RNS Number:5274P
Stream Group PLC
09 September 2003

                                Stream Group plc

                                Interim results
                     For the six months ended 30 June 2003

Stream provides consumer information and entertainment content and applications
via mobile and fixed line telephony channels.


   * Turnover increased by 49% to #5.7 million (2002: #3.8 million)

   * Gross profit increased by 85% to #2.5 million (2002: #1.4 million)

   * Profit before tax of #0.47 million (2002: loss of #0.21 million)

   * Cash balance increased to #2.05 million at 30 June 2003 (2002: #1.24

   * Significant growth of mobile data services - now represent 37% of Group's

   * Excellent progress made in expanding services to Australia, Europe and
     the Far East

   * Board to outline future dividend policy at year end

Gordon Robson, Executive Chairman, said,

"In my interim statement this time last year I wrote "importantly, the Group is
now generating operating profits on a monthly basis .... and we expect to see
accelerated growth in both revenue and operating profit during the rest of this
year and into 2003". I am pleased to announce that this trend was maintained and
we expect profits to build as we progress through the second half of 2003.

Particularly pleasing is the strong growth in the Group's mobile content and
data services. We foresee further growth across the Group from both geographical
expansion and new mobile content and applications.

        The Board continues to view prospects for future growth with


Stream Group plc                               Tel: 020 7725 0300
Gordon Robson, Executive Chairman
Paul Tuson, Finance Director
Biddicks                                       Tel: 020 7448 1000
Katie Tzouliadis / Kathryn Burn

Chairman's Statement


I am very pleased to report that the first six months of 2003 saw Stream build
on the profitable trend established during the second half of 2002. The Group
made a profit before tax of #0.47 million compared to a loss of #0.21 million in
the same period last year. The monthly profit trend at both Stream Live Services
(voice services) and Stream Media (mobile data services) has been growing and I
am particularly pleased to highlight strong growth in mobile data services. This
has been achieved from a standing start two years ago.

Interim results

During the period turnover increased by 49% to #5.7 million compared to #3.8
million in the corresponding period last year. The increase reflects the
successful implementation of the Group's strategy to expand its high margin
content services. As a result of this, gross profit increased by 85% to #2.5
million (2002: #1.4 million). This substantial increase reflects the on-going
successful development of both Stream Live Services and Stream Media, the
Group's core content areas, where revenues have increased by 44% to #3.3 million
(2002: #2.3 million) and 682% to #2.1 million (2002: #0.3 million) respectively.
The balance of revenues relates to third party telephony traffic carried by Talk

The profit for the period equates to 1.25p per share on a fully diluted basis
(2002: loss of 0.38p per share). Net assets as at 30 June 2003 have grown to
#3.2 million (2002: #2.0 million).

Operating Review

Having moved into profit during the second half of 2002, our focus in early 2003
was both to grow the direct marketing side of Stream Live Services and to build
market share in the mobile content sector with Stream Media's innovative
applications. In addition, the Group intended to act upon its plans for
international expansion. I am pleased to report that we achieved all three

Stream Live Services

Stream Live Services' relationships with third party media groups, many of which
are exclusive, are a key strength of the business. However, we also wish to
develop further our direct marketing operations and during the first half of the
year, we achieved considerable success. We produce and mail out "The Circle"
magazine to in excess of 100,000 customers each month. The Circle contains
topical editorial content and is extremely responsive, generating significant
call volumes to our voice services. We have also seen strong growth in the use
of credit cards and believe that this additional payment option has helped to
grow our customer numbers.

The expansion of Stream Live Services overseas was marked by our launch in
Australia at the end of 2002. I am pleased to report that the Australian
business is growing strongly and moving into profit. We are now planning to move
into the lucrative US and German markets and aim to launch our services in the
final quarter of 2003.

Stream Media

Stream Media has now established itself as an innovative and market leading
developer and provider of mobile content applications. The business has grown
significantly over the past twelve months and is now making a significant
contribution to the Group's profits. I reported at the end of 2002 that we were
developing applications in areas such as video streaming on GPRS. Progress in
this area has exceeded expectations and we are now generating significant
revenue in GPRS video streaming applications.

On an international level Stream Media has now launched profitable services in
Germany and Spain with other European countries on schedule to follow during the
second half of 2003. During the period the Group formed a subsidiary company in
Hong Kong (Stream Asia Limited) to co-ordinate all of the Group's Asian based
activities. I am pleased to report that the Group has recently launched
activities in Asia and I expect to announce further positive developments in
Stream Media over the coming months.


Stream Group's strategy is now firmly in place and working. The Group has moved
from a loss in 2001 to profit at the end of 2002 and is now showing continuing
growth in profits as we move through 2003. This has been achieved through
organic growth, although we continue to look for appropriate acquisitions. The
Group's cash balance has strengthened from #1.62m at the end of 2002 to #2.05m
at 30 June 2003, and we enjoy a high conversion ratio of profits into cash,
which we expect to continue. As our international expansion is carried out on a
low risk, non capital intensive basis, the Board believes that the Group has
sufficient funds for anticipated business progression. The Board expects to
outline its future dividend policy to shareholders within the next annual

We are pleased to have recently welcomed Graham Stevens to the Board as a
non-executive director, and I would like to take this opportunity to thank my
fellow directors and staff for their valued contributions to the Company's
growth during the period.

