****** CORRECTION ******

The issuer World Travel Holdings wishes to advise that the previous announcement sent this
morning,  'Interim  Results  for  the  second  quarter and six months ended 30 June 2002',
contained an error in the second line of paragraph  3.   The loss shown for the first half
year  should  be �0.093m and not �0.93m as previously reported.   Please  find  below  the
corrected version.


World Travel Holdings  plc,  the  AIM listed travel distribution business, today announces
its interim trading results for the second quarter and six months ended 30 June 2002.



I am delighted to be able to report  the  first  quarterly  profit  achieved  by the Group
albeit  in  what  will continue to be the best quarter of each year.  Further considerable
progress has been made in the reduction of the Group's costs and the simplification of its
administrative and  technical  structure  whilst  maintaining  revenue and growing margin.
Turnover,  represented  by  commissions and booking fees, has increased  slightly  in  the
quarter when compared to the  same  period  in  2001  on  gross  sales which have slightly
reduced.   This reflects progress made in improving margins, which  increased  to 9.29% in
the quarter from 8.8% in Q2 2001, and, given the elimination of all marketing spend  is, I
believe, a very creditable performance.

The  profit for the quarter is �0.057m compared with a loss for the same quarter last year
of �1.764m.   The  first half year shows a loss of �0.093m compared with a loss of �3.443m
in 2001. Because of the alignment of accounting policies within the Group, as indicated at
the time of our first quarter results, the interim figures for 2001 have been re-stated.

Because of seasonal  variations,  the Board expects that the Group will make a modest loss
in the second six months of the year.  The board is hopeful, based on current projections,
that 2003 will be profitable as a whole  although  the Group is always expected to be loss
making in the last quarter of each year. The Group's  cash position continues to be tight.
The �300,000 loan from Culver Holdings (our 7.35% shareholder) received during the quarter
helped, but the attitude of banks and credit card processors  towards  the travel industry
continues to be difficult, although it has eased somewhat in the US.  At  the  end  of the
quarter the Group had �0.9m of restricted cash in its US operations compared with �1.1m at
the end of March, the bulk of which represents the float held by the credit card companies
in respect of tickets, for many of which the Group had already paid the airline concerned.

The move to a common technology platform continues and will have been completed in respect
of UK operations by the end of August.

Corporate Activity

There  has  again  been  no  successful  corporate  activity  in the quarter.  A number of
opportunities have been examined but none has come to fruition.   The  board  continues to
seek  out  opportunities  and  to  review  those  that  arise  and  will take advantage of
opportunities  to  exploit  the  Group's distribution abilities by adding  further  travel
products which will produce revenue without a commensurate increase in cost.

Consumer Distribution

Deckchair, one of the Group's two  distinct web-based consumer travel businesses, which is
focused on the UK leisure market has  had  a  disappointing  quarter  largely  because the
technical  effort  applied  to  moving  to  a  common  platform  led to a deterioration in
performance, and also because of the absence of marketing expenditure.   With  its move to
the new platform in mid to late August it is expected that performance from this site will
start  to  improve.   The performance of flights.com which is aimed at the global discount
fares market is improving  following the difficult period as the site moved to a different
Global Distribution Service  for the supply of airline data to which reference was made in
the first quarter's statement. 

Trade Distribution

Travac, the Group's US-based net  fare  distributor  with  offices in New York and Orlando
continues to progress although June was significantly quieter than was expected.

Netfaresonline, the Group's Canadian-based net fare distributor  has  been affected by the
withdrawal of certain Air Canada business from its service.  Management in Canada has been
strengthened and other opportunities to grow the business are being examined.

Little progress has been made in penetrating the UK market for trade distribution although
further efforts are to be made with the new technology now becoming available.


The  Directors  believe  that  the  Group  is  now  well  on  the  way  towards  sustained
profitability.  There is enormous potential for substantially increasing sales through  an
efficient system with little increase in cost. 

The  Board  is  pleased that its hopes for profitability have been brought to fruition and
with the indications of profitability for 2003.

For further information please contact:

World Travel Holdings plc 020 7456 1351
John Biles, Chairman

Consolidated Profit and Loss Account 

                                          3 months  3 months  6 months  6 months      Year
                                          ended 30  ended 30  ended 30  ended 30  ended 31
                                         June 2002 June 2001 June 2002 June 2001  December
                                                    Restated            Restated      2001
                                   Notes     �'000     �'000     �'000     �'000     �'000

Gross travel sales
                                     4      7,765     8,090    14,356    13,781    23,672 

Turnover                             4        722       712     1,515     1,180     2,097 
                                            9.29%     8.80%    10.55%     8.56%     8.86% 

Selling and distribution costs
                                     5       (121)     (238)     (302)     (513)   (1,352)

Administration costs                 5       (544)   (2,238)   (1,307)   (4,061)  (12,995)

                                             (665)   (2,476)   (1,609)   (4,574)  (14,347)

Operating profit/ (loss)
                                     6         57    (1,764)      (94)   (3,394)  (12,250)
Loss on disposal of fixed assets
                                                -         -         -         -      (296)
Profit/(loss) before interest and
                                               57    (1,764)      (94)   (3,394)  (12,546)
Finance charges (net)
                                                -          -        1       (49)      (70)
Profit/(loss) on ordinary
activities before taxation
                                               57    (1,764)      (93)   (3,443)  (12,616)
Taxation                                        -         -         -         -         - 
Profit/(loss) on ordinary
activities after taxation                      57    (1,764)      (93)   (3,443)  (12,616)
Basic loss per share
                                     7       0.06p   (3.09)p   (0.11)p   (6.03)p  (19.21)p

Consolidated Balance Sheet

                                                  30 June  30 June 2001 31 March        31
                                                     2002      Restated     2002  December
                                                    �'000         �'000    �'000     �'000

Fixed assets
Intangible assets                                      -         8,444        -         - 
Tangible assets                                      433         2,537      484       509 
                                                     433        10,981      484       509 
Current assets
Debtors                                            1,527         2,425    1,513     2,074 
Restricted cash                                      854             -    1,100       169 
Cash at bank and in hand
                                                     191           509      279       281 
                                                   2,572         2,934    2,892     2,524 
Creditors: amounts falling due within one year

                                                  (3,657)       (6,120)  (4,308)   (3,751)

Net current assets/(liabilities)
                                                  (1,085)       (3,186)  (1,416)   (1,227)

Total assets less current liabilities
                                                    (652)        7,795     (932)     (718)
Creditors: amounts falling due after more than
one year                                          (1,992)                (1,522)   (1,526)
Provisions for liabilities and charges
                                                    (934)            -   (1,149)   (1,206)
Net (liabilities)/assets                          (3,578)         6,908  (3,603)   (3,450)

Capital and reserves
Called up share capital                            1,770           663    1,770     1,770 
Share premium account                             10,140         7,382   10,140    10,140 
Shares to be issued                                  681         6,390      681       681 
Capital reserve                                    4,758         4,800    4,763     5,401 
Profit and loss account                          (20,987)      (12,327) (21,017)  (21,502)
Shareholders' funds                                3,638         6,908   (3,663)   (3,510)
Minority interest                                     60             -       60        60 
                                                  (3,578)        6,908   (3,603)   (3,450)

Consolidated Cashflow Statement

                                                       Six       Three       Six      Year
                                                    months      months    months     ended
                                                     ended       ended     ended        31
                                                   30 June     30 June   30 June  December
                                                      2002        2002      2001      2001
                                                     �'000       �'000     �'000     �'000

Net cash outflow from operating activities
                                                      (38)       (113)   (1,329)   (3,494)
Returns on investment and servicing of finance
Interest received                                       5           2         8         7 
Interest paid                                          (4)         (2)      (57)      (77)
                                                        1          (0)      (49)      (70)

Taxation                                                -           -         -         - 

Capital expenditure and financial investment
Purchase of tangible fixed assets
                                                      (24)        (23)      (70)     (247)
Sale of tangible fixed assets
                                                        5           5         -     1,400 

                                                      (19)        (18)      (70)    1,153 
Acquisitions and disposals
Purchase of subsidiaries undertakings
                                                        -           -      (902)   (1,676)
Net cash balances acquired with subsidiary
undertaking                                             -           -       237       726 

                                                         -           -      665      (939)
Net cash outflow before financing
                                                      (56)       (131)   (2,118)   (3,350)

Issue of shares (net of costs)
                                                        -           -         -     1,755 
New long term loans                                   307         307         -         - 
New finance leases                                     15          15         -         - 
Capital element of long term loan payments
                                                        -           -        (7)     (897)
Capital element of finance lease payments
                                                       (5)         (3)      (17)       (3)

Financing                                             317         319       (24)      855 

Increase/(decrease) in cash in the period
                                                      261         188    (2,137)   (2,495)

Notes to the financial statements 

   1.The interim  financial  statements  have  been  prepared  on  the basis of accounting
     policies  set out in the Company's statutory financial statements.  Income  from  the
     sale of travel products and services is recognised at the time of the booking.

   2.The group is  engaged  in  one  class  of  business,  the sale of travel products and
     services. These activities are predominantly undertaken in the UK, Canada and the USA 

   3.The June 2001 figures have been restated due to an alignment  of  accounting policies
     at 31 December 2001. 

   4.Gross  travel  sales  and  turnover for the comparative periods are analysed  between
     continuing and discontinued operations and acquisitions as follows:

                     3 months    6 months        Year
                        Ended       ended       ended
                       30-Jun      30-Jun      31-Dec
                         2001        2001        2001
                        �'000       �'000       �'000
Gross travel sales
Continuing              2,495       4,153       7,805
Acquisitions            5,595       9,628      15,867
Discontinued                -           -           -
                        8,090      13,781      23,672
Continuing                188         342         555
Acquisitions              524         838       1,542
Discontinued                -           -           -
                          712       1,180       2,097

   5.Costs  of selling and distribution  and  administrative  costs  for  the  comparative
     periods analysed between continuing and discontinued operations are as follows:

                                 3 months  6 months        Year
                                    ended     ended       ended
                                   30-Jun    30-Jun      31-Dec
                                     2001      2001        2001
                                    �'000     �'000       �'000
Selling and distribution costs
Continuing                            238       483         952
Acquisitions                            -        30         400
Discontinued                            -         -           -
                                      238       513       1,352

Administrative costs
Continuing                          1,683     3,153       6,495
Acquisitions                          555       908       6,500
Discontinued                            -         -           -
                                    2,238     4,061      12,995

Notes to the financial statements (continued) 

   6.The  operating   loss   for  comparative  periods  analysed  between  continuing  and
     discontinued operations is as follows:-

                  3 months   6 months         Year
                     ended      ended        ended
                    30-Jun     30-Jun       31-Dec
                      2001       2001         2001
                     �'000      �'000        �'000
Operating loss
Continuing         (1,734)    (3,285)      (6,943)
Acquisitions          (30)      (109)      (5,307)
Discontinued            -          -            - 
                   (1,764)    (3,394)     (12,250)

   7.The calculation of basic  earnings  per  share  is  based  on  the  loss  on ordinary
     activities  before  taxation  in  the  financial  period  and the weighted number  of
     ordinary shares of World Travel Holdings plc in issue as described  in  the Company's
     2001 statutory accounts.

   8.The financial information for the 3 month and the 6 month periods ended 30  June 2002
     and  2001  have neither been audited nor reviewed by the Group's auditors and do  not
     constitute accounts  within the meaning of section 240 of the Companies Act 1985. The
     financial information  for  the  year  ended  31  December  2001 is abridged from the
     Company's 2001 statutory Report and Accounts. The auditors' report  on those accounts
     was unqualified and did not contain any statement under section 237 (2) or (3) of the
     Companies Act 1985. These reports have been delivered to the Registrar  of  Companies
     and  are  available from the company's registered office, 53 The London Fruit &  Wool
     Exchange, Brushfield Street, London E1 6EX.


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