured Property 
Developments plc 
We have audited the financial statements of Secured Property Developments Plc 
for the year ended 31 December 2016, set out on pages 10 to 27. The relevant 
financial reporting framework that has been applied in their preparation is the 
Companies Act 2006 and the United Kingdom Accounting Standards (United Kingdom 
Generally Accepted Accounting Practice), including Financial Reporting Standard 
102 'The Financial Reporting Standard applicable in the UK and Republic of 
This report is made solely to the Company's shareholders, as a body, in 
accordance with Chapter 3 of Part 16 of the Companies Act 2006. Our audit work 
has been undertaken so that we might state to the Company's shareholders those 
matters we are required to state to them in an Auditors' Report and for no 
other purpose. To the fullest extent permitted by law, we do not accept or 
assume responsibility to anyone other than the Company and the Company's 
shareholders as a body, for our audit work, for this report, or for the 
opinions we have formed. 
As explained more fully in the Directors' Responsibilities Statement on page 7, 
the directors are responsible for the preparation of the financial statements 
and for being satisfied that they give a true and fair view. Our responsibility 
is to audit and express an opinion on the financial statements in accordance 
with applicable law and International Standards on Auditing (UK and Ireland). 
Those standards require us to comply with the Financial Reporting Council's 
Ethical Standards for Auditors. 
An audit involves obtaining evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the 
financial statements sufficient to give reasonable assurance that the financial 
statements are free from material misstatement, whether caused by fraud or 
error. This includes an assessment of whether the accounting policies are 
appropriate to the Company's circumstances and have been consistently applied 
and adequately disclosed; the reasonableness of significant accounting 
estimates made by the directors; and the overall presentation of the financial 
statements. In addition, we read all the financial and non?financial 
information in the Directors' Report to identify material inconsistencies with 
the audited financial statements and to identify any information that is 
apparently materially incorrect based on, or materially inconsistent with, the 
knowledge acquired by us in the course of performing the audit. If we become 
aware of any apparent material misstatements or inconsistencies we consider the 
implications for our report. 
In our opinion the financial statements: 
·        give a true and fair view of the state of the Company's affairs as at 
31 December 2016 and of its profit or loss for the year then ended; 
·        have been properly prepared in accordance with United Kingdom 
Generally Accepted Accounting Practice; and 
·        have been prepared in accordance with the requirements of the 
Companies Act 2006. 
In our opinion, based on the work undertaken in the course of the audit, the 
information given in the Directors' Report for the financial year for which the 
financial statements are prepared is consistent with those financial statements 
and such reports have been prepared in accordance with applicable legal 
In the light of our knowledge and understanding of the Company and its 
environment obtained in the course of the audit, we have not identified 
material misstatements in the Directors' Report. 
Report of the Independent Auditor to the Members of Secured Property 
Developments plc (continued) 
We have nothing to report in respect of the following matters where the 
Companies Act 2006 requires us to report to you if, in our opinion: 
·        adequate accounting records have not been kept, or returns adequate 
for our audit have not been received from branches not visited by us; or 
·        the financial statements are not in agreement with the accounting 
records and returns; or 
·        certain disclosures of directors' remuneration specified by law are 
not made; or 
·        we have not received all the information and explanations we require 
for our audit. 
Lee Facey (Senior Statutory Auditor) 
for and on behalf of 
Lubbock Fine 
Chartered Accountants & Statutory Auditors 
65 St Paul's Churchyard 
Date: 24 May 2017 
Consolidated Income Statement 
for the Year Ended 31 December 2016 
                                                                   31.12.16                  31.12.15 
                                                     Notes                GBP                         GBP 
TURNOVER                                               3              7,000                    71,062 
Cost of sales                                                       (1,969)                   (3,432) 
GROSS PROFIT                                                          5,031                    67,630 
Administrative expenses                                           (105,535)                 (122,534) 
OPERATING (LOSS)                                       5          (100,504)                  (54,904) 
Exceptional                                            6                  -                    35,303 
Profit on sale of tangible fixed assets                              20,957                    51,601 
INTEREST AND TAXATION                                              (79,547)                    32,000 
Interest receivable and similar income                               10,485                     2,617 
Interest payable and similar charges                   7                  -                  (11,100) 
TAXATION                                                           (69,062)                    23,517 
Tax on profit on ordinary activities                   8                  -                         - 
GROUP                                                              (69,062)                    23,517 
(Loss)/Profit attributable to: 
Owners of the parent                                               (69,062)                    23,517 
Earnings per share expressed 
in pence per share:                                    10 
Basic                                                                (3.50)                      1.19 
Diluted                                                              (3.50)                      1.19 
The Company has no recognised gains or losses other than those disclosed in the 
Income Statement above. Consequently, no Statement of Other Comprehensive 
Income is presented. 
