RNS Number:3013I
Orange S.A.
05 March 2003

Consolidated financial statements


As at and for the years ended 31 December 2002, 2001 and 2000


This English language translation of the consolidated financial statements
prepared in French has been prepared solely for the convenience of English
speaking readers. Despite all the efforts devoted to this translation, certain
errors, omissions or approximations may subsist. Orange, its representatives and
employees decline all responsibility in this regard.



Consolidated income statements                                                3
Consolidated balance sheets                                                   4
Consolidated statements of changes in shareholders equity                     5
Consolidated cash flow statements                                             6
Notes to the consolidated financial statements
Note 1 - Description of business                                              7
Note 2 - Accounting policies                                                  7
Note 3 - Segment reporting                                                   13
Note 4 - Personnel costs                                                     14
Note 5 - Other non-operating expenses, net                                   14
Note 6 - Income taxes                                                        15
Note 7 - Exceptional items, net of tax                                       16
Note 8 - Intangible assets                                                   16
Note 9 - Property, plant and equipment                                       19
Note 10 - Investments accounted for under the equity method                  19
Note 11 - Non-consolidated investments                                       21
Note 12 - Borrowings net of available cash                                   22
Note 13 - UMTS vendor financing                                              24
Note 14 - Financial instruments                                              25
Note 15 - Other long-term liabilities                                        26
Note 16 - Minority interests                                                 26
Note 17 - Shareholders' equity                                               26
Note 18 - Share based compensation                                           27
Note 19 - Provisions                                                         30
Note 20 - Trade and other receivables                                        31
Note 21 - Comments on the consolidated cash flow statements                  32
Note 22 - Commitments and contingencies                                      32
Note 23 - Contractual obligations and other commitments                      39
Note 24 - Related party transactions                                         39
Note 25 - Post balance sheet events                                          39
Note 26 - Consolidation scope                                                40
Note 27 - Compensation of the executive officers and directors 
          of the Company                                                     45

                                                Note             Year                   Year            Year
In millions of euro (except data per share)
                                                                Ended                  Ended           Ended
                                                             31 December            31 December     31 December
                                                         2002              2001          2000           2000
                                                                                     Pro forma
Turnover                                         3     17,085            15,087          12,059          -

Cost of sales                                          (6,200)           (5,815)         (5,358)         -
Selling, general and administrative expenses           (5,715)           (5,942)         (4,902)         -
Research and development expenses                         (24)              (42)            (34)         -
Operating income before depreciation                    5,146             3,288           1,765          -
and amortisation

Depreciation and amortisation (excluding        8,9    (2,364)           (1,848)         (1,382)         -
Operating income                                        2,782             1,440             383          -

Interest income (expenses), net                          (419)             (420)           (389)         4
Foreign exchange losses                                   (44)              (18)             (3)         -
Other non-operating expenses, net                5        (24)              (12)              -          -
Equity in net loss of affiliates (excluding      10      (385)             (604)           (400)         -
goodwill amortisation)

Income/(loss) before tax, goodwill                      1,910               386            (409)         4
amortisation and minority interests

Income taxes before exceptional items            6       (811)             (684)           (459)         -

Income/(loss) before goodwill amortisation              1,099              (298)           (868)         4
and minority interests

Goodwill amortisation                           8,10     (295)             (556)           (612)         -
Minority interests                               16      (171)              (32)            159          -

INCOME/(LOSS) BEFORE EXCEPTIONAL ITEMS                    633              (886)         (1,321)         4
Exceptional items, net of tax                   6, 7   (5,169)           (3,635)              -          -
NET INCOME / (LOSS)                                    (4,536)           (4,521)         (1,321)         4
Basic and diluted net income/(loss) before               0.13             (0.18)          (0.28)      0.00
exceptional items, net of tax per share

Net income/(loss) per share                             (0.94)            (0.94)          (0.28)      0.00
Diluted net income/(loss) per share                     (0.94)            (0.94)          (0.28)      0.00

As the Group was formed on 29 December 2000, the consolidated income statement
for 2000 does not reflect any activity. Consequently, a comparative pro forma
consolidated income statement is presented for the year ended 31 December 2000.
See Note 2


In millions of euro                                    Note                    As at 31 December                        

ASSETS                                                                     2002             2001            2000

Goodwill, net                                            8                2,527            3,804           3,962
Intangible assets, net (excluding goodwill)              8                8,341            8,903           7,651
Property, plant and equipment, net                       9               10,640            9,768           8,216
Investments accounted for under the equity method       10                1,956            4,897           8,591
Non consolidated investments                            11                  299              344             428
Other long term assets                                  20                  132                6             131
Deferred income taxes                                    6                   65              476             528
Total long-term assets                                                   23,960           28,198          29,507

Inventories                                             19                  204              184             435
Trade accounts receivable, less allowances            19, 20              2,332            2,909           2,602
Deferred income taxes                                    6                  314               92              68
Prepaid expenses and other current assets               20                1,182            1,440           1,128
Marketable securities                                   12                    4                -               -
Cash and cash equivalents                               12                  828              754          11,612
Total current assets                                                      4,864            5,379          15,845

TOTAL ASSETS                                                             28,824           33,577          45,352

Shareholders' equity                                    17               13,709           18,830          22,499

Minority interests                                      16                  411              142             (58)

Long-term debt, less current portion                    12                2,733            3,900           4,363
UMTS vendor financing, less current portion             13                  287              234               -
Other long-term liabilities                            6, 15                472              284             200
Total long-term liabilities                                               3,492            4,418           4,563

Current portion of long-term debt, bank overdrafts
and other short-term borrowings                         12                3,969            3,056           6,312
Current portion of UMTS vendor financing                13                  244                -               -
Trade accounts payable                                                    4,476            4,391           3,867
Accrued expenses and other current liabilities                            1,980            2,279           7,697
Deferred income taxes                                    6                   10               53              75
Deferred income                                                             533              408             397
Total current liabilities                                                11,212           10,187          18,348

TOTAL LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY                               28,824           33,577          45,352


                                                                               Foreign currency
                          Number of shares            Additional                 translation
                               issued        Share      paid-in    Retained       adjustment          Total
In millions of euro                         capital     capital    earnings                       Shareholders'         
(except number of shares)                                                                             equity

Balance at 31 December       4,801,915,818      4,802      60,392    (42,711)                16           22,499
Net loss for the year                    -          -           -     (4,521)                 -           (4,521)
Increase in capital             12,647,072         13          83          -                  -               96
Translation adjustment                   -          -           -          -                176              176
Other changes                            -          -           -        580                  -              580
Balance at 31 December       4,814,562,890      4,815      60,475    (46,652)               192           18,830
Net loss for the year                    -          -           -     (4,536)                 -           (4,536)
Increase in capital                  3,350          -           -          -                  -                -
Translation adjustment                   -          -           -          -               (594)            (594)
Other changes                            -          -           -          9                  -                9
Balance at 31 December       4,814,566,240      4,815      60,475    (51,179)              (402)          13,709

See Note 17.

In millions of euro

                                                               Note        Year Ended 31 December          Year Ended
                                                                                                          31 December
                                                                        2002                      2001         2000

Net loss/(income)                                                      (4,536)                  (4,521)           4
Depreciation and amortisation of property, plant and             8,     2,659                    2,404            -
equipment, intangible assets and goodwill                       9, 10
Exceptional items before tax                                     7      5,236                    3,635            -
Loss/(gain) on disposal of assets                                          19                      (17)           -
Changes in valuation allowances and other provisions, before               (4)                     240            -
exceptional items
Equity in net loss of affiliates (excluding goodwill             10       385                      604            -
Deferred income taxes                                            6        104                       74            -
Minority interests                                               16       171                       32            -
Other elements                                                              1                       (3)           -
Funds generated from operations                                         4,035                    2,448            4
Change in other operating assets and liabilities                            -                      208           15
Securitisation of receivables/sale of receivables                20       582                        -            -
Net cash provided by operating activities                               4,617                    2,656           19

Purchase of property, plant and equipment and intangible        8, 9   (3,538)                  (3,018)           -
assets (excluding UMTS licences and net of movements on fixed
assets creditors (1)
Purchase of UMTS licences                                        8        (35)                    (873)           -
Cash paid for investment securities and acquired business, net                                  
of cash acquired                                                 21      (834)                    (669)       1,822
Proceeds from sale of investments and other assets             11,21         8                     545            -

Net cash used in investing activities                                  (4,399)                  (4,015)      1,822

Increase/(decrease) in long-term borrowings                                106                    (251)          -

Increase /(decrease) in bank overdrafts and short-term                                          
borrowings                                                               (516)                  (3,631)          -
Decrease in other liabilities                                    21          -                  (5,960)          -

Increase in UMTS vendor financing                                13        297                     234           -

Increase in shareholder's contribution and dividends paid to                                       
minority shareholders                                                      (5)                     104       9,771
Net cash (used)/provided by financing activities                         (118)                  (9,504)      9,771

(Decrease)/increase in cash and cash equivalents                           100                 (10,863)     11,612

Impact of changes in exchange rates on cash and cash                                                 
equivalents                                                               (26)                       5           -
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period                 12        754                  11,612           -

Cash and cash equivalents at end of period                       12        828                     754      11,612

 (1)Movements on fixed assets creditors resulted in a cash inflow/(outflow) of
euro (204) million in 2002 (compared to euro 338 million in 2001 and nil in


Cash paid during the year for:
- Interest                                                                (418)                   (428)          -
- Income taxes                                                            (595)                   (832)          -

As the Group was formed on 29 December 2000, the consolidated cash flow
statement for 2000 only reflects activity from that date. See Note 2.



Orange S.A. ("the Company") is listed on Premier Marche of Euronext Paris and
the London Stock Exchange.

The Company, its subsidiaries, jointly controlled entities, associates and
investments (together "the Group") offer a broad range of mobile voice and data
communications services in France, United Kingdom and in selected markets in
continental Europe and in the rest of the world.

Created on 29 December 2000, the Group consists of (i) FTM SA (renamed
OrangeFrance S.A. -"Orange France"- in 2001), formed as a result of the transfer
of FTM (the mobile division of France Telecom until 31 December 1999) to FTM
S.A. on 22 August 2000, with a retroactive legal effect as from 1 January 2000,
(ii) the operations of Orange plc, which are mainly located in the United
Kingdom and which were acquired by France Telecom from Vodafone group in August
2000 and (iii) France Telecom's operations and investments in a number of
European and international subsidiaries, jointly controlled entities, associates
and investments.


The Group's consolidated financial statements are prepared in accordance with
French generally accepted accounting principles under Rule 99-02 of the "Comite
de la Reglementation Comptable" ("CRC").


-          Rule 00-06 of the CRC, applicable as of 1 January 2002, defines
liabilities and prescribes the accounting and measurement for provisions. The
Group had conducted a review of its provisions recorded at 31 December 2001 and,
as anticipated, the first application of Rule 00-06 had no impact on the Group's
consolidated financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2002.

-          Rule 02-10 of the CRC provides new definitions for depreciation and
impairment of long-lived assets. It becomes effective for financial statements
covering periods beginning on or after 1 January 2005 but its adoption can be
anticipated as of 1 January 2002. The Group did not anticipate the adoption of
this new rule for the year ended 31 December 2002.

However, the Group conducted impairment tests in accordance with the
recommendation of the Commission des Operations de Bourse ("COB") dated 27
December 2002. The Group provides information on the methodology and assumptions
used in testing goodwill and other long-lived assets, i.e. tangible and other
intangible assets, for impairment. See below and also refer to Note 8.

-          In accordance with the joint recommendation of the COB and the
Commission Bancaire dated 15 November 2002, and the subsequent statement issued
by the Compagnie Nationale des Commissaires aux Comptes dated 10 January 2003,
addressing off balance sheet transactions and derecognition of assets, the Group
reviewed all its existing transactions at 31 December 2002. This review had no
impact on the Group's net result and net shareholders'equity for the year ended
31 December 2002.

December 2000

As a result of the inception of the Group on 29 December 2000, the following
financial information is presented:

*          The audited consolidated financial statements as at 31 December 2002
and 2001;

*          The audited consolidated financial statements as at 31 December 2000,
reflecting the effects of the legal transfer which occurred on 29 December 2000;

*          The unaudited pro forma consolidated income statement for the year
ended 31 December 2000, as no operations are reflected in the consolidated
income statement prior to 29 December 2000.

The Group's pro forma consolidated income statement for the twelve months ended
31 December 2000 is intended to reflect the Group's results of operations as if
the Group, which was created on 29 December 2000, had existed over that period.

This pro forma consolidated income statement is presented for illustrative
purposes only and is not necessarily indicative of what the Group's results of
operations would have been had the Group's inception occurred at an earlier

Operations legally transferred to the Group before 31 December 2000 have been
consolidated or accounted for under the equity method over the twelve months
ended 31 December 2000, based on the Group's ownership interest at 31 December

Borrowings contracted to finance (i) the acquisition of assets from France
Telecom at the Group's inception and, (ii) the UK and Dutch UMTS licences and,
(iii) the investments in BITCO and Ananova are deemed to have been extinguished
by the share capital increases of Orange plc and the Company. Consequently,
interest expenses incurred on those borrowings are not reflected in the pro
forma consolidated income statement. In addition, the remaining cash balance
resulting from the above mentioned share capital increases is deemed to have
been placed with France Telecom during the second half of 2000 and the related
interest revenues have been reflected in the pro forma consolidated income

No synergies have been reflected in the pro forma consolidated income statement.


*        In the consolidated income statement, operating charges are presented
on a functional basis, except for net depreciation and amortisation, which are
shown under two separate headings being "Depreciation and amortisation
(excluding goodwill)" and "Goodwill amortisation".

*        "Other non-operating income/(expense), net" primarily relate to:

         *  Gains and losses on the disposal of consolidated subsidiaries and
         investment securities, including dilution results;

         *  Losses on disposal of securitised receivables.

*        All income taxes, except income taxes relating to extraordinary items,
are shown under the heading "Income taxes before extraordinary items". Total
income taxes are presented in Note 6.

*        The heading" Goodwill amortisation" includes goodwill of all
consolidated companies as well as those accounted for using the equity method.

*        Exceptional items, net of tax relate to:

         *       Exceptional impairment charges recorded as a result of the 
         impairment reviews conducted on the Group's goodwill and other 
         long-lived assets at each closing date;

         *       Exceptional costs arising from discontinued activities or 
         projects, where their relative significance exceeds ordinary activity. 
         Such costs generally include write-off of fixed assets, restructuring 
         provisions and other closure or termination expenses.

Extraordinary items before income taxes and the related income taxes are
presented in Note 7.

*        The balance sheet classifies assets and liabilities based on liquidity
or maturity dates, and presents short-term balances (due within one year)
separately from long-term balances.

*        The cash flow statement excludes from changes in cash any changes in
bank overdrafts and marketable securities having maturity in excess of three
months at the time of purchase, which are presented respectively as financing
and investing activities.


The consolidation principles are as follows:

*        Subsidiaries, which the Company controls either directly or indirectly,
are fully consolidated.

*        Companies in which the Group and a limited number of other shareholders
have agreed to exercise joint control are accounted for using the proportionate
consolidation method.

*        Companies over which the Group exercises significant influence but does
not control (generally a 20% to 50% voting interest) are accounted for under the
equity method.

All material inter-company balances and transactions have been eliminated.


The financial statements of foreign subsidiaries presented in local currency are
translated as follows:

*          assets and liabilities are translated at the closing rate,

*          items in the consolidated income statement are translated at the
average rate for the period,

*          the resulting translation adjustment is included as a separate
component of shareholders' equity.  Translation adjustments relating to
subsidiaries within the euro zone have been fixed based on the parities
determined on 31 December 1998.

The financial statements of entities which operate in a hyper inflationary
environment have been remeasured into their functional currency, prior to
converting to euro, using the following method:

*          monetary elements of the balance sheet are translated at the closing

*          non monetary elements are converted at the historic rate,

*          items in the consolidated income statement are translated at the
average rate for the period except for depreciation and provision charges and
reversals which are translated at the historic rate.

*          the resulting translation adjustment is recorded in the consolidated
income statement as an exchange gain or loss.


At year-end, monetary balances denominated in foreign currencies are translated
using closing exchange rates.  Unrealised gains and losses on balances
denominated in foreign currencies which are not hedged are recognised in the
consolidated income statement of the corresponding period.


Turnover includes airtime revenue (including fixed monthly access charges),
roaming revenue, revenue from sales of telecommunication equipment and other
revenues and services.

Revenues from airtime, roaming and other services are recognised when the
service is rendered.

Revenues from sales of telecommunication equipment and connection charges are
recognised upon delivery to the customer or activation by the customer, as


Subscriber acquisition and loyalty costs are expensed as incurred. Subscriber
acquisition costs are analysed separately (see Note 3) by:

*          subtracting revenue received from handset sales from the total cost
of handsets included in "cost of sales",

*          and adding this amount to the commissions and rebates paid to
distributors, which are included in "selling, general and administrative


Advertising costs are expensed as incurred.


Research and development costs are expensed as incurred.


Costs relating to the development of websites are capitalised or expensed
depending on the phase of development of sites: costs relating to the planning
and operating stages are expensed, costs related to development and creation of
the design are capitalised.


Marketable securities are valued at historical cost. When necessary, a provision
is recorded on an investment by investment basis to adjust this value to the
average market value over the month prior to period end or their estimated
trading value for securities not publicly traded.


Cash and cash equivalents consist of cash and highly liquid investments, with no
capital risk, with maturities generally of three months or less at the time of
purchase, and are stated at cost which approximates realisable value.


Allowances are set up against the estimated cost of non-recovery of receivables.
Allowances are based on an individual or statistical evaluation of the risk of

In view of its diverse customer base (residential, professional and large
business customers) operating in numerous industries and located in many regions
and countries, the Group does not consider itself exposed to a concentration of
credit risk.

Securitised receivables are derecognised from "Trade accounts receivable, less
allowances" when the rights and obligations attached to such receivables are
transferred to third parties and the resulting loss is included in "other
non-operating income/(expense), net". Interests retained by the Group (i.e.
through deferred purchase prices which are subordinated for risk of non-recovery
of the underlying securitised receivables) are recorded in "Other long term
assets" in the balance sheet (see Note 19). Depreciation of such retained
interests is determined based on the risk of non-recovery of the receivables
sold and movements in this depreciation provision are included within "selling,
general and administrative expenses" in the income statement.


Inventories principally comprise of handsets. Inventories are stated at the
lower of cost or probable net realisable value, taking into account future
revenues expected from subscriptions. Cost is determined on a first in first out
basis or using weighted average cost formulae.


Upon acquisition of a business, its cost of acquisition is allocated on a fair
value basis to the identifiable assets and liabilities of the business acquired.

The excess of the purchase price over the fair value of the share of
identifiable assets and liabilities of the business acquired is recorded under
the heading "Goodwill, net" for the consolidated entities and included in the
heading "Investments accounted for under the equity method" for entities over
which the Group has significant influence.

Goodwill arising on the acquisition of a foreign entity is treated as assets and
liabilities of the foreign entity and translated at the closing exchange rate.

Goodwill is amortised over a period ranging from 5 to 20 years depending on the
specific nature of the business acquired and on the strategic value of each

The fair value of goodwill is subject to impairment review at each closing date,
when events or circumstances occur indicating that impairment might exist. Such
events or circumstances include significant adverse changes, other than
temporary, in the assumptions or expectations considered at the time of the

The Group assesses the fair value of goodwill for all its controlled operations
and affiliates on a country by country basis.

The need to recognise impairment is assessed by reference to the estimated fair
value of each entity, which is compared with its carrying value in the Group's
consolidated financial statements. The fair value is defined as the higher of
the market value and value in use.

The market value is the estimated selling price less the costs of disposal,
which could be obtained by the Group through the divestiture of an operation in
an arm's length transaction. Such estimate is based on the best information
available at the closing date, taking into account specific circumstances. Due
to the volatility of the market capitalization in the telecommunication
industry, the value in use of goodwill is preferably assessed with reference to
the discounted cash flow methodology. Discounted cash flows are assessed for
each operation based on reasonable and supportable assumptions, that represent
management's best estimate of the set of economic assumptions that will exist
over future years, and are determined as follows:

-          Future cash flow projections are based on the most recent business
plans approved by the management of the Group and cover a period of 5 to 10
years as appropriate;

-          Cash flow projections beyond the period covered by the business plans
are estimated by extrapolating the projections using a perpetual growth rate
specific to each operation;

-          The appropriate discount rates are applied to these future cash

For operations to be divested, the fair value of goodwill is determined based on
the operation's estimated net selling price.

In accordance with the purchase method of accounting under paragraph 215 of "
Comite de la Reglementation Comptable" Rule 99-02, the historical carrying value
of the business acquired is reflected in the acquirers' financial statements
when the acquisition meets the criteria set out in paragraph 215 (amongst other
criteria the acquisition must cover at least 90% of the shares of the company in
a single transaction and must be settled through a share issue by the acquirer).


Licences to operate mobile networks are recorded within intangible assets. They
are recorded at cost of acquisition (i.e. up front payment or present value of
future payments if they can be reasonably estimated, as appropriate), excluding
interest arising from debt incurred to finance the licences, and are amortised
on a straight-line basis over the period over which the Group expects to benefit
from use of the licence, taking into account the likelihood of licence renewal
as appropriate. They are amortised from the date of commercialisation of

The Orange France UMTS licence has been accounted for in compliance with the
statement issued by the Emergency Task Force of the "Conseil National de la
Comptabilite" ("CNC").  Accordingly, the up front fee paid on 30 September 2001
for an amount of euro 619 million was recorded as an intangible asset. An
additional variable fee (equaling 1% of Orange France future UMTS turnover) will
be payable annually and expensed as incurred.

Subscriber relationships (see Note 8) are not amortised but subject to a regular
impairment review on a cash flow basis relating to the subscribers'
concentration in Switzerland and in The Netherlands at each closing date (see
impairment of long-lived assets).

Purchases of capacity transmission on Land and submarine cables (Indeafisable
Rights of Use "IRU's") are recorded within intangible assets and amortised on a
straight line basis over the estimated useful life.

Plant, property and equipment are recorded at cost of acquisition or at
construction cost, including, for the cost of networks, planning and
construction costs, site installation and equipment upgrade costs.

Interest arising from debt incurred to finance construction and development of
tangible assets is capitalised as part of the cost of the assets during the
construction period.

Repairs and maintenance and removal costs are expensed when incurred.

Depreciation of property, plant and equipment is calculated on a straight-line
basis over their estimated useful lives.

Main estimated useful lives are as follows:
Analogue and GSM  network                                         5 to 8 years
Buildings and fittings                                          10 to 30 years
Computer equipment and software excluding network
equipment                                                         3 to 5 years
Other                                                            3 to 10 years

Leased assets are recorded as a fixed asset and a related liability when the
terms of the lease effectively transfer the risks and rewards of ownership of
the asset to the Group.


Plant, property and equipment and intangible assets (excluding goodwill) are
written down when, as a result of events or changes in circumstances, which
include evidence of obsolescence or physical damage or economic performance
below initial expectations or other internal or external indicators, their fair
value appears to be permanently less than their carrying value. Fair value is
defined as the higher of the market value and value in use.

Impairment is determined for each group of assets by comparing their carrying
value with their fair value. Should the above comparison indicate that an asset
is permanently impaired, the write-down recognised is equivalent to the
difference between carrying value and fair value. For assets to be held and
used, fair value is principally determined based on the estimated value in use,
which is represented by the future economic benefits expected to arise from the
continuing use of an asset and from its disposal at the end of its useful life.
Fair value is determined on the basis of discounted cash flows, which are based
on reasonable and supportable assumptions that represent management's best
estimate of the set of economic conditions that will exist over the remaining
useful life of the asset, or by reference to replacement cost for used equipment
or cost of alternative technologies.

For assets to be disposed of, fair value is determined based on the estimated
net selling price, with reference to market prices.


Non consolidated investments are stated at cost. An allowance is recorded when
the fair value, as estimated by management based on a multi-criteria analysis,
which includes the review of indicators such as market prices, potential
commercial developments, return on investment and revalued net
shareholders'equity, and taking into consideration the specific nature of each
investment, is permanently less than carrying value.


Deferred income taxes are accounted for on temporary differences between the
carrying amounts of assets and liabilities for financial reporting purposes and
for tax purposes, as well as those arising from tax loss carry forwards.
Deferred tax assets are provided for to the extent that the recovery of these
taxes is not considered probable.

Deferred taxes are calculated using the liability method, applying the enacted
tax rates applicable at the time the temporary difference is expected to


Debt issue costs are deferred and expensed through income over the term of the


Provisions for identified risks and liabilities of uncertain timing or amount
are recorded when the Group has a present obligation (legal or constructive) to
a third-party as a result of a past event and when it is probable that an
outflow of resources embodying economic benefits will be required to settle the


In France, legislation requires that lump sum retirement indemnities be paid to
employees based upon their service life and level of compensation upon
retirement. The actuarial cost of this unfunded obligation is charged to the
consolidated income statement over the employees' service lives. The effect of
changes in assumptions is accounted for in the consolidated income statement
over the average remaining service life of employees.

In England, Orange plc operates a defined contribution pension scheme and funded
unapproved retirement benefit schemes for eligible employees. Contributions to
these two plans are expensed as incurred (see Note 4).


Interest rate and foreign currency risks are managed using derivative financial
instruments, primarily interest rate swaps, forward exchange contracts, currency
swaps and exchange rate options. All such instruments are entered into for
hedging purposes.

Income and costs resulting from the use of these instruments are recorded in the
consolidated income statement in the same manner as compared with the underlying
transaction being hedged:

*        differences between interest receivable and interest payable on swaps
are recorded in the consolidated income statement over the life of the contract
as an adjustment to the interest expense;

*         the gains and losses  generated by forward exchange contracts and
currency swaps designated as hedging operations  are recorded as exchange rate
corrections resulting from the item hedged;

*        the gains and losses resulting from forward exchange contracts and
currency swaps designated as hedging operations and allocated to the hedging of
firm commitments or identifiable future transactions are deferred and taken into
account in the valuation of the transaction at maturity.


Basic earnings per share are calculated based on the weighted average number of
shares outstanding during the year.

Diluted earnings per share take account of conversion into ordinary shares of
existing potentially dilutive instruments. Diluted earnings are calculated as
net income adjusted for the financial charges of dilutive instruments, net of
their effect on taxation and employee profit sharing.


Shares issued upon exercise of subscription options granted to employees are
reflected as a share capital increase on the exercise date at the exercise price
of the option.

Treasury shares acquired by the Group in connection with purchase options
granted to employees are presented within "Marketable securities".  An allowance
is recorded, whenever their cost is higher than the exercise price of the

Social charges relating to the share option plans are provided for when it is
probable that the options will be exercised.


The main changes in the Group consolidation scope, which occurred in 2002 and
2001 are presented in note 26.

The Group operates within the mobile telecommunication sector in three segments
identified as follows:

-          The segment "France" includes mobile telephony within mainland
France, the French West Indies and La Reunion as both operator and service

-          The segment "United Kingdom" includes mobile telephony within the
United Kingdom. In the consolidated income statements, all amounts in pounds
sterling were converted into euro at the average rates of euro 1.5909, euro
1.6084 and euro 1.6413 per pound sterling for the year ended 31 December 2002,
2001 and 2000, respectively. All pound sterling denominated balance sheet
amounts were converted into euro at the applicable period end rates. The change
in the sterling to euro translation rate during the year ended 31 December 2002
resulted in a significant decrease in all pound sterling denominated balance
sheet amounts (see Note 17).

-          The segment "Rest of world" includes mobile telephony in all the
other European and International subsidiaries.

The Group shared functions include all the activities related to the development
of wirefree multimedia services conducted through Orange World and Group
overheads and other common expenses.

The main operating indicators by segment for the periods presented are as

                                       Year ended 31                Year ended 31
(in millions of euro, except number       December                       December
of employees)                           2002     2001                        2000
                                                                        Pro forma
Turnover                               7,651    6,876                      5,690
Operating income before depreciation   3,548    3,105                      2,564
and amortisation and before SAC's
SAC's                                   (686)    (920)                    (1,035)
Operating income before depreciation   2,862    2,185                      1,529
and amortisation
Depreciation and amortisation (1)       (666)    (561)                      (501)
Operating income                       2,196    1,624                      1,028
Total plant, property and equipment    3,691    3,569                      2,692
and intangible assets  (2)
Average number of                      7,833    6,971                      6,077
employees (3)

United Kingdom
Turnover                               5,961    5,337                      4,211
Operating income before depreciation   2,383    1,976                      1,553
and amortisation and before SAC's
SAC's                                   (582)    (699)                      (794)
Operating income before depreciation   1,801    1,277                        759
and amortisation
Depreciation and amortisation (1)       (803)    (665)                      (433)
Operating income                         998      612                        326
Total plant, property and equipment   10,006   10,330                      9,501
and intangible assets (2)
Average number of                     11,437   12,734                     10,132
employees (3)

Rest of world
Turnover                              3,657    2,941                      2,193
Operating income/(loss) before          880       57                       (426)
depreciation and amortisation
Depreciation and amortisation(1)       (882)    (618)                      (446)
Operating loss                           (2)    (561)                      (872)
Equity in net loss of affiliates(1)    (385)    (601)                      (400)
Total plant, property and equipment   7,726    8,535                      7,366
and intangible assets (2)

Investments accounted for under the   1,956    4,895                      8,583
equity method (2)

Average number of                    10,722    9,761                      7,709
employees (3)

Group shared functions
Turnover                                  -        -                          -
Operating loss before depreciation     (397)    (231)                       (97)
and amortisation (4)
Depreciation and amortisation(1)        (13)      (4)                        (2)
Operating loss                         (410)    (235)                       (99)
Equity in net loss of affiliates(1)       -       (3)                         -
Total plant, property and equipment      85       41                        270
and intangible assets (2)
Investments accounted for under the       -        2                          8
equity method (2)
Average number of                       884      504                        364
employees (3)

                                         Year ended                  Year ended
                                         31 December                31 December
(in millions of euro, except number
of employees)
                                        2002     2001                    2000
                                                                       Pro forma
Reconciling Item
Turnover - Inter-segment               (184)     (67)                       (35)
Total Group
Turnover                             17,085   15,087                     12,059
Operating income before               5,146    3,288                      1,765
depreciation and amortisation
Depreciation and amortisation (1)    (2,364)  (1,848)                    (1,382)
Operating income                      2,782    1,440                        383
Equity in net loss of affiliates(1)    (385)    (604)                      (400)
Total of plant, property and         21,508   22,475                     19,829
equipment and intangible assets (2)
Investments accounted for under the   1,956    4,897                      8,591
equity method (3)
Average number of employees(3)       30,876   29,970                     24,282

(1) Excluding goodwill amortisation.

(2) Including goodwill.

(3) Average full time equivalents.

(4) The operating loss before depreciation and amortisation  of the Group shared
functions includes the contribution of Orange World amounting to euro (89)
million, euro (41) million and euro (11) million in 2002, 2001 and 2000
respectively and also management fees from France Telecom amounting to euro 41
million in  2002 (compared to nil in 2001 and 2000).

MobiNil for Telecommunications ("MobiNil") was proportionally consolidated as of
1 July 2002 and generated revenue of euro 246 million, operating income before
depreciation and amortisation of euro 142 million and an operating income of
euro 90 million over the last 6 months of 2002.


                               Year ended                 Year ended
                               31 December                31 December
(in millions of euro,          2002       2001                2000
 except employee numbers)
                                                           Pro forma
Average number of             30,876    29,970               24,282
employees (1)
Personnel costs:
Wages and salaries             1,279     1,177                  824
Social charges and other         281       232                  175
pension related charges
Total                          1,560     1,409                  999

(1) Average full time equivalents.

Profit sharing in France

In addition, personnel costs include employee profit-sharing expenses of the
French operating entities totaling euro 44 million in 2002, compared to euro 33
million in 2001 and euro 19 million in 2000 (on a pro forma basis).

Civil servants in France

Civil servants employed by France Telecom and performing functions for Orange
France pursuant to contracts or outsourcing arrangements between France Telecom
and Orange France are included in the Group's average number of employees: they
represented 549 average full time equivalents at 31 December 2002, compared to
707 at 31 December 2001 and 984 at 31 December 2000.  The related costs incurred
by Orange France (primarily arising from the recharge by France Telecom of
salaries and social charges) are reflected in the reported personnel costs: they
amounted to euro 26 million in 2002, compared to euro 32 million in 2001 and
euro 20 million in 2000 (on a pro forma basis).

