Kenmare Resources plc ("Kenmare" or "the Company") 
                   Kenmare Resources plc 2010 Interim Results 
26 August 2010 
  *       Ilmenite production up 16% and zircon up 49% from H2 09 
  *       Shipment levels up on H2 09 -  ilmenite up 33% and zircon up 94% 
  *       Revenues of US$40.6 million, up from US$26.7 million in H2 09 
  *       EBITDA for the period US$4.4 million 
  *       15% growth in titanium feedstocks expected in 2010 
  *       Expansion proceeding as planned 
  *       35% increase in JORC classified reserves at Moma mine to 27 million 
    tonnes of contained ilmenite 
Statement by Michael Carvill, Managing Director: 
The first half of 2010 has seen considerable improvement in terms of both 
production and sales at Moma and this has continued in Q3 2010.  Increased 
demand for titanium feedstocks and reduced supply in the market is putting 
upward pressure on prices.  Kenmare is in a strong position to take advantage of 
improved pricing arrangements as our production increases. The expansion of Moma 
is advancing as planned and, once complete, Kenmare's share of the global 
titanium feedstock and zircon markets will increase to 10% and 6% respectively. 
For further information, please contact: 
Kenmare Resources plc 
 Michael Carvill, Managing Director   Tony McCluskey, Finance Director 
 Tel: +353 1 6710411                  Tel: +353 1 6710411 
 Mob: + 353 87 674 0110               Mob: + 353 87 674 0346 
 Murray Consultants       Conduit PR Ltd 
 Joe Heron                Leesa Peters/Charlie Geller 
 Tel: +353 1 498 0300     Tel: +44 207 429 6600 
 Mob: + 353 87 690 9735   Mob: +44 781 215 9885 
                           INTERIM MANAGEMENT REPORT 
There  was a significant increase  in production and sales  in the first half of 
2010 compared  to  the  previous  six  month  period  and  this  improvement has 
continued  in Q3 2010. Production numbers  for August month-to-date continue the 
upward trend with the mine running at nameplate capacity for ilmenite and 90% of 
capacity for zircon. Rutile is operating at 60%, which is significantly above H1 
2010 levels.  However, there  are still  some rutile  specification issues to be 
resolved. This increase in production is meeting a receptive market as economies 
emerge from the global recession and prices continue to recover. 
In   H1   2010, 319,800 tonnes   of  ilmenite  were  produced,  up  16% from  H2 
2009; 16,800 tonnes  of zircon  were produced,  up 49% from  H2 2009; and 1,240 
tonnes   of  rutile  were  produced,  up  252% from  H2  2009. Plans  are  being 
implemented to bring zircon production to full nameplate capacity and to address 
remaining rutile production and specification issues. 
Global  demand for titanium feedstocks is expected to grow by approximately 15% 
in  2010, fuelled by a strong recovery in underlying demand and restocking after 
an  acute  inventory  destocking  phase  in  2009. The demand increase is driven 
principally  by a strong recovery in the TiO(2) pigment market both in developed 
and  emerging economies. Increased demand, closure  of depleted mines and delays 
in  ramping up new projects  have led to a  generally held view that markets for 
titanium  feedstocks and zircon  will become increasingly  tight from the second 
half  of 2010 onwards. This is expected to  put upward pressure on prices, which 
is  already evident in Q3 2010 sales. Beyond 2010, the pipeline of potential new 
projects  does not satisfy anticipated demand  growth and many of these projects 
require  considerably  higher  product  prices  than  current  levels to justify 
Kenmare  shipped 367,000 tonnes of  ilmenite and zircon  in H1 2010; ilmenite up 
33% and  zircon up 94% from H2 2009. The average cost per tonne of final product 
declined  in H1 2010 relative to H2 2009 and  is expected to continue to decline 
during  the second half of 2010 as production volumes increase. Revenues for the 
period  under review  include a  number of  sales at  legacy contract prices. As 
sales  volumes  increase  in  line  with  the  increasing production profile, an 
increasing  proportion of  sales will  be at  market prices.  In turn  this will 
increase the average revenue per tonne of final product. 
Aker  Solutions (Aker), Kenmare's Engineering  Study Contractor, is finalising a 
detailed  capital cost  estimate, project  implementation schedule and execution 
plan  for a 50% expansion of output from Moma. All of these are within our range 
of  expectations allowing us to progress  to a full Engineering, Procurement and 
Construction Management (EPCM) contract for the execution of the expansion. This 
contract  will be awarded  shortly. Kenmare has  used the period  while Aker has 
been  conducting this study to perform  extensive confirmatory testing to ensure 
that the process plants' flowsheet design is robust and will cater for all areas 
of the orebody. The results of this testwork have been positive. 
Additional  drilling has been performed on the Moma orebodies. This drilling has 
allowed  the Group to  increase the level  of proven and  probable reserves from 
620 million  tonnes  grading  3.2% ilmenite  (20  million  tonnes  of  contained 
ilmenite) as at 31 December 2009 to 859 million tonnes grading 3.1% ilmenite (27 
million  tonnes of  contained ilmenite)  as at  30 June 2010. Rutile  and zircon 
reserves  have also increased. This reserve is in addition to the resource base, 
which  at the 30 June  2010 was 5,700 million tonnes  grading 2.6% ilmenite (150 
million  tonnes of contained ilmenite). The  reserve and resource estimates have 
been  prepared  in  accordance  with  the  JORC  Code  (2004). The conversion of 
resources  to reserves is an ongoing  process which will continue throughout the 
life of the mine. 
With  the objective of becoming eligible for inclusion in FTSE UK indices, on 6 
August  2010, Kenmare completed the reclassification of its Ordinary Shares from 
the  Irish main securities  market to a  secondary listing. Kenmare continues to 
retain  a premium listing on the Main Board of the London Stock Exchange. On 11 
August  2010, the  FTSE  Nationality  Committee  announced that Kenmare had been 
allocated  a UK nationality  classification, which makes  the Group eligible for 
consideration  by the FTSE Committee  for FTSE UK Index  Series inclusion at the 
next Committee meeting in September. 
Financial Review for the six months ended 30 June 2010 
During the six months ended the 30 June 2010, the Group reported a net profit of 
US$1.2  million (2009: loss US$0.2 million). Revenues for the period amounted to 
US$40.6 million, arising from the sale of 367,000 tonnes of ilmenite and zircon, 
and  operating  costs  amounted  to  US$46.7  million, including depreciation of 
US$10.5  million. Earnings  before interest,  tax, depreciation and amortisation 
(EBITDA)  for the period amounted to  US$4.4 million. Net finance costs amounted 
to  US$14.8 million and  the Group reported  a foreign exchange  gain of US$22.1 
million,  mainly based upon  retranslation of Euro  denominated loans. The Group 
raised Stg GBP179.6 million before fees and expenses (approximately US$270 million) 
by way of an equity funding in March 2010, which contributed to reducing the net 
debt position at the period end to US$78.6 million (2009: US$336.3 million). 
The   Group  has  reported  revenue  and  related  costs  in  the  Statement  of 
Comprehensive  Income  from  1 July  2009, prior  to  which related costs net of 
revenues  were  capitalised  as  development  expenditure in property, plant and 
equipment.  During  the  six  months  ended  the  30 June 2010, sales of US$40.6 
million less cost of sales of US$42.0 million resulted in a gross loss of US$1.4 
million.   Cost   of   sales  includes  depreciation  of  US$10.5  million.  The 
distribution  costs for the period were  US$1.7 million and administration costs 
were US$3.0 million, resulting in an operating loss of US$6.1 million. 
Loan  interest and finance  fees amounted to  US$15.4 million during the period. 
The  US Dollar strengthened significantly against  the Euro during the first six 
months  of the year. There was a foreign exchange gain of US$22.1 million (2009: 
loss  US$0.4  million),  mainly  as  a  result  of the retranslation of the Euro 
denominated  loans, resulting in a  net profit for the  period of US$1.2 million 
(2009: loss US$0.2 million) 
During  the  period  there  were  additions  to property, plant and equipment of 
US$9.6  million  (2009:  US$38.1  million).  Expenditure  on plant and equipment 
totaled US$6.8 million (2009: US$5.3 million). Expansion development expenditure 
during  the period was  US$2.8 million (2009:  US$0.7 million). Inventory at the 
period  end amounted to  US$20.5 million (2009:  US$12.1 million), consisting of 
mineral products of US$10.4 million (2009: US$8.3 million) and consumable spares 
of  US$10.2 million (2009: US$3.8 million). Trade and other receivables amounted 
to  US$23.1 million  (2009: US$30.3  million), of  which US$17.9  million (2009: 
US$10.2  million) are  trade receivables  from the  sale of mineral products and 
US$5.2  million  (2009:  US$20.1  million)  is  made  up  of insurance proceeds, 
prepayments and other miscellaneous debtors. 
Bank  loans  at  the  period  end  amounted  to  US$331  million (2009: US$341.9 
million).  Senior  project  debt  principal  of  US$13.0 million and interest of 
US$5.3  million were  paid as  scheduled in  February 2010. The average interest 
rate on project loans at the period end was 8.6%. 
In March 2010, Stg GBP179.6 million (approximately US$270 million), gross of costs, 
was raised by way of a placing and open offer. The proceeds will be available to 
fund  the expansion  of the  Moma Mine,  with the  balance available for general 
corporate  purposes, including  meeting any  scheduled debt  service payments as 
On  5 March 2010, the  Group entered  into a  Deed of  Waiver and Amendment (the 
Expansion  Funding Deed) in which project  lenders agreed to certain waivers and 
amendments  to the loans documents,  including modifications to completion tests 
and  deferral of the date for achieving  the technical portion of the tests. The 
technical  portion of the  completion tests has  commenced. Once these tests are 
passed,  interest margins  on the  subordinated debt  will drop by 2% per annum, 
approximately  US$3 million of interest per annum. The financing amendments also 
deferred  the final completion  date by one  year to 31 December 2013. The final 
condition  of effectiveness of  the Expansion Funding  Deed was satisfied on 30 
June  with the completion  of the deposit  of US$200 million  to the Contingency 
Reserve  Account (CRA),  an account  over which  project lenders  hold security. 
Funds  deposited to  the CRA  are freely  available for  transfer to the project 
companies  for permitted  purposes including  funding the  expansion of the Moma 
At  the mine, our operations team is dedicated to delivering the final increment 
in  zircon and  rutile production  which will  take the  mine to  full capacity. 
Separately,  the  expansion  project  team,  currently based in Johannesburg, is 
advancing  all aspects of the expansion project,  to the next stage which is the 
EPCM  contract award.  A key  focus of  management will  be the renegotiation of 
legacy  marketing contracts  prior to  their expiry  or the reallocation of that 
supply to other customers. The Group is looking forward to selling the increased 
production  and realising gains  from the improving  market outlook for titanium 
feedstocks  and zircon.  The expansion  will see  Kenmare's share  of the global 
titanium feedstock and zircon markets increase to 10% and 6% respectively. 
Principal risks and uncertainties 
The  Group's business may  be affected by  risks similar to  those faced by many 
companies   in   the  mining  industry.  These  include  geological,  political, 
operational   and   environmental   risks   and  changes  in  the  macroeconomic 
environment. The main risks applicable to the Group are set out below: 
 Commercial risks 
The  mine's revenue and earnings depend upon prevailing prices for ilmenite and, 
to a lesser extent, rutile and zircon. The mine fixes its prices for ilmenite by 
bilateral  negotiation with  its customers  with reference  to the  market price 
prevailing  at the time of the entry into,  or renewal, of the contract. Some of 
the  mine's products are sold to customers under contracts of three to five year 
duration,  which provide  for the  supply of  fixed volumes  of product at fixed 
prices with annual escalation based on published inflation indices. The majority 
of these contracts will expire over the next eighteen months. The balance of the 
mine's  products are  sold to  its customers  under contracts  providing for the 
delivery of fixed volumes with annual price negotiations or under spot contracts 
for specific shipments. If the market prices were to fall or the mine was unable 
to  negotiate satisfactory pricing  terms, this would  have an adverse impact on 
the  mine's revenue  generation, results  of operations  or financial condition. 
Senior  management  closely  monitor  customer  sales  contracts and adjusts the 
contracting strategy to capitalise on expected market conditions. 
 Operational risks 
The mine is reliant on the continued successful operation of the marine terminal 
for  the export of products. In December  2007, damage was caused to a number of 
the  berthing piles  at the  jetty and  although the  damage did  not materially 
affect  operations,  repair  work  has  been  carried out in 2010. If the marine 
terminal  was damaged  by extreme  weather conditions  or accident  such that it 
became  unusable for  any significant  period pending  repair, the mine would be 
unable  to export its products or would be  limited in the amount which it could 
export.  In  this  case,  the  mine  would  be unable to meet its commitments to 
customers  which could result in ocean freight  penalties and a reduced level of 
cash flow which would have an adverse effect on the mine's results of operations 
and  financial condition. The Group  plans to upgrade the  jetty later this year 
which  will both strengthen  the current structure  and increase its operational 
capacity  by allowing the  transhipment vessels to  load from both  sides of the 
jetty.  The Group acquired a second transhipment  vessel in 2009 which is due to 
arrive  on  site  later  this  year.  This  second vessel will increase load-out 
capacity  when both transhipment  vessels are operational,  and will ensure that 
the  mine is  able to  sustain shipments  when one  or other of the transhipment 
vessels is unavailable due to scheduled maintenance. 
 Financing risks 
 The  development of  the mine  has been  partly financed  by the project loans, 
which  consists of Senior Loans  and Subordinated Loans. Under  the terms of the 
financing  agreements, the lender  group, comprising AfDB,  Absa, EAIF, EIB, FMO 
and KfW, has security over substantially all of the mine's assets, the shares in 
the  project companies, and the balance in the  CRA. Under the terms of the Deed 
of  Waiver and  Amendment dated  5 March 2010 (the  Expansion Funding Deed), the 
lender group will continue to have security over substantially all of the mine's 
assets,  including  the  facilities  constructed  and  machinery  and  equipment 
purchased  in connection with  the expansion, and  cash deposited to  the CRA, a 
bank account held by Congolone Heavy Minerals Limited, a wholly-owned subsidiary 
of Kenmare Resources plc. 
Once  the  net  proceeds  of  the  equity  fund raising have been applied to the 
expansion  capital  expenditures  and  for  other  corporate purposes (including 
meeting  scheduled interest and principal) the  Group's ability to meet its debt 
service  obligations will depend on the  cashflow generated from operations. The 
mine's  cashflow, in  turn, depends  primarily on  the mine's ability to achieve 
production  targets, product pricing and  cost efficiencies. Under the Expansion 
Funding  Deed, the  concept of  Non-Technical Completion  was introduced, with a 
deadline   of   31 December   2013. Non-Technical  Completion  occurs  when  the 
marketing, legal and other conditions, financial, and environmental certificates 
specified  in the completion  agreement have been  delivered. Failure to achieve 
Non-Technical  Completion by 31 December  2013 is an event  of default. However, 
the  event of default that previously  existed for failing to achieve Completion 
(which  requires both Non-Technical Completion and Technical Completion) to have 
been achieved by the final completion date has been eliminated. 
In  the event  that Technical  Completion is  not achieved  by its  due date (31 
December 2011), no event of default will occur but Senior Loans and Subordinated 
Loans  will attract an additional interest margin of 1% and 2% respectively from 
31 December 2011 until Technical Completion is achieved. 
Currency risks 
The  project loans are denominated  in US Dollars and  Euro. At 30 June 2010 the 
loan  balance was  US$331 million,  comprising US$209  million denominated in US 
Dollars  and US$122 million denominated in Euro.  Both US Dollars and Euro loans 
are  due to  be repaid  in installments  between 2010 and  2019. All the Group's 
sales  are denominated in US Dollars. Euro denominated loans expose the Group to 
currency fluctuations which are realised on payment of Euro denominated loans. 
On 1 April 2010 the Group issued shares to raise Stg GBP179.6 million before costs. 
The  purpose of this equity fundraising was to finance the expansion of the mine 
and  for  general  corporate  purposes.  These  funds will be placed in currency 
accounts  to  match  the  planned  expansion  expenditure  profile over the next 
eighteen  months.  Differences  which  may  arise  between the planned expansion 
currency  expenditure profile and  the currency of  deposits held will result in 
the  Group  experiencing  expansion  capital  cost  changes  driven  by currency 
Senior  management regularly monitors and reports to the Board on these currency 
risks.  The Board has determined that the Group's current policy of not entering 
into  derivative financial instruments to manage the loan-related currency risks 
continues  to be appropriate in light of the length and payment profile over the 
loan  repayment period. The expansion capital  currency exposure will be managed 
by  adjusting the  currencies in  which the  cash used  to fund  such capital is 
Interest rate risk 
Interest  rates on the project  loans are both fixed  and variable. The variable 
rate  basis  is  6 month  US  Dollar  LIBOR.  All  the  Euro loans are fixed. In 
addition,  the Group has a variable mortgage  loan which floats off six month US 
LIBOR  that financed the purchase of the production transhipment vessels Peg and 
Sofia  III. The Group is exposed to movements in interest rates which affect the 
amount  of interest paid  on borrowings. As  at 30 June 2010, 63% of the Group's 
debt  (US$208.5  million)  was  at  fixed  interest rates and 37% (approximately 
US$122.5  million) was at variable interest rates.  Any increase in six month US 
LIBOR  would  increase  finance  costs,  but  would  also increase income on the 
unspent  proceeds of  the equity  issue. Until  the balance  of the equity issue 
proceeds drops below the amount of variable rate debt, an increase in short term 
interest rates should have a net beneficial effect on the Group's profitability. 
Thereafter,  the net effect of an increase in short term interest rates would be 
negative  and therefore  have a  negative impact  on the  Group's profitability. 
Senior  management regularly monitors and reports to the Board on these interest 
rate  risks. The  Board has  determined that  the Group's  current policy of not 
entering into derivative financial instruments to manage such risks continues to 
be  appropriate in  light of  the length  of the  loan repayment  period and the 
payment  profile over the loan period, the  mix of fixed and variable rate debt, 
and for the time being, the relatively large amount of cash invested at variable 
rates relative to the amount of variable rate debt. 
 Environmental risks 
The  Group is committed to managing its operations in accordance with applicable 
guidelines issued by the World Bank, MIGA, the African Development Bank and FMO, 
the  environmental laws and standards in force in Mozambique, as well as its own 
policies.  The Group plans to  apply IFC Performance Standards  to the mine. The 
Environmental  Management  Plan  (EMP)  for  the  mine  sets  out the monitoring 
activities, management and training programs, reporting activities, auditing and 
mitigation  measures  that  are  required  in  order  to identify and reduce any 
negative  impacts of the  mine and to  comply with applicable environmental laws 
and guidelines. 
 Health and safety risks 
The Group is committed to conducting its business in a manner that minimises the 
exposure  of its  employees, contractors  and the  general public  to health and 
safety  risks  arising  from  its  operations.  The Group's operations personnel 
worked  934,816 hours  (2009:  615,840 hours)  to 30 June 2010, with 1 lost-time 
injury  (2009: 3 lost-time injuries). The  Group's operations contractors worked 
316,939 hours  (2009:  352,523 hours)  to  30 June 2010, with 1 lost-time injury 
(2009:  1 lost-time injury).  Malaria is  a key  risk at  the mine and the Group 
continues  to  develop  and  implement  programs  to  minimise its impact on all 
personnel  at the mine. The Group will  also continue to ensure that appropriate 
health and safety standards are maintained in all Group activities. 
Related party transactions 
Material  related party transactions affecting  the financial performance of the 
Group in the period are disclosed in Note 10. 
Forward-looking statements 
This  report contains  certain forward-looking  statements. These statements are 
made  by the Directors in good faith  based on the information available to them 
up  to the time of  their approval of this  report and such statements should be 
treated  with caution due to the inherent uncertainties, including both economic 
and business risk factors, underlying any such forward-looking information. 
By order of the Board, 
Managing Director Financial Director 
Michael Carvill Tony McCluskey 
26 August 2010 26 August 2010 
The  Directors  are  responsible  for  preparation  of the Half Yearly Financial 
Report  in accordance with  the Transparency (Directive 2004/109/EC) Regulations 
2007, the  Transparency Rules of the  Republic of Ireland's Financial Regulator, 
and with IAS 34, Interim Financial Reporting as adopted by the European Union. 
The Directors confirm that, to the best of their knowledge: 
  *        The  Group condensed financial statements for the half year ended 30 
    June  2010 have been prepared  in accordance with  IAS 34 'Interim Financial 
    Reporting', as adopted by the European Union; 
  *        The   Interim  Management  Report  includes  a  fair  review  of  the 
    information  required  by  Regulation  8(2) of  the  Transparency (Directive 
    2004/109/EC) Regulations  2007, being an indication of important events that 
    have  occurred during the first  six months of the  financial year and their 
    impact  on  the  condensed  financial  statements;  and a description of the 
    principal  risks and uncertainties for the remaining six months of the year; 
  *        The   Interim  Management  Report  includes  a  fair  review  of  the 
    information  required  by  Regulation  8(3) of  the  Transparency (Directive 
    2004/109/EC) Regulations  2007, being related  party transactions  that have 
    taken  place in the first six months  of the current financial year and that 
    materially  affected  the  financial  position  or performance of the entity 
    during  that  period;  and  any  changes  in  the related party transactions 
    described in the last annual report that could do so. 
By order of the Board, 
Managing Director Financial Director 
Michael Carvill Tony McCluskey 
26 August 2010 26 August 2010 
We have been engaged by the Company to review the group condensed set of 
financial statements in the Half-Yearly Financial Report for the six months 
ended 30 June 2010 which comprises the Group Condensed Statement of 
Comprehensive Income, the Group Condensed Statement of Financial Position, the 
Group Condensed Cash Flow Statement, the Group Condensed Statement of Changes in 
Equity and related notes 1 to 12. We have read the other information contained 
in the Half-Yearly Financial Report and considered whether it contains any 
apparent misstatements or material inconsistencies with the information in the 
group condensed set of financial statements. 
This report is made solely to the Company's members, as a body, in accordance 
with International Standard on Review Engagements (UK and Ireland) 2410 issued 
by the Auditing Practices Board. Our work has been undertaken so that we might 
state to the Company's members those matters we are required to state to them in 
an independent review report and for no other purpose. To the fullest extent 
permitted by law, we do not accept or assume responsibility to anyone other than 
the Company and the Company's members as a body, for our review work, for this 
report, or for the conclusions we have formed. 
Directors' Responsibilities 
The Half-Yearly Financial Report is the responsibility of, and has been approved 
by, the Directors. The Directors are responsible for preparing the Half-Yearly 
Financial Report in accordance with the Transparency (Directive 2004/109/EC) 
Regulations, 2007 and the Transparency Rules of the Republic of Ireland's 
Financial Regulator. 
As disclosed in note 1, the annual financial statements of the group are 
prepared in accordance with IFRSs as adopted by the European Union. The group 
condensed set of financial statements included in this Half-Yearly Financial 
Report has been prepared in accordance with International Accounting Standard 
34 'Interim Financial Reporting,' as adopted by the European Union. 
Our Responsibility 
Our responsibility is to express to the Company a conclusion on the condensed 
set of financial statements in the Half-Yearly Financial Report based on our 
Scope of Review 
We conducted our review in accordance with International Standard on Review 
Engagements (UK and Ireland) 2410, ?Review of Interim Financial Information 
Performed by the Independent Auditor of the Entity' issued by the Auditing 
Practices Board for use in Ireland. A review of interim financial information 
consists of making inquiries, primarily of persons responsible for financial and 
accounting matters, and applying analytical and other review procedures. A 
review is substantially less in scope than an audit conducted in accordance with 
International Standards on Auditing (UK and Ireland) and consequently does not 
enable us to obtain assurance that we would become aware of all significant 
matters that might be identified in an audit. Accordingly, we do not express an 
audit opinion. 
Based on our review, nothing has come to our attention that causes us to believe 
that the group condensed set of financial statements in the Half-Yearly 
Financial Report for the six months ended 30 June 2010 is not prepared, in all 
material respects, in accordance with International Accounting Standard 34 (IAS 
34 -Interim Financial Reporting) as adopted by the European Union, the 
Transparency (Directive 2004/109/EC) Regulations, 2007, and the Transparency 
Rules of the Republic of Ireland's Financial Regulator. 
Emphasis of Matter - Realisation of Assets 
Without qualifying our conclusion, we draw your attention to the disclosures 
made in note 5 to the group condensed set of financial statements concerning the 
recoverability of Property, Plant and Equipment of US$536.9 million which is 
dependent on the successful development of economic ore reserves and successful 
operation of the mine. The group condensed set of financial statements do not 
include any adjustments relating to these uncertainties and the ultimate outcome 
cannot at present be determined. 
Deloitte & Touche 
Chartered Accountants 
26 August 2010 
                              KENMARE RESOURCES PLC 
                      FOR THE SIX MONTHS ENDED 30 JUNE 2010 
                                     Unaudited         Unaudited         Audited 
                                      6 Months          6 Months       12 Months 
                                       30 June           30 June          31 Dec 
                                          2010              2009            2009 
                       Notes           US$'000           US$'000         US$'000 
Continuing Operations 
Revenue                    2            40,606                 -          26,721 
Cost of sales                         (41,980)                 -        (35,170) 
Gross loss                             (1,374)                 -         (8,449) 
Distribution costs                     (1,749)                 -         (1,770) 
Administration costs                   (3,026)             (713)         (1,892) 
Operating loss                         (6,149)             (713)        (12,111) 
Finance income                             576               160             202 
Finance costs                         (15,401)                 -        (15,533) 
Foreign exchange                        22,125               354         (2,910) 
Profit/(loss) before                     1,151             (199)        (30,352) 
Income tax expense                           -                 -               - 
Profit/(loss) for the                    1,151             (199)        (30,352) 
Attributable to equity                   1,151             (199)        (30,352) 
                             US cent per share US cent per share     US cent per 
Profit/(loss) per          4            0.070c           (0.02c)         (3.59c) 
share: basic 
Profit/(loss) per          4            0.068c           (0.02c)         (3.59c) 
share: diluted 
  The accompanying notes form part of the condensed financial statements 
                              KENMARE RESOURCES PLC 
                                AS AT 30 JUNE 2010 
                                                    Unaudited Unaudited  Audited 
                                                      30 June   30 June   31 Dec 
                                                         2010      2009     2009 
                                              Notes   US$'000   US$'000  US$'000 
Non-current assets 
Property, plant and equipment                     5   536,958   571,735  540,924 
                                                      536,958   571,735  540,924 
Current assets 
Inventories                                            20,473    12,077   21,951 
Trade and other receivables                            23,127    30,337   13,311 
Cash and cash equivalents                             252,386     5,631   17,408 
                                                      295,986    48,045   52,670 
Total assets                                          832,944   619,780  593,594 
Capital and reserves attributable to the 
Company's equity holders 
Called-up share capital                           6   195,789    72,212   74,670 
Share premium                                     6   300,518   157,553  163,147 
Retained losses                                      (56,350)  (27,348) (57,501) 
Other reserves                                         42,486    40,999   41,795 
Total equity                                          482,443   243,416  222,111 
Non-current liabilities 
Bank loans                                        7   262,354   310,423  297,326 
Obligations under finance lease                         2,102     2,226    2,172 
Provisions                                        8     3,814     3,992    4,347 
                                                      268,270   316,641  303,845 
Current liabilities 
Bank loans                                        7    68,640    31,478   58,791 
Obligations under finance lease                           437        60       92 
Provisions                                        8       442       610      650 
Trade and other payables                               12,712    27,575    8,105 
                                                       82,231    59,723   67,638 
Total liabilities                                     350,501   376,364  371,483 
Total equity and liabilities                          832,944   619,780  593,594 
  The accompanying notes form part of the condensed financial statements 
                             KENMARE RESOURCES PLC 
                     FOR THE SIX MONTHS ENDED 30 JUNE 2010 
                                                   Unaudited Unaudited   Audited 
                                                    6 Months  6 Months 12 Months 
                                                     30 June   30 June    31 Dec 
                                                        2010      2009      2009 
                                                     US$'000   US$'000   US$'000 
Cash flows from operating activities 
Profit/(loss) for the period/year                      1,151     (199)  (30,352) 
Adjustment for: 
Foreign exchange movement                           (22,125)     (480)     2,910 
Share-based payments                                     691        83       796 
Finance income                                         (576)         -     (202) 
Finance costs                                         14,257         -    15,533 
Depreciation                                          10,545         -    12,871 
(Decrease)/increase in provisions                      (581)       423       739 
Operating cash inflow/(outflow)                        3,362     (173)     2,295 
Decrease/(increase) in inventories                     1,478   (5,672)  (13,749) 
Increase in trade and other receivables              (6,752)  (11,223)     (700) 
Increase in trade and other payables                   4,719     2,367     5,898 
Cash generated/(used) by operations                    2,807  (14,701)   (6,256) 
Interest received                                        576       160       202 
Interest paid                                        (5,390)   (6,341)  (11,866) 
Net cash used in operating activities                (2,007)  (20,882)  (17,920) 
Cash flows from investing activities 
Additions to property, plant and equipment           (9,559)  (21,585)  (40,197) 
Net cash used in investing activities                (9,559)  (21,585)  (40,197) 
Cash flows from financing activities 
Proceeds on the issue of shares                      258,490        11    19,582 
Repayment of borrowings                             (13,169)         -     (336) 
Increase in borrowings                                     -     7,077    15,890 
Decrease in obligations under finance lease                -       (6)     (286) 
Net cash from financing activities                   245,321     7,082    34,850 
Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash             233,755  (35,385)  (23,267) 
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of         17,408    40,536    40,536 
Effect of exchange rate changes on cash and cash      1,223       480        139 
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period/year      252,386     5,631    17,408 
  The accompanying notes form part of the condensed financial statements 
                              KENMARE RESOURCES PLC 
                      FOR THE SIX MONTHS ENDED 30 JUNE 2010 
              Called-Up   Share Retained   Share Revaluation    Capital    Total 
                  Share Premium   Losses  Option     Reserve Conversion 
                Capital                  Reserve                Reserve 
                US$'000 US$'000  US$'000 US$'000     US$'000    US$'000  US$'000 
Balance at 1 
January 2009     65,424 145,088 (27,149)   8,885      30,141        754  223,143 
Loss for the 
period                -       -    (199)       -           -          -    (199) 
Share based 
payments              -       -        -   1,219           -          -    1,219 
Issue of 
share capital     6,788  12,465        -       -           -          -   19,253 
Balance at 
30 June 2009     72,212 157,553 (27,348)  10,104      30,141        754  243,416 
Loss for the 
period                -       - (30,153)       -           -          - (30,153) 
Share based 
payments              -       -        -     796           -          -      796 
Issue of 
share capital     2,458   5,594        -       -           -          -    8,052 
Balance at 
31 December 
2009             74,670 163,147 (57,501)  10,900      30,141        754  222,111 
Profit for 
the period            -       -    1,151       -           -          -    1,151 
Share based 
payments              -       -        -     691           -          -      691 
Issue of 
share capital   121,119 137,371        -       -           -          -  258,490 
Balance at 
30 June 2010    195,789 300,518 (56,350)  11,591      30,141        754  482,443 
  The accompanying notes form part of the condensed financial statements 
                              KENMARE RESOURCES PLC 
                        FOR THE PERIOD ENDED 30 JUNE 2010 
  The  Group Condensed  Financial Statements  for the  six months  ended 30 June 
2010 have   been   prepared  in  accordance  with  the  Transparency  (Directive 
2004/109/EC) Regulations   2007, the  Transparency  Rules  of  the  Republic  of 
Ireland's  Financial Regulator and with IAS 34 'Interim Financial Reporting', as 
adopted by the European Union. 
  The  accounting policies and methods of computation adopted in the preparation 
of the Group Condensed Financial Statements are consistent with those applied in 
the  Annual  Report  for  the  financial  year  ended  31 December  2009 and are 
described in those financial statements. 
  In  the  current  financial  year,  the  Group  has  adopted all Standards and 
Interpretations  which are effective from  1 January 2010. Adoption has resulted 
in no material impact on the financial statements. 
  The  financial  information  presented  in  this  document does not constitute 
financial  statements.  The  amounts  presented  in  the  Half  Yearly Financial 
Statements  for the six months ended  30 June 2010 and the corresponding amounts 
for  the six months ended  30 June 2009 have been reviewed  but not audited. The 
independent   auditors'  review  report  is  on  pages  7 and  8. The  financial 
information  for  the  year  ended  31 December  2009, presented  herein,  is an 
abbreviated  version of the annual financial statements for the Group in respect 
of  the year ended 31 December 2009. The  Group's financial statements have been 
filed  in the Companies Registration Office  and the independent auditors issued 
an  unqualified audit  report, with  an emphasis  of matter  in the  opinion, in 
respect of those annual financial statements. 
  There were no other gains or losses during the six months period ended 30 June 
2010 other  than  those  reported  in  the  Condensed Statement of Comprehensive 
  The  Directors  are  satisfied  that  the  Group  has  sufficient resources to 
continue  in operation  for the  foreseeable future,  a period  of not less than 
twelve  months from the date of this report. Accordingly, they continue to adopt 
the going concern basis in preparing the financial statements. 
  The  Moma  Titanium  Minerals  Mine  in  Mozambique  is  the Group's reporting 
segment.  This is also the means by which information is reported to the Group's 
Board  for  the  purposes  of  resource  allocation  and  assessment  of segment 
                                       Unaudited    Unaudited     Audited 
                                      30 June 10   30 June 09   31 Dec 09 
                                         US$'000      US$'000     US$'000 
 Segment revenues and results 
 Moma Titanium Minerals Mine 
 Revenue                                  40,606            -      26,721 
 Cost of sales                          (41,986)            -    (35,170) 
 Gross loss                              (1,380)            -     (8,449) 
 Distribution costs                      (1,749)            -     (1,770) 
 Administration costs                      (300)            -           - 
 Segment operating loss                  (3,429)            -    (10,219) 
 Central administration costs            (2,720)        (713)     (1,892) 
 Group operating loss                    (6,149)        (713)    (12,111) 
 Finance income                              576          160         202 
 Finance expense                        (15,401)            -    (15,533) 
 Foreign exchange gain/(loss)             22,125          354     (2,910) 
 Profit/(loss) before tax                  1,151        (199)    (30,352) 
 Income tax expense                            -            -           - 
 Profit/(loss) for the period/year         1,151        (199)    (30,352) 
 Segment assets 
 Moma Titanium Minerals Mine assets      569,370      598,430     571,266 
 Corporate assets                        263,574       21,350      22,328 
 Total assets                            832,944      619,780     593,594 
During the six months ended 30 June 2009, the Group continued to build up 
production to target levels. From 1 July 2009 the mine was considered to be 
capable of operating at target levels of production and as a result the Group 
reported revenue and related costs in the statement of comprehensive income from 
July 2009. Prior to that date, related operating and finance costs net of 
revenues and finance income, were capitalised as development expenditure in 
property, plant and equipment. 
  Sales of mineral products are not seasonal in nature. 
  The calculation of the basic and diluted earnings/(loss) per share 
attributable to the ordinary equity holders of the parent is based on the 
following data: 
                                               Unaudited   Unaudited     Audited 
                                              30 June 10  30 June 09   31 Dec 09 
                                                 US$'000     US$'000     US$'000 
Profit/(loss) for the period/year 
attributable to equity holders of the              1,151       (199)    (30,352) 
                                               Unaudited   Unaudited     Audited 
                                              30 June 10  30 June 09   31 Dec 09 
                                               Number of   Number of   Number of 
                                                  Shares      Shares      Shares 
Weighted average number of issued ordinary 
shares for the 
purposes of basic earning/(loss) per share 1,644,358,548 798,839,952 844,314,758 
Effect of dilutive potential ordinary 
Share options                                 46,503,258  47,578,258  47,028,258 
Warrants                                               -  28,572,536           - 
Weighted average number of ordinary shares for the 
of diluted earning/(loss) per share        1,690,861,806 874,990,746 891,343,016 
In 2009 the basic loss per share and the diluted loss per share are the same, as 
the effect of the outstanding share options and warrants is anti-dilutive. 
                                 Plant   Other Construction Development    Total 
                           & Equipment  Assets  In Progress Expenditure 
                               US$'000 US$'000      US$'000     US$'000  US$'000 
Balance at 1 January 2009      259,516  12,798       45,705     236,406  554,425 
Transfer from construction 
in progress                      1,437     534      (1,971)           -        - 
Impairment during the                -   (363)            -        (48)    (411) 
Additions during the             1,257     177        3,843      32,815  38,092 
Balance at 30 June 2009        262,210  13,146       47,577     269,173  592,106 
Transfer from construction 
in progress                     45,917     977     (46,894)           -        - 
Reclassification to            (1,797)       -            -           -  (1,797) 
Additions during the             5,103      92        3,630         759    9,584 
Adjustment as a result of 
the DOS&R                            -       -            -    (25,758) (25,758) 
Balance at 31 December         311,433  14,215        4,313     244,174  574,135 
Transfer from construction 
in progress                        575   1,530      (2,105)           -        - 
Additions during the               914      25        5,876       2,830    9,645 
Impairment during the          (3,066)       -            -           -  (3,066) 
Balance at 30 June 2010        309,856  15,770        8,084     247,004  580,714 
Accumulated Depreciation 
Balance at 1 January 2009       10,220   4,533            -           -   14,753 
Charge for the period            4,636   1,194            -           -    5,830 
Impairment during the                -   (212)            -           -    (212) 
Balance at 30 June 2009         14,856   5,515            -           -   20,371 
Charge for the period            6,406   1,246            -       5,188   12,840 
Balance at 31 December          21,262   6,761                            33,211 
2009                                                      -       5,188 
Charge for the period            5,428   1,368            -       3,749   10,545 
Balance at 30 June 2010         26,690   8,129            -       8,937   43,756 
Carrying Amount 
Balance at 30 June 2010        283,166   7,641        8,084     238,067  536,958 
Balance at 30 June 2009        247,354   7,631       47,577     269,173  571,735 
Balance at 31 December         290,171   7,454        4,313     238,986  540,924 
  During  the period  the Group  finalised drilling  work on  the Nataka deposit 
resulting  in an increase in the total  reserves from 25 million tonnes of total 
heavy  mineral to 33 million tonnes  of total heavy mineral.  This resulted in a 
change  in the depreciation rate for plant and machinery which is depreciated on 
a unit of production basis. 
  The  jetty was damaged  in December 2007 when  the Bronagh J  collided with it 
during loading. An insurance claim for US$3.5 million was settled in June 2010. 
Repairs  to the jetty of  US$0.5 million were incurred  during the period and an 
impairment  of US$3 million was recognised  for the damage incurred in 2007. The 
jetty  has not been fully  impaired as it has  remained operational since 2007, 
loading  367,000 tonnes during  the first  six months  of 2010, loading 418,000 
tonnes in 2009 and 250,000 tonnes in 2008. The repairs, impairment and insurance 
recovery  have  been  recognised  in  distribution  costs  in  the  statement of 
comprehensive income during the period. 
  During  the period  the Group  carried out  an impairment  review of property, 
plant  and equipment.  The cash  generating unit  for the  purpose of impairment 
testing  is  the  Moma  Titanium  Minerals  Mine  as  this  is  the business and 
geographic  segment of the Group.  The basis on which  the recoverable amount of 
the  Moma Titanium Minerals Mine is assessed  is its value-in-use. The cash flow 
forecast  employed for the value-in-use computation  is a life of mine financial 
model.  The recoverable amount obtained from  the financial model represents the 
present  value of the  future pre tax  and finance cash  flows discounted at the 
average effective borrowing rate of the Moma Titanium Mineral Mine of 8.6%. 
  Key assumptions include the following: 
  *          A  mine plan covering 20 years of  production based on the Namalope 
    and Nataka proved and probable reserves. 
  *          The  cash flows assume ramp-up to expanded production levels during 
    2012. Expected  annual production levels at  full capacity pre-expansion are 
    approximately  800,000 tonnes of ilmenite per annum plus co-products, rutile 
    and   zircon.   Expected   annual   production   levels   at  full  capacity 
    post-expansion  are approximately  1.2 million tonnes  of ilmenite per annum 
    plus co-products, rutile and zircon. 
  *          Product  sales prices are based on contract prices as stipulated in 
    marketing  agreements with customers, or where contracts are based on market 
    prices  or production is not presently contracted, prices as forecast by the 
    lenders' independent marketing consultant. 
  *          Operating  and  capital  replacement  costs  are  based on approved 
    budget  costs  for  2010 and  escalated  by  2% per  annum  there  after and 
    reflecting post expansion costs from 2012 onwards. 
  The  discount rate  is the  significant factor  in determining the recoverable 
amount  and a  1% change in  the discount  rate results  in an  8% change in the 
recoverable amount. 
  Substantially all the property, plant and equipment is or will be mortgaged, 
pledged or otherwise encumbered to secure project loans as detailed in Note 7. 
  The  carrying amount of the Group's plant  and equipment includes an amount of 
US$2.7 million (2009: US$1.6 
  million) in respect of assets held under finance leases. 
  Additions  to development expenditure include mine expansion development costs 
of US$2.8 million. Expansion development costs incurred during the period before 
the  expansion assets are capable of operating  at production levels in a manner 
intended  by  management  are  deferred  and  included  in  property,  plant and 
  The recovery of property, plant and equipment is dependent upon the successful 
development  of economic ore reserves and  successful operation of the mine. The 
Directors are satisfied that at the balance sheet date the recoverable amount of 
property,  plant and equipment is not less than its carrying amount and based on 
the  planned mine  production levels  that the  Moma Titanium Minerals Mine will 
achieve positive cash flows. 
  On  1 April 2010, 1,497,030,066 new  ordinary shares  were issued  by way of a 
firm  placing and placing  and open offer  which raised Stg GBP179.6 million before 
expenses.  The primary purpose of this equity raising is to fund an expansion of 
the existing mine operations to increase production capacity from 800,000 tonnes 
per  annum  of  ilmenite  plus  co-products  to  1.2 million tonnes per annum of 
ilmenite  plus co-products.  US$121 million  of this  issue has been credited to 
share  capital  resulting  in  share  capital  as at 30 June of US$195.8 million 
(2009:  US$74.8 million).  US$137.4 million  of this  issue has been credited to 
share  premium  resulting  in  share  premium  as at 30 June of US$300.5 million 
(2009: US$163.1 million). 
                                                  Unaudited  Unaudited   Audited 
                                                 30 June 10 30 June 09 31 Dec 09 
                                                    US$'000    US$'000   US$'000 
Project loans 
Senior loans                                        171,714    188,198   188,079 
Subordinated loans                                  156,953    153,703   165,525 
Total Project loans                                 328,667    341,901   353,604 
Mortgage loan                                         2,327          -     2,513 
Total loans                                         330,994    341,901   356,117 
The borrowings are repayable as follows: 
Within one year                                      68,640     31,478    58,791 
In the second year                                   39,646     40,646    41,722 
In the third to fifth year                          118,277    121,938   124,979 
After five years                                    104,431    147,839   130,625 
                                                    330,994    341,901   356,117 
Less amounts due for settlement within 12 months   (68,640)   (31,478)  (58,791) 
Amount due for settlement after 12 months           262,354    310,423   297,326 
  Project loans 
  Project loans have been made to the Mozambique branches of Kenmare Moma Mining 
(Mauritius) Limited and Kenmare Moma Processing (Mauritius) Limited (the Project 
Companies). The Project loans are secured by substantially all rights and assets 
of  the Project Companies, and, amongst other  things, the shares in the Project 
Companies and the CRA. 
  On  30 June  2010, the  deposit  of  US$200  million  to the CRA was completed 
thereby  satisfying all  the conditions  as set  out in  the Deed  of Waiver and 
Amendment dated 5 March 2010 ("Expansion Funding Deed"). 
  Kenmare Resources plc and Congolone Heavy Minerals Limited have guaranteed the 
loans during the period prior to Completion. The Expansion Funding Deed extended 
the  final date for achieving  Completion to 31 December 2013. Completion occurs 
upon meeting certain tests and satisfying certain conditions, all as verified by 
the  lenders'  independent  engineer,  including  installation  of  all required 
facilities,  meeting  certain  cost,  efficiency,  and production benchmarks and 
social   and   environmental   requirements  ("Technical  Completion"),  meeting 
marketing,  legal and  permitting, and  certain financial requirements including 
filling  of specified reserve accounts to  the required levels. Upon Completion, 
Kenmare  Resource plc  and Congolone  Heavy Minerals  Limited's guarantee of the 
loans  will  terminate.  Under  the  Expansion  Funding Deed, failure to achieve 
Completion  by  the  final  completion  date  ceases  to be an event of default. 
Instead,  failure to  achieve Non-Technical  Completion by  the final completion 
date is an event of default. Non-Technical Completion occurs when the marketing, 
legal  and other conditions, financial, and environmental certificates specified 
in  the completion agreement  (in the case  of the environmental certificate, as 
verified by the independent engineer) have been delivered to the lenders. 
Seven  Senior Loan credit facilities were  made available for financing the Moma 
Titanium  Minerals Mine.  The  aggregate maximum available  amount of the Senior 
Loan  credit facilities was  US$182.8 million plus  EUR15 million which were fully 
drawn  down at the period  end. The Senior Loan  tenors range from 5 years to 8 
years  from 30 June 2010. Three of the Senior Loans bear interest at fixed rates 
and four bear interest at variable rates. 
The   original   Subordinated  Loan  credit  facilities  (made  available  under 
documentation  entered  into  in  June  2004) with original principal amounts of 
EUR47.1  million plus  US$10 million  (excluding capitalised  interest) were fully 
drawn  down  at  period  end. The  Subordinated  Loans  denominated in Euro bear 
interest  at  a  fixed  rate  of  10% per  annum,  while  the Subordinated Loans 
denominated in US Dollars bear interest at six month LIBOR plus 8% per annum. 
  The   Standby  Subordinated  Loan  credit  facilities  (made  available  under 
documentation entered into in June 2005) with original principal amounts of EUR2.8 
million  and  US$4  million  were  fully  drawn  down  at  period  end.  Standby 
Subordinated  Loans bear interest at fixed rates  of 10% per annum in respect of 
EUR2.8  million and  US$1.5 million and  at six  month LIBOR  plus 8% per annum in 
respect of US$2.5 million. 
  The  Additional Standby Subordinated  Loan credit facilities  of US$12 million 
and  US$10 million  (made available  under documentation  entered into in August 
2007) were  fully drawn down at period  end. The Additional Standby Subordinated 
Loans bear interest at 6 month LIBOR plus 5%. 
  Interest  and principal  on the  Subordinated Loans  was due  to be paid on 1 
February  2010, but as cash was  insufficient on such date  to make the schedule 
interest  payment,  interest  was  capitalised  and  both interest and principal 
becomes  payable on the first semi-annual  payment date on which sufficient cash 
is  available in the  Project Companies, in  whole or in  part, to the extent of 
available cash. The final instalments are due on 1 August 2019. 
  Standby  Subordinated lenders have an option to require that Kenmare Resources 
plc purchase the Standby Subordinated Loans on agreed terms. 
  Under  the Deed of Waiver and  Amendment dated 31 March 2009, interest margins 
on  Subordinated Loans were increased by 3% per annum until Technical Completion 
and  by 1% per annum until Completion. This additional margin is scheduled to be 
paid  after senior  loans have  been repaid  in full  but may be prepaid without 
  Other Group bank borrowings 
  On  the 7 August  2009 Mozambique Minerals  Limited (a wholly-owned subsidiary 
undertaking)   entered   into  a  loan  agreement  with  Banco  Comerical  e  de 
Investimentos,  S.A. for  US$2.5 million  to fund  the purchase of an additional 
product  transshipment  barge,  Peg,  and  a  tug/work boat, Sofia III. Interest 
accrues  at a 6 month LIBOR plus 6%, and is payable monthly commencing September 
2009 and  principal  is  scheduled  to  be  repaid  in  54 monthly  installments 
commencing  March 2010. This loan was drawn  down on 10 August 2009. The loan is 
secured  by a mortgage on the Peg and  Sofia III and by a guarantee from Kenmare 
Resources plc. 
  Group borrowings interest and currency risk 
  Loan  facilities arranged  at fixed  interest rates  expose the  Group to fair 
value  interest rate risk. Loan facilities arranged at variable rates expose the 
Group  to cash flow  interest rate risk.  Variable rates are  based on six month 
LIBOR.  The average  effective borrowing  rate at  the period  end was 8.6%. The 
interest  rate profile  of the  Group's loan  balances at  the period end was as 
                       Unaudited    Unaudited     Audited 
                      30 June 10   30 June 09   31 Dec 09 
                         US$'000      US$'000     US$'000 
 Fixed rate debt         208,491      221,536     231,062 
 Variable rate debt      122,503      120,365     125,055 
 Total debt              330,994      341,901     356,117 
  Due  to the specific  nature of the  project financing and  the current market 
conditions,  the basis  to determine  the fair  value of  the bank borrowings is 
  Under  the assumption that  all other variables  remain constant and using the 
most  relevant 6 month  LIBOR, a  1% change in  LIBOR would  result in  a US$1.2 
million (2009: US$1.2 million) change in finance costs for the year. 
  The currency profile of the bank loans is as follows: 
               Unaudited    Unaudited     Audited 
              30 June 10   30 June 09   31 Dec 09 
                 US$'000      US$'000     US$'000 
 Euro            121,879      127,131     136,863 
 US Dollars      209,115      214,770     219,254 
 Total debt      330,994      341,901     356,117 
  The  Euro-denominated loans expose  the Group to  currency fluctuations. These 
currency fluctuations are realised on payment of Euro-denominated debt principal 
and  interest. Under that assumption that  all other variables remain constant a 
10% strengthening  or weakening of Euro against the US Dollar, would result in a 
US$1.4  million  (2009:  US$1.5  million)  change  in  finance costs and a US$12 
million change in foreign exchange gain or loss for the year. 
  The  above sensitivity  analyses are  estimates of  the impact of market risks 
assuming  the specified change  occurs. Actual results  in the future may differ 
materially  from  these  results  due  to  developments  in the global financial 
markets which may cause fluctuations in interest and exchange rates to vary from 
the  assumptions made above and therefore  should not be considered a projection 
of likely future events. 
  Provisions at the period end are made up of a mine closure provision of US$2.6 
million  (2009: US$2.8  million) and  a mine  rehabilitation provision of US$1.6 
million (2009: US$1.8 million). The mine rehabilitation provision was reduced by 
US$0.6  million during the period to take account of changes in the actual costs 
of  rehabilitation being incurred. US$0.4 million  (2009: US$0.6 million) of the 
mine  rehabilitation  provision  has  been  included  in  current liabilities to 
reflect  the estimated cost  of rehabilitation work  to be carried  out over the 
next year. 
  The  Company has  a share  option scheme  for certain Directors, employees and 
consultants. Options are exercisable at a price equal to the quoted market price 
of  the Company's shares on the date of grant. The options generally vest over a 
three  to  five  year  period,  in  equal  annual  amounts.  If  options  remain 
unexercised  after a period of  seven years from the  date of grant, the options 
expire. The option expiry period may be extended at the decision of the Board of 
  During the period the Group recognised a share-based payment expense of US$0.7 
million (2009: US$0.1 million). 
  Transactions  between  the  Company  and  its  subsidiaries, which are related 
parties,  have been  eliminated on  consolidation and  are not disclosed in this 
  During  the six months ended 30 June  2010 there were no material transactions 
or  balances between Kenmare  Resources plc and  its key management personnel or 
members  of their close  family, other than  in respect of  remuneration and the 
purchase  of ordinary share capital as  disclosed in Directors' Shareholdings in 
the 2009 Annual Report. 
  Since 30 June 2010 the US Dollar has weakened against the Euro. If by the year 
end the US Dollar/Euro exchange rate has not recovered to the 30 June 2010 level 
it  will  reduce  the  reported  foreign  exchange  gain  in  the  statement  of 
comprehensive income. 
  The  Half Yearly  Financial report  was authorised  by the  Board on 26 August 
  The  Half Yearly Financial Report is  being sent to registered shareholders by 
post  or electronically  to those  who have  elected for  electronic shareholder 
  Copies  are also  available from  the Company's  registered office  at Chatham 
House, Chatham Street, Dublin 2, Ireland. The statement is also available on the 
Company's website at www.kenmareresources.com. 
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Source: Kenmare Resources via Thomson Reuters ONE 

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Kenmare Resources (LSE:KMR)
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From Jul 2023 to Jul 2024 Click Here for more Kenmare Resources Charts.