Washington, D.C. 20549





Report of Foreign Private Issuer

Pursuant to Rule 13a-16 or 15d-16

under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934


For the month of August 2017


Commission File Number: 001-14550


China Eastern Airlines Corporation Limited


(Translation of Registrant’s name into English)


Board Secretariat’s Office

Kong Gang San Lu, Number 88

Shanghai, China 200335


(Address of principal executive offices)


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If "Yes" is marked, indicate below the file number assigned to the registrant in connection with Rule 12g3-2(b):     n/a 










Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.


      China Eastern Airlines Corporation Limited

August 31, 2017

  By /s/ Wang Jian
        Name: Wang Jian
        Title: Company Secretary






Certain statements contained in this announcement may be regarded as "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the U.S. Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. Such forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors, which may cause the actual performance, financial condition or results of operations of the Company to be materially different from any future performance, financial condition or results of operations implied by such forward-looking statements. Further information regarding these risks, uncertainties and other factors is included in the Company's filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. The forward-looking statements included in this announcement represent the Company's views as of the date of this announcement. While the Company anticipates that subsequent events and developments may cause the Company's views to change, the Company specifically disclaims any obligation to update these forward-looking statements, unless required by applicable laws. These forward-looking statements should not be relied upon as representing the Company's views as of any date subsequent to the date of this announcement. 


Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited and The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited take no responsibility for the contents of this announcement, make no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and expressly disclaim any liability whatsoever for any loss howsoever arising from or in reliance upon the whole or any part of the contents of this announcement.




(A joint stock limited company incorporated in the People’s Republic of China with limited liability)

(Stock code: 00670)





The board of directors (the “ Board ”) of China Eastern Airlines Corporation Limited (the “ Company ”) hereby presents the interim financial information of the Company and its subsidiaries (collectively, the “ Group ”) for the six months ended 30 June 2017 prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (“ IFRS ”) (which were reviewed and approved by the Board and the audit and risk management committee of the Company (the “ Audit and Risk Management Committee ”) on 29 August 2017), with comparative figures for the corresponding period in 2016.


As the Company completed the transfer of 100% equity interest in Eastern Air Logistics Co., Ltd.* (“ Eastern Logistics ”) to Eastern Airlines Industry Investment Company Limited* (“ Eastern Airlines Industry Investment ”, a wholly-owned subsidiary of China Eastern Air Holding Company (“ CEA Holding ”), the controlling shareholder of the Company) in February 2017, the interim condensed consolidated statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income, interim condensed consolidated statement of cash flows as well as the financial information under corresponding notes to the financial statements of the Group and the operating data of the Group for the first half of 2017 did not include the corresponding data of Eastern Logistics from February 2017 onwards. The interim condensed consolidated statement of financial position, interim condensed consolidated statement of changes in equity and financial data under corresponding financial statements of the Group and the fleet data of the Group as at 30 June 2017 did not include the corresponding data of Eastern Logistics.


The interim financial information of the Group for the six months ended 30 June 2017 is unaudited and is not necessarily indicative of annual or future results of the Group. Investors should not place undue reliance on the interim financial information of the Group for the six months ended 30 June 2017.








For the six months ended 30 June 2017


        For the six months  
        ended 30 June  
        2017     2016  
    Notes   RMB million     RMB million  
        (Unaudited)     (Unaudited)  
Revenues   5     48,423       46,335  
Other operating income and gains   6     4,766       2,772  
Gain on fair value changes of derivative financial instruments               2  
Operating expenses                    
Aircraft fuel         (12,139 )     (8,363 )
Take-off and landing charges         (6,430 )     (5,794 )
Depreciation and amortisation         (6,547 )     (5,801 )
Wages, salaries and benefits         (8,860 )     (8,314 )
Aircraft maintenance         (2,165 )     (2,259 )
Impairment charges         (9 )     (3 )
Food and beverages         (1,501 )     (1,401 )
Aircraft operating lease rentals         (2,235 )     (2,317 )
Other operating lease rentals         (401 )     (345 )
Selling and marketing expenses         (1,593 )     (1,631 )
Civil aviation development fund         (1,004 )     (945 )
Ground services and other expenses         (1,916 )     (2,769 )
Indirect operating expenses         (2,059 )     (2,009 )
Total operating expenses         (46,859 )     (41,951 )
Operating profit         6,330       7,158  
Share of results of associates         113       73  
Share of results of joint ventures         31       23  
Finance income         703       34  
Finance costs   8     (1,404 )     (2,717 )
Profit before income tax         5,773       4,571  
Income tax expense   9     (1,152 )     (1,041 )
Profit for the period         4,621       3,530  






For the six months ended 30 June 2017


        For the six months  
        ended 30 June  
        2017     2016  
    Note   RMB million     RMB million  
        (Unaudited)     (Unaudited)  
Other comprehensive income for the period                    
Other comprehensive income to be reclassified to profit or loss in subsequent periods                    
Cash flow hedges, net of tax         (137 )     (178 )
Fair value changes of available-for-sale investments, net of tax         99       35  
Fair value changes of available-for-sale investments held by an associate, net of tax         5       (7 )
Net other comprehensive income to be reclassified to profit or loss in subsequent periods         (33 )     (150 )
Other comprehensive income not to be reclassified to profit or loss in subsequent periods                    
Actuarial gains on the post-retirement benefit obligations, net of tax         184       30  
Net other comprehensive income not to be reclassified to profit or loss in subsequent periods         184       30  
Other comprehensive income, net of tax         151       (120 )
Total comprehensive income for the period         4,772       3,410  
Profit attributable to:                    
Equity holders of the Company         4,341       3,230  
Non-controlling interests         280       300  
Profit for the period         4,621       3,530  
Total comprehensive income attributable to:                    
Equity holders of the Company         4,486       3,107  
Non-controlling interests         286       303  
Total comprehensive income for the period         4,772       3,410  
Earnings per share attributable to the equity holders of the Company during the period                    
– Basic and diluted (RMB)   10     0.30       0.25  






As at 30 June 2017


        30 June     31 December  
        2017     2016  
    Notes   RMB million     RMB million  
        (Unaudited)     (Audited)  
Non-current assets                    
Property, plant and equipment   12     158,117       153,180  
Investment properties         315       321  
Lease prepayments         1,734       2,064  
Intangible assets   13     11,592       11,624  
Advanced payments on acquisition of aircraft   14     25,032       23,357  
Investments in associates         1,611       1,536  
Investments in joint ventures         555       524  
Available-for-sale investments         777       645  
Other non-current assets         2,521       2,969  
Deferred tax assets         84       79  
Derivative financial instruments         87       137  
          202,425       196,436  
Current assets                    
Flight equipment spare parts         2,353       2,248  
Trade and notes receivables   15     2,867       2,660  
Prepayments and other receivables         9,706       9,231  
Derivative financial instruments         11       11  
Restricted bank deposits and short-term bank deposits         40       43  
Cash and cash equivalents         8,563       1,695  
          23,540       15,888  
Current liabilities                    
Sales in advance of carriage         7,190       7,677  
Trade and bills payables   16     3,119       3,376  
Other payables and accruals         18,239       20,250  
Current portion of obligations under finance leases   17     7,123       6,447  
Current portion of borrowings   18     40,176       28,842  
Income tax payable         323       304  
Current portion of provision for return condition checks for aircraft under operating leases         904       1,175  
Derivative financial instruments         149       11  
          77,223       68,082  
Net current liabilities         (53,683 )     (52,194 )
Total assets less current liabilities         148,742       144,242  






As at 30 June 2017


        30 June     31 December  
        2017     2016  
    Notes   RMB million     RMB million  
        (Unaudited)     (Audited)  
Non-current liabilities                    
Obligations under finance leases   17     57,298       54,594  
Borrowings   18     25,842       27,890  
Provision for return condition checks for aircraft under operating leases         1,947       2,495  
Other long-term liabilities         3,836       3,874  
Post-retirement benefit obligations         2,510       2,890  
Deferred tax liabilities         68       86  
Derivative financial instruments         38       47  
          91,539       91,876  
Net assets         57,203       52,366  
Equity attributable to the equity holders of the Company                    
– Share capital   19     14,467       14,467  
– Reserves         39,469       34,983  
          53,936       49,450  
Non-controlling interests         3,267       2,916  
Total equity         57,203       52,366  


The financial statements were approved by the Board of Directors on 29 August 2017 and were signed on its behalf.


Liu Shaoyong   Ma Xulun
Director   Director






For the six months ended 30 June 2017


    Attributable to equity holders of the Company              
    Share     Other     Retained           controlling     Total  
    capital     reserves     profits     Subtotal     interests     equity  
    RMB million     RMB million     RMB million     RMB million     RMB million     RMB million  
    (Unaudited)     (Unaudited)     (Unaudited)     (Unaudited)     (Unaudited)     (Unaudited)  
Balance at 1 January 2017     14,467       26,199       8,784       49,450       2,916       52,366  
Profit for the period                 4,341       4,341       280       4,621  
Other comprehensive income           145             145       6       151  
Total comprehensive income for the period           145       4,341       4,486       286       4,772  
Disposal of a subsidiary (Note 20)                             87       87  
Dividends paid to non-controlling interests                             (22 )     (22 )
Balance at 30 June 2017     14,467       26,344 *     13,125 *     53,936       3,267       57,203  


    Attributable to equity holders of the Company              
    Share     Other     Retained           controlling     Total  
    capital     reserves     profits     Subtotal     interests     equity  
    RMB million     RMB million     RMB million     RMB million     RMB million     RMB million  
    (Unaudited)     (Unaudited)     (Unaudited)     (Unaudited)     (Unaudited)     (Unaudited)  
Balance at 1 January 2016     13,140       19,103       5,168       37,411       2,520       39,931  
Profit for the period                 3,230       3,230       300       3,530  
Other comprehensive income           (123 )           (123 )     3       (120 )
Total comprehensive income for the period           (123 )     3,230       3,107       303       3,410  
Issue of shares     1,327       7,213             8,540             8,540  
Dividends paid to non-controlling interests                             (57 )     (57 )
Balance at 30 June 2016     14,467       26,193       8,398       49,058       2,766       51,824  


* These reserve accounts comprise the unaudited consolidated reserve of RMB39,469 million in the unaudited interim condensed consolidated statement of financial position.






For the six months ended 30 June 2017


    For the six months  
    ended 30 June  
    2017     2016  
    RMB million     RMB million  
    (Unaudited)     (Unaudited)  
Cash flows from operating activities                
Profit before tax     5,773       4,571  
Adjustments to reconcile profit before tax to net cash flows:                
Depreciation of property, plant and equipment     6,445       5,705  
Depreciation of investment properties     6       5  
Amortisation of intangible assets     70       63  
Amortisation of lease prepayments     26       28  
Amortisation of other long term assets     180       181  
Impairment of trade receivables     2        
Loss/(gain) on disposal of property, plant and equipment     2       (44 )
Fair value adjustment of derivative financial instrument           (2 )
Share of results of associates and joint ventures     (144 )     (96 )
Gain on disposal of available-for-sale investments           (95 )
Gain on disposal of investment in a subsidiary     (1,754 )      
Gain on disposal of an associate     (12 )      
Dividend income from available-for-sale investments     (5 )     (20 )
Net foreign exchange (gains)/losses     (535 )     1,725  
Interest income     (29 )     (34 )
Interest expense     1,353       1,317  
Provisions for flight equipment spare parts     7       3  
Increase in flight equipment spare parts     (170 )     (133 )
Increase in trade and other receivables and prepayments     (3,214 )     (1,090 )
Increase/(decrease) in trade and other payables     423       (732 )
Cash generated from operations     8,424       11,352  
Income tax paid     (1,152 )     (817 )
Net cash flows from operating activities     7,272       10,535  






For the six months ended 30 June 2017


    For the six months  
    ended 30 June  
    2017     2016  
    RMB million     RMB million  
    (Unaudited)     (Unaudited)  
Cash flows from investing activities                
Additions to property, plant and equipment     (5,341 )     (3,602 )
Additions to intangible assets     (50 )     (142 )
Advanced payments on acquisition of aircraft     (7,569 )     (13,239 )
Investment in an associate     (33 )      
Proceeds from disposal of a subsidiary     1,897        
Proceeds from disposal of assets classified as held for sale           168  
Proceeds from disposal of property, plant and equipment     172       356  
Proceeds from disposal of investment in an associate     12        
Increase in short-term deposits     (4 )      
Proceeds from disposal of lease payments           39  
Interest received     29       34  
Dividends received     29       18  
Loans to a joint venture           (4 )
Net cash flows used in investing activities     (10,858 )     (16,372 )
Cash flows from financing activities                
Proceeds from issue of shares           8,540  
Proceeds from draw-down of short-term bank loans     25,103       35,438  
Repayments of short-term debentures     (21,000 )     (12,000 )
Repayments of short-term bank loans     (11,165 )     (31,665 )
Proceeds from issuance of short-term debentures     19,000       35,500  
Proceeds from issuance of long-term debentures and bonds           3,000  
Proceeds from draw-down of long-term bank loans and other financing activities     6,466       12,283  
Repayments of long-term bank loans     (2,832 )     (28,251 )
Repayments of long-term bonds           (5,497 )
Repayments of principal of finance lease obligations     (3,276 )     (5,652 )
Interest paid     (1,826 )     (1,758 )
Dividends paid to non-controlling interests of subsidiaries     (22 )     (57 )
Net cash flows from financing activities     10,448       9,881  
Net increase in cash and cash equivalents     6,862       4,044  
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period     1,695       9,080  
Effect of foreign exchange rate changes     6       90  
Cash and cash equivalents at 30 June     8,563       13,214  






For the six months ended 30 June 2017




China Eastern Airlines Corporation Limited (the “ Company ”), a joint stock company limited by shares, was established in the People’s Republic of China (the “ PRC ”) on 14 April 1995. The address of the Company’s registered office is 66 Airport Street, Pudong International Airport, Shanghai, the PRC. The Company and its subsidiaries (together, the “ Group ”) are principally engaged in the operation of civil aviation, including the provision of passenger, cargo, mail delivery, tour operations and other extended transportation services.


In the opinion of the directors, the holding company and ultimate holding company of the Company is China Eastern Air Holding Company (“ CEA Holding ”), a state-owned enterprise established in the PRC.


The A shares, H shares and American Depositary Receipts are listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange, The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited and The New York Stock Exchange, respectively.


The unaudited interim condensed consolidated financial statements were approved for issue by the Company’s Board on 29 August 2017.




The unaudited interim condensed consolidated financial statements, comprising interim condensed consolidated statement of financial position as at 30 June 2017, interim condensed consolidated statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income, interim condensed consolidated statement of changes in equity and interim condensed consolidated statement of cash flows for the six months ended 30 June 2017 (collectively refer to as the “ interim financial information ”), have been prepared in accordance with International Accounting Standard (“ IAS ”) 34 “Interim Financial Reporting”. The interim financial information does not include all the information and disclosures required in the annual financial statements and should be read in conjunction with the annual financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2016, which were prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (“ IFRS ”) as issued by the International Accounting Standard Board (“ IASB ”).


As at 30 June 2017, the Group’s current liabilities exceeded its current assets by approximately RMB53.68 billion. In preparing the interim financial information, the Board conducts adequate and detailed review over the Group’s going concern ability based on the current financial situation.


The Board has taken actions to deal with the situation that current liabilities exceeded its current assets, and the Board is confident that the Group has obtained adequate credit facility from the banks to support the floating capital. As at 30 June 2017, the Group had total unutilised credit facilities of approximately RMB56.98 billion from banks.


Based on the bank facility obtained by the Group, the past record of the financing and the good working relationship with major banks and financial institutions, the Board considers that the Group will be able to obtain sufficient financing to enable it to operate, as well as to meet its liabilities as and when they become due, and the capital expenditure requirements for the upcoming twelve months. Accordingly, the Board believes that it is appropriate to prepare these financial statements on a going concern basis without including any adjustments that would be required should the Company and the Group fail to continue as a going concern.







The accounting policies adopted in the preparation of the interim condensed consolidated financial statements are consistent with those followed in the preparation of the Group’s annual consolidated financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2016, except for the adoption of new standards and interpretations effective as of 1 January 2017. The Group has not early adopted any other standard, interpretation or amendment that has been issued but is not yet effective.


The nature and the effect of these changes are disclosed below. Although these amendments apply for the first time in 2017, they do not have a material impact on the interim condensed consolidated financial statements of the Group. The nature and the impact of each amendment is described below:


Amendments to IAS 7 Statement of Cash Flows: Disclosure Initiative


The amendments require entities to provide disclosures about changes in their liabilities arising from financing activities, including both changes arising from cash flows and non-cash changes (such as foreign exchange gains or losses). On initial application of the amendment, entities are not required to provide comparative information for preceding periods. The Group is not required to provide additional disclosures in its condensed interim consolidated financial statements, but will disclose additional information in its annual consolidated financial statements for the year ending 31 December 2017.


Amendments to IAS 12 Income Taxes: Recognition of Deferred Tax Assets for Unrecognised Losses


The amendments clarify that an entity needs to consider whether tax law restricts the sources of taxable profits against which it may make deductions on the reversal of that deductible temporary difference. Furthermore, the amendments provide guidance on how an entity should determine future taxable profits and explain the circumstances in which taxable profit may include the recovery of some assets for more than their carrying amount.


The adoption of these amendments has no effect on the Group’s financial position and performance as there is no such tax law for the group which restricts the sources of taxable profits against which it may make deductions on the reversal of that deductible temporary difference.


Annual Improvements Cycle – 2014-2016


Amendments to IFRS 12 Disclosure of Interests in Other Entities: Clarification of the scope of disclosure requirements in IFRS 12


The amendments clarify that the disclosure requirements in IFRS 12, other than those in paragraphs B10 – B16, apply to an entity’s interest in a subsidiary, a joint venture or an associate (or a portion of its interest in a joint venture or an associate) that is classified (or included in a disposal group that is classified) as held for sale.


The Group has adopted the amendments retrospectively. However, the adoption has no effect on the Group’s financial position and performance as the Group has no such investments that are classified as held for sale.







(a) Financial risk factors


The Group’s activities expose it to a variety of financial risks: market risk (including currency risk, fair value interest rate risk, cash flow interest rate risk and fuel price risk), credit risk, and liquidity risk. The Group’s overall risk management programme focuses on the unpredictability of financial markets and seeks to minimise potential adverse effects on the Group’s financial performance. The Group uses derivative financial instruments to manage risk exposures whenever management considers necessary.


The interim financial information does not include all financial risk management information and disclosures required in the annual financial statements, and should be read in conjunction with the Group’s annual financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2016.


There have been no changes in the risk management department since the 2016 year end or in any risk management policies.


Liquidity risk


The Group’s primary cash requirements are for day-to-day operations, additions of and upgrades to aircraft, engines and flight equipment and repayments of related borrowings. The Group finances its working capital requirements through a combination of funds generated from operations and borrowings including bank loans, debentures and bonds (both short-term and long-term). The Group generally finances the acquisition of aircraft through long-term finance leases or bank loans.


The table below analyses the Group’s financial liabilities that will be settled into relevant maturity groupings based on the remaining period at the reporting date to the contractual maturity date. The amounts disclosed in the table are the contractual undiscounted cash flows.


    Less than                          
    1 year     1 and 2 years     2 and 5 years     Over 5 years     Total  
    RMB million     RMB million     RMB million     RMB million     RMB million  
    (Unaudited)     (Unaudited)     (Unaudited)     (Unaudited)     (Unaudited)  
At 30 June 2017                                        
Borrowings     41,999       7,904       10,581       10,339       70,823  
Derivative financial instruments     149       24       6       8       187  
Obligations under finance leases     8,967       8,742       22,969       33,889       74,567  
Trade, bills and other payables     15,390                         15,390  
Total     66,505       16,670       33,556       44,236       160,967  


    Less than                          
    1 year     1 and 2 years     2 and 5 years     Over 5 years     Total  
    RMB million     RMB million     RMB million     RMB million     RMB million  
    (Audited)     (Audited)     (Audited)     (Audited)     (Audited)  
At 31 December 2016                                        
Borrowings     30,262       5,670       14,961       10,813       61,706  
Derivative financial instruments     11       33       8       6       58  
Obligations under finance leases     8,123       7,526       21,905       33,277       70,831  
Trade, bills and other payables     16,318                         16,318  
Total     54,714       13,229       36,874       44,096       148,913  







(b) Fair value estimation of financial assets and liabilities


Financial instruments not measured at fair value


The carrying amounts and fair values of the Group’s financial instruments, other than those with carrying amounts that reasonably approximate to fair values, were as follows:


    30 June 2017     31 December 2016  
    Carrying           Carrying        
    amounts     Fair values     amounts     Fair values  
    RMB million     RMB million     RMB million     RMB million  
    (Unaudited)     (Unaudited)     (Audited)     (Audited)  
Financial assets                                
Deposits relating to aircraft held under operating leases included in other non-current assets     238       216       285       258  
Financial liabilities                                
Long-term borrowings     25,842       25,330       27,890       28,075  
Obligations under finance leases     57,298       53,767       54,594       50,408  
Total     83,140       79,097       82,484       78,483  


Management has assessed that the fair values of cash and cash equivalents, restricted bank deposits and short-term bank deposits, trade and notes receivables, trade and bills payables, financial assets included in prepayments and other receivables, financial liabilities included in other payables and accruals, short-term bank borrowings, short-term debentures and short-term bonds approximate to their carrying amounts largely due to the short term maturities of these instruments.


The fair values of the deposits relating to aircraft held under operating leases included in other non-current assets, long-term borrowings and obligations under finance leases have been measured using significant observable inputs and calculated by discounting the expected future cash flows using rates currently available for instruments with similar terms, credit risk and remaining maturities.


Financial instruments measured at fair value


The Group enters into derivative financial instruments, including forward currency contracts and interest rate swaps with various counterparties, principally financial institutions with high credit ratings.


Derivative financial instruments are measured using valuation techniques similar to forward pricing and swap models, using present value calculations. The models incorporate various market observable inputs including the foreign exchange spot and forward rates and interest rate curves. As at 30 June 2017, the marked to market value of the derivative asset position is net of a credit valuation adjustment attributable to derivative counterparty default risk. The changes in counterparty credit risk had no material effect on the hedge effectiveness assessment for derivatives designated in hedge relationship and other financial instruments recognised at fair value.







(b) Fair value estimation of financial assets and liabilities (continued)


Fair value hierarchy


The following tables illustrate the fair value measurement hierarchy of the Group’s financial instruments:


Assets and liabilities measured at fair value:


As at 30 June 2017


    Fair value measurement using        
    Quoted prices     Significant     Significant        
    in active     observable     unobservable        
    markets     inputs     inputs        
    (Level 1)     (Level 2)     (Level 3)     Total  
    RMB million     RMB million     RMB million     RMB million  
    (Unaudited)     (Unaudited)     (Unaudited)     (Unaudited)  
Derivative financial instruments                                
– Forward foreign exchange contracts           11             11  
– Interest rate swaps           87             87  
Available-for-sale investments     670                   670  
Total     670       98             768  
Derivative financial instruments                                
– Forward foreign exchange contracts           149             149  
– Interest rate swaps           38             38  
Total           187             187  







(b) Fair value estimation of financial assets and liabilities (continued)


Assets and liabilities measured at fair value: (continued)


As at 31 December 2016


    Fair value measurement using        
    Quoted prices     Significant     Significant        
    in active     observable     unobservable        
    markets     inputs     inputs        
    (Level 1)     (Level 2)     (Level 3)     Total  
    RMB million     RMB million     RMB million     RMB million  
    (Audited)     (Audited)     (Audited)     (Audited)  
Derivative financial instruments                                
– Forward foreign exchange contracts           11             11  
– Interest rate swaps           137             137  
Available-for-sale investments     538                   538  
Total     538       148             686  
Derivative financial instruments                                
– Forward foreign exchange contracts           11             11  
– Interest rate swaps           47             47  
Total           58             58  


The fair value of financial instruments traded in active markets was based on quoted market prices at the reporting dates. Available-for-sale investments are listed A share and listed H share stock investments.


The fair values of derivative financial instruments are determined by using valuation techniques. These valuation techniques use applicable models and maximise the use of observable market data where it is available and also use quoted market prices or dealer quotes for reference.







(b) Fair value estimation of financial assets and liabilities (continued)


Assets and liabilities for which fair values are disclosed:


As at 30 June 2017


    Fair value measurement using        
    Quoted prices     Significant     Significant        
    in active     observable     unobservable        
    markets     inputs     inputs        
    (Level 1)     (Level 2)     (Level 3)     Total  
    RMB million     RMB million     RMB million     RMB million  
    (Unaudited)     (Unaudited)     (Unaudited)     (Unaudited)  
Deposits relating to aircraft held under operating leases included in other long-term assets           216             216  
Long-term borrowings           25,330             25,330  
Obligations under finance leases           53,767             53,767  
            79,097             79,097  


As at 31 December 2016


    Fair value measurement using        
    Quoted prices     Significant     Significant        
    in active     observable     unobservable        
    markets     inputs     inputs        
    (Level 1)     (Level 2)     (Level 3)     Total  
    RMB million     RMB million     RMB million     RMB million  
    (Audited)     (Audited)     (Audited)     (Audited)  
Deposits relating to aircraft held under operating leases included in other long-term assets           258             258  
Long-term borrowings           28,075             28,075  
Obligations under finance leases           50,408             50,408  
            78,483             78,483  







The Group is principally engaged in the operation of civil aviation, including the provision of passenger, cargo, mail delivery, tour operations and other extended transportation services.


    For the six months ended 30 June  
    2017     2016  
    RMB million     RMB million  
    (Unaudited)     (Unaudited)  
Traffic revenues                
– Passenger     43,106       39,298  
– Cargo and mail     1,777       2,690  
Tour operations income     1,070       1,392  
Ground service income     701       1,327  
Cargo handling and processing income     69       217  
Commission income     56       15  
Others     1,644       1,396  
      48,423       46,335  




    For the six months ended 30 June  
    2017     2016  
    RMB million     RMB million  
    (Unaudited)     (Unaudited)  
Subsidy income (Note (a))     2,742       2,364  
Gain on disposal of property, plant and equipment     2       46  
Gain on disposal of lease prepayments           3  
Gain on disposal of available-for-sale investments           95  
Dividend income from available-for-sale investments     5       20  
Gain on disposal of an associate     12        
Compensation from ticket sales agents     126       100  
Gain on disposal of investment in a subsidiary (Note 20)     1,754        
Others     125       144  
      4,766       2,772  




(a) Subsidy income mainly represents (i) subsidies granted by various local governments based on certain amounts of tax paid; (ii) subsidies granted by various local governments and other parties to encourage the Group to operate certain routes to cities where these governments are located.


There are no unfulfilled conditions and other contingencies related to subsidies that were recognised for the six months ended 30 June 2017 and 2016.







(a) CODM, office of the General Manager, reviews the Group’s internal reporting in order to assess performance and allocate resources.


The Group has one reportable operating segment, reported as “airline transportation operations”, which comprises the provision of passenger, cargo, mail delivery, ground service and cargo handling services.


Other services including primarily tour operations, air catering and other miscellaneous services are not included within the airline transportation operations segment, as their internal reports are separately provided to the CODM. The results of these operations are included in the “other segments” column.


Inter-segment transactions are entered into under normal commercial terms and conditions that would be available to unrelated third parties.


In accordance with IFRS 8, segment disclosure has been presented in a manner that is consistent with the information used by the Group’s CODM. The Group’s CODM monitors the results, assets and liabilities attributable to each reportable segment based on financial results prepared under the PRC Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises (the “ PRC Accounting Standards ”), which differ from IFRS in certain aspects. The amount of each material reconciling items from the Group’s reportable segment revenues and profit before income tax, arising from different accounting policies are set out in Note 7(c) below.


The segment results for the six months ended 30 June 2017 were as follows:


    transportation     Other                    
    operations     segments     Eliminations     Unallocated*     Total  
    RMB million     RMB million     RMB million     RMB million     RMB million  
    (Unaudited)     (Unaudited)     (Unaudited)     (Unaudited)     (Unaudited)  
Reportable segment revenues from external customers     46,340       1,680                   48,020  
Inter-segment sales           334       (334 )            
Reportable segment revenues     46,340       2,014       (334 )           48,020  
Reportable segment profit before income tax     3,818       46             1,915       5,779  
Other segment information                                        
Depreciation and amortisation     6,636       85                   6,721  
Impairment charges     9                         9  
Interest expenses     1,337       117       (50 )           1,404  
Capital expenditure     15,259       184                   15,443  







(a) CODM, office of the General Manager, reviews the Group’s internal reporting in order to assess performance and allocate resources. (continued)


The segment results for the six months ended 30 June 2016 were as follows:


    transportation     Other                    
    operations     segments     Eliminations     Unallocated*     Total  
    RMB million     RMB million     RMB million     RMB million     RMB million  
    (Unaudited)     (Unaudited)     (Unaudited)     (Unaudited)     (Unaudited)  
Reportable segment revenues from external customers     44,416       1,916                   46,332  
Inter-segment sales     108       287       (395 )            
Reportable segment revenues     44,524       2,203       (395 )           46,332  
Reportable segment profit before income tax     4,272       92             210       4,574  
Other segment information                                        
Depreciation and amortisation     5,903       76                   5,979  
Impairment charges     3                         3  
Interest expenses     1,271       180       (89 )           1,362  
Capital expenditure     15,333       357                   15,690  


The segment assets and liabilities as at 30 June 2017 and 31 December 2016 were as follows:


    transportation     Other                    
    operations     segments     Eliminations     Unallocated*     Total  
    RMB million     RMB million     RMB million     RMB million     RMB million  
    (Unaudited)     (Unaudited)     (Unaudited)     (Unaudited)     (Unaudited)  
At 30 June 2017                                        
Reportable segment assets     216,308       10,644       (6,199 )     2,945       223,698  
Reportable segment liabilities     166,289       8,611       (6,199 )     58       168,759  


    transportation     Other                    
    operations     segments     Eliminations     Unallocated*     Total  
    RMB million     RMB million     RMB million     RMB million     RMB million  
    (Audited)     (Audited)     (Audited)     (Audited)     (Audited)  
At 31 December 2016                                        
Reportable segment assets     205,024       11,218       (8,896 )     2,705       210,051  
Reportable segment liabilities     159,437       9,373       (8,896 )     41       159,955  


* Unallocated assets primarily represent investments in associates and joint ventures, and available-for-sale investments. Unallocated results primarily represent gain on disposal of investment in a subsidiary, the share of results of associates and joint ventures, income relating to available-for-sale investments and impairment charge on available-for-sale investments.







(b) The Group’s business operates in three main geographical areas, even though they are managed on a worldwide basis.


The Group’s revenues by geographical area are analysed based on the following criteria:


1) Traffic revenue from services within the Mainland China (the PRC excluding the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (“ Hong Kong “), Macau Special Administrative Region (“ Macau ”) and Taiwan, collectively known as “ Regional ”) is classified as domestic operations. Traffic revenue from inbound and outbound services between overseas markets excluding Regional is classified as international operations.


2) Revenue from ticket handling services, ground services, cargo handling service and other miscellaneous services are classified on the basis of where the services are performed.


    For the six months ended 30 June  
    2017     2016  
    RMB million     RMB million  
    (Unaudited)     (Unaudited)  
Domestic (the PRC, excluding Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan)     32,142       29,965  
Regional (Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan)     1,753       1,785  
International     14,528       14,585  
      48,423       46,335  


The major revenue-earning assets of the Group are its aircraft, all of which are registered in the PRC. Since the Group’s aircraft are deployed flexibly across its route network, there is no suitable basis of allocating such assets and the related liabilities by geographic area and hence segment non-current assets and capital expenditure by geographic area are not presented. Except the aircraft, most non-current assets (except financial instruments) are registered and located in the PRC.







(c) Reconciliation of reportable segment revenues, profit, assets and liabilities to the consolidated figures as reported in the consolidated financial statements:


        For the six months ended 30 June  
        2017     2016  
    Note   RMB million     RMB million  
        (Unaudited)     (Unaudited)  
Reportable segment revenues         48,020       46,332  
– Reclassification of business tax and expired sales in advance of carriage   (i)     403       3  
Consolidated revenues         48,423       46,335  


        For the six months ended 30 June  
        2017     2016  
    Note   RMB million     RMB million  
        (Unaudited)     (Unaudited)  
Profit before income tax                    
Reportable segment profit         5,779       4,574  
– Differences in depreciation charges for aircraft and engines due to different depreciation lives   (ii)     (6 )     (3 )
Consolidated profit before income tax         5,773       4,571  


        30 June     31 December  
        2017     2016  
    Notes   RMB million     RMB million  
        (Unaudited)     (Audited)  
Reportable segment assets         223,698       210,051  
– Differences in depreciation charges for aircraft and engines due to different depreciation lives   (ii)     25       31  
– Difference in intangible asset arising from the acquisition of Shanghai Airlines   (iii)     2,242       2,242  
Consolidated assets         225,965       212,324  


        30 June     31 December  
        2017     2016  
        RMB million     RMB million  
        (Unaudited)     (Audited)  
Reportable segment liabilities         168,759       159,955  
– Others         3       3  
Consolidated liabilities         168,762       159,958  









(c) Reconciliation of reportable segment revenues, profit, assets and liabilities to the consolidated figures as reported in the consolidated financial statements: (continued)




(i) The difference represents the different classification of business tax and expired sales in advance of carriage under the PRC Accounting Standards and IFRS.


(ii) The difference is attributable to the differences in the useful lives and residual values of aircraft and engines adopted for depreciation purposes in prior years under the PRC Accounting Standards and IFRS. Despite the depreciation policies of these assets which have been unified under IFRS and the PRC Accounting Standards in recent years, the changes were applied prospectively as changes in accounting estimates which result in the differences in the carrying amounts and related depreciation charges under IFRS and the PRC Accounting Standards.


(iii) The difference represents the different measurement of the fair value of acquisition cost of the shares from Shanghai Airlines between the PRC Accounting standards and IFRS, which results in the different measurement of goodwill.




    For the six months ended 30 June  
    2017     2016  
    RMB million     RMB million  
    (Unaudited)     (Unaudited)  
Interest on bank borrowings     688       859  
Interest relating to obligations under finance leases     827       564  
Interest relating to post-retirement benefits     53       47  
Interest on bonds and debentures     184       211  
Interest relating to interest rate swaps     39       71  
Interest relating to bills discounted     18       5  
      1,809       1,757  
Exchange losses, net (Note (b))           1,355  
Less: amounts capitalised into advanced payments on acquisition of aircraft (Note (a))     (405 )     (395 )
      1,404       2,717  




(a) The weighted average interest rate used for interest capitalization is 3.46% per annum for the six months ended 30 June 2017 (for the six months ended 30 June 2016: 3.44%).


(b) The exchange losses primarily related to the translation of the Group’s foreign currency denominated borrowings and obligations under finance leases for the six months ended 30 June 2016.







Income tax charged to profit or loss was as follows:


    For the six months ended 30 June  
    2017     2016  
    RMB million     RMB million  
    (Unaudited)     (Unaudited)  
Income tax     1,166       925  
Deferred taxation     (14 )     116  
      1,152       1,041  


Pursuant to the “Notice of the Ministry of Finance, the State Administration of Taxation and the General Administration of Customs on Issues Concerning Relevant Tax Policies for Enhancing the Implementation of Western Region Development Strategy” (Cai Shui [2011] No.58), and other series of tax regulations, enterprises located in the western regions and engaged in the industrial activities as listed in the “Catalogue of Encouraged Industries in Western Regions”, will be entitled to a reduced corporate income tax rate of

15% from 2011 to 2020 upon approval from tax authorities. CEA Yunnan, a subsidiary of the Company, obtained approval from tax authorities and has been entitled to a reduced corporate income tax rate of

15% from 1 January 2011. The Company’s Sichuan branch, Gansu branch and Xibei branch also obtained approvals from respective tax authorities and are entitled to a reduced corporate income tax rate of 15%. The subsidiaries incorporated in Hong Kong are subject to Hong Kong profits tax rate of 16.5%.


The Company and its subsidiaries except for CEA Yunnan, Sichuan branch, Gansu branch and Xibei branch and those incorporated in Hong Kong, are generally subject to the PRC standard corporate income tax rate of 25% (2016: 25%).




The calculation of basic earnings per share is based on the unaudited consolidated profit attributable to equity holders of the Company of approximately RMB4,341 million and the weighted average number of shares of 14,467 million in issue during the six months ended 30 June 2017. The Company has no potentially dilutive ordinary shares in issue for the six months ended 30 June 2017 (for the six months ended 30 June 2016: Nil).




No appropriation to the statutory reserves has been made for the six months ended 30 June 2017 (for the six months ended 30 June 2016: Nil). Such appropriations will be made at year end in accordance with the relevant PRC regulations and the Articles of Association of individual group companies.







    and flight              
    equipment     Others     Total  
    RMB million     RMB million     RMB million  
    (Unaudited)     (Unaudited)     (Unaudited)  
Carrying amount at 1 January 2017     141,913       11,267       153,180  
Transfers from advanced payments on acquisition of aircraft (Note 14)     6,761             6,761  
Other additions     5,842       975       6,817  
Depreciation charges     (6,013 )     (432 )     (6,445 )
Transfer to intangible assets (Note 13)           (3 )     (3 )
Transfer to other non-current assets           (1 )     (1 )
Disposal of a subsidiary (Note 20)     (1,419 )     (600 )     (2,019 )
Disposals     (165 )     (8 )     (173 )
Carrying amount at 30 June 2017     146,919       11,198       158,117  


    and flight              
    equipment     Others     Total  
    RMB million     RMB million     RMB million  
    (Unaudited)     (Unaudited)     (Unaudited)  
Carrying amount at 1 January 2016     122,962       10,280       133,242  
Transfers from advanced payments on acquisition of aircraft (Note 14)     13,644             13,644  
Other additions     1,868       959       2,827  
Depreciation charges     (5,301 )     (404 )     (5,705 )
Transfer to assets classified as held for sale     (11 )           (11 )
Transfer to other non-current assets           (8 )     (8 )
Disposals     (264 )     (64 )     (328 )
Carrying amount at 30 June 2016     132,898       10,763       143,661  







    Goodwill     Computer     Others        
    (Note(a))     software     (Note(b))     Total  
    RMB million     RMB million     RMB million     RMB million  
    (Unaudited)     (Unaudited)     (Unaudited)     (Unaudited)  
Carrying amount at 1 January 2017     11,270       288       66       11,624  
Transfer from property, plant and equipment (Note 12)           3             3  
Other additions           50             50  
Disposals           (1 )           (1 )
Amortisation           (54 )     (16 )     (70 )
Disposal of a subsidiary (Note 20)           (14 )           (14 )
Carrying amount at 30 June 2017     11,270       272       50       11,592  


    Goodwill     Computer        
    (Note(a))     software     Total  
    RMB million     RMB million     RMB million  
    (Unaudited)     (Unaudited)     (Unaudited)  
Carrying amount at 1 January 2016     11,270       252       11,522  
Additions           142       142  
Amortisation           (63 )     (63 )
Carrying amount at 30 June 2016     11,270       331       11,601  




(a) The balance represents goodwill arising from the acquisition of Shanghai Airlines. Goodwill is attributable to strengthening the competitiveness of the Group’s airline transportation operations, attaining synergy through integration of the resources and providing the evolution of Shanghai international air transportation centre. For the purpose of impairment assessment, goodwill was allocated to the CGU that the Group operates and benefits from the acquisition.


(b) The balance represents the costs incurred to acquire the use right of certain flight schedules (i.e. timeslots for flights’ taking off/landing).




    For the six months ended 30 June  
    2017     2016  
    RMB million     RMB million  
    (Unaudited)     (Unaudited)  
At 1 January     23,357       21,207  
Additions     8,031       11,929  
Interest capitalised (Note 8)     405       395  
Transfer to property, plant and equipment (Note 12)     (6,761 )     (13,644 )
Carrying amount at 30 June     25,032       19,887  







The credit terms given to trade customers are determined on an individual basis.


An aged analysis of the trade and notes receivables as at the end of the reporting period, based on the invoice date was as follows:


    30 June     31 December  
    2017     2016  
    RMB million     RMB million  
    (Unaudited)     (Audited)  
Within 90 days     2,381       2,324  
91 to 180 days     111       167  
181 to 365 days     243       102  
Over 365 days     232       182  
      2,967       2,775  
Provision for impairment of trade and notes receivables     (100 )     (115 )
      2,867       2,660  


Balances with related parties included in trade and notes receivables are summarised in Note 22(c)(i).




An aged analysis of the trade and bills payables as at the end of the reporting period was as follows:


    30 June     31 December  
    2017     2016  
    RMB million     RMB million  
    (Unaudited)     (Audited)  
Within 90 days     2,612       2,994  
91 to 180 days     136       57  
181 to 365 days     57       83  
1 to 2 years     74       77  
Over 2 years     240       165  
      3,119       3,376  


Balances with related parties included in trade and bills payables are summarised in Note 22(c)(ii).







    30 June     31 December  
    2017     2016  
    RMB million     RMB million  
    (Unaudited)     (Audited)  
Within one year     7,123       6,447  
In the second year     7,141       6,054  
In the third to fifth year inclusive     19,282       18,415  
After the fifth year     30,875       30,125  
Total     64,421       61,041  
Less: amount repayable within one year     (7,123 )     (6,447 )
Long-term portion     57,298       54,594  




        30 June     31 December  
        2017     2016  
        RMB million     RMB million  
        (Unaudited)     (Audited)  
Long-term borrowings                    
–  secured         5,357       7,169  
– unsecured         3,167       3,435  
Guaranteed bonds         8,497       8,476  
Unsecured bonds         8,821       8,810  
          25,842       27,890  
Current portion of long-term borrowings                    
– secured         1,183       1,724  
– unsecured         94       135  
Short-term bank borrowings                    
– unsecured         23,899       9,983  
Short-term debentures   Note     15,000       17,000  
          40,176       28,842  
          66,018       56,732  




As at 30 June 2017, the balance represented short-term debentures of RMB15,000 million (31 December 2016: RMB17,000 million) and bore interests at the rates ranging from 2.50% to 4.25% per annum with maturity ranging from 60 days to 270 days.







    30 June     31 December  
    2017     2016  
    RMB million     RMB million  
    (Unaudited)     (Audited)  
Registered, issued and fully paid of RMB1.00 each                
A shares listed on The Shanghai Stock Exchange (“ A Shares ”)     9,808       9,808  
–  Tradable shares held by Shanghai Licheng Information Technology Consulting Co., Ltd. with trading moratorium     466       466  
–  Tradable shares held by China National Aviation Fuel Holding Company with trading moratorium     466       466  
–  Tradable shares held by China COSCO Shipping Corporation Limited with trading moratorium     233       233  
–  Tradable shares held by Caitong Fund Management Co., Ltd. with trading moratorium     162       162  
–  Tradable shares without trading moratorium     8,481       8,481  
H shares listed on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (“ H Shares ”)                
–  Tradable shares without trading moratorium     4,659       4,659  
      14,467       14,467  


Pursuant to the Company’s articles of association, both the listed A shares and listed H shares are registered ordinary shares and carry equal rights.







On 29 November 2016, the Company entered into Share Purchase Agreement with Eastern Airlines Industry Investment, a wholly-owned subsidiary of CEA Holding, to transfer 100% equity interest in Eastern Logistics, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company (“ the Transfer ”). At of 8 February 2017, the Transfer has been completed.


    As at  
    1 February 2017  
    RMB million  
Net assets disposed of:        
Intangible assets     14  
Property, plant and equipment     2,019  
Lease prepayments     305  
Other long term assets     429  
Deferred tax assets     4  
Flight equipment spare parts     59  
Trade receivables     1,097  
Prepayments and other receivables     670  
Cash and cash equivalents     536  
Restricted bank deposits     1  
Sales in advance of carriage     (124 )
Trade payables     (1,915 )
Other payables and accruals     (1,090 )
Income tax payable     (26 )
Obligations under finance leases     (409 )
Borrowings     (262 )
Provision for return condition checks for aircraft under operating leases     (511 )
Other long-term liabilities     (47 )
Post-retirement benefit obligations     (158 )
Non-controlling interests     87  
Gain on disposal of a subsidiary     1,754  
Satisfied by Cash:     2,433  


An analysis of the net inflow of cash and cash equivalents in respect of the disposal of a subsidiary is as follows:


    For the
six months ended 30 June
    RMB million  
Cash consideration     2,433  
Cash and bank balances disposed of     (536 )
Net inflow of cash and cash equivalents in respect of the disposal of a subsidiary     1,897  







(a) Capital commitments


The Group had the following capital commitments:


    30 June     31 December  
    2017     2016  
    RMB million     RMB million  
    (Unaudited)     (Audited)  
Contracted for:                
– Aircraft, engines and flight equipment (Note)     103,588       123,019  
– Other property, plant and equipment     4,775       9,550  
– Investments     140       140  
      108,503       132,709  




Contracted expenditures for the above aircraft, engines and flight equipment, including deposits prior to delivery, subject to future inflation increase built into the contracts were expected to be paid as follows:


    30 June     31 December  
    2017     2016  
    RMB million     RMB million  
    (Unaudited)     (Audited)  
Within one year     27,380       28,384  
In the second year     26,767       32,306  
In the third year     21,922       28,983  
In the fourth year     15,375       18,334  
Over four years     12,144       15,012  
      103,588       123,019  





21. COMMITMENTS (continued)


(b) Operating lease commitments


As at the reporting date, the Group had commitments under operating leases to pay future minimum lease rentals as follows:


    30 June     31 December  
    2017     2016  
    RMB million     RMB million  
    (Unaudited)     (Audited)  
Aircraft, engines and flight equipment                
Within one year     3,842       3,814  
In the second year     3,044       3,124  
In the third to fifth years, inclusive     7,895       7,616  
After the fifth year     8,154       7,605  
      22,935       22,159  
Land and buildings                
Within one year     239       362  
In the second year     127       225  
In the third to fifth years, inclusive     106       411  
After the fifth year     20       732  
      492       1,730  
      23,427       23,889  




The Group is controlled by CEA Holding, which directly owns 35.06% of the Company’s shares as at 30 June 2017 (2016: 35.06%). In addition, through CES Global Holdings (Hong Kong) Limited and CES Finance Holding Co., Ltd., two wholly-owned subsidiaries of CEA Holding, CEA Holding indirectly owns additional shares of the Company of approximately 18.15% and 3.16% respectively as at 30 June 2017 (2016: 18.15% and 3.16%).


The Company is a state-owned enterprise established in the PRC and is controlled by the PRC government, which also owns a significant portion of the productive assets in the PRC. In accordance with IAS 24 “Related Party Disclosures”, government-related entities and their subsidiaries, directly or indirectly controlled, jointly controlled or significantly influenced by the PRC government are defined as related parties of the Group. On that basis, related parties include CEA Holding and its subsidiaries (other than the Group), other government-related entities and their subsidiaries (“ Other State-owned Enterprises ”), other entities and corporations over which the Company is able to control or exercise significant influence and key management personnel of the Company as well as their close family members.


For the purpose of the related party transaction disclosures, the directors of the Company believe that meaningful information in respect of related party transactions has been adequately disclosed.







(a) Nature of related parties that do not control or controlled by the Group:


Name of related party   Relationship with the Group
Eastern Air Group Finance Co., Ltd. (“ Eastern Air Finance Company ”)   Associate of the Company
Eastern Aviation Import & Export Co., Ltd. and its subsidiaries (“ Eastern Import & Export ”)   Associate of the Company
Shanghai Pratt & Whitney Aircraft Engine Maintenance Co., Ltd. (“ Shanghai P&W ”)   Associate of the Company
Eastern Aviation Advertising Service Co., Ltd. (“ Eastern Advertising”)   Associate of the Company
Shanghai Collins Aviation Maintenance Service Co., Ltd. (“ Collins Aviation ”)   Associate of the Company
CAE Melbourne Flight Training Pty Limited (“ CAE Melbourne ”)   Joint venture of the Company
Shanghai Eastern Union Aviation Wheels & Brakes Maintenance Services Overhaul Engineering Co., Ltd. (“ Wheels & Brakes ”)   Joint venture of the Company
Shanghai Technologies Aerospace Co., Ltd. (“ Technologies Aerospace ”)   Joint venture of the Company
Eastern China Kaiya System Integration Co., Ltd. (“ China Kaiya ”)   Joint venture of the Company
Shanghai Hute Aviation Technology Co., Ltd. (“ Shanghai Hute ”)   Joint venture of the Company
CEA Development Co., Limited and its subsidiaries (“ CEA Development ”)   Controlled by the same parent company
China Eastern Air Catering Investment Co., Limited and its subsidiaries (“ Eastern Air Catering ”)   Controlled by the same parent company
CES International Financial Leasing Corporation Limited and its subsidiaries (“ CES Lease Company ”)   Controlled by the same parent company
Eastern Air Logistics Co., Ltd. and its subsidiaries (“ Eastern Logistics ”) (Note)   Controlled by the same parent company
Eastern Airlines Industry Investment Company Limited (“ Eastern Airlines Industry Investment ”)   Controlled by the same parent company
TravelSky Technology Limited (“ TravelSky ”)   A director and vice president of the Company is a director of Travelsky
China Aviation Supplies Holding Company and its subsidiaries (“ CASC ”)   A director and vice president of the Company is a director of CASC




Eastern Logistics has become a related party of the Group as it was acquired by Eastern Airlines Industry Investment in February 2017 and ceased to be a subsidiary of the Company.







(b) Related party transactions


        Pricing   Income or receipts/  
        policy   (expense or payments)  
        and   For the six months ended 30 June  
        decision   2017     2016  
Nature of transaction   Related party   process   RMB million     RMB million  
            (Unaudited)     (Unaudited)  
Supply of food and beverages   Eastern Air Catering   (i)     (556 )     (483 )
    CEA Development   (i)     (37 )     (25 )
    Eastern Import & Export   (i)     (22 )     (19 )
Handling charges for purchase of aircraft, flight equipment, flight equipment spare parts, other property, plant and flight equipment and repairs for aircraft and engines   Eastern Import & Export   (ii)     (63 )     (45 )
Repairs and maintenance expense for aircraft and engines   Shanghai P&W   (ii)     (957 )     (1,084 )
  Technologies Aerospace   (ii)     (135 )     (96 )
    Shanghai Hute   (ii)     (26 )     (82 )
    Wheels & Brakes   (ii)     (78 )     (40 )
Supply of system services   China Kaiya   (ii)     (2 )     (56 )
Supply of cabin cleaning services   Eastern Advertising   (ii)     (9 )      
Advertising expense   Eastern Advertising   (ii)     (9 )     (10 )
Media royalty fee   Eastern Advertising   (iii)     7       5  
Automobile maintenance service, aircraft maintenance, providing transportation automobile and other products   CEA Development   (ii)     (38 )     (37 )
Equipment maintenance fee   Collins Aviation   (ii)     (16 )     (17 )
    CEA Development   (ii)     (22 )     (6 )
Property management and green maintenance expenses   CEA Development   (ii)     (20 )     (20 )
Supply of hotel accommodation service   CEA Development   (ii)     (19 )     (33 )
Interest income on deposits   Eastern Air Finance   (iv)     8       14  
Interest expense on loans   Eastern Air Finance Company   (iv)           (9 )
Payments on finance leases   CES Lease Company   (ii)     (664 )     (2,428 )
Civil aviation information network services   TravelSky   (ii)     (343 )     (282 )
Flight training fee   CAE Melbourne   (ii)     (28 )      







(b) Related party transactions


        Pricing   Income or receipts/  
        policy   (expense or payments)  
        and   For the six months ended 30 June  
        decision   2017     2016  
Nature of transaction   Related party   process   RMB million     RMB million  
            (Unaudited)     (Unaudited)  
Land and building rental   CEA Holding   (ii)     (27 )     (27 )
Disposal of a subsidiary   Eastern Airlines Industry Investment   (v)     2,433        
Cargo terminal business support services   Eastern Logistics   (ii)     (2 )      
Bellyhold space management   Eastern Logistics   (ii)     (44 )      
Transfer of the pilots   Eastern Logistics   (ii)     (7 )      
Freight logistics support services   Eastern Logistics   (iii)     42        
Flight equipment spare parts maintenance   CASC   (ii)     (67 )      


(i) The Group’s pricing policies on products purchased from related parties are mutually agreed between contract parties.


(ii) The Group’s pricing policies on services provided by related parties are mutually agreed between contract parties.


(iii) The Group’s pricing policies on services provided to related parties are mutually agreed between contract parties.


(iv) The Group’s pricing policies on related party interest rates are mutually agreed based on benchmark interest rates.


(v) The Group’s pricing policies on transfer of equity or disposal of investments are mutually agreed based on the valuation prices.







(c) Balances with related parties


(i) Amounts due from related parties


    30 June     31 December  
    2017     2016  
    RMB million     RMB million  
    (Unaudited)     (Audited)  
Trade and notes receivables                
Eastern Logistics (Note)     988        


    30 June     31 December  
    2017     2016  
    RMB million     RMB million  
    (Unaudited)     (Audited)  
Prepayments and other receivables                
Eastern Import & Export     257       536  
Technologies Aerospace           16  
Eastern Air Catering     125       57  
CEA Holding     10        
CEA Development     3        
Others     7       7  
      402       616  


All the amounts due from related parties are trade in nature, interest-free and payable within normal credit terms.




Under the Management Agreement between the Company and China Cargo Airlines Co., Ltd.(“ China Cargo Airlines ”), a controlled subsidiary of Eastern Logistics, China Cargo Airlines is entrusted to manage the bellyhold space freight business of the Group and shall collect the revenue from the end customers in respect of bellyhold space transportation on behalf of the Company.


(ii) Amounts due to related parties


    30 June     31 December  
    2017     2016  
    RMB million     RMB million  
    (Unaudited)     (Audited)  
Trade and bills payables                
Eastern Import & Export     185       85  
Eastern Air Catering     30       37  
Technologies Aerospace     3       45  
Wheels & Brakes     11        
CEA Development     17       19  
Collins Aviation     4       2  
Shanghai Hute     23       19  
CEA Holding     3       3  
CASC     23        
Others     3       4  
      302       214  







(c) Balances with related parties (continued)


(ii) Amounts due to related parties (continued)


    30 June     31 December  
    2017     2016  
    RMB million     RMB million  
    (Unaudited)     (Audited)  
Other payables and accruals                
Eastern Import & Export     1,093       240  
Eastern Air Catering     221       166  
CEA Holding     136       303  
TravelSky     386       963  
CEA Development     58       72  
Technologies Aerospace     100       29  
Shanghai P&W     379       324  
Shanghai Hute     4       20  
Wheels & Brakes     16       26  
Eastern Advertising     7       18  
CAE Melbourne     357        
Others     13       5  
      2,770       2,166  


    30 June     31 December  
    2017     2016  
    RMB million     RMB million  
    (Unaudited)     (Audited)  
Obligations under finance leases                
CES Lease Company     11,792       5,521  


Except for the amounts due to CES Lease Company, which are related to the aircraft under finance leases, all other amounts due to related parties are interest-free and payable within normal credit terms given by trade creditors.







(c) Balances with related parties (continued)


(iii) Short-term deposits and borrowings with associates and CEA Holding


    Average interest rate
For the six months
ended 30 June
                30 June     31 December  
    2017     2016     2017     2016  
                RMB million     RMB million  
    (Unaudited)     (Unaudited)     (Unaudited)     (Audited)  
Short-term deposits (included in cash and cash equivalents) Eastern Air Finance Company     0.35 %     0.34 %     1,658       1,296  
Long-term borrowings (included in borrowings) CEA Holding     3.48 %           28       28  


(d) Guarantees by the holding company


As at 30 June 2017, bonds of the Group guaranteed by CEA Holding amounted to RMB7.8 billion (2016: RMB7.8 billion).




The civil aviation industry is subject to seasonal fluctuations, with peak demand during the holiday season in the second half of the year. As such, the revenues and results of the Group in the first half of the year are generally lower than those in the second half of the year.




The Board has not recommended any dividend for the six months ended 30 June 2017(for the six months ended 30 June 2016: It was recommended by the Board that the 2016 interim distribution shall be RMB0.51 per ten shares (inclusive of tax) in cash).




Up to 29 August 2017, the Company issued two phases of short-term debentures with total principal for RMB6.0 billion and the maturity from 150 days to 270 days to institutional investors in the national interbank bond market. The debentures bear interest at the rate of 4.16% per annum to 4.25% per annum.


Since 3 July 2017, the 1,327,406,822 listed A shares with trading moratorium which were held by Shanghai Licheng Information Technology Consulting Co., Ltd., China National Aviation Fuel Holding Company, China COSCO Shipping Corporation Limited and Caitong Fund Management Co., Ltd. have been listed for trading on the Shanghai Stock Exchange.







    For the six months ended 30 June  
    2017     2016     Change  
Passenger transportation data                        
ASK (available seat – kilometres) (millions)     108,403.95       98,936.46       9.6 %
–  Domestic routes     67,552.82       62,155.29       8.7 %
–  International routes     37,944.63       33,934.58       11.8 %
–  Regional routes     2,906.49       2,846.58       2.1 %
RPK (revenue passenger – kilometres) (millions)     88,147.44       80,013.45       10.2 %
–  Domestic routes     56,164.23       50,639.91       10.9 %
–  International routes     29,688.00       27,179.13       9.2 %
–  Regional routes     2,295.21       2,194.41       4.6 %
Number of passengers carried (thousands)     53,320.69       48,848.07       9.2 %
–  Domestic routes     44,473.44       40,191.63       10.7 %
–  International routes     7,148.13       7,028.39       1.7 %
–  Regional routes     1,699.13       1,628.05       4.4 %
Passenger load factor (%)     81.31       80.87       0.44 pts
–  Domestic routes     83.14       81.47       1.67 pts
–  International routes     78.24       80.09       –1.85 pts
–  Regional routes     78.97       77.09       1.88 pts
Passenger – kilometres yield (RMB) (including fuel surcharge)     0.510       0.511       –0.20 %
–  Domestic routes     0.535       0.527       1.52 %
–  International routes     0.448       0.466       –3.86 %
–  Regional routes     0.714       0.729       –2.06 %
Passenger – kilometres yield (RMB) (excluding fuel surcharge)     0.479       0.474       1.05 %
–  Domestic routes     0.535       0.527       1.52 %
–  International routes     0.359       0.363       –1.10 %
–  Regional routes     0.656       0.642       2.18 %







          For the six months ended 30 June        
          2016           2016  
          (comparable           (non-comparable  
    2017     basis) Note 1     Change     basis) Note 1  
Freight transportation data                                
AFTK (available freight tonne – kilometres) (millions)     3,579.53       3,346.62       7.0 %     4,627.67  
–  Domestic routes     1,147.53       1,094.92       4.8 %     1,129.80  
–  International routes     2,332.12       2,169.50       7.5 %     3,359.49  
–  Regional routes     99.88       82.20       21.5 %     138.38  
RFTK (revenue freight tonne – kilometres) (millions)     1,366.40       1,265.36       8.0 %     2,298.73  
–  Domestic routes     427.55       434.98       –1.7 %     456.76  
–  International routes     914.52       808.10       13.2 %     1,781.63  
–  Regional routes     24.34       22.27       9.3 %     60.34  
Weight of freight carried (million kg)     462.17       455.98       1.4 %     660.06  
–  Domestic routes     308.99       314.79       –1.8 %     335.91  
–  International routes     132.83       122.44       8.5 %     274.92  
–  Regional routes     20.35       18.75       8.5 %     49.24  
Freight load factor (%)     38.17       37.81       0.36 pts     49.67  
–  Domestic routes     37.26       39.73       –2.47 pts     40.43  
–  International routes     39.21       37.25       1.96 pts     53.03  
–  Regional routes     24.37       27.09       –2.72 pts     43.60  
Freight tonne – kilometres yield (RMB) (including fuel surcharge)     1.306       N/A       N/A       1.170  
–  Domestic routes     1.097                       1.053  
–  International routes     1.350                       1.146  
–  Regional routes     3.328                       2.784  
Freight tonne – kilometres yield (RMB) (excluding fuel surcharge)     1.238       N/A       N/A       1.084  
–  Domestic routes     0.982                       0.974  
–  International routes     1.306                       1.061  
–  Regional routes     3.205                       2.602  








          For the six months ended 30 June        
          2016           2016  
          (comparable           (non-comparable  
    2017     basis) Note 1     Change     basis) Note 1  
Consolidated data                                
ATK (available tonne – kilometres) (millions)     13,335.88       12,250.90       8.9 %     13,531.95  
–  Domestic routes     7,227.28       6,688.89       8.0 %     6,723.78  
–  International routes     5,747.14       5,223.61       10.0 %     6,413.60  
–  Regional routes     361.46       338.40       6.8 %     394.57  
RTK (revenue tonne – kilometres) (millions)     9,177.72       8,361.82       9.8 %     9,395.20  
–  Domestic routes     5,410.81       4,935.32       9.6 %     4,957.10  
–  International routes     3,539.85       3,210.34       10.3 %     4,183.87  
–  Regional routes     227.06       216.16       5.0 %     254.23  
Overall load factor (%)     68.82       68.25       0.57 pts     69.43  
–  Domestic routes     74.87       73.78       1.09 pts     73.72  
–  International routes     61.59       61.46       0.13 pts     65.23  
–  Regional routes     62.82       63.88       –1.06 pts     64.43  
Revenue tonne – kilometres yield (RMB) (including fuel surcharge)     5.094       N/A       N/A       4.642  
–  Domestic routes     5.639                       5.477  
–  International routes     4.102                       3.512  
–  Regional routes     7.571                       6.950  
Revenue tonne – kilometres yield (RMB) (excluding fuel surcharge)     4.783       N/A       N/A       4.303  
–  Domestic routes     5.630                       5.470  
–  International routes     3.348                       2.807  
–  Regional routes     6.972                       6.156  




1. Under comparable basis, the operating data of the Group in the first half of 2016 did not include the whole cargo flight data of the Group during the period from February to June 2016. Under non-comparable basis, the operating data of the Group in the first half of 2016 comprised of the whole cargo flight data of the Group for the same period.







In the first half of 2017, the Group introduced a total of 23 aircraft of major models and a total of 12 aircraft were retired. The fleet age structure has been made younger.


As at 30 June 2017, the Group operated a fleet of 593 aircraft, which included 583 passenger aircraft and 10 business aircraft held under trust. As the Company completed the transfer of 100% equity interest in Eastern Logistics to Eastern Airlines Industry Investment, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company’s controlling shareholder, CEA Holding, on 8 February 2017, the fleet of the Group ceased to include the 9 freighters operated by China Cargo Airlines Co., Ltd. (“ China Cargo Airlines ”), a controlled subsidiary of Eastern Logistics.



        Fleet structure as at 30 June 2017                    
              Under     Under           Average  
              finance     operating           fleet age  
No.   Model   Self-owned     lease     lease     Sub-total     (Years)  
Total number of passenger aircraft         222       234       127       583       5.53  
Wide-body aircraft         28       41       10       79       5.61  
1   B777-300ER     9       10             19       1.47  
2   A330-300     1       13       7       21       7.64  
3   A330-200     12       18       3       33       4.78  
4   B767     6                   6       16.22  
Narrow-body aircraft         194       193       117       504       5.51  
5   A321     34       36             70       4.34  
6   A320     75       56       40       171       6.87  
7   A319     10       23       3       36       4.58  
8   B737-800     38       60       72       170       3.95  
9   B737-700     37       18       2       57       8.14  
Total number of business aircraft held under trust                                 10          
Total number of aircraft                                 593          







In the first half of 2017, global economic recovery gradually became stable. The economic growth of the USA was lower than expected, while the economic recovery of the eurozone, Japan and major emerging economies were further accelerated. As China’s economy continued to grow in a stable manner, the economic structures further optimized and consumer spending had a stronger effect on the economic growth. Due to favourable factors such as the continual recovery of the global economy, stable and positive demand for business trips and tourism spending, the air passenger transportation market continued to report stable growth. Meanwhile, the international crude oil prices have increased significantly from a lower comparison base in the same period last year. The intensified industry competition which resulted in a drop in revenue from international routes, turbulent geo-political landscape in certain countries and regions, and overseas terrorist threats, have caused adverse impact on the air transportation industry.


In face of the complex and changing business environment, the management and all staff of the Group made concerted efforts and achieved smooth progress to promote production, operation, reform and transformation. The Group highly emphasized and comprehensively enhanced its corporate party building works. On the pre-condition of ensuring safe operations, the Group has strengthened its sales and marketing, enhanced service quality, proactively promoted multi-level external partnerships and expedited the pace of its business transformation, making new achievements in all aspects.


In the first half of 2017, the Group recorded revenue of RMB48,423 million, an increase of 4.51% over the same period last year; total profit before income tax was RMB5,773 million, an increase of 26.30% over the same period last year; profit attributable to equity holders of the parent company amounted to RMB4,341 million, representing an increase of 34.40% over the same period last year.


Safe Operation


The Group placed great emphasis on striving to ensure safe operation and will continue to do so. In the first half of 2017, the Group revised the regulatory system on rewards and penalties for flight safety to improve its safety management system, and proceeded with safety supervision and inspection which focused on management optimization, capability enhancement and risk prevention to strengthen the enforcement of safety responsibilities. It also conducted operational safety audit of its routes and completed the compiling of a risk database covering 53 designated airports and strengthened risk control of particular routes and airports. In addition, the Group further refined the training system for its core technical personnel by improving its crew resource management and training on coordinating capability. The Group undertook integrated anti-terrorism drills and enhanced its ability in handling air security-related contingencies and practical standard, and strictly implemented safety requirements for its flights.


The passenger aircraft fleet of the Group had 1,001,600 safe flying hours and 422,000 take-off and landing flights, which have increased by 7.5% and 6.8%, respectively, over the same period last year.







In the first half of 2017, the Group achieved passenger transportation revenue of RMB43,106 million or an increase of 9.69% over the same period last year.


Faced with challenges such as intense industry competition, unstable geo-political landscape in certain countries and regions as well as expansion and acceleration of formation of high-speed railway network, the Group flexibly adjusted its allocation of flight capacity, continuously strengthened its management of freight rate and revenue and enhanced its direct sales ability. The revenue passenger-kilometres (“ RPK ”) yield of domestic passenger transportation of the Group increased by 1.52% over the same period last year, while the decline in RPK yield of the international RPK of the Group yield decreased by 11.90 percentage points. The Group continued to foster the construction of hubs in Shanghai, Kunming and Xi’an and actively captured key market resources. Based on changing market demands, the Group timely reduced the flight capacity for the Korean market and increased the flight capacity for more profitable routes with higher demand for business trips such as Japan, Beijing-Shanghai, Shanghai-Guangzhou, Shanghai-Shenzhen and Shanghai-Chengdu routes as well as flight capacity for Southeast Asia routes. At the same time, the Group continued to strengthen its control over freight rate and cabin seat of international routes and achieved effective results. The Group’s sales revenue from first-class cabin and business cabin of international routes increased by 21.5% over the same period last year, while the revenue contributed by first-class cabin and business class cabin towards the total revenue of the Group for international routes increased by 2.9 percentage points over the same period last year. Through the utilization of big-data analysis, the Group strengthened its sales via its mobile application and official website, and enhanced its direct sales ability. Both of its direct sales income and contribution of direct sales income towards total income continued to rise. During the first half of 2017, the Group’s direct sales and contribution of direct sales income increased by 29.4% and 9.4 percentage points over the same period last year, respectively.


The Group values services for frequent flyer members under “Eastern Miles” and actively maintained and developed its pool of frequent flyer members and group client resources. In the first half of 2017, the number of new frequent flyer members developed by the Group increased by 19% over the same period last year. As at the end of June 2017, the total number of frequent flyer members of “Eastern Miles” reached 31.46 million, increased by 14.8% over the same period last year. The Group improved its customers’ experience and enhanced the value of frequent flyer members through expanding credit redemption channels, enriching gifts for redemption, enhancing flight waiting experience of VIP lounges and continually optimizing platinum card service procedures and privileges. At the same time, the Group enhanced customer service and maintenance ability, strengthened support capacity of systems and continually enhanced sales to direct corporate customers. In the first half of 2017, the revenue from direct corporate customers between the Group’s companies increased by 22.5% over the same period last year and the total number of direct corporate customers between the Group’s companies reached 3,198, the Group deepened cooperation with Delta Air Lines, Inc. (“ Delta ”) and secured more quality customers by sharing customer resources.





Service Quality


Adhering to the service philosophy of “Customer-Oriented and Dedicated Service”, the Group continuously enhanced both the software and hardware of its services based on customer demands, while persistently improving customers’ experience so as to establish the service brand image of the Group. In the first half of 2017, the Group carried a total of 53.3207 million passengers, representing an increase of 9.2% from the same period last year.


With respect to service system construction, the Group commenced service quality standardization project and strengthened the analysis and application of service data, to enhance the service control standard. The Group improved its standard of service quality and strengthened the whole process control of services offered to its platinum card members, forging ahead to become a dedicated brand for high-end services. With regards to ground services and in-flight services, the Group has been steadily pushing ahead with the construction of 23 VIP lounges and has put into use the VIP flagship lounge at the Beijing Capital International Airport and the SkyTeam Alliance VIP lounges at Terminal 2 of the Beijing Capital International Airport, and offered festival gifts featuring special themes as well as VIP lounge catering services. All of these enhanced passengers’ waiting experience. The Group introduced new series of cuisines and increased the choice of beverages offered in first-class and business cabins of international long-haul routes to enhance flight experience of its passengers. In-flight emergency rescue service system was improved by recruiting 146 in-flight doctors, effectively enhancing the response time of in-flight rescue and transition from air to ground rescue.


With respect to the integrated online services, the Group further optimized and expanded the service functions of its official website and mobile application, enriched the variety of service functions and introduced functions such as “advance payment for overweight baggage” and “self-service return and refund of irregular flights”. The Group carried forward self check-in services by introducing self check-in services for 81 international round-trip routes and 75 international one-way routes. The rate of self check-in reached 68.2% in the first half of 2017, increased by 7.6 percentage points over the same period last year. The Group activated a global baggage operation control center and promoted a luggage inquiry system, strengthened the whole monitoring process of luggage transport. In the first half of 2017, the rate of mishandled luggage decreased by 5.24%, as compared to the same period last year.





External Partnerships


The Group continued to strengthen its multi-level partnerships with internationally well-known airlines and tourism brands, expanded the scope of cooperation and deepened the level of partnership.


In the first half of 2017, the Group continued to deepen the strategic partnerships with Delta and Air France-KLM (“ AFK ”). The Group and Delta further enhanced the transportation networks connecting China and the USA, launched 10 international main routes between China and the USA, and code-share cooperation in 166 domestic routes in China and the USA, effectively shortened the transit waiting time, and proactively launched training and exchanges in multiple sectors such as safety, operation and informatization. The Group further expanded the code-share coverage with AFK, improved the service standards and procedures for serving high-end customers to enhance their waiting experience at the Charles de Gaulle Airport in Paris, France, and further advanced resource development and joint marketing to the corporate customers in the French market, which in turn further increased the mutual sales income and common market shares. Capitalized on the cooperation platform of the SkyTeam Alliance, the Group has newly launched code-share cooperation with Air Europa Líneas Aéreas, S.A.U. from Spain and Czech Airlines a.s. As at the end of June 2017, the Group commenced to launch code-share cooperation for 709 routes with 14 SkyTeam Alliance members, and launched single check-in for transit passengers in 23 transit stations with 9 SkyTeam Alliance members.


The Group attached importance to and continued to strengthen the cooperation with airlines which are not members of the SkyTeam Alliance. In collaborating with Qantas Airways, the Group launched code-share cooperation focusing around 69 routes, and launched enhanced cooperation in joint sales and ground services. The Group further extended the content of its new model of “aviation + internet” cooperation with Ctrip Computer Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., to launch multi-level business cooperation in joint sales, data sharing, product research and development, customer services and redemption of points.


Reform and Transformation


The Group focused on developing the passenger transport business, optimized the e-commerce platform functions, enhanced the operations of China United Airlines Co., Limited (“ China United Airlines ”), a low-cost airline, deepened the market reform of supporting business, and continued to enhance the effect of reform and transformation on production and operation.


In the first half of 2017, the Group completed the transfer of 100% equity interest in Eastern Logistics to Eastern Airlines Industry Investment, achieved a gain on disposal of investment in a subsidiary amounting to RMB1,754 million. Upon the completion of equity transfer in Eastern Logistics, the Group will utilize the relevant resources mainly in the development of the passenger transport business, and further establish the Group’s brand image and competitiveness in the air passenger transportation segment.





For e-commerce, the Group continued to facilitate the construction of e-commerce platform, under which internet access has become available in 67 long-haul wide-body aircraft, ranked at the top nationwide in terms of scale. The updates and replacement of mobile application was accelerated by introducing multiple new functions such as online pre-flight ordering of in-flight meals, self check-in and irregular flight enquiry, and optimized the price enquiry and ticket return application modules on the official website. The Group also further developed aviation contact resources, further enriched the applications of aviation points and the variety of integrated products, and recorded significant increase of nearly 200% in its revenue from the sales of aviation points and integrated products, respectively.


In the low-cost airline business area, China United Airlines achieved revenue of RMB2,375 million in the first half of 2017, representing a growth of 29.71% as compared to the same period last year. The net profit of China United Airlines achieved RMB359 million, representing a 50.21% increase from the same period last year. Benefiting from the all-economy class cabin of its fleet, China United Airlines’ B737 Series fleet size amounted to 35 aircraft after newly introduced three B737-800 aircraft. The total number of passengers carried and passenger load factor of China United Airlines increased by 15.1% and 1.1 percentage points from the same period last year, respectively. Through improving the functions of the official website platform, optimizing the interface settings of mobile user terminals and launching brand marketing through self-owned media, direct sales channels were further broadened. The revenue of China United Airlines contributed by direct sales represented 75.2% of the Group’s total revenue, representing an increase of 2.8 percentage points as compared to the same period last year. The Group continues to expand its value-added services such as baggage charges, in-flight sales and paid lounge services, and launched online sales of new insurance products, to increase its non-aviation revenue.


Regarding the market reform of supporting businesses, the Group continued to foster the market-oriented operation of its ground service business, and gradually formed replicable and promotable reform experience. The service support capabilities and production operation efficiency of the Group have been enhanced through measures such as automated work assignment by the resource management system and full coverage of quantified assessments. Compared to the period prior to market-based reform, the average number of passengers served by ground services in the Shanghai hub by the Group, both of the total operating revenue and revenue from third-party business have increased by over 10% as compared to the same period last year, respectively.


Party Building and Corporate Culture


The Group further promoted the normalization and systematization of corporate party building by rigorously implementing the requirements under the comprehensive tightening of party discipline, persistently strengthening the construction of ideology and politics, and the building of a culture of integrity in the party. In pursuing the vision of a “world-class and happy CEA”, the Group pushed ahead with the construction of corporate culture to increase employees’ recognition and loyalty towards the Group, which in turn firmly fostered and created a sound atmosphere for the successful launching and continuous improvement in areas including safe operation, customer services, marketing and sales, and reform and development of the Group.





Social Responsibilities


Actively responding to the five development visions of the State and adapting to the development trends of the global aviation industry, the Group managed and balanced the expectations of its stakeholders, including customers, shareholders, staff members and society at large by fusing economic, social and environmental responsibilities into the Group’s organization and operating activities. The Group responded to the needs of its stakeholders and endeavoured to create maximized comprehensive value.


In the first half of 2017, the Group implemented a unified group-wide deployment and fully capitalized on the strengths of the aviation industry and resource advantages, to facilitate the development of tourism resources in underprivileged areas and to promote poverty alleviation through agriculture and education as well as infrastructure construction, which fully materialized the Group’s poverty alleviation strategies. The Group’s large-scale charitable programme “Love at CEA” launched 419 projects in total, with 25,500 participants from its staff team, provided an aggregate total of 101,235 hours of social service, and serviced a total of 33,745 people.


In the first half of 2017, the Group was once again selected as one of the BrandZTM Top 500 Most Valuable Global Brands and has been selected as one of the BrandZTM Top 30 Most Valuable Chinese Brands for the sixth consecutive year. It also received the “Best China Airline” award at the “Travel Trade Gazette China Tourism Awards” for the third consecutive year.


Operating Revenues


In the first half of 2017, the Group’s passenger revenue amounted to RMB43,106 million, representing an increase of 9.69% from the same period last year, and accounted for 96.04% of the Group’s traffic revenues. Passenger traffic volume was 88,147.44 million passenger-kilometres, representing an increase of 10.2% from the same period last year.


The passenger revenue of domestic routes amounted to RMB28,558 million, representing an increase of 12.94% from the same period last year, and accounted for 66.25% of the passenger revenue. The passenger traffic volume was 56,164.23 million passenger-kilometres, representing an increase of 10.9% from the same period last year.


The passenger revenue of international routes amounted to RMB12,915 million, representing an increase of 3.97% from the same period last year, and accounted for 29.96% of the passenger revenue. The passenger traffic volume was 29,688.00 million passenger-kilometres, representing an increase of 9.2% from the same period last year.


The passenger revenue of regional routes amounted to RMB1,633 million, representing an increase of 2.64% from the same period last year, and accounted for 3.79% of the passenger revenue. The passenger traffic volume was 2,295.21 million passenger-kilometres, representing an increase of 4.6% from the same period last year.


In the first half of 2017, the Group’s cargo and mail traffic revenues amounted to RMB1,777 million, accounting for 3.96% of the Group’s traffic revenue. Cargo and mail traffic volume was 1,366.40 million tonne-kilometres.





In the first half of 2017, the Group’s other revenue were RMB3,540 million, representing a decrease of 18.56% from the same period last year.


Operating Expenses


In the first half of 2017, the Group’s total operating expenses was RMB46,859 million, representing an increase of 11.70% from the same period last year. Analysis of the changes in items under operating costs of the Group is set out as follows:


Aircraft fuel costs accounted for the most substantial part of the Group’s operating expenses. In the first half of 2017, the Group’s total aircraft fuel cost was RMB12,139 million, representing an increase of 45.15% from the same period last year, mainly due to a year-on-year increase in the volume of refueling by 5.06% for the Group, leading to an increase in aircraft fuel costs by RMB423 million. The average price of fuel increased by 38.16%, and the aircraft fuel costs increased by RMB3,353 million.


In the first half of 2017, the Group’s take-off and landing charges amounted to RMB6,430 million, representing an increase of 10.98% from the same period last year, and was primarily due to the increase in the number of take-offs and landings of the Group. In particular, since the second half of 2016, the Group has launched a number of new international long-haul routes, resulting in an increase in the take-off and landing charges. In addition, due to the adjustments effect of domestic airport charges (as announced by the Civil Aviation Administration of China 2017 Notice No. 18), the domestic take-off and landing charges were increased.


In the first half of 2017, the Group’s depreciation and amortisation amounted to RMB6,547 million, representing an increase of 12.86% from the same period last year, and was primarily due to a net increase of 41 self-owned aircraft and aircraft held under finance leases and an increase in the number of aircraft and engines since the second half of 2016, resulting in an increase in the original value of fixed assets and an increase in depreciation.


In the first half of 2017, the Group’s wages, salaries and benefits amounted to RMB8,860 million, representing an increase of 6.57% from the same period last year, and was primarily due to increases in headcount of flight personnel, engineers and ground crew, and flying hours and allowance standard.


In the first half of 2017, the Group’s food and beverages amounted to RMB1,501 million, representing an increase of 7.14% from the same period last year, and was primarily due to the increase in the number of passengers carried by the Group.


In the first half of 2017, the Group’s aircraft operating lease rentals amounted to RMB2,235 million, representing a decrease of 3.54% from the same period last year, and was primarily due to a net decrease of 8 aircraft held under operating leases by the Group.


In the first half of 2017, the Group’s other operating lease rentals amounted to RMB401 million, representing an increase of 16.23% from the same period last year, and was primarily due to the increase in leased VIP lounges by the Group.





In the first half of 2017, the Group’s selling and marketing expenses were RMB1,593 million, representing a decrease of 2.33% from the same period last year, and was primarily due to the increase in the proportion of direct sales of the Group, which caused a decrease in the handling fees of the agency businesses as compared to the same period last year.


In the first half of 2017, the Group’s amount of civil aviation infrastructure levies payable to the Civil Aviation Administration of China was RMB1,004 million, representing an increase of 6.24% as compared to the same period last year. This increase was primarily due to the increase in the length of miles flown by the Group.


In the first half of 2017, the Group’s ground services and other expenses were RMB1,916 million, representing a decrease of 30.81% from the same period last year. The decrease was primarily due to the transfer of 100% equity interests in Eastern Logistics by the Group, and the fact that the figure for the first half of 2016 included the figure regarding ground services and other expenses of Eastern Logistics for the period from January to June of 2016, while the figure for the first half of 2017 included the figure regarding ground services and other expenses of Eastern Logistics for January 2017 only. After deducting the impact of the figure of Eastern Logistics for the period from February to June 2016, ground services and other expenses decreased by 11.91% over the same period last year, and was primarily due to a decrease in the Group’s tourism operations expenses.


In the first half of 2017, the Group’s indirect operating expenses were RMB2,059 million, representing an increase of 2.49% as compared to the same period last year. This was primarily attributable to the significant increase in the costs associated with the expansion in the size of the Group’s fleet.


Other operating income and gains


In the first half of 2017, other operating income and gains of the Group amounted to RMB4,766 million, which represented an increase of 71.93% from the same period last year. The increase was primarily due to gain from the transfer of 100% equity interests in Eastern Logistics by the Group.


Finance Income/Costs


In the first half of 2017, the Group’s finance income was RMB703 million, which represented an increase of 1,967.65% from the same period last year. Finance costs amounted to RMB1,404 million, representing a decrease of 48.33% from the same period last year, primarily due to net exchange gains amounted to RMB674 million arose from the appreciation of RMB in the first half of 2017 which was recorded in the Group’s finance income; and net exchange losses amounted to RMB1,355 million arose from the weakening of RMB during the same period of 2016 which was recorded in the Group’s finance costs.




Profit attributable to equity holders of the Company in the first half of 2017 was RMB4,341 million, representing a growth of 34.40% from the same period last year. The earnings per share attributable to the equity holders of the Company were RMB0.30.





Liquidity and Capital Structure


As at 30 June 2017, the Group had total assets of RMB225,965 million, an increase of 6.42% from the end of 2016. Its debt ratio was 74.69%, representing a 0.65 percentage points decrease from the end of 2016.


In particular, the Group’s total current assets amounted to RMB23,540 million, accounted for 10.42% of the total assets and represented an increase of 48.16% from the end of 2016. The Group’s non-current assets amounted to RMB202,425 million, accounted for 89.58% of the total assets and represented an increase of 3.05% from the end of 2016.


As at 30 June 2017, the Group had total liabilities of RMB168,762 million, comprised of current liabilities of RMB77,223 million which accounted for 45.76% of total liabilities, and non-current liabilities of RMB91,539 million which accounted for 54.24%.


The Group’s interest-bearing liabilities mainly included short-term bank borrowings, short-term debentures, bonds payable, long-term borrowings and obligations under finance leases.


Among the current liabilities, interest-bearing liabilities (short-term bank borrowings, short-term debentures, long-term borrowings due within one year and obligations under finance leases due within one year) amounted to RMB47,299 million or an increase of 34.03% from the end of 2016.


Among the non-current liabilities, interest-bearing liabilities (long-term borrowings, bonds payable and obligations under finance leases) amounted to RMB83,140 million or an increase of 0.80% from the end of 2016.


In the first half of 2017, the Group further optimized the structure of its foreign-currency obligations in response to exchange fluctuations in order to lower its exchange rate risk. As at 30 June 2017, the breakdown of the Group’s interest-bearing obligations by currencies is as follows:


Unit: RMB million


      RMB equivalent  
      As at 30 June 2017   As at 31 December 2016        
            Percentage           Percentage     Movement  
Currency     Amount     (%)     Amount     (%)     (%)  
USD       44,516       34.13       52,866       44.89       –15.79  
RMB       76,866       58.93       57,793       49.07       33.00  
Others       9,057       6.94       7,114       6.04       27.31  
Total       130,439       100.00       117,773       100.00       10.75  





As at 30 June 2017, the Group’s interest-bearing liabilities included long-term borrowings, short-term bank borrowings, bonds payable and short-term debentures equivalent to RMB66,018 million, an increase of 16.37% from the end of 2016 (RMB56,732 million). The breakdown by currencies is as follows:


Unit: RMB million


    RMB equivalent  
    As at     As at        
    30 June     31 December        
Currency   2017     2016     Movement (%)  
USD     7,097       7,953       –10.76  
EUR     6,275       4,215       48.87  
KRW     1,026       994       3.22  
RMB     51,620       43,570       18.48  
Total     66,018       56,732       16.37  


As at 30 June 2017, the Group’s interest-bearing liabilities included obligations under finance leases equivalent to RMB64,421 million, an increase of 5.54% from the end of 2016 (RMB61,041 million). The breakdown by currencies is as follows:


Unit: RMB million


    RMB equivalent  
    As at     As at        
    30 June     31 December        
Currency   2017     2016     Movement (%)  
USD     37,419       44,913       –16.69  
SGD     694       739       –6.09  
JPY     304       326       –6.75  
HKD     758       840       –9.76  
RMB     25,246       14,223       77.50  
Total     64,421       61,041       5.54  


Interest Rate Fluctuation


The Group’s total interest-bearing liabilities (including long-term borrowings, short-term bank borrowings, obligations under finance leases, bonds payable and short-term debentures) as at 31 December 2016 and 30 June 2017 were equivalent to RMB117,773 million and RMB130,439 million, respectively, of which short-term interest-bearing liabilities accounted for 29.96% and 36.26%, respectively. Most of the long-term interest-bearing liabilities were liabilities with floating interest rates. Both the short-term and long-term interest-bearing liabilities were affected by fluctuations in current market interest rates.





The Group’s interest-bearing liabilities were primarily denominated in USD and RMB. As at 31 December 2016 and 30 June 2017, the Group’s liabilities denominated in USD accounted for 44.89% and 34.13%, respectively, of total interest-bearing liabilities while liabilities denominated in RMB accounted for 49.07% and 58.93%, respectively, of total interest-bearing liabilities. Fluctuations in the USD and RMB interest rates have and will continue to have significant impact on the Group’s finance costs.


As at 31 December 2016 and 30 June 2017, the notional amounts of the outstanding interest rate swap agreements of the Group were USD1,636 million and USD1,528 million, respectively. These agreements will expire between 2018 and 2025.


Exchange Rate Fluctuation


As at 30 June 2017, the Group’s total interest-bearing liabilities denominated in foreign currencies, amounted to RMB53,573 million, of which USD liabilities accounted for 83.09% of the total amount. Therefore, a significant fluctuation in the exchange rates will subject the Group to significant foreign exchange loss/gain arising from the exchange of foreign currency denominated liabilities, which affects the profitability and development of the Group. The Group typically uses hedging contracts for foreign currencies to reduce the foreign exchange risks for foreign currency revenues generated from flight ticket sales and liabilities required to be paid in foreign currencies. The hedging contracts for foreign currencies partly involve the sales of Japanese Yen and the purchase of USD at fixed exchange rates. As at 31 December 2016 and 30 June 2017, the outstanding foreign currency hedging contracts held by the Group amounted to a notional amount of USD440 million and USD1,244 million, respectively, and will expire between the second half of 2017 and 2018.


In the first half of 2016, the Group’s net exchange losses amounted to RMB1,355 million as compared to the net exchange gains of RMB674 million in the first half of 2017.


Fluctuation of Jet Fuel Prices


In the first half of 2017, if the average price of jet fuel had increased or decreased by 5%, jet fuel costs of the Group would have increased or decreased by approximately RMB607 million, assuming all other variables remain constant.


In the first half of 2017, the Group did not conduct any aviation fuel hedging activities.


Pledges on Assets and Contingent Liabilities


The Group generally finances its purchases of aircraft through finance leases and bank loans secured by its assets. As at 30 June 2017, the value of the Group’s assets used to secure certain bank loans decreased by 28.50% to RMB12,555 million as compared to RMB17,559 million as at the end of 31 December 2016.


As at 30 June 2017, the Group had no significant contingent liabilities.





Human Resources


As at 30 June 2017, the Group had 72,377 employees, the majority of whom were located in the PRC. The wages of the Group’s employees generally consisted of basic salaries and performance bonuses.




As at 30 June 2017, the Board was not aware of any significant matters which may cause impact on the Group or any non-compliance with the laws and regulations which may have a significant impact on the Group.




The Group would like to bring to the attention of readers of this report that this report contains certain forward-looking statements, including a general outlook of international and domestic economies and the aviation industry, and descriptions of the Group’s future operating plans for the second half of 2017 and beyond. Such forward-looking statements are subject to many uncertainties and risks. The actual events that occur may be different from these forward-looking statements which, therefore, do not constitute any commitment by the Group to the future operating results.


Looking into the second half of 2017, the global economic recovery will continue its growing trend. However, turbulent geo-political landscape in certain countries and regions and rising trend of trade protectionism will still give rise to certain uncertainties underlying the global economic recovery. Benefited from the further implementation of supply-side structural reforms and the accelerated implementation of innovation-driven development strategies, the stable and positive development momentum of China’s economy is expected to be further sustained with a moderate growth.


In view of a relatively complicated external environment and intense market competition, the Group will actively embrace challenges by focusing on the following areas and steadily promote the materialization of all work plans:


1. with respect to safe operation, the Group will conduct safety inspection on the projects of key operating units, strengthen targeted flight training and prevention of risks in flying, improve the standardization of process of aircraft maintenance and repair and strengthen the protection for special flights, in order to secure the safe operation of the Group;





2. in terms of marketing, the Group will enhance its ability in market projection and response to changes, as well as allocation of flight capacity, ensure sufficient flight capacity during the peak season in summer through securing time slot resources, and increase the proportion of direct sales and scale of customer base by strengthening its pricing control, with a view to striving for improvement and enhancement of the revenue level;


3. for customer services, the Group will improve service standard, commence project services enhancement programme, further uplift the standardization of services, promote and increase the utilization of self check-in machines and self-service bag drop services, innovate in-flight sales of gift items and improve the quality of in-flight catering to enhance passenger experience, and facilitate the service system construction of new generation cabin; with the introduction of the new generation of B787 and A350 remote wide-body aircraft, to promote the construction of a new generating cabin service system;


4. for reform and transformation, the Group will promote the implementation of strategies in relation to going international and online. China Eastern Airlines E-Commerce Co., Limited will actively broaden the application of frequent flyers points and increase the variety of non-aviation products to improve its ability in realising resources. China United Airlines will expand the scale of its direct sales business to explore revenue from non-aviation business and further enhance the operating quality as a low-cost airline. Market-oriented reform of ground services will be fostered to optimize the review and management of human resources and to continuously deepen reform in mechanism and system;


5. in relation to streamlining management, the Group will further optimize its qualification management, resource allocation, unified operations and response mechanism, promote the establishment of an information technology-based operating system to streamline and increase the efficiency of the system. The Group will expand its financing channels and optimize its debt structure through tightened cost control to increase overall operating efficiency; and


6. for the Party building, the Group will further strengthen the Party’s discipline comprehensively and adopt a more systematic, scientific and normalized approach towards Party building, in order to reinforce the leading role of the Party building.







Introduction and Retirement Plan of Aircraft for the Second Half of 2017 to 2019




    Second Half of 2017     2018     2019  
Model   Introduction     Retirement     Introduction     Retirement     Introduction     Retirement  
Wide-body aircraft     5       2       14       14       11        
B777 Series     1                                
A330 Series     4             8       10              
A350 Series                 2             5        
B787 Series                 4             6        
B767 Series           2             4              
Narrow-body aircraft     45       4       53       1       63        
A320 Series     15       1       16             25        
B737 Series     30       3       37       1       38        
Total     50       6       67       15       74        




1. As at 30 June 2017, according to confirmed orders, the Group planned to introduce 72 aircraft and retire 26 aircraft between 2020 and 2022.


2. The abovementioned models, quantity and timing for the introduction and retirement of aircraft will be subject to adjustment based on market conditions and flight capacity allocation of the Group.







1. As at 30 June 2017 and up to the date of this results announcement, the share structure of the Group is set out as follows:


                    Up to the date of  
        As at 30 June 2017     this results announcement  
              Approximate           Approximate  
              percentage in           percentage in  
        Total number     shareholding     Total number     shareholding  
        of shares     (%)     of shares     (%)  
I A shares     9,808,485,682       67.80       9,808,485,682       67.80  
  1. Listed shares with trading moratorium     1,327,406,822       9.18              
  2. Listed shares without trading moratorium     8,481,078,860       58.62       9,808,485,682       67.80  
II H shares     4,659,100,000       32.20       4,659,100,000       32.20  
III Total number of shares     14,467,585,682       100.00       14,467,585,682       100.00  




Since 3 July 2017, the 1,327,406,822 listed A shares with trading moratorium which were held by Shanghai Licheng Information Technology Consulting Co., Ltd., China National Aviation Fuel Holding Company, China COSCO Shipping Corporation Limited and Caitong Fund Management Co., Ltd. have been listed for trading on the Shanghai Stock Exchange.


2. Dividends


The Board did not recommend the payment of an interim dividend for the half year ended 30 June 2017.


3. Transfer of Equity Interest in Eastern Logistics


On 29 November 2016, the Company entered into the “Eastern Logistics Share Transfer Agreement” with Eastern Airlines Industry Investment, a wholly-owned subsidiary of CEA Holding, the controlling shareholder of the Company, and transferred 100% equity interest in Eastern Logistics to Eastern Airlines Industry Investment. The above connected transaction of equity transfer was approved at the Company’s first extraordinary general meeting in 2017. As at 8 February 2017, the Company had transferred 100% equity interest in Eastern Logistics to Eastern Airlines Industry Investment and completed industrial and commercial registration.





4. Purchase, Sale or Redemption of Securities


During the first half of 2017, neither the Group nor its subsidiaries purchased, sold or redeemed any of its listed securities (“ securities ”, having the meaning ascribed thereto under Section 1 of Appendix 16 to the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (“ Listing Rules ”)).


During the six months ended 30 June 2017, the Company has adopted the Model Code for Securities Transactions by Directors of Listed Issuers (the “ Model Code ”) as set out in Appendix 10 to the Listing Rules as the securities transactions code for the directors of the Company (the “ Directors ”). Having made specific enquiries to all the Directors, it is the Company’s understanding that the Directors have complied with the requirements as set forth in the Model Code regarding Directors’ securities transactions.


5. Material Litigation


During the six months ended 30 June 2017, the Group was not involved in any material litigation, arbitration or claim.


6. Corporate Governance


The Board has reviewed the relevant provisions and corporate governance practices under the codes of corporate governance adopted by the Company, and is of the view that the Company’s corporate governance practices during the six months ended 30 June

2017 met the requirements under the code provisions in the Corporate Governance Code set out in Appendix 14 of the Listing Rules.


Pursuant to the latest regulations promulgated by the China Securities Regulatory Commission (the “ CSRC ”), the Shanghai Stock Exchange, The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (the “ Hong Kong Stock Exchange ”) and in line with the Company’s development needs, the Company comprehensively reviewed the relevant regulations, and revised the articles of association of the Company and rules of meeting of general meetings, to effectively safeguard the standardised operation of the Company.


To further strengthen the awareness of compliance among the directors, supervisors and senior management of the Company, and to enhance their understanding and application of the relevant rules, the Company has systematically reviewed and implemented written monitoring rules for listed companies promulgated by regulatory bodies including the CSRC, the Shanghai Stock Exchange, the Hong Kong Stock Exchange and the New York Stock Exchange in the most recent half year, as well as the latest development of the relevant laws, rules and regulations regarding the duties and responsibilities of directors, supervisors and senior management of a listed company, and arranged training and learning sessions.





7. Audit and Risk Management Committee


The Audit and Risk Management Committee of the Company has reviewed with the management of the Company the accounting principles and methods adopted by the Group, and has discussed with the Board the internal controls and financial reporting issues, including a review of the consolidated results for the six months ended 30 June 2017 prepared in accordance with IFRS.


The Audit and Risk Management Committee of the Company has no disagreement with the accounting principles and methods adopted by the Group.


8. Changes in Personnel


On 22 February 2017, the fourth ordinary meeting of the eighth session of the Board of Directors of the Company has resolved to appoint Mr. Jiang Jiang as a vice president of the Company for a term of office in line with the current session of the Board. On the same date, Mr. Sun Youwen ceased to be a vice president of the Company due to change of job assignments.


9. Change of Particulars of Directors or Supervisors under Rule 13.51B(1) of the Listing Rules


        Position(s) held   Date of   Date of
Name   Name of other entities   in other entities   appointment   cessation
Ma Weihua   China Resources Land Limited   Independent Director   July 2013   June 2017
Cai Hongping   Bank of Communications Co., Ltd.   Independent Director   June 2017  
Jia Shaojun   CES International Financial Leasing Corporation Limited   Chairman   July 2017  
Feng Liang   Xi’an Eastern Safran Landing Gear System Maintenance Co., Ltd.   Chairman   July 2017  
Jiang Jiang   China Eastern Airlines Wuhan Co., Ltd.   Director and president   June 2014   April 2017
    Eastern Business Airlines Service Co., Ltd.   Executive Director   April 2017  





10. Miscellaneous


The Group wishes to highlight the following information:


1. From January to August 2017, the Company redeemed the 2016 seventh, twelfth to seventeenth, 2017 first to fourth and sixth tranches of super short-term commercial paper. For details, please refer to the announcements of the Company dated 6 January, 24 February, 12 April, 19 April, 28 April, 17 May, 9 June, 14 June, 10 July and 16 August 2017 published on the website of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange.


2. From January to August 2017, the Company completed the issuance of the 2017 first to eighth tranches of super short-term commercial paper. For details, please refer to the announcements of the Company dated 19 January, 24 February, 2 March, 25 April, 15 June, 29 June, 21 August and 22 August 2017 published on the website of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange.


3. On 1 January 2017, the Company entered into the Bellyhold Space Management Agreement with China Cargo Airlines. For details, please refer to the announcements of the Company dated 3 January and 17 January 2017 published on the website of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange.


4. On 17 January 2017, the resolution regarding the provision of guarantee to some of the Company’s subsidiaries was considered and approved by the Board at the 2017 first regular meeting. For details, please refer to the announcement of the Company dated 17 January 2017 published on the website of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange.


5. On 20 March 2017, the Company paid for the accrued interest from 18 March 2016 to 17 March 2017 of the 2012 first tranche of corporate bonds. For details, please refer to the announcement of the Company dated 10 March 2017 published on the website of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange.


6. On 28 March 2017, the Company paid for the accrued interest from 28 September 2016 to 27 March 2017 of the bonds denominated in Korean Won. For details, please refer to the announcement of the Company dated 21 March 2017 published on the website of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange.


7. In April 2017, Dagong Global Credit Rating Co., Ltd, a credit rating agency, issued the Tracking Credit Rating Report of China Eastern Airlines Corporation Limited and its Relevant Debt of 2017. For details, please refer to the announcement of the Company dated 8 May 2017 published on the website of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange.


8. On 15 June 2017, the Company paid for the accrued interest from 15 June 2016 to 14 June 2017 of the 2016 first tranche of medium-term notes. On 14 July 2017, the Company paid for the accrued interest from 15 July 2016 to 14 July 2017 of the 2016 second tranche of medium-term notes. On 20 July 2017, the Company paid for the accrued interest from 20 July 2016 to 19 July 2017 of the 2016 third tranche of medium-term notes. For details, please refer to the announcements of the Company dated 7 June, 26 June and 13 July 2017 published on the website of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange.





9. On 28 June 2017, the 2016 annual profit distribution proposal was considered and approved at the 2016 general meeting of the Company. It was approved that the 2016 annual distribution be approximately RMB708.9 million in cash. Based on the total share capital of 14,467,585,682 shares of the Company, the cash distribution per share would be RMB0.049 (inclusive of tax) in cash, and will be distributed to holders of A shares of the Company in RMB and to holders of H shares of the Company in HKD. For details, please refer to the announcements of the Company dated 12 May and 28 June 2017 published on the website of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange.


10. On 28 June 2017, the resolution in relation to the Company’s appointment of the PRC domestic auditors and international auditors for financial reporting for the year 2017, and to authorise the Board to determine their remuneration and the resolution in relation to the Company’s appointment of the auditors for internal control for the year 2017, and to authorise the Board to determine their remuneration were considered and approved at the 2016 general meeting of the Company. For details, please refer to the announcements of the Company dated 30 March and 28 June 2017 published on the website of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange.


11. On 28 June 2017, the resolution in relation to the amendments to the article in the Articles of Association of the Company was considered and approved at the 2016 general meeting of the Company. For details, please refer to the announcements of the Company dated 27 April and 28 June 2017 published on the website of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange.


12. On 28 June 2017, the resolution in relation to the amendments to parts of the terms of the rules of procedures for general meeting was considered and approved at the 2016 general meeting of the Company. For details, please refer to the announcements of the Company dated 27 April and 28 June 2017 published on the website of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange.


13. On 27 July 2017, the Company entered into the Marketing Agreement with AFK. For details, please refer to the announcement of the Company dated 28 July 2017 published on the website of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange.


14. On 10 August 2017, the Company entered into a novation agreement with CES International Financial Leasing Corporation Limited (which is directly held as to 50% by CEA Holding and 35% by CES Global Holdings (Hong Kong) Limited, an indirect wholly-owned subsidiary of CEA Holding) or its wholly-owned subsidiary(ies) (the “ CES Leasing Group ”), pursuant to which, the Company agreed to novate and CES Leasing Group agreed to assume, from the date of the novation agreement, the rights (including the purchase rights) and obligations in and under the purchase agreement entered into on 9 July 2015 by the Company (as purchaser) with Boeing Company (as seller) in respect of five Boeing 737-800 aircraft (the “ Five Boeing Aircraft ”) at nil consideration. The transaction constituted a connected transaction of the Company. For details, please refer to the announcement published by the Company on the website of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange on 10 August 2017.





15. On 10 August 2017, the Company (as lessee) entered into the an aircraft operating lease agreement with CES Leasing Group (as lessor(s)), pursuant to which, CES Leasing Group agreed to provide operating leasing to the Company in respect of the Five Boeing Aircraft. The transaction constitutes a continuing connected transaction of the Company. For details, please refer to the announcement published by the Company on the website of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange on 10 August 2017.


16. The estimated transaction caps for the continuing connected transactions, which were considered and approved by the Board and at the general meetings of the Company, and their actual amounts incurred up to 30 June 2017, are set out as follows:


Unit: RMB thousand


    Actual amount        
    incurred up to     2017 estimated  
Approved category   30 June 2017     transaction caps  
Property leasing     27,000       80,000  
Financial services – balance of deposit     1,657,521       10,000,000  
Financial services – balance of loans           10,000,000  
Catering supply services     556,215       1,450,000  
Import and export services     62,608       430,000  
Flight support services     135,525       560,000  
Advertising agency services     9,210       75,000  
Aircraft finance lease services     664,130       USD2,415
million or
equivalent RMB
Civil aviation information network services (pursuant to the Rules Governing the Listing of Stocks on the Shanghai Stock Exchange)     343,021       950,000  
Aviation supplies maintenance services     67,405       240,000  
Freight logistics support services (the Company provides services to Eastern Logistics)     41,459       300,000  
Cargo terminal business support services (Eastern Logistics provides services to the Company)     1,666       500,000  
Bellyhold space management (pursuant to the Rules Governing the Listing of Stocks on the Shanghai Stock Exchange)     43,538       300,000  


  By order of the Board
Liu Shaoyong


* for identification purpose only


Shanghai, the People’s Republic of China

29 August 2017





As at the date of this announcement, the directors of the Company include Liu Shaoyong (Chairman), Ma Xulun (Vice Chairman, President), Li Yangmin (Director, Vice President), Xu Zhao (Director), Gu Jiadan (Director), Tang Bing (Director, Vice President), Tian Liuwen (Director, Vice President), Li Ruoshan (Independent non-executive Director), Ma Weihua (Independent non-executive Director), Shao Ruiqing (Independent non-executive Director) and Cai Hongping (Independent non-executive Director).



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