RNS Number : 1515B

Networkers International PLC

12 April 2012

12 April 2012



Final Results

for the YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2011

The Board of Networkers International Plc ('Networkers' or 'the Group'), the AIM-listed international recruitment company, is pleased to announce final results for the year ended 31 December 2011.

Financial Highlights

   --      Revenues up 24.2% to GBP190m (2010: GBP153m) 
   --      Net fee income (gross profit) increased by 24.7% to GBP30.31m (2010: GBP24.31m); 
   --      Pre-tax profits of GBP6.60m (2010: GBP4.28m); 
   --      Adjusted* pre-tax profits for the year increased by 43.6% to GBP6.62m (2010: GBP4.61m); 
   --      Adjusted* EPS (basic earnings per share) increased by 28.7% to 4.22p (2010: 3.28p); 
   --      Conversion ratio improved to 22.8% (2010: 20.3%) 

-- Contract net fee income has shown growth of 21.3% on prior year, with permanent placements showing growth of 15.3%. Permanent placements represent 17.6% of net fee income.

-- Strong balance sheet and good liquidity with net assets of GBP20.0m and net current assets of GBP13.0m; and

-- A recommended final dividend of 0.55p per share giving a total of 1.00p per share for the year (2010: 0.662p per share) being a 51% increase on prior year.

Operational Highlights

-- Share of net fee income derived from markets outside of the UK increased to 70% (2010: 64%) with the majority coming from the emerging markets of Africa, Asia and Latin America;

-- The Group has now rolled out its Energy & Engineering and IT recruitment offerings into nine of the 10 countries it has offices in;

-- Group headcount totalled 367 as at year end with employees located in overseas offices now representing 40% of Group total headcount;

-- Offices operational in UK, South Africa, UAE, India, China, Malaysia, Mexico, USA and Canada; and

-- A change in bank to HSBC with improved banking facilities to assist growth in emerging markets;

Commenting on today's results, Spencer Manuel, CEO, said "I am pleased to report that 2011 has been a year of record profits for the Group with pre tax profits up 54% to GBP6.6m. We have made excellent progress in our strategy of international expansion, particularly in expanding our IT and Energy offerings into our international offices that had previously only focussed on telecoms recruitment.

"The Group has made an encouraging start to 2012. Following the very strong growth in trading and contractor numbers throughout 2011, as the current year progresses our comparative numbers will become stronger which may have a bearing on our rate of growth when compared to the rate achieved in 2011.

"Whilst we are mindful of the fragile economic environment in some regions of world, with our strong balance sheet, experienced management team and geographical diversification, we are able to continue to invest wisely in markets and geographies that present growth opportunities within our core markets of Telecom, Specialist IT and Energy & Engineering."

* adjusted for the add back of amortisation of intangible assets and share based payments and the deduction of unrealised profits arising on business combinations. For the adjusted EPS calculation, the year end number of shares of 89,053,953 (2010: 88,922,914) have been used.


Networkers International

   Spencer Manuel, CEO                            020 8315 9000 

Jon Plassard, CFO

Numis Securities Limited

   David Poutney, Corporate Broking           020 7260 1000 

Richard Thomas, Nominated Adviser

Networkers International Plc

Chairman's Statement

I am pleased to report on our results for the year ended 31 December 2011.

2011 Review

2011 has proved to have been a year of very strong growth which has resulted in the Group achieving record pre-tax profits of GBP6.60m (2010: GBP4.28m). This exceptional performance has taken place against the back drop of an uncertain and volatile economic environment. A pleasing aspect of 2011 is that the Group's performance continued to improve as the year progressed with the second half of the year generating 55% of operating profits.

The increase in the Group's revenues and gross profit continues to be driven by our strategy of international expansion and a focus on specialist areas within our core sectors. This strategy has led to a 24.7% increase in gross profit ("net fee income") in the year to GBP30.31m (2010: GBP24.31m) together with a slight improvement in overall margins to 16.0% (2010:15.9%) despite a slightly lower mix of permanent placements.

The Group's telecoms division performed exceptionally well during 2011 having exploited the buoyant conditions within the emerging markets of Africa, Asia and Latin America. The strong growth in this sector means that it now represents 59% of the Group's net fee income compared to 47% two years ago.

As detailed further in the CEO Review, the Group continues to transition its IT offerings into specialist technology markets and into overseas markets. This transition is going very well with specialist IT now being carried out from offices in seven countries.

The Group's Energy & Engineering sector has also shown good growth with net fee income increasing by 22%. We continue to invest in headcount in this sector and are optimistic for its growth potential and feel the sector compliments our international, emerging market bias.

In terms of headcount, the Group ended the year with 367 employees with over 40% of our workforce now located in our international offices. Despite the increase in headcount, I'm pleased to report that the Group has become more operationally efficient as evidenced by its conversion ratio (the ratio of operating profits before amortisation of intangible assets arising on business combinations and share based payments to net fee income) which has improved to 22.8% (2010: 20.3%).

The Group's net debt position has reduced by GBP0.5m since the Interim Report date of 30 June 2011 and as at year end totalled GBP9.1m. Whilst this is an increase of GBP3.1m from 2010, the debt consists entirely of drawdown on invoice discounting to fund the GBP37m annual increase in revenues.

Our balance sheet remains strong with net assets increasing to GBP20.0m, with net current assets of GBP13.0m clearly demonstrating the financial stability of the Group.

A final dividend of 0.550p per share (2010: 0.338p) has been recommended by the Board bringing the total for the year to 1.00p per share, an increase of 51% on 2010.

Strategy, current trading and outlook

There has been no change to the Group's stated strategy of international growth by utilising its existing international office network together with new office openings to expand the specialist markets within the core Telecoms, IT and Energy & Engineering divisions. This strategy has contributed to an increase in the share of net fee income derived from markets outside of the UK, primarily in emerging markets to 70% (2010: 64%).

The growth rate achieved in 2011 was impressive especially as it was achieved in a difficult global economic environment. We have had a good start to 2012, although market sentiment remains volatile.

Networkers International Plc

Chairman's Statement (continued)

Finally, I would like to thank all of our staff across the globe for their hard work, enthusiasm and loyalty which has contributed so much in making 2011 such a successful year and laying further foundations for future growth.

N R Goodman


12 April 2012

Networkers International Plc

CEO's Review

Review of the business

I am extremely pleased with the Group's performance in 2011, having recorded our highest annual profits since inception almost 12 years ago. This is particularly pleasing coming so soon after the financial crisis of 2008/09 and in an economic environment that is some way short of a full recovery. This performance supports the strategic steps that we have taken during recent years in internationalising our business and adapting our services into specialist niche recruitment areas.

As a result of the strong performance, the Group's adjusted* pre tax profit increased by 43.6% to GBP6.62m (2010: GBP4.61m). In terms of reported pre-tax profit, the increase was 54% to GBP6.60m (2010: GBP4.28m).

2011 started off well with market conditions in the specialist sectors that the Group operates in, much improved. For us, these improved conditions gained traction throughout the year particularly in our telecoms business, despite the wider economic conditions slowing down as the year progressed. This is evidenced by the fact that 55% of our net fee income was achieved during the second half of the year. Permanent placements also picked up throughout the year with 57% of permanent fees earned in the second half of the year. Whilst permanent placements grew by 15% year-on-year, its share of net fee income declined to 17.6% (2010: 19.0%) due to contract net fee income growing at a faster rate.

Our telecoms business stream has performed exceptionally well during the year and has been responsible for the majority of the Group's growth, having increased net fee income by 46%. The telecoms marketplace remains an exciting, global industry with an extremely fluid and portable workforce with high demand for experts across the world but particularly in emerging markets. We consider this sector to have solid long term growth prospects for the Group albeit with an inevitable slowing of growth rates over the short term when compared to 2011.

Within our IT business stream we continue to successfully transition the business towards more specialist technologies where there is a higher demand for the relevant skill sets and which can be rolled-out to our network of international offices. Whilst the overall IT business has shown only modest growth in the period, the specialist technology markets of Trading Systems and Digital Media have performed well as has our international and cross border IT offerings which has shown net fee income growth of 16% and is well positioned for further growth in the future.

Our emerging energy & engineering business stream has performed well. The division's net fee income having increased by 22% year-on-year, albeit from a relatively small base and now represents approximately 5% of the Group's total. The market dynamics for the sector share many similarities with our telecoms division with good growth prospects, particularly in the emerging markets where we already have a long history of successful trading.

Our focus on international expansion continued throughout 2011 where the priority was to obtain scale within our existing overseas offices. As detailed in the Chairman's Statement, 70% of our net fee income is now generated from clients based outside of the UK and 40% of our workforce is based outside of the UK. In fact, the vast majority of our headcount growth has been through staff augmentation of our existing overseas offices.

Group revenues

The effect of the improved trading environment particularly within our telecoms sector and the increase in sales headcount has resulted in our revenues increasing by 24%, following on from an 18% increase last year. Group revenues for the year totalled GBP190.0m (2010: GBP153.0m). In terms of net fee income, the increase was 24.6% to GBP30.3m (2010: GBP24.3m).

Overall gross profit margins have marginally improved to 16.0% (2010: 15.9%) despite a lower sales mix of permanent placements. This improvement is due to a greater share of net fee income being attributed to our international, cross border business which typically yields higher average margins than domestic recruitment.

Networkers International Plc

CEO's Review (continued)

Group Revenues (continued)

The table below sets out the split of net fee income:

% of NFI

    Divisions                                                     2011                       2010 
   Telecommunications                                 59%                          50% 
   IT (Specialist Markets)                               28%                          34% 
   IT (Strategic Accounts)                                 5%                             9% 
   Energy & Engineering                                  5%                             5% 
   Other (including Payroll services)             3%                             2% 
                                                                          100%                     100% 

Profit from operations

The Group's profit from operations before amortisation of intangible assets arising on business combinations and before share option charges totalled GBP6.90m (2010: GBP4.95m). The Group's profit from operations totalled GBP6.49m (2010: GBP4.62m).

The Group's conversion ratio has improved to 22.8% (2010: 20.3%). This is a positive performance achieved at a time when the Group has significantly invested in headcount. This efficiency improvement has been achieved through tight control of overhead expenditure, benefits of scale as the Group expands and an improved mix of business generated from our offices based in lower cost countries.

Profit before taxation

Net finance costs for the year totalled of GBP0.37m (2010: GBP0.39m). Whilst there was an overall higher level of indebtedness in 2011 caused by the increase in working capital used to fund the growth of the business, interest payments reduced as a result of the repayment of the term loan during 2010 and therefore no related interest for 2011. The term loan carried a higher interest rate than the Group's working capital facility.

The Group's acquisition of the remaining 50% share of its UAE joint venture occurred during June 2011. Prior to the acquisition, our share of the joint venture contributed GBP90,000 to Group profits. By acquiring the remaining shares in the joint venture, a fair value adjustment of GBP0.39m was recognised in the consolidated income statement. This represents the book gain on the fair value attributed to the carrying value of the investment when the remaining 50% share was acquired.

After finance expenses and the share of profit and book gain on the purchase of the remaining shares of our UAE joint venture, profit before taxation for the year totalled GBP6.60m (2010: GBP4.28m).

Profit after taxation

Due to the international nature of our business, the Group works within a variety of different tax regimes, some of its overseas subsidiaries, particularly in the United States of America, incur corporate tax at rates higher than that of the UK. In addition, a number of countries where we operate impose a withholding tax on services performed by the Group.

This withholding tax is not always fully recoverable and as such the effective tax rate of the Group is 35.8% (2010: 37.9%). This decrease in the effective tax rate is reflective of the reduction in revenue that has been subject to irrecoverable withholding taxes and the one-off book gain from the purchase of the UAE joint venture that is not subject to taxation.

Networkers International Plc

CEO's Review (continued)

Profit after taxation (continued)

Profit after taxation totalled GBP4.24m (2010: GBP2.66m).

Non-controlling interests

In some of the Group subsidiary companies, a minority stake is held by its key staff members in order to reward and incentivise them. This has proved successful and where there has been employee ownership of subsidiary companies, the performance has noticeably improved. The Group also has local ownership in its South Africa subsidiary as part of that country's Black Economic Empowerment program.

As a result of the strong performance of the subsidiaries with management ownership, the post tax profit attributable to non-controlling interests totalled GBP0.47m (2010: GBP0.07m).

Earnings per share

Basic earnings per share totalled 4.24p (2010: 2.82p) and diluted earnings per share totalled 4.13p (2010: 2.76p). Adjusted* earnings per share has shown a 28.7% increase to 4.22p (2010: 3.28p).


An interim dividend of 0.450p (2010: 0.324p) per share totalling GBP0.40m (2010: GBP0.30m) was paid during the year.

The directors recommend the payment of a final dividend of 0.550p (2010: 0.338p) per share totalling GBP0.49m (2010: GBP0.3m).


As detailed above, during June 2011 the Group acquired the remaining 50% of the shares of its joint venture based in the UAE for GBP0.54m and, as it is now under the full control of the Group, it has since been rebranded under the Networkers International name.

Previous acquisitions have proved successful for the Group and as such we continue to look for additional earnings enhancing acquisitions that will further increase our scale in our core sectors of Telecoms, IT and Energy.

Balance sheet and cash flow

The financial position of the Group remains strong and the balance sheet indicates an increase in total assets to GBP49.6m (2010: GBP40.0m). This is due primarily to the increase in trade receivables resulting from the increase in Group revenue. Trade and other receivables have increased by GBP8.5m to GBP40.1m of which GBP1.1m of the increase is due to the inclusion of trade receivables relating to the UAE acquisition. Debtors Days for 2011 averaged 53 days. This is an improvement of 1 day from the prior year.

Total liabilities have shown a corresponding increase to GBP29.6m (2010: GBP23.4m). This increase is attributable to the increase in trade and other payables of GBP2.1m and an increase in borrowings, including draw down on invoice discounting of GBP3.6m.

Cash flows from operating activities before changes in working capital totalled GBP7.2m. Due to the Group's high mix of contract placements (82%), it typically experiences lower operating cash inflows during periods of high contractor growth (the reverse is due in periods of negative growth). During 2011 the high growth resulted in the requirement for GBP6.3m of additional working capital leading to cash generated from operations of GBP0.8m before the payment of corporate income taxes of GBP2.1m.

Networkers International Plc

CEO's Review (continued)

Balance sheet and cash flow (continued)

The increased working capital requirement has led to net debt, consisting of the draw down on invoice discounting, to increase to GBP9.1m from GBP5.94m. However, since the Interim Report as at 30 June 2011 net debt has reduced by GBP0.5m despite the high growth rate of 19% achieved during the second half of the year.

Net assets at 31 December 2011 total GBP20.0m (2010: GBP16.6m).

Banking facilities

As the Group continues to grow internationally, it becomes increasingly important that the company has the right working capital facility to fund its expansion. The Group has therefore changed its banking relationship to HSBC who have provided a GBP22m working capital facility with improved terms and wider emerging market coverage than our previous facility.

Current trading and outlook

We have made an encouraging start to 2012. Following the very strong growth in trading and contractor numbers throughout 2011, as the current year progresses our comparative numbers will become stronger which may have a bearing on our rate of growth when compared to the rate achieved in 2011.

Whilst we are mindful of the fragile economic environment in some regions of world, with our strong balance sheet, experienced management team and geographical diversification, we are able to continue to invest wisely in markets and geographies that present growth opportunities within our core markets of Telecom, Specialist IT and Energy & Engineering.

Spencer Manuel


12 April 2011

* adjusted for the add back of amortisation of intangible assets and unrealised profits arising on business combinations and share based payments. For the adjusted EPS calculation, the year end number of shares of 89,053,953 (2010: 88,922,914) have been used.

Networkers International Plc

Consolidated income statement for the year ended 31 December 2011

                                                Note      2011      2010 
                                                       GBP'000   GBP'000 
 Revenue                                           2   189,966   153,045 
 Cost of sales                                         159,655   128,733 
                                                       _______   _______ 
 Gross profit                                           30,311    24,312 
 Administrative expenses 
 Amortisation of intangible assets arising 
  on business combinations                                 311       290 
 Other administrative expenses                          23,509    19,406 
---------------------------------------------  -----  --------  -------- 
 Total administrative expenses                          23,820    19,696 
                                                       _______   _______ 
 Profit from operations                                  6,491     4,616 
 Finance income                                             42       118 
 Finance expense                                         (414)     (512) 
 Share of post tax profits of joint ventures                90        60 
 Profit on business combination                            394         - 
                                                       _______   _______ 
 Profit before taxation                                  6,603     4,282 
 Tax expense                                             2,365     1,622 
                                                       _______   _______ 
 Profit for the year                                     4,238     2,660 
                                                       _______   _______ 
 Attributable to: 
 - Equity holders of the parent                          3,772     2,593 
 - Non-controlling interests                               466        67 
                                                       _______   _______ 
                                                         4,238     2,660 
                                                       _______   _______ 
 Earnings per share 
 Basic                                             3     4.24p     2.82p 
 Diluted                                           3     4.13p     2.76p 
 Adjusted*                                         3     4.22p     3.28p 
                                                       _______   _______ 

* adjusted for the add back of amortisation of intangible assets and unrealised profits arising on business combinations and share based payments. For the adjusted EPS calculation, the year end number of shares of 89,053,953 (2010: 88,922,914) have been used.

Networkers International Plc

Consolidated statement of comprehensive income for the year ended 31 December 2011

                                                2011      2010 
                                             GBP'000   GBP'000 
 Profit for the year                           4,238     2,660 
 Other comprehensive income: 
 Exchange gains/(losses) on retranslation 
  of foreign operations                        (195)       167 
                                             _______   _______ 
 Total comprehensive income for the year       4,043     2,827 
                                             _______   _______ 
 Total comprehensive income attributable 
 - Equity holders of the parent                3,577     2,760 
 - Non-controlling interests                     466        67 
                                             _______   _______ 
                                               4,043     2,827 
                                             _______   _______ 

Networkers International Plc

Consolidated balance sheet as at 31 December 2011

                                                       2011       2010 
                                                    GBP'000    GBP'000 
 Non current assets 
 Intangible assets                                    6,115      5,563 
 Property, plant and equipment                          405        252 
 Deferred tax asset                                     796        818 
 Investments in equity accounted joint ventures           -         60 
                                                    _______    _______ 
 Total non current assets                             7,316      6,693 
                                                    _______    _______ 
 Current assets 
 Trade and other receivables                         40,140     31,684 
 Current tax assets                                       -          - 
 Cash and cash equivalents                            2,124      1,652 
                                                    _______    _______ 
 Total current assets                                42,264     33,336 
                                                    _______    _______ 
 Total assets                                        49,580     40,029 
                                                    _______    _______ 
 Current liabilities 
 Trade and other payables                          (17,175)   (15,116) 
 Loans and borrowings                              (11,175)    (7,595) 
 Other financial liabilities                              -       (41) 
 Provisions                                           (381)       (83) 
 Current tax liability                                (534)      (213) 
                                                    _______    _______ 
 Total current liabilities                         (29,265)   (23,048) 
                                                    _______    _______ 
 Non-current liabilities 
 Provisions                                           (217)      (299) 
 Deferred tax liability                                (76)      (102) 
                                                    _______    _______ 
 Total non-current liabilities                        (293)      (401) 
                                                    _______    _______ 
 Total liabilities                                 (29,558)   (23,449) 
                                                    _______    _______ 
 Total net assets                                    20,022     16,580 
                                                    _______    _______ 

Networkers International Plc

Consolidated balance sheet at 31 December 2011 (continued)

                                                    2011      2010 
                                                 GBP'000   GBP'000 
 Share capital                                       890       940 
 Share premium                                        96        49 
 Retained earnings                                17,659    14,538 
 Foreign exchange reserve                            297       492 
 Capital redemption reserve                           53         - 
 Reverse acquisition reserve                         676       676 
                                                 _______   _______ 
 Attributable to equity holders of the parent     19,671    16,695 
 Non-controlling interest                            351     (115) 
                                                 _______   _______ 
 Total equity                                     20,022    16,580 
                                                 _______   _______ 

Networkers International Plc

Consolidated cash flow statement for the year ended 31 December 2011

                                                              2011      2010 
 Cash flow from operating activities                       GBP'000   GBP'000 
 Profit before taxation                                      6,603     4,282 
 Adjustments for: 
 Share of profit in joint venture                             (90)      (60) 
 Profit on business combination                              (394)         - 
 Depreciation                                                  247       169 
 Amortisation of intangibles                                   327       333 
 Equity settled share based payment expense                    100        41 
 Movement on fair value of derivatives                        (41)     (118) 
 Finance expense                                               414       512 
                                                            ______    ______ 
 Cash flows from operating activities before changes 
  in working capital and provisions                          7,166     5,159 
 Increase in trade and other receivables                   (8,346)   (5,540) 
 Increase in trade and other payables                        2,010     2,962 
 Decrease in provisions                                          -      (10) 
                                                            ______    ______ 
 Cash generated from operations                                830     2,571 
 Income taxes paid                                         (2,058)   (1,128) 
                                                            ______    ______ 
 Net cash flows from operating activities                  (1,228)     1,443 
 Investing activities 
 Purchase of property, plant and equipment                   (313)      (54) 
 Purchase of intangibles                                      (10)     (202) 
 Purchase of shares of non-controlling interest                  -      (11) 
 Disposal of shares of subsidiary undertakings                   -        36 
 Transferred from assets previously classified 
  as held for resale                                             -       365 
 Acquisition of subsidiary, net of cash acquired             (426)         - 
                                                            ______    ______ 
 Net cash used in investing activities                       (749)       134 
 Net cash before financing activities                      (1,977)     1,577 
 Financing activities 
 Interest paid                                               (414)     (512) 
 Dividends paid                                              (700)     (300) 
 Drawdown of invoice discounting                             3,580     3,174 
 Repayment of bank borrowings                                    -   (2,763) 
 Purchase of shares held in treasury                          (61)   (1,117) 
 Issue of share capital                                         50        13 
                                                            ______    ______ 
 Net cash used in financing activities                       2,455   (1,505) 
 Effects of exchange rate changes                              (6)     (107) 
                                                            ______    ______ 
 Net increase / (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents        472      (35) 
 Cash and cash equivalents at the start of the 
  year                                                       1,652     1,687 
                                                            ______    ______ 
 Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year            2,124     1,652 
                                                            ______    ______ 

Networkers International Plc

Consolidated statement of changes in equity for the year ended 31 December 2011

                              Share       Reverse      Capital               Foreign      to equity          Non- 
                    Share   Premium   acquisition   Redemption   Retained   exchange     holders of   controlling     Total 
                  Capital   Account       reserve      Reserve   earnings    reserve         parent     interests    Equity 
                  GBP'000   GBP'000       GBP'000      GBP'000    GBP'000    GBP'000        GBP'000       GBP'000   GBP'000 
 At 31 December 
  2010                940        49           676            -     14,538        492         16,695         (115)    16,580 
  income for 
  the year              -         -             -            -      3,772      (195)          3,577           466     4,043 
 Share based 
  payments              -         -             -            -        100          -            100             -       100 
 Deferred tax 
  on share 
  payments              -         -             -            -         10          -             10             -        10 
 Dividends paid         -         -             -            -      (700)          -          (700)             -     (700) 
 Shares issued 
  in the year           3        47             -            -          -          -             50             -        50 
 Purchase of 
  shares held 
  in treasury           -         -             -            -       (61)          -           (61)             -      (61) 
  of shares 
  held in 
  treasury           (53)         -             -           53          -          -              -             -         - 
                   ______    ______        ______       ______     ______     ______         ______        ______    ______ 
 As at 31 
  December 2011       890        96           676           53     17,659        297         19,671           351    20,022 
                   ______    ______        ______       ______     ______     ______         ______        ______    ______ 
 At 31 December 
  2009                938        38           676            -     13,137        325         15,114             -    15,114 
  income for 
  the year              -         -             -            -      2,593        167          2,760            67     2,827 
 Share based 
  payments              -         -             -            -         41          -             41             -        41 
 Deferred tax 
  on share 
  payments              -         -             -            -       (33)          -           (33)             -      (33) 
 Dividends paid         -         -             -            -      (300)          -          (300)             -     (300) 
 Shares issued 
  in the year           2        11             -            -          -          -             13             -        13 
 Non - 
  interest - 
  disposal              -         -             -            -        217          -            217         (182)        35 
 Purchase of 
  shares held 
  in treasury           -         -             -            -    (1,117)          -        (1,117)             -   (1,117) 
                   ______    ______        ______       ______     ______     ______         ______        ______    ______ 
 As at 31 
  December 2010       940        49           676            -     14,538        492         16,695         (115)    16,580 
                   ______    ______        ______       ______     ______     ______         ______        ______    ______ 

Networkers International Plc

Notes to the accounts

   1      Basis of preparation 

The principal accounting policies adopted in the preparation of this preliminary announcement are unchanged from those disclosed in the interim announcement published on 12 September 2011.

While the financial information included in this preliminary announcement has been prepared in accordance with the recognition and measurement criteria of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs), this announcement does not itself contain sufficient information to comply with IFRSs. The Group expects to publish full financial statements that comply with IFRSs in May 2012.

The Board of Directors approved this preliminary announcement on 12 April 2012.

   2      Segment information 

The Group has 3 main reportable segments:

-- Information Technology division - This division is involved in the sourcing, recruitment and supply of IT personnel across a range of industries both in the UK and globally. This division of the business generates 54% (2010 - 56%) of the Group's revenue.

-- Telecommunications division - This division is involved in the sourcing, recruitment and supply of highly skilled telecom engineers to global telecommunication enterprises. This division of the business generates 44% (2010 - 38%) of the Group's revenue.

-- All other segments: These areas, detailed below, contribute 2% to the Group's revenue (2010 - 6%).

Other segments totalling 2% of revenues is represented primarily by Energy and Engineering contributing 2% (2010 - 4%). All segments are monitored by the board of directors as well as senior management.

Payroll Services generating 17% (2010 - 9%) of the Group's revenue, has been re-classified from Other services to IT services.

Factors that management used to identify the Group's reportable segments

The Group's reportable segments are strategic business units that although supplying the same product offerings, operate in distinct markets and are therefore managed and reported on separately.

Measurement of operating segment profit or loss, assets and liabilities

The accounting policies of the operating segments are the same as those described in the summary of significant accounting policies.

The Group evaluates performance on the basis of profit or loss from operations before tax not including overhead costs such as those incurred by the support centres, goodwill impairment, and also excluding the effects of share based payments.

The Board does not review assets and liabilities by segment.

Networkers International Plc

Notes to the accounts (Continued)

   2      Segment information (continued) 
                                         IT     Telco     Other     Total 
                                       2011      2011      2011      2011 
                                    GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000 
 Revenue from external customers    103,089    83,458     3,419   189,966 
                                    _______   _______   _______   _______ 
 Segment profit before income 
  tax                                 2,300     4,470       485     7,255 
                                    _______   _______   _______   _______ 
                                         IT     Telco     Other     Total 
                                       2010      2010      2010      2010 
                                    GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000 
 Revenue from external customers     85,248    58,429     9,368   153,045 
                                    _______   _______   _______   _______ 
 Segment profit before income 
  tax                                 2,415     2,657       147     5,219 
                                    _______   _______   _______   _______ 

The Group does not report segment assets or liabilities internally.

Reconciliation of reportable segment profit to the Group's corresponding amounts:

                                                    2011      2010 
 Profit or loss after income tax expense         GBP'000   GBP'000 
 Total profit or loss for reportable segments      7,255     5,219 
 Depreciation                                      (247)     (169) 
 Profit on business combination                      394         - 
 Amortisation of intangibles                       (327)     (333) 
 Share based payments                              (100)      (41) 
 Interest expense                                  (414)     (512) 
 Interest income                                      42       118 
                                                 _______   _______ 
 Profit before income tax expense                  6,603     4,282 
                                                 _______   _______ 
 Corporation taxes                               (2,365)   (1,622) 
                                                 _______   _______ 
 Profit after income tax expense                   4,238     2,660 
                                                 _______   _______ 

Networkers International Plc

Notes to the accounts (Continued)

   2      Segment information (continued) 

Geographical information:

Revenue is recognised based upon where the actual service is provided.

 Revenue                      2011      2010 
                           GBP'000   GBP'000 
 Europe                    161,867   132,139 
 Middle East and Africa      8,180     3,479 
 Americas                   15,533    12,680 
 Asia Pacific                4,386     4,747 
                           _______   _______ 
 Group                     189,966   153,045 
                           _______   _______ 
   3      Earnings per share 
                                                             2011          2010 
                                                          GBP'000       GBP'000 
 Earnings used for calculation of basic and 
  diluted EPS                                               3,772         2,593 
 Add back: 
 Amortisation of intangible assets acquired 
  through business combinations                               311           290 
 Share based payments net of tax                               74            30 
 Profit on business combination                             (394)             - 
                                                        _________     _________ 
 Earnings used in calculation of adjusted EPS               3,763         2,913 
                                                        _________     _________ 
                                                             2011          2010 
                                                           Number        Number 
 Weighted average number of shares used in basic 
  EPS                                                  88,854,776    92,090,311 
 Effects of employee share options                      2,485,604     1,787,459 
                                                        _________     _________ 
 Weighted average number of shares used in diluted 
  EPS                                                  91,340,380    93,877,770 
                                                        _________     _________ 
 Year end number of shares (excluding shares 
  held in treasury) 
  used in adjusted EPS                                 89,053,953    88,922,914 
                                                        _________     _________ 
 Basic                                                      4.24p         2.82p 
                                                        _________     _________ 
 Diluted                                                    4.13p         2.76p 
                                                        _________     _________ 
 Adjusted                                                   4.22p         3.28p 
                                                        _________     _________ 

The number of options excluded from the diluted EPS calculation is 50,000 (2010 - 50,000).

Networkers International Plc

Notes to the accounts (Continued)

   4      Reserves 

The following describes the nature and purpose of each reserve within owners' equity

Share capital:Amount subscribed for share capital at nominal value.

Share premium: Amount subscribed for share capital in excess of nominal value.

Foreign exchange:Gains/losses arising on retranslating the net assets of overseas operations in to sterling.

Capital redemption reserve: The capital redemption reserve of GBP53,035 exists as a result of the Group cancelling its shares held in Treasury during the year.

Reverse acquisition reserve:The reverse acquisition reserve of GBP676,000 exists as a result of the acquisition by Networkers International Plc of Networkers International (UK) Plc. In accordance with International Accounting Standards the acquisition has been accounted for as a reverse acquisition

Retained earnings:Cumulative net gains and losses recognisedin the consolidated income statement less cost of own shares held in treasury amounting to GBPnil (2010: GBP1,363,000).

   5      Publication of non-statutory accounts 

The financial information set out above does not constitute the company's statutory accounts for 2010 or 2011. Statutory accounts for the years ended 31 December 2011 and 31 December 2010 have been reported on by the Independent Auditors. The Independent Auditors' Report on the Annual Report and Financial Statements for 2011 and 2010 was unqualified, did not draw attention to any matters by way of emphasis, and did not contain a statement under 498(2) or 498(3) of the Companies Act 2006.

Statutory accounts for the year ended 31 December 2010 have been filed with the Registrar of Companies. The statutory accounts for the year ended 31 December 2011 will be posted to shareholders no later than 30 June 2012 and will be available to the public from the company's registered office, Hanover Place, 8 Ravensbourne Road, Bromley, BR1 1HP, from that date.

   6          Payment of Dividend 

An interim dividend of 0.450p per share totalling GBP0.4m (2010 - GBP0.3m) was paid during the year. The directors recommend the payment of a final dividend of 0.550p per share totalling GBP0.49m (2010 - GBP0.3m).

These results are available from the Group's website www.networkersplc.com

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



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