The Board remains committed to the Company's AIM listing and will continue to
strive to maximise value to shareholders. We remain extremely optimistic about
the Group's future growth.

Gordon Robson

Executive Chairman

Consolidated profit and loss account

for the six months ended 30 June 2003
                                  Six months    Six months        Year
                                     ended         ended         ended
                                   30 June       30 June   31 December      
                                      2003          2002          2002
                       Notes   (Unaudited)   (Unaudited)     (Audited)     
                                     #'000         #'000         #'000

Turnover                             5,723         3,845         8,518
Cost of revenue                     (3,216)       (2,492)       (5,116)
                                   ---------     ---------    ----------

Gross profit                         2,507         1,353         3,402
expenses                            (2,067)       (1,592)       (3,303)
                                   ---------     ---------    ----------
Operating profit/                      
(loss)                                 440          (239)           99

Interest receivable                     26            29            53
Interest payable                         -            (3)            -
                                   ---------     ---------    ----------

Profit/(loss) on                       
ordinary activities
before taxation                        466          (213)          152

Tax on profit on           
ordinary activities        2           298             -             -        
                                   ---------     ---------    ----------
Profit/(loss) for the
period retained for
equity shareholders                    764          (213)          152
                                   ---------     ---------    ----------

Profit/(loss) per          4
Basic                                 1.35p        (0.38p)        0.27p
Diluted                               1.25p        (0.38p)        0.25p
                                   ---------     ---------    ----------

All activities relate to continuing operations.

Consolidated balance sheet

as at 30 June 2003

                                     As at          As at        As at
                                   30 June        30 June    31 December
                      Notes           2003           2002         2002
                                (Unaudited)    (Unaudited)    (Audited)
                                     #'000          #'000        #'000

Fixed assets
Intangible assets                       15              -           20
Tangible assets                        479            653          605
                                 -----------    -----------  -----------
                                       494            653          625
                                 -----------    -----------  -----------

Current assets
Debtors                              2,355          1,345        1,972
Cash at bank and in                  
hand                                 2,046          1,237        1,620
                                 -----------    -----------  -----------
                                     4,401          2,582        3,592
                                 -----------    -----------  -----------
Creditors: amounts
falling due within
one year                            (1,703)        (1,196)      (1,792)
                                 -----------    -----------  -----------

Net current assets                   2,698          1,386        1,800
                                 -----------    -----------  -----------

Net assets                           3,192          2,039        2,425
                                 -----------    -----------  -----------

Capital and
Called up share           
capital                   5          2,840          2,840        2,840
Share premium             
account                   5          2,689          2,689        2,689
Profit and loss                     
account                             (1,180)        (2,309)      (1,944)
Merger reserve            5         (1,154)        (1,154)      (1,154)
Other reserve             5             (3)           (27)          (6)
                                 -----------    -----------  -----------
funds                                3,192          2,039        2,425
                                 -----------    -----------  -----------

Consolidated cash flow statement

for the six months ended 30 June 2003
                                    Six months    Six months      Year
                                       ended         ended       ended
                                     30 June       30 June    31 December
                                        2003          2002        2002
                         Notes   (Unaudited)   (Unaudited)   (Audited)
                                       #'000         #'000       #'000

    Net cash inflow/
    (outflow) from
    activities               6           403          (413)         93

    Returns on
    investments and
    servicing of
    finance                  6            26            26          53
                                    ----------    ----------   ---------

    Capital expenditure
    and financial
    investment               6            (3)          (64)       (214)
                                    ----------    ----------   ---------

Increase/(decrease) in                   426          (451)        (68)
cash in the period                  ----------    ----------   ---------

    Reconciliation of
    net cash to movement
    in net funds

Movement in net funds in                 
the period                               426          (451)        (68)

Net funds at the start                 
of the period                          1,620         1,688       1,688
                                    ----------    ----------   ---------
Net funds at the end of                
the period                             2,046         1,237       1,620
                                    ----------    ----------   ---------

Reconciliation of movements in shareholders' funds

For the six months ended 30 June 2003

                                  Six months     Six months       Year
                                     ended          ended        ended
                                   30 June        30 June     31 December
                                      2003           2002         2002
                                  (Unaudited)    (Unaudited)    (Audited)
                                     #'000          #'000        #'000

Profit/(loss) for financial            
period                                 764           (213)         152
Shares issued to AESOP                   -              5            6
Movement in other reserve                3              3           24
                                 -----------     ----------    ---------

Net addition/(reduction) to            
shareholders' funds                    767           (205)         182

Opening shareholders' funds          2,425          2,244        2,243
                                 -----------     ----------    ---------

Closing shareholders' funds          3,192          2,039        2,425
                                 -----------     ----------    ---------

Notes to the interim report

 1. *Basis of preparation

The Board approved the accounts of the Group for the six months ended 30 June
2003 on 8 September 2003. They have been prepared in accordance with the
accounting policies adopted in preparing the financial statements for the year
ended 31 December 2002.

The interim financial information is unaudited and does not comprise statutory
accounts for the purposes of Section 240 of the Companies Act 1985. Comparative
information is provided for the six months to 30 June 2002. The abridged
information for the year to 31 December 2002 has been extracted from the Group's
statutory accounts for that period that have been filed with the Registrar of
Companies. The auditors' report on the statutory accounts of the Group was
unqualified and did not contain a statement under either Section 237(2) or
Section 237(3) of the Companies Act 1985.

2 Taxation

                        Six months        Six months              Year
                             ended             ended             ended
                           30 June           30 June       31 December
                              2003              2002              2002
                       (Unaudited)       (Unaudited)         (Audited)
                             #'000             #'000             #'000

Current taxation                54                 -                 -

Deferred tax credit           (352)                -                 -
                          ----------         ---------         ---------
                              (298)                -                 -
                          ----------         ---------         ---------

The tax assessed in the period is lower (2002: lower) than the standard rate of
corporation tax in the UK of 30% (2002:30%) primarily due to the utilisation of
tax losses. The expected effective tax rate for the consolidated company for the
year ending 31 December 2003 is 12%.

A deferred tax asset estimated as #352,000 arising from unrelieved losses has
been recognised. The directors consider that there is sufficient certainty
regarding the timing of suitable future taxable profits against which the losses
will be offset.

 3. *Dividend

    No dividend is to be paid.

 4. *Earnings per share

                              Six months     Six months           Year
                                   ended          ended          ended
                                 30 June        30 June    31 December
                                    2003           2002           2002
                             (Unaudited)    (Unaudited)      (Audited)
                                   #'000          #'000          #'000

    attributable to             
    shareholders                     764           (213)           152
                                ----------      ---------      ---------

                                  Number         Number         Number

    Weighted average number   
    of shares in issue        56,486,857     56,011,750     56,765,095

    Dilution effects of        
    share options              4,294,271      5,643,015      4,054,271

    Dilution effects of          
    employee share              
    schemes                      311,520        746,872        399,864
                                ----------      ---------      ---------

    Diluted weighted         
    average number of           
    shares in issue           61,092,648     62,401,637     61,219,230
                                ----------      ---------      ---------

    Basic profit/(loss) per         
    share                           1.35p         (0.38p)         0.27p

    Diluted profit/(loss)          
    per share                       1.25p         (0.38p)         0.25p
                                ----------      ---------      ---------

    Basic profit/(loss) per share is calculated on the results attributable to
    ordinary shares divided by the weighted average number of shares in issue
    during the period excluding those held by Stream Trustees Limited which are
    treated as cancelled.

    Diluted profit per share calculations include additional shares to reflect
    the dilutive effect of employee share schemes and share option schemes.
    Diluted loss per share is equivalent to basic loss per share since the
    effect of including potential shares within the calculation of diluted
    weighted average number of ordinary shares would be anti-dilutive.

 5. *Share capital and reserves

                                Share    premium     Merger      Other
                              capital    account    reserve    reserve
                                #'000      #'000      #'000      #'000

    At 31 December 2002         2,840      2,689     (1,154)        (6)
                              ---------  ---------   --------   --------

    Write off of free issue
    to profit and loss
    account over the vesting
    period of 3 years               -          -          -          3
                              ---------  ---------   --------   --------
    As at 30 June 2003          2,840      2,689     (1,154)        (3)
                              ---------  ---------   --------   --------

 6. *Cash flows

                                  Six months   Six months         Year
                                     ended          ended        ended
                                   30 June        30 June    31 December 
                                      2003           2002         2002
                               (Unaudited)       (Audited)    (Unaudited)
                                     #'000          #'000        #'000

Net cash flow from operating

Operating profit/(loss)                440           (231)          99

Depreciation of tangible               
fixed assets                           129            123          247

Loss on sale of fixed asset              -              -           44

Share compensation expense               8              -           39

Increase in debtors                    (31)          (150)        (776)

(Decrease)/increase in                
creditors                             (143)          (155)         440
                                  ----------     ----------   ----------
                                       403           (413)          93
                                  ----------     ----------   ----------

Returns on investments and
servicing of finance

Interest received                       26             29           53

Interest paid                            -             (3)           -
                                  ----------     ----------   ----------
                                        26             26           53
                                  ----------     ----------   ----------

Capital expenditure and
financial investment

Purchase of tangible fixed              
assets                                  (3)           (64)        (189)
                                  ----------     ----------   ----------

Proceeds from disposal of         
fixed assets                             -              -            5

Purchase of own shares by                
AESOP                                    -              -          (30)
                                  ----------     ----------   ----------
                                        (3)           (64)        (214)

 7. *Analysis of net funds

                                                            Cash at bank
                                                           and in hand

At 31 December 2002                                              1,620

Cash flow: 2003                                                    426
At 30 June 2003                                                  2,046

 8. *Copies of statement

A copy of this report will be sent to shareholders. Additional copies are
available on request from the Company's registered office, 130 Wigmore Street,
London, W1U 3SB.

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange