U.S. Wheat Supply and Use 1/ 
Item                            2017/2018                   2018/2019 
                            prev         Dec 11         prev         Dec 11 
Area                                     Million acres 
Planted                     46.0           46.0         47.8           47.8 
Harvested                   37.5           37.5         39.6           39.6 
Yield per harv. acre        46.3           46.3         47.6           47.6 
                                         Million Bushels 
Beginning stocks           1,181          1,181        1,099          1,099 
Production                 1,740          1,740        1,884          1,884 
Imports                      157            157          140            140 
Supply, total              3,078          3,078        3,123          3,123 
Food                         964            964          970            970 
Seed                          63             63           69             69 
Feed and residual             50             50          110            110 
Domestic, total            1,078          1,078        1,149          1,149 
Exports                      901            901        1,025          1,000 
Use, total                 1,979          1,979        2,174          2,149 
Ending stocks              1,099          1,099          949            974 
avg farm prc ($/bu) 2/      4.72           4.72  4.90 - 5.30    5.05 - 5.25 
                                  U.S. Wheat by Class: Supply and Use 
  Year beginning              Hard     Hard     Soft 
      June 1                Winter   Spring      Red    White    Durum   Total 
                                   2017/2018 (estimated) 
Beginning Stocks               589      235      215      105       36   1,181 
Production                     750      384      292      258       55   1,740 
Supply, Total 3/             1,346      707      511      371      142   3,078 
Domestic Use                   394      288      216       90       90   1,078 
Exports                        371      228       91      193       18     901 
Use, Total                     765      516      306      284      107   1,979 
Ending Stocks, Total           581      191      205       87       35   1,099 
                                   2018/2019 (projected) 
Beginning Stocks               581      191      205       87       35   1,099 
Production                     662      587      286      272       77   1,884 
Supply, Total 3/             1,248      850      497      365      163   3,123 
Domestic Use                   460      295      210       96       88   1,149 
Exports                        320      300      130      220       30   1,000 
Use, Total                     780      595      340      316      118   2,149 
Ending Stocks, Total Dec       468      255      157       49       45     974 
Ending Stocks, Total Nov       426      260      169       50       44     949 
Note:  Totals may not add due to rounding.  1/ Marketing year beginning June 
1.  2/ Marketing-year weighted average price received by farmers.  3/ 
Includes imports. 
Write to Rose Ridinger at csstat@dowjones.com 

(END) Dow Jones Newswires

December 11, 2018 12:18 ET (17:18 GMT)

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