SimpliVity’s support for Cisco ACI makes businesses more agile and flexible

SimpliVity, a leader in hyperconverged infrastructure revolutionizing enterprise IT, today announced that it has advanced its position as the most deployed hyperconverged platform on Cisco UCS with an ever-growing customer base.

“With SimpliVity OmniStack running on Cisco UCS servers, we are able to deliver the most advanced hyperconverged technology to customers on the fastest-growing x86 server platform,” said Jesse St. Laurent, VP of product strategy, SimpliVity. “Customers are consistently seeking this joint solution, and even the largest enterprises are running mission-critical applications and entire data centers on our platform. Our continued customer success and breadth of integration demonstrates that SimpliVity provides the most complete hyperconverged infrastructure solution on Cisco UCS in the market.”

Both Enterprises and Public Sector Organizations Globally Continue to Choose SimpliVity with Cisco

Mississippi Department of Revenue Drives out Cost and Complexity with SimpliVity on Cisco UCS

In an effort to improve its disaster recovery posture, consolidate data center functions, and improve total cost of ownership (TCO), the Mississippi Department of Revenue recently deployed SimpliVity hyperconverged infrastructure on Cisco UCS servers. The department was able to replace two full racks of legacy gear in its primary data center with just three 2U SimpliVity OmniStack with Cisco UCS systems. The department also installed two additional OmniStack with Cisco UCS systems in a remote data center for the purposes of disaster recovery. With SimpliVity’s superior hyperconverged technology, the IT team at the Mississippi Department of Revenue is able to remotely backup and restore terabyte virtual machines in mere seconds, when it used to take hours with the previous solution.

“We used to have to wait hours upon hours for backups of sizable VMs to complete. Now, backup and recovery operations are a breeze with SimpliVity,” said Patrick Welch, Network Services Manager, Mississippi Department of Revenue. “Not only does SimpliVity enable quick and high-quality performance, but it’s extremely easy to manage as well. Storage and backup expertise is not a prerequisite for spinning up IT services with SimpliVity.”

Guelph Hydro Solves VDI Troubles with SimpliVity and Cisco

As an Ontario-based utility company, Guelph Hydro is responsible for providing electricity to tens of thousands of homes and businesses in Canada. However, the company was forced to constantly field help desk calls from the internal users of its virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) because of disconnections, spotty service, and underperforming systems. When exploring options for how best to optimize its VDI environment, Guelph Hydro’s systems analyst, Adam Borecki, found that SimpliVity OmniStack with Cisco UCS was the perfect solution capable of delivering peak and predictable performance for users.

“IT was constantly flooded with support tickets due to our VDI performance. We were doing the best we could to manage and make incremental improvements to the infrastructure, but we realized that we needed to find a better solution than a traditional SAN,” said Adam Borecki, systems analyst, Guelph Hydro. “SimpliVity with Cisco UCS has been the ideal solution for us. We were able to reduce our data center footprint, reduce power costs, and, most importantly, we haven’t received any more negative comments about the performance of our VDI implementation.”

Sunrock Simplifies Disaster Recovery with Hyperconvergence

Carolina Sunrock, a construction materials supplier, was in search of a new solution to replace its aging legacy infrastructure, which was becoming insufficient in handling their growing business systems and increasingly costly to support. In order to implement a more reliable solution that would offer greater disaster recovery features and easy management, the company chose SimpliVity’s integrated solution with Cisco UCS and is now running a host of production and business-critical workloads on the hyperconverged infrastructure, including Microsoft SQL Server, Microsoft Exchange, Cisco Firesight, as well as industry-specific applications.

“SimpliVity’s built-in data protection capabilities have been instrumental in creating a more efficient environment at our company. Not only do we now have a disaster recovery plan we trust, but it has also let us focus on other things instead of the disaster recovery as-a-service implementation we were using prior to SimpliVity,” said Jim Malone, Systems Administrator, Carolina Sunrock. “At first I was skeptical that a hyperconverged vendor would be able to reliably and predictably run and protect the company’s mission-critical applications. After using SimpliVity for a few months however, I can tell you firsthand that SimpliVity, and its built-in data protection, are the real deal.”

SimpliVity Delivers the Most Complete Hyperconverged Solution on Cisco UCS

SimpliVity has closely integrated its solutions with Cisco UCS to provide customers with the leading hyperconverged solution on this best-of-breed, enterprise-class server. As the most complete hyperconverged platform on Cisco UCS, SimpliVity’s solution includes:

  • Multiple models of OmniStack with Cisco UCS to support all types of companies, in any industry, and of any size
  • Validation for Cisco UCS Director that enables self-service provisioning so that developers and application owners can not only modify, create, and delete VMs through their familiar orchestration tool, but also complete backups, restores, clones, and moves
  • “Cisco Compatible” validation by Cisco’s Interoperability Verification Testing program, lending increased reliability and stability to SimpliVity’s integrated solutions
  • Support for Cisco Application Centric Infrastructure (ACI) to enable an agile and flexible, distributed IT framework where virtual compute, storage, and networking resources are holistically and automatically provisioned to accommodate business requirements
  • TSANet and Cisco Preferred Solution Partner status and Cisco UCS Manager reference architecture that allows customers to leverage SimpliVity’s solutions for Cisco in a one-call support experience


  • Read the blog about SimpliVity’s support of Cisco UCS Director
  • Learn more about SimpliVity’s solution with Cisco: Travelport customer video; Cisco and SimpliVity infographic; SimpliVity support for Cisco ACI
  • Follow SimpliVity on our corporate blog, Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, YouTube and Google+

About SimpliVity

Founded with a mission to simplify IT, SimpliVity is a pioneer in the hyperconverged infrastructure market, disrupting the status quo of complex and cumbersome legacy IT systems. SimpliVity’s hyperconverged IT platform delivers enterprise-class performance and availability that today’s IT leaders require, with the cloud economics their business demands. No other company has taken on the mega task of assimilating all IT elements below the hypervisor (8 to 12 disparate functions) into a simple 2U building block of x86 sharable resources to deliver unmatched IT simplicity, operational efficiency, and 3x TCO savings. The company’s unique data virtualization architecture improves performance, protection and data efficiency, while also enabling global unified management from a single console. SimpliVity has revolutionized IT systems for hundreds of enterprises around the world. Headquartered in Westborough, Mass., the company has raised $276 million in venture capital and employs about 750 worldwide. SimpliVity’s business model is 100 percent indirect, and its solutions and professional services are available worldwide through its network of resellers and distributors. For more information, visit

® 2016, SimpliVity. All rights reserved. Information described herein is furnished for informational use only, is subject to change without notice. SimpliVity, the SimpliVity logo, OmniCube, OmniStack, and Data Virtualization Platform are trademarks or registered trademarks of SimpliVity Corporation in the United States and certain other countries. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

Version 2.0 Communications for SimpliVityEmily Lospennato, 617-426-2222elospennato@v2comms.comorSimpliVityJulia Dunlea,