RNS Number:2628O
Ultra Electronics Holdings PLC
04 August 2003

Embargoed until 0700                                               4 August 2003

                         Ultra Electronics Holdings plc
                            ("Ultra" or "the Group")

               Interim Results for the Six Months to 30 June 2003

                             Six months to          Six months to        Change
                              30 June 2003           30 June 2002
Turnover                           #135.7m                #125.6m         +8.0%
Operating profit*                   #17.4m                 #15.6m        +11.4%
Profit before tax*                  #15.8m                 #13.8m        +14.9%
Earnings per share*                  17.6p                  15.3p        +14.8%
Dividend per share                    4.1p                   3.7p        +10.8%
* before goodwill amortisation of #2.3m (2002 H1: #1.8m)

* Record sales and profit, with a strong contribution from Aircraft &
  Vehicle Systems

* Aircraft & Vehicle Systems

    - increased sales of armoured vehicle systems
    - excellent HiPPAG performance
    - higher activity in aerospace after-market

* Information & Power Systems

    - increased orders for airport IT systems
    - contracts received relating to UK Bowman programme
    - first installation completed for Network Rail power supply upgrade

* Tactical & Sonar Systems

    - good performance from Tactical Communication Systems
    - worldwide anti-submarine warfare equipment contracts received worth
      over #16m
    - Torpedo defence and Type 45 sonar development programmes on schedule

* Excellent cash performance and strong balance sheet

* Two acquisitions made since period end

* Order book increased to record #359m

Dr Julian Blogh, Chief Executive, commented:
"Ultra has again demonstrated solid growth of sales and profits. The broad
spread of Ultra's activities, mostly within the defence sector, its strong order
book and proven ability to execute programmes successfully give an excellent
basis for continued progress in the medium term. The two acquisitions made since
the period end, SML Technologies and Radamec Defence Systems will strengthen
Ultra by complementing the high technology products and services that the Group
provides to its customers.

"The Board expects Ultra's results for the full year to be broadly in line with
current market expectations."

                                    - Ends -

Ultra Electronics Holdings plc                            (4.8.03) 020 7067 0700
Dr Julian Blogh, Chief Executive                        Thereafter 020 8813 4321

Weber Shandwick Square Mile                                        020 7067 0700
Susanne Walker or Christian San-Jose

Notes to Editors:

Ultra Electronics is a group of specialist businesses designing, manufacturing
and supporting electronic and electromechanical systems, sub-systems and
products for aircraft, ships, submarines, armoured vehicles, airports and
transport systems worldwide. The Group, which employs 2,600 people in the UK and
North America, focuses on high integrity sensing, control, communication and
display systems with an emphasis on integrated Information Technology solutions.

The Group concentrates on obtaining a technological edge in niche markets, with
many of its products and technologies being market leaders in their field. Ultra
has an increasing role of supporting prime contractors by undertaking specialist
system and sub-system integration using the combined expertise of the Group

Embargoed until 0700                                               4 August 2003

                         Ultra Electronics Holdings plc
                            ("Ultra" or "the Group")

               Interim Results for the Six Months to 30 June 2003


Ultra's performance in the first half of 2003 was very encouraging with record
sales and profits and strong cash generation.

Sales increased by 8.0% to #135.7m, compared to #125.6m in the same period last
year. Organic sales increased by 1% in local currencies compared to the first
half of 2002, offset by a 3% reduction in sterling terms for the US dollar
translation effect. This growth reflected a strong performance in the Aircraft &
Vehicle Systems division, with increased sales of HiPPAG and equipment for
armoured vehicles. The Group's Information & Power Systems businesses also
performed well, reflecting higher defence spending in the Battlespace IT sector.
Tactical Communication Systems, acquired in September 2002, boosted the
performance of Ultra's Tactical & Sonar Systems division.

Operating profit before goodwill amortisation was 11.4% higher at #17.4m (2002:
#15.6m). The operating margin improved to 12.8% (2002: 12.4%) which was due
mainly to an increased level of higher margin aerospace spares and repairs
activity. The interest charge dropped by #0.3m and profit before tax and
amortisation rose to #15.8m, a 14.9% increase when compared to last year's
result of #13.8m. Earnings per share before amortisation of goodwill grew by
14.8% to 17.6p (2002:15.3p).

Ultra achieved excellent operating cash generation in the period of #18.4m
(2002: #11.9m) after capital expenditure, a conversion rate from operating
profit of 106%. After non-operating payments including interest, taxation and
dividends of #13.0m (2002: #8.2m), net debt was #33.9m at the period end, a
reduction of #5.4m since the beginning of the year. The strength of the Group's
balance sheet is demonstrated by a first half interest cover of approximately
eleven times.

An interim dividend of 4.1p (2002: 3.7p) will be paid on 26 September 2003 to
those shareholders on the register at the close of business on 29 August 2003.


Equipment that provides mobility and the rapid and secure management of vital
information remains a key focus in all of Ultra's main defence markets. There
has been particular emphasis on Battlespace IT systems that facilitate the
exchange, networking and interoperability of data. In the USA, which accounts
for around 35% of Ultra's sales, defence and related budgets continue to
increase significantly. Real budget growth has been less rapid in the UK,
although expenditure is rising on specific equipment programmes in which Ultra
is involved. Worldwide, budgeted levels of expenditure on Anti-Submarine Warfare
(ASW) equipment are reducing, as anticipated, although a number of new ASW
aircraft are currently under development. Demand for longer life distributed
sensor systems, using sonobuoy-like technology, is rising.

The civil aerospace sector remains soft and build rates for new aircraft are
flat at best. There has, however, in recent months been some evidence of a
recovery in demand for after-market products and services. Infrastructure
investment at selected airports around the world has continued in anticipation
of a medium-term increase in passenger traffic. There is an increased focus on
systems, including IT, that can make travel easier whilst maintaining an
appropriate level of security and control.


Aircraft & Vehicle Systems

Includes miniature airborne compressors; high integrity software and systems;
aircraft system electronics; aircraft noise and vibration control; propeller
de-icing, balancing and control systems; armoured vehicle electronic information
and control systems, human/computer interface equipment and shared working
environment solutions.

Total sales increased by 12.3% to #40.6m (2002: #36.2m) and the operating profit
before goodwill amortisation was #7.1m compared with #6.1m last year, an
increase of 16.0%. The order book reduced by 3.2% to #80.1m (December 2002:
#82.8m) mainly reflecting the sales made against multi-year Eurofighter

The sales growth resulted from a significant increase in sales of the HiPPAG
airborne compressor, additional sales of equipment for armoured vehicles and
some recovery in the civil aerospace after market. In the period, HiPPAG,
according to the US Navy, "significantly enhanced the combat readiness and
deployability" of the F/A-18 aircraft during military operations in Iraq. Ultra
has received a contract to adapt HiPPAG to meet the requirements of the F-35
Joint Strike Fighter. The Group has also continued to win contracts for hand
controls for unmanned aerial vehicles, particularly in the USA. Sales of cockpit
equipment for the Eurofighter programme increased in the first half as did
activity levels associated with the development of the electronics systems for
the UK Army's Engineer Tank System. Also in the period, Ultra achieved further
sales of its innovative Internet-based shared working environment to the UK
Defence Procurement Agency.

Tactical & Sonar Systems

Includes secure tactical line-of-sight radio systems, multiplexers and switches;
tactical datalinks; cryptographic equipment; active, passive and multi-static
sonobuoys; sonobuoy receivers and processors; distributed surveillance sensor
arrays; ship's sonar systems and ship's torpedo defence systems.

Total sales increased by 7.8% to #53.3m (2002: #49.4m) and operating profit
before goodwill amortisation was #5.4m (2002: #5.3m). The order book at the end
of the period reduced by 2.5% to #192.0m (December 2002: #196.8m) reflecting
sales made against the long-term contracts in this division.

The anticipated reduction in the level of sales of Ultra's Anti-Submarine
Warfare (ASW) equipment affected turnover in the period although the Group has
continued to win orders for sonobuoys in the international market. However, the
large development programmes for naval systems, including the Type 45 sonar and
the Royal Navy's new torpedo defence system, are on schedule. Tactical
Communication Systems in Canada, acquired in September 2002, has been integrated
into the Group and is performing ahead of budget; the next tranches of orders
for its tactical radio communication systems from the armies of the USA and
South Korea were received in the period.

Information & Power Systems

Includes command and control systems equipment; weapons interfacing electronics;
coastal surveillance systems; naval data processing and distribution; airport
and airline information management systems; passenger baggage reconciliation
systems; ID card systems; naval power conversion; signature management of naval
vessels; transit system power conversion and control.

Information & Power Systems recorded a good performance in the first half, with
sales growth of 4.4% to #41.8m (2002: #40.0m) and a 15.0% increase in operating
profit before goodwill amortisation to #4.8m (2002: #4.2m). Encouragingly, the
order book increased by 27.2% to #87.1m (December 2002: #68.4m).

This result reflected the continuing growth in the Group's Battlespace IT
activities, with sales of the ADSI real-time command and control system up
almost 10% on the equivalent period in 2002.

In the UK, Ultra has started to supply equipment relating to the Army's Bowman
digitisation programme. In Airport IT, Ultra is now benefiting from having won
contracts to integrate IT systems at airports such as Toronto and Kansas City,
and at the new fifth terminal at London Heathrow. In addition, the Group was
selected to install its UltraTrak baggage reconciliation system at Terminals 1,
2 and 3 at Heathrow. Market acceptance of Ultra's expanded range of ID card
printers has been good during the first half. Finally, in the period, the first
installation took place of Ultra equipment to support the upgrade of the power
supply for Network Rail's southern region.


Changes have been made to the Group's UK defined benefit pension scheme to
reduce the long-term uncertainty, and therefore risk, that previously existed.
The #0.4m increase in pension contributions this year, that was mentioned in the
2002 preliminary results announcement, has been implemented. Additionally,
employees' contributions will increase by 2.0% by April 2004, equivalent to an
extra #0.5m in a full year. The scheme has now also been closed to new members
who will be offered a new defined contribution arrangement.


The Group's order book stood at #359m at the end of June (December 2002: #348m)
representing approximately 15 months of future sales. This reflects the
continuing supply of equipment on existing platforms for which there are firm
contracts as well as new programmes won.

The infrastructure investment programmes for airports and airlines in which
Ultra is involved will continue, as will Network Rail's investment programme for
the southern region power supply. Whilst no increase in the rate of build of new
aircraft in civil aerospace is assumed before the end of 2004, it is anticipated
that the partial recovery in the after-market will be sustained.

Additional ASW platforms are being developed, incorporating Ultra equipment,
which are expected to drive a longer-term increase in sonobuoy usage. New longer
life sensor systems, utilising technology derived from sonobuoys, are also in
development. However, sales of sonobuoys are expected to reduce further in 2004
despite an initial contribution from advanced new sonobuoy systems entering

Strong growth in expenditure on defence equipment in the USA is forecast to
continue and Ultra is well positioned to benefit from this. There will be a
continuing focus on equipment to improve the connectivity of systems and to
increase the tempo of battle and these are areas where Ultra has distinct

The broad spread of Ultra's activities, mostly within the defence sector, its
strong order book and proven ability to execute programmes successfully give an
excellent basis for continued progress in the medium term. Two acquisitions have
been made since the period end, SML Technologies and Radamec Defence Systems,
for a combined cost of #12.5m. Both businesses are involved in Battlespace IT
activities and will be part of the Group's Information & Power Systems division.
They will strengthen Ultra by complementing the high technology products and
services that the Group provides to its customers.

The Board expects Ultra's results for the full year to be broadly in line with
current market expectations with growth continuing in the medium term.

                                    - Ends -

Ultra Electronics Holdings plc                            (4.8.03) 020 7067 0700
Dr Julian Blogh, Chief Executive                        Thereafter 020 8813 4321
Weber Shandwick Square Mile                                        020 7067 0700
Susanne Walker or Christian San-Jose

                          Ultra Electronics Holdings plc
               Interim Results for the Six Months to 30 June 2003
                      Consolidated Profit and Loss Account

                                  Six months to    Six months to        Year to
                                        30 June          30 June    31 December
                                           2003             2002           2002
                          Note            #'000            #'000          #'000

- existing operations      1,2          135,669          125,597        260,352
                                     ----------      -----------     ----------

Operating profit before
 goodwill amortisation
- existing operations                    17,365           15,588         33,453

Goodwill amortisation
- existing operations                    (2,320)          (1,809)        (3,875)
                                      ----------      -----------     ----------
Operating profit
- existing operations                    15,045           13,779         29,578

Net interest payable                     (1,518)          (1,794)        (3,533)
                                      ----------      -----------     ----------

Profit before taxation                   13,527           11,985         26,045

Taxation                     3           (4,231)          (3,724)        (8,099)
                                      ----------      -----------     ----------
Profit after taxation                     9,296            8,261         17,946

Dividends                    4           (2,731)          (2,438)        (7,385)
                                      ----------      -----------     ----------
Retained profit                           6,565            5,823         10,561
                                      ==========      ===========     ==========
Earnings per share (pence)
After goodwill amortisation
- Basic                      5             14.1             12.6           27.3
- Diluted                    5             14.0             12.5           27.3

Before goodwill amortisation
- Basic                      5             17.6             15.3           33.2
                                      ==========      ===========     ==========

                          Ultra Electronics Holdings plc
               Interim Results for the Six Months to 30 June 2003
                            Consolidated Balance Sheet

                                                 At          At             At
                                            30 June     30 June    31 December
                                               2003        2002           2002
                                   Note       #'000       #'000          #'000

Fixed assets
Tangible assets                              16,829      14,484         15,180
Intangible assets 
- patents and trademarks                        582         628            605
Intangible assets - goodwill                 78,630      62,603         80,871
Investments                                   1,527       1,346          1,050
                                           ---------  ----------     ----------
                                             97,568      79,061         97,706
                                           ---------  ----------     ----------
Current assets
Stocks                                       21,004      26,130         23,834
Debtors                                      58,636      53,384         57,579
Cash at bank and in hand                     13,104       9,503          8,132
                                           ---------  ----------     ----------
                                             92,744      89,017         89,545
Creditors: Amounts falling due
 within one year                            (73,633)    (89,602)       (80,622)
                                           ---------  ----------     ----------
Net current assets/(liabilities)             19,111        (585)         8,923
                                           ---------  ----------     ----------
Total assets less current                   
 liabilities                                116,679      78,476        106,629

Creditors: Amounts falling due
 after more than one year                   (50,377)    (25,060)       (46,126)
Provisions for liabilities and               
 charges                                     (5,589)     (3,246)        (4,822)
                                           ---------  ----------     ----------
Net assets                                   60,713      50,170         55,681
                                           =========  ==========     ==========
Capital and reserves
Called up share capital                       3,312       3,294          3,302
Share premium account                        27,626      26,225         26,891
Profit and loss account              6       29,775      20,651         25,488
                                           ---------  ----------     ----------
Shareholders' funds                          60,713      50,170         55,681
                                           =========  ==========     ==========

                          Ultra Electronics Holdings plc
               Interim Results for the Six Months to 30 June 2003
                        Consolidated Cash Flow Statement

                                 Six months to    Six months to        Year to
                                       30 June          30 June    31 December
                                          2003             2002           2002
                          Note           #'000            #'000          #'000

Net cash inflow from
 operating activities      7            22,636           13,878         42,765

Returns on investments 
 and servicing of finance               (1,586)          (1,527)        (3,414)
Taxation                                (4,750)          (3,122)        (7,279)
Capital expenditure and                 
 financial investment                   (4,203)          (1,934)        (4,076)
Acquisitions                               (79)             (50)       (21,996)
Equity dividends paid                   (4,959)          (4,606)        (7,045)
                                     ----------      -----------     ----------
Cash inflow/(outflow) 
 before use of liquid 
 resources and financing                 7,059            2,639         (1,045)
Financing                               (2,685)          (9,015)        (6,381)
                                     ----------      -----------     ----------
Increase/(decrease) in cash in          
 the period                              4,374           (6,376)        (7,426)
                                     ==========      ===========     ==========