               The notes form part of these financial statements 
Consolidated Balance Sheet 
31 December 2016 
                                                        31.12.16              31.12.15 
                                          Notes            GBP          GBP          GBP          GBP 
Tangible assets                             11                        -               300,000 
Debtors                                     13       392,349                56,671 
Cash in hand                                14       341,074               442,048 
                                                     733,423               498,719 
Amounts falling due within one year         15      (44,788)              (41,022) 
NET CURRENT ASSETS/(LIABILITIES)                                688,635               457,697 
NET ASSETS                                                      688,635               757,697 
Called up share capital                     16                  418,861               418,861 
Share premium                                                     3,473                 3,473 
Profit and Loss Account                                         266,301               335,363 
SHAREHOLDERS' FUNDS                                             688,635               757,697 
The financial statements were approved by the Board of Directors on 22 May 2017 
and were signed on its behalf by: 
J Townsend - Director 
R Shane - Director 
                Registered number: 02055395 
               The notes form part of these financial statements 
Company Balance Sheet 
31 December 2016 
                                                       31.12.16             31.12.15 
                                         Notes            GBP         GBP          GBP          GBP 
Tangible assets                            11                       -                     - 
Investments                                12                       4               947,263 
                                                                    4               947,263 
Debtors                                    13       392,349               50,231 
Cash in hand                               14       326,948              427,921 
                                                    719,297              478,152 
Amounts falling due within one             15     (283,145)            (921,475) 
NET CURRENT ASSETS/(LIABILITIES)                              436,152             (443,323) 
NET ASSETS                                                    436,156               503,940 
Called up share capital                    16                 418,861               418,861 
Share premium                                                   3,473                 3,473 
Retained earnings                                              13,822                81,606 
SHAREHOLDERS' FUNDS                                           436,156               503,940 
The financial statements were approved by the Board of Directors on 22 May 2017 
and were signed on its behalf by: 
 J Townsend -Director 
R Shane - Director 
               The notes form part of these financial statements 
Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity 
for the Year Ended 31 December 2016 
                                Called up        Profit &           Share           Total 
                                    share            Loss         premium          equity 
                                  capital         Account 
                                        GBP               GBP               GBP               GBP 
Balance at 1 January 2015         418,861         311,846           3,473         734,180 
Changes in equity 
Total comprehensive income              -          23,517               -          23,517 
Balance at 31 December 2015       418,861         335,363           3,473         757,697 
Changes in equity 
Total comprehensive income              -        (69,062)               -        (69,062) 
Balance at 31 December 2016       418,861         266,301           3,473         688,635 
               The notes form part of these financial statements 
Company Statement of Changes in Equity 
for the Year Ended 31 December 2016 
                               Called up          Profit &           Share           Total 
                                   share      Loss Account         premium          equity 
                                       GBP                 GBP               GBP               GBP 
Balance at 1 January 2015        418,861            91,952           3,473         514,286 
Changes in equity 
Total comprehensive income             -          (10,346)               -        (10,346) 
Balance at 31 December 2015      418,861            81,606           3,473         503,940 
Changes in equity 
Total comprehensive income             -          (67,784)               -        (67,784) 
Balance at 31 December 2016      418,861            13,822           3,473         436,156 
               The notes form part of these financial statements 
Consolidated Cash Flow Statement 
for the Year Ended 31 December 2016 
                                                              31.12.16           31.12.15 
                                                                     GBP                  GBP 
Cash flows from operating activities 
(Loss)/profit for the financial                               (69,062)             23,517 
Profit on disposal                                            (20,330)           (51,501) 
Interest received                                             (10,485)            (2,617) 
Interest paid                                                        -             11,100 
Increase in debtors                                          (335,678)           (29,865) 
Increase/(decrease) in creditors                                 3,766        (1,660,888) 
Net cash from operating activities                           (431,789)        (1,710,354) 
Cash flows from investing activities 
Sale of tangible fixed assets                                  320,330          1,301,601 
Interest received                                               10,485              2,617 
Net cash from investing activities                             330,815          1,304,218 
Cash flows from financing activities 
Interest paid                                                        -           (11,100) 
Net cash from financing activities                                   -                  - 
Increase in cash and cash equivalents                        (100,974)          (417,236) 
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year                 442,048            859,284 
Cash and cash equivalents at end of year                       341,074            442,048 
               The notes form part of these financial statements 
Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements 
for the Year Ended 31 December 2016 
Secured Property Developments plc (the "Company") is a public company limited 
by shares and incorporated and domiciled in the UK. The address of the 
Company's registered office is given in the company information page 1 of these 
financial statements. 
These Group and parent company financial statements were prepared in accordance 
with Financial Reporting Standard 102 The Financial Reporting Standard 
applicable in the UK and Republic of Ireland ("FRS 102").  The presentation 
currency of these financial statements is sterling.  All amounts in the 
financial statements have been rounded to the nearest GBP1. 
The transition to FRS 102 from old UK GAAP was made in the year ended 31st 
December 2015 financial statements. 
Basis of preparing the financial statements 
These financial statements have been prepared in accordance with Financial 
Reporting Standard 102 "The Financial Reporting Standard applicable in the UK 
and Republic of Ireland" and the Companies Act 2006. The financial statements 
have been prepared under the historical cost convention, except for tangible 
fixed assets measured in accordance with the revaluation model. 
Turnover comprises revenue recognised by the Group in respect of services 
supplied during the year and is measured at the fair value of the consideration 
received or receivable, excluding discounts, rebates, value added tax and other 
sales taxes. 
Basis of consolidation 
The consolidated financial statements include the financial statements of the 
Company and its subsidiary undertakings made up to 31 December 2016. A 
subsidiary is an entity that is controlled by the parent.  The results of 
subsidiary undertakings are included in the consolidated profit and loss 
account from the date that control commences until the date that control 
ceases. Control is established when the Company has the power to govern the 
operating and financial policies of an entity so as to obtain benefits from its 
activities.  In assessing control, the Group takes into consideration potential 
voting rights that are currently exercisable. 
Under Section 408 of the Companies Act 2006 the Company is exempt from the 
requirement to present its own profit and loss account. 
In the parent financial statements, investments in subsidiaries are carried at 
cost less impairment. 
Classification of financial instruments issued by the group 
In accordance with FRS 102.22, financial instruments issued by the group are 
treated as equity only to the extent that they meet the following two 
a)   they include no contractual obligations upon the group to deliver cash or 
other financial assets or to exchange financial assets or financial liabilities 
with another party under conditions that are potentially unfavourable to the 
group; and 
b)   where the instrument will or may be settled in the entity's own equity 
instruments, it is either a non-derivative that includes no obligation to 
deliver a variable number of the entity's own equity instruments or is a 
derivative that will be settled by the entity exchanging a fixed amount of cash 
or other financial assets for a fixed number of its own equity instruments. 
Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements - continued 
for the Year Ended 31 December 2016 
1.     ACCOUNTING POLICIES (continued) 
Classification of financial instruments issued by the group (continued) 
To the extent that this definition is not met, the proceeds of issue are 
classified as a financial liability.  Where the instrument so classified takes 
the legal form of the entity's own shares, the amounts presented in these 
financial statements for called up share capital and share premium account 
exclude amounts in relation to those shares. 
Investment properties 
Investment properties are properties which are held either to earn rental 
income or for capital appreciation or for both. Investment properties are 
recognised initially at cost. 
Subsequent to initial recognition 
i.    investment properties whose fair value can be measured reliably without 
undue cost or effort are held at fair value. Any gains or losses arising from 
changes in the fair value are recognised in profit or loss in the period that 
they arise; and 
ii.    no depreciation is provided in respect of investment properties applying 
the fair value model. 
If a reliable measure is not available without undue cost or effort for an item 
of investment property, this item is thereafter accounted for as tangible fixed 
assets in accordance with section 17 FRS 102 until a reliable measure of fair 
value becomes available. 
Current and deferred taxation 
Tax on the profit or loss for the year comprises current and deferred tax. Tax 
is recognised in the profit and loss account except to the extent that it 
relates to items recognised directly in equity or other comprehensive income, 
in which case it is recognised directly in equity or other comprehensive 
Current tax is the expected tax payable or receivable on the taxable income or 
loss for the year, using tax rates enacted or substantively enacted at the 
balance sheet date, and any adjustment to tax payable in respect of previous 
Deferred tax is provided on timing differences which arise from the inclusion 
of income and expenses in tax assessments in periods different from those in 
which they are recognised in the financial statements. 
Deferred tax is measured at the tax rate that is expected to apply to the 
reversal of the related difference, using tax rates enacted or substantively 
enacted at the balance sheet date. For investment property that is measured at 
fair value, deferred tax is provided at the rates and allowances applicable to 
the sale of the asset/property Deferred tax balances are not discounted. 
Unrelieved tax losses and other deferred tax assets are recognised only to the 
extent that is it probable that they will be recovered against the reversal of 
deferred tax liabilities or other future taxable profits. 
Short term debtors are measured at transaction price, less any impairment. 
Loans receivable are measured initially at fair value, net of transaction 
costs, and are measured subsequently at amortised cost using the effective 
interest method, less any impairment. 
Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements - continued 
for the Year Ended 31 December 2016 
1.     ACCOUNTING POLICIES (continued) 
Cash and cash equivalents 
Cash is represented by cash in hand and deposits with financial institutions 
repayable without penalty on notice of not more than three months. Cash 
equivalents are highly liquid investments that mature in no more than three 
months from the date of acquisition and that are readily convertible to known 
amounts of cash with insignificant risk of change in value. 
Financial Instruments 
The Company only enters into basic financial instruments transactions that 
result in the recognition of financial assets and liabilities like trade and 
other debtors and creditors, loans from banks and other third parties, loans to 
related parties and investments in non-puttable ordinary shares. 
Debt instruments (other than those wholly repayable or receivable within one 
year), including loans and other accounts receivable and payable, are initially 
measured at present value of the future cash flows and subsequently at 
amortised cost using the effective interest method. Debt instruments that are 
payable or receivable within one year, typically trade debtors and creditors, 
are measured, initially and subsequently, at the undiscounted amount of the 
cash or other consideration expected to be paid or received. However, if the 
arrangements of a short-term instrument constitute a financing transaction, 
like the payment of a trade debt deferred beyond normal business terms or 
financed at a rate of interest that is not a market rate or in case of an 
out-right short-term loan not at market rate, the financial asset or liability 
is measured, initially, at the present value of the future cash flow discounted 
at a market rate of interest for a similar debt instrument and subsequently at 
amortised cost. 
For financial assets measured at amortised cost, the impairment loss is 
measured as the difference between an asset's carrying amount and the present 
value of estimated cash flows discounted at the asset's original effective 
interest rate. If a financial asset has a variable interest rate, the discount 
rate for measuring any impairment loss is the current effective interest rate 
determined under the contract. 
Short term creditors are measured at transaction price. Other financial 
liabilities are measured initially at fair value, net of transaction costs, and 
are measured subsequently at amortised cost using the effective interest 
The preparation of the financial statements requires management to make 
judgements, estimates and assumptions that effect the amounts reported for 
assets and liabilities as at the balance sheet date and the amounts reported 
for revenue and expenses during the year. However, the nature of the estimation 
means that actual outcomes could differ from those estimates. There are no key 
sources of estimation uncertainty. 
Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements - continued 
for the Year Ended 31 December 2016 
3.     TURNOVER 
An analysis of turnover is as follows: 
                                                                   31.12.16    31.12.15 
                                                                          GBP           GBP 
Rental income                                                         7,000      71,062 
The future aggregate minimum rentals receivable under non-cancellable operating 
leases within one year was GBPnil (2015 - GBP52,000). 
The average number of staff during the year was nil (2015-nil) and there were 
no staff costs for the year ended 31 December 2016 or for the year ended 
31 December 2015. 
The operating loss (2015: operating profit) is stated after charging: 
                                                                   31.12.16    31.12.15 
                                                                          GBP           GBP 
Auditor's remuneration - fees payable to the Group's auditor for 
the audit of the group's annual accounts.                             8,000      11,500 
Directors' remuneration                                                   -           - 
Details of the fees charged by the Chairman and other Directors are shown in 
note 18 to these financial statements. 
This represents compensation received (less related expenses incurred) in 
respect of the claim for mis-selling by RBS of its financial products. 
                                                                   31.12.16    31.12.15 
                                                                          GBP           GBP 
Bank loan interest                                                        -      11,100 
Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements - continued 
for the Year Ended 31 December 2016 
8.     TAXATION 
     Analysis of the tax charge 
The tax charge on the profit on ordinary activities for the year was as 
                                                                   31.12.16    31.12.15 
                                                                          GBP           GBP 
Current tax: 
UK corporation tax                                                        -           - 
Tax on profit on ordinary activities                                      -           - 
Reconciliation of effective tax rate 
                                                                         31.12.16    31.12.15 
                                                                                GBP           GBP 
(Loss)/Profit for the year                                              (69,062)       23,517 
Total tax expense                                                               -           - 
(Loss)/Profit for the year excluding taxation                            (69,062)      23,517 
Tax using the UK corporation tax rate of 20% (2015: 20.25%)             (13,812)        4,762 
Non-deductible expenses                                                  (4,191)            - 
Current year losses                                                       18,003      (4,762) 
Total tax expense included in profit or loss                                    -           - 
Factors that may affect future current and total tax charges 
A deferred tax asset of GBP36,647 (2015 - GBP23,091) at the year end has not been 
recognised in due to uncertainty surrounding the Group's future taxable 
Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements - continued 
for the Year Ended 31 December 2016 
As permitted by Section 408 of the Companies Act 2006, the Profit and Loss 
account of the parent company is not presented as part of these financial 
statements.  The parent company's loss for the financial year was GBP67,784 (2015 
- GBP10,346 loss). 
Basic earnings per share is calculated by dividing the earnings attributable to 
ordinary shareholders by the weighted average number of ordinary shares 
outstanding during the period. 
Diluted earnings per share is calculated using the weighted average number of 
shares adjusted to assume the conversion of all dilutive potential ordinary 
Reconciliations are set out below. 
                                                   Earnings      Weighted     Per-share 
                                                          GBP       average        amount 
                                                                number of         pence 
Basic EPS 
Earnings attributable to ordinary shareholders     (69,062)     1,970,688        (3.50) 
Effect of dilutive securities                             -             -             - 
Diluted EPS 
Adjusted earnings                                  (69,062)     1,970,688        (3.50) 
                                                   Earnings      Weighted     Per-share 
                                                          GBP       average        amount 
                                                                number of         pence 
Basic EPS 
Earnings attributable to ordinary shareholders       23,517     1,970,688          1.19 
Effect of dilutive securities                             -             -             - 
Diluted EPS 
Adjusted earnings                                    23,517     1,970,688          1.19 
Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements - continued 
for the Year Ended 31 December 2016 
At 1 January 2016 
Disposals                                                                     300,000 
At 31 December 2016                                                                 - 
At 31 December 2016                                                                 - 
At 31 December 2015                                                           300,000 
If the investment property had been accounted for under the historic cost 
accounting rules, the property would have been measured at GBPnil (2015 - GBP 
At 1 January 2016 
Additions/Disposals                                                                 - 
At 31 December 2016                                                                 - 
At 31 December 2016                                                                 - 
At 31 December 2015                                                                 - 
Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements - continued 
for the Year Ended 31 December 2016 
                                                     31.12.16              31.12.15 
                                                            GBP                     GBP 
Shares in group undertakings                                4                     4 
Loans to group undertakings                                 -               947,259 
                                                            4               947,263 
     Additional information is as follows: 
The following relates to ordinary shares held in and loans made to the 
subsidiary companies, Secured Property Developments (Scarborough) Limited and 
SPD Discount Limited, both companies registered in England and both companies 
being 100% owned by the holding company throughout the period. 
                                                                                                                                                                                                Shares in 
At 1 January 2016 and 31 December 2016 
At 31 December 2016                                                                                                                                                                                     4 
At 31 December 2015                                                                                                                                                                                     4 
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Loans to 
At 1 January 2016                                                                                                                                                                                 947,259 
Repaid in the                                                                                                                                                                                   (947,259) 
At 31 December 2016                                                                                                                                                                                     - 
During the year loans to group undertakings were settled by offsetting them 
against amounts due to group undertakings. 
Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements - continued 
for the Year Ended 31 December 2016 
                                         Group                      Company 
                                 31.12.16      31.12.15      31.12.16       31.12.15 
                                        GBP             GBP             GBP              GBP 
Trade debtors                           -        51,742             -         46,278 
Prepayments and accrued income      3,968             -         3,968          3,953 
Amounts due from related          388,381             -       388,381              - 
Other debtors                           -         4,929             -              - 
                                  392,349        56,671       392,349         50,231 
                                         Group                      Company 
                                 31.12.16      31.12.15      31.12.16       31.12.15 
                                        GBP             GBP             GBP              GBP 
Cash at bank                      341,074       442,048       326,948        427,921 
                                  341,074       442,048       326,948        427,921 
                                         Group                       Company 
                                 31.12.16      31.12.15      31.12.16          31.12.15 
                                        GBP             GBP             GBP                 GBP 
Trade creditors                     3,671         5,289         3,671             5,289 
Amounts owed to group                   -             -       245,179           889,025 
Tax                                 1,181         1,469         1,238             1,526 
Other creditors                     8,652         8,560         5,773             5,681 
Accrued expenses                   31,284        25,704        27,284            19,954 
                                   44,788        41,022       283,145           921,475 
Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements - continued 
for the Year Ended 31 December 2016 
       Allotted, issued and fully paid: 
Number:        Class:                             Nominal    31.12.16      31.12.15 
                                                                    GBP             GBP 
1,970,688      Ordinary                           GBP0.20p      394,138       394,138 
1,236,154      Deferred                           GBP0.02p       24,723        24,723 
                                                              418,861       418,861 
The respective rights of the shareholders are as follows: 
Ordinary shares 
The ordinary shares have the right to all available capital and distributable 
profits subject only to any right available to the deferred shares on winding 
Deferred shares 
The deferred shares have no rights to vote, receive notices, or attend general 
meetings, nor to any income.  On the return of capital on a winding-up or 
otherwise the deferred shares have no entitlement until the sum of GBP100,000 per 
ordinary share shall have been distributed. 
Share premium: 
Includes the premium paid by shareholders on ordinary shares. 
Retained earnings: 
Includes all current and prior periods retained profits and losses, less 
dividends paid. 
During the period the company entered into transactions, in the ordinary course 
of the business, with other related parties. Transactions entered into, and 
trading balances outstanding at 31 December, are as follows: 
Transactions with key management personnel 
       J Townsend: 
During the year, Mr Townsend received GBP25,008 (2015 - GBP6,252) in respect of 
professional fees. The amount outstanding as at the year end was GBP2,084 (2015 - 
J Soper: 
During the year, Mr Soper received GBP9,592 (2015 - GBP7,301) in respect of 
professional fees. 
R Shane: 
At the year end date an amount of GBP160 (2015 - GBP160) was due to Mr Shane in 
respect of expenses incurred on behalf of the holding company. 
Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements - continued 
for the Year Ended 31 December 2016 
Transactions with other related parties 
St James's Property Services Limited: 
St James's Property Services Limited of which R Shane is a director and 
shareholder received GBP17,500 (2015 - GBP22,775) from the holding company in 
respect of management services. The amount outstanding at the year end is GBP 
17,871 (2015 - GBP8,371). 
St James's Property Services Limited also received GBP8,705 (2015 - GBP8,568) from 
the holding company in respect of rent and other expenses. 
Guildhall Brokers and Consultants Limited: 
Guildhall Brokers and Consultants Limited of which R Shane is a director and 
shareholder received GBP1,340 (2015 - GBP3,694) for insurance premiums. 
Space Property Corporation Limited: 
During the year the holding company provided a loan to Space Property 
Corporation Limited of which R Shane is the sole beneficial shareholder. The 
amount included in debtors at the year end is GBP388,381 which includes interest 
charged in the year of GBP8,324. The holding company received GBP1,500 from Space 
Property Corporation Limited for contribution to legal fees incurred during the 
Shane Computer Consulting Limited: 
Shane Computer Consulting Limited of which R Shane's son is a director and 
shareholder received GBP6,000 (2015 - GBP6,000) from the holding company in respect 
of computer services. 
Terms and conditions of transactions with related parties 
Transactions with related parties are made at normal market prices. Outstanding 
balances with entities are unsecured, interest free and repayable on demand. 
Key management personnel includes those persons having authority and 
responsibility for planning, directing and controlling the activities of the 
entity, directly or indirectly, including directors. Total amounts paid to key 
management personnel during the period was GBP34,600 (2015 - GBP13,553). 
                                                           31.12.16      31.12.15 
                                                                  GBP             GBP 
Financial Assets 
Financial assets that are debt instruments measured at      388,381        52,718 
amortised costs 
Financial Liabilities 
Financial liabilities measured at amortised costs            43,550        39,497 
Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements - continued 
for the Year Ended 31 December 2016 
                                                           31.12.16      31.12.15 
                                                                  GBP             GBP 
Financial Assets                                            388,381        46,278 
Financial assets that are debt instruments measured at 
amortised costs 
Financial Liabilities                                       281,905       919,949 
Financial liabilities measured at amortised costs 
The material risk arising form the Group and Company's financial instruments is 
liquidity risk. 
Liquidity risk 
The objective of the Group and Company managing liquidity is to ensure it can 
meet its financial obligations as and when they fall due. The Group and Company 
expects to meet these through operating cash flows. 
Lending facilities: 
The Company provided a loan facility of GBP600,000 during the year at a rate of 
compounded interest of 10.7% per annum. At 31 December 2016, GBP380,056 of the 
facility was drawn down. 
       The Directors of the subsidiary, Secured Property Developments 
(Scarborough) Limited, are considering applying to Companies House to strike 
off the company. 
Form of proxy for use at the annual general meeting on Thursday 13th July 2017 
(Please insert full name in BLOCK CAPITALS) 
(Please insert address in BLOCK CAPITALS) 
being (a) member(s) of the above named Company HEREBY APPOINT the Chairman of 
the meeting (see note 6) 
to act as my/our proxy at the Annual General Meeting of the Company to be held 
on Thursday 13th July 2017  and at any adjournment thereof, and to vote on my/ 
our behalf as indicated below: 
Resolution No.                                             For       Against 
1 To adopt the directors' report and financial 
statements for the year ended 31 December 2016 
2 To re-elect R Shane  as a director 
3 To authorise, by special resolution in accordance 
with s701 of the Companies Act 2006, the Board to 
purchase up to 5% of the Company's own shares in the 
open market at a minimum price of 15p per share and a 
maximum price of 60p per share, such powers to expire 
at the AGM to be held in 2018, or on 13 July 2018 if 
4 THAT Lubbock Fine be and are hereby appointed 
auditors of the Company and will hold office from the 
conclusion of this meeting until the conclusion of the 
next general meeting at which accounts are laid before 
the company, and that their remuneration be fixed by 
the Directors. 
Please indicate with an "X" in the space provided how you wish your votes to be 
cast on a poll.  Should this form be returned duly completed and signed, but 
without a specific direction, the proxy will vote or abstain at his discretion. 
Dated ______________________________ 2017   Signature 
1.   A proxy need not be a Member of the Company. 
2.   In the case of joint holders the vote of the senior who tenders a vote, 
whether in person or by proxy, will be accepted to the exclusion of the votes 
of the other joint holders. For this purpose seniority is determined by the 
order in which the names stand in the Register of Members. 
3.   In the case of a corporation this proxy must be given under its Common 
Seal or be signed on its behalf by an officer, attorney or other person duly 
4.   To be valid this proxy must be deposited at the Company's Registered 
Office not later than 48 hours before the time appointed for holding the 
Meeting together, if appropriate, with the power of attorney or other authority 
under which is a signed or potentially certified copy of such power of 
5.   Any alterations made on this form should be initialed. 
6.   If it is desired to appoint as a proxy any person other than the Chairman 
of the Meeting, his/her name and address should be inserted in the relevant 
place, reference to the Chairman deleted and the alteration initialed. 
Affix stamp here 
                        Second fold along this line 
                                    Secured Property Developments plc. 
                                    Unit 6 Orchard 
                                    42 Orchard Road 
             First fold along 
this line 
                                    Finally fold along this line and tuck in 

(END) Dow Jones Newswires

May 26, 2017 10:28 ET (14:28 GMT)

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