Retirement indemnities

In France, the net present value of future payments in relation to the
obligation to pay a lump sum indemnity to employees upon retirement (see Note 2)
reflected in the Group's consolidated financial statements was inferior to euro
1 million at 31 December 2002 and 2001, due to the age profile of the employees
and high turnover rates.

In the United Kingdom, contributions under defined contribution pension schemes
(see Note 2) amounted to euro 22 million in 2002, compared to euro 19 million in
2001 and euro 13 million in 2000 (on a pro forma basis).

Incentive plans

As part of the formation of the Group, various incentive plans, such as share
option schemes, have been put in place for the employees and management of the
Group (see Note 18).


-          In 2002, other non-operating expenses, net primarily include losses
on disposal of securitised receivables amounting to euro 12 million (see Note


The income tax charge is analysed as follows:

                                        Year                         Year
                                       ended                         ended 
                                    31 December                   31 December
(in millions of euro)              2002     2001                      2000
                                                                   Pro forma
Current income taxes              (640)    (610)                       (418)
before exceptional items
Deferred income taxes             (171)     (74)                        (41)
before exceptional items
Income taxes before               (811)    (684)                       (459)
exceptional items
Deferred income taxes               67         -                           -
on exceptional items
Total                             (744)    (684)                       (459)
France                            (532)    (596)                       (414)
United Kingdom                    (238)     (39)                        (18)
Other tax jurisdictions             26      (49)                        (27)

At 31 December 2002, given the foreseeable taxable results of Mobistar S.A. for
the following years, a net deferred tax asset of euro 95 million was recognised
with respect to this company's tax losses carried forward.

The Company has filed a consolidated tax return for all French subsidiaries in
which it holds 95% or more of the share capital as of 1 January 2002.

The reconciliation between the income tax expense computed at the French
statutory tax rate and the effective income tax expense is as follows:

                                             Year                            Year
                                             ended                          ended 
                                          31 December                   31 December
(in millions of euro)                    2002     2001                      2000
                                                                         Pro forma
Income tax calculated at the enacted   (677)      (140)                       154
tax rate (1)
Impact of equity in net losses from    (136)      (220)                     (151)
Impact of unused tax losses carried       27      (378)                     (340)
forward and other temporary
differences (2)
Impact of non French tax rates,          (25)       54                      (122)
permanent differences and changes in
income tax rate
Effective income tax                   (811)      (684)                     (459)

(1) Enacted income tax rate was 35.43% at 31 December 2002 (36.43% at 31
December 2001 and 37.76% at 31 December 2000), applied to the (income)/loss
before tax, goodwill amortisation, minority interests and exceptional items, net
of tax.

(2) Relates to start up operations in respect of which deferred tax assets are
fully provided for (refer to Note 2). In 2002, this line also includes the
impact arising from the first recognition of a deferred tax asset with respect
to the tax losses carried forward of Mobistar S.A. (see above).

The analysis of deferred tax assets net of deferred tax liabilities and
valuation allowance, by nature of temporary differences, is as follows:

                                                       At 31 December
(in millions of euro)                                2002           2001

Losses carried forward                              1,215          1,412
Tax accelerated depreciation                          (77)           (54)
Other deferred tax assets/(liabilities)               170            214
Valuation allowance                                (1,048)        (1,096)
Deferred tax assets, net                              260            476
France                                                 64             32
United Kingdom                                        139            477
Other tax jurisdictions                                57            (33)

The analysis of deferred tax assets and liabilities by maturity is as follows:

                                                        At 31 December
(in millions of euro)                                 2002           2001
Deferred tax assets
Current portion                                        314             92
Long-term portion                                       65            476
Total deferred tax assets                              379            568
Deferred tax liabilities
Current portion                                         10             53
Long-term portion                                      109             39
Total deferred tax liabilities                         119             92

The long-term deferred tax assets mainly relate to OPCS and Mobistar S.A. at 31
December 2002, of which euro 38 million relate to Mobistar S.A. and are expected
to be utilised within a period of 3 years.  The decrease in long-term deferred
tax assets compared to 31 December 2001 mainly relates to the partial
reclassification of OPCS's deferred tax assets from long-term to current
portion, partially offset by the reversal of the valuation allowance in respect
of the long-term deferred tax assets of Mobistar S.A.


In 2002, exceptional items, net of tax totalling a negative euro 5,169 million
were recorded. They comprise the following elements:

-          Impairment charges and other related charges amounting to euro 4,730
million recorded in relation to the following assets held by the Group:

*          Wind for euro 3,038 million, of which euro 2,772 million were
recorded against the Group's "investments accounted for under the equity method"
and euro 266 million under the heading "accrued expenses and other current
liabilities" (see Note 10),

*          Dutchtone for a total euro 1,324 million, of which euro 213 million
were recorded against this company's UMTS licence and euro 1,111 million against
the Group's goodwill (see Note 8),

*          Orange Romania for euro 69 million recorded against the Group's
goodwill (see Note 8),

*          The Group's non consolidated investments in Connect Austria,
Optimus, BPL and Orange World's ventures for a total euro 191 million (see Note

*          Orange Cote d'Ivoire for a total euro 108 million, of which euro 22
million were recorded against the Group's goodwill  (see Note 8) and euro 86
million against this company's intangible and tangible assets.

-          Exceptional costs arising from discontinued activities and projects
and other charges amounting to a total euro 506 million, before a tax credit of
euro 67 million (see Note 6). They mainly comprise the following:

*          Exceptional costs arising from the decision announced by the Group
in December 2002 to withdraw from the Swedish market in direct response to the
pressures placed upon it by the UMTS licence requirements and current market
conditions. In line with this decision, the Group significantly reduced the size
of its operation with a redundancy program affecting its 234 staff. The total
costs arising from the decision to discontinue the Group's activities in Sweden
amount to euro 252 million before tax and comprise redundancy and closure costs,
write-off of fixed assets and provisions relating to the Group's existing
commitments in Sweden.

*          Exceptional costs arising from the decision taken by the Group in
December 2002 to improve its financial performance by placing stronger focus on
generating cash, through savings in capital expenditure and significant
reduction in costs and overheads over the next three years. These total costs
amount to euro 254 million before tax as at 31 December 2002 and comprise
redundancy costs, costs incurred in connection with discontinued projects (e.g.
write-off of fixed assets, penalties and other exit costs...).

In 2001, the exceptional items, net of tax included impairment charges totalling
euro 3,635 million of which euro 3,428 million related to MobilCom (see Note 10)
and euro 207 million to Ananova and Wildfire Communications (see Note 8).

                                  At 31 December                  At 31 December
                                        2002                            2001
(in millions of euro)       Cost        Amortisation  Net book         Net book
                                            value      value
UMTS licences              7,681            (213)      7,468              8,078
Goodwill                   4,492          (1,965)      2,527              3,804
Licences, patents and      1,026            (393)        633                550
access rights
Subscriber                   196                -        196                193
Other intangibles            103             (59)         44                 82
Total                     13,498          (2,630)     10,868             12,707

Acquisitions of intangible assets (excluding UMTS licences) amounted to euro 71
million in 2002 (compared to euro 78 million in 2001).

Amortisation of intangible assets, excluding goodwill, amounted to euro 91
million in 2002, compared to euro 90 million in 2001 and euro 77 million in 2000
(on a pro forma basis).

UMTS licences

UMTS licences can be detailed as follows at 31 December

                      Date of award                   Local      Value  in     Euro equivalent
                                                    currency        local
(in millions                                                      currency
of euro)
OPCS                  September 2000                    GBP         4,095            6,298
Dutchtone N.V.        July  2000                        EUR           223              223
Orange                December 2000                     CHF            55               38

Communications S.A.
Mobistar S.A.         March 2001                        EUR           150              150
Orange                August 2001                       EUR           619              619

France S.A.
Orange A/S            September                         DKK           779              105
Orange Slovensko,     July 2002                         SKK         1,499               35
Total                                                                                7,468

In June 2002, the Group was awarded one of the four UMTS licences offered by the
government of Luxembourg for a fixed term of 15 years. The Group has paid an
initial application fee of euro 60,000 and will pay a small spectrum management
fee along with an annual licence fee of 0.2% of UMTS turnover or a minimum of
euro 200,000.

In June 2002, Orange Slovensko, a.s. was awarded a UMTS licence offered by the
government of Slovakia for a fixed term of 20 years. The Group has paid an
initial fee of SKK 1,499 million in 2002 and will pay an annual licence fee of
0.08% of the turnover generated through the licence.

As described in Note 2, UMTS licences will be amortised as from the date of
commercialisation of services.

In December 2002, the management of the Group announced its decision to review
the launch plans of the 3rd generation technology ("3G") and adopt a more
prudent timetable. The management of the Group remains fully committed to 3G and
intends to develop and exploit the potential of 3G type services on enhanced 2nd
generation networks in order to improve the customer experience and offer a
transition to the commercial launch of 3G, until all issues surrounding 3G
technology have been resolved.

The management of the Group considers that the 2nd ("2G") and 3rd generation
technologies are closely interrelated both from a technical and commercial

*          The acquisition of UMTS licences provided the Group with enlarged
frequency spectrum for the development of both voice and non-voice services,

*          The planning and roll out of the UMTS network is viewed as an
enhancement and extension of the existing GSM network and the overall coverage
strategy relies on the convergence of 2G and 3G technologies,

*          Future 3G services will be offered to the Group's existing 2G
customers in order to improve customer loyalty and increase usage and average
revenue per user, through enhanced voice and non-voice services. Many future 3G
services will be derived from 3G type services already offered to customers on
2nd generation networks.

Consequent to this decision and considering the close interrelation between 2G
and 3G technologies as described above, the management of the Group conducted a
specific impairment review in the United Kingdom by comparing:

*          The combined carrying value of its 2nd and 3rd generation
long-lived assets (including the UMTS licence and other tangible and intangible
assets), with,

*          The future cash flows determined based on the Group's most recent
business plan and representing the economic benefits which are expected to arise
from the continuing use of the Group's long-lived assets in the United Kingdom
over the remaining useful life of the UMTS licence. A discount rate of 9% was
applied to these future cash flows.

Based on this analysis, no impairment was recorded at 31 December 2002.

At 31 December 2002, an exceptional impairment charge of euro 213 million was
recorded against the carrying value of the UMTS licence held by Dutchtone N.V.
in The Netherlands (see below).


The table below presents the net book value of goodwill of fully and
proportionally consolidated companies:
                                                     Net book value
(in millions of euro)                                At 31 December
                                             2002          2001         2000
Orange Communications S.A.                  1,497         1,534        1,453
Dutchtone N.V.                                  -         1,173        1,147
Orange Romania S.A.                           435           626          635
Orange Slovensko, a.s.                        303           310          318
Ananova Ltd                                     -             -          137
Wildfire Communications, Inc                    -             -          127
MobilNil Telecommunications                   180             -            -
Other                                         112           161          145
Total (net)                                 2,527         3,804        3,962

In 2002, the Group acquired a 71.25% shareholding in the Egyptian operation

In 2001, the Group acquired additional shareholdings in Orange Communications
S.A (14.75%) and Dutchtone (8%).

Goodwill is amortised over a period ranging from 5 to 20 years depending on the
specific nature of the business acquired and on the strategic value of each
acquisition.  In the consolidated income statements, amortisation of goodwill -
relating to fully consolidated companies - amounted to euro 205 million in 2002,
compared to euro 255 million in 2001 and euro 245 million in 2000 (on a pro
forma basis).

As described in Note 2, the fair value of goodwill was reassessed on a country
by country basis at the closing date.

The 10-year plan prepared by the management of the Group for Dutchtone N.V.
reflects the highly competitive environment prevailing in The Netherlands, a
five player market where Dutchtone N.V. only has a market share of 8.6% to date.
Given that context, uncertainties regarding the Group's capability to become a
major player in The Netherlands have been factored in the Group's future cash
flow assumptions.

Consequently, an exceptional impairment charge of euro 1,324 million was
recorded in relation to Dutchtone N.V. for the year ended 31 December 2002, of
which euro 1,111 million was allocated to the Group's goodwill and euro 213
million to the UMTS licence held by this company (see Note 7).

Additionally, impairment charges totalling euro 69 million and euro 22 million
respectively were recorded in relation to goodwill on Orange Romania S.A. and
Orange Cote d'Ivoire (see Note 7).

At 31 December 2002, the following perpetuity growth rates and discount rates
were applied to the expected cash flows of the Group's operations in
Switzerland, The Netherlands, Romania and Slovakia, representing management's
best estimate of the set of economic assumptions that will exist over future
                                             Perpetuity growth   Discount rate
Orange Communications S.A.                         3.0%              8.9%
Dutchtone N.V.                                     3.0%              9.0%
Orange Romania S.A.                                3.0%              15.6%
Orange Slovensko, a.s.                             3.0%              13.7%

The sensitivity of the Group's share in the estimated fair value of those
operations at 31 December 2002 to an uncontrolled change of 1 point in the
perpetuity growth rate or in the discount rate compared to the assumptions
highlighted above is as follows:

                                           Impact of a  1 point change
                                            in the assumptions used

(in billions of euros)     Excess of       Perpetuity      Discount
                         estimated fair      growth          rate
                           value on           rate
                        carrying value  
Orange Communications         0.19        (0.30)/0.42    0.68/(0.48)
Dutchtone N.V.               - (1)        (0.10)/0.15    0.24/(0.17)
Orange Romania S.A.          - (1)        (0.02)/0.02    0.06 /(0.06)
Orange Slovensko, a.s.         -          (0.02)/0.02    0.06/(0.05)

(1) Based on the carrying value net of impairment charge at 31 December 2002.

In 2001, goodwill arising from the acquisition of Ananova and Wildfire
Communications and totaling euro 207 million as at 31 December 2001 was written
down to zero at that date.  This write-down of euro 207 million was reflected in
the line "Exceptional impairment charge" in the 2001 income statement (see Note

Purchase Price Allocation Exercise

In 2001, a purchase price allocation exercise was conducted for Orange
Communications S.A. and Dutchtone N.V. in accordance with paragraph 211 of rule
99-02.  It resulted in the purchase price (euro 1,468 million for a 57.25%
shareholding in Orange Communications S.A. and euro 903 million for a 100%
shareholding in Dutchtone N.V.) being allocated to the fair value of subscriber
relationship (net book value of euro 179 million for Orange Communications S.A.
and euro 17 million for Dutchtone N.V. at 31 December 2002, compared to euro 176
million and euro 17 million respectively at 31 December 2001) and of GSM licence
(net book value of euro 18 million for Orange Communications S.A. at 31 December
2002 compared to euro 19 million at 31 December  2001).


                                         At 31 December
                                            2002                    2001
                                  Cost     Acc        Net book    Net book
(in millions of euro)                      Deprec.    value         Value
Land and buildings               3,830     (1,379)    2,451         2,635
Network equipment               10,953     (4,658)    6,295         5,505
Computer and terminal            2,873     (1,447)    1,426         1,151
equipment (excluding network)
Other                              923       (455)      468           477
Total                           18,579     (7,939)   10,640         9,768

Changes in the net book value of property, plant and equipment are as follows:
(in millions of euro)                                     2002            2001
Balance at beginning of period                           9,768           8,216
Acquisitions of property, plant and equipment            3,290           3,278
Effect of acquisitions and divestitures                    435             (18)
Depreciation expense                                    (2,273)         (1,758)
Translation adjustment                                    (357)            131
Other movements (1)                                       (223)            (81)
Balance at end of period                                10,640           9,768

(1)       Including write-off of fixed assets amounting to euro 208 million at
31 December 2002 reflected in "Exceptional items, net of tax".

In 2002, the effect of acquisitions and divestitures mainly arises from the
acquisition of MobiNil by the Group.

Land and buildings included euro 2,203 million of network infrastructure at 31
December 2002, compared to euro 2,155 million at 31 December 2001.

Interest charges capitalised under the value of property, plant and equipment
amounted to euro 98 million at 31 December 2002, compared to euro 51 million at
31 December 2001.

The net book value of assets under capital leases amounted to euro 905 million
at 31 December 2002, compared to euro 1,150 million and euro 886 million at 31
December 2001.

Depreciation of property, plant and equipment amounted to euro 2,273 million in
2002, compared to euro 1,758 million in 2001 and euro 1,305 million in 2000 (on
a pro forma basis).


Investments accounted for under the equity method (including goodwill)

                                 Interest at            Net book value
                                 31 December           At 31 December
(in millions of euro)               2002        2002        2001        2000
Wind                                26.6       1,596       4,456       4,537
MobilCom                            28.3           -           -       3,687
BITCO                               49.0         360         439         359
Other                                              -           2           8
Total                                          1,956       4,897       8,591

At 31 December 2002, the net book value of goodwill relating to investments
accounted for using the equity method amounted to euro 818 million for Wind
(compared to euro 1,972 million at 31 December 2001 and euro 4,479 million at 31
December 2000), and euro 255 million for BITCO (compared to euro 310 million at
31 December 2001 and euro 233 million at 31 December 2000).

Changes in investments accounted for under the equity method
(in millions of euro)                                   2002            2001
Balance at beginning of period                         4,897           8,591
Transfer of Wind's shareholder loan from the             236               -
France Telecom group
Capital increase in Wind                                  48             190
(cash element)
Capital increase in BITCO                                 69               -
Effect of acquisitions and divestitures                    -             337
Equity in net loss of affiliates                        (385)           (604)
Goodwill amortisation, before Wind and                   (90)           (301)
MobilCom write-down
MobilCom write-down                                         -         (3,428)

Wind write-down                                       (2,772)              -
Translation adjustment                                   (51)             (3)
Other changes                                              4             115
Balance at end of period                               1,956           4,897

Equity in net loss of affiliates (excluding goodwill amortisation)

                                         Year ended                 Year ended 31
                                         31 December                     December
(in millions of euro)                    2002    2001                     2000
                                                                        Pro forma
Wind                                    (305)   (365)                       (337)
MobilCom                                   -    (178)                        (62)
BITCO                                    (80)    (58)                         (1)
Other                                      -      (3)                          -
Total                                   (385)   (604)                       (400)

The equity in net loss of Wind reflects the Group's shareholding of 43.4% until
30 July 2001 and a reduced stake of just below 26.6% as from that date,
resulting from the contribution of Infostrada to Wind (See Note 26).

In the income statement, goodwill is amortised over a period ranging from 5 to
20 years depending on the nature of the business acquired and the strategic
value of each acquisition. Amortisation of goodwill - relating to investments
accounted for under the equity method -amounted to euro 90 million in 2002
compared to euro 301 million in 2001 and euro 367 million in 2000 (on a pro
forma basis).


ENEL, the Group's co-shareholder in Wind, acquired a 100% shareholding in
Infostrada on 29 March 2001 and contributed it to Wind on 30 July 2001, reducing
the Group's shareholding in Wind from 43.4% to   26.58%.

In June 2002, a euro 236 million Wind shareholder loan was assigned by the
France Telecom group to the Group. Subsequent to the transfer, the Group and
ENEL, partially waived their shareholder loans for a total amount of euro 200
million, of which euro 53 million represent the Group's 26.58% stake in Wind. In
October 2002, the Group participated in a capital increase in Wind amounting to
a total euro 237 million, of which euro 63 million represents the Group's 26.58%
stake. The euro 63 million include a cash element of euro 48 million and euro 15
million arising from the conversion of the Group's shareholder loan into equity.
The net book value of the Wind shareholder loan amounts to euro 172 million at
31 December 2002, after the euro 53 million waiver, the euro 15 million
conversion of loan into equity and taking into account a prior year balance of
euro 4 million and is reflected in the line "Investments accounted for under the
equity method".

As part of the strategic review of the Group's investment portfolio undertaken
at the end of 2002 and in connection with the decision to improve the Group's
financial performance (see Note 7), the Group reassessed the fair value of its
26.58% investment in Wind based on a multi criteria approach. This reassessment
led to a write down of the investment in Wind for an amount of euro 2,772
million, reflected under the heading "Exceptional items, net of tax" in the 2002
income statement (see Note 7). The total euro 2,772 million impairment charge
was allocated between the Group's goodwill on Wind for an amount of euro 1,080
million and the goodwill relating to Infostrada reflected at Wind's level for an
amount of euro 1,692 million, based on an analysis of the respective fair values
of Wind's mobile and fixed line activities. An additional euro 266 million
provision for risk on Wind, reflected in "accrued expenses and other current
liabilities", was recorded under the heading "Exceptional items, net of tax",
bringing the total charge to an amount of euro 3,038 million (see Note 7).


The prospects of the German wirefree market, with two dominant players and four
new entrants, were re-examined by the Group at the end of 2001 and this review
led to the following:

*          MobilCom goodwill of euro 2,513 million as at 31 December 2001 was
written-down to zero,

*          The remaining cost of the investment (primarily the Group's share
of MobilCom's net assets) of euro 915 million as at 31 December 2001 was fully

The write-down of the investment in MobilCom amounting to euro 3,428 million was
reflected in the line "Exceptional impairment charge" in the 2001 income
statement.  The management of the Group considers that this exceptional
impairment charge recorded in 2001 translates implicitly a loss of value of the
UMTS licence compared to its historic cost.

As of 1 January 2002, the Group discontinued including its share of the net
losses of MobilCom and reported this investment at nil value in compliance with
paragraph 292 of rule 99-02, since the Group has not incurred obligations or
made payments on behalf of MobilCom to satisfy obligations of MobilCom that the
Group would have guaranteed or otherwise committed (see Note 22). On 12
September 2002, the representatives of the France Telecom group in MobilCom's
corporate bodies resigned and the investment in MobilCom has been reported as a
non consolidated investment since that date (see Note 11).


-          In January 2001, the Group entered into a shareholders'agreement with
its partners in BITCO,  whereby:

*          The Group acquired an additional 15% interest in this company,
increasing its total shareholding from 34% to 49%;

*          The parties to the shareholders'agreement are committed to bring
financial, technical and commercial support to BITCO, in accordance with the law
and regulations applicable in Thailand, in order to roll out a mobile
telecommunication network and provide related services under the "Orange" brand
name in Thailand.

The commitments of the Group arising from the shareholders'agreement dated
January 2001 and subsequent financing arrangements in relation to TA Orange
Company Limited dated February 2002 are described in Note 22 (see "off balance
sheet commitments linked to financial investments" and "guarantees and

-          In October 2002, the Group participated in a capital increase in
BITCO amounting to a total euro 141 million, of which euro 69 million represents
the Group's 49% stake.


                                                    At 31 
                                             2002           2001
(in         Country       Int.
of euro)                   %
Connect     Austria                           220             112
Austria                  17.45
Optimus     Portugal      20.2                143             122
BPL         India         26.0                 47              47
HTG         Germany      100.0                  6               6
MobilCom    Germany       28.3                  -               -
Other                                          79              64
Total non consolidated                        495             351
investments, gross
Provision                                   (196)             (7)
Total non consolidated                                       
investments, net                              299             344

-          As a consequence of the Group being confirmed as a valid shareholder
of Connect Austria by the ICC International Court of Arbitration on 4 July 2001,
without any limitation to its rights as a 17.45% stake shareholder, a
rebalancing of shareholder loans with the other Connect Austria shareholders was
completed by the Group in July 2002.  It resulted in an additional shareholder
loan of euro 99 million granted by the Group to Connect Austria, which
represents the funding on a pro-rata basis as if the Group had been an active
shareholder of that company during the litigation. Additional shareholders loans
amounting to euro 9 million were granted by the Group to Connect Austria during

-          In 2002 and 2001, the Group participated in capital increases in

-          It is the current expectation that the Group's interest in Hutchison
Telecom GmbH ("HTG") will be disposed of and it has been accounted for as "non
consolidated investment".  It is reflected at its equity method carrying value
as at 29 December 2000 (the date it was transferred to the Company) in
compliance with paragraph 215 of Rule 99-02.

-          As of 12 September 2002, the investment in MobilCom has been reported
as a non consolidated investment (see Note 10).

-          As part of the strategic review of the Group's investment portfolio
undertaken at the end of 2002, in connection with the decision to improve the
Group's financial performance (see Note 7), the Group reassessed the fair value
of its non consolidated investments based on a multi criteria approach (see Note
2) at 31 December 2002.  Consequently, exceptional impairment charges totaling
euro 191 million were recorded against the Group's non consolidated investments
in Connect Austria, Optimus, BPL and Orange World's ventures (see Note 7).


Borrowings net of available cash can be detailed as follows:
(in millions of euro)                                    31 December
                                                     2002            2001
Long- term borrowings,                              2,733           3,900
less current portion
Current portion of long-term borrowings               853             616
Short- term borrowings and bank overdrafts          3,116           2,440
Other liabilities (1)                                   -              12
Cash and cash equivalents                            (828)           (754)
Marketable securities                                  (4)             -
Total                                               5,870          6,214

(1)       Other liabilities of euro 12 million were included in "accrued
expenses and other current liabilities" in the balance sheet as at 31 December


The table below presents an analysis of the Group's long-term borrowings by
type, after the effects of currency swaps:
                                                          31 December

(in millions of euro)
                                                      2002           2001
Bonds                                                1,140          1,164
Bank loans                                           2,333          3,259
Other non bank loans and capital leases                113             93
Total long-term borrowings                           3,586          4,516
Including current portion                              853            616
Including long-term portion                          2,733          3,900

The maturity of outstanding long-term borrowings at 31 December 2002 is as

December 2003                                                                853
December 2004                                                                879
December 2005                                                                518
December 2006                                                                327
December 2007                                                                 90
2008 and                                                                     919
Total                                                                      3,586

The table below presents details of bonds not matured as at 31 December 2002:

(in           Amount in                 Interest         Euro at        Euro at
millions)    currency of  Maturity      rate (%)      31 December    31 December
            denomination                                   2002            2001

USD                 197    2006            8.75             188            224
EGP                 340    2007           12.25              51              -
GBP                 197    2008            8.63             303            324
USD                  18    2008            8.00              18             21
EUR                  94    2008            7.63              94             94
GBP                 150    2009            8.88             231            247
USD                 263    2009            9.00             251            298
Impact of interest or currency rate swaps                     4            (44)
Total bonds                                               1,140          1,164

Orange plc's senior notes are redeemable on maturity and the Group has not
granted any specific guarantee to the bondholders. However, some of the notes
are subject to early repayment clauses, which can be exercised only by Orange
plc as the issuer.

The table below presents an analysis of long-term borrowings by interest rate,
after taking into account the impact of interest rate and currency swaps:

(in millions of euro)                                    At 31 December
                                                      2002           2001
Less than 5%                                             -             26
Between 5 and 7 %                                    1,688             65
Between 7 and 10 %                                     949          2,743
More than 10 %                                          61             15
Total fixed rate                                     2,698          2,849
Total variable rate                                    775          1,606
Other non bank loans and capital leases                113             61
Total long-term borrowings                           3,586          4,516

The weighted average fixed interest rate amounted to 7.4% at 31 December 2002
(compared to 7.4% at 31 December 2001). The weighted average variable rate
interest amounted to 6.5% at 31 December 2002 (compared to 5.4% at 31 December

The analysis of long-term borrowings by currency after taking into account the
impact of currency swaps is as follows:

                                                         At 31 December
(in millions of euro)                                 2002           2001
British pound                                        2,576          3,709
Euro                                                   359            460
US dollar                                              250            221
Other currencies                                       288             65
Other non bank loans and capital leases                113             61
Total long-term borrowings                           3,586          4,516

Debt instruments may in some cases be initially contracted in foreign
currencies.  Subsequently, they are generally converted into the currencies of
the countries where subsidiaries are operating through the use of cross currency
swap agreements in order to reduce the Group's exposure to foreign exchange
risk. The exposure of the Group to foreign exchange risk on non hedged foreign
currency borrowings is highlighted in Note 14.

At 31 December 2002, the Group held currency swaps converting US$ 478 million
and euro 94 million into GBP 358 million, with maturities between 2006 and 2009.


The table below presents an analysis of the Group's short-term borrowings by
type, after the effects of currency swaps:
                                                         At 31 December
(in millions of euro)                                 2002           2001
France Telecom current account                       2,760          2,159
Bank loans                                               9             26
Other loans                                             27             71
Bank overdrafts                                        320            184
Total short-term borrowings                          3,116          2,440

Current accounts with France Telecom generally bear interest at rates linked to
market interest rates of the countries where subsidiaries are operating.

The analysis of short-term borrowings by currency after taking into account the
impact of currency swaps is as follows:

                                                        At 31 December
(in millions of euro)                                 2002           2001
British pound                                          113            108
Euro                                                 2,806          1,526
US dollar                                              134            100
Other currencies                                        63            706
Total short-term borrowings                          3,116          2,440


At 31 December 2002, the Group had the following credit facilities:

(in millions of    Currency of    Amounts in    Euro equivalent Used portion
euro)               denomination     local      at 31 December     at 31
                                    currency           2002       December

Bilateral credit lines
Short-term               EUR            350             350          299
                       MC(1)          4,000           4,000        2,512
                         SKK            900              22           16
                         XAF          6,000              10            9
Long-term                USD            259             250          250
                         BWP            140              24           12
                         XAF         41,000              63           54
                         EGP            739             156          155
                         EUR             10              10           10
Syndicated credit lines
Long-term                GBP          1,215           1,869        1,438
                         EUR            389             389          365
Total                                     -           7,143        5,120
(1) Multi currency facility, denominated in euro equivalent.

At 31 December 2001, credit facilities totalling euro 10,828 million, of which
the used portion represented euro 5,500 million, had been granted to the Group.
The reduction of euro 3,685 million in the total credit facilities granted to
the Group mainly relates to the change in the terms of the France Telecom credit
facility (see below).

The above table includes the credit facilities granted to the Group by France
Telecom, which total euro 4,300 million, of which euro 2,760 million represent
the used portion, at 31 December 2002. The euro 6,800 million facility granted
to the Company by France Telecom matured in July 2002 and was replaced by a new
12-month euro 4,000 million facility, which is expected to cover the Group's
targeted financing needs until the end of July 2003. It is foreseen that the
France Telecom facilities will be renewed for a further period of not less than
12 months as of July 2003.


Those financing arrangements are subject to standard covenants, which in the
event of default or unfavorable change, might lead to the early repayment by the
Group of the amounts oustanding under the facilities. The main financial
covenants the Group is subjected to, in relation with the bonds and the
facilities presented in the table above, are as follows:

-          Under the terms of the Orange Holdings (UK) Limited syndicated bank
facility (euro 1,869 million), the following ratios must be met:

*          Consolidated debt to consolidated annualised EBITDA (2) must not
exceed 3.5;

*          Consolidated annualised EBITDA (2) to annualised interest expense
must not be below 3.0;

*          Consolidated annualised EBITDA (2) to consolidated debt service
must not fall below 1.5.

These ratios must be tested at Orange Holdings (UK) Limited's consolidated level
semi-annually until the maturity date of the facility, i.e. in 2005.

-          Under the terms of the Orange plc's bonds , the Orange plc group is
restricted from incurring indebtedness beyond a multiple of 7 times its
consolidated cash flow (1).

-          Under the terms of the Mobistar S.A.'s syndicated bank facility (euro
284 million), the following ratios must be met at Mobistar S.A.'s consolidated

*          The ratio of available cash (1) to total debt service must not be
below 1.1;

*          The consolidated cash flow multiple (1) must not be below:

    -          4.0 for the four quarters ending between 31 December 2002 and 30
September 2003;

    -          3.0 for the four quarters ending between 31 December 2003 and 30
September 2004;

    -          2.0 from the quarter ending 31 December 2004 until the maturity 
date of the facility, i.e. in 2006.

-          Under the terms of the Orange Romania S.A.'s bank facility (euro 135
million), the available cash flow (1) to debt service must be below 1.25 until
the maturity date of the facility, i.e. in 2005.

-          Under the terms of the ECMS's international and domestic bank
facilities (euro 115 million and euro 156 million respectively),  the following
ratios must be met at ECMS's consolidated level:

*          Senior debt to annualised EBITDA (2)  must not exceed 2.0;

*          Available cash flow (1) to total debt service must not be below 1.2.

These ratios are calculated semi-annually and apply until the maturity date of
the international and domestic bank facilities, i.e. in 2005 and 2006

(1)     As per the definitions agreed with the lenders.

(2)     Operating income/(loss) before depreciation and amortisation under the
definitions agreed with the lenders.

These ratios were met at 31 December 2002.


Early in 2002, two vendor financing contracts with a total facility amount of
euro 860 million were signed in relation to the supply of 3G equipment to Orange

At 31 December 2002, euro 531 million had been drawn down under the following
UMTS vendor financing facilities (compared to euro 234 million at 31 December

Currency      Maturity               Amounts in local     Euro equivalent Used portion at
                                            and           at 31 December  31 December 2002         
                                     legacy currency          2002       
MC (1)          December 2003                270               270              244
EUR               May 2004                   215               215                -
EUR               June 2004                  690               690              287
GBP                May 2004                    3                 5                -
Total                                          -             1,180              531

(1)       Multi currency facility denominated in euro equivalent.

The weighted average interest rate for those facilities amounted to 3.6% at 31
December 2002 (compared to 4.0% at 31 December 2001).

Vendor financing facilities are subject to early repayment in the event that the
related supply contract is terminated for reason other than default of the


Through its operations, the Group is exposed to price risks with relation to
investment of surplus cash and debt financing.


As part of its financing policy, the Group enters into long-term borrowings from
credit institutions. These borrowings are generally contracted at a variable
interest rate. In order to reduce the cost of borrowings, interest rate swaps
and interest rate options are used within limits fixed by management.


The contract or notional amounts presented below do not represent amounts
payable or receivable and as such do not represent the risk to the Group of
using derivative financial instruments:
                                                   At 31 December
(in millions of euro)                           2002          2001
Interest rate swaps                            4,534         5,167
Interest rate caps                               583         1,166
Currency swap                                    555           594
Forward exchange contracts(1)                  1,201           106
(1)    Includes gross value of buy and sell contracts.


With regard to cash, customer receivables, bank overdrafts and other short-term
borrowings as well as trade payables, the Group considers that the balance sheet
value is the most representative of their fair value in view of the high degree
of liquidity of these items.

The fair value of long-term borrowings has been estimated based on the
discounted value of future cash flows for non quoted instruments using the
interest rates obtained by the Group for instruments with similar conditions and

The table below presents the fair value of financial instruments:

                                            At 31 December
                                      2002                  2001
                               Carrying  Fair value  Carrying  Fair value
(in millions of euros)          value                 value
Balance Sheet financial
Cash and cash equivalents           828        828        754        754
Trade accounts receivable         2,332      2,332      2,909      2,909
Non consolidated investments        299        299        344        344
Bank overdrafts and other         3,116      3,116      2,440      2,440
short-term borrowings
Trade accounts payable            4,476      4,476      4,391      4,391
Long-term borrowings              3,586      3,630      4,516      4,630
including current portion (1)
Off Balance Sheet financial
Unrealised gain (loss) on             -       (119)         -        (17)
interest rate derivative
Unrealized gain (loss) on             -         40          -         33
forward foreign exchange

(1)       Net of currency swaps


An immediate rise of 1% in short term interest rates would result in an increase
in interest expenses before tax of euro 4 million for the year, assuming that
the Group's total borrowings net of available cash remain constant at euro 5.9
billion (see Note 12).

The Group currently operates in certain countries, i.e. Slovakia, Romania, Egypt
and the Dominican Republic, where its subsidiaries have contracted debt
instruments denominated in currencies, which are not the functional currency of
the country. The impact for the Group of an immediate decrease of 10% of the SKK
against the euro and of the EGP, ROL and DOP against the USD would be a foreign
exchange loss of euro 47 million before tax.


The analysis of other long-term liabilities is as follows:
                                                        At 31 December
(in millions of euro)                                 2002           2001
Deferred income                                        142            160
Provisions for liabilities and charges (see            143             24
Note 19)
Deferred tax liability (see Note 6)                    109             39
Other                                                   78             61
Total                                                  472            284

Deferred income relates to the net credits arising from the in-substance early
extinguishments of drawdowns under OPCS's defeased leases. As part of its lease
agreements concluded in 1995 and 1997, OPCS has deposited amounts equal to the
net present value of its rental obligations with UK financial institutions to
secure letters of credit issued by these institutions to the lessors in
connection with OPCS's rental obligations. These funds, which totalled euro
1,157 million at 31 December 2002 (compared to euro 1,247 million at 31 December
2001) together with the interest earned thereon, will be used to settle OPCS's
rental obligations under the leases. This in-substance early extinguishment of
each drawdown under the finance leases resulted in the offset of the deposit
amount and the capital lease obligation, and a net credit that has been
reflected in the consolidated balance sheet as deferred income that will be
amortised to the consolidated income statement over the lease term on a
straight-line basis. This includes a provision, based on management's assessment
of likely outcomes, for possible future costs arising from variations in
interest rates or tax rates.

The increase in long term provisions for liabilities and charges mainly arises
from the Group's decision to improve its financial performance (see Notes 7 and


Changes in minority interests are as follows:
(in millions of euro)                                         2002           2001
Balance at beginning of period                                 142            (58)
Result for the year                                            171             32
Issuance of share capital to minority interest                   4              8
Dividend paid to minority interest                              (9)             -
Effect of acquisitions and divestitures                        119            143
Translation adjustment                                         (25)             5
Other movements                                                  9             12
Balance at end of period                                       411            142

Minority interests mainly relate to Egyptian Company for Mobile Services 
("ECMS"), Mobistar S.A., Orange Romania S.A. and Orange Slovensko, a.s. as at 31
December 2002.

In 2002, the effect of acquisitions and divestitures mainly arises from the
acquisition of MobiNil by the Group.


In December 2002, the Company issued 3,350 shares for euro 1 nominal value each
(euro 6.4 for 3,000 shares and euro 6.9 for 350 shares, including premium) which
were subscribed by share option holders. In 2002, other changes in
shareholders'equity relate to miscellaneous adjustments, which have been
reflected through equity in accordance with paragraph 215 of rule 99-02. The
negative translation adjustment of euro 594 million for the year ended 31
December 2002 mainly arises from the change in the sterling to euro translation
rate over the period.

In 2001, the Company issued 12,615,880 new shares for euro 1 nominal value each
(euro 7.6 including premium), reserved for participants to the Orange France
savings plan ("Plan d'Epargne Groupe Orange France").  The Company also issued
31,192 shares for euro 1 nominal value each (euro 10 including premium) that
were subscribed by share option holders in December 2001.

In 2001, the other changes in shareholders' equity related to:

*          capital gains (euro 331 million) arising from the disposal of the
investment in KPNO (see Note 21) and other assets.

*          a dilution effect (euro 152 million) arising from the contribution
of Infostrada to Wind as at 30 July 2001, reducing the Group's shareholding in
Wind from 43.4% to just below 26.6% (see Note 26),

which were reflected through equity, in accordance with paragraph 215 of rule
99-02.  Other changes in 2001 also included re-evaluation of assets and other
adjustments (euro 97 million) mainly arising from the purchase price allocation
exercise performed for Orange Communications S.A. (see Note 8).


The following share option and share ownership plans, which received the
approval of the Board of Directors of the Company, were in existence in 2001 and

Share Option Plans

-          Orange Share Option Plan (France)

The Orange Share Option Plan is designed for employees and executive directors
of subsidiaries of any Group company who are French residents or otherwise

-          Orange International Sharesave Plan

The Orange International Sharesave Plan is designed for employees and executive
directors of subsidiaries of the Company.  The options, which may be options to
subscribe for new shares or to acquire existing shares, can be exercised after
an eligible employee has agreed to save a fixed monthly amount for three or five
years, the maximum monthly saving being #250.  The exercise price cannot be less
than 80% of the market value at the date of the grant.

-          Orange International Share Option Plan

The International Share Option Plan is designed for employees and executive
directors of subsidiaries of any Group company who are not residents of France,
principally in the United Kingdom.  Five tranches exist, depending on the
employees, each having different vesting periods.

-          Orange US Share Option Plan

The Orange US Share Option Plan is a qualifying share option plan for employees
of the Company's subsidiaries in the United States.  Two tranches exist, each
having different vesting periods.

Share Ownership Plans

-          Orange Sharepurchase Plan

The Sharepurchase Plan, which is established under a trust, was put in place for
eligible employees in the United Kingdom.  Voting rights attributable to the
shares may not be directly exercisable while shares are held in the trust.
However, the participants may be allowed to direct the trustees as to how to
exercise those voting rights.

Partnership Shares

Eligible employees can acquire the Company's "partnership shares", via the
trust, up to #1,500 or to 10% of annual pre-tax salary each year.

Matching Shares

One free share ("matching share") is offered for every two partnership shares
purchased by the employees, up to an annual limit of #750 worth of matching

Free Shares

In addition, the Company may grant "free shares" up to #3,000 per employee, per

Matching and free shares must be held in the trust for three years (if an
employee withdraws partnership shares before this time, the matching and free
shares are forfeited).

-          Orange Restricted Share Plan

The Orange Restricted Share Plan was established on 1 September 2000 shortly
after the acquisition of Orange plc by France Telecom and was designed for
certain key employees, principally in the United Kingdom.  Participants were
allocated a number of shares, which will vest in three equal tranches for most
participants, as long as the participant is an employee of the Group at the
relevant vesting date.  During the restricted period, shares are held offshore
by the Orange Employee Benefit Trust.  Employees are not required to contribute
to the cost of these shares.  The Trust is funded directly by France Telecom and
the Company is not required to contribute to the cost of these shares.

-          Orange Senior Discretionary Share Plan

The Orange Senior Discretionary Share Plan is designed for certain key
employees.  Participants are allocated a number of shares, which will vest in
three equal tranches, as long as the participant is an employee of the Group at
the relevant vesting date.  During the restricted period, shares are held
offshore by the Orange Employee Benefit Trust.  Employees are not required to
contribute to the cost of these shares.

Orange France savings plan ("Plan d'Epargne Groupe Orange France")

This plan is designed for employees of Orange France who are French residents or
otherwise eligible.  Employees can invest up to 25% of their annual pre-tax
salary and the participants can be granted delayed payment by way of a loan of
up to 3 years.  Shares are acquired at a 20% discount to the initial public
offering price and a matching element is also offered to employees.

Information relating to stock option, share ownership plans and Orange France
savings plan in 2002 is as follows:


                               Orange Share     Orange International       Orange       Orange US       Total
                                Option Plan        Sharesave Plan      International   Share Option
                                 (France)                               Share Option       Plan
(number of options)                              3 year      5 year
Options outstanding at             26,540,955   2,727,379   3,771,511     53,003,337      2,705,666   88,748,848
beginning of period
Granted                             9,705,850   2,851,634           -     16,946,722        812,000   30,316,206
Exercised                                   -           -        (350)             -         (3,000)      (3,350)
Forfeited/lapsed                     (662,193) (1,318,465) (1,578,236)    (3,567,147)      (531,737)  (7,657,778)
Options outstanding at end         35,584,612   4,260,548   2,192,925     66,382,912      2,982,929  111,403,926
of period

Detail of the options granted in 2002 is as follows:

                               Number of options    Average period      Expiry date      Average exercise price
                                                  remaining to full
                                                  vesting  (months)
Orange Share Option Plan
15 May 2002                             8,946,010         29            14 May 2012            euro 6.35
20 December 2002                          759,840         36          19 December 2012         euro 7.23
Orange International Sharesave
Plan - 3 year
15 May 2002                             1,349,694         26           1 January 2006            # 3.17
20 December 2002                        1,269,754         39          1 September 2006           # 3.93
20 December 2002                          232,186         39          1 September 2006         euro 6.14
Orange International Share
Option Plan
15 May 2002                            14,860,322         19            14 May 2012            euro 6.35
20 December 2002                        2,086,400         26          19 December 2012         euro 7.23
Orange US Share Option Plan
15 May 2002                               690,000         13            14 May 2012            euro 6.35
20 December 2002                          122,000         20          19 December 2012         euro 7.23
Total                                  30,316,206         -                  -                     -

Detail of the options outstanding at 31 December 2002 is as follows:

                            Number of options   Weighted average    Weighted average      Number of options
                                               period remaining to   exercise price       exercisable at 31
                                                  full vesting                              December 2002
Orange Shareoption  Plan            35,584,612         18              euro 8.95                         41,371
Orange International                 4,028,362         24                # 4.15                          67,370
Sharesave Plan - 3 year
Orange International                   232,186         39              euro 6.14                              -
Sharesave Plan - 3 year
(The Netherlands)
Orange International                 2,192,925         23                # 4.43                          66,582
Sharesave Plan - 5 year
Orange International                66,382,912         12              euro 8.99                     10,510,314
Shareoption Plan
Orange US Shareoption Plan           2,982,929          5              euro 9.04                      1,714,659
Total                              111,403,926          -                  -                         12,400,296

Options outstanding at 31 December 2002 represent 2.31% of the Company's share issued capital as at that date.


The loss for the Group arising from the grant of free (or matching) shares to
the employees amounted to euro 3 million in 2002 compared to euro 1 million in


In 2001, the Company issued 12,615,880 new shares for euro 1 nominal value each
(euro 7.6 including premium) reserved for participants in the Orange France
Savings Plan ("Plan d'Epargne Groupe Orange France") - see Note 17.  The
matching element paid by the Company to the participants amounted to euro 1
million in 2002, compared to euro 2 million in 2001.

19.       PROVISIONS

Provisions for allowances against assets

Provisions for allowances against assets other than plant, property and
equipment and intangible assets are as follows at 31 December 2002:

                            At beginning of    Net charge   Other movements   At end of
                                 period                           (1)           period

(in millions of euro)

Customer receivables (2)           537            69              23             629
Inventories                         99           (24)             (4)             71
Investments                          7           191              (2)            196
(see Note 11)
Total                              643           236              17             896

(1) Includes exchange rate differences and effects of acquisition.

(2) Includes the depreciation provision of euro 75 million relating to the
interests retained in securitised trade accounts receivables (see Note 20).

Allowances are set up against the estimated cost of non-recovery of receivables.
They are based on an individual or statistical evaluation of the risk of
non-recovery of receivables from individuals, professionals, operators and

Provisions for risks and liabilities

Provisions for risks and liabilities are as follows at 31 December 2002:

                            At beginning of    Net charge   Other movements   At end of
                                 period                           (1)           period

(in millions of euro)

Withdrawal from the                  -            89             (17)             72
Swedish market
(see Note 7)
Decision to improve                  -           184              12             196
financial performance
(see Note 7)
Litigations                         63           (18)              7              52
Orange France stock                 45           (27)              -              18
provision risk
Restructuring                       10            (3)              -               7
Other                               51            13              (8)             56
Total                              169           238              (6)            401
Current portion                    145           117              (4)            258
Long-term portion                   24           121              (2)            143
(see Note 15)

(1) Includes exchange rate differences, reclassifications and effects of

The related income statement impacts are as follows for the year ended 31
December 2002:

(in millions of euros)             Increase       Utilisation       Write-back       Total
Operating income                     (54)              59               48              53
Interest income/(expense), net,     (295)               1                3            (291)
other non operating expenses,
net and exceptional items
Total income/(expense)              (349)              60               51            (238)


The Group does not consider itself exposed to a concentration of credit risk
with respect to trade accounts receivable due to its diverse customer base
(residential, professional and large business customers) operating in numerous
industries and located in many regions and countries.  Other debtors mainly
comprise VAT receivables and prepayments.

Trade accounts receivable and other debtors are mostly due within one year.

The Group entered into a securitisation program in December 2002, whereby trade
receivables generated by the mobile telecommunication business of Orange France
and OPCS in the United Kingdom were respectively transferred without recourse to
a French securitisation Fund (Fonds Commun de Creances, "FCC") under French law
and a trust set up in Jersey ("trust") under UK law. This program covers
existing receivables as of the date the securitisation transaction was entered
into and receivables, which will come into existence during the expected
five-year lifetime of the program as and when mobile telecommunication services
are rendered and related revenues are earned. Orange France and OPCS remain in
charge of the servicing of the transferred receivables on behalf of the FCC and
the trust respectively.

The FCC and the trust raised funds from third party investors through rated
securitisation conduits and, with respect to Orange France securitisation, by
issuing FCC units subscribed by Orange France to finance the purchase price of
the securitised receivables less deferred purchase prices. Deferred purchase
prices are subordinated to cover the risk of non-recovery of the securitised
French and UK receivables and allowances are recorded to provide for such
non-recovery, consistent with the risk profile of securitised receivables and
Group's collection and customers'credit policies.

The accounting treatment for securitised trade receivables is described in Note
2. The impact of the securitisation program in 2002 is as follows:

                                                         France       UK       Total
Face value of the receivables sold                        445        346        791
Loss on disposal (see Note 5)                              (8)        (4)       (12)
Net selling price                                         437        342        779
Foreign currency translation adjustment                     -         (2)        (2)
Cash raised through securitisation conduits (1)          (289)      (293)      (582)
Interests retained in securitised trade                   148         47        195
accounts receivables, gross, including:
- Units subscribed by Orange                               48          -         48
            France in the FCC (2)
- Deferred purchase prices, gross                         100         47        147

(1)       See "Securitisation of receivables/sale of receivables" in the 2002
cashflow statement.

(2)       Orange France provided direct funding to the FCC through the
subscription of FCC units, which rank "pari passu" with the FCC units subscribed
by the third party investors through the securitisation conduits, as at 31
December 2002.

Interests retained in securitised trade accounts receivables, net of a
depreciation provision of euro 75 million, amount to euro 120 million and are
presented under the heading "Other long term assets" in the balance sheet.

The securitisation agreements in France and in the United Kingdom are subject to
financial and operating covenants, which, in the event of a breach, would lead
to the cessation of the purchase of new trade receivables from the Group. Under
the terms of the financial covenants, the following ratios must be met:

-           At the Group's level, the consolidated net debt to annualised EBITDA
(1) ratio must not exceed 6.0 and the annualised EBITDA (1) to annualised net
interest expense must not fall below 3.0. These ratios are tested on a quarterly

-           At OrangeFrance S.A.'s level, the net debt to annualised EBITDA (1)
ratio must not exceed 3.0 and the annualised EBITDA (1) to annualised net
interest expense must not be below 4.5. These ratios are tested on a monthly

(1): Operating income/(loss) before depreciation and amortisation under the
definitions agreed with the lenders.

These ratios were met at 31 December 2002.


Cash paid for investment securities and acquired business, net of cash acquired

In 2002, this heading primarily includes payments made in relation to:

-          The acquisition of a 71.25% stake in MobiNil for a cash consideration
of euro 324 million on 1 July 2002.

-          The transfer of a euro 236 million Wind shareholder loan from the
France Telecom group to the Group (see Note 10).

-          Additional shareholder loans of euro 108 million granted by the Group
to Connect Austria (see Note 11).

-          Capital increases of euro 48 million (cash element) and euro 69
million respectively in Wind and BITCO (see Note 10).

-          The buy-out of Orange Communications S.A.'s and Orange Sverige AB's
minority interests.

-          A capital increase in Optimus.

In 2001, it mainly related to payments made in relation to the acquisition of
additional interests in Dutchtone (8%), Orange Communications S.A. (7.5%) and
BITCO (15%) and also to a capital increase of euro 190 million in Wind.

Proceeds from sale of assets

In February 2001, the Group sold its 50% interest in KPNO to KPN Mobile and the
cash received by the Group (i.e. total consideration of euro 500 million,
including euro 102 million in respect of repayment of a shareholder loan) is
included in this line.

Decrease in other liabilities

In 2001, this heading includes payments made in relation to the acquisition of:

-          a 42.5% interest in Orange Communications S.A. (euro 1,082 million),

-          a 43.4% interest in Wind (euro 4,878 million).

Those acquisitions took place in 2000 and borrowings were reflected in the
Group's consolidated balance sheet at 31 December 2000.  The capital injection
of euro 9,771 million, received from France Telecom on 29 December 2000, was
used to extinguish those borrowings in 2001.



In the ordinary course of its activities, the Group enters into purchase
contracts with network equipment manufacturers and into supply contracts with
handset suppliers containing stock protection clauses.


Under its licence agreements, the Group is committed to certain obligations, not
reflected in Note 23, imposed by administrative or regulatory authorities and
primarily relating to network coverage, quality of service and tariffs.
Consequently, the Group will incur significant capital expenditures over future
years in order to build out its networks in countries in which it was awarded
licences. Management believes that the Group has the ability to meet its
obligations to the administrative or regulatory authorities.

On 24 September 2002, OrangeFrance S.A. and the two other mobile operators in
France, jointly committed themselves to cover 1,638 localities, which would
represent deployment on approximately 1,250 sites, in connection with the French
government's expectations of coverage of certain low population zones, as
identified by the Comite Interministeriel d'Amenagement du Territoire (CIADT) on
9 July 2001. The definitive number and list of localities and sites for
deployment and the precise conditions of applications are not currently known.


The table below shows future minimum lease commitments due under non-cancelable
operating and capital leases at 31 December 2002:

(in millions of euro)                       Operating leases      Capital Leases

2003                                                 445                  56
2004                                                 407                  14
2005                                                 381                   2
2006                                                 355                   1
2007                                                 329                   1
2008 and thereafter                                  854                   9
Total minimum lease                                2,771                  83
Less amounts representing                              -                  (4)
Present value of net minimum                       2,771                  79
lease commitments

Rental expense under operating leases amounted to euro  504 million in 2002,
compared to  euro 410  million in 2001 and euro 350 million in 2000 (on a pro
forma basis).

In 2001, as part of a cross-border lease (QTE lease) with third parties, Orange
Communications S.A. disposed of and leased back telecommunication equipment
amounting to USD 179 million as at the transaction date. Orange Communications
S.A. deposited funds, totalling USD 182 million together with the interest
earned thereon at 31 December 2002, which will be used to settle its obligations
under the capital lease. This in-substance early extinguishment of the capital
lease obligations resulted in the offset of the deposit amount and the capital
lease obligation.

The obligations under the 1995 and 1997 OPCS's defeased leases (see Note 15) and
under the 2001 Orange Communications S.A. QTE lease (see above) are not
reflected in the total contractual obligations because of the early
extinguishment of these commitments.



Summary of major events until the 2001 year end closing date

In March 2000, France Telecom S.A., the company MobilCom and its principal
shareholder Gerhard Schmid signed a Cooperation Framework Agreement, the object
of which was to provide MobilCom with the necessary financial support to
purchase a third generation network operator licence ("UMTS") as part of the
bidding process organised by the German authorities in July - August 2000 and to
develop a UMTS mobile telephone network.

In December 2000, France Telecom S.A. set up through various contributions the
Company to which it passed, with the agreement of Mr. Gerhard Schmid and of
MobilCom, most of the rights and obligations resulting from the Cooperation
Framework Agreement, apart from the commitments for conditional financial
support which remained with France Telecom S.A., as described below.

The Cooperation Framework Agreement, dated March 2000, as amended by a December
2000 transfer and assumption agreement (together the "CFA") provided that, after
a UMTS licence was obtained in the bidding process, the following clauses came
to effect:

A.       France Telecom S.A. would provide its financial support to MobilCom,
subject to the conditions described in point B below, in the following manner:

-         France Telecom S.A. would subscribe to an increase in the share
capital of MobilCom for an amount of approximately euro 3.7 billion providing it
with around 28.5% of the company's share capital,

-         If MobilCom was not in a position to be able to proceed with necessary
investments to commence its UMTS operations through its own existing own capital
resources and through additional financing that it procures on its own, France
Telecom S.A. would have a commitment, until the commencement of UMTS operations,
to provide loans directly to MobilCom or to guarantee third party loans, if

B.       In order to guarantee that France Telecom S.A. and the Group had at all
times the means to monitor the financial commitments regarding the process of
developing UMTS activities, the CFA stipulated that France Telecom S.A.'s and
the Group's agreement was required for approval of, amongst other matters, the
budgets and the business plan.  To facilitate this, a coordination committee was
established between the management of MobilCom and the representatives of the
France Telecom group, as well as the representation of the France Telecom group
in the company's corporate bodies.

C.      In accordance with the CFA, the Group had a call option to purchase 21.6
million shares in MobilCom held by Mr. Gerhard Schmid exercisable between 2003
and 2006. Mr. Gerhard Schmid also had a put option to sell his MobilCom shares
to the Group, exercisable if certain specific conditions were realised:

-         In the event the France Telecom group acquired additional shares such
that it owned more shares than Gerhard Schmid,

-         In the event that a deadlock had occurred and the France Telecom group
has imposed its position on Mr. Schmid through mediation as provided for in the
contract, or,

-         In the event that the France Telecom group breaches certain material
obligations under the CFA.

Following the signing of this agreement, as part of the bidding process carried
out in July - August 2000, MobilCom obtained a UMTS licence for approximately
euro 8.4 billion and proceeded to implement the following financing

-         A share capital increase reserved to France Telecom S.A. was effected
in accordance with the CFA,

-         A Senior Interim Facility was granted by a banking syndicate ,

-         Two UMTS equipment manufacturers granted supplier credits.


In 2001, a disagreement arose between Mr. Gerhard Schmid, MobilCom, France
Telecom S.A. and the Group regarding the application of the CFA, notably
concerning the MobilCom business plan for the development of the UMTS activity
and the ability of the France Telecom group to approve that plan.

This situation led the Group to write-down its euro 2,153 million MobilCom
goodwill to a nil amount and to fully depreciate the euro 915 million remaining
cost of its investment in MobilCom (see Note 10).

Events between the end of 2001 and the 2002 half-year closing date

On 11 June 2002, France Telecom S.A. and the Group informed MobilCom and Mr.
Gerhard Schmid that they were terminating the CFA, following and on the grounds
of a series of serious breaches of such agreement by Mr. Gerhard Schmid and

On 21 June 2002, Mr. Schmid was relieved of his functions as Chief Executive
Office by decision of MobilCom's Supervisory Board.

Mr. Schmid and MobilCom contested the grounds for the termination of the CFA by
France Telecom S.A. and the Group.  The Group was then not able to predict the
outcome of the dispute, which could result from this termination.

Following the departure of Mr. Schmid from the Board, the new management of
MobilCom accepted the implementation of in-depth operational, strategic and
legal analyses of MobilCom performed with both internal and external experts on
behalf of France Telecom S.A. and the Group.

The conclusions of these in-depth analyses obtained in August and September
2002, showed, inter alia, evidence of structural difficulties of MobilCom, the
significant decline in its results and the weakness of its customer base, which
have led France Telecom S.A. and the Group to conclude that autonomous UMTS
activity of MobilCom is not viable.

In this respect, the absence of changes in the German regulator position
regarding the possibilities of adapting the regulatory environment, essential
for market consolidation, and the decision of the European Commission to
consider as subject to the subsidiarity principle any modifications in national
law in this domain, have equally led to the loss of reasonable likelihood of
consolidation of UMTS operators in Germany such as France Telecom S.A. and the
Group had envisaged at the date of the 2001 financial statements.

Therefore, from a strategic point of view, the evolution of the German market
characterised by an excessive number of UMTS operating licence holders, the
absence of flexibility of the German regulatory authorities regarding the
necessary adaptation of the regulatory environment essential for the
consolidation of the market, combined with the worrying situation of MobilCom
highlighted by the detailed analyses and the profound worsening of relations
between the shareholders, led France Telecom S.A. and the Group to decide not to
seek control of MobilCom and France Telecom S.A. to no longer reply to its
requests for financial support at their respective board meetings on 12
September 2002.

In this context, the management of the Group had considered, to the best of its
current knowledge at the time, that no provision for risk had to be recorded in
its accounts for the period ended 30 June 2002.

Events since 12 September 2002

After the announcement of France Telecom S.A.'s and the Group's withdrawal,
MobilCom received support from the Federal Government of Germany, which enabled
it to continue operations.

The Federal Government of Germany also appointed a mediator in charge of
establishing, together with MobilCom and France Telecom S.A. a plan for saving

As part of the plan for saving MobilCom organized under the initiative and
control of the Federal Government of Germany, France Telecom S.A. began
discussions with MobilCom and the mediator. These discussions lead on 22
November 2002 to the signature of the MC Settlement Agreement setting up a plan
for saving MobilCom, which ends the original agreements between MobilCom, France
Telecom S.A. and the Group over the development of UMTS in Germany.

The MC Settlement Agreement provides, among other things, that MobilCom and Mr
Gerhard Schmid renounce all recourse against France Telecom S.A. and the Group,
and vice versa.

However, this agreement will become definitiveon the date of the issue of
subordinated perpetual convertible securities convertible into shares of France
Telecom S.A. (TDIRA). This issue has already been authorized by the shareholders
of France Telecom S.A., during a meeting held on 25 February 2003.

On 11 February 2003, Mr Gerhard Schmid lodged a filing for personal bankruptcy.
On 14 February 2003, the Flensburg tribunal named a provisional legal
administrator. This procedure, if continued, could give rise to challenge the
validity of the fiduciary transfer of Gerhard Schmid's shares, and his
renunciation of all recourse against the France Telecom S.A. and the Group.

In this context, the management of the Group still considers, to the best of its
current knowledge, that no provision for risk has to be recorded in its accounts
for the period ended 31 December 2002, based on an assessment of its legal
position to different types of claims that could be brought against it. The
management of the Group underlines however, that it cannot exclude that risks
could arise from legal rulings leading to further claims that the advisors to
the Group judge to be unfounded.


The agreements governing relationships between the Group, ENEL and Wind provide
for the obligation for the Group and ENEL to finance the development of Wind in
the limit of a business plan approved by them. The Group holds an option to
purchase a portion of the Wind shares held by ENEL, sufficient to increase its
equity interest in Wind to 76.6% of ENEL's interest. This option can be
exercised at any moment between 31 July 2003 and 31 January 2004 at market price
as determined by investment banks or, if Wind is listed, at a price fixed
between a range of 15% over and below the IPO price of Wind plus 10%.

The market price for the purpose of these agreements is the price per share
which a third party would pay to acquire all the shares on the basis of
evaluations made by investment banks.

The agreements governing relationships between the Group, ENEL and Wind give the
Group certain control rights over important decisions concerning Wind, and
notably a qualified majority of 83% for the adoption of any decision in an
Extraordinary General Meeting. The adoption by the Board of Directors of certain
important decisions, such as the approval of the business plan, the budget and
agreements with a shareholder or an entity of its group need the favorable vote
of at least one of the directors appointed by the Group. In the event of a
deadlock on the Board of Directors over decisions needing a favorable vote of at
least one of the directors named by the Group, after a mediation procedure, the
decision is taken on the basis of an expert opinion. In the event of a deadlock
in an Extraordinary General Meeting, over a decision needing a qualified
majority, the party whose position is not met following a mediation and
arbitration procedure has a put option over all its shares at market price plus

Moreover, the Group also holds a put option of its Wind shares to ENEL at market
value (as defined by the agreements) exercisable at any moment in the event of a
disagreement between the Group and ENEL as to an action performed or a
resolution adopted by the Board of Wind if the Group makes its disagreement
known and the action is not revoked within a certain timeframe.

Call options are also defined in the event of a change in control of the
shareholders at market price. Finally, in the event of violation confirmed in an
arbitration ruling, the non defaulting party has the right to purchase the
shares of the defaulting party at market price.

Other off balance sheet commitments

-          The Group has entered into agreements with some of its
co-shareholders whereby the Group has an option to purchase and/or sell shares
of its subsidiaries, affiliates and investments.  Some of these agreements also
contain clauses relating to transfers of shares.  The main agreements are as

*          Orange Dominicana S.A. (formerly France Telecom Dominicana S.A.): the
Group's co-shareholder has a put option, exercisable at any time during the
month of January of each year between 2003 and 2007 at market value as appraised
by an independent investment bank, whereby it can sell its 14% shareholding in
this company. The management of the Group considers, to the best of its current
knowledge, that the Group's financial exposure under this commitment is not
deemed to be material.

*          BITCO: if one shareholder of that company claims that one of its
co-shareholders has committed a material breach under the terms of the current
shareholders'agreement (see Note 10), and that claim is confirmed after dispute
resolution procedures have been followed, the non-defaulting shareholder has a
right to buy the defaulting party's shares at 80% of market value or sell its
own shares to the defaulting party at 120% of market value.  An act of
insolvency of either party also entitles the other to exercise put or call
options on the same basis. However, neither party can be compelled to complete a
share transfer in contravention of Thai law or without all applicable regulatory
approvals. Thai law currently restricts foreign ownership of a telecommunication
company to less than 50%, so the Group cannot effectively either exercise a call
or be compelled to accept a put which would increase its present 49% stake to
50% or above.

-          Moreover, shareholders agreements governing relationships with the
Group's partners in Denmark, Egypt, India, Sweden and Slovakia provide for a put
and/or call procedure in the event of a serious breach or deadlock on
fundamental issues which have not been resolved through escalation procedures,
or change of ownership of the shareholders. Those options are generally
exercisable at market value as appraised by independent experts, except for the

*          In the event of a change of ownership of the shareholders in Egypt
(as for the Group, this clause would be triggered only in the event of a change
of ownership on 51% - or above - of France Telecom's capital), the exercise
price equals 115% of market value;

*          If the Group is the defaulting party in Slovakia, the exercise price
would include the estimated damages to be paid to the non defaulting parties;

*          In the event of a material default of the Group on its obligations as
provided under the shareholders'agreement of Orange Holding A/S, its 67.23%
owned subsidiary in Denmark, the agreement sets out that the other shareholders
can force the Group to purchase their shares in Orange Holding A/S at market
value. In the event of a default by the other shareholders on their obligations,
the Group and the non defaulting parties can purchase the shares of the
defaulting shareholders at market value less a discount of 25%;

*          The Group's co-shareholders in 3G Infrastructure Services AB ("3Gis
"), a joint venture jointly operated by Orange Sverige AB and two other
operators in Sweden, have a call option on the interests held by the Group in
3Gis in the event of a breach by the Group of its financing obligations to 3Gis
or if the UMTS licence held by Orange Sverige AB is transferred to a third party
or lost or surrendered. The exercise price is the nominal amount of the shares
held by Orange Sverige AB in 3Gis. As a consequence of the Group's decision to
withdraw from the Swedish market (see Note 7), the Group's interests in 3Gis
were fully depreciated at 31 December 2002.

The management of the Group believes that reliable and/or relevant estimated
valuations for the put and call options described above cannot be provided, due
to the start up phase of most operations, leading to a wide range of possible
values as a result of the high sensitivity to the set of assumptions used.
Furthermore, disclosing such information could potentially weaken the Group's
negotiating position with its partners in the event an option is triggered by
the Group or one of its partners in the future.


In the ordinary course of its business, the Group gives and receives certain
guarantees of which the more significant at 31 December 2002 are as follows:

1.       Shares and other assets owned by the Group have been pledged to
financial institutions in order to guarantee the repayment of bank loans and
credit facilities contracted by the Group, amounting to euro 2,545 million (used
portion) and totalling euro 3,043 million (total amount of the loans and
facilities) at 31 December 2002. The main pledged assets relate to the

-          Substantially all of Orange Holdings UK's and its subsidiaries's
fixed assets: those assets, which represent a net book value of euro 10,006
million at 31 December 2002, have been pledged to the benefit of financial
lending institutions in order to guarantee the repayment of lines of credit,
amounting to euro 1,869 million, of which euro 1,438 million had been drawn down
at 31 December 2002;

-          The business and substantially all the buildings owned by Mobistar
S.A.: those assets have been pledged to the benefit of the France Telecom group
and financial institutions in order to guarantee the repayment of lines of
credit totalling euro 584 million, of which euro 515 million had been drawn down
at 31 December 2002;

-          The Group's consolidated investments in Romania, Slovakia, Denmark,
Egypt, Cameroon, Botswana, Madagascar and Sweden (i.e. the interest held by
Orange Sverige AB in 3Gis exclusively) and its non consolidated investment in

2.       The Group's outstanding commitment under the guarantee granted to ENEL,
Wind's majority shareholder, to cover the guarantee that ENEL granted to
financial institutions as collateral to the ten year deferral of payment of the
UMTS licence awarded to Wind, cannot exceed euro 76 million at 31 December 2002.
This amount represents the Group's share, i.e. 26.58%, of Wind's obligations
under the UMTS licence agreement as at 31 December 2002. Wind's obligations
under the UMTS licence agreement expire in 2010.

3.       On 30 July 2002, the Group granted a counter guarantee to France
Telecom SA with regard to the guarantee issued by France Telecom SA relating to
Wind's annual payments to the Italian railways for the right to use the rail
infrastructure for fixed line operations. The Group's outstanding commitment
under the guarantee amounts to euro 76 million at 31 December 2002 (excluding
VAT). This amount represents the Group's share, i.e. 26.58%, of Wind's
contractual obligations to the Italian railways as at 31 December 2002. Wind's
obligations under these agreements will be extinguished on 31 December 2010.

4.       Guarantees amounting to a maximum euro 49 million and euro 58 million
respectively, which had been granted to equipment suppliers in connection with
the rollout of BITCO's network in Thailand, were released in 2002.

In February 2002, the Group and its co-shareholders in BITCO entered, on a joint
and several basis, into a sponsor support deed in favour of equipment suppliers
and a pool of Thai banks in connection with a 24-month bridge loan facility of
THB 27 billion granted to TA Orange Company Limited (and increased to THB 33
billion, i.e. euro 735 million, in November 2002).  Under this agreement, the
Group and its co-shareholders in BITCO have agreed to the following:

-          Under limited circumstances (the main one being in the event of a
cash shortfall in TA Orange Company Limited), they are committed to inject cash
in that company up to a maximum amount of USD $175 million;

-          In the event of changes in the regulatory environment prevailing in
Thailand, e.g. primarily through the conversion of the current concession into a
licence, and if this were combined with a cash shortfall in TA Orange Company
Limited, the Group might incur additional funding commitments towards TA Orange
Company Limited. Those additional funding commitments would represent the
incremental costs that could eventually be incurred by TA Orange Company Limited
as a result of such regulatory changes, over and above the regulatory costs
estimated as agreed with the lenders. The Thai authorities have expressed their
intention to establish a fair competitive regime for the telecommunications
industry and are taking steps in that direction. The management of the Group
considers, on the basis of information currently available, that this move
towards liberalisation is unlikely to have an adverse economic impact on TA
Orange Company Limited.

5.       Pursuant to a Shareholder Support Agreement, the Group is required to
make a Shareholder Contribution available to Connect Austria Gesellschaft Fur
Telekommunikation GmbH, a 17.45% owned investment, up to a total maximum amount
of euro 68 million. The Group's obligation under this agreement will be
extinguished at the end of 2009.

6.       The Group has received guarantees from Orange Plc's former
shareholders, Hutchinson Whampoa and British Aerospace, as well as third party
insurance to cover the payments of a termination sum, which would replace the
future rental payments under the 1995 finance leases, should the deposit banks
become insolvent.  In respect of the 1997 finance leases, the lessors bear the
risk in the event of insolvency of the deposit banks and the Group would not be
liable for the payment of any termination sum.


The Group is involved in a number of legal proceedings and has various claims
pending as part of the course of its business.  Associated costs are accrued
when it is probable that a liability has been occurred, and the amount of that
liability can be estimated with in a reasonable range.

Although no assurance can be given as to the outcome of open claims, the
Management of the Group estimates that it is not likely that such open claims
could have a significant adverse effect on the Group's financial statements as
at 31 December 2002.


The Management of the Group considers, to the best of its current knowledge,
that, except for the commitments and contingencies disclosed above, there are no
other commitments or contingencies, which could potentially impact the Group's
financial statements at 31 December 2002 or in future years.


The Group's contractual obligations and other commitments at 31 December 2002
are as follows:

                                     Payments Due

In millions of    Total   By end of       Between     Between      2008 and
euros                          2003      2004 and    2006 and    thereafter
                                      end of 2005 end of 2007
On balance sheet

borrowings        3,586         853       1,397         417           919
(see Note 12)
borrowings        3,116       3,116           -           -             -
(see Note 12)
Vendor              531         244         287           -             -
(see Note 13)

Off-balance sheet

leases            2,771         445         788         684           854
(see Note 22)
Capital leases       83          56          16           2             9
(see Note 22)
Purchase of       1,774       1 066         657          46             5
fixed assets
and other

Total            11,861       5,780       3,145       1,149         1,787

               Commitments maturing during each period

In millions of  Total   By end of    Between     Between     2008 and
euros                        2003   2004 and    2006 and    thereafter
                                   end of 2005 end of 2007
Guarantees        387          16        202         39          130
(see Note
Credit         7,143       5,119       1,808        201           15
(see Note
Total other    7,530       5,135       2,010        240          145


The transactions and balances summarised below arose in the ordinary course of
business with related parties:

Balances with related parties
                                                        At 31 December
(in millions of euro)                                2002             2001
Payables  to  related parties
France Telecom                                      4,004            3,743
Receivables and cash on deposits with
related parties
France Telecom                                        723              677
Non consolidated investments and                      175               50

Transactions with related parties
                                     Year ended 31                 Year ended 31
                                       December                        December
(in millions of euro)              2002       2001                       2000
                                                                       Pro forma
Transactions with
related parties
France Telecom:
- Revenues (1)                    1,675       1,585                       1,905
- Expenses(1)                    (2,460)     (2,387)                     (2,737)

(1) Includes interests.

The main transactions with related parties relate to interconnection between


-          On 13 February 2003, the Board resolved to appoint Mr Solomon
Trujillo as Chief Executive Officer of the Company, replacing Mr Jean-Francois
Pontal. This appointment will become effective on completion of relevant


In 2001, the main changes in the consolidation scope relate to the following:

-          The Group took part in the formation of the following companies:

*           Orange Sverige AB: the Group took part in the formation of that
Company, with an initial 51% shareholding and subsequently acquired additional
stakes (see below),

*           Orange Promotions S.A., Inventmobile S.A., Mobile for Business SNC,
Orange International SAS.

-          The Group acquired additional interests in the following companies:

*           On 16 January 2001, the Group acquired an additional 8% interest in
Dutchtone N.V., bringing its total shareholding to 100%,

*           The Group increased its shareholding in Orange Communications S.A.
from 85% to 99.75%, through the following steps:

    -          On 15 March and 3 September 2001, the Group acquired an 
additional 2.5% and 5% stake respectively, after two of its co-shareholders 
elected to exercise their put options, bringing the Group's shareholding in 
Orange Communications S.A. to 92.5%,

    -          On 7 November 2001, the Group increased the share capital of 
Orange Communications S.A. and thereby diluted the minority shareholders and 
increased the total Group's shareholding in Orange Communications S.A. from 
92.5% to 99.75%.

*           Subsequent to the formation of Orange Sverige AB (see above), the
Group acquired additional stakes (34% on 29 August 2001, 10% on 3 December 2001
and 3% on 27 December 2001), increasing its total shareholding from 51% to
around 98% at 31 December 2001.

*           In January 2001, the Group entered into an agreement with its
co-shareholders in BITCO whereby it acquired an additional 15% interest in this
company, increasing the Group's total shareholding from 34% to 49%.

-          The Group's shareholdings in Wind and MobilCom were reduced:

*           The Group's co-shareholder in Wind, ENEL, acquired a 100%
shareholding in Infostrada on 29 March 2001 and contributed it to Wind on 30
July 2001, reducing the Group's shareholding in Wind from 43.4% to 26.58%,

*           The Group's shareholding in MobilCom was reduced from 28.5% to
28.3%, following the conversion to shares of convertible bonds held by employees
of MobilCom.

-          Hutchison Telecommunications (France) S.A., Orange France Holding
S.A. and Dutchtone Multimedia N.V. were merged into existing consolidated

-          GlobtelNet A.S. was consolidated for the first time.

In 2002, the main changes in the consolidation scope relate to the following:

-          The Group acquired a 71.25% stake in the Egyptian operation MobiNil
from the France Telecom Group on 1 July 2002, in line with the intention
expressed at the time of the Initial Public Offering of the Company in February
2001, ensuring joint control of MobiNil with Orascom Telecom Holding S.A.E. as
its partner and co-shareholder.  MobiNil owns 51% of ECMS.  ECMS was formed in
1998 and awarded its GSM 900 licence the same year. ECMS is Egypt's number one
provider of wirefree services.

-          The Group bought out the minority interests of Mobile Internet for
Business S.N.C. (50%), Orange Sverige AB (2%) and Orange Communications S.A.
(0.25%) bringing its total shareholding to 100% of the share capital of those
three companies.

-          On 8 July 2002, the Group approved the capital increase of Orange
Holding A/S for an amount of euro 177 million, of which the Group contributed
euro 156 million through the partial conversion of its existing shareholder loan
into capital in July 2002, and euro 21 million in cash in September 2002.  This
resulted in an increase of the Group's shareholding in Orange Holding A/S from
53.58% to 67.23%, since the Group's co-shareholders did not participate in the
capital increase.

-          GlobtelNet, a.s., in which the Group owned an initial 85% stake, was
merged into Orange Slovensko, a.s. in January 2002 and additionally the Group's
co-shareholders in Orange Slovensko, a.s. participated in a capital increase
which was not subscribed by the Group, resulting in a slight decrease in the
Group's shareholding in Orange Slovensko, a.s. from 64.27% to 63.88%.

-          The Group took part in the formation of Castle Worldwide Finance CV,
Rann BV, Orange World Services A/S and GIE Orange Reunion Invest.

-          OrangeServices S.A. and OrangeClients S.A. were merged into
OrangeFrance S.A..

-          Mobile et Permission S.A. and 3G Infrastructure Services AB were
consolidated for the first time.

-          Rapid Link was liquidated.


                                                            % interest   % control       % interest
                                                            31 December 31 December      31 December 31 December
Company                                         Country                                     2001        2000
                                                               2002        2002
OrangeFrance S.A. ("Orange France") (1)         France        99.86%      99.86%           99.86%      99.86%
Orange Caraibe S.A. (1)                         France        100.00%     100.00%          100.00%     100.00%
OrangeDistribution S.A. (1)                     France        99.86%      100.00%          99.86%      99.86%
OrangeServices S.A.                             France           -           -             99.86%      99.86%

Rapp 6 (1)                                      France        99.86%      100.00%          99.86%      99.86%
Orange Support et Consulting (1)                France        99.86%      100.00%          99.86%      99.86%
OrangeClients S.A.                              France           -           -             99.86%      99.86%

Orange Reunion (1)                              France        99.86%      100.00%          99.86%      99.86%
Orange Promotions S.A. (1)                      France        99.86%      100.00%          99.86%      99.86%
Mobile et Permission S.A. (1)                   France        99.86%      100.00%             -           -
GIE Orange Reunion Invest                       France        99.86%      100.00%             -           -
Mobile Internet for Business S.N.C.             France        99.86%      100.00%             -           -

                                                            % interest   % control             % interest
Company                                         Country    31 December  31 December      31 December 31 December        
                                                               2002        2002             2001        2000
Darty France Telecom                            France        49.93%      50.00%           49.93%      49.93%
Fidecall                                        France        49.93%      50.00%           49.93%      49.93%
Inventmobile S.A.                               France        49.93%      50.00%           49.93%         -
Mobile Internet for Business S.N.C.             France           -           -             49.93%         -

(1) The French companies highlighted above are part of the French tax group,
which was formed as of 1 January 2002 (see Note 6).


                                                            % interest   % control             % interest
                                                            31 December 31 December      31 December 31 December
Company                                         Country        2002        2002             2001        2000            
Orange Cellular Services Ltd.                   England       100.00%     100.00%          100.00%     100.00%
Orange Holdings (UK) Ltd.                       England       100.00%     100.00%          100.00%     100.00%
Orange Mobile Data UK Ltd.                      England       100.00%     100.00%          100.00%     100.00%
Orange Paging (UK) Ltd.                         England       100.00%     100.00%          100.00%     100.00%
Orange Personal Communications Services Ltd.    England       100.00%     100.00%          100.00%     100.00%
Orange Retail Ltd.                              England       100.00%     100.00%          100.00%     100.00%
Orange 3G Ltd.                                  England       100.00%     100.00%          100.00%     100.00%
The Point Telecommunications Ltd.               England       100.00%     100.00%          100.00%     100.00%


                                                            % interest   % control             % interest
                                                            31 December 31 December      31 December 31 December
Company                                   Country              2002        2002             2001        2000            
Mobistar Corporate Solutions              Belgium             50.79%      100.00%          50.79%      50.71%
Mobistar S.A.                             Belgium             50.79%      50.79%           50.79%      50.71%
Mobistar Affiliates                       Belgium             50.79%       100%               -           -
Vista Cellular Ltd.                       Botswana            51.00%      51.00%           51.00%      51.00%
Rapid Link (liquidated)                   China                  -           -             67.00%      67.00%
Hutchison Telecommunications (France) SA  France                 -           -                -        100.00%
Orange Cote d'Ivoire                      Ivory Coast         85.00%      85.00%           85.00%      85.00%
Orange Cameroun S.A. (formerly Societe    Cameroon            70.00%      70.00%           70.00%      70.00%
Camerounaise de Mobiles S.A.)
Orange A/S                                Denmark             67.23%      100.00%          53.58%      53.58%
Orange Holding A/S                        Denmark             67.23%      67.23%           53.58%      53.58%
Orange Dominicana S.A. (formerly France   Dominican           86.00%      86.00%           86.00%      86.00%
Telecom Dominicana S.A.)                  Republic
Telsea                                    Mauritius           51.00%      51.00%           51.00%      51.00%
Societe Malgache de Mobiles               Madagascar          33.61%      65.90%           33.61%      33.61%
Dutchtone N.V.                            The Netherlands     100.00%     100.00%          100.00%     92.00%
Dutchtone Multimedia N.V                  The Netherlands        -           -                -        100.00%
Dutchtone Retail                          The Netherlands     100.00%     100.00%          100.00%        -
Orange Romania S.A.                       Romania             67.81%      67.81%           67.81%      67.81%
Orange Slovensko, a.s.                    Slovakia            63.88%      63.88%           64.27%      64.00%
GlobtelNet, a.s.                          Slovakia               -           -             85.00%         -
Orange Sverige AB                         Sweden              100.00%     100.00%          97.96%         -
Orange Communications S.A.                Switzerland         100.00%     100.00%          99.75%      85.00%
Castle Worldwide Finance CV               The Netherlands     100.00%     100.00%             -           -

                                                            % interest   % control             % interest
Company                                   Country         31 December    31 December      31 December 31 December       
                                                                2002        2002             2001        2000
3G Infrastructure Services AB             Sweden              33.33%      33.33%              -           -
MobiNil for Telecommunications 
("MobiNil")                               Egypt               71.25%      71.25%              -           -
Egyptian Company for Mobile Services      Egypt               36.36%      51.03%              -           -
MobiNil Invest                            Egypt               36.36%      51.03%              -           -
MMEA                                      Egypt               35.63%      50.03%              -           -
Rann BV                                   The Netherlands     50.00%      50.00%              -           -

                                                            % interest   % control            % interest
                                                            31 December 31 December      31 December 31 December
Company                                   Country              2002        2002             2001        2000            
Wind Telecomunicazioni S.p.A. (Group)     Italy               26.58%      26.58%           26.58%      43.40%
MobilCom A.G. (Group)                     Germany                -           -             28.31%      28.50%
Bangkok Inter Teletech Company Ltd. -     Thailand            49.00%      49.00%           49.00%      34.00%
TA Orange Company Ltd.                    Thailand            48.91%      48.91%           48.91%      33.94%


                                                          % interest    % control              % interest
                                                          31 December  31 December       31 December      31
Company                                       Country                                        2001      December
                                                             2002         2002                           2000
Ananova Ltd.                                  England       100.00%      100.00%           100.00%     100.00%
Orange Services US, Inc.                      United        100.00%      100.00%           100.00%     100.00%
Orangeworld, Inc                              United        100.00%      100.00%           100.00%     100.00%
Wildfire Communications, Inc.                 United        100.00%      100.00%           100.00%     100.00%
Orange World Services A/S                     Denmark       100.00%      100.00%              -           -
Orange plc                                    England       100.00%      100.00%           100.00%     100.00%
Orange Austria Ltd.                           England       100.00%      100.00%           100.00%     100.00%
Orange International Ltd.                     England       100.00%      100.00%           100.00%     100.00%
Orange Overseas Holdings Ltd.                 England       100.00%      100.00%           100.00%     100.00%
Orange Overseas Holdings No.2 Ltd.            England       100.00%      100.00%           100.00%     100.00%
Orange International Developments Ltd.        Bahamas       100.00%      100.00%           100.00%     100.00%
Wirefree Services Belgium                     Belgium       100.00%      100.00%           100.00%     100.00%
Orange International S.A.S.                   France        100.00%      100.00%           100.00%         -
Orange France Holding S.A.                    France           -           -                 -         100.00%
Wirefree Services Denmark A/S                 Denmark       100.00%      100.00%           100.00%     100.00%
Orange International B.V.                     The           100.00%      100.00%           100.00%     100.00%
Orange Ocean Ltd.                             United        100.00%      100.00%            -            -
Orange Holdings Ltd.                          England       100.00%      100.00%           100.00%     100.00%

                                                            % interest   % control             % interest
Company                                         Country    31 December  31 December      31 December 31 December        
                                                               2002        2002             2001        2000
Book2eat.com Holdings Ltd. (in liquidation)     England       41.74%      41.74%           41.74%      41.74%
NewsTakes, Inc. (in liquidation)                United        25.00%      25.00%           25.00%      25.00%


The aggregate gross amount of compensation paid to the executive officers and
directors of the Company amounted to euro 4 million in 2002.



                                                                        At 31 December

                                                                      2002                            2001
                                                    ___________________________________________      ________
(millions of euro)                      Notes       Gross value      Depreciation      Net Book      Net Book
                                                                                         Value         Value
Fixed Assets
Tangible and intangible fixed assets     1.1                73                  3           70            19
Investment securities and other
financial fixed assets                   1.1            72,054             22,496       49,558        64,522
Total long-term assets                                  72,127             22,499       49,628        64,541

Current Assets
Trade receivables                        1.4               119                  -          119            11
Other current assets                     1.5               551                 79          472           302
Cash and cash equivalents                                   44                  -           44            20
Total current assets                                       714                 79          635           333
Unrealised foreign exchange losses                          20                  -           20             4
Total Assets                                            72,861             22,578       50,283        64,878

                                                                         At 31 December
(millions of euro)                                 Notes               2002           2001
Shareholders' equity
Share capital                                                         4,815           4,815
Share premium                                                        59,836          59,836
Legal reserve                                                             -               -
Other reserves                                                            -               -
Accumulated losses                                                   (3,997)            (28)
Tax depreciation provision                                               38                -
Net loss for the year                                               (19,145)         (3,969)
Total shareholders' equity                          2.1              41,547          60,654
Provision for risks and liabilities                 2.2                  58               -
Provision for exchange loss                         2.2                  13               2
Total provisions                                                         71               2
Long term debt                                      2.4               2,718             234
Short term debt                                     2.4               5,470           3,837
Trade payables and accrued expenses                                     406             122
Other current liabilities                                                71              29
Total liabilities                                                     8,665           4,222

Total liabilities and shareholders' equity                           50,283          64,878


1.1 Nature of long-term assets and changes during the period

(millions  of euro)                             At 31            Increase          Decrease    At 31 December
                                           December 2001                                               2002
Gross value
Intangible and tangible fixed assets               19                56                 2               73
Investment securities                          67,785             7,964             3,829           71,920
Other long-term receivables                       737                 -               603              134
Total gross value                              68,541             8,020             4,434           72,127

Amortisation and provision
Intangible and tangible fixed assets                 -               (4)                1               (3)
Investment securities                          (4,000)          (22,489)            4,000          (22,489)
Other long-term receivables                          -               (7)                 -              (7)
Total amortisation and provision               (4,000)          (22,500)            4,001          (22,499)

Intangible and tangible fixed assets mainly comprise licences and software.
Amortisation expenses amounted to euro 4 million in 2002.

When Orange S.A. (the "Company") was formed, the shareholdings held by France
Telecom in Orange plc and OrangeFrance S.A. were contributed to the Company on
the basis of a global value, which reflected the cumulative historical carrying
values of these shareholdings in the books of France Telecom at the time of the
contribution. In this context, the value in use of the Company's investment in
Orange plc has been assessed based on the intrinsic value of Orange plc and
taking into consideration the strategy, which presided over the formation of the
Orange SA Group, mainly in respect of the following:

*          The acquisition of a strategic market share in the United Kingdom,

*          The potential of the "Orange" brand name,

*          The formation of an integrated European group, one of the leading
providers of wirefree communications services.

As a result of downward trends observed in the mobile market and of the review
by management of Orange plc's and the Orange Group's (the "Group") medium and
long term prospects, the value in use of Orange plc, which incorporates all the
elements highlighted above, has been depreciated for a total amount of euro
11,000 million at 31 December 2002.

The investment in Wirefree Services Belgium ("WSB") has been depreciated for a
total amount of euro 11,090 million, of which euro 7,090 million relate to
increase in the depreciation provision during the year ended 31 December 2002,
in order to reflect the decrease in value in this company's investments in
MobilCom (28.3%), Wind (26.6%), Dutchtone (100%), Orange Communications SA (50%)
and Orange Sverige AB (38.69%). In addition, a euro 266 million provision for
risk on Wind was recorded under the heading "Trade payables and accrued expenses
", bringing the total WSB related charge to euro 7,356 million for the Company
in 2002.

The investment in Wirefree Services Denmark ("WSD") has been depreciated for a
total amount of euro 277 million, in order to reflect the decrease in value in
this company's investment in Orange Holding A/S (67.23%).

The Company's investment in Orange Sverige AB has been fully depreciated for an
amount of euro 112 million in order to reflect the consequences of the Group's
decision taken on 19 December 2002 to withdraw from the Swedish market.

The Company's investment in Orange Cote d'Ivoire (as well as the loan granted to
this company - see section 1.3.) has been depreciated for a total amount of euro
10 million as a result of risks relating to the political and economic situation
prevailing in this country at the balance sheet closing date.

1.2 Investment securities

(millions  of euro)        Share        Other     % of share   Book value           Loans  Sales for  Net income
                          Capital   Shareholders'  capital                                  the year   /(loss)
                                       equity     held as at                                           for the
                                                  31/12/2002                                             year
                                                                  Gross       Net
Subsidiaries (> 50%)
Orange France SA             2,096         1,692       99.86       2,094      2,094    127      7,295     1,114
Orange plc                     449         9,014      100.00      47,973     36,973      -        154       100
Sub total                                                         50,067     39,067
Wirefree Services           19,991        (4,271)     100.00      21,188     10,098      -          2    (6,862)
Belgium ("WSB") (1)
Wirefree Services               41           374      100.00         380        103     64          3      (314)
Denmark ("WSD") (2)
Orange Cote d'Ivoire (3)         6            58       85.00          10          -      7        119        31
Orange Romania SA              152            55       51.00         129        129      -        393        46
Orange Caraibes SA               5           128      100.00          34         34      -        315        60
Orange International SAS         -             -      100.00           -          -      -         12         -
Orange Sverige AB (4)            5           142       61.31         112          -     18          5      (201)
Total                                                             71,920     49,431    216

Figures are converted into euro as follows:

*          Share capital and other shareholders' equity are converted using
year-end exchange rates;

*          Turnover and net income are converted using the average exchange
rate for the year.

(1)     WSB mainly holds investments in the following companies: Wind (26.6%),
MobilCom (28.3%), Mobistar (50.8%), Dutchtone (100%), Orange Communications SA
(50%), Orange Romania SA (16.81%), Orange Sverige AB (38.69%), Orange Cameroun
SA (70%), Vista (51%), Telsea (51%), Orange Slovensko (63.88%), BPL (26%), BITCO
(49%) and MobiNil for Telecommunications (69.66%).

(2)     WSD holds investments mainly in Orange Holding A/S (67.23%), Orange
Dominicana (86%) and Orange World Services A/S (100%).

(3)     The euro 7 million loan granted to Orange Cote d'Ivoire has been written
off at 31 December 2002 (see section 1.3.).

(4)     The euro 18 million loan granted to Orange Sverige AB has been written
off at 31 December 2002 (see section 1.5.).

1.3 Other long-term assets

At 31 December 2002, other long-term assets mainly comprise loans granted to
Orange Cote d'Ivoire and OrangeFrance. These loans are due after one year and
bear interest at rates linked to market interest rates.

The euro 7 million loan granted to Orange Cote d'Ivoire has been fully written
down at 31 December 2002 as a result of risks relating to the political and
economic situation prevailing in this country at the balance sheet closing date.

1.4 Trade receivables

Trade receivables mainly comprise invoices due by some of its subsidiaries for
expenses incurred by the Company on their behalf (expatriates and management

1.5 Other current assets

The Company entered into credit facility arrangements with Orange Dominicana,
WSD, Vista, Connect Austria GmbH and Orange Sverige AB, as part of the
implementation of a centralised treasury department.

The loan to Orange Sverige AB has been depreciated for a total amount of euro 18
million as at 31 December 2002 following the decision made by the Group to
withdraw from the Swedish market.

The euro 149 million loan to Connect Austria has been depreciated for a total
amount of euro 61 million as at 31 December 2002 in order to reflect the
decrease in value of the Group's investment in this company (17.45%).


2.1 Shareholders' equity

* Statement of changes in shareholders' equity

(millions of euro)            At 31 December      Capital      Net loss     Net loss       Other     At 31 December
                                    2001         Increase       2001          2002       Movements        2002          
Share capital                       4,815             -           -             -             -          4,815
Share premium                      50,395             -           -             -             -         50,395
Additional paid-in capital          9,441             -           -             -             -          9,441
Statutory reserves                      -             -           -             -             -              -
Other reserves                          -             -           -             -             -              -
Retained earnings                     (28)            -      (3,969)            -             -         (3,997)
Tax depreciation provision              -             -           -             -            38             38
Net loss                           (3,969)            -       3,969      (19,145)             -        (19,145)
Total                              60,654             -           0      (19,145)            38          41,547

-          At 31 December 2002, the Company's share capital comprised
4,814,566,240 ordinary shares each having a par value of euro 1. The Company's
main shareholders are France Telecom (79.72%), subsidiaries of France Telecom
(6.57%), individuals (13.32%) and employees PEG only (0.39%).


-          On 29 December 2000, the shareholders authorised the Company's Board
of Directors to acquire, by all means, its own shares. This authorisation, which
was valid for a period of 18 months as of the date of that shareholders'
meeting, was cancelled on 28 May 2002 and replaced by a new authorisation valid
for a new period of 18 months as of 28 May 2002. The total amount that the
Company may use for the purpose of repurchasing its own shares is euro
7,221,844,355. The acquisitions made by the Company under this authorisation
shall not lead the Company to hold more than 10% of its share capital. At 31
December 2002, the Company did not hold any treasury shares.

-          On 29 December 2000 the shareholders authorised the Company's Board
of Directors to issue bonds or other equivalent securities. The authorisation is
valid for a period of 5 years. The maximum nominal amount shall not exceed euro
5 billion.

Share option plans

On 19 January 2001, by virtue of the authorisation granted by the shareholders
on 29 December 2000, the Company's Board of Directors approved the general
principles and rules set out in the share option plans (Orange Share Option
Plan, Orange International Sharesave Plan, Orange International Share Option
Plan, Orange US Share Option Plan).

In 2002, 30,316,206 new options were granted to eligible employees. As at 31
December 2002, 111,403,926 options were outstanding, of which 12,400,926 were
exercisable, representing 2.31% and 0.26% of the Company's share capital at that
date, respectively.

2.2 Provisions for risks and liabilities

( millions of euro)                         At 31 December         Charge          Utilisation    At 31 December
                                                     2001                                               2002
Provisions for risk                                     -              58                 -               58
Provision for exchange loss                             2              13                 2               13
Total provisions for risks and                          2              71                 2               71
Operating provisions                                    -               -                 -                -
Financial provisions                                    -              13                 2                -
Extraordinary provisions                                -              58                 -                -

2.3 Maturity of current assets and current liabilities

Current assets and current liabilities are due within one year.

2.4 Debt

-          Long-term debt includes:

   *       a euro 700 million credit facility granted to the Company in
connection with supply agreements for UMTS equipment entered into by the
Company's subsidiaries in France and the United Kingdom. At 31 December 2002,
the Company had drawn down euro 371 million under this facility, of which euro
127 million are more than one year. The maturity of the facility is euro 270
million on 31 December 2003, euro 220 million on 31 May 2004 and euro 210
million on 30 June 2004 vendor financing facilities are subject to early
repayment in the event that the related supply contract is terminated for reason
other than the default of the vendor.

   *       a loan granted by CWF to the Company amounting to euro 2,304 million
at 31 December 2002.

-          Short-term debt includes current accounts granted by the Company's
subsidiaries (mainly OrangeFrance, Orange plc) as well as draw-downs totalling
euro 2.5 billion on the 4 billion multicurrency facility granted by France

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange