RNS Number:3665P
NMBZ Holdings Ld
04 September 2003

                             NMBZ HOLDINGS LIMITED

                               Holding company of
                                NMB Bank Limited
                          (registered Commercial Bank)


                Continental Securities Trading (Private) Limited
                           (Registered Stockbrokers)

                  RESULTS FOR THE HALF-YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2003


*  Historical attributable profit up 587% to Z$9 239 million (2002 - Z$1 344 

*  Historical basic earnings per share up 541% to 2 371 cents (2002 - 370 cents)

*  Total historical asset base up 187% to Z$137 373 million (2002 - Z$47 828 

*  Historical non-interest income up 538% to Z$8 791 million (2002 - Z$ 1 378 

*  Historical deposit base up 44% to Z$27 477 million (2002 - Z$19 097 million)

*  Banking subsidiary's Capital adequacy ratio up 24% to 22.13% (2002 - 17.89%)

*  Historical dividend per share up 487% to 433 cents (2002 - 73.8 cents)

*  Inflation adjusted net operating income up 34% to Z$24 807 million (2002 - 
   Z$18 492 million)

Mr Paddy Zhanda, Chairman, said:

"The Group once again achieved good results in the period under review. The
unfavourable macro-economic environment affected the profitability of the Group
after adjusting the historical results for inflation.  The Group anticipates a
satisfactory outturn in the second half".


NMBZ HOLDINGS LIMITED                           Tel: +263-4-759 651/9
Dr Julius Makoni, Managing Director             Fax: +263-4-759648
James Mushore, Deputy Managing Director
Otto Chekeche, Finance Director

COLLEGE HILL - LONDON                           Tel: +44-207-457 2020
Corinna Dorward

Chairman's Statement

The half year to 30 June 2003 was an extremely challenging period for the
country. The main macro-economic challenges during the period were:

*  Decline in Gross Domestic Product (GDP)

*  Hyperinflationary environment and high money supply growth

*  High domestic debt

*  Monetary policy and interest rates

*  Weak Balance of Payments (BOP) position

*  Foreign currency shortages


Decline in Gross Domestic Product (GDP)

Real GDP declined by 5% in 2000, 7.5% in 2001, 11.9% in 2002 and is forecast to
decline by a further 11.5% in 2003.  Major reductions are expected in
agriculture (17%), distribution (8.5%), manufacturing (10%), mining and
quarrying (7.4%) and construction (5.5%).
Hyperinflationary environment and high money supply growth

Year-on-year inflation accelerated to 364.5% in June 2003 from 208.1% recorded
in January 2003.  The hyper inflationary trend is driven mainly by the partial
relaxation of price controls, excessive credit expansion, shortage of foreign
currency and consequent effect and widespread indexation in the economy.  In
January 2003, representatives of the Government, business community and labour
signed a Prices and Income Stabilisation Protocol.  The Protocol's objective was
to manage prices of basic commodities, salaries and wages, through a tripartite
price monitoring and surveillance sub-committee, which would negotiate with
producers on viable prices for all basic commodities.  The spiraling inflation
is evidence of the Protocol's failure to arrest the pace of price increases in
the economy.

The upward trend in annual broad money supply (M3) growth that was witnessed in
2002, spilled into the first half of 2003.  Annual growth in M3 to March 2003
was 206.7%, up from 161.6% as at 31 December 2002 and this reflected a 210%
increase in private sector credit.  Unless monetary policy is tightened during
the second half of 2003, money supply growth is expected to accelerate.

High domestic debt

Domestic debt, which stood at Z$346 billion in December 2002, rose dramatically
to Z$546 billion as at 30 June 2003.  With Treasury Bills accounting for 96%
(Z$491 billion) of the debt, interest costs will continue to be a burden on the
fiscus.  The increased borrowing has tied up a high percentage of the nations'
savings.  The domestic debt is expected to rise further in the second half of
2003 due to the necessity to fund grain imports and to provide financial support
for the newly resettled farmers.

Monetary policy and interest rates

In line with the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (RBZ) Monetary Policy Statement issued
in November 2002 and the National Economic Revival Programme launched in March
2003, interest rates were increased to deter borrowing for consumptive purposes
and to promote savings.  Despite the increase in interest rates, the margin
between these rates and the inflation rate remains high thus retaining arbitrage
opportunities and as a result not stimulating savings.  The negative real
interest rates have seen pension funds and savings institutions losing almost
75% of the value of funds advanced to Government over the previous two financial
years.  Given the need to fund the budget deficit and the current agrarian
reforms, it is unlikely that interest rates will be increased to match the
inflation rate.  Real rates of interest are therefore expected to remain
substantially negative.

Weak Balance of Payments (BOP) position

The country's BOP position remained under severe pressure in the first half of
the year against a background of continued deterioration in export performance
across all the major sectors of the economy, coupled with a cessation of
offshore lines of credit and multilateral and bilateral support.

The current account deficit for 2003 is forecast to remain at around US$1
billion with merchandise exports expected to remain weak.  Merchandise imports
are expected to end 2003 at US$2 billion, against a background of declining
foreign direct investment inflows and the absence of much needed BOP support.  A
capital account deficit of about US$300 million is forecast for 2003, up from
about US$200 million in 2002.  As a result of the weak BOP position, gross
foreign exchange reserves are expected to average about one month of imports
while usable reserves are expected to cover only a few days of imports.

The country's total external payment arrears were estimated at US$1.6 billion as
at 30 June 2003 from a position of US$1.3 billion at 31 December 2002.
Government arrears account for 67% (US$1.07 billion), while parastatals and
private sector arrears represent 31% (US$0.5 billion) and 2% (US$0.03 billion)

Given the country's weakening export performance, donor support will be required
for grain imports.  External financiers and partners will be needed to alleviate
the external debt crisis and provide support for the country's BOP deficit.

Foreign exchange market and exchange rate policy

The Zimbabwe dollar was officially devalued in March 2003 to Z$824 from Z$55 to
the US$1 in order to provide an incentive to exporters.   While the initiative
was commendable, it was insufficient and has not resulted in an increase in
foreign currency inflows.  More export incentives and removal of disincentives
are required to stimulate export growth which should go hand in hand with the
promised quarterly reviews of the exchange rate.

Agrarian reforms

The first half of the year saw the continued designation of farms and the
establishment of a land audit committee to review the allocation of land
distribution under the fast track phase.

Agrarian reforms are unlikely to succeed without a clearly defined tenure
system, adequate technical and financial support to the new farmers and
systematic development of support infrastructures.

National Economic Revival Plan

The National Economic Revival Plan (NERP) launched by the Government on 4 March
2003 encompasses amongst other measures, an export support scheme, a Z$50
billion revolving fund for the productive sectors, an anticipated increase in
interest rates for consumption and speculative activities and a new goods
pricing policy.  The plan also enunciates various measures aimed at boosting
agriculture, manufacturing, mining and tourism.  Although the implementation of
the plan is still in its infancy, there appears to be less commitment to the
programme and decision-making appears to be half-hearted.

Cash shortages

The first half of the year saw the emergence of cash shortages in the country
due to a combination of the ever-rising inflation, a rise in alternative market
activities and the shortage of foreign currency to import paper to print bank
notes.  The endemic cash shortages have severely damaged the service delivery
standards of the banking sector and significantly eroded the confidence of the
general public in the country's banking system.  While the authorities appear to
be making an effort with regard to the cash shortages, the long term solution
lies in printing more notes, introduction of higher denomination notes and the
vigorous promotion of the use of plastic and electronic money.



In accordance with International Accounting Standards, the Group continues to
prepare its results using hyperinflationary accounting with the historical
results being provided as a supplement.  Unless otherwise stated, all figures in
the Chairman's statement are inflation adjusted.

The runaway hyperinflationary conditions affected earnings resulting in the
Group posting an inflation adjusted loss of Z$165 million.  Because of  the
harsh economic environment, the banking subsidiary increased its provisions for
bad and doubtful debts.

Net Operating Income

The historical net operating income increased by 436% from Z$3 666 million in
2002 to Z$19 660 million as at 30 June 2003.  This increase was a result of a
375% growth in net interest income and a 538% increase in non-interest income.

Profit Attributable to Ordinary Shareholders

The historical attributable profit increased by 587% from Z$1 344 million in
2002 to Z$9 239 million as at 30 June 2003.

Historical Balance Sheet

The asset base as at 30 June 2003 increased by 187% to Z$137 373 million form
Z$47 828 million as at 30 June 2002.  The increase is mainly due to balances
with banks and cash and financial assets held for trading.

(Loss)/Profit After Taxation

The inflation adjusted loss after taxation of Z$165 million is reflective of the
hyperinflationary conditions in the country and a low return on investment
assets. The high levels of monetary assets as at 30 June 2003 of Z$129.3 billion
(30 June 2002 - Z$214.6 billion) contributed to the loss on net monetary
position of Z$9 731 million.  The net operating income of Z$15 290 million after
operating expenditure and bad and doubtful debts expense  was partly eroded by
the large loss on net monetary position of  Z$9 731 million.

Net Interest Income

Net interest income of Z$11 248 million contributed 45.3% (2002 - 59.4%) to net
operating income as the Group continues to shift earnings to non-interest

Non-Interest Income

Non-interest income increased by 80.5% to Z$13 559 million and contributed 52.5%
(2002 - 40.6%) of net operating income. The increase is in line with the Group's
strategy of focusing on fees and other non-lending income.

The stockbroking subsidiary, Continental Securities Trading (Private) Limited,
contributed negatively to net income as it continues to recover from loss of
business resulting from its suspension.  The subsidiary contributed a loss of
Z$464 million to the net loss after tax.

Operating Expenses

Operating expenditure increased by 58.5% over the same period last year.  The
cost to income ratio increased to 31.1% (2002 - 26.4%) reflecting the expanding
commercial banking services.

Charge for doubtful debts

The charge for the six month period increased by 520.8% to Z$1 794 million (2002
- Z$289 million).  This is reflective of the harsh economic environment. The
Board continues to adopt a conservative approach on provisions in view of the
unstable macro-economic environment.


An interim dividend of 433 cents per share has been declared.  This represents a
dividend cover of 5 times on historical profit attributable to ordinary


The inflation adjusted asset base at 30 June 2003 fell by 35.1% to Z$146 021
million from Z$224 916 million at 30 June 2002.   The decrease is mainly due to
financial assets held for trading, which decreased from Z$80 179 million to Z$58
864 million, customers indebtedness for acceptances which decreased from Z$37
783 million to Z$14 248 million and advances and other accounts which decreased
from Z$76 197 million to Z$16 123 million.


The banking subsidiary's capital adequacy ratio as at 30 June 2003 calculated on
the historical cost basis in accordance with the guidelines of the RBZ was
22.13% (30 June 2002 - 17.89%, 31 December 2002 - 14.14%). This compares
favourably with the Reserve Bank's requirement for a minimum ratio of 10%.


Own equity instruments previously reflected in the financial statements were
sold to offshore investors unrelated to the Group in the period under review.
Further information is set forth at note 11.3.


Trading in the company's shares was suspended from 7 July 2003 to 9 July 2003.
The suspension was lifted after the ZSE was provided with certain assurances
regarding the transaction referred to above and possible breaches of the ZSE's
listing requirements.



The second half of 2003 is expected to remain difficult for the country.
Continued isolation of the country from the international community remains a
cause for concern.  Turbulence in the operating environment, monetary and fiscal
policy implementation delays, runaway inflation and an unsustainable foreign
exchange rate policy are factors that will continue to dog the economy.

In order to resuscitate the economy and encourage growth, the following factors
are an imperative:

*  Implementation of consistent monetary and fiscal policies to arrest the 
   galloping inflation.

*  Implementation of a flexible and responsive exchange rate policy that takes 
   into account market conditions.

*  Timely adoption and implementation of economic measures agreed to by the 
   Tripartite Negotiating Forum.

*  Restoration of relationships with the international community.


The Group will continue to put in place strategies to take full advantage of the
opportunities prevailing in the market.  The growth of non-funded income will
continue to be a strategic imperative in the second half of the year.  The
second half will witness the opening of our Gweru and Southerton branches and an
agency office in the Borrowdale Brooke area.


I would like to thank our clients for their valuable support.  I would also like
to thank the Board, staff and management for their hard work in achieving these
results and for continuing to pursue excellence in the delivery of services to
our clients.


2 September 2003

for the six months ended 30 June 2003

Income Statements

                                         INFLATION ADJUSTED                                   HISTORICAL
                                                  Unaudited        Audited                      Restated
                                   Unaudited       Restated       Restated      Unaudited      Unaudited        Audited
                                    6 months       6 months           Year       6 months       6 months           Year
                                       Ended          ended          ended          ended          ended          ended
                                     30 June        30 June         31 Dec        30 June        30 June         31 Dec
                                        2003           2002           2002           2003           2002           2002
                         Note     Z$ million     Z$ million     Z$ million     Z$ million     Z$ million     Z$ million

Interest from lending                 12 550         10 075         32 630          9 995          2 002          9 911
Income from investing                 11 788         10 039         42 680          9 638          2 035         16 711
                              -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- --------------
                                      24 338         20 114         75 310         19 633          4 037         26 622
Interest expense                    (13 090)        (9 134)       (27 047)        (8 764)        (1 749)        (8 154)
                              -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- --------------
Net interest income                   11 248         10 980         48 263         10 869          2 288         18 468
Other income            5             13 559          7 512         14 801          8 791          1 378          2 709
                              -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- --------------
Net operating income                  24 807         18 492         63 064         19 660          3 666         21 177
Operating expenditure   6            (7 723)        (4 874)       (17 823)        (4 605)          (900)        (4 175)
Bad and doubtful debt                (1 794)          (289)        (2 554)        (1 794)           (62)        (1 168)
Loss on net monetary                 (9 731)        (6 976)       (12 907)              -              -              -
                              -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- --------------
Profit before taxation                 5 559          6 353         29 780         13 261          2 704         15 834
Taxation                7            (6 310)        (6 678)       (18 282)        (4 407)        (1 299)        (6 365)
                              -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- --------------
(Loss)/Profit after                    (751)          (325)         11 498          8 854          1 405          9 469
Minority interests                       586          (272)            278            385           (61)             87
                              -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- --------------
attributable to
Shareholders                           (165)          (597)         11 776          9 239          1 344          9 556
                              ============== ============== ============== ============== ============== ==============

(Loss)/Earnings per
share (cents)
- Basic                 8             (42.3)        (164.2)        3 239.4        2 370.5          369.7        2 628.7
- Headline              8             (42.3)        (165.3)        3 223.7        2 370.5          369.4        2 624.6
- Diluted               8             (42.1)        (163.9)        3 233.5        2 359.5          369.1        2 624.0
- Diluted headline      8             (42.1)        (165.0)        3 217.9        2 359.5          368.8        2 619.8

Dividend per share                     433.0          343.2        1 572.4          433.0           73.8          634.0
Weighed average

Number of issued shares                  390            364            364            390            364            364

June 2002 earnings per share amounts have been restated to account for own
equity instruments, as stated in note 11.3.

As at 30 June 2003

Balance Sheets
                                          INFLATION ADJUSTED                                   HISTORICAL
                                                   Unaudited        Audited                      Restated
                                    Unaudited       Restated       Restated      Unaudited      Unaudited        Audited
                                   At 30 June     at 30 June      at 31 Dec     at 30 June    at 30 June       at 31 Dec
                                         2003           2002           2002           2003           2002           2002
                                   Z$ million     Z$ million     Z$ million     Z$ million     Z$ million     Z$ million

Shareholders' Funds

Share capital                           5 831          5 783          5 815            107             91             91
Capital reserves                       12 745         11 557         12 165            631             51             51
Revenue reserves                        7 167       (10 253)          7 652         18 006            870          8 778
                               -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- --------------
Total shareholders' funds              25 743          7 087         25 632         18 744          1 012          8 920

Minority Interest                     (1 160)            880            192          (446)            101           (59)

                               -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- --------------
                                       24 583          7 967         25 824         18 298          1 113          8 861


Deferred taxation                       4 692            116          5 968          2 329             25          1 487
Deposits and other accounts            27 477         88 733         80 696         27 477         19 097         36 901
Provision for current taxation          4 971          7 081          9 924          4 971          1 548          4 538
Financial liabilities held for         70 050         83 236         41 860         70 050         17 914         19 142
Acceptances                            14 248         37 783         30 397         14 248          8 131         13 900
                               -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- --------------
                                      146 021        224 916        194 669        137 373         47 828         84 829
                               ============== ============== ============== ============== ============== ==============

Balances with banks and cash           40 059         20 410         41 635         40 059          4 393         19 039
Financial assets held for              58 864         80 179         35 973         58 864         17 256         16 450
Advances and other accounts            16 123         76 197         63 016         16 123         16 380         28 816
Trade investment                          395            399            385              3              3              3
Quoted and other investments              279            103          4 476            279             22          2 047
Property, plant & equipment            16 053          9 845         18 787          7 797          1 643          4 574
Deferred taxation                           -              -              -              -              -              -
Customers' indebtedness for
acceptances                            14 248         37 783         30 397         14 248          8 131         13 900
                               -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- --------------
                                      146 021        224 916        194 669        137 373         47 828         84 829
                               ============== ============== ============== ============== ============== ==============

UNAUDITED GROUP RESULTS                                              

for the six months ended 30 June 2003                                

                                    Capital Reserves 
                  Restated     Restated      Restated        Restated       Restated        Revenue            Total
                   Share          Share     Statutory         Capital          Other       Reserves       Z$ million
                   Capital      Premium    Reserve Z$      Redemption     Z$ million       Restated                 
                Z$ million   Z$ million       million         Reserve                   Accumulated                 
                                                           Z$ million                        Profit                  
                                                                                         Z$ million                 
Balances at 1        
January 2002         5 843        9 928         1 642           1 122             17          4 295           22 847    
Own Equity            
Instruments           (85)      (1 621)             -               -              -       (17 075)         (18 781)    
Loss on net             
monetary position 
- own equity                                                                                                          
instruments             25          469             -               -              -          4 939            5 433    
              ------------  -----------  ------------   -------------   ------------   ------------    -------------
As restated          5 783        8 776         1 642           1 122             17        (7 841)            9 499
at 1 January                                                                                                            

Shares issued in         
May 2002                 -            -             -               -              -              -                -    
Net loss/profit          
for the period           -            -             -               -              -          (597)            (597)    
Dividends                -            -             -               -              -        (1 815)          (1 815)
             -------------  -----------  ------------   -------------   ------------   ------------   --------------
at 1 July 2002       5 783        8 776         1 642           1 122             17       (10 253)            7 087    
Net profit               
for the period           -            -             -               -              -         12 373           12 373    
Dividends                -            -             -               -              -          (898)            (898)

Loss on net             
monetary position 
- own equity                                                                                                          
instruments             32          608             -               -              -          6 430            7 070    
              ------------  -----------  ------------   -------------    -----------   ------------    -------------
Balances at 31       
December 2002        5 815        9 384         1 642           1 122             17          7 652           25 632    
Net loss for the         
period                   -            -             -               -              -          (165)            (165)    
Share issue -            
options                  3          332             -               -              -              -              335    
Proceeds on own         
equity instruments      22          417             -               -              -          2 254            2 693    
Loss on net            
monetary position                                                                                                       
on proceeds on own                                                                                                      
equity instruments     (9)        (169)             -               -              -          (235)            (413)    
Dividends                -            -             -               -              -        (2 339)          (2 339)
              ------------  -----------   -----------   -------------   ------------   ------------    -------------
Balances at          
30 June 2003         5 831        9 964         1 642           1 122             17          7 167           25 743    
             -------------  -----------   -----------   -------------   ------------   ------------     ------------

for the six months ended 30 June 2003 
                                               Capital Reserves                               Revenue               
                       Share           Share      Statutory    Redemption                 Accumulated               
                     Capital         Premium        Reserve       Reserve        Other         Profit          Total 
                  Z$ million     ZZ$ million     Z$ million   ZZ$ million   Z$ million    ZZ$ million     Z$ million

Balances at 1            
January 2002,                                                                                                       
as previously                                                                                                       
stated                   104             248             23            27            1          2 467          2 870    
Own equity              
instruments - cost      (13)           (248)              -             -            -        (2 612)        (2 873)    
                  ----------      ----------      ---------    ----------      -------     ----------     ----------
As restated               
at 1 January 2002         91               -             23            27            1          (145)            (3)    
Net profit for 6           
months ended 
30 June 2002               -               -              -             -            -          1 344          1 344    
Dividends                  -               -              -             -            -          (329)          (329)
                 -----------      ----------     ----------    ----------   ----------     ----------     ----------
Balances at               
30 June 2002              91               -             23            27            1            870          1 012    
Net profit for the         
six months ended                                                                                                        
31 December 2002           -               -              -             -            -          8 212          8 212    
Dividends                  -               -              -             -            -          (304)          (304)
                  ----------     -----------   ------------    ----------      -------    -----------   ------------
Balances at               
31 December 2002          91               -             23            27            1          8 778          8 920    
Net profit for the         
six months ended period    -               -              -             -            -          9 239          9 239    
Dividends                  -               -              -             -            -        (2 030)        (2 030)

Own equity                
instruments -                                                                                                       
proceeds                  13             248              -             -            -          2 019          2 280    
Share issue -              
options                    3             332              -             -            -              -            335    
                  ----------     -----------   ------------    ----------      -------   ------------   ------------
Balances at              
30 June 2003             107             580             23            27            1         18 006         18 744    
                  ==========     ===========   ============    ==========      =======   ============   ============


for the six months ended 30 June 2003 
Cashflow Statements 
                                            INFLATION ADJUSTED                                 HISTORICAL 
                          Unaudited       Unaudited         Audited       Unaudited        Unaudited         Audited
                           6 months        Restated        Restated        6 months   6 months ended            Year
                              ended        6 months            Year           ended     30 June 2002           ended
                            30 June           ended           ended          30 Jun       Z$ million          31 Dec
                               2003         30 June          31 Dec            2003                             2002
                         Z$ million            2002            2002      Z$ million                       Z$ million
                   Note                  Z$ million      Z$ million                                                 

Profit before                                                                                                       
taxation and loss                                                                                                   
on net                                                                                                              
monetary position     9      15 290          13 329          42 687          13 261            2 704          15 834

Non-cash items                                                                                                      

Profit on disposal                
of property, plant                                                                                                  
& Equipment                       -             (5)            (81)               -              (1)            (21)    
Depreciation                    618             449           3 825             367               91             291

Charge for bad and            
doubtful debts                2 828             289           2 554           2 828               62           1 168    
Monetary loss               (9 731)         (6 976)        (12 907)               -                -               -

IAS 39 Fair value               
adjustment                      623               -               -             623                -               -    
                        -----------     -----------     -----------     -----------      -----------     -----------
Operating cash                
flows before                                                                                                        
changes in                                                                                                          
operating assets                                                                                                    
and liabilities               9 628           7 086          36 078          17 079            2 856          17 272    
Changes in                                                                                                          
operating assets                                                                                                    
and liabilities:                                                                                                    

liabilities held                                                                                                    
for trading                  18 373          52 425          10 949          49 448           21 258          14 423    
Deposits and other         
accounts                   (51 578)           1 046           7 023         (9 424)            5 683          23 487    
Advances and other           
accounts                     45 828         (5 520)           5 129           9 865          (5 568)        (19 172)    
Financial assets           
held for trading           (37 265)        (13 866)         (1 113)        (45 775)         (11 507)         (1 156)    
                     -------------   -------------   -------------   -------------    -------------   -------------
                           (15 014)          41 171          58 066          21 193           12 722          34 854

Corporate tax paid         (10 379)         (7 442)         (9 960)         (3 132)            (241)         (1 555)    
                      -------------   -------------   -------------   -------------    -------------   -------------
Net cash                   
from operating                                                                                                      
activities                 (25 393)          33 729          48 106          18 061           11 781          33 299    
Cash Flows From                                                                                                     

Proceeds on                       
disposal of                                                                                                         
property, plant                                                                                                     
and equipment                     -           3 482             543               -                1              89    
Purchase of                 
property, plant                                                                                                     
and equipment               (3 160)         (1 548)        (12 238)         (3 592)            (667)         (3 866)    
Purchase of quoted              
and other quoted                                                                                                    
and Investment                  (7)               -               -               -                -               -    
Proceeds from                 
disposal of quoted                                                                                                  
and other                                                                                                           
investments                   4 197           9 435         (1 012)           1 768              801         (1 223)    
                      -------------   -------------   -------------   -------------    -------------   -------------
Net cash outflow              
from investing                                                                                                      
activities                    1 030          11 369          12 707         (1 824)              135         (5 000)    
                      -------------   -------------    -------------   -------------   -------------   -------------
Net cash                   
activities                 (24 363)          45 098           35 399          16 237          11 916          28 299    
                      -------------   -------------    -------------   -------------   -------------   -------------
Cash Flows From                                                                                                     

Proceeds from                   
issue of shares                 335               -                -             335               -               -    
Dividends paid              (2 339)         (1 815)          (2 713)         (2 030)           (329)           (672)

Proceeds from own             
equity instruments            2 693               -                -           2 280               -               -    
                      -------------   -------------   --------------   -------------   -------------   -------------
                                689          (1 815          (2 713)             585           (329)           (672)
                      -------------   -------------   --------------   -------------   -------------   -------------
in cash and cash                                                                                                    
equivalents                (23 674)          43 283           32 686          16 822          11 587          27 627    
Cash and cash                
equivalents at                                                                                                      
beginning of period          74 527          36 637           41 841          34 031           5 600           6 404    
                      -------------   -------------    -------------   -------------   -------------   -------------
Cash and cash                
at the end of                                                                                                       
period 10                    50 853          79 920           74 527          50 853          17 187          34 031    
                     ==============   =============    =============   =============   =============   =============



1.  Accounting Policies

The interim statements have been prepared on the basis of the accounting
policies set out in the financial statements for the year ended 31 December

2.  Accounting Convention

Unless otherwise disclosed, these financial statements are prepared in
conformity with International Financial Reporting Standards promulgated by the
International Accounting Standards Board (IASB). International Financial
Reporting Standards (IFRS's) include standards and interpretations approved by
the IASB as well as International Accounting Standards (IAS's) and SIC
interpretations issued under previous constitutions.

3.  Currency

These interim statements are expressed in Zimbabwe dollars.

4.  Basis of preparation

The financial statements have been prepared on the historical cost basis and
restated in accordance with IAS 29, which requires that the results be stated in
terms of the measuring unit current at the balance sheet date.  The index used
was based on the closing index value for 30 June 2003.  The comparative figures
for the six months ended 30 June 2002 and the financial year ended 31 December
2002 have been restated based on the value current at 30 June 2003.  The income
statement for the six month period was derived from monthly index values
relative to 30 June 2003.  The comparative income statements have been restated
on average index values for the respective periods relative to 30 June 2003.

The interim report was approved by the Board on 2 September 2003.


The indices used were compiled by the Central Statistical Office of Zimbabwe and
are based on the Consumer Price Index which is the most widely accepted measure
of the inflation rate available.

The indices and conversion factors were as follows:

Date                         Indices               Conversion factors

30 June 2003                 7 631.4               1.00
31 December 2002             3 489.7               2.19
30 June 2002                 1 642.4               4.65

IAS 29 discourages the publication of historical results as a supplement to
inflation adjusted accounts.  The Zimbabwe Accounting Practices Board and the
Zimbabwe Stock Exchange have permitted companies in Zimbabwe to publish
historical results in conjunction with inflation adjusted results.

5.  Other income

                                     INFLATION ADJUSTED                           HISTORICAL
                                           Unaudited       Audited                  Restated
                              Unaudited     Restated      Restated    Unaudited    Unaudited       Audited
                               6 months     6 months          Year     6 months     6 months          Year
                                  ended        ended         ended        ended        ended         ended
                                30 June      30 June        31 Dec      30 June      30 June        31 Dec
                                   2003         2002          2002         2003         2002          2002
                             Z$ million   Z$ million    Z$ million   Z$ million   Z$ million    Z$ million

Net commission and fee            1 082          711         1 986          659          137           561

Income                            1 432          711         2 103          872          137           594
Expense                           (350)            -         (117)        (213)            -          (33)

Gains less losses from              756        (531)         (400)          460          (7)            68
quoted and other investments
  - as previously reported          756          747         (400)          460          268            68
  - Effects of own equity             -      (1 278)             -            -        (275)             -
Broking income                       69        1 183         1 172           55          237           283
Profit on disposal of                 -            5            81            -            1            21
Net dealing income                6 381        3 022         9 108        4 326          559         1 016
Other operating income            5 271        3 122         2 854        3 291          451           760
                            -----------  -----------  ------------  -----------  -----------  ------------
                                 13 559        7 512        14 801        8 791        1 378         2 709
                            ===========  ===========  ============  ===========  ===========  ============

6.  Operating expenditure

The operating profit is after charging the following:

Administration costs                   2 908         2 086         4 358          1 746            416          1 475
Depreciation                             618           449         3 825            367             91            291
Staff costs                            4 197         2 339         9 640          2 492            393          2 409
                               ------------- ------------- -------------  -------------  -------------  -------------
                                       7 723         4 874        17 823          4 605            900          4 175
                               ============= ============= =============  =============  =============  =============

7.  Taxation Charge

Zimbabwe income tax                    2 978         3 311         8 031           2 978           712           3 667
Aids levy                                 90           200           193              90            43              88
Deferred tax charge                    2 568         2 515         8 503             665           403           1 899
Financial institutions levy              674           652         1 555             674           141             711
                               ------------- ------------- -------------  -------------- -------------  --------------
                                       6 310         6 678        18 282           4 407         1 299           6 365
                               ============= ============= =============  ============== =============  ==============

8.  Loss)/earnings per share

8.1 Basic (loss)/earnings per share - Inflation adjusted

The calculation of inflation adjusted basic loss per share for the six months
ended 30 June 2003 of 42.3 cents (2002 - (164.2 cents)) is based on the loss
after taxation attributable to ordinary shareholders of (Z$165 million (2002-
(Z$597 million)) and the weighted average shares in issue of 389 757 429 (2002-
363 523 767).  The calculation of basic earnings per share for the year ended 31
December 2002 of 3 239.4 cents is based on the profit after tax attributable to
ordinary shareholders of Z$11 776 million and on 363 523 767 weighted average
shares in issue.

Basic earnings per share - Historical

The calculation of historical basic earnings per share for the six months ended
30 June 2003 of 2 370.5 cents (2002 - 369.7 cents) is based on profit after 
taxation attributable to ordinary shareholders of Z$9 239 million (2002-Z$1 344
million) and the weighted average shares in issue of 389 757 429 (2002 - 363 523
767).  The calculation of basic earnings per share for the year ended 31
December 2002 of 2 628.7 cents is based on the profit after tax attributable to
ordinary shareholders of Z$9 556 million and on 363 523 767 weighted average
shares in issue.

8.2 Headline earnings per share - Inflation adjusted

The calculation of inflation adjusted headline loss per share for the six months
ended 30 June 2002 of 42.3 cents (2002 - (165.3 cents)) is based on adjusted
loss after taxation attributable to ordinary shareholders of Z$165 million (2002
- (Z$601 million)) and the weighted average shares in issue of 389 757 429 (2002
- 363 523 767).  The calculation of headline earnings per share for the year
ended 31 December 2002 of 3 223.7 cents is based on the adjusted profit after
tax attributable to ordinary shareholders of Z$11 719 million and on 363 523 767
weighted average shares in issue.

Headline earnings per share - Historical

The calculation of historical headline earnings per share for the six months
ended 30 June 2003 of 2 370.5 cents (2002 - 369.4 cents) is based on adjusted
profit after taxation attributable to ordinary shareholders of Z$9 239 million
(2002 - Z$1 343 million) and the weighted average shares in issue of 389 757 429
(2002 - 363 523 767).  The calculation of headline earnings per share for the
year ended 31 December 2002 of 2 624.6 cents is based on the adjusted profit
after tax attributable to ordinary shareholders of Z$9 541 million and on 363
523 767 weighted average shares in issue.  The adjustments were as follows:-

                                      INFLATION ADJUSTED                            HISTORICAL
                                               Unaudited     Audited                  Restated          
                                  Unaudited     Restated    Restated    Unaudited    Unaudited      Audited
                                   6 months     6 months        Year     6 months     6 months         Year
                                      ended        ended       ended        ended        ended        ended
                                    30 June      30 June      31 Dec      30 June      30 June       31 Dec
                                       2003         2002        2002         2003         2002         2002
                                 Z$ million   Z$ million  Z$ million   Z$ million   Z$ million   Z$ million

(Loss)/Profit attributable to         (165)        (597)      11 776        9 239        1 344        9 556

Deduct non-recurring items:
Profit on disposal of:

         Equipment                        -          (5)        (81)            -          (1)         (21)
         Tax effect                       -            1          24            -            -            6
                                 ----------   ----------   ---------   ----------   ----------     --------
                                      (165)        (601)      11 719        9 239        1 343        9 541
                                 ==========   ==========   =========   ==========   ==========     ========
Weighted average number of              390          364         364          390          364          364
  shares (millions)
                                 ==========   ==========   =========   ==========   ==========     ========

The headline earnings are calculated in accordance with the Statement of
Investment Practice No.1 issued by the Institute of Investment Management and
Research to assist users of accounts to identify earnings derived from trading

8.3 Diluted (loss)/earnings per share - Inflation adjusted

The inflation adjusted diluted loss per share for the six months ended 30 June
2003 is 42.1 cents (2002 - (163.9) cents).  The calculation is based on loss
after taxation attributable to ordinary shareholders of Z$165 million (2002 -
(Z$597 million)) and on shares of 391 559 714 (2002 - 364 183 767).  The
calculation of diluted earnings per share for the year ended 31 December 2002 of
3 233.5 cents is based on profit after taxation attributable to ordinary
shareholders of Z$11 776 million and on diluted shares of 364 183 767.

Diluted earnings per share - Historical

The historical diluted earnings per share for the six months ended 30 June 2003
is 2 359.5 cents (2002 - 369.1cents).  The calculation is based on profit after
taxation attributable to ordinary shareholders of Z$9 239 million (2002 - Z$1
344 million) and on shares of 391 559 714 (2002 - 364 183 767).  The calculation
of diluted earnings per share for the year ended 31 December 2002 of 2 624.0
cents is based on profit after taxation attributable to ordinary shareholders of
Z$9 556 million and on diluted shares of 364 183 767.

8.4  Diluted headline (loss)/earnings per share - Inflation adjusted

The inflation adjusted diluted headline loss per share for the six months ended
30 June 2003 is 42.1 cents (2002 -(165.0) cents).  The calculation is based on
adjusted loss after taxation of   Z$165 million (2002 - (Z$601 million)) and on
shares of 391 559 714 (2002- 364 183 767).   The calculation of diluted headline
earnings per share for the year ended 31 December 2002 of 3 217.9 cents is based
on adjusted profit after taxation of Z$11 719 million and on diluted shares of
364 183 767.

Diluted headline earnings per share - Historical

The historical diluted headline earnings per share for the six months ended 30
June 2003 is 2 359.5 cents (2002 - 368.8 cents).  The calculation is based on
adjusted profit after taxation of Z$9 239 million (2002 - Z$1 343 million) and
on shares of 391 559 714 (2002 - 364 183 767).  The calculation of diluted
headline earnings per share for the year ended 31 December 2002 of 2 619.8 cents
is based on adjusted profit after taxation of Z$9 541 million and on diluted
shares of 364 183 767.

9.  Profit before taxation and net loss on net  monetary position
                                          INFLATION ADJUSTED                       HISTORICAL 
                                                  Unaudited       Audited                                        
                                    Unaudited      Restated      Restated     Unaudited    Unaudited      Audited
                                     6 months      6 months          Year      6 months     6 months         Year
                                        ended         ended         ended         ended        ended        ended
                                      30 June       30 June        31 Dec       30 June      30 June       31 Dec
                                         2003          2002          2002          2003         2002         2002
                                   Z$ million    Z$ million    Z$ million    Z$ million   Z$ million   Z$ million

Net operating income                   24 807        18 492        63 064        19 660        3 666       21 177
Operating expenditure                 (7 723)       (4 874)      (17 823)       (4 605)        (900)      (4 175)
Bad and doubtful debts expense        (1 794)         (289)       (2 554)       (1 794)         (62)      (1 168)
                                  -----------   -----------   -----------   -----------   ----------   ----------
                                       15 290        13 329        42 687        13 261        2 704       15 834
                                  ===========   ===========   ===========   ===========   ==========   ==========

10. Cash and Cash Equivalents
                                          INFLATION ADJUSTED                                 HISTORICAL 
                                        Unaudited          Audited                                                  
                       Unaudited         Restated         Restated        Unaudited       Unaudited          Audited
                        6 months         6 months             Year         6 months        6 months             Year
                           ended            ended            ended            ended           ended            ended
                         30 June          30 June           31 Dec          30 June         30 June           31 Dec
                            2003             2002             2002             2003            2002             2002
                      Z$ million       Z$ million       Z$ million       Z$ million      Z$ million       Z$ million

Balances with banks       40 059           20 410           41 635           40 059           4 393           19 039
and cash Government                                                                                                     
and public sector                                                                                                       
securities                 6 186           54 796           15 358            6 186          11 784            7 023
Bills                      4 608            4 714           17 534            4 608           1 010            7 969
                 ---------------   --------------   --------------   --------------   -------------   --------------
                          50 853           79 920           74 527           50 853          17 187           34 031
                 ===============   ==============   ==============   ==============   =============   ==============

11.3   Own Equity Instruments

11.3.1   Own equity instruments amounting to 52 467 333
shares (the "Shares") at a cost of Z$2 873 million were sold initially
off-market to offshore investors unrelated to the Group in the period under
review for US$2.714 million (Z$2 280 million at the official exchange rate).

11.3.2   The Shares had been accumulated in the year to 31
December 2001 by the company not for cancellation, but to consummate a strategic
acquisition which was expected to enhance significantly shareholder value.  As a
result of the deferral of the negotiations at 31 December 2001, the company
swapped its debt to the Bank with the strategic scrip. The Shares were reflected
in the Group financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2001 at market
value under "Quoted and other investments".

11.3.3   Negotiations for the strategic acquisition were terminated in the
course of 2002. The financial statements at 31 December 2002 therefore reflect
the re-evaluation of the holding of the Shares.   In terms of International
Accounting Standard (IAS) 32, Financial Instruments: Disclosure and
Presentation, reacquired own equity instruments are measured at cost and are
presented in the balance sheet as a deduction from equity.

11.3.4   The financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2001 were
restated to account for own equity instruments as a deduction from equity in
order to account for the asset more conservatively.  This approach is reflected
in the restated comparative figures for 2001 in the financial statements for the
year ended 31 December 2002.  The income statement figures were not adjusted
because the marking to market adjustment was not material (see note 11.3.5).

11.3.5   At the Annual General Meeting (AGM) for the year ended 31
December 2001, the company distributed annual reports and financial statements
which had not been signed.  The auditors signed together with the directors a
different set of financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2001 after
this meeting as the statutory financial statements to reflect the treatment set
out in 11.3.3 above.  The differences between the approved financial statements
and the signed financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2001 are set
out below.

                                                       Published                 Signed
                                                   Annual Report          Annual Report
                                                      Historical             Historical      Difference
                                                      Z$ million             Z$ million      Z$ million

Shareholder's funds
Share capital                                                104                     91              13
Capital reserves                                             299                     51             248
Revenue reserves                                           2 467                  (145)           2 612
                                                       ---------              ---------       ---------

Total shareholder's funds                                  2 870                    (3)           2 873

Minority interest and liabilities                         27 873                 27 873               -
                                                       ---------             ----------       ---------
                                                          30 743                 27 870           2 873
                                                       =========             ==========       =========
Quoted and other investments                               3 696                    823           2 873
Other assets                                              27 047                 27 047               -
                                                      ----------             ----------      ----------
                                                          30 743                 27 870           2 873
                                                      ==========             ==========      ==========


The marking to market loss on the own equity instruments was Z$24 million (Z$17
million after tax) and hence was deemed immaterial to adjust the 31 December
2001 income statement. The comparative figures for June 2002 have been restated.

11.3.6      As mentioned above, the Shares were disposed of in the period under
review. No Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) was deemed necessary by the
directors to approve this sale. This transaction has been accounted for in terms
of IAS 32. No gain or loss is recognised in the income statement on the sale,
issuance or cancellation of these shares.  Consideration received is presented
in the financial statements as a change in equity.  Accordingly, the loss on
disposal of the own equity instruments has been charged to revenue reserves in
the statement of changes in equity. The income statement however reflects the
revaluation of the underlying asset received.

12. Capital commitments

Capital commitments amounting to Z$2 513 million (31 December 2002 - Z$5 470
million) will be financed from the Group's own resources.

13. Contingent liabilities

Contingent liabilities as at 30 June 2003 amounted to Z$842 million (31 December
2002 - Z$750 million).  The increase is mainly a result of an increase in
confirmed letters of credit amounting to Z$358 million (31 December 2002 - Z$85

14. Related Parties

Loans to directors and officers or their companies amounting to Z$3 162 million
are included in advances and other accounts.

Loans to officers (including executive directors) amounting to Z$1 317 million
were granted at preferential rates of up to 16% as part of their overall
remuneration agreements.  Loans to no-executive directors, Group Companies and
officers' companies are on normal commercial terms.

Dividend Announcement

The Board has declared an interim dividend for the period ending 30 June 2003 of
433 cents per share payable to members recorded in the share register of the
Company on Friday, 19 September 2003.

The transfer books and register of members will be closed from end of business
day on Friday, 19 September 2003 to end of business day on Friday, 26 September

Dividend cheques to resident shareholders will be mailed on or about Tuesday, 30
September 2003.

Dividends payable to non-resident shareholders will be paid subject to Exchange
Control Regulations and approval.  Resident and non-resident shareholder's tax
of 15% will be deducted where applicable.

By order of the Board

M B Narotam

2 September 2003


M B Narotam
Email: muneshn@nmbz.co.zw

Registered Offices
1st Floor                                  NMB Centre
Unity Court                                George Silundika Avenue/
Cnr 1st Street/Kwame Nkrumah Avenue        Leopold Takawira Street
Harare                                     Bulawayo
Zimbabwe                                   Zimbabwe

Telephone    +263 4 759651                 +263 9 70169
Facsimile    +263 4 759648                 +263 9 68535

Website:     http://www.nmbz.co.zw

Email:       enquiries@nmbz.co.zw


KPMG Chartered Accountants (Zimbabwe)
Mutual Gardens
100 The Chase (West)
Emerald Hill

Transfer Secretaries

In Zimbabwe                                In UK
First Transfer Secretaries                 Computershare Services PLC
4th Floor, Gold Bridge North               36 St Andrew Square
Eastgate Building                          Edinburgh
Cnr. Robert Mugabe/Second Street           EH2 2YB
P O Box 11                                 UK

Legal Practitioners to the Company

In Zimbabwe                                In UK
Kantor and Immerman                        Dechert
MacDonald House                            2 Serjeants' Inn
10 Selous Avenue                           London EC4Y 1LT
Harare                                     UK

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange