RNS Number:1226L
Mitsubishi Corporation
14 May 2003


                          STATEMENT OF CONSOLIDATED INCOME

                      FOR THE YEARS ENDED MARCH 31, 2003 AND 2002


                             CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET

                                AS OF MARCH 31, 2003

                                    Based on US GAAP

                               Investor Relations Office

              2-6-3 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, JAPAN 100-8086

                  Phone: +81-3-3210-8580  Fax:+81-3-3210-8583


        Consolidated Financial Results for the Year Ended March 31, 2003

                               (Based on US GAAP)

                                                                    May 14, 2003

                                                          Mitsubishi Corporation

TOKYO, May 14, 2003 .. Mitsubishi Corporation announced today its consolidated
results, using accounting principles generally accepted in the United States,
for the year ended March 31, 2003.

I. Management Policies

1. Management Policies

To create new value, Mitsubishi Corporation has been implementing the following
measures in line with the MC2003 three-year plan that began in 2001. The goals
are further increasing the profitability of the Mitsubishi Corporation Group and
strengthening the management base. Mitsubishi Corporation will be stepping up
efforts in these regards during fiscal 2004, the final year of MC2003.

(1) Progress in Growth Strategies

The overall growth strategy in MC2003 consists of the following three parts.

First is the Portfolio Management Strategy. This strategy calls for the company
to aggressively reshape its portfolio of businesses with the viewpoint of
reallocating company resources and strengthen strategic business areas.
Mitsubishi Corporation has positioned energy and natural resources; project
development, including Independent Power Producer (IPP) projects and
infrastructure projects; and food distribution and other Supply Chain Management
(SCM) businesses as strategic fields. Having been started two years ago, the
Portfolio Management Strategy is making steady progress, yielding concrete
benefits in all areas of business.

In the past fiscal year, Mitsubishi Corporation leveraged its global network to
increase transactions worldwide by increasing its presence in promising
businesses. Two examples are participation in a company that will own and
operate LNG carriers for the Brunei LNG project and the establishment of an
export and sales company for pickup trucks manufactured in Thailand. Among
existing operations, Mitsubishi Corporation is altering its approach to
businesses that have reached a growth limit. Illustrating this policy was the
establishment of Metal One Corporation to integrate the steel products
operations of Mitsubishi Corporation with those of Nissho Iwai Corporation.
Mitsubishi Corporation is determined to restructure businesses to create new

The second strategy is a blueprint for creating new business models and
expanding and carving out new business domains that leverage Mitsubishi
Corporation's so-called FILM functions (finance, IT, logistics and marketing) to
develop new business models and build on existing ones. During the past fiscal
year, Nippon Care Supply Co., Ltd. expanded activities in the healthcare sector
(medical care and nursing care) and the real estate investment trust business
was expanded through Japan Retail Fund Investment Corporation, a J-REIT whose
shares were listed in March 2002. The J-REIT is a new business model that is
made possible by adding financial expertise to the decades of experience in real
estate development at Mitsubishi Corporation's Development and Construction

Third is the New Technologies Strategy that aims to commercialize new business
models that draw on new technologies and other forms of intellectual property.
Mitsubishi Corporation will continue to aggressively identify businesses that
can become core sources of earnings in the future. Mitsubishi Corporation is
actively searching for new businesses that it can turn into future earnings
pillars. Strategic fields are nanotechnology, energy and the environment, life
sciences, and IT and communications. One focus is fullerenes and nanotubes,
which are grabbing the spotlight as new materials created with nanotechnology.
Mitsubishi Corporation affiliate Frontier Carbon Corporation has begun
commercial production of fullerenes. And in the past fiscal year, Mitsubishi
Corporation established a pilot company for the purpose of developing
mass-production technology and applications for double-wall nanotubes, a
material that may be used to produce next-generation field emission displays. In
this manner, Mitsubishi Corporation is making inroads in high-potential business
fields of the 21st century in many ways.

(2) Enhancing the Management System

Under MC2003, Mitsubishi Corporation introduced business units (BUs) to function
as the company's smallest unit for organizational control and earnings
responsibility. At the same time, Mitsubishi Corporation introduced a new
internal performance indicator, Mitsubishi Corporation Value Added (MCVA), which
measures whether businesses are able to cover the cost of capital associated
with a given level of risk. BUs are classified into three types: Stretch, Build
and Restructure.

- Stretch BUs aim to maintain and increase earnings by adding new functions.

- Build BUs aim to expand new business domains.

- Restructure BUs aim to drastically realign their business through downsizing,
restructuring and withdrawal from unprofitable areas.

All BUs will be assigned a clearly defined mission and MCVA is used to evaluate
their results in detail. This system is thus employed to implement the Portfolio
Management Strategy.

By firmly establishing this management cycle throughout the company, Mitsubishi
Corporation is now able to deploy resources in a bold and rapid manner to
high-potential fields of business.

(3) Corporate Governance

Within the framework of MC2003, Mitsubishi Corporation is taking measures to
improve the transparency and efficiency of its management systems. Goals are
upgrading the system for managing businesses and strengthening corporate
governance. For this purpose, the executive officer system was introduced to
clearly divide the roles and responsibilities of directors and executive
officers. Additionally, a Governance Committee and International Advisory
Committee were established to incorporate the views of prominent individuals
from outside Mitsubishi Corporation in the company's management.

In the past fiscal year, the Governance Committee met twice and the
International Advisory Committee met once. Discussions were held concerning
Mitsubishi Corporation's governance systems and management issues accompanying
the increasingly global nature of markets. Furthermore, steps are being taken to
strengthen auditing and compliance functions. Mitsubishi Corporation is
upgrading internal auditing capabilities, reports on audit plans and results are
submitted periodically to directors, and the company's policy regarding ODA
(Japanese government-supported) projects is being reviewed.

Note: Mitsubishi Corporation's Corporate Governance System

Mitsubishi Corporation has a corporate auditor system as well as a 17-member
Board of Directors that includes 14 internal directors and 3 outside directors.
There are 5 corporate auditors, 3 internal and 2 external. (There are no
significant related-party interests between Mitsubishi Corporation and any of
the external directors and corporate auditors.)

The Board of Directors is advised by the 7-member Governance Committee (composed
of 3 members from outside the company, 1 external director and 3 internal
directors) and a 9-member International Advisory Committee (composed of 6
prominent individuals from outside the company and representing different areas
of the world, 1 external director and 2 internal directors).

Oversight of the auditing function is performed by the Internal Audit Dept.,
which acts as an internal auditing body. This department is responsible for
ensuring that business activities are performed properly and efficiently.
Compliance activities are conducted by making all Mitsubishi Corporation
personnel fully aware of the Mitsubishi Corporation Code of Conduct that was
formulated in 2000 (and partially amended in 2003), and are being strengthened
by the Chief Compliance Officer and the establishment of the Compliance
Committee, which provides advice to this officer.

Through the above actions, Mitsubishi Corporation is consistently improving its
basic ability to generate earnings and its internal organization. At the same
time, Mitsubishi Corporation will continue to work on shifting to the
high-profit structure envisioned in MC2003 by concentrating on building a
sounder operating base. Actions in this regard include reducing operating
expenses on a consolidated basis, reducing the occurrence of bad debt through a
rigorous risk management program, and reviewing assets in order to utilize
Mitsubishi Corporation's resources more productively.

Operating environment of Mitsubishi Corporation is undergoing rapid and dynamic
changes. All Mitsubishi Corporation executives and employees are determined to
view change as opportunities. Brand equity, human resources, business networks
and other intangible assets will be fully utilized to bring a company that is
attractive to shareholders and other stakeholders as an organization that can
create value.

2. Basic Policy Regarding the Appropriation of Profits

Basic policy of Mitsubishi Corporation is to exceed shareholders expectations by
maintaining a stable dividend, while using retained earnings to maximize the
corporate value of the Mitsubishi Corporation.

The dividend for the time being will be set in accordance with the company's
desire to stabilize and raise the dividend. As such, Mitsubishi Corporation
plans to set the annual dividend for fiscal 2002, ended March 31, 2002, at 8 Yen
per share, the same as for the preceding fiscal year, combined with the interim
dividend of 4 Yen per share.

Mitsubishi Corporation is also working to improve its competitiveness and
increase profitability on a consolidated basis by effectively using retained
earnings for business investments, capital expenditures and other corporate

3. Policy Regarding a Reduction of the Trading Unit

Mitsubishi Corporation considers a reduction to its trading unit as an effective
means of widening its shareholder base and improving the liquidity of its
shares. The company will examine the merits of lowering the trading unit based
on the trading volumes of its shares as well as a cost-benefit analysis.

II. Operating Results and Financial Position

1. General Operating Environment

During the fiscal year under review, the global economy was strong for much of
the year due to growth of the U.S. economy. However, global economic expansion
began to slow late in 2002.

The U.S. economy performed well during the first half of the fiscal year as
robust consumer spending for automobiles and other products offset weakness in
capital expenditures that was caused by excessive purchases of capital equipment
in the past and declining corporate earnings. However, a worsening employment
picture and growing tension over Iraq caused consumer sentiment to cool.
Economic growth began to slow late in 2002 as a result, with this trend becoming
more pronounced as the fiscal year drew to a close.

In the EU region, economic growth was minimal as exports slowed in tandem with
the growth rate of the U.S. economy.

In Asia, rising exports to the U.S. and within Asia, the primary source of
growth, coupled with higher domestic demand driven by consumer spending led to
solid economic expansion.

In Japan, the economy expanded slowly in the fiscal year's first half as exports
to the U.S. and Asia increased. However, the economy was unable to stage a
broad-based recovery due to pressure from problem loans, deflationary forces and
other internal problems. As the end of the fiscal year approached, the economic
outlook became increasingly uncertain as the U.S. economy continued to slow and
stock prices plummeted.

2.      Consolidated Results (US GAAP)

(1) Summary of Fiscal 2003 Results

Operating transactions increased Y 98.0 billion, or 0.7%, to Y 13,328.7 billion,
the net result of newly consolidated Living Essentials subsidiaries and growth
in transactions of petrochemical products in Chemicals and of declines in
transactions of crude oil and petroleum products in the Energy Business and
steel products in Metals.

Gross profit rose Y 74.7 billion, or 11.6%, to Y 718.6 billion. This increase
was mainly due to strong performances by metal resource subsidiaries, growth at
Living Essentials subsidiaries in the food sector, and newly consolidated
subsidiaries that wholesale food products to convenience stores.

Selling, general and administrative expenses increased in line with the
consolidation of new subsidiaries and higher early retirement and pension
expenses at the parent company. However, provision for doubtful receivables
improved due to a decrease in provisions for large-scale doubtful receivables.

Due to these factors, operating income increased Y 32.5 billion, or 47.6%, to Y
100.6 billion, exceeding Y 100 billion for the first time in a decade.

In other income (expenses), dividends received from resource projects declined.
And there was a Y 78.1 billion negative change in net loss on marketable
securities and investments, reflecting large write-offs of available-for-sale
marketable securities and the absence of substantial gains on sales of shares
recorded in the prior fiscal year.

Income from consolidated operations before income taxes decreased Y 38.7
billion, or 38.9%, to Y 60.8 billion.

Net equity in earnings of affiliated companies surged Y 30.9 billion to Y 39.7
billion, an all-time high. One reason for the large increase was the absence of
an impairment loss on equity method goodwill in Lawson, Inc. in the prior fiscal
year. In addition, there was a recovery in earnings from automobile operations
in Asia and Europe.

Net income increased Y 1.9 billion, or 3.2%, to Y 62.3 billion, the
third-highest level ever after fiscal 2001 and fiscal 1991.

(2) Outlook for the Fiscal Year Ending March 31, 2004

Due to the consolidation of Metal One, Mitsubishi Corporation estimates that
operating transactions will increase by about Y 970.0 billion to Y 14,300.0
billion. Gross profit is expected to increase by Y 56.4 billion to Y 775.0
billion because of the inclusion of Metal One and higher earnings at a
subsidiary that rents nursing care products. Along with a projected decline in
the provision for doubtful receivables, this is expected to produce an increase
in operating income.

Net income is expected to rise to Y 100.0 billion, about Y 37.7 billion more
than in fiscal 2003 when Mitsubishi Corporation recorded a large amount of
write-offs of marketable securities.

Mitsubishi Corporation forecasts assume an exchange rate of 115 JPY to US$1, a
crude oil price of US$25.9 / BBL and an interest rate (TIBOR) of 0.10%.

Reference: Changes of basic assumptions

                        FY 2004 (Est.)             FY 2003 (Act.)             Change
     Exchange rate      115 .0JPY=US$1             122.0 JPY=US$1             -7.0 JPY to US$1
    Crude oil price     US$24.0 / BBL              US$25.9 / BBL              -US$1.9 / BBL
 Interest rate (TIBOR)  0.10%                      0.09%                      +0.01%

Note: Earnings forecasts and other forward-looking statements in this release
are current views and beliefs of management in accordance with data currently
available, and are subject to a number of risks, uncertainties and other factors
that may cause actual results to differ materially from those projected.

(3) Cash Flows

Cash and cash equivalents as of March 31, 2003 were Y 348.8 billion, Y 46.4
billion, or 11.8%, less than one year earlier. Although there was an increase in
operating cash flows and proceeds from the reduction in portfolio assets by
financial subsidiaries, even more cash was used for the repayment of debt.

(Operating activities)

Net cash provided by operating activities was Y 270.3 billion, mainly a
reflection of growth in funds from trading in metal resources and food

(Investing activities)

Net cash used in investing activities was Y 24.4 billion. Although cash was
provided by the reduction of investment assets at finance subsidiaries, a
substantial amount of cash was used overseas for the purchase of aircraft for
leasing and communications network equipment.

Free cash flows, the sum of operating and investing cash flows, was Y 245.9

(Financing activities)

Net cash used in financing activities was Y 282.7 billion. Funds were provided
by the issuance of bonds by the parent company. But cash from operating
activities and the reduction of investment assets at finance subsidiaries was
used to repay debt.

(4) Changes in Directors

As already announced.

Forward-Looking Statements

The statements included in this release contain forward-looking statements about
future plans, strategies, beliefs and performance of Mitsubishi Corporation that
are not historical facts. Such statements are based on the company assumptions
and beliefs in light of competitive, financial and economic data currently
available and are subject to a number of risks, uncertainties and assumptions
that, without limitation, relate to world economic conditions, exchange rates
and commodity prices. Accordingly, Mitsubishi Corporation wishes to caution
readers that actual results may differ materially from those projected in this

                                     # # #

For further information contact:                Mitsubishi Corporation

                                                Investor Relations Office

                                                Phone: 81-3-3210-8580

                                                Fax: 81-3-3210-8583

                                                e-mail: ml.ir@mitsubishicorp.com

                                                                    May 14, 2003

                                                          Mitsubishi Corporation


           (Mitsubishi Corporation and subsidiaries based on US GAAP)

1. Operating transactions and income

                                      Operating     Operating income          Income from           Net income    
                                     transactions                             consolidated                        
                                                                          operations before                      
                                                                             income taxes                        
       For the year ended          Millions of Yen      Millions of Yen      Millions of Yen     Millions of Yen  
           March 31, 2003                13,328,721             100,639                60,834             60,265 
           March 31, 2002                13,230,675              68,189                99,519             60,318 

                  Net income per     Net income per   Return on equity  Pre-tax income to    Pre-tax income
                      share              share                          total assets ratio to total operating
                                     (diluted basis)                                       transactions ratio           
 For the year                  Yen                Yen                 %                  %                  %
 March 31, 2003              39.76              37.26               6.3                0.7                0.5
 March 31, 2002              38.50              38.50               6.0                1.2                0.8

2. Assets and shareholders' equity

                      Total assets     Shareholders' equity       Ratio of       Shareholders' equity
                                                            shareholders' equity
                                                              to total assets         per share
For the year           Millions of Yen      Millions of Yen                    %                  Yen
   March 31, 2003            8,097,937              937,058                 11.6               598.51
   March 31, 2002            8,146,262            1,029,859                 12.6               657.40

3. Cash Flows

                  Operating activities Investing activities Financing activities    Cash and cash
                                                                                     end of year
For the year           Millions of Yen      Millions of Yen      Millions of Yen      Millions of Yen
   March 31, 2003              270,281              -24,388             -282,681              348,780
   March 31, 2002              161,651               38,057             -129,620              395,227

4. Prospects for the year ending March 31, 2004

                                Operating                  Net income
For the year ending                Millions of Yen            Millions of Yen
         March 31, 2004                 14,300,000                    100,000

(Forecast of Net income per share for the year ending March 31, 2004 : 63.87

5. Number of consolidated subsidiaries :  365

Number of affiliated companies accounted for by the equity method :  162

(As written in 3-(1) of "Basis of Consolidated Financial Statements", only
companies to which consolidated accounting principles are directly applied are
accounted for as consolidated subsidiaries)

(1) The consolidated financial statements have been prepared in accordance with
accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America

(2) Operating transactions and operating incomes, as presented above, are
voluntary disclosures solely for the convenience of Japanese investors.

Operating transactions represents the gross transaction volume or the aggregate
nominal value of the sales contracts in which the companies act as principal and
transactions in which the companies serve as agent. Operating transactions
exclude the contract value of transactions in which the companiesf role is
limited to that of a broker.

Operating income reflects the companiesf (a) gross profit, (b) selling, general
and administrative expenses, and (c) provision for doubtful receivables.

Operating transactions and operating income, as presented above, are non-GAAP
measure commonly used by similar Japanese trading companies and should not be
construed as equivalent to, or a substitute or proxy for, revenues, or as an
indicator of our operating performance, liquidity or cash flows generated by
operating, investing or financing activities.

(3) Certain restatement and reclassification for the year ended March 31, 2002
have been made to conform to presentation for March 31, 2003 see Note 2. of
"Basis of Consolidated Financial Statements".

(4) The translation of Japanese yen amounts into United States dollar amounts
with respect to the year ended March 31, 2003 are included solely for the
convenience of readers outside Japan and have been made at the rate of Y118=
USD1, the approximate rate of exchange at March 31, 2003.

Forward-looking Statements

This presentation contains forward-looking statements about Mitsubishi
Corporation's future plans, strategies, beliefs and performance that are not
historical facts. Such statements are based on the company's assumptions and
beliefs in light of competitive, financial and economic data currently available
and are subject to a number of risks, uncertainties and assumptions that,
without limitation, relate to world economic conditions, exchange rates and
commodity prices. Accordingly, Mitsubishi Corporation wishes to caution readers
that actual results may differ materially from those projected in this

                     Subsidiaries and Affiliated Companies

                                                          Mitsubishi Corporation

  Mitsubishi Corporation's subsidiaries and affiliates are diverse organizations
engaged in a wide variety of activities on a global scale.  We manufacture and
market a wide range of products, including fuels, metals, machinery, chemicals
and living essentials.  Some of our basic functions -- information and
telecommunications, finance, logistics and  retailing -- enhance the above
activities and enable us to provide comprehensive solutions to customers.  We
also invest actively in energy, natural resources, project development and
information technology areas.

  Mitsubishi Corporation organizes business groups according to products and
services.  Business groups manage their products and services through
subsidiaries and affiliates (Subsidiaries: 921, Affiliates: 509).

  The following table shows products and services by operating segment and major
subsidiaries and affiliates.

                             PRODUCTS OR SERVICES             MAJOR SUBSIDIARIES               MAJOR AFFILIATES       
  NEW BUSINESS            IT,e-commerce,                RYOKO LOGISTICS CORPORATION      LAWSON, INC.                 
  (148)                   Logistics,                    PLC                              LTD.                         
                          Consumer Business,            IT FRONTIER CORPORATION                                       
                          Healthcare                    NIPPON CARE SUPPLY CO.,LTD                                    
                                                                               (89)                          (59)       
  BUSINESS                business, Digital Systems &   (EUROPE) B.V.                    CORPORATION                  
  (62)                    Devices, Aerospaces           JAPAN SPACE IMAGING CO.,         UNIDUX INC.                  
                                                                               (35)                          (27)       
  ENERGY BUSINESS         Petroleum Products,           MITSUBISHI SHOJI SEKIYU          JAPAN AUSTRALIA              
  (133)                   Carbon, Crude Oil, LPG, LNG   CO.,LTD.                         LNG(MIMI)PTY.,LTD.           
                                                        PETRO-DIAMOND INC.               BRUNEI LNG SENDIRIAN BERHAD  
                                                        DIAMOND GAS RESOURCES PTY.LTD.                                
                                                                              (100)                          (33)       
  METALS                  Ferrous Products, Coals,      METAL ONE CORPORATION JECO       IRON ORE COMPANY OF CANADA   
  (274)                   Ore,                          MITSUBISHI DEVELOPMENT           MOZAL S.A.R.L.               
                          Nickel , Ferro-Alloy,         PTY.,LTD.                                                     
                          Non-Ferrous Metals &                                                                        
                          Minerals, Non-Ferrous Metal                                                                 
                                                                              (193)                          (81)       
  (316)                   Plants, Ships, Automobiles,   NORTE,S.A.DE C.V.                CORP.                        
                          Industrial Machinery,         TRI PETCH ISUZU SALES CO.,LTD.   DIAMOND CITY CO.,LTD.        
                          Project Development &                                                                       
                                                                              (203)                         (113)       
  CHEMICALS               Chemical Products,            MITSUBISHI SHOJI PLASTICS        METANOL DE                   
  (103)                   Inorganic Chemicals           CORP.                            ORIENTE,METOR,S.A.           
                          Products,                     MITENI S.P.A.                    EXPORTADORA DE SAL,S.A. DE   
                          Fertilizer, Chlor-Alkali,                                      C.V.                         
                          Functional Chemicals                                                                        
                                                                               (55)                          (48)       
  LIVING ESSENTIALS       Foods & Food Products,        RYOSHOKU LTD.                    COCA-COLA CENTRAL JAPAN      
  (296)                   Textiles, General             TOYO REIZO CO.,LTD.              CO.,LTD                      
                          Merchandise                   MITSUBISHI SHOJI CONSTRUCTION    MITSUBISHI PAPER SALES       
                                                        MATERIALS LTD.                   CORPORATION                  
                                                        PRINCES LTD.                                                  
                                                        ALPAC FOREST PRODUCTS                                         
                                                                             (169)                         (127)        
  CORPORATE STAFF         Finance, Accounting,          MITSUBISHI CORPORATION           KOHJIN CO.,LTD.              
  SECTION                 Personnel,                    FINANCIAL & MANAGEMENT                                        
  (58)                    General affairs               SERVICES(JAPAN)LTD.                                           
                                                                             (38)                           (20)        
  OVERSEAS SUBSIDIARIES    Handling of a Broad 
                           Range of Products,           MITSUBISHI INTERNATIONAL            
  (40)                     similar to the Parent        CORPORATION
                           Company in Japan             MITSUBISHI CORPORATION 
                                                        INTERNATIONAL N.V.      
                                                        MITSUBISHI CORPORATION
                                                        (HONG KONG)LTD.          
                                                                             (39)                            (1)        

Note: 1. As of April 1st,2003, Mitsubishi Corporation reclassified certain
business group. The IT & Electronics Business Group was disbandled as follows:
The IT & Electronics Business Group's Telecommunication & Broadcasting Division
will be included in the New Business Initiative Group; The Aerospace Division,
the Telecommunication & Broadcasting Division's Satellite Communications
Business Unit will be included in Machinery Group.

     2. Among the above-listed subsidiaries, "Ryoshoku LTD." is listed on Tokyo
Stock Exchange  (1st section). In addition, "Nitto Flour Milling CO.,LTD.",which
is not included in the above major subsidiaries, is also listed on Tokyo Stock
Exchange (1st section).

                    Mitsubishi Corporation and subsidiaries


                Years ended March 31, 2003 (unaudited) and 2002

                                                                       Millions of yen                    Millions of 
                                                                                                         U.S. dollars 
                                                                 2003         2002        Increase or         2003      
  Operating transactions                                    13,328,721     13,230,675    98,046     0.7        112,955  
  Gross profit                                                 718,580        643,922    74,658    11.6          6,090
                                  Gross profit ratio             5.39           4.87                                 
  Selling, general and administrative expenses               (595,392)      (542,813)   -52,579     9.7        (5,046)
  Provision for doubtful receivables                          (22,549)       (32,920)    10,371       -          (191)
  Operating income                                             100,639         68,189    32,450    47.6            853
  Other income (expenses) :                                                                                           
  Interest expense - net                                      (13,984)       (11,767)    -2,217    18.8          (119)
  Dividends                                                     28,244         36,277    -8,033   -22.1            239
  Gain (loss) on marketable securities                        (43,155)         34,908   -78,063       -          (366)
  and investments - net                                                                                               
  Loss on property and equipment-net                           (5,573)        (8,489)     2,916       -           (47)
  Other - net                                                  (5,337)       (19,599)    14,262       -           (44)
            Other income (expenses) - net                     (39,805)         31,330    71,135       -          (337) 
  Income from consolidated operations                           60,834         99,519   -38,685   -38.9            516
  before income taxes                                                                                                 
  Income taxes                                                                                                        
  Current                                                     (56,268)       (45,542)   -10,726       -          (477)
  Deferred                                                      17,966          (333)    18,299       -            152
  Income from consolidated operations                           22,532         53,644   -31,112   -58.0            191
  Minority interests in income of consolidated                 (8,071)        (2,136)    -5,935       -           (68)
  Equity in earnings of affiliated companies-net                                                                      
  (less applicable income taxes)                                39,704          8,810    30,894   350.7            336
  Income before cumulative effect of changes in                 54,165         60,318    -6,153   -10.2            459
  accounting principles                                                                                               
  Cumulative effect of a change in accounting                    8,100              -     8,100       -             69
  principle - net of tax                                                                                              
  Net income                                                    62,265         60,318     1,947     3.2            528

Note:Certain restatements and reclassifications for the year ended March 31,
2002 have been made to conform to the presentation for March 31, 2003.

    See Note 2. of "Basis of Consolidated Financial Statements"

                    Mitsubishi Corporation and subsidiaries


                      March 31, 2003 (unaudited) and 2002

                       ASSETS                                     Millions of yen              Millions of

                                                                                              U.S. dollars
                                                        March 31     March 31    Increase or    March 31

                                                          2003         2002      (-)decrease      2003
 Current assets:
Cash and cash equivalents                                  348,780      395,227       -46,447         2,956
Time deposits                                               38,069       30,590         7,479           323
Short-term investments                                     128,670      242,345      -113,675         1,090
Notes and loans                                            514,338      483,150        31,188         4,359
Accounts                                                 1,884,041    1,870,365        13,676        15,966
Affiliated companies                                       278,090      253,510        24,580         2,357
Allowance for doubtful receivables                        (66,506)     (51,070)       -15,436         (564)
Inventories                                                485,071      474,456        10,615         4,111
Advance payments to suppliers                              138,746      133,770         4,976         1,176
Deferred income taxes                                       55,651       48,170         7,481           472
Other current assets                                       117,198       99,383        17,815           993
Total current assets                                     3,922,148    3,979,896       -57,748        33,239
 Investments and non-current receivables:
Investments in and advances to affiliated companies        712,774      647,166        65,608         6,040
Other investments                                        1,189,107    1,344,930      -155,823        10,077
Non-current notes, loans and accounts                      724,195      831,270      -107,075         6,137
Allowance for doubtful receivables                       (116,085)    (117,840)         1,755         (984)
Total investments and non-current receivables            2,509,991    2,705,526      -195,535        21,270
 Property and equipment- Net                             1,176,613    1,074,183       102,430         9,971
 Other assets                                              489,185      386,657       102,528         4,145
                        Total                            8,097,937    8,146,262       -48,325        68,627

                    Mitsubishi Corporation and subsidiaries


                      March 31, 2003 (unaudited) and 2002

        LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY                     Millions of yen              Millions of

                                                                                             U.S. dollars
                                                       March 31     March 31    Increase or       March 31

                                                         2003         2002      (-)decrease          2003
Current liabilities:
Short-term debt                                           572,708      681,745      -109,037         4,853
Current maturities of long-term debt                      388,957      417,689       -28,732         3,296
Notes and acceptances                                     206,575      210,519        -3,944         1,751
Accounts                                                1,586,112    1,493,995        92,117        13,442
Affiliated companies                                       70,972       62,145         8,827           601
Advances from customers                                   110,814       99,829        10,985           939
Accrued income taxes                                       34,682       31,928         2,754           294
Other accrued expenses                                     90,950       95,655        -4,705           771
Other current liabilities                                 211,684      192,109        19,575         1,794
Total current liabilities                               3,273,454    3,285,614       -12,160        27,741
Long-term debt, less current maturities                 3,085,016    3,238,871      -153,855        26,144
Accrued pension and severance liabilities                 215,679      104,629       111,050         1,828
Deferred income taxes                                      62,336       33,735        28,601           529
Other long-term liabilities                               313,747      319,162        -5,415         2,659
Minority interests                                        210,647      134,392        76,255         1,785
Shareholders' equity:
Common stock                                              126,609      126,609             -         1,073
Additional paid-in capital                                179,491      179,491             -         1,521
Retained earnings:
Appropriated for legal reserve                             35,550       35,524            26           301
Unappropriated                                            872,939      823,236        49,703         7,398
Accumulated other comprehensive income (loss):
Net unrealized gains on securities available for           54,745       79,261       -24,516           464
Net unrealized losses on derivatives                     (10,000)      (6,145)        -3,855          (85)
Minimum pension liability adjustments                   (148,126)     (78,623)       -69,503       (1,255)
Foreign currency translation adjustments                (173,401)    (129,390)       -44,011       (1,470)
Less treasury stock                                         (749)        (104)          -645           (6)
Total shareholders' equity                                937,058    1,029,859       -92,801         7,941
                       Total                            8,097,937    8,146,262       -48,325        68,627

Note: Certain restatements and reclassifications for the year ended March 31,
2002 have been made to conform to the presentation for March 31, 2003. See Note
2. of "Basis of Consolidated Financial Statements".

                    Mitsubishi Corporation and subsidiaries

              Statements of Consolidated Shareholders' Equity and

                              Comprehensive Income

                Years ended March 31, 2003 (unaudited) and 2002

                                                            Millions of yen               Millions of U.S.
                                                          2003                2002                 2003

                                                    Apr. 2002 - Mar.     Apr. 2001 - Mar.   Apr. 2002 - Mar. 2003
                                                           2003                2002

Shareholders' Equity
Common stock
Balance, beginning and end of year                          126,609             126,609                1,073

Additional paid-in capital
Balance, beginning and end of year                          179,491             179,491                1,521

Retained earnings appropriated for legal
Balance, beginning of year                                   35,524              35,220                  301
Transfer from unappropriated retained earnings                   26                 304                    0
Balance, end of year                                         35,550              35,524                  301

Unappropriated retained earnings:
Balance, beginning of year                                  823,236             775,759                6,976
Net income                                                   62,265              60,318                  528
Total                                                       885,501             836,077                7,504
Cash dividends paid                                        (12,536)            (12,537)                (106)
Transfer to retained earnings appropriated for
legal reserve                                                  (26)               (304)                    0
Total                                                      (12,562)            (12,841)                (106)
Balance, end of year                                        872,939             823,236                7,398

Accumulated other comprehensive loss (net of
Balance, beginning of year                                (134,897)           (146,664)              (1,143)
Other comprehensive income (loss)                         (141,885)              11,767              (1,203)
Balance, end of year                                      (276,782)           (134,897)              (2,346)

Treasury stock:
Balance, beginning of year                                    (104)                 (3)                  (1)
Purchases-net                                                 (645)               (101)                  (5)
Balance, end of year                                          (749)               (104)                  (6)

             Statements of Consolidated Comprehensive Income(Loss)

                Years ended March 31, 2003 (unaudited) and 2002

                                                            Millions of yen               Millions of U.S.
                                                          2003                2002                 2003

                                                     Apr. 2002 - Mar.     Apr. 2001 - Mar.   Apr. 2002 - Mar. 2003
                                                              2003                2002

Comprehensive Income (Loss)                                  
Net income                                                   62,265              60,318                  528
Other comprehensive income (loss):
Unrealized gains on securities available for               (24,516)            (43,291)                (208)
Unrealized losses on derivative instruments                 (3,855)             (6,145)                 (33)
Minimum pension liability adjustments                      (69,503)            (12,987)                (589)
Foreign currency translation adjustments                   (44,011)              74,190                (373)
Other comprehensive income (loss)                         (141,885)              11,767              (1,203) 
Comprehensive Income(Loss)                                 (79,620)              72,085                (675)

NOTE: (1)Dividends and appropriations for legal reserve shown for each year
represent dividends paid out during the year and the appropriation for legal
reserve made in relation to the respective dividends.

(2)Certain restatements and reclassifications for the year ended March 31, 2002
have been made to conform to the presentation for March 31, 2003. See Note ,Q.
of "Basis of Consolidated Financial Statements".

                    Mitsubishi Corporation and subsidiaries

                       STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS (US GAAP)

                Years ended March 31, 2003 (unaudited) and 2002

                                                            Millions of      Millions of       Millions of

                                                                Yen              Yen          U.S. Dollars
                                                               2003             2002              2003
I. Operating activities:

Net income                                                        62,265           60,318                528
Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash
provided by operating activities:
Depreciation and amortization                                    103,094           90,286                874
Provision for doubtful receivables                                22,549           32,920                191
(Gain) loss on marketable securities and investments -            43,155         (34,908)                366
Loss on property and equipment - net                               5,573            8,489                 47
Equity in earnings of affiliated companies, less                (17,718)            7,797              (150)
dividends received
Deferred income taxes                                           (17,966)              333              (152)
Cumulative effect of a change in accounting                      (8,100)                -               (69)
principle-net of tax
Changes in operating assets and liabilities:
Short-term investments -trading securities                       (4,942)           17,675               (42)
Notes and accounts receivable - trade                            115,342          101,465                978
Inventories                                                        3,097           27,394                 26
Notes, acceptances and accounts payable - trade                (116,593)        (210,384)              (988)
Other - net                                                       80,525           60,266                682
Net cash provided by operating activities                        270,281          161,651              2,291

II. Investing activities:
Expenditures for property and equipment and other              (133,772)        (112,474)            (1,134)
Net decrease in investments                                       58,464           50,840                495
Net decrease in loans receivable                                  69,499           66,194                589
Net decrease (increase) in time deposits                        (18,579)           33,497              (157)
Net cash provided by (used in) investing activities             (24,388)           38,057              (207)

III. Financing activities:
Net decrease in short-term debt                                (171,319)        (228,456)            (1,452)
Net increase (decrease) in long-term debt                       (98,826)          111,373              (838)
Payment of dividends                                            (12,536)         (12,537)              (106)
Net cash used in financing activities                          (282,681)        (129,620)            (2,396)

IV. Effect of exchange rate changes on cash and cash             (9,659)           10,259               (82)

V. Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents         (46,447)           80,347              (394)

VI. Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of year                 395,227          314,880              3,350

VII. Cash and cash equivalents, end of year                      348,780          395,227              2,956

Note: Certain restatements and reclassifications for the year ended March 31,
2002 have been made to conform to the presentation for March 31, 2003. See Note
2. of "Basis of Consolidated Financial Statements".

Basis of Consolidated Financial Statements

1. Basic Accounting Policies

The accompanying consolidated financial statements of Mitsubishi Corporation
(the Company) and its subsidiaries (collectively, the companies) have been
prepared in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the
United States of America (U.S. GAAP). However, geographic segment information is
presented in the form of Japanese accounting principles.

The principle differences between U.S. and Japanese accounting standards
applicable to the companies relate to the followings:

(1) Valuation of investments

(2) Valuation of long-lived assets (Impaired assets are written down to
estimated fair value for U.S. GAAP)

(3) Deferral of gain on sales of properties for tax purpose (Not permitted under

(4) Derivative instruments and hedge accounting

(5) Pension and retirement benefit accounting (Unfunded obligations are
recognized as liabilities and other comprehensive income (loss) for U.S. GAAP)

(6) Business combinations and Goodwill and other intangible assets accounting

2. Restatement of Prior Year's Consolidated Financial Statements

During the year ended March 31, 2003, the companies acquired additional
investment in a cost method investee. The companies investment in the investee,
results of operations and retained earnings were retroactively restated in
accordance with Accounting Principles Board Opinion No. 18 The Equity Method of
Accounting for Investment in Common Stock, to account for the companies
ownership interest in the investee under the equity method. As a result, the
companies retroactively restated the consolidated statement of income,
consolidated balance sheets, statement of consolidated comprehensive income,
statement of consolidated cash flows, segment information, and fair value
information of investments for 2002.

The previously reported amounts, adjustments and the restated amounts for
consolidated net income, shareholders equity and total assets as of and for the
year ended March 31, 2002 are as follows:

(Millions of Yen)
                                  As Previously Reported       Adjustments            As Restated
             Net income                            60,225                     93                 60,318
     Total shareholders' equity                 1,028,523                  1,336              1,029,859
            Total assets                        8,144,926                  1,336              8,146,262

3. Scope of Consolidation and Application of the Equity Method

(1) Number of consolidated subsidiaries and equity-method affiliates

                                    As of Mar.31, 2003      As of Mar.31, 2002            Change
    Consolidated subsidiaries                 365                     387                     -22
    Equity-method affiliates                  162                     177                     -15
    Total                                     527                     564                     -37

Note: The numbers of consolidated subsidiaries stated above represent companies,
which the parent company directly consolidates or applies equity method.  To
conform to the presentation as of March 31, 2003, the previously reported number
of consolidated subsidiaries as of March 31, 2002 was restated resulting in a
decrease in consolidated subsidiaries by 187 and a decrease in equity-method
affiliates by 29, totaling 216 companies. As for the numbers as of March 31,
2003, the change of presentation decreased the number of consolidated
subsidiaries and equity method affiliates by 356 companies in total.

(2) Changes in scope of consolidation and application of the equity method

(Consolidated subsidiaries)





(Transferred to Equity-method affiliates)


(Equity-method affiliates)


The change in the number of consolidated subsidiaries and equity-method
affiliates includes 47 subsidiaries and affiliates that the Company ceased to
directly consolidate due to transfer of steel products subsidiaries and
affiliates to Metal One Corporation, a new subsidiary established through the
integration of steel products operations with Nissho Iwai Corporation.

3. Application of New Accounting Standards

Effective April 1, 2002, the companies adopted Statement of Financial Accounting
Standards (SFAS) No. 141 (SFAS 141) Business Combinations and SFAS No. 142 (SFAS
142) Goodwill and Other Intangible Assets. SFAS 141 prohibits the use of the
pooling-of-interest method, and all business combinations are required to be
accounted for under the purchase method. SFAS 142 addresses the accounting for
acquired goodwill and other intangible assets.

Upon the adoption of SFAS 142, the companies determined that goodwill,
intangible assets with indefinite useful lives and equity method goodwill are no
longer amortized, but are tested for impairment at least annually or more
frequently if events or changes in circumstances indicate that the asset might
be impaired. As a result, the companies net income for the year ended March 31,
2003 increased by approximately Y10.3 billion (USD 87 million). In addition, as
a result of the companies impairment testing required by SFAS 142, a goodwill
impairment loss of Y0.5 billion (USD 4 million) was recognized in the first
quarter of the year ended March 31, 2003, and unamortized negative goodwill and
equity-method goodwill of approximately Y8.6 billion (USD 73 million) were
recognized  as required by SFAS 141.  Approximately Y8.1 billion (USD 69
million) in total were included in Cumulative effect of change in accounting

Effective April 1, 2002, the companies adopted SFAS No. 144 (SFAS144),
Accounting for the Impairment or Disposal of Long-Lived Assets. SFAS 144
supersedes SFAS No. 121, Accounting for the Impairment of Long-Lived Assets and
for Long-Lived Assets to Be Disposed Of, and requires that long-lived assets be
reviewed for impairment whenever events or changes in circumstances indicate
that the carrying amount may not be recoverable. Where the impairment test
indicates that an assets estimated undiscounted cash flows are less than its
carrying amount, an impairment loss is required to be recognized on the market
value or fair value of the asset. The adoption of SFAS 144 did not have a
material impact on the companies results of operations and financial position.

Effective January 1, 2003, the companies adopted SFAS No. 146 (SFAS 146),
"Accounting for Costs Associated with Exit or Disposal Activities. SFAS 146
addresses the accounting rules for costs associated with exit and disposal
activities on or after January 1, 2003. It requires that liabilities for such
costs be recognized at fair value when incurred. The adoption of SFAS 146 did
not have a material impact on the companiesf results of operations and financial

In November 2002, the FASB issued Interpretation No. 45 (FIN 45), Guarantor's
Accounting and Disclosure Requirements for Guarantees, Including Indirect
Guarantees of Indebtedness of Others. FIN 45 addresses the disclosure
requirements associated with obligations for certain guarantees and is
applicable to such guarantees issued or modified on or after January 1, 2003.
The Interpretation requires that a liability be recognized for the fair value of
the guarantee obligation. The adoption of this interpretation did not have a
material impact on the companiesf results of operations and financial position.

In January 2003, the FASB issued FIN No. 46 (FIN 46), Consolidation of Variable
Interest Entities. FIN 46 requires primary beneficiaries to consolidate variable
interest entities (VIEs). This interpretation is effective from January 1, 2003
for all new VIEs created or acquired on or after February 1, 2003. For VIEs
created or acquired prior to February 1, 2003, the provisions of FIN 46 become
effective for the companies during the second quarter of the fiscal year ending
March 31, 2004. The adoption of this interpretation did not have an impact on
the companiesf results of operations and financial position because there were
no VIEs created or acquired on or after February 1, 2003. The companies are
presently determining the impact for VIEs created or acquired prior to February
1, 2003.

4. Contingent Liabilities

The Company and/or a U.S. subsidiary have been named as a defendant in several
lawsuits in the U.S. and Canada by graphite electrode users and also as a
defendant in a lawsuit by UCAR International Inc. (UCAR, now known as GrafTech
International Ltd.), a graphite electrode manufacturer in connection with the
sales and marketing of graphite electrodes.

Four of the lawsuits brought by graphite electrode users have been resolved
between the parties, and one reached a settlement, which is subject to the
approval of the court, while three others remain active.

The lawsuits brought by graphite electrode users, that remain active do not
specify the amount of damages that are sought. UCAR is seeking damages in the
amount of $406 million and other unspecified damages, plus interest.

It is not possible for the Company to predict at this time what, if any,
liability the company may sustain on account of these lawsuits.

                    Mitsubishi Corporation and subsidiaries

                         SEGMENT INFORMATION (US GAAP)

                Years ended March 31, 2003 (unaudited) and 2002


The companies' operating segment information at and for the years ended March
31, 2003 and 2002 is as follows:

Year ended March 31, 2003

                                                                Millions of yen 

        New Busi     IT &    Energy   Metals      Mach  Chemicals     Living   Total    Other      Adjust     Consoli 
            ness     Elec       Bus              inery                                              ments       dated 
          Initia  tronics     iness                                    Essen                          and            
            tive      Bus                                              tials                      Elimina            
                    iness                                                                           tions 

  Exter   208,728 306,251 3,267,853 1,740,961 2,237,000 1,443,903 4,167,057 13,371,753   48,243   (91,275)  13,328,721

  Inter     8,406     788    41,762     5,650    12,982     2,974     5,430     77,992    3,492   (81,484)            

  Total    217,134 307,039 3,309,615 1,746,611 2,249,982 1,446,877 4,172,487 13,449,745  51,735  (172,759)  13,328,721
  Gross     38,424  22,264   54,658   121,561   123,192    64,922   282,490    707,511    8,695     2,374     718,580 

  Opera    (6,639)  5,582    10,338    45,921    24,984    20,403    61,211    161,800  (46,098)  (15,063)    100,639 

  Net in   (5,251)  (540)    23,955    23,929    19,666    10,479    34,129    106,367  (11,302)  (32,800)     62,265 

  Seg      933,764 296,021  841,601  1,498,040 1,789,381  595,230  1,459,156  7,413,193  955,544 (270,800)  8,097,937 

  Deprec    10,667  8,085     9,305    16,654    24,288     5,113    15,883     89,995   12,008     1,091     103,094 

  Capital   11,209  32,907    9,062    24,728    30,992     7,210    20,434    136,542    4,644               141,186 

                                                                                             Millions of U.S. dollars 

          New Bus     IT &    Energy   Metals     Mach    Chemicals    Living   Total    Other      Adjust    Consoli 
            iness     Elec       Bus              inery                                              ments       dated 
              Ini  tronics     iness                                    Essen                          and            
          tiative      Bus                                              tials                      Elimina            
                     iness                                                                           tions              


  Exter      1,769   2,595   27,693    14,754    18,958    12,237    35,314    113,320      409      (774)    112,955 

  Inter         71       7      354        48       110        25        46        661       29      (690)            

  Total      1,840   2,602   28,047    14,802    19,068    12,262    35,360    113,981      438    (1,464)    112,955 

  Gross        326     189      463     1,030     1,044       550     2,394      5,996       74         20      6,090 

  Oper        (56)      47       87       389       212       173       519      1,371    (391)      (127)        853 

  Net         (45)     (5)      203       203       167        89       289        901     (96)      (277)        528 

  Seg        7,913   2,509    7,132    12,695    15,164     5,045    12,366     62,824    8,098    (2,295)     68,627 

  Depre         90      69       79       141       206        43       135        763      102          9        874 

  Capital       95     279       77       209       263        61       173      1,157       39                 1,196 


Year ended March 31, 2002 

                                                                                                      Millions of yen 
                  New    IT &   Energy    Metals     Mach  Chemicals  Living         Total    Other   Adjust    Consoli 
                  Bus    Elec      Bus              inery              Essen                           ments      dated 
                iness tronics    iness                                 tials                            and            
                  Ini     Bus                                                                          Elimi            
              tiative   iness                                                                         nations           

External    163,333 428,435 3,436,847 1,962,462  2,147,173 1,298,371  3,777,821 13,214,442   31,694  (15,461) 13,230,675

Inter         5,853   1,889    36,527     4,545     11,356     2,108      3,271     65,549      724  (66,273)           

Total       169,186 430,324 3,473,374 1,967,007  2,158,529 1,300,479  3,781,092 13,279,991   32,418  (81,734) 13,230,675
Gross        30,954  30,095    49,932   106,553    122,829    50,139    239,227    629,729   12,144     2,049    643,922

Operating  (10,076)   8,690     3,898    27,065     23,746     9,903     51,311    114,537 (29,701)  (16,647)     68,189

Net        (20,290)   8,671    21,717    13,856     12,201     6,545     29,266    71,966   (9,502)   (2,146)     60,318

Segment   1,047,290 311,521   834,524 1,211,116  1,950,836   554,036  1,463,152 7,372,475  971,769  (197,982)  8,146,262

Depre         9,958   8,298     9,201    13,097     17,701     2,480     15,602    76,337    5,076     8,873      90,286

Capital      15,938   1,016     8,070    11,671     64,530    10,253     16,211   127,689    8,498    10,513    146,700 

  1. The segment information has been prepared in accordance with accounting
principles generally accepted in Japan (Japanese GAAP).

  2. "Adjustment or Eliminations" includes certain adjustments and
reclassifications (which have been incorporated in the accompanying consolidated
financial statements) to conform with U.S. GAAP along with certain income and
expense items that are not allocated to reportable operating segments and
intersegment eliminations.

  3. "Other"reperesents the Corporate Staff Section which primarily provide
services and operational support to the companies and affiliates.

This column also includes certain revenue and expenses from business activities
related to financing and human resource services that are not allocated to
reportable operating segments. Unallocated corporate assets categorized in
"Other" were Y 955,544 million (USD 8,098 million) and Y 971,769 million at
March 31, 2003 and 2002 respectively, which consist primarily of cash, time
deposits and securities for financial and investment activities.

    4. Certain restatements and reclassifications for the year ended March 31,
2002 have been made to conform to the presentation for March 31, 2003. See Note
               2.of "Basis of Consolidated Financial Statements".

                    Mitsubishi Corporation and subsidiaries

                         SEGMENT INFORMATION (US GAAP)

                Years ended March 31, 2003 (unaudited) and 2002


The companies' segment information by geographic areas at and for the years
ended March 31, 2003 and 2002 is as follows:

Year ended March 31, 2003
                                                        Millions of yen
                     Japan        North      Europe       Asia,    Other areas   Eliminations   Consolidated
                                 America                 Oceania                      or
External            11,424,676     638,811     422,684     691,381      151,169              -     13,328,721
Intersegment           422,455     543,268      86,083     233,510       53,715    (1,339,031)              -
Total               11,847,131   1,182,079     508,767     924,891      204,884    (1,339,031)     13,328,721

Operating           11,832,021   1,177,002     498,397     861,889      197,010    (1,338,237)     13,228,082
Operating income        15,110       5,077      10,370      63,002        7,874          (794)        100,639
Segment assets       6,015,403     480,719     644,099     754,333      503,229      (299,846)      8,097,937

                                                   Millions of U.S. dollars
                     Japan       North      Europe       Asia,    Other areas   Eliminations   Consolidated
                                America                 Oceania                      or
External               96,819       5,414       3,582       5,859        1,281              -        112,955
Intersegment            3,580       4,604         730       1,979          455       (11,348)              -
Total                 100,399      10,018       4,312       7,838        1,736       (11,348)        112,955

Operating             100,271       9,975       4,224       7,304        1,669       (11,341)        112,102
Operating income          128          43          88         534           67            (7)            853
Segment assets         50,978       4,074       5,458       6,393        4,265        (2,541)         68,627

Year ended March 31, 2002
                                                       Millions of yen
                     Japan       North      Europe       Asia,    Other areas   Eliminations   Consolidated
                                America                 Oceania                      or
External           11,148,925     691,933     395,323     745,945      248,549              -     13,230,675
Intersegment          462,884     547,431      95,928     271,519      174,123    (1,551,885)              -
Total              11,611,809   1,239,364     491,251   1,017,464      422,672    (1,551,885)     13,230,675

Operating          11,599,124   1,240,552     486,174     978,160      411,636    (1,553,160)     13,162,486
Operating income       12,685     (1,188)       5,077      39,304       11,036          1,275         68,189
Segment assets      5,846,906     599,261     769,174     706,394      558,428      (333,901)      8,146,262

  1. The Geographic segment information is presented in accordance with Japanese
Securities and Exchange Act.

  2. The Geographic areas were classified by geographic proximity.

  3. Main countries or areas included in each geographic segments;

North America: U.S.A., Canada

Europe: United Kingdom, Germany

Asia, Oceania: Hong Kong, Thailand, Australia

Other areas: Central and South America, Africa

  4. The amounts of unallocated common assets in the column of "Eliminations and
Unallocated" were Y 712,774 million (USD 6,040 million) and Y 644,065 million as
of March 31, 2003 and 2002, respectively, which consist of investments in and
advances to affiliates.

  5. Certain restatements and reclassifications for the year ended March 31,
2002 have been made to conform to the presentation for March 31, 2003. See Note
2. of "Basis of Consolidated Financial Statements".

                    Mitsubishi Corporation and subsidiaries


Pursuant to SFAS NO.115, substantially all of the companies' marketable equity
securities and debt securities, principally corporate bonds and commercial
paper, were classified as available-for-sale or held-to-maturity securities,
except for certain items categorized as trading securities. Fair value
information regarding each category of the securities classified as trading,
available-for-sale and held-to-maturity at March 31, 2003 and 2002, including
securities of which certain of the companies are the beneficial owners under
trust agreements with trust companies, is as follows.

March 31, 2003

                                                             Millions of Yen
                               Cost           Unrealized        Unrealized         Fair
                                                Gains            Losses           Value
    Trading                                                                      44,565
    Equity securities              340,648           153,064          (10,407)  483,305 
    Debt securities                252,488                 0           (3,430)  249,058
    Held-to-maturity               168,439               902             (764)  168,577


March 31, 2002

                                                             Millions of Yen
                                    Cost           Unrealized        Unrealized         Fair
                                                      Gains            Losses          Value
    Trading                                                                           36,204
    Equity securities              399,276           213,775          (31,403)       581,648 
    Debt securities                345,249                79               (1)       345,327
    Held-to-maturity               245,129             6,012           (1,237)       249,904  


March 31, 2003

                                                         Millions of U.S.Dollars
                                      Cost           Unrealized        Unrealized            Fair
                                                        Gains            Losses             Value

    Trading                                                                                  378
    Equity securities                2,887             1,297              (88)             4,096
    Debt securities                  2,139                 0              (29)             2,110
    Held-to-maturity                 1,427                 8               (6)             1,429


The changes in net unrealized holding gains and losses on trading securities
that were included in earnings were losses of Y1,039 million (USD9 million), and
gains of Y 120 million for the years ended March 31, 2003 and 2002,

"Other investments" include investments in non-traded and unaffiliated companies
and non-current time deposits amounting to Y372,410 million(USD3,156million) and
Y378,967 million at March 31, 2003 and 2002 respectively.

Note:Certain restatements and reclassifications for the year ended March 31,
2002 have been made to conform to the presentation for March 31, 2003. See Note
2. of "Basis of Consolidated Financial Statements".

(For Reference:Fair value of marketable securities regarding subsidiaries and
affiliated companies held by the parent company)

(as of March 31, 2003)
                                  Millions of Yen                        Millions of U.S.Dollars
                             Cost     Fair    Difference                Cost     Fair    Difference
                                     value                                      value

         Subsidiaries        12,592   76,159       63,567                  107      646          539
          Affiliated         44,358  100,193       55,835                  376      849          473
             Total           56,950  176,352      119,402                  483    1,495        1,012

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange