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Acacia Diversified Holdings Inc (CE)

Acacia Diversified Holdings Inc (CE) (ACCA)

Closed September 20 4:00PM

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Renee Renee 4 months ago
ACCA SEC registration revoked:
Renee Renee 1 year ago
ACCA: SEC Admin. Proceeding for severely delinquent Financials (June 2020):
splintered sunlight splintered sunlight 3 years ago
Crazy sh*t.
billy28227047 billy28227047 3 years ago
Details for the initial case against Jeff. This only shows the case with the B&D PPP loans. Both, the initial PPP loan pulled and the second one attempted under B&D.

Still waiting to see the case(s) against Jeff with the PPP loans pulled under SNGY and Acembly.

billy28227047 billy28227047 3 years ago
No additional facts/news on the matter.

At this time, there has been motion submitted to unseal the case back on 9/23 that are finally in the case log. But I am unable to see the details. Anyone else able to?

5 MOTION to Unseal Case by USA as to Jeffrey Bearden. (kmts, Deputy Clerk)

6 ORDER granting5 Motion to Unseal Case as to Jeffrey Bearden (1). Signed by Magistrate Judge Thomas M. DiGirolamo on 9/23/2021. (kmts, Deputy Clerk)

Also, there is no new case logs on Jeff's other case with former Acembly owners.

So, there will probably be a long wait till we hear the outcome of this story.
buccaneer1961 buccaneer1961 3 years ago
Oh Jeffery...0001. Congrats you sorry b@$tard
billy28227047 billy28227047 3 years ago
The official Federal Government case against Jeff. Would love to read what is sealed in that.
powerbattles powerbattles 3 years ago
Over the years way too many company hidden under no filings SCAM people billion of dollars. The SEC put stop, they should do that many year ago.
I am not following the case therefore my thought is wrong. Wow, I didn't know Jeff currently legal action, boy that is a HUGE mess.
billy28227047 billy28227047 3 years ago
powerbattles -> It would be great if that was the case here. But considering Jeff's currently legal issues and the current state of ACCA, I do not think there is any hope here at all. If you have anything that points to other outcomes, I am all ears.

Jeff has at minimum of 4 different counts of false PPP loan submissions against him/his companies. Each carrying a "30 years behind bars" sentence, it is safe to say that this will just fade away into the fail bin of history.

Considering the number of employees called out in the PPP loans, for which we never found one single person actually working under B&D or SYNRGY (except for Jeff himself), this looks to be a slam dunk case for the government.

Also, we have not found any other partner(s) for ACCA or any of the other companies. Not sure ACCA or any of the other companies are able to do anything if no one around to run them.

With SEC taking ACCA into the "expert" market, I believe Jeff lost his final chance to sell the ACCA shell. But then again, with the government in the picture now, they may have taken control of all of Jeff's assets and he cant touch them.
powerbattles powerbattles 3 years ago
billy28227047 There is still hope here. SNRG revoked in 2019 I thought game over but latter they filed announced merge... now stock trade at .22 cents. The course is a very good excuses for them to delay the filings. I hope thing will workout best for all shareholders.
buccaneer1961 buccaneer1961 3 years ago
Wow..ok thankyou
billy28227047 billy28227047 3 years ago
buccaneer1961 -> So it looks like a big issue has/is happening with Jeff's lawyer. "Attorney Michael B Wilson terminated". Wonder if it has to do with health issues or the federal case against Jeff. Whatever it is, seems pretty serious if plaintiffs are willing to pump the breaks and put the case on hold. But definitely not good for Jeff/B&D/Synrgy/Acembly.

