Lithium is primarily used as lithium compounds in the ceramics and glass industries, and in lubricants production. It is an important alloying agent in primary aluminum, and moreover a rather significant trend is that the metal is increasingly being applied in rechargeable batteries. The latter offers vast space for development and expansion of the lithium market. Due to the booming demand for laptops, cell phones, medical equipment, military facilities, which all use rechargeable batteries, lithium producers are undoubtedly forecast to rise the output and supplies.

The lithium industry is believed to be the major field with great investment opportunities and brightest future. The market is expected to grow by millions units be the end of the next decade.

Thorough and comprehensive market research of the lithium industry is the focus of the new report “Lithium Market Review”. The report examines the lithium market at the global, regional and country levels and offers deep insight into the market standing in the past and at present and provides information on the future of the lithium industry through 2017.

The report features and in-depth analysis of the lithium production and supply dynamics, demand and consumption indexes. It covers the prices for the material during various reviewed periods and trade dynamics. Major marketers are profiled and key market events are analysed. Future forecasts show how the market will develop and what volumes, prices and industry opportunities are there to be expected.

Report Details:

Lithium Market Review

Published: January, 2012Pages: 61

Monthly market monitoring service for lithium is also available.

The report on lithium has been elaborated by Merchant Research & Consulting Ltd, an internationally recognized market research agency, specializing in chemical industry. “Lithium Market Review” is included into the catalogue "Metals", which also covers studies on Aluminum, Arsenic, Beryllium, Copper, Iron and Steel, Lead, Mercury, Nickel, Silver, Titanium, Zinc markets.