Increase/(decrease) in cash in         
 the period                              4,374           (6,376)        (7,426)
Cash outflow from decrease in
 debt and lease financing                3,453            9,458          7,369
                                     ----------      -----------     ----------
Change in net debt resulting             
 from cash flows                         7,827            3,082            (57)
Amortisation of finance costs            
 of debt                                   (49)            (190)          (196)
Translation difference                  (2,377)             733          1,559
                                     ----------      -----------     ----------
Decrease in net debt in the            
 period                                  5,401            3,625          1,306
Net debt at start of period            (39,256)         (40,562)       (40,562)
                                     ----------      -----------     ----------
Net debt at end of period              (33,855)         (36,937)       (39,256)
                                     ==========      ===========     ==========


Cash at bank and in hand                13,104            9,503          8,132
Debt due within one year                   126          (25,345)        (1,219)
Debt due after one year                (47,085)         (21,000)       (46,126)
Finance leases                               -              (95)           (43)
                                     ----------      -----------     ----------
                                       (33,855)         (36,937)       (39,256)
                                     ==========      ===========     ==========

          Consolidated Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses

                                Six months to    Six months to        Year to
                                      30 June          30 June    31 December
                                         2003             2002           2002
                                        #'000            #'000          #'000

Group profit for the period             9,296            8,261          17,946
(Loss)/gain on foreign currency        
 translation                           (2,278)             240             474
Adjustment in respect of the
 adoption of FRS 19 for
 prior years                                -            1,162           1,162
                                    ----------      -----------      ----------
Total recognised gains and losses          
 relating to the period                 7,018            9,663          19,582
                                    ----------      -----------      ----------

                          Ultra Electronics Holdings plc
               Interim Results for the Six Months to 30 June 2003
                          Notes to the Interim Statement

                              Six months to     Six months to          Year to
                                    30 June           30 June      31 December
                                       2003              2002             2002
1.Divisional analysis                 #'000             #'000            #'000

  Aircraft & Vehicle Systems         40,620            36,178           76,427
  Information & Power Systems        41,769            39,999           82,859
  Tactical & Sonar Systems           53,280            49,420          101,066
                                 -----------        ----------      -----------
                                    135,669           125,597          260,352
                                 ===========        ==========      ===========

                              Six months to     Six months to          Year to
                                    30 June           30 June      31 December
                                       2003              2002             2002
                                      #'000             #'000            #'000
  Aircraft & Vehicle Systems          7,125             6,143           12,495
  Information & Power Systems         4,796             4,172           10,989
  Tactical & Sonar Systems            5,444             5,273            9,969
                                 -----------        ----------      -----------
                                     17,365            15,588           33,453

  Goodwill amortisation              (2,320)           (1,809)          (3,875)
                                 -----------        ----------      -----------
  Operating profit                   15,045            13,779           29,578
                                 ===========        ==========      ===========

                              Six months to     Six months to          Year to
                                    30 June           30 June      31 December
                                       2003              2002             2002
                                      #'000             #'000            #'000
2.Turnover by geographical

  United Kingdom                     55,916            55,023          110,547
  Continental Europe                 17,384            15,947           33,700
  North America                      49,261            49,513          100,549
  Rest of World                      13,108             5,114           15,556
                                 -----------        ----------      -----------
                                    135,669           125,597          260,352
                                 ===========        ==========      ===========

                              Six months to     Six months to          Year to
                                    30 June           30 June      31 December
                                       2003              2002             2002
                                      #'000             #'000            #'000

  United Kingdom
  - Corporation tax                   3,096             3,015            6,662
  - Deferred tax                        268               180              482
                                 -----------        ----------      -----------
                                      3,364             3,195            7,144
                                 -----------        ----------      -----------
  - Corporation tax                   1,098               578              895
  - Deferred tax                       (231)              (49)              60
                                 -----------        ----------      -----------
                                        867               529              955
                                 -----------        ----------      -----------
  Total tax on profit on                
   ordinary activities                4,231             3,724            8,099    
                                 ===========        ==========      ===========

  The tax charge for the six months to 30 June 2003 has been based on an 
  estimated effective rate, before amortisation of goodwill, for the year to 31 
  December 2003 of 26.7% (30 June 2002: 27.0%).

4.The proposed interim dividend of 4.1p per ordinary share (30 June 2002:
  3.7p) will be paid on 26 September 2003 to shareholders on the register on 29
  August 2003.

5.Earnings per share

  The number of shares and the earnings used to calculate earnings per share 
  (EPS) is given below:

                                        Six months    Six months       
                                                to            to       Year to
                                           30 June       30 June   31 December
                                              2003          2002          2002
                                            No. of        No. of        No. of
                                            shares        shares        shares

  Number of shares used for basic EPS   66,005,283    65,706,837    65,647,904
  Number of shares deemed to be issued
   at nil consideration following exercise 
   share options of                        180,770       285,826       174,036
                                       ------------  ------------  ------------
  Number of shares used for fully         
   diluted EPS                          66,186,053    65,992,663    65,821,940
                                       ============  ============  ============

  Earnings attributable to ordinary shareholders

                                        Six months    Six months
                                                to            to       Year to     
                                           30 June       30 June   31 December
                                              2003          2002          2002
                                             #'000         #'000         #'000

  After goodwill amortisation                9,296         8,261        17,946
  Before goodwill amortisation              11,616        10,070        21,821
                                         ==========   ===========    ==========

6.Profit and loss account

  Goodwill, representing the excess of the fair value of consideration given 
  over the fair value of separable net assets acquired, is capitalised as an 
  intangible asset and is amortised over a period of 20 years, being the 
  Directors' assessment of its likely future value. Provision is made for any 
  impairment. For acquisitions made prior to 30 December 1997, goodwill was 
  considered separately for each acquisition and was written off immediately to 
  the goodwill reserve, reflecting the Directors' assessment of its likely 
  future value to the Group. This reserve, amounting to #33,294,000 at 30 June 
  2003, 31 December 2002 and at 30 June 2002, has since been offset against the 
  profit and loss account.

7.Cash flow information

  Reconciliation of operating profit to operating cash flow

                                 Six months to    Six months to        Year to
                                       30 June          30 June    31 December
                                          2003             2002           2002
                                         #'000            #'000          #'000

  Operating profit                      15,045           13,779         29,578
  Depreciation and amounts
   written off tangible fixed
   assets                                2,032            1,948          3,771
  Amortisation of goodwill               2,320            1,809          3,875
  Amortisation of patents and                 
   trademarks                               23               22             45
  Provision against investments            359              272            604
  Loss/(profit) on disposal of
   tangible fixed assets                    14               (7)           (11)
  Decrease/(increase) in stocks          3,466           (4,435)           623
  (Increase)/decrease in                    
   debtors                                (409)           1,445         (3,240)
  (Decrease)/increase in                    
   creditors                              (404)            (876)         6,161
  Increase/(decrease) in                   
   provisions                              323              (76)         1,410
  Other                                   (133)              (3)           (51)
                                     ----------      -----------    -----------
  Net cash inflow from operating          
   activities                           22,636           13,878         42,765
                                     ==========      ===========    ===========

8.The financial information contained in this statement does not constitute
  statutory accounts within the meaning of section 240 of the Companies Act 
  1985, and has not been audited or reviewed.

  The unaudited accounts for the half years ended 30th June 2003 and 30th June
  2002 have been prepared on a basis consistent with the statutory accounts for
  the year ended 31st December 2002. Those statutory accounts received an
  unqualified auditor's report and have been filed with the Registrar of
  Companies. A copy of this interim statement is being sent to all shareholders,
  and will shortly be available on Ultra's web site: www.ultra-electronics.com.
  Further copies may be obtained from Ultra's registered office: 417 Bridport
  Road, Greenford, Middlesex, UB6 8UA.

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange