Annual Financial Report for the year ended 31 December 2012 
26 April 2013 
                              This announcement contains regulated information 
Investment Objective 
To conduct an orderly realisation of the assets of the Company in a manner 
that seeks to maximise their value and return cash to Shareholders promptly 
(the "Realisation Strategy"). 
Financial Highlights 
                                          31 December 31 December Change 
                                                 2012        2011      % 
Net Assets(1)                                  GBP14.2m      GBP62.5m  -77.3 
Net Asset Value per Ordinary share(1)          400.1p      402.0p   -0.5 
Share price(2)                                 364.5p      319.0p  +14.3 
Discount(1)                                      8.9%       20.6%      - 
On-going charges(1)                            1.89%       1.54%      - 
On-going charges (including performance         5.45%       1.54%      - 
fee) (1) 
FTSE All-Share Index(2)                       3,093.4     2,857.9   +8.2 
LPX Indirect Index(2)*#                          49.1        39.7  +23.7 
LPX Europe Index (2)#                           321.0       257.6  +24.6 
(1) Source: Henderson Global Investors Limited. 
(2) Source: Morningstar. 
 On-going charges are calculated in accordance with recent guidance issued by 
the AIC as the total of the investment management fee and on-going 
administrative expenses divided by the average undiluted net asset value in 
the year. The figure for 2011 has been restated, in line with the guidance. 
* The LPX Indirect Index represents the private equity companies most 
comparable to the Company traded on a European exchange. 
# Sterling adjusted. 
2012 was another positive year for your Company as its Realisation 
Strategy, adopted in September 2010, moved decisively towards a very 
successful final outcome. 
The Portfolio Manager disposed of 11 investments at satisfactory 
prices generating disposal proceeds of GBP19.5 million. The Company also 
received distributions of GBP29.0 million from its unlisted fund holdings 
following the exit of their two largest underlying portfolio companies. These 
proceeds were used to fund GBP47.5 million of cash returns to Shareholders 
during the year so that the Company has now returned a total of GBP60.0 million 
to Shareholders since the adoption of the Realisation Strategy through 
dividends and tender offers. This compares favourably with the Company's 
market capitalisation of GBP24.4 million just prior to the change in strategy. 
Pleasingly, there was also a further significant narrowing of the 
Company's share price discount to net asset value ("NAV") per share. 
Realisation Strategy 
On 27 September 2010 the Company's Shareholders voted decisively in 
favour of the Realisation Strategy recommended to them by the Board with the 
full support of the Portfolio Manager. Whilst no fixed timeframe was 
stipulated for the disposal programme, the Board's expectation was that it 
would be materially complete in two years, namely around September 2012. 
Considerable progress was made with the execution of the strategy 
during 2012 so that the Company retained only two private equity 
unlisted fund investments at the year end, being Rutland Fund I and August 
Equity Partners I. Following the disposal of Advantage Healthcare by Rutland 
Fund I in December, only August Equity Fund I held any remaining portfolio 
companies at the year end. These were Boat International and Rollfold 
Holdings, both of which are likely to be exited over the next year. 
It should once again be noted that as the portfolio has reduced in 
size, the risk associated with greater asset concentration has increased 
Following the successful Third Tender Offer to Shareholders in 
December 2012, the Manager achieved the cash hurdle set for the payment of a 
performance fee and accordingly a fee of GBP1.1 million was paid. Given the 
advanced stage of the Realisation Strategy the Manager has been able to form a 
reliable estimate for the likely total remaining performance fee payable. 
Therefore at the year end a further performance fee of GBP0.8 million has been 
accrued meaning that the total performance fee expense for the year was GBP1.9 
Portfolio Valuation and Share Price Performance 
The Company's investment portfolio again performed satisfactorily 
despite the continuing macro-economic uncertainty across Europe. At 31 
December 2012 the Company's NAV per share was 400.1p compared with 402.0p at 
31 December 2011, a decrease of 0.5% over the period. 
The Company's share price continued to improve during the year, 
rising by 14.3% to 364.5p. This compared with a 23.7% rise in the LPX Indirect 
Index which includes the private equity companies most comparable to the 
Company that trade on a European exchange. This underperformance against the 
LPX Indirect Index follows two years of strong out-performance and reflects 
the fact that the Company has now converted most of its private equity 
portfolio into cash. The Company's share price still outperformed the FTSE 
All-Share Index which experienced an 8.2% rise during the period. 
Encouragingly, the Company's share price discount to NAV per share 
continued to narrow falling to 8.9% by the year end. This compared favourably 
with 20.6% at 31 December 2011. 
Balance Sheet and Liquidity 
The asset realisations completed by the Portfolio Manager during 
the year generated GBP19.5 million and released the Company from GBP5.0 million of 
undrawn unlisted fund commitments. The Company also received distributions of 
GBP29.0 million from its unlisted fund investments. Notwithstanding the GBP47.5 
million return of cash to Shareholders during the year, the Company ended the 
year with liquid assets (being cash, cash equivalents and listed holdings) of 
GBP2.8 million (31 December 2011: GBP7.4 million). This liquidity position was 
further strengthened after the year end when the Company received a cash 
distribution of GBP7.9 million from Rutland Fund I in relation to the sale of 
Advantage Healthcare during December. 
Regardless of the Company's strong liquidity and balance sheet 
position, the Board continues to work closely with the Portfolio Manager to 
assess and update the Company's cashflow projections on a regular basis. This 
process takes into account the timescales over which the now minimal level of 
remaining unlisted fund commitments may be drawn down and underlying portfolio 
investments may be realised. In the opinion of the Board the Company has 
sufficient resources to meet its future commitments until the Realisation 
Strategy is complete. 
Related Party Transactions 
During the year ended 31 December 2012, with the exception of fees 
paid in the ordinary course of business, no transactions with related parties 
have taken place that materially affected the financial position or 
of the Company during the period. Details of related party 
transactions are contained in the Annual Report and Financial Statements. 
It remains the Company's policy to pay dividends only to the extent 
required to maintain investment trust status. In this regard, during the year 
the Company declared and paid a dividend for the year ended 31 December 2011 
of GBP1.2 million (7.4p per share). 
The Company will also pay a dividend of GBP79,609 (2.25p per share) 
in relation to the financial year ended 31 December 2012. The dividend of 
2.25p per share will be paid on 31 May 2013 to Shareholders on the register of 
members on 10 May 2013; shares will go ex-dividend on 8 May 2013. 
Summary and Outlook 
The Realisation Strategy has progressed well with GBP60.0 million of 
cash returned to Shareholders to date and only two remaining underlying 
investments in the portfolio at the year end. Disposals have been completed at 
satisfactory valuations and the Company is debt free and liquid. During the 
year the Company's share price continued to perform satisfactorily and its 
share price discount to NAV per share narrowed further. 
As announced on 8 February 2013, in view of the very advanced 
status of the Realisation Strategy, the Board is now aiming to post a circular 
to Shareholders during the second quarter of 2013 which will propose the 
Company's voluntary liquidation and the appointment of a liquidator. 
It is expected that the voluntary liquidation proposal will include 
a substantial initial capital distribution by the liquidator to Shareholders 
at or around the date of the liquidator's appointment. The liquidator will, 
however, need to retain sufficient cash and other assets to cover the 
Company's estimated residual and contingent liabilities, with further 
distributions being made to Shareholders as and when possible. 
It is of course the case that, even at this very advanced stage of 
the Realisation Strategy, the fragile macro-economic outlook across the UK and 
Europe could negatively impact the value of the Company's remaining investment 
in August Equity Partners I which represented GBP3.9 million of the Company's 
year end net asset value of GBP14.2 million. Notwithstanding this note of 
caution, the Board and the Portfolio Manager are delighted with the overall 
outcome of the Realisation Strategy which has proved to be highly beneficial 
for the Company and its Shareholders. 
In view of this the Board would, on behalf of Shareholders, like to 
thank the Manager, and in particular Ian Barrass, the Portfolio Manager, for 
an outstanding effort. 
John Mackie CBE 
25 April 2013 
Performance Overview 
Following the Company's adoption of the Realisation Strategy on 27 
September 2010, 2012 saw the second full year of disposal activity during what 
was another period of market uncertainty across the UK and Europe. 
It is pleasing to report that 2012 proved to be another strong year 
for your Company as a further 11 investments were sold or transferred and 
significant cash returns were made to Shareholders. The Company has also 
benefited from an increase in share price and a further narrowing of its share 
price discount to NAV per share. This continued positive performance confirms 
that the adoption of the Realisation Strategy was the correct course of action 
and that it continues to be executed well. 
Realisation Strategy 
We made significant progress with the asset disposal programme 
during the year. The 11 private equity investments which were transferred or 
sold comprised five unlisted fund interests and six listed holdings. 
The secondary market for private equity unlisted fund interests 
remained competitive during 2012 despite the volatile and uncertain 
macro-economic backdrop. We continued to exploit these generally attractive 
market conditions by completing five unlisted fund transfers. These were the 
Company's holdings in Pragma Capital II, Astorg IV, Fondinvest Capital VIII, 
Parallel Ventures 2006 and Century Capital Partners Fund IV. In each case the 
Portfolio Manager conducted a competitive auction in an attempt to maximise 
investor interest in each individual holding. 
The five unlisted fund transfers produced cash proceeds of GBP17.2 
million. On a blended basis they were transferred at around their combined 
carrying value and the overall outcome compared satisfactorily with prevailing 
levels of secondary market pricing. Importantly, the five transfers also 
released the Company from GBP5.0 million of undrawn commitments. 
The Company's six remaining listed investments were realised during 
the year for a total of GBP2.3 million, 3% below their combined valuation at the 
31 December 2011 year end. 
In summary, therefore, cash disposal proceeds totalled GBP19.5 
million during the year and were generated at values which met the Portfolio 
Manager's expectations. 
Portfolio Activity - Unlisted Fund Drawdowns and Distributions 
There was a good level of distribution activity during the year as 
the Company's more mature funds in particular benefited from what was 
generally regarded as a seller's market for good quality European mid-market 
corporate assets. Unlisted fund distributions totalled GBP29.0 million (2011: 
GBP10.0 million). The main highlight was a distribution of GBP18.5 million from 
Rutland Partners I following the sale of NoteMachine, the largest cash machine 
supplier in the UK. August Equity Partners I also produced a significant 
distribution with GBP9.5 million being received by the Company following the 
successful exit of Lifeways, a market leading provider of supported living for 
people with complex needs. These distributions represented a pleasing outcome 
as the Company was able to realise its two largest underlying investments at 
around their 31 December 2011 carrying value at which point they made up over 
46% of the Total Portfolio. It should also be noted that in December Rutland 
Fund I sold its last remaining investment, Advantage Healthcare, to a 
corporate buyer at an attractive price. The Company received GBP7.9 million of 
proceeds from this sale after the year end on 31 January 2013. 
In contrast there was a limited level of drawdown activity. 
Drawdowns were inevitably reduced by the transfer of five of the Company's 
seven unlisted fund investments during the year. As a result, unlisted fund 
drawdowns from the Company during the year totalled only GBP1.2 million (2011: 
GBP6.0 million). 
Portfolio Valuation 
Despite the uncertain macro-economic environment, the Company's 
portfolio once again continued to perform creditably during the year. At 31 
December 2012 the value of the Company's Total Portfolio, including cash and 
cash equivalents, was GBP15.3 million, of which GBP12.5 million (82.0%) 
represented investments in two unlisted funds. Following, however, the sale of 
Advantage Healthcare, which was completed in December 2012, it should be noted 
that the investment in Rutland Partners I was made up entirely of cash and 
other net current assets with the Company receiving a GBP7.9 million 
distribution in relation to Advantage Healthcare on 31 January 2013. 
At 31 December 2012 69% of the unlisted fund portfolio has been 
valued using audited reports and 31% using unaudited reports. 
Shareholders should note that the Realisation Strategy has 
contributed to the creation of increased asset concentration and, therefore, 
increased risk within the remaining private equity portfolio. It is 
particularly noteworthy that the Company's portfolio is now represented by 
only two underlying companies, both held in August Equity Partners I, namely 
Boat International and Rollfold Holdings, both of which are targeted for sale 
over the next year. 
The value of Rollfold Holdings now constitutes more than 15% of 
total Company assets for the purposes of s1158. This means that the Company 
will currently make no additional investment in Rollfold Holdings through 
August Equity Partners I. 
Company Liquidity 
The Company's liquidity position remained strong during the year. 
The Company disposed of 11 investments resulting in GBP19.5 million 
of disposal proceeds and the Company being released from GBP5.0 million of the 
GBP8.4 million of undrawn unlisted fund commitments that were outstanding at 31 
December 2011. The Company experienced a net cash inflow from the activities 
of its unlisted fund holdings of GBP27.8 million. In addition to the portfolio 
activity, the Company exerted its usual tight cost control to preserve cash 
for Shareholders. 
The combination of these items all contributed to the Company being 
in a position to return GBP46.3 million to Shareholders through the Second and 
Third tender offers. In addition GBP1.2 million was returned to Shareholders by 
way of dividend required in order to maintain the Company's Investment trust 
Even after these significant returns of cash to Shareholders, the 
Company's year end liquidity position was strong with liquid assets (being 
cash, cash equivalents and listed holdings) of GBP2.8 million (31 December 2011: 
GBP7.4 million) and unlisted fund undrawn commitments of only GBP2.7 million 
compared with GBP8.4 million a year previously. It should be noted that the 
majority of these undrawn commitments relate to Rutland Fund I which exited 
its last investment in December 2012. Therefore Rutland Fund I is not expected 
to request further drawdowns. 
Summary and Prospects 
The Company is now in the last stages of the Realisation Strategy 
which was adopted in September 2010. During this time the Company's share 
price has increased significantly, it has repaid and cancelled its bank 
facilities and has returned GBP60.0 million to Shareholders through capital 
returns and dividends. This compares with the Company's market capitalisation 
of GBP24.4 million immediately prior to the Company's announcement that it 
intended to adopt the Realisation Strategy. The Company and its Shareholders 
have to date therefore benefited greatly from the adoption of the Realisation 
In view of the very advanced status of the Realisation Strategy, it 
is expected that the Company will enter into voluntary liquidation and a 
liquidator will be formally appointed by the end of the second quarter of 
2013. A preferred liquidator has now been identified and is working with the 
Portfolio Manager to ensure a smooth transition towards voluntary liquidation. 
Given the Company's strong liquidity position it is also expected that the 
liquidation proposals which will be put to Shareholders will include a 
substantial initial capital distribution by the liquidator which will be 
remitted to all Shareholders on the Company's share register around the time 
the liquidator is appointed. 
Any of the Company's assets which are still unrealised at the time 
of the liquidator's appointment will become the responsibility of the 
liquidator. It is, however, currently intended that the Portfolio Manager will 
be retained by the liquidator to oversee any final realisations. 
Ian Barrass 
Portfolio Manager 
25 April 2013 
Investment Review 
The Company's investments at 31 December 2012 were: 
                                                         Valuation at 
                                                Vintage/  31 December 
                                     Country/ Investment         2012        % of 
Investment                  Category   Region       date        GBP'000   Portfolio 
Rutland Fund I         Unlisted Fund       UK       2000        8,583        56.2 
August Equity Partners Unlisted Fund       UK       2001        3,929        25.8 
                                                          ----------- ----------- 
Total Investments                                              12,512        82.0 
                                                           ----------   --------- 
Cash and cash                                                   2,752        18.0 
                                                           ----------   --------- 
Total Portfolio                                                15,264       100.0 
                                                               ======       ===== 
Unlisted Fund Managers 
Rutland Partners 
Rutland Partners ("Rutland"), founded in 1986, invests in UK 
companies which may be underperforming, in need of restructuring or entering a 
period of change. Rutland does not focus on any specific sectors and provides 
equity for management buy-outs, buy-ins, institutional buy-outs, 
public-to-privates, turnarounds, secondary purchases and replacement capital. 
It invests between GBP10 million and GBP50 million of equity per investment into 
UK companies valued at between GBP20 million and GBP200 million. 
August Equity Partners 
August Equity Partners provides equity capital for management 
buy-outs, buy-ins, development capital and replacement capital in growing 
businesses. It invests between GBP10 million and GBP25 million of equity in UK 
companies in the healthcare, media and technology, industrial products and 
services and business services sectors. 
Underlying Investments of August Equity Partners I 
Boat International                        Rollfold Holdings ("Rixonway") 
Valuation                GBP0.6 million     Valuation               GBP3.5 million 
Percentage of Total              3.9%     Percentage of Total     22.9% 
Portfolio                                 Portfolio 
Boat International is an international    Rixonway is a UK kitchen 
publisher of market leading magazines and manufacturing business with a 
websites and an events organiser targeted particular focus on the social 
at the super yacht community.             housing market. The company was 
                                          established in 1979 and is located 
www.boatinternational.com                 in Dewsbury near Leeds. 
Income Statement 
for the year ended 31 December 2012 
                                Year ended 31 December 2012      Year ended 31 December 2011 
                                Revenue    Capital               Revenue    Capital 
                                 return     return       Total    return     return       Total 
                                  GBP'000      GBP'000       GBP'000     GBP'000      GBP'000       GBP'000 
Gains on investments held at 
fair value through profit or 
loss                                  -      1,492       1,492         -     11,433      11,433 
Losses on foreign exchange            -       (66)        (66)         -       (54)        (54) 
Income                            1,076          -       1,076     2,847          -       2,847 
Investment management fee         (600)          -       (600)     (660)          -       (660) 
Performance fee                       -    (1,900)     (1,900)         -          -           - 
Administrative expenses           (408)       (20)       (428)     (591)          -       (591) 
                              --------- ---------- ----------- --------- ---------- ----------- 
Return on ordinary activities 
before finance costs and 
taxation                             68      (494)       (426)     1,596     11,379      12,975 
Interest payable and similar 
charges                               -          -           -     (123)          -       (123) 
                              --------- ---------- ----------- --------- ---------- ----------- 
Return on ordinary activities 
before taxation                      68      (494)       (426)     1,473     11,379      12,852 
Taxation                              3          -           3         -          -           - 
                              --------- ---------- ----------- --------- ---------- ----------- 
Return on ordinary activities 
after finance costs and 
taxation (note 6)                    71      (494)       (423)     1,473     11,379      12,852 
                              --------- ---------- ----------- --------- ---------- ----------- 
Return per Ordinary share          0.5p     (3.5)p      (3.0)p      7.9p      60.8p       68.7p 
                              --------- ---------- ----------- --------- ---------- ----------- 
Number of Ordinary shares in 
issue at year end                                    3,538,185                       15,551,506 
Average number of Ordinary 
shares in issue during the 
year                                                13,974,085                       18,696,574 
The total columns of this statement represent the profit and loss 
account of the Company. The revenue and capital columns are supplementary to 
this and are provided in accordance with guidance issued by the Association of 
Investment Companies. The Company has no recognised gains or losses other than 
those disclosed in the Income Statement and the Reconciliation of Movements in 
Shareholders' Funds. Accordingly, no Statement of Total Recognised Gains and 
Losses is presented. 
All revenue and capital items in the above statement derive from 
continuing operations. No operations were acquired or discontinued in the 
current or prior year. 
The notes form an integral part of these financial statements. 
Reconciliation of Movement in Shareholders' Funds 
for the year ended 31 December 2012 
                         Called-up      Share    Capital 
                             share    premium redemption    Capital    Revenue Shareholders' 
Year ended 31 December     capital    account    reserve   reserves    reserve         funds 
2012                         GBP'000      GBP'000      GBP'000      GBP'000      GBP'000         GBP'000 
Balance at 1 January 
2012                           778     17,321        911     41,582      1,921        62,513 
Net return from 
ordinary activities 
(note 6)                         -          -          -      (494)         71         (423) 
Dividends paid (note 5)          -          -          -          -    (1,151)       (1,151) 
Tender offer of own 
shares                       (601)          -        601   (46,781)          -      (46,781) 
Share premium cancelled          -   (17,321)          -     17,321          -             - 
                        ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------    ---------- 
Balance at 31 December 
2012                           177          -      1,512     11,628        841        14,158 
                            ======     ======     ======     ======     ======        ====== 
                         Called-up      Share    Capital 
                             share    premium redemption    Capital    Revenue Shareholders' 
Year ended 31 December     capital    account    reserve   reserves    reserve         funds 
2011                         GBP'000      GBP'000      GBP'000      GBP'000      GBP'000         GBP'000 
Balance at 1 January 
2011                           984     17,321        705     42,770        499        62,279 
Net return from 
ordinary activities 
(note 6)                         -          -          -     11,379      1,473        12,852 
Dividends paid (note 5)          -          -          -          -       (51)          (51) 
Tender offer of own 
shares                       (164)          -        164   (12,567)          -      (12,567) 
Treasury shares 
cancelled                     (42)          -         42          -          -             - 
                        ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------    ---------- 
Balance at 31 December 
2011                           778     17,321        911     41,582      1,921        62,513 
                            ======     ======     ======     ======     ======        ====== 
The notes form an integral part of these financial statements. 
Balance Sheet 
at 31 December 2012 
                                                         2012        2011 
                                                        GBP'000       GBP'000 
Fixed assets 
Investments held at fair value through profit or 
loss                                                   12,512      57,443 
                                                  ----------- ----------- 
Current assets 
Debtors                                                     5         337 
Cash and cash equivalents                               2,752       5,051 
                                                   ----------  ---------- 
                                                        2,757       5,388 
                                                   ----------  ---------- 
Current liabilities 
Creditors - amounts falling due within one year       (1,111)       (318) 
                                                   ----------  ---------- 
Net current assets                                      1,646       5,070 
                                                   ----------  ---------- 
Net assets                                             14,158      62,513 
                                                   ----------  ---------- 
Capital and reserves 
Called-up share capital                                   177         778 
Share premium                                               -      17,321 
Capital redemption reserve                              1,512         911 
Capital reserve                                        11,628      41,582 
Revenue reserve                                           841       1,921 
                                                   ----------  ---------- 
Equity Shareholders' Funds                             14,158      62,513 
                                                       ======      ====== 
Net asset value per Ordinary Share                     400.1p      402.0p 
                                                       ======      ====== 
The notes form an integral part of these financial statements. 
Cash Flow Statement 
for the year ended 31 December 2012 
                                                         2012         2012        2011         2011 
                                                        GBP'000        GBP'000       GBP'000        GBP'000 
Net cash (outflow)/inflow from operating                           (1,043)                    1,367 
Servicing of finance 
Bank interest paid                                          -                    (170) 
                                                  -----------              ----------- 
                                                                         -                    (170) 
Tax refunded                                                3                        9 
                                                  -----------              ----------- 
                                                                         3                        9 
Financial Investment 
Purchase of unlisted fixed asset investments          (1,135)                  (6,018) 
Sale of listed fixed asset investments                  2,306                    2,444 
Sale of unlisted fixed asset investments               45,578                   35,596 
                                                  -----------              ----------- 
Net cash inflow from financial investments                          46,749                   32,022 
Equity dividends paid                                              (1,151)                     (51) 
Management of liquid resources 
Purchase of AAA rated money market funds             (40,244)                 (15,801) 
Sale of AAA rated money market funds                   41,400                   12,050 
                                                 ------------              ----------- 
Net cash inflow/(outflow) from management                            1,156                  (3,751) 
of liquid resources 
                                                               -----------              ----------- 
Net cash inflow before financing                                    45,714                   29,426 
Bank loan repaid                                            -                 (15,651) 
Tender offer of own shares (including expenses)      (46,791)                 (12,558) 
                                                 ------------              ----------- 
                                                                  (46,791)                 (28,209) 
                                                               -----------              ----------- 
(Decrease)/increase in cash                                        (1,077)                    1,217 
                                                                   =======                  ======= 
Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement 
in net funds 
(Decrease)/increase in cash (as above)                             (1,077)                    1,217 
Net funds at start of the year                                       5,051                      137 
Losses on foreign exchange                                            (66)                     (54) 
Net change in liquid resources                                     (1,156)                    3,751 
                                                              ------------             ------------ 
Net funds at end of the year                                         2,752                    5,051 
                                                                   =======                  ======= 
The notes form an integral part of these financial statements. 
Notes to the Financial Statements 
1. Accounting policies 
   The principal accounting policies have been applied consistently 
   throughout the year ended 31 December 2012, are unchanged from 2011 
   and are set out below. 
   Basis of preparation 
   The financial statements have not been prepared on a going concern 
   basis as the Company is seeking to realise the investment 
   portfolio, return the capital to Shareholders and then liquidate 
   the Company, as outlined in the asset Realisation Strategy agreed 
   by Shareholders on 27 September 2010. The current expectation is 
   that the process is likely to complete during 2013. Instead the 
   financial statements have been prepared on a break-up basis. 
   A review of the investment portfolio has been undertaken to 
   identify those unlisted investments that will be held until the 
   underlying fund investment reaches its contractual end and those 
   that are likely to be exited early. The former have been valued as 
   detailed in the Annual Report, largely based on the audited and 
   unaudited valuations provided by the investee funds. The valuations 
   of the latter have been based on the audited and unaudited 
   valuations provided by the investee funds less any discount that 
   the Portfolio Manager believes will arise on exiting the fund 
   early. That discount amounted to GBPnil (2011: GBP3.1 million). 
   The Company is not an investment company within the meaning of 
   Section 833 of the Companies Act 2006; however, it conducts its 
   affairs as an investment trust for taxation purposes under Sections 
   1158-1159 of the Corporation Tax Act 2010. As such, the Directors 
   consider it appropriate to present the financial statements in 
   accordance with the Statement of Recommended Practice `Financial 
   Statements of Investment Trust Companies and Venture Capital 
   Trusts' (the `SORP'), issued by The Association of Investment 
   Companies in January 2009. 
                                                     2012        2011 
2. Income                                           GBP'000       GBP'000 
   Income from fixed asset investments 
   Franked income: 
   Dividends from listed UK investments                 1          11 
                                              ----------- ----------- 
                                                        1          11 
   Unfranked income: 
   Dividends from listed overseas investments           -          12 
   Distributions from UK unlisted investments         966       2,710 
   Listed UK loan stock investments                     5          62 
   Listed UK interest distribution                      -           3 
                                              ----------- ----------- 
                                                      971       2,787 
   Total income from fixed asset investments          972       2,798 
   Other income 
   Deposit interest                                    12          12 
   AAA rated money market fund interest                92          11 
   Miscellaneous income                                 -          26 
                                              ----------- ----------- 
                                                      104          49 
                                              ----------- ----------- 
   Total income                                     1,076       2,847 
                                                  =======     ======= 
   Income from fixed asset investments: 
   Listed                                               6          88 
   Unlisted                                           966       2,710 
                                              ----------- ----------- 
                                                      972       2,798 
                                                   ======      ====== 
3. Investment Management          2012        2012      2012       2011        2011       Total 
   Fee                         Revenue     Capital     Total    Revenue     Capital        2011 
                                 GBP'000       GBP'000     GBP'000      GBP'000       GBP'000       GBP'000 
   Investment management           600           -       600        660           -         660 
   Performance fee                   -       1,900     1,900          -           -           - 
                             --------- ----------- ---------  --------- ----------- ----------- 
   Total                           600       1,900     2,500        660           -         660 
                                 =====      ======     =====      =====      ======      ====== 
   From 1 October 2010, the management fee was fixed at a monthly fee of GBP70,000 (net of VAT) 
   per month for the first six months reducing to GBP50,000 (net of VAT) per month thereafter. 
   For the year under review therefore the Company paid GBP50,000 each month (net of VAT). 
   From 1 October 2010, the hurdle for the achievement of any performance fee was a cash 
   amount which must be returned to Shareholders before a performance fee could be earned. 
   The opening cash hurdle was GBP41,470,466 increasing at 8% (compound) per annum. At 31 
   December 2012 the cash hurdle was GBP49,308,237 compared with GBP59,950,916 which had been 
   returned to Shareholders at that point by way of cash return and dividends. 
   A performance fee of GBP1,900,000 was accrued during the year to 31 December 2012 (2011: 
   GBPnil) based on the level of actual and expected future Shareholder distributions, with 
   GBP1,077,728 already having been paid (2011: GBPnil), leaving a provision of GBP822,272 at the 
   year end (2011: GBPnil). 
                                   2012        2012        2012        2011        2011        2011 
                                Revenue     Capital       Total     Revenue     Capital       Total 
4. Taxation                       GBP'000       GBP'000       GBP'000       GBP'000       GBP'000       GBP'000 
   a) Analysis of tax 
   charge for the year: 
   UK corporation tax at 
   (2011: 26.5%)                      -           -           -           -           -           - 
   Adjustment in respect of 
   prior years                      (3)           -         (3)           -           -           - 
                            ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 
   Total tax credit for the 
   year (note 4b)                   (3)           -         (3)           -           -           - 
                                 ======      ======      ======      ======      ======      ====== 
            b) Factors affecting tax charge for the year: 
            The tax assessed for the year is lower than that resulting from applying the standard 
            rate of corporation tax in the UK: 24.5% (2011: 26.5%). The differences are explained 
                                                2012          2012        2012        2011          2011     2011 
                                             Revenue       Capital       Total     Revenue       Capital    Total 
                                               GBP'000         GBP'000       GBP'000       GBP'000         GBP'000    GBP'000 
Return on ordinary activities 
before taxation                                   68         (494)       (426)       1,473        11,379   12,852 
                                              ------       -------      ------      ------       ------- -------- 
Tax thereon at 24.5% (2011: 26.5%)                17         (121)       (104)         390         3,016    3,406 
Tax on undistributed income of 
unlisted funds                                   305             -         305         344             -      344 
Non taxable UK dividend income                 (237)             -       (237)       (175)             -    (175) 
Non taxable foreign dividend income                -             -           -         (3)             -      (3) 
Non taxable capital gains                          -         (349)       (349)           -       (3,016)  (3,016) 
Expenses not utilised for tax 
purposes                                           -           470         470           -             -        - 
Utilisation of excess management 
expenses                                        (85)             -        (85)       (556)             -    (556) 
Prior year adjustment                            (3)             -         (3)           -             -        - 
                                              ------       -------      ------      ------       ------- -------- 
Current tax credit                               (3)             -         (3)           -             -        - 
                                                ====          ====        ====        ====          ====     ==== 
At the balance sheet date, the Company had unutilised excess management expenses of GBP3.7 million (2011: 
GBP2.9 million). 
No deferred tax asset has been recognised as it is not considered probable that there will be future 
taxable profits available. 
5.   Dividends on Ordinary Shares 
     A dividend of GBP1,150,800 (7.4p per share) was declared and paid during the year in respect of the 
     2011 year end in order to comply with Section 1158 of the Corporation Tax Act 2010. 
     A dividend of GBP79,609 (2.25p per share) will be paid on 31 May 2013 in respect of the year ended 31 
     December 2012. The dividend will be paid to Shareholders on the register of members on 10 May 2013; 
     shares will go ex-dividend on 8 May 2013. 
                                         2012          2012          2012             2011          2011          2011 
                                      Revenue       Capital         Total          Revenue       Capital         Total 
6.   Return per Ordinary Share          GBP'000         GBP'000         GBP'000            GBP'000         GBP'000         GBP'000 
     Attributable to Ordinary 
     Shareholders                          71         (494)         (423)            1,473        11,379        12,852 
                                  -----------   -----------   -----------      -----------   -----------   ----------- 
     Return per Ordinary share           0.5p        (3.5)p        (3.0)p           (7.9p)         60.8p         68.7p 
                                       ======        ======        ======           ======        ======        ====== 
     The return per Ordinary share is based on the weighted average number of 13,974,085 Ordinary shares 
     in issue (2011: 18,696,574). 
                                                                                             2012                 2011 
7.   Commitments                                                                            GBP'000                GBP'000 
     The level of outstanding commitments at the year end was: 
     Rutland Fund I                                                                         2,315                2,839 
     August Equity Partners I                                                                 397                  348 
     Fondinvest Capital VIII                                                                    -                2,323 
     Pragma Capital II                                                                          -                1,395 
     Parallel Ventures 2006                                                                     -                  817 
     Century Capital Partners Fund IV                                                           -                  422 
     Astorg IV                                                                                  -                  295 
                                                                                      -----------          ----------- 
     Outstanding commitments                                                                2,712                8,439 
                                                                                          =======              ======= 
    It should be noted that these funds are unlikely to have remaining 
    commitments fully called as they are past their initial five-year 
    investment periods and also because a portion of commitments is 
    often held-back as a contingency. Overall, therefore, it is 
    anticipated that drawdowns of outstanding commitments at 31 December 
    2012 are likely to total approximately GBP0.2 million prior to the 
    Company entering its planned liquidation process. 
8.  Net Asset Value per Ordinary share 
    The Net Asset Value per Ordinary share (which equals the net value 
    attributable to the Ordinary shares at the year end calculated in 
    accordance with the Articles of Association) was as follows: 
                                                          2012        2011 
    Net Asset Value per Ordinary share                  400.1p      402.0p 
    Net Asset Value attributable to Ordinary       GBP14,158,000 GBP62,513,000 
    shares of 5p 
    The Net Asset Value per Ordinary share is based on 3,538,185 (2011: 
    15,551,506) Ordinary shares in issue at the year end. 
9.  2012 Financial Information 
    The figures and financial information for 2012 are extracted from 
    the annual financial statements for that period and do not 
    constitute the statutory accounts. The Company's annual financial 
    statements for the year ended 31 December 2012 have been audited but 
    have not yet been delivered to the Registrar of Companies. The 
    report of the Auditor on the 2012 annual financial statements was 
    unqualified, did not include a reference to any matter to which the 
    auditors drew attention without qualifying the report, and did not 
    contain any statements under section 498 of the Companies Act 2006. 
10. 2011 Financial Information 
    The figures and financial information for 2011 are extracted from 
    the published Annual Report and Financial Statements for the year 
    ended 31 December 2011 and do not constitute the statutory accounts 
    for that year. The 2011 Annual Report and Financial Statements has 
    been delivered to the Registrar of Companies and included the Report 
    of the Independent Auditors which was unqualified and did not 
    contain a statement under either section 237(2) or section 237(3) of 
    the Companies Act 1985 or under section 498 of the Companies Act 
11. Annual Report and Financial Statements 
    Copies of the Annual Report and Financial Statements will be posted 
    to Shareholders in May 2013 and will be available on the Company's 
    website (www.hendersonprivateequity.com) or in hard copy format from 
    the Registered Office, 201 Bishopsgate, London EC2M 3AE. 
12. Annual General Meeting 
    The Annual General Meeting will be held on Thursday, 27 June 2013 at 
    11.00 am at 201 Bishopsgate, London EC2M 3AE. 
For further information please contact: 
Ian Barrass (Portfolio Manager)                   Robin Archibald (Corporate Stockbroker) 
Henderson Private Equity Investment Trust plc     Winterflood Securities Limited 
Telephone: 020 7818 2964                          Telephone: 020 7100 0290 
Sarah Gibbons-Cook (Investor Relations and PR Manager) 
Henderson Global Investors Limited 
Telephone: 020 7818 3198 
                                   - ENDS - 
Neither the contents of the Company's website nor 
the contents of any website accessible from hyperlinks on the Company's 
website (or any other website) are incorporated into, or form part of, this 

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