RNS Number:9183Q
Irish Life & Permanent PLC
07 September 2005

                           IRISH LIFE & PERMANENT PLC

                                 Interim Report

                           Six months to 30 June 2005


Statutory Basis (IFRS)

The statutory basis applies IFRS to all operations including the application of
IFRS 4 'Insurance Contracts' to the group's life assurance operations. The group
has availed of the deferred transitional date in respect of IAS 39 'Financial
Instruments : Recognition and Measurement', IAS 32 'Financial Instruments :
Disclosure and Presentation' and IFRS 4 'Insurance Contracts' and therefore has
not restated 2004 comparatives for the impact of these IFRSs. The pro-forma
comparatives for the period ended 30 June 2004 are adjusted for the impact of
these IFRSs.

The statutory basis of accounts are included on pages 23 to 31.

Embedded Value basis (EV)

The EV results of the group's life assurance operations are prepared in
accordance with the European Embedded Value (EEV) Principles issued in May 2004
by the European Chief Financial Officers' Forum. Life assurance operations were
previously presented in accordance with the Association of British Insurers'
paper of December 2001 'Supplementary Reporting for Long Term Insurance Business
(The Achieved Profits Method)'. 2004 results have been restated to reflect this

The group has focused on the EV basis, as it believes that EV is a more
realistic measure of the performance of life businesses than the statutory IFRS
basis. The EV basis is used throughout the group to assess performance, and it
is also the measure used by the investment community to assess the performance
of life businesses.

The results of all other operations are prepared in accordance with IFRSs which
are expected to apply at 31 December 2005. 2004 results have been restated to
reflect this. In order to provide more meaningful comparison, this restatement
also includes the main impacts of IAS 39 and IAS 32. The IASB has given a
deferred transition date for these IFRSs under which 2004 results can continue
to be reported on an ROI GAAP basis.

                              Financial Highlights

                    6 months ended 30 June 2005 (Unaudited)

                                                                  H1 05               H1 04              Growth
EV Basis

Profit after tax                                                  Euro220m               Euro182m                 21%

EPS                                                           81.5 cent           67.5 cent                 21%

Operating profit before tax                                       Euro196m               Euro187m                  5%

Operating profit EPS                                          62.3 cent           58.9 cent                  6%

Statutory Basis1

Profit after tax                                                  Euro171m               Euro128m                 34%

EPS on continuing activities                                   64.0cent           48.6 cent                 32%

New loans issued                                                Euro4.2bln             Euro3.7bln                 13%

Lending book                                                   Euro23.3bln            Euro19.1bln                 22%

Mortgage loan book (Ireland)                                   Euro15.7bln            Euro13.2bln                 19%

Life and investment new business
- APE                                                             Euro260m               Euro195m                 33%
- PVNBP                                                         Euro1.9bln             Euro1.4bln                 40%

Interim Dividend                                              17.7 cent           16.5 cent                  7%

Commenting on the results David Went, Group Chief Executive, said:

"The strong momentum which built up in all our core businesses in 2004 continued
through the first half of 2005 when sales growth in all our business lines was
extremely strong. New lending was up 13%, life and investment sales increased
33% with retail life sales ahead 24%, while investment inflows, on the back of
prolonged superior investment performance were ahead 123% to Euro750m. Particularly
pleasing was the very strong growth in new business earnings in our life
business which were up 61% on an EV basis while the 8% growth in net interest
income within our banking business was satisfactory. Overall the strong first
half and the continued momentum with the business leaves us well placed for a
successful full year outcome."

                                    EV BASIS

                         Commentary on Results EV basis

                    Consolidated Income Statement - EV Basis

                For the 6 months ended 30 June 2005 (Unaudited)

                                                                   6 months to     6 months to    12 months to 
                                                                  30 June 2005    30 June 2004     31 Dec 2004 

                                                                            Eurom              Eurom              Eurom

         Operating profit on continuing operations                                                             

         Insurance and Investment Business                                 109             102             192 
         Banking                                                            66              65             139 
         Other                                                             (3)             (2)               - 
                                                                           172             165             331 
         Share of Associate                                                 24              22              56 
         Operating profit before tax on continuing operations              196             187             387 

         Short-term investment fluctuations                                 42              15              26 

         Effect of economic assumption changes                              30               -              30 

         Other credits                                                       2               2              21 
         Profit before tax                                                 270             204             464 

         Taxation                                                         (19)            (17)            (33) 

         Government levy                                                   (6)             (6)            (12) 
                                                                           245             181             419 

         (Loss)/profit after tax on discontinued operations               (24)               2              10 
                                                                           221             183             429 

         Minority interest                                                 (1)             (1)             (2) 
         Total profit after tax                                            220             182             427 

Total profit after tax for the 6 months ended 30 June 2005 was Euro220m, a 21%
increase on the Euro182m reported in 2004. The 2005 first half outcome includes a
loss after tax of Euro24m incurred on the disposal of the group's closed life
assurance business in the UK, City of Westminster Assurance, which is reported
below the line as profit after tax on discontinued operations. The profit after
tax before discontinued activities increased 35% to Euro245m from Euro181m for the
half-year June 2004. Pre-tax profits (before discontinued activities) were Euro270m
in the first half 2005, an increase of 32% on the 2004 level of Euro204m.

The outcome in the first half 2005 includes a positive impact of Euro30m resulting
from changes to the economic assumptions used in calculating the life assurance
embedded value (2004: Euronil). This principally reflects the impact of a reduction
in the risk discount rate used to compute the embedded value from 6.7% to 6.1%
which arose due to a reduction in euro gilt rates.

The continued improvement in investment markets in the first half of 2005
resulted in net positive short term investment fluctuations of Euro42m (2004:
Euro15m). This gain represents the out-performance of investment markets compared
to the investment return assumptions used in computing the embedded value of the
group's life assurance business.

On 2 June 2005 the group sold its closed UK life business, City of Westminster
Assurance, for a consideration, after transaction costs, of Euro65m. The loss
arising on this disposal of Euro24m, (which includes Euro2m profit arising in the
period up to date of disposal) is included in profit after tax on discontinued

The operating profit before tax for the first half 2005 was Euro196m, a 5% increase
on 2004 (Euro187m). This growth was principally driven by a 7% growth in the
contribution from the group's life assurance activities on foot of strong growth
in new business profits which were ahead 61% to Euro45m. The banking result in the
first half 2005 was broadly flat at Euro66m principally due to a negative Euro7m in
trading profits which arose on positions which were closed out due to the mark
to market requirements of IFRS. Excluding this item underlying banking profits
were ahead 12%.

The contribution from the group's holding in Allianz (Ireland), a general
insurance business, increased to Euro24m in the first half 2005 from Euro22m in 2004
reflecting a strong underwriting result in continuing favourable market
conditions and the good investment markets which prevailed in the period.

Banking Business

The results of the group's banking business presented on an IFRS basis for the 6
months to 30 June 2005 are set out below.

                                       6 months to     6 months to    12 months to 
                                      30 June 2005    30 June 2004     31 Dec 2004 

                                                Eurom              Eurom              Eurom

      Net interest income                      184             171             349 
      Other income                              22              21              39 
      Trading income                           (7)               -               6 
                                               199             192             394 

      Administrative expenses                (127)           (122)           (245) 
      Impairment provisions                    (6)             (5)            (10) 

      Operating profit before tax               66              65             139 

The total pre-tax contribution generated by the group's banking and other
activities in the first half 2005 was Euro66m compared to Euro65m in 2004. The 2005
outcome was negatively impacted by Euro7m of trading losses which arose on
positions closed out due to the mark to market requirement of IFRS. These losses
could not be offset by gains of Euro12m arising on the closing out of interest rate
positions on transition to IAS 39 which are required to be amortised over 3
years. Excluding this negative item the underlying pre-tax contribution in the
bank was ahead 12%.

Net interest income increased 8% to Euro184m from Euro171m with continued strong
growth in the level of new lending and current account balances offsetting the
impact of increased levels of wholesale funding on the net interest margin.

The net interest margin for the half year 2005 was 1.34% compared to a margin of
1.40% reported for the full year 2004 and 1.44% for the first half 2004. The
principal reason for this reduction which was anticipated was the requirement to
fund the growth in new lending business and associated liquidity largely in the
wholesale markets.

Total loans and advances to customers at 30 June 2005 were Euro23.3bln, an increase
of 10% on outstanding balances at 31 December 2004 and 22% ahead of outstanding
balances at 30 June 2004. Total gross new lending at Euro4.2bln was 13% ahead of
the first half 2004 of Euro3.7bln. The growth in balances over the principal
business lines was as follows:

                                       30 June    31 Dec    Growth 
                                          2005      2004   
                                            Eurom        Eurom         % 

      Mortgage lending ROI              15,699    14,553         8 
      Consumer finance                   1,509     1,381         9 
      Commercial lending                 1,246     1,249         - 
                                        18,454    17,183         7 

      Mortgage lending - UK (#Stg)       3,267     2,756        19 

      Total lending - Eurom                23,301    21,090        10 

The strength of the Irish residential mortgage market continued in the first
half of 2005. Total gross new mortgages issued were Euro2.5bln, a 12% increase on
the Euro2.2bln issued in the first half of 2004. Residential mortgage balances
outstanding increased 8% to Euro15.7bln compared to Euro14.6bln outstanding at 31
December 2004. Mortgage demand was also strong in the UK with Capital Home
Loans, the group's centralised mortgage lender, issuing Stg#671m in gross new
mortgages in the first half 2005, up 17% on the Stg#574m issued in the first
half 2004.

Mortgage balances outstanding in the UK increased 19% to Stg#3.3bln from
Stg#2.8bln at 31 December 2004.

New consumer finance loans issued increased 19% to Euro554m compared to Euro466m in
the first half 2004 principally reflecting a strong new car finance market in
the first half of the year. Reflecting this growth in new business the consumer
finance portfolio increased 9% to Euro1.5bln from Euro1.4bln at 31 December 2004. The
commercial finance portfolio at Euro1.2bln was largely unchanged from 31 December
2004 and the bank intends to target growth in this area as a priority going

Customer account balances increased from Euro11.9bln at 31 December 2004 to
Euro12.2bln at 30 June 2005.

Other operating income at Euro22m was 5% ahead of first half 2004 (Euro21m) reflecting
a modest level of growth in current account and related fee income following on
from the bank's very successful fee-free current account marketing strategy. In
total 33,000 of the group's new current accounts were opened in the bank in the
first half 2005 due to the success of this strategy with a 20% increase in
current account balances which grew to Euro1.9bln. Growth in current accounts will
remain a key focus for the bank in the second half of the year.

As previously other operating income includes no contribution from bancassurance
sales, the earnings from which, in line with the group's accounting policies,
are included in the pre-tax profit reported in the group's life assurance
activities. Sales of life and pensions products in the bank in the first half
2005 were Euro28m, an increase of 8% on the first half 2004 (Euro26m). The pre-tax
operating profit achieved on the bancassurance book of life business was Euro21m in
the first half 2005, up 11% on first half 2004 of Euro19m.

Trading income in the first half 2005 was negative at Euro7m (first half 2004
Euronil). This arose due to certain positions taken in financial instruments which
fall to be accounted on a mark to market basis. These positions were closed out
in the first half of the year. The losses arising could not be offset by gains
of Euro12m which arose in the closing of certain interest rate positions as part of
the transition of the balance sheet to meet the hedging requirements of IAS 39
as these gains fall to be amortised to net interest income over the next 3

Operating and corporate expenses increased 4% to Euro127m from Euro122m in the first
half 2005. Cost management will continue to be a key focus within the bank
through the remainder of the year and into 2006.

Impairment provisions against bad debts in 2005 were Euro6m compared to Euro5m
incurred in the first half 2004 reflecting the robust credit quality which
prevails within all of the group's loan portfolios where realised bad debt loss
levels are insignificant. Provisions held against the portfolios continued to be
conservative, notwithstanding the write back in general provisions necessitated
under IAS 39, with a reserve ratio of 23 basis points compared to an arrears
ratio of 18 basis points.

Insurance and Investment Business

The results of the group's insurance and investment business presented on an EV
basis, for the six months to 30 June 2005 as set out below.

                                                6 months to    6 months to    12 months to 
                                               30 June 2005   30 June 2004     31 Dec 2004 

                                                         Eurom             Eurom              Eurom

      New business contribution                         45              28              58 

      Contribution from in-force business                                                  

      Expected return                                   38              35              69 
      Experience variances                               9              12              11 

      Operating assumption changes                       7              17              39 

      Expected investment return                        10              10              19 
      Development expenditure                            -               -             (4) 
                                                        64              74             134 

      Operating profit before tax                      109             102             192 

Operating profit before tax increased 7% to Euro109m in the first half 2005
compared to Euro102m in the first half 2004 reflecting a 61% increase in new
business contribution which improved to Euro45m from Euro28m in the first half 2004
which offset a 13% reduction in the contribution from the in-force business,
largely due to a Euro10m reduction in the level of operating assumption changes.

The expected return on the in-force book increased 9% to Euro38m from Euro35m due to
the growth in the in-force book which offset the impact of the reduction in the
risk discount rate from 7.3% to 6.7%.

Experience variances were positive at Euro9m compared to Euro12m in first half 2004.
The reduction is principally due to the capitalisation of positive mortality
experience in 2004 reflecting sustained improvements in that experience. This
leads to lower variances relative to the revised expected experience.

The operating assumption changes of Euro7m arising in the first half 2005
principally relate to productivity and expense gains achieved. This compares to
Euro17m in the first half 2004 which included Euro10m for the capitalisation of
positive mortality experience.

The expected investment return relates to earnings on shareholder assets
including solvency capital and is calculated by reference to the assumed
long-term investment return for equities and property combined with the actual
earnings on short-term cash. The return of Euro10m is in line with the prior

The assumptions underlying the embedded value continue to be conservatively

The new business profits in the first half 2005 increased 61% to Euro45m from Euro28m
in 2004. The principal reason for this significant uplift in new business
contribution was a 33% increase in combined life and investment new business
sales to Euro260m on an APE basis in first half 2005 from Euro195m in 2004 combined
with improved new business margins.

Overall new business margins on an APE basis were 17% in the first half 2005
compared to 14% in 2004 made up as follows:

                            30 June    30 June 
                               2005       2004 
                                  %          % 
      Life                       20         16 

      Investment (ILIM)          11          9 

                                 17         14 

A number of factors including a favourable product mix, improved pricing on
protection products, lower unit selling costs and the reduction in the risk
discount rate in 2005 all combined to push life margins to 20% from 16% in 2004.
The increase in investment margins is largely due to the mix of business.

APE2 sales in the group's principal life businesses are summarised below:

                                   30 June    30 June    Growth 
                                      2005       2004           
                                        Eurom         Eurom         % 

      Retail Life                      102         82        24 
      Corporate Life                    74         71         4 
      Irish Life International           9          8        13 

                                       185        161        15 
      Investment (ILIM)                 75         34       123 

                                       260        195        33 

When calculated on the basis of present value of new business premiums ("PVNBP")
margins improved from 2.1% in the first half 2004 to 2.4% in 2005 which is
broadly the same order as the improvement under the APE basis

The PVNBP margin is calculated as follows:

                            30 June    30 June 
                               2005       2004 
                                  %          % 
      Life                      3.2        2.5 

      Investment (ILIM)         1.1        0.9 

                                2.4        2.1 

PVNBP3 sales in each of the group's principal life businesses are set out below:

                                   30 June    30 June    Growth 
                                      2005       2004           
                                        Eurom         Eurom         % 

      Retail life                      661        567        17 
      Corporate life                   395        377         5 
      Irish Life International          92         78        18 

                                     1,148      1,022        12 
      Investment (ILIM)                750        337       123 

                                     1,898      1,359        40 

Retail Life

The sales climate for the Retail Life division remained very favourable in the
first half of 2005 with continued investor confidence on the back of strong
investment markets providing a favourable backdrop. Retail sales increased 24%
on an APE basis (17% on the PVNBP basis) to Euro102m in the first half 2005 from
Euro82m in 2004.

While sales across all product lines and channels were strong, sales of savings
products (up 69%), pensions (up 29%) and protection (up 25%) were particularly
strong. The group believes that this strong sales performance has improved its
overall market share position in the first half of 2005.

The retail business continued to make good progress on the implementation of the
Horizon project in the first half of 2005 with migration of the "back book" of
older policies now 95% complete. The project, which has been an unqualified
success, will be fully completed in the second half of 2005.

Corporate Life

The key driver for corporate life sales is employment and salary growth in the
Irish economy. Market conditions continued to be favourable in the first half of
2005 with new business sales on an APE basis increasing 4% to Euro74m from Euro71m in
2004 ( PVNBP basis growth was 5%). Protection and risk sales were particularly
strong ahead 32% in the first half 2005 but this growth was offset by lower
demand for annuities and personal retirement bonds.

Investment Management

In the first half of 2005 ILIM continued to be the top performing pension fund
manager in Ireland over the last three years. On foot of this performance ILIM
generated total APE inflows of Euro75m (gross inflows of Euro750m) in the first half
of 2005, an increase of 123% over the Euro34m generated in the first half 2004.
Arising from this strong level of new sales and good investment performance,
funds under management increased 14% from Euro21.3bln at 31 December 2004 to
Euro24.4bln at 30 June 2005.

Capital and Liquidity

The group's capital and liquidity positions remained strong at 30 June 2005. The
Tier 1 total capital ratios were 10.6% (31 December 2004: 11.2%) while the
liquidity ratio within the group's banking business was 26% (31 December 2004:
25%). The solvency margin in Irish Life Assurance plc, the group's principal
life assurance business was covered 1.7 times by available assets (31 December
2004: 1.7 times).


The directors have declared an interim dividend of 17.7 cent for the first six
months of 2005. This compares to an interim dividend paid in 2004 of 16.5 cent.
The dividend will be paid on 16 November 2005 to shareholders on the register as
at 7 October 2005. The ex dividend date is 5 October 2005.

For further information contact:

Name                 Telephone No.            Mobile No.             Email address

Barry Walsh          353 1 7042678            087 681 8157           barry.walsh@irishlife.ie
David McCarthy       353 1 8563050            087 256 7292           david.mccarthy@irishlife.ie

Ray Gordon           353 1 6788099            087 241 7373           ray@mrpakinman.ie

Basis of Preparation EV

Earnings generated by the group's life assurance operations are prepared in
accordance with the European Embedded Value (EEV) Principles issued in May 2004
by the European Chief Financial Officers' Forum. For businesses other than life
assurance the results have been prepared based on the recognition and
measurement requirements of the IFRS issued by the IASB and adopted by the EU
which are expected to apply at 31 December 2005.

IFRS brings into force phase 1 of the International Accounting Standard Board's
("IASB") insurance accounting project. In view of the phased implementation of
IFRS for insurance business, the group believes that shareholders will continue
to place considerable reliance on embedded value information relating to the
life assurance business. The statutory interim financial information includes
insurance contracts written in the life assurance business based on embedded
value earnings calculated using the EEV principles developed by the European CFO
forum. The EV basis financial information extends these principles to investment
contracts written in the life assurance business.

The group's results were previously prepared on an ROI GAAP basis under which
life assurance operations were presented in accordance with the Association of
British Insurers' paper of December 2001 'Supplementary Reporting for Long Term
Insurance Business (The Achieved Profits Method)'.

2004 results have been restated to reflect the new reporting basis. Restatements
for 12 months to 31 December 2004 were issued on 21 July 2005 and restatements
for 6 months to 30 June 2004 were issued on 25 August 2005, copies of these
restatements are available from the group's website (www.irishlifepermanent.ie).
These restatements do not constitute the company's statutory accounts for the
year ended 31 December 2004 which were prepared under ROI GAAP.

The directors acknowledge their responsibility for the preparation of the EV
basis information.

The group's provisional accounting policies and a description of the key
differences between ROI GAAP, IFRS and EEV are set out in the EEV and IFRS
transition documents issued on 21 July 2005.

The methodology applied to produce the EV basis for the period to 30 June 2005
is consistent with the methodology used to produce the restated EV information
for the year to 31 December 2004 and six months to 30 June 2004.

Certain IFRS that will be effective or available for early adoption at 31
December 2005 are still subject to change and to the issue of additional
interpretation. Accordingly the group's accounting policies and consequently the
financial information presented may change prior to the publication of the
group's 2005 annual report.

KPMG, the group's auditors, have reviewed the EV basis information.

Consolidated Income Statement - EV basis (Unaudited)                                                                
Six months to 30 June 2005                                                                                          
                                                                      Notes       6 months      6 months    12 months 
                                                                                to 30 June    to 30 June    to 31 Dec 
                                                                                      2005          2004         2004 
                                                                                        Eurom            Eurom           Eurom
  Operating profit on continuing operations                                                                           
       Insurance & investment business                                                 109           102          192  
       Banking                                                                          66            65          139  
       Other                                                                           (3)           (2)            - 
                                                                                       172           165          331  
       Share of associate                                                               24            22           56  

  Operating profit before tax on continuing operations                     1           196           187          387  

  Short term investment fluctuations                                                    42            15           26  

  Effect of economic assumption changes                                                 30             -           30  

  Other credits                                                            2             2             2           21  

  Profit before tax                                                                    270           204          464  

  Taxation                                                                 5          (25)          (23)         (45) 

  Profit for the period on continuing operations                                       245           181          419  

  (Loss)/profit after tax on discontinued operations                       3          (24)            2            10  

  Profit for the period after tax                                                      221           183          429  

  Minority interest                                                                    (1)           (1)          (2) 

  Profit attributable to equity holders                                                220           182          427  

  Earnings per share including own shares held                                                                        
  for the benefit of life assurance policyholders (cent)                              81.5          67.5        158.4 

  Operating earnings per share including own shares                                   62.3          58.9        124.2 
  held for the benefit of life assurance policyholders (cent)                                                         

  Consolidated Balance Sheet - EV basis (Unaudited)                                                                   
  As at 30 June 2005                                                                                                  
                                                                                        30 June    30 June    31 Dec 
                                                                                           2005       2004      2004 
                                                                                             Eurom         Eurom        Eurom
       Cash and other receivables                                                          289        205        243  
       Investments                                                                      21,416     17,719     20,436  
       Loans and receivables to banks                                                    5,100      5,233      4,508  
       Loans and receivables to customers                                               23,721     19,186     21,133  
       Interest in associated undertaking                                                  152        112        136  
       Reinsurance assets                                                                1,959      1,531      1,738  
       Shareholder value of in-force business                                              999        916        940  
       Net post retirement benefit asset                                                    66         66         65  
       Other assets                                                                        583        543        569  
       Other debtors                                                                       555        427        355  

       Total assets                                                                     54,840     45,938     50,123  

       Customer accounts                                                                13,284     13,243     12,846  
       Debt securities in issue                                                         13,109     10,425     10,879  
       Non-recourse funding                                                              2,146        990      2,193  
       Derivatives                                                                         277         14        131  
       Insurance contract liabilities                                                    3,764      3,770      3,850  
       Investment contract liabilities                                                  17,889     13,903     16,193  
       Outstanding insurance and investment claims                                         109        118        115  
       Net post retirement benefit liability                                               172        165        169  
       Other liabilities                                                                   577        384        457  
       Subordinated liabilities                                                          1,057        782        951  
                                                                                        52,384     43,794     47,784  

       Share capital                                                                        86         86         86  
       Share premium                                                                        58         52         52  
       Retained profits                                                                  2,238      1,930      2,126  
       Capital reserves                                                                    135        122        129  
       Own shares held for the benefit of life                                            (72)       (54)       (64) 
       assurance policyholders                                                   
       Shareholders' equity                                                              2,445      2,136      2,329  
       Minority interest                                                                    11          8         10  
                                                                                         2,456      2,144      2,339  

       Total liabilities and equity                                                     54,840     45,938     50,123  

  Consolidated Statement of Recognised Income and Expense EV Basis (Unaudited)                                        
  Six months to 30 June 2005                                                                                          
                                                                                  6 months      6 months    12 months 
                                                                                to 30 June    to 30 June    to 31 Dec 
                                                                                      2005          2004         2004 
                                                                                        Eurom            Eurom           Eurom

       Revaluation of property & equipment                                               1             -            -   
       Change in value of available for sale financial assets                          (1)             -            -   

       Net amount recognised directly in equity                                          -             -            -   
       Profit for the period                                                           221           183           429  
       Total recognised income and expense for the period                              221           183           429  
       Minority interests                                                              (1)           (1)           (2)  
       Attributable to equity holders                                                  220           182           427  
       Movement in cost of own shares                                                  (8)             -          (10)  
       Dividends paid                                                                (104)          (97)         (142)  
       Total recognised income and expenses                                            108           85            275  

  Notes to the 2005 EV basis financial information  
  Six months to 30 June 2005                                                                                          

  1.   Operating Profit before tax                                                               
                                                                                  6 months      6 months    12 months 
                                                                                to 30 June    to 30 June    to 31 Dec 
                                                                                      2005          2004         2004 
                                                                                        Eurom            Eurom           Eurom
                            Insurance & investment business                                                           
                                                    New business                        45           28            58 
                                                    Profit from existing                                              
                                                    - Expected return                  38            35            69 
                                                    - Experience variances              9            12            11 
                                                    - Operating assumption              7            17            39 
                                                    Development expenditure              -            -           (4) 
                                                    Expected investment                10            10            19 
                                                    Operating profit before           109            102          192 
                                                    Net interest income                184           171          349 
                                                    Non interest income                 15            21           45 
                                                                                       199           192          394 
                                                    Administrative expenses          (127)         (122)        (245) 
                                                    including depreciation                                            
                                                    Impairment losses on               (6)           (5)         (10) 
                                                    loans and receivables                                             
                                                    Operating profit before             66            65          139 

                            Other activities                                                                          
                                                    Non-interest income                22            23           48  
                                                    Administrative expenses           (25)          (25)         (48) 
                                                    including depreciation                                            
                                                    Operating profit before            (3)           (2)            - 

                            Share of associate                                         24            22           56  

                            Total operating profit                                    196           187          387  

2.     Other Charges/Credits

(a)    Disposal of property and equipment

    In the six months to 30 June 2005 the group disposed of a number of bank
    branch properties and realised a profit before tax of Euro2m (2004 : Euro2m).

(b)    Sale of Irish Estates Management

    In December 2004 the group disposed of its property management subsidiary
    Irish Estates Management Limited, the results for the 12 months ended 31
    December 2004 include Euro19m profit arising on this disposal.

3.  Discontinued Operations

On 2 June 2005 the group disposed of its UK life assurance subsidiary City of
Westminster Assurance Company Limited. The net proceeds were Euro65m, this compares
to a carrying value at date of disposal of Euro91m. The results for the period to
disposal (a profit of Euro2m) together with the loss on disposal are shown in the
income statement as discontinued operations. 2004 results have also been
reclassified to discontinued operations.

4.   Life and investment new business

     Life business (continuing operations)
                                                                             6 months         6 months       12 months
                                                                           to 30 June       to 30 June       to 31 Dec
                                                                                 2005             2004            2004
                                                                                   Eurom               Eurom              Eurom
          Present value of new business premiums (PVNBP)
          - Single Premium                                                        534              496           1,029
          - Regular premium                                                       131              111             207
          - Regular premium capitalisation factor                                 4.7              4.7             4.8

          PVNBP                                                                 1,148            1,022           2,029
          Annual Premium Equivalent (APE)                                         185              161             310
          New business contribution                                                37               25              46
          New business margin
          - PVNBP                                                                3.2%             2.5%            2.3%
          - APE                                                                 20.0%            15.6%           14.9%

          Present value of new business premiums (PVNBP)                          750              337           1,601
          Annual Premium Equivalent (APE)                                          75               34             160
          New business contribution                                                 8                3              12
          New business margin
          - PVNBP                                                                1.1%             0.9%            0.8%
          - APE                                                                 10.7%             9.1%            7.6%

     Total new business
          Present value of new business premiums (PVNBP)                        1,898            1,359           3,630
          Annual Premium Equivalent (APE)                                         260              195             470
          New business contribution                                                45               28              58
          New business margin
          - PVNBP                                                                2.4%             2.1%            1.6%
          - APE                                                                 17.3%            14.5%           12.4%

5.    Taxation                                                                                                      
                                                                                  6 months      6 months    12 months 
                                                                                to 30 June    to 30 June    to 31 Dec 
                                                                                      2005          2004         2004 
                                                                                        Eurom            Eurom           Eurom
                                     Life operations                                                                  
                                     Operating profit                                 (12)          (12)         (15) 
                                     Short term investment                             12             6           18  
                                     Economic assumptions                              (8)             -         (10) 
                                                                                       (8)           (6)          (7) 
                                     Banking operations                               (10)          (10)         (25) 
                                     Taxation on disposal of                           (1)           (1)          (1) 
                                     property and equipment                                                           
                                                                                      (19)          (17)         (33) 
                                     Government levy on financial                      (6)           (6)         (12) 
                                                                                      (25)          (23)         (45) 

6.    Analysis of profit after tax on continuing activities                                                         
                                                                                      Six months to 30 June 2005        
                                                                                     Gross           Tax          Net 
                                                                                        Eurom            Eurom           Eurom
                                     Operating profit                                                                 
                                     Insurance and investment                         109           (12)          97  
                                     Banking                                            66          (10)          56  
                                     Other                                             (3)             -          (3) 
                                     Share of associate                                24              -          24  
                                                                                      196           (22)         174  
                                     Short term investment                             42            12           54  
                                     Effect of economic                                30            (8)          22  
                                     assumption changes                                                               
                                     Other credits (charges)                            2            (1)           1  
                                     Government levy on financial                        -           (6)          (6) 
                                                                                      270           (25)         245  

7.    Shareholders' Equity                                                                     
                                                                                         30 June    30 June   31 Dec 
                                                                                            2005       2004     2004 
                                                                                              Eurom         Eurom       Eurom

                                                     Insurance and investment             1,690      1,557     1,689  
                                                     Banking                                455        302       350  
                                                     Other activities                        33         29        30  
                                                     Associate Undertakings                 152        112       136  
                                                     Goodwill                               198        198       198  
                                                                                          2,528      2,198     2,403  
                                                     Minority interest                      (11)        (8)      (10) 
                                                     Deduction in respect of                                          
                                                     own shares held for the                                          
                                                     of life assurance                      (72)       (54)      (64) 
                                                     Shareholders' equity                 2,445      2,136     2,329 
                                                     Investment and insurance business assets                         
                                                     are analysed as follows                                          

                                                                                         30 June    30 June    31 Dec 
                                                                                            2005       2004      2004 
                                                                                              Eurom         Eurom        Eurom

                                                     Property                                 76         92        93 
                                                     Equities                                 14         15        11 
                                                     Debt securities                           -         19        20 
                                                     Deposits                                503        443       440 
                                                     Other assets and                         98         72       185 
                                                                                             691        641       749 
                                                     Shareholders' value of                  999        916       940 
                                                     in-force business                                                
                                                                                           1,690      1,557     1,689 

       Analysis of movement in shareholders' equity attributable to investment and insurance business            

                                                                                         Six months to 30 June 2005     
                                                                                       Net Worth        VIF     Total 
                                                                                             Eurom          Eurom       Eurom

                                                     Shareholders' equity as                749        940     1,689  
                                                     at 1 January 2005                                                
                                                     Operating profit after                  41         56        97  
                                                     tax on continuing                                                
                                                     Short term investment                   10         44        54  
                                                     Effect of economic                      (2)        24        22  
                                                     assumption changes                                               
                                                     Profit after tax on                     43        (67)      (24) 
                                                     discontinued operations                                          
                                                     Exchange rate movements                 (2)         2          - 
                                                     Capital movements                     (148)          -     (148) 
                                                     Shareholders' equity as                691        999     1,690  
                                                     at 30 June 2005    
       The shareholders' equity as at 30 June 2005 (31 December 2004)   
       includes required capital of Euro514m (Euro488m) within the net  
       worth. The shareholders' value of in-force is net of a deduction 
       of Euro116m (Euro112m) in respect of the cost of maintaining the 
       required capital.                                                

7.    Shareholders' Equity (continued)                                                                              

      Analysis of insurance and investment business operating profit after tax  
                                                                                Six months to 30 June 2005            
                                                                                 Net Worth           VIF        Total 
                                                                                        Eurom            Eurom           Eurom
                                      New business contribution                       (59)           95           36  
                                      Profit from existing business                                                   
                                      - Expected return                                74           (39)          35  
                                      - Experience variances                           12              -          12  
                                      - Operating assumption                            6              -           6  
                                      - Expected investment return                      8              -           8  
                                      Operating profit after tax                       41            56           97  

8.    Interest receivable and similar income                                                                        

                                                                                  6 months      6 months    12 months 
                                                                                to 30 June    to 30 June    to 31 Dec 
                                                                                      2005          2004         2004 
                                                                                        Eurom            Eurom           Eurom
                                      Loans and receivables to                         343           316          629 
                                      Loans and receivables to                          59            50          103 
                                      Debt securities and other                         40            36           54 
                                      fixed income securities                                                         
                                      Lease and instalment finance                      33            31           62 
                                                                                       475           433          848 
                                      Inter-group charges                              (2)           (2)          (5) 
                                      eliminated on consolidation                                                     
                                                                                       473           431          843 

9.    Operating expenses                                                                                            

                                      Administrative and                               250           239          488 
                                      acquisition expenses                                                            
                                      Depreciation                                      14            15           30 
                                      Software amortisation                              5             4           10 
                                                                                       269           258          528 

        Analysed as follows                                                                                           

                                      Banking operations                              127           122          245  
                                      Life insurance                                                                  
                                      Administrative                                   87            82          168  
                                      Acquisition                                      47            38           83  
                                      Change in deferred                              (11)           (3)         (11) 
                                      acquisition costs                                                               
                                      Development expenditure                            -             -           5  
                                      Other operations (includes                       25            25           48  
                                      corporate costs)                                                                
                                                                                       275           264          538 

                                      Inter-group charges                              (6)           (6)         (10) 
                                      eliminated on consolidation                                                     
                                                                                       269           258          528 

10.   Provision for impairment of loans and receivables                                                           

                                                                                  6 months      6 months    12 months 
                                                                                to 30 June    to 30 June    to 31 Dec 
                                                                                      2005          2004         2004 
                                                                                        Eurom            Eurom           Eurom

                                            At start of the period                      47            43           43 
                                            Charged against income statement             6             5           10 
                                            Amounts written off                        (3)           (3)          (6) 
                                            At end of the period                        50            45           47 
                                            At end of period                                                          
                                            Specific                                    31            28           29 
                                            Collective                                  19            17           18 
                                                                                        50            45           47 

11.   Loans and receivables to customers                                                                          
                                                                                  30 June       30 June       31 Dec 
                                                                                     2005          2004         2004 
                                                                                       Eurom            Eurom           Eurom

                                            Residential mortgage loans             20,546        16,565       18,460  
                                            Commercial mortgage loans               1,246         1,179        1,249  
                                            Finance lease, instalment               1,509         1,408        1,381  
                                            finance and term loans                                                    
                                                                                    23,301        19,152       21,090 
                                            Money market funds                        352              -           8  
                                            Deferred fees, discounts and              203           122          164  
                                            fair value adjustments                                                    
                                                                                   23,856        19,274       21,262  
                                            Inter-group loans and                    (135)          (88)        (129) 
                                                                                   23,721        19,186       21,133  

12.   Funds Under Management                                                                                      
                                                                                   30 June       30 June       31 Dec 
                                                                                      2005          2004         2004 
                                                                                        Eurom            Eurom           Eurom

                                            Funds managed on behalf of              18,051        14,159       16,383 
                                            unit-linked policyholders                                                 
                                            Funds managed on behalf of               2,400         2,499        2,587 
                                            non-linked policyholders                                                  
                                                                                    20,451        16,658       18,970 
                                            Off-balance sheet funds                  3,926         2,311        2,370 
                                                                                    24,377        18,969       21,340 

13.  Earnings per share

     As permitted under Irish Legislation the group's life assurance subsidiary holds shares in Irish Life & Permanent
     plc for the benefit of policyholders. Under accounting standards these are now required to be deducted from the
     total number of shares in issue when calculating EPS. In view of the fact that Irish Life & Permanent plc does
     not hold the shares for its own benefit, EPS based on a weighted average number of shares in issue is disclosed.
     The calculation is set out below:
                                                                             6 months         6 months       12 months
                                                                           to 30 June       to 30 June       to 31 Dec
                                                                                 2005             2004            2004
          Weighted average ordinary shares in issue and ranking for
          dividend excluding own shares held for the benefit of life
          assurance policyholders                                         262,604,139      263,146,299     262,998,704
          Weighted average ordinary shares held for the benefit of
          life assurance policyholders                                      7,340,402        6,408,176       6,614,727

          Weighted average ordinary shares in issue and ranking for
          dividend including own shares held for the benefit of life
          assurance policyholders                                         269,944,541      269,554,475     269,613,431

          Profit for the period                                                 Euro220m            Euro182m           Euro427m

          EPS including own shares held for the benefit of life             81.5 cent        67.5 cent      158.4 cent
          assurance policyholders

          Operating profit after tax for the period                             Euro168m            Euro159m           Euro335m

          Operating EPS including own shares held for the benefit of
          life assurance policyholders                                      62.3 cent        58.9 cent      124.2 cent

14.  Reconciliation of Shareholders equity on EV basis to IFRS basis                                              
                                                                                        Net worth      VIF     Total  
                                                                                               Eurom       Eurom        Eurom

                                                 Statutory shareholders' equity as          1,375      526     1,901  
                                                 at 30 June 2005                                                      

                                                 Move IFRS insurance VIF to after             100     (100)         - 
                                                 tax basis                                                            
                                                 Shareholder value of in-force on                -     583       583  
                                                 investment contracts                                                 
                                                 Changes in presentation of cost of            21      (21)         - 
                                                 Deferred front end fees on                   166         -      166  
                                                 investment contracts                                                 
                                                 Deferred acquisition costs on               (166)        -     (166) 
                                                 investment contracts                                                 
                                                 Other IFRS 4 reserve adjustments             (88)        -      (88) 
                                                 Unwind own shares statutory                   38         -       38  
                                                 Impact of discounted unit-linked              (9)       9         -  
                                                 CGT provisions                                                       
                                                 Deferred tax on IFRS 4 adjustments            11         -       11  

                                                 EV basis shareholders' equity as at        1,448      997     2,445  
                                                 30 June 2005                                         

Notes to the 2005 EV basis financial information
Six months to 30 June 2005

15.    EV Assumptions

       Principal economic assumptions

       The assumed future pre-tax returns on fixed interest securities are set by reference to gross redemption
       yields available in the market at the end of the reporting period. The corresponding return on equities and
       property is equal to the fixed interest gilt assumption plus the appropriate risk premium. An asset mix based
       on the assets held at the valuation date within policyholder funds has been assumed within the projections.

                                                           30 June                    31 Dec                 30 June
                                                              2005                      2004                    2004

Equity risk premium                                           3.0%                      3.0%                    3.0%

Property risk premium                                         2.0%                      2.0%                    2.0%

Risk free rate                                                2.9%                      3.5%                    4.2%

Investment return

- Fixed interest                                       2.1% - 3.8%               2.5% - 4.2%             3.0% - 4.9%
- Equities                                                    5.9%                      6.5%                    7.2%
- Property                                                    4.9%                      5.5%                    6.2%
Risk margin                                                   3.2%                      3.2%                    3.1%
Risk discount rate                                            6.1%                      6.7%                    7.3%

Expense inflation                                             3.5%                      3.6%                    4.0%

       Other assumptions

       The assumed future mortality, morbidity and persistency assumptions are based on published tables of rates,
       adjusted by analyses of recent operating experience.

       The management expenses attributable to life assurance business have been analysed between expenses relating
       to the acquisition of new business and the maintenance of business in-force. No allowance has been made for
       future productivity improvements in the expense assumptions.

       Projected tax has been determined assuming current tax legislation and rates.

       EEV results are computed on a before and after tax basis.

       Treatment of financial options and guarantees (FOGs)

       The main options and guarantees for which FOG costs have been determined are

       (a)    Investment guarantees on certain unit-linked funds, where the unit returns to policyholders are
              smoothed subject to a minimum guaranteed return (in the majority of cases the minimum guaranteed
              change in unit price is 0%, usually representing a minimum return of the original premium). An
              additional management charge is levied on policyholders investing in these funds, compared to similar
              unit-linked funds without this investment guarantee. This extra charge is allowed for in calculating
              the FOG cost;

       (b)    Guaranteed Annuity Rates on a small number of products

       (c)    Return of Premium death guarantees on certain unit-linked single premium products;

       (d)    Guaranteed benefits for policies in the closed with-profit fund.

       The main asset classes relating to products with options and guarantees are European and International
       equities, Property, and government bonds of various durations.

       The Deloitte's TSM Streamline Market Consistent model is used to derive the cost of FOGs. The model is
       calibrated to the yield curve and to the market prices of equity options. Ten years of historical weekly data
       are used to derive the correlation between the returns of different asset classes.

       The model uses the difference between two inverse Gaussian distributions to model the returns on each asset
       class. This allows the model to produce fat-tailed distributions, and provides a good fit to historical asset
       return distributions.

       The statistics relating to the model used as at 30 June 2005 are set out in the following table:

                                                             10-Year Return                       20-Year Return
                                                        Mean1              StDev2               Mean           StDev

European Assets (euro)

Bonds                                                    3.2%                2.3%               3.7%            3.5%

Equities, Property                                       3.2%               18.7%               3.7%           20.4%

UK Assets (Sterling)

Bonds                                                    4.2%                2.1%               4.3%            4.7%

Equities                                                 4.2%               17.1%               4.3%           18.6%

        1.      The Market Consistent nature of the model means that that all asset classes earn the risk free rate.
                No value is added by investing in riskier assets with a higher expected rate of return. The Means
                quoted above reflect this.

        2.      Standard Deviations are calculated by accumulating a unit investment for n years in each simulation,
                taking the natural logarithm of the result, calculating the variance of this statistic, dividing by
                n and taking the square root. The results are comparable to implied volatilities quoted in
                investment markets.

                                STATUTORY BASIS

Commentary on Statutory Results

As outlined in the basis of preparation note on page 24, the group has availed
of the exemption granted by the IASB not to restate 2004 comparatives for IAS
32, IAS 39 and IFRS 4. The statutory results for six months to June 2004 and for
the year to 31 December 2004 do not therefore reflect the impact of applying
these IFRS. These IFRS which cover insurance business and loans and advances
have a fundamental impact on the results of the group.

Statutory profits after tax for the six months to 30 June 2005 are Euro171m, a
reduction of Euro5m on 2004.

The group has previously published pro-forma results which restated 2004 results
assuming that IAS 39 and IFRS 4 had been implemented in 2004. These restatements
are available on the group's website. To enable a more meaningful comparison
between the half year results 2005 to 2004, the pro-forma income statement has
also been included in the interim 2005 accounts.

On a pro-forma basis the statutory results for the period are Euro43m, or 34%
higher than the same period in 2004, increasing from Euro128m to Euro171m. The key
driver behind this increase was growth in new business, good growth in
investment markets and tight cost control. In the life business new business
issued on an APE basis increased 33%. On the bank mortgage balances increased
19% with total assets ahead half year on half year by 22%. On the cost side
administrative and acquisition expenses increased 5% from Euro239m to Euro250m in the
first half of 2005.

The EV information set out on pages 3 to 22 employs embedded value methodology
for all of the group's insurance and investment business. The statutory results
include embedded value for insurance contracts only. Banking and other
businesses are accounted for under the same basis in both statutory and EV

Basis of Preparation Statutory Basis

EU law requires that the next annual consolidated financial statements of the
group, for the year ended 31 December 2005, be prepared in accordance with
International Financial Accounting Standards ("IFRS") as adopted for use within
the EU.

IFRS brings into force phase 1 of the International Accounting Standard Board's
("IASB") insurance accounting project. In view of the phased implementation of
IFRS for insurance business, the group believes that shareholders will continue
to place considerable reliance on embedded value information relating to the
life assurance business. The statutory interim financial information includes
insurance contracts written in the life assurance business based on embedded
value earnings calculated using the EEV principles developed by the European CFO
forum. The EV basis financial information on pages 3 to 22 extends these
principles to investment contracts written in the life assurance business.

2005 interim financial information on pages 26 to 31 has been prepared on the
basis of the recognition and measurement requirements of the IFRS issued by the
International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) and adopted by the EU which are
expected to apply at 31 December 2005.

Certain IFRS that will be effective or available for early adoption at 31
December 2005 are still subject to change and to the issue of additional
interpretation. Accordingly the group's accounting policies and consequently the
financial information presented may change prior to the publication of the
group's 2005 annual report.

In particular, the EU adopted a carved out version of IAS 39 in October 2004
which restricted the use of the fair value option for financial liabilities. It
is expected that recent amendments made to IAS 39 will result in the EU
endorsing a revised version of IAS 39 which would allow the use of the fair
value option in certain circumstances and the group would avail of this option.
In the meantime the group has followed the guidance issued which clarifies that
liabilities which under the EU insurance accounts directive were permitted to be
measured at fair value can continue to be measured on this basis.

The accounting policies applied in the interim statement are those expected to
apply in the first set of annual IFRS financial statements for the year ended 31
December 2005. These are set out in Appendix 2 of the Transition to IFRS -
Restatement of 2004 financial information published on 21 July 2005 which is
available on the group's website (www.irishlifepermanent.ie).

The 2005 statutory financial information has been prepared on a consistent basis
with 30 June 2004 and 31 December 2004 restatements.

2004 comparative basis

The 2004 comparative financial information on pages 26 to 31 is prepared under
the reporting basis for statutory comparatives under IFRS for the 2004 financial
year. This basis reflects all standards with the exception of IAS 32, IAS 39 and
IFRS 4 where transitional concessions have been permitted by the IASB. These
concessions allow the group to continue to report comparatives for areas covered
by these standards on a ROI GAAP basis for 2004 only. These transitional
concessions include the accounting policies for loans and advances, debt
securities, derivatives and life insurance.

In addition the comparative income statement figures have also been shown on a
pro-forma basis to provide more meaningful comparative information by showing
the June 2004 financial information including the impact on the financial
information of the recognition and measurement principles of IAS 32, IAS 39 and
IFRS 4, with the exception of the income statement impact of derivative hedge
accounting where the necessary documentation was not in place prior to the
standard being agreed in late 2004.

In preparing the 2004 comparative information the group has adjusted amounts
previously reported in financial statements under ROI GAAP. The impact of the
transition from ROI GAAP to IFRS at 31 December 2004 is set out and explained in
the "Transition to IFRS - Restatement of 2004 Financial Information" document
published on 21 July 2005. This document also sets out and explains the impact
of the adoption of IAS 32, IAS 39 and IFRS 4 on shareholders equity at 1 January
2005. The impact of adopting IFRS for 30 June 2004 is set out in "Transition to
IFRS - Restatement of Preliminary Interim 2004 Financial Information" published
on 25 August 2005.

Estimates and assumptions

Certain amounts recorded include estimates and assumptions made by management
about insurance liability reserves, investment valuations, interest rates,
demographic and other factors. Actual results may differ from the estimates
made. Where estimates had been made under ROI GAAP, consistent estimates (after
adjustments to reflect any difference in accounting policies) have been made on
transition to IFRS. Judgements affecting the group's balance sheet have not been
revisited with the benefit of hindsight.

  Consolidated Interim Income Statement - Statutory Basis (Unaudited)                                                 
  Six months to 30 June 2005      
                                                                          Statutory                   Pro-forma  
                                                                    6 months      6 months    12 months      6 months 
                                                                  to 30 June    to 30 June    to 31 Dec    to 30 June 
                                                                        2005          2004         2004          2004 
                                                                         Eurom            Eurom           Eurom            Eurom

                                 Interest receivable                    473           432          843           431  
                                 Interest payable                      (287)         (259)        (491)         (259) 
                                                                        186           173          352           172  
                                 Fees and commission income              30            29           60            29  
                                 Fees and commission expenses            (3)          (21)         (41)           (3) 
                                 Net trading income                      (7)             -           6              - 
                                 Premiums on insurance                  269         1,373        3,557           260  
                                 Reinsurers' share of premiums          (73)             -            -          (32) 
                                 on insurance contracts                                                               
                                 Net investment return                1,614           769        1,680           765  
                                 Fees from investment                    94             7           15            79  
                                 contracts and fund management                                                        
                                 Change in shareholders' value           48           125          154            45  
                                 of in-force business                                                                 
                                 Other income                              -            5           10             4  
                                 Net operating income                 2,158         2,460        5,793         1,319  

                                 Claims on insurance contracts         (180)         (587)      (1,234)         (195) 
                                 Reinsurers' share of claims             48              -            -           48  
                                 on insurance contracts                                                               
                                 Change in insurance contract           (89)       (1,392)      (3,581)         (115) 
                                 Change in investment contract       (1,472)             -            -         (648) 
                                 Administrative and                    (250)         (234)        (482)         (239) 
                                 acquisition expenses                                                                 
                                 Depreciation and amortisation                                                        
                                 Tangible fixed assets                  (14)          (15)         (30)          (15) 
                                 Intangible assets - software            (5)           (4)         (10)           (4) 
                                 Impairment losses on loans              (6)           (4)          (9)           (5) 
                                 and receivables                                                                      
                                 Net operating expenses              (1,968)       (2,236)      (5,346)       (1,173) 

                                 Operating profit                       190           224          447           146  

                                 Share of operating profits of           24            22           56            22  
                                 associated undertakings                                                              
                                 Profit on the sale of                    2             2            2             2  
                                 property and equipment                                                               
                                 Profit on the disposal of IEM             -             -          19              - 

                                 Profit on ordinary activities          216           248          524           170  
                                 before taxation                                                                      

                                 Total taxation expense                 (47)          (73)        (137)          (42) 

                                 Profit for the period on               169           175          387           128  
                                 continuing activities                                                                
                                 Profit from discontinued                 3             2            8             1  

                                 Profit for the period                  172           177          395           129  
                                 Minority interests share of             (1)           (1)          (2)           (1) 

                                 Profit attributable to                 171           176          393           128  

                                 Earnings per share on                                                                
                                 continuing activities                                                                
                                 Basic (cent)                           64.0          66.9        146.4          48.6 
                                 Fully diluted (cent)                   63.5          66.4        145.5          48.3 

                                 Earnings per share on                                                                
                                 discontinued activities                                                              
                                 Basic (cent)                            1.1           0.8          3.0           0.4 
                                 Fully diluted (cent)                    1.1           0.8          3.0           0.4 

Consolidated Interim Balance Sheet - Statutory Basis (Unaudited)                                                    
As at 30 June 2005                                                                                                  

                                                                                         30 June    30 June    31 Dec 
                                                                                            2005       2004      2004 
                                                                                              Eurom         Eurom        Eurom
                                             Cash and balances at central banks              163         86       176 
                                             Items in the course of collection               126        119        67 
                                             Loans and receivables to banks                5,100      5,233     4,508 
                                             Loans and receivables to customers           23,721     19,008    20,911 
                                             Debt securities                               7,802      7,138     8,371 
                                             Equity shares                                11,591      8,843    10,134 
                                             Investment properties                         1,889      1,632     1,736 
                                             Derivatives                                     133        106       117 
                                             Interest in associated undertaking              152        112       136 
                                             Goodwill and other intangible assets            256        224       251 
                                             Property and equipment                          326        319       318 
                                             Shareholders' value of in-force business        526      1,115     1,143 
                                             Deferred acquisition costs                      172          -         - 
                                             Reinsurance assets                            1,959      1,241     1,444 
                                             Net post retirement benefit asset                66         66        65 
                                             Other assets                                    142        161        93 
                                             Prepayments and accrued income                  413        335       325 
                                             Total assets                                 54,537     45,738    49,795 

                                             Deposits by banks                             1,493      2,071     1,250 
                                             Customer accounts                            11,791     11,171    11,587 
                                             Debt securities in issue                     13,109     10,425    10,928 
                                             Non recourse funding                          2,146        990     2,193 
                                             Derivatives                                     277         14         2 
                                             Insurance contract liabilities                3,764     17,423    19,803 
                                             Investment contract liabilities              17,863          -         - 
                                             Outstanding insurance and investment            109        118       115 
                                             Net post retirement benefit liability           172        165       169 
                                             Current tax liabilities                          48         38        44 
                                             Deferred tax liabilities                        118        171       181 
                                             Other liabilities                               379        248       168 
                                             Deferred front end fees                         173          -         - 
                                             Accruals and deferred income                    129        120       242 
                                             Subordinated liabilities                      1,057        782       934 
                                                                                          52,628     43,736    47,616 
                                             Shareholders Equity                                                      
                                             Share capital                                    86         86        86 
                                             Share premium                                    58         52        52 
                                             Retained profits                              1,622      1,734     1,904 
                                             Other reserves                                  135        122       126 
                                             Shareholders equity excluding minority        1,901      1,994     2,168 
                                             Minority interest                                 8          8        11 
                                             Shareholders equity including minority        1,909      2,002     2,179 

                                             Total liabilities and equity                 54,537     45,738    49,795 

 Consolidated Statement of Recognised Income and Expense Statutory Basis (Unaudited)  
 Six months to 30 June 2005                                                           

                                                                                  6 months      6 months    12 months 
                                                                                to 30 June    to 30 June    to 31 Dec 
                                                                                      2005          2004         2004 
                                                                                        Eurom            Eurom           Eurom

  Revaluation of property & equipment                                                   6              -           4  

  Change in investment/insurance contract liabilities arising from the                 (1)             -          (1) 
  revaluation of property and equipment                                                                               

  Change in value of available for sale financial assets                               (1)             -            - 

  Net amount recognised directly in equity                                              4              -           3  

  Profit for the period                                                               172           177          395  

  Total recognised income and expense for the period                                  176           177          398  

  Minority interests                                                                   (1)           (1)          (2) 

  Attributable to equityholders                                                       175           176          396  

  Movement in cost of own shares                                                       (7)             -         (10) 
  Dividends paid                                                                     (104)          (97)        (142) 

  Total recognised income and expense                                                  64            79          244  

  Consolidated Interim Cashflow Statement Statutory Basis (Unaudited)                                                 
  Six months to 30 June 2005                                                                                          

                                                                                  6 months      6 months    12 months 
                                                                                to 30 June    to 30 June    to 31 Dec 
                                                                                      2005          2004         2004 
                                                                                        Eurom            Eurom           Eurom

                                       Net cashflow (outflow)/inflow from            (153)          125          345  
                                       operating activities                                                           

                                       Investing activities                                                           
                                       Purchase of property and equipment             (20)          (11)         (27) 
                                       Sale of property and equipment                   6             5           11  
                                       Purchase of intangible assets                  (11)           (4)         (38) 
                                       Sale of Irish Estates Management                  -             -          21  
                                       Sale of City of Westminster Assurance           69              -            - 
                                       Company Limited                                                                
                                       Dividends received from associated               8             5           16  
                                                                                        52           (5)         (17) 

                                       Financing activities                                                           
                                       Issue of ordinary share capital                  6             1            1  
                                       Issue of new subordinated liabilities           74              -         144  
                                       Interest paid on subordinated                  (35)          (36)         (41) 
                                       Equity dividends paid                         (104)          (97)        (142) 
                                                                                      (59)         (132)         (38) 

                                       Tax paid                                       (28)          (17)         (88) 

                                       (Decrease) / increase in cash                 (188)          (29)         202  

 Notes to the 2005 Interim Statement - Statutory basis                                                               
 Six months to 30 June 2005                                                                                          

1. Reconciliation of Opening Shareholders Equity 
   As outlined in the basis of preparation note the group adopted  
   IAS 32, IAS 39 and IFRS 4 with effect from 1 January 2005. The  
   impact of opening shareholders equity of these changes is as follows                                                 

                                                      Shareholders' equity at 31 December 2004                 2,168  

                                                      IAS 39                                                          

                                                      Impairment provisions                                       50  

                                                      Effective yield                                             77  

                                                      Available for sale                                           3  

                                                      IFRS 4                                                          

                                                      Deferred acquisition costs                                 151  

                                                      Deferred front end fees                                   (168) 

                                                      Shareholders' value of in-force business on               (514) 
                                                      investment contracts                                            

                                                      Other reserve changes                                       62  

                                                      Shareholders' equity at 1 January 2005                   1,829  

   Full details of these changes are included in the document      
   "Transition to IFRS - Restatement of 2004 Financial             
   Information" which was issued on 21 July 2005.                  

2. Discontinued activities                                         
   On 2 June 2005 the group disposed of its UK life assurance      
   subsidiary City of Westminster Assurance Company Limited. The   
   proceeds net of costs were Euro65m, the profit after tax for    
   the period up to the date of disposal was Euro3m, no profit or  
   loss arose on disposal.                                         

3. Earnings per share                                                                                          
                                                                               6 months       6 months      12 months 
                                                                             to 30 June     to 30 June      to 31 Dec 
                                                                                   2005           2004           2004 
  (a)     Basic EPS                                                                                                   

          Weighted average ordinary shares in issue and ranking for         262,604,139    263,146,299    262,998,704 

          Profit on continuing operations for the period                          Euro168m          Euro174m          Euro385m 

          EPS on continuing operations                                             64.0           66.9          146.4 

          Profit on discontinued operations for the period                          Euro3m            Euro2m            Euro8m 

          EPS on discontinued operations                                            1.1            0.8            3.0 

  (b)     Fully diluted EPS                                                                                           

          Weighted average of potential dilutive ordinary shares              1,987,836      1,778,982      1,597,711 
          arising from the group's share option schemes                                                               

          Weighted average number of ordinary shares used in the            264,591,975    264,925,281    264,596,415 
          calculation of fully diluted EPS                                                                            

          Fully diluted EPS on continuing operations                               63.5           66.4          145.5 

          Fully diluted EPS on discontinued operations                              1.1            0.8            3.0  

4 The interim financial information was approved by the board of directors on 6 September 2005.

            Independent review report to Irish Life & Permanent plc


We have been engaged by the company to review the financial information set out
on pages 23 to 31 and we have read the other information contained in the
interim report and considered whether it contains any apparent misstatements or
material inconsistencies with the financial information.

This report is made solely to the company in accordance with the terms of our
engagement to assist the company in meeting the requirements of the Listing
Rules of the Irish Stock Exchange. Our review has been undertaken so that we
might state to the company those matters we are required to state to it in this
report and for no other purpose. To the fullest extent permitted by law, we do
not accept or assume responsibility to anyone other than the company for our
review work, for this report, or for the conclusions we have reached.

Directors' responsibilities

The interim report, including the financial information contained therein, is
the responsibility of and has been approved by the directors. The directors are
responsible for preparing the interim report in accordance with the Listing
Rules which require that the accounting policies and presentation applied to the
interim figures should be consistent with those applied in preparing the
preceding annual financial statements except where any changes, and the reasons
for them, are disclosed.

As disclosed in the basis of preparation note on page 24 to the financial
information, the next annual financial statements of the Group will be prepared
in accordance with IFRSs adopted for use in the European Union. The accounting
policies that have been adopted in preparing the financial information are
consistent with those that the directors currently intend to use in the next
annual financial statements. There is, however, a possibility that the directors
may determine that some changes to these policies are necessary when preparing
the full annual financial statements for the first time in accordance with those
IFRSs adopted for use by the European Union. This is because, as disclosed in
the basis of preparation note, the directors have anticipated that certain
standards, which have yet to be formally adopted for use in the EU, will be so
adopted in time to be applicable to the next annual financial statements.

Review work performed

We conducted our review in accordance with guidance contained in Bulletin 1999/4
Review of interim financial information issued by the Auditing Practices Board
for use in Ireland and the United Kingdom. A review consists principally of
making enquiries of group management and applying analytical procedures to the
financial information and underlying financial data and, based thereon,
assessing whether the accounting policies and presentation have been
consistently applied unless otherwise disclosed. A review is substantially less
in scope than an audit performed in accordance with Auditing Standards and
therefore provides a lower level of assurance than an audit. Accordingly, we do
not express an audit opinion on the financial information.

Review conclusion

On the basis of our review we are not aware of any material modifications that
should be made to the financial information as presented for the six months
ended 30 June 2005.


Chartered Accountants

1 Harbourmaster Place


Dublin 1

6 September 2005

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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