"MINUTES OF HEARING re ALTER EGO held before Judge Stephen V. Wilson re: [75] EX PARTE APPLICATION to Stay Case. Attorneys state their appearances. The Court stays the case, and moves it to the inactive calendar. Plaintiff's counsel shall notify the Court, in writing, when the matter should be restored to the active calendar. Attorney Michael B. Wilson is relieved as counsel of record. He is ordered to advise his former clients separately that when the matter is restored to the Court's active calendar, they will need to retain new counsel. Case stayed. Attorney Michael B Wilson terminated. (Made JS-6. Case Terminated.) Court Reporter: Katie Thibodeaux. (mrgo)"
buccaneer1961 buccaneer1961 3 years ago
More filings today
billy28227047 billy28227047 3 years ago
Yankee2 -> While it is a surprise to see the SNGY movement, I do believe there is alternative motive as to why that is happening. Either because Jeff is trying to save the money he lent to SNGY, because of the court case, and/or someone else involved in SNGY background.

Looking at the link above, you can clearly see how ACCA stands and will likely stand until the end of time. Very sad. Would have been best for everyone to have sold the shell off.

I do not understand the options of coming back from an "expert" market status. maybe someone more knowledgeable like PhenixBleu could give an answer. But considering the federal case against Jeff, lack of working capital, and lack of companies producing anything, I am really against the idea of ACCA doing anything.
billy28227047 billy28227047 3 years ago
mark5050 -> Yea, as figured, Jeff wants to put a hold on the case until his Federal issue is over.
yankee2 yankee2 3 years ago
Have we got a chance with this thing? glta
buccaneer1961 buccaneer1961 3 years ago
New filings court docket
mark5050 mark5050 3 years ago
New filings today

75.EX PARTE APPLICATION to Stay Case pending Federal Criminal Investigation Relating to Defendant Jeff Bearden filed by Defendants Jeff Bearden. (filed: 10/01/2021)
1. Declaration of Michael B. Wilson ISO Ex Parte to Stay Proceedings
76. REQUEST FOR JUDICIAL NOTICE re EX PARTE APPLICATION to Stay Case pending Federal Criminal Investigation Relating to Defendant Jeff Bearden [75] filed by Defendant Jeff Bearden. (filed: 10/01/2021)
billy28227047 billy28227047 3 years ago
Not a problem PhenixBleu. Hopefully others can use the info to learn from as I am.

After going through the fillings made by Jeff/SNGY recently, I feel like there may be more trouble ahead for Jeff. I wonder if SEC would take issue with falsified reports (even with stuff as simple as physical address). But it also puts a lot more out onto the table for the plaintiffs to see behind the curtains with the Acembly court case that Jeff has going. With time we shall see.
PhenixBleu PhenixBleu 3 years ago
I'm reading your updates. Thanks for keeping us informed.
billy28227047 billy28227047 3 years ago
While this is not directly about ACCA, it is a very interesting turn of events that sheds a bit of light on Jeff and what he is doing.

"fink" over on the SNGY board pointed out a that SNGY is yield sign current now. Multiple disclosures were filed and dated 9-24-2021. Of the shells that Jeff has, why is he fixing this one at last moment?

I wonder why this is happening. Is it because there is a silent partner (maybe Joe Meuse is still in the picture as we saw from the Synrgy/B&D/Acembly court case?)

Or could this have been done because of the court case? How would this have helped him? From my last post here, we see that he is trying to make an argument of synrgy being a "real" company.

Or maybe this was done/forced because of Jeff using synrgy shares to pay for Acembly.

But why would he do this now of all times? Considering his federal case, he may not be able to do anything else for 30+ years.

For anyone wanting to see the disclosures supplied by synrgy.
billy28227047 billy28227047 3 years ago
That it is PhenixBleu.

Additional news today, Jeff actually filed his "Alter Ego" document for the court yesterday. I will give a bit of perspective below with some quotes just to give a insight to Jeff and how he handles things legally as it may impact or give insight to ACCA.

Some interesting aspects is Jeff still has money to pay for legal counsel. Michael B. Wilson of CURAT/LEX, INC. I wonder if he knows of Jeff's other troubles yet?

But here are some highlights for those interested.

1) "plaintiffโ€™s claim against the alter ego defendant is
identical with that claimed by plaintiff against the already-named defendant."

2) So the plaintiffs are looking for a quick verdict by the judge, but Jeff is adamant about due process and forcing a trial with jury.

"Because Defendants are entitled to a trial by jury on certain of the substantive legal claims underlying Plaintiffsโ€™ alter ego theory, a jury is required."

3)Jeff is looking to throw a wrench in how the plantiffs are trying to handle this case.Really trying to push how he is involved.

"Here, Plaintiffs entered into various agreements with the Debtor Defendants Acembly and Synrgy. Acembly and Synrgy do have common shareholder โ€“ Defendant Jeff Bearden. Defendant B&D Consulting, however, is not alleged to โ€“ nor does it โ€“ have any interest in either Acembly or Synrgy. B&D Consultingโ€™s sole involvement in the transactions at issue here was that it forwarded the funds required by the Stock Purchase Agreement. Put simply, Plaintiffs cannot prove B&D Consulting to be the alter ego of either Acembly or Synrgy because B&D Consulting is not a shareholder of either. Plaintiffs therefore attempts to link B&D Consulting to the transaction through Jeff Bearden โ€“ which is to say Plaintiffs allege that Synrgy and Acembly are the alter egos of Jeff Bearden and, since B&D Consulting is also helmed by Mr. Bearden, B&D Consulting is linked as well. That is not the proper application of the alter ego doctrine; it is reverse-veil piercing, something which is disallowed in California."

4) Does synrgy even exist?

"effort to claim that the allegations in the Complaint are made directly against Bearden, they state the Defendant Synrgy does not exist and therefore Bearden, as agent, failed to disclose his principal. However, in an effort to pursue their alter ego theory of liability Plaintiffs state that Synrgy does indeed exist and is the alter ego of Bearden."

5)One thing that has bothered me is the spelling for "synrgy" company has been incorrect (as synergy) at multiple points of this case. How would that play into the case? And it is finally coming up.

"the name of Synrgy was misspelled as โ€œSynergyโ€ in the contracts (something, incidentally, which is done in Plaintiffsโ€™ Complaint where โ€œSynrgyโ€ is the named Defendant but โ€œSynergyโ€ is used throughout)."

6) The funds are brought back into question.

"Plaintiffs allege that Bearden contributing funds for Synrgyโ€™s operation constituted commingling. That is not the case. An ownerโ€™s contribution of funds to assist his or her company in meeting its financial obligations does not support the application of the alter ego doctrine. "

7) Jeff using Acembly as personal bank? looks like he did same thing with B&D PPP loans (buying stocks)

"Plaintiffs Have No Evidence That Bearden Diverted Funds or
Assets, Treated Corporate Assets His Own or That Either
Acembly or Synrgy Failed to Issue Stock"
PhenixBleu PhenixBleu 3 years ago
ACCA is now on the Expert Market.
buccaneer1961 buccaneer1961 3 years ago
Same here I kept ten cents worth of shares so it comes up on my screen
powerbattles powerbattles 3 years ago
Agreed! Stupid as hell. I was waiting for fillings but nothing. I sold everything a while back when I spot out nothing indicated he's working on this shell.
buccaneer1961 buccaneer1961 3 years ago
He is a stupid greedy baffoon
powerbattles powerbattles 3 years ago
This's a very nice clean shell, He could sold this shell for a few hundred K. Its too bad he abandoned the ship.
buccaneer1961 buccaneer1961 3 years ago
Poor The idiot
billy28227047 billy28227047 3 years ago
I completely forgot about that deadline today. While Jeff still has some time till end of the day, I do not expect him to.

At this point, considering Jeff's current federal legal issues, I would expect this court case to go into default and a "win" for the ex Acembly owners. But we shall see.
mark5050 mark5050 3 years ago
New court filing.
billy28227047 billy28227047 3 years ago
Getting back to the Paycheck Protection Program violations.

Using the basic info from

I have found the following loans taken out in Jeff's control.

PPP loan taken under B&D Consulting:
May 1, 2020 (First Round)

PPP loans taken under Synrgy:
July 30, 2020 (First Round)
March 5, 2021 (Second Round)

PPP loan taken under Acembly (While under Jeff's control):
March 23, 2021 (First Round)

I did not find any PPP loans under ORCIM Financial Holdings or Acacia Diversified Holdings. May have overlooked though.

While I was only able to find 1 PPP loan for B&D Consulting, the government article below states Jeff/B&D tried to get a second one. Which is part of what triggered their investigation.

The PPP money that was collected by Jeff's companies seem to be blatantly non-logical even with the little info we had. Some of the info we have does point to Jeff misusing the PPP money for things it was not meant for, potentials including the following: used to repay what was owed to employees at B&D and Synrgy after he let them go prior to the PPP program, continued collection of PPP loans using fake employees (except for Acembly?), use of PPP funds in buying/starting up ACCA, and personal items like stocks and maybe a house in silver springs, MD.

While I cannot verify everything talked about above, I can verify that Jeff's companies have gained PPP loans, number of employees Jeff is claiming under each company, and the timing against facts is very questionable.

For anyone who is not aware. B&D Consulting and Synrgy closed all locations and dropped every employee back in December of 2019. There has been no sign of rehire of employees, restart of technology that was being developed, or any positive expansion of any company (new work, new contracts, new employees) since. So, while looking at those PPP loan details in the links above, take a serious look at the "dates" and employees stated. Things just did not add up here.

I just find it a bit mind boggling that Jeff is claiming that many employees under his companies (35 as of March 5, 2021 for Synrgy alone), but there is no sign of actual employees in over 2 years. No LinkedIn or other social media profiles anywhere.

With all this said, it is probably best to say even if Jeff gets out from the federal bars, he will not be able to work with government contracts ever again because of this federal case on his record. So he lost that for his future.

I wonder what this federal case will dig up and allow us to learn with Jeff and his companies. But now I really wonder about the possibility of other people involved around Jeff and his companies (ACCA, B&D, Synrgy, Acembly). Will we see them pop up in the federal case? Or was it something truly only on Jeff? Was he that bad off financially that made him risk everything?

I would not be surprised if the following people pop up in the case to at least be witnesses by the federal prosecuting team.

The accountant for B&D Consulting and Synrgy? Can confirm Terri Dotson was the accountant for B&D through her LinkedIn account and following government document.

Was Terri Lynn Dotson in on the PPP fraud? As found out and posted before, she already has a record of fraud with business.

Or what about the "professional" help that Jeff had in the background, Joseph Meuse? Court records with the Acembly cased proved he was working with Jeff on that deal. We are assuming it was in connection with ACCA ultimately. He did look like fairy-tail help for Jeff and be able to help Jeff with any financial issues and business connections.

But we did also find Joe has a history with fraud with shell companies in the stock market with his previous owned company "Belmont Partners, LLC".

Honestly though, I do not know what to think here. It did seem like everything was going perfectly, then things went off the rails and silent. No further SEC filings. No further word from ACCA. It was such a wild ride of ups and downs. But it really has gone through some weird twist over the past year. While we did find clues along the way, the picture did not come together until too late. If you are able to use this as a learning lesson, it should help with future investments and knowing what warning signs to look out for. Hopefully the new SEC rules going into play will help remove this kind of risk from the market. But only time will tell.
billy28227047 billy28227047 3 years ago
A bit more information directly from the government on the matter with Jeff.

billy28227047 billy28227047 3 years ago
Unless there was a hidden partner, here is the end to Jeff/ACCA/B&D/Synrgy/Acembly.

On Sept. 22, 2021 the complaint was signed and it was unsealed when Bearden was arrested on Sept. 23.

As pointed out in my earlier post, the PPP loans didn't make sense in the claimed details. And sadly I was right.

What is really weird, is the arrest is only on B&D PPP loans and not the others (Synrgy or Acembly). Maybe those will be follow-ups.

We also get a reason for the money coming from different bank accounts for the buying of Acembly. That B&D account having a really high negative balance.
billy28227047 billy28227047 3 years ago
Starting the flow of case submissions. Lets see what we can learn.
billy28227047 billy28227047 3 years ago
WallStreetMyWay -> Not sure what your going on about since your "words" in both of your post are all over the place. If you would like to bring intelligent or constructive points to the conversation here, we would very well welcome it. But if you are only trying to stir the pot, we would like for you to keep to yourself as most of us here are just trying to use this as a learning lesson at this point.
WallStreetMyWay WallStreetMyWay 3 years ago
Lets #ACCA sell them shares an build in reporting revuers. Fn state tamely taxingly?
WallStreetMyWay WallStreetMyWay 3 years ago
A smart move takes coins to get is? takes ask for averages? n Policy Prs going too dollar? Cometary?
billy28227047 billy28227047 3 years ago
cantgetmyname -> Smart and safe move on your part! I do feel bad for anyone still holding at this point as I do not see anything turning around for ACCA.
cantgetmyname cantgetmyname 3 years ago
I had this for a long time but without an attempt to get current I bailed.
If they can get current I will prolly get back in
billy28227047 billy28227047 3 years ago
cantgetmyname -> Thank you for the confirmation with E*trade.
cantgetmyname cantgetmyname 3 years ago
I just tried to buy with Etrade and it was not allowed.
billy28227047 billy28227047 3 years ago
First date popping up. Should be some interesting insight to Jeff and his money/business problems.
billy28227047 billy28227047 3 years ago
So, looks like E*Trade and TD Ameritrade are still allowing buys at this point. At least for me, I can go up through the buy window (but I did not execute any buys).

But reports that Schwab is only allowing sells at this point. Anyone else able to confirm any kind of limitations in buying process yet? (not that I would expect anyone to be buying at this point).
PhenixBleu PhenixBleu 3 years ago
That should be some fun reading!
Both parties are ordered to file simultaneous briefs regarding alter ego by September 15, 2021.
billy28227047 billy28227047 3 years ago
Both parties are ordered to file simultaneous briefs regarding alter ego by September 15, 2021.

Simultaneous oppositions are due no later than September 27, 2021.

A hearing on the matter is set for October 4, 2021 at 1:30 p.m.

A further pretrial conference on October 25, 2021 at 3:00 p.m.

The jury trial is continued to November 9, 2021 at 9:00 a.m., with The

Hopefully, the briefs by both sides and their rebuttals will be the long awaited inside info we have been looking for. Should be very enlightening and show how bad the situation is around Jeff.

Some other key dates.

June 30, 2021 โ€“ Deadline for issuers to provide required disclosures.

September 28, 2021 โ€“ Rules compliance date. Disclosure failure will result in removal from Pink Market.

billy28227047 billy28227047 3 years ago
OilRush -> I was thinking of that as a potential far far possibility. But between the SEC actions coming up and the true lack of funding shown in the court case, I really cannot see it. But cannot say it for sure as we have not seen behind the curtain of ACCA, only Acembly, Synrgy on paper and SNGY shell.

At this point, I believe we are only going to see Jeff throw away anything left in Acembly/Synrgy/SNGY or it would be awarded back to the original owners (since Jeff does not have anything of worth anymore from the court records).

So, where does that leave ACCA? I think Jeff is putting all of his efforts into the Acembly court case and will not be able to fix ACCA shell status before SEC deletes it from the market. Maybe in a couple years he might try to restart his effort with ACCA with a new shell. Or on the flip side, he will call it quits and walk away from the tech industry. Only time will tell.

buccaneer1961 buccaneer1961 3 years ago
Docket update today
OilRush OilRush 3 years ago
Perhaps whatever plans he has for the shells is worth way more than the pennies he would get selling them.
billy28227047 billy28227047 3 years ago
Open question.

If Jeff was not able to use his shells and has stepped to the point of filing bankruptcies, why has he not tried selling his shells?

Is there really a flood of cheap shells on the market at this time?
billy28227047 billy28227047 3 years ago
Bummer to not see any docket updates yet from yesterday's pretrial conference. Would love to have been a fly on the wall.

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