UTV Media plc 
                    ("UTV" or "the Company" or "the Group") 
                                Interim Results 
                     for the six months ended 30 June 2012 
Financial highlights on continuing operations (1) 
  * Group revenue up 4% to GBP61.6m (2011: GBP59.1m) 
  * Pre-tax profits up by 3% to GBP11.2m (2011: GBP10.9m) 
  * Group operating profit marginally down to GBP12.7m (2011: GBP12.8m) 
  * GBP13.1m (21%) reduction in net debt over 12 months to GBP50.0m (June 2011: GBP63.1m) 
  * Net debt has reduced by GBP45.7m over the last 3 years, a reduction of 48% 
  * Net finance costs down 12% to GBP1.6m (2011: GBP1.8m) 
  * Diluted adjusted earnings per share up by 3% to 8.93p (2011: 8.64p) 
  * Proposed interim dividend of 1.75p (2011: 1.50p) 
Operational highlights and prospects 
  * talkSPORT signed exclusive football deals: 
      + Barclays Premier League package of worldwide audio broadcasting rights 
        (excluding Europe) to 2016 
      + Commercial radio rights for the FA Cup in the UK and Global rights 
        (including Europe) to 2018 
  * Acquisition of Simply Zesty - Ireland's leading social media agency 
  * Successful refinancing of bank facilities with terms, pricing and duration 
    endorsing the cash generative qualities and balance sheet strength of UTV 
  * New network arrangements signed with ITV 
  * Continuing strong audience delivery across both Radio and Television 
  * Revenue growth of 11% in Radio GB and 4% in local currency in Radio Ireland 
  * Television net advertising revenue down by 3%, compared to the ITV1 Network 
    which was flat, reflecting the economic environment in Ireland 
  * Continued significant debt reduction created by strong cash management, 
    with 1.74 times Net Debt:EBITDA achieved at 30 June 2012 (2011: 2.20 times) 
  * Appointment of Richard Huntingford as Chairman 
(1) As appropriate, references to profit include associate income but exclude 
exceptional items 
John McCann, Group Chief Executive, UTV Media plc, said: 
"The Group has posted a resilient performance for the first half of 2012, 
growing both revenues and pre-tax profits in a choppy market. It has also seen 
the business undergo some exciting operational developments, including a new 
Network Affiliate Agreement with ITV; talkSport securing innovative 
broadcasting agreements with both the Barclays Premier League and the Football 
Association; and the acquisition of Simply Zesty, Ireland's leading social 
media agency. The emphasis on adding value right across UTV's media assets, 
coupled with disciplined balance sheet improvement, provides a strong platform 
for future growth." 
For further information contact: 
Maitland +44 (0) 20 7379 5151 
Rowan Brown 
UTV Media plc 
John McCann Group Chief Executive +44 (0) 28 9026 2202 
Norman McKeown Group Finance Director +44 (0) 28 9026 2098 
Orla McKibbin Head of Communications +44 (0) 28 9026 2188 
Chairman's Statement 
I was delighted and honoured last month to be appointed Chairman of UTV Media 
plc, a company that I have admired for its achievements for a number of years. 
The Group has a high quality portfolio of leading media assets in radio, 
television and digital media that enjoy strong competitive positions in their 
respective markets. In addition, it has a highly committed and motivated 
management team, led by John McCann, with both a strong track record of 
industry out-performance and a keen focus on financial discipline. 
The Group generates strong cashflows from its businesses - even in the most 
difficult of trading conditions for media companies - which it has sensibly 
deployed to strengthen significantly its balance sheet over the recent past, 
whilst also maintaining a dividend return for its shareholders. 
Given this, I believe that the Group has a strong platform for future growth, 
particularly once macro-economic conditions improve. I also hope that my many 
years of media industry and PLC Board experience can bring added value and 
additional perspective to the company, for the long-term benefit of its 
Results (1) 
Radio operating profits in the first six months increased by 14% to GBP10.0 (2011 
: GBP8.8M) which was offset by a reduction in television and new media operating 
profits to GBP2.1M (2011 : GBP3.1M) and GBP0.6M (2011 : GBP0.9M) respectively. Group 
operating profit, therefore, was marginally lower at GBP12.7M (2011 : GBP12.8M). 
With a reduced net interest charge of GBP1.6M (2011 : GBP1.8M) group profit before 
tax and exceptional items was 3% higher at GBP11.2 (2011 : GBP10.9M). Diluted 
adjusted earnings per share were up 3% at 8.93p (2011 : 8.64p) 
(1) as appropriate, references to profit include associate income but exclude 
exceptional items and relate to continuing operations only 
Your Board's success in reducing net debt has enabled it to adopt a more 
progressive dividend policy over the last two years. While continuing to focus 
on further debt reduction, and being mindful of the continuing macroeconomic 
uncertainty, your Board is able to declare a 17% increase in the interim 
dividend to 1.75p (2011 : 1.50p). This will be paid on 15 October 2012 to all 
shareholders on the Register at the close of business on 14 September 2012. 
Radio (1) 
On 17 April 2012, we announced that talkSPORT had agreed a deal with the 
Premier League for an exclusive package of international audio broadcasting 
rights for the next four football seasons. On 26 July 2012, we announced that 
agreement had been reached with the Football Association for commercial radio 
rights for the FA Cup both internationally and domestically. These rights will 
enable us to extend the talkSPORT brand and content beyond the UK. At the time 
of writing, we have already announced agreements with the first of our 
international broadcast partners and have successfully broadcast our first 
Premier League matches in English, Mandarin and Spanish. 
In the UK, investment in sports rights and presenters has firmly established 
talkSPORT as an attractive proposition for both listeners and advertisers. This 
proposition was enhanced during the Euro 2012 football tournament, helping to 
lift talkSPORT's revenue for the six months to 30 June 2012 by 16% to GBP17.2M 
(2011 : GBP14.8M). Our local radio stations in GB improved revenue by 3% to GBP 
10.7M (2011 : GBP10.4M). As a result, operating profit at our GB Radio division 
increased by 18% in the first six months to GBP6.9M (2011 : GBP5.8M). 
In Ireland, the advertising revenue market remained very difficult and is 
estimated to have been down by as much as 10% in the first half. However, our 
very strong audience delivery in the key urban areas again led to a very 
significant outperformance by our stations which, on a like for like basis, 
increased revenues by 4%. After the impact of foreign exchange, revenue from 
Radio Ireland included within the Group results declined by 1% to GBP10.8M (2011 
: GBP11.0M). Operating profit at our Irish radio stations increased by 10% in 
local currency which, after adjusting for foreign exchange, was pared back to a 
still encouraging 5% improvement in operating profit to GBP3.1M (2011 : GBP3.0M). 
A new Network Affiliate Agreement was agreed with ITV plc on 5 March 2012. This 
new agreement will replace the existing network arrangements which no longer 
provide the appropriate structures to govern the broadcasting, new media, 
technological, and regulatory realities of the modern Channel 3 network. The 
Network Affiliate Agreement provides for an agreed fixed fee for the purchase 
by our television division of multi-platform programme rights to the network 
In our television division, net advertising revenue was down by 3% in the first 
half of 2012, an underperformance of the ITV1 network, which was flat. Within 
this, our television advertising revenue from London was on a par with the ITV1 
network while revenue from Ireland was down by 8%. Total television revenue was 
down by 2% to GBP16.9M (2011 : GBP17.2M). With much of our cost base linked to 
inflation indexed network programme costs, television operating profits were 
reduced to GBP2.1M (2011 : GBP3.1M). 
New Media 
On 6 March 2012, we announced the acquisition of Simply Zesty for an initial 
consideration of GBP1.7M. Simply Zesty, which is based in Dublin, provides social 
media marketing services to a wide range of clients, with more than 15% of its 
revenues now coming from international clients. 
Turnover in the New Media division increased to GBP6.0M (2011 : GBP5.8M) with GBP0.6M 
due to the inclusion of Simply Zesty for the first time. Within the total, 
Internet revenue slipped due to competitive pricing while revenue at our web 
development business, Tibus, was maintained. Overall new media operating profit 
was GBP0.6M (2011 : GBP0.9M). 
As has been reported by many other media companies, the Olympics did not 
provide any performance enhancing effect on advertising revenue and as a result 
trading conditions for the third quarter have been less positive than 
anticipated. The television airtime market in Ireland continues to be difficult 
leading to an expected 13% fall in television advertising in the three months 
ending 30 September 2012. Irish radio is projected to show a 2% improvement on 
a like for like basis and GB Radio advertising revenue is expected to increase 
by 2% during the three months, despite a strong 2011 Rugby World Cup 
comparative. New Media revenue is forecast to be up by 1% on a like for like 
basis, excluding Simply Zesty. 
Looking to the full year, the continuing economic uncertainty is likely to lead 
to volatility in the advertising revenue market. Both our GB and our Irish 
radio divisions are expected to continue to outperform their respective markets 
for the rest of the year. However, we would anticipate that with lacklustre 
conditions in Ireland, our television revenue will underperform the UK 
television market. Our New Media division will continue to show modest growth 
for the remainder of the year. 
My immediate priority as Chairman is to restore the Board to full independence 
following the events of earlier this year; the effects of which I believe may 
unfortunately have overshadowed the strong performance of the Group's 
businesses. I am committed to the highest standards of corporate governance and 
look forward to constructive engagement with the company's shareholders. I will 
be strengthening the Board with new Non-Executive Director appointments with 
the aim of creating an effective, cohesive and balanced board of directors, 
appropriate to UTV Media's status and scale of ambition as a listed company. 
Finally, I would like to pay tribute to my predecessor, Helen Kirkpatrick, who 
successfully steered the Board through the most difficult of circumstances with 
a wonderful blend of integrity, sensitivity, professionalism and humour. 
Richard Huntingford 
28 August 2012 
Group Income Statement 
for the six months ended 30 June 2012 
                              Results                          Results 
                               before                           before 
                           Exceptional Exceptional          Exceptional Exceptional 
                                 Items        Items     Total     Items       Items    Total 
                               30 June      30 June  30 June    30 June     30 June  30 June 
                      Notes       2012         2012     2012       2011        2011     2011 
                                  GBP000         GBP000     GBP000       GBP000        GBP000     GBP000 
Continuing operations 
Revenue                   3      61,551           -   61,551      59,103           -   59,103 
Operating costs                (48,959)       (196) (49,155)    (46,429)           - (46,429) 
                                -------     -------  -------     -------     -------  ------- 
Operating profit from     3      12,592       (196)   12,396      12,674           -   12,674 
continuing operations 
before tax and finance 
Share of results of                  90           -       90          82           -       82 
associates accounted for 
using the equity method 
                                -------     -------  -------     -------     -------  ------- 
Profit from continuing           12,682       (196)   12,486      12,756           -   12,756 
operations before tax and 
finance costs 
Finance revenue                      53           -       53          75           -       75 
Finance costs                   (1,651)           -  (1,651)     (1,896)           -  (1,896) 
Foreign exchange gain/               66           -       66        (83)           -     (83) 
                                -------     -------  -------     -------     -------  ------- 
Profit from continuing           11,150       (196)   10,954      10,852           -   10,852 
operations before tax 
Taxation                        (2,404)     (1,636)  (4,040)     (2,389)         616  (1,773) 
                                -------     -------  -------     -------     -------  ------- 
Profit from continuing    5       8,746     (1,832)    6,914       8,463         616    9,079 
operations after tax 
Discontinued operations 
Loss from discontinued    4           -           -        -       (213)           -    (213) 
                                -------     -------  -------     -------     -------  ------- 
Profit for the year               8,746     (1,832)    6,914       8,250         616    8,866 
                                -------     -------   ------     -------     -------   ------ 
Attributable to: 
Equity holders of the             8,561     (1,832)    6,729       8,083         616    8,699 
Non-controlling interest            185           -      185         167           -      167 
                                -------     -------  -------     -------     -------  ------- 
                                  8,746     (1,832)    6,914       8,250         616    8,866 
                                -------     -------   ------     -------     -------   ------ 
Earnings per share                                                              2012     2011 
Continuing operations 
Basic                     7                                                    7.07p    9.34p 
Diluted                   7                                                    7.02p    9.28p 
Adjusted                  7                                                    8.99p    8.70p 
Diluted adjusted          7                                                    8.93p    8.64p 
Continuing and discontinued 
Basic                     7                                                    7.07p    9.12p 
Diluted                   7                                                    7.02p    9.06p 
Adjusted                  7                                                    8.99p    8.47p 
Diluted adjusted          7                                                    8.93p    8.42p 
Group Statement of Comprehensive Income 
for the six months ended 30 June 2012 
                                                              30 June   30 June 
                                                                 2012      2011 
                                                                  GBP000     GBP000 
Profit for the period                                            6,914    8,866 
                                                               -------  ------- 
Other comprehensive income 
Exchange difference on translation of foreign                  (1,290)    4,946 
Actuarial (loss)/gain on defined benefit pension               (3,564)      521 
Cash flow hedges: 
Loss arising during the year                                     (134)    (226) 
Less transfers to the income statement                            247      312 
Tax relating to other comprehensive income                        825     (104) 
                                                               -------  ------- 
Other comprehensive (loss)/income for the year,                (3,916)   5,449 
net of tax 
                                                               -------  ------- 
Total comprehensive income for the year, net of                  2,998   14,315 
                                                               -------  ------- 
Attributable to: 
Equity holders of the parent                                     2,813   14,148 
Non-controlling interest                                           185      167 
                                                               -------  ------- 
                                                                 2,998   14,315 
                                                               -------   ------ 
Group Balance Sheet 
for the six months ended 30 June 2012 
                                                        30       30         31 
                                                      June     June   December 
                                              Notes   2012     2011       2011 
                                                      GBP000     GBP000       GBP000 
Non-current assets 
Property, plant and equipment                    8   11,566   11,514    11,273 
Intangible assets                                   176,133  228,610   173,776 
Investments accounted for using the                     216      254       126 
equity method 
Deferred tax asset                                    5,623    6,444     6,511 
                                                    -------  -------   ------- 
                                                    193,538  246,822   191,686 
                                                    -------  -------   ------- 
Current assets 
Inventories                                             352      644     1,533 
Trade and other receivables                          26,033   25,832    25,857 
Cash and short term deposits                         14,606    9,862     7,205 
                                                    -------  -------   ------- 
                                                     40,991   36,338    34,595 
                                                    -------  -------   ------- 
TOTAL ASSETS                                        234,529  283,160   226,281 
                                                    -------  -------   ------- 
Equity attributable to equity holders 
of the parent 
Equity share capital                                 55,557   55,557    55,557 
Capital redemption reserve                               50       50        50 
Treasury shares                                     (1,523)  (1,258)   (1,523) 
Foreign currency reserve                              5,881   14,445     7,171 
Cash flow hedge reserve                               (444)    (515)     (521) 
Retained earnings                                    22,439   61,019    22,414 
                                                    -------  -------   ------- 
                                                     81,960  129,298    83,148 
Non-controlling interest                                510      642       469 
                                                    -------  -------   ------- 
TOTAL EQUITY                                         82,470  129,940    83,617 
                                                    -------  -------   ------- 
Non-current liabilities 
Financial liabilities                           10   60,622   64,519    53,752 
Derivative financial liabilities                          -      337       207 
Pension liability                               11   11,170    4,930     8,569 
Provisions                                              744      969       766 
Deferred tax liabilities                             36,937   37,362    35,932 
                                                    -------  -------   ------- 
                                                    109,473  108,117    99,226 
                                                    -------  -------   ------- 
Current liabilities 
Trade and other payables                             34,655   33,771    31,948 
Financial liabilities                           10    3,985    8,444     8,167 
Derivative financial liabilities                        570      366       479 
Tax payable                                           2,944    2,094     2,409 
Provisions                                              432      428       435 
                                                    -------  -------   ------- 
                                                     42,586   45,103    43,438 
                                                    -------  -------   ------- 
TOTAL LIABILITIES                                   152,059  153,220   142,664 
                                                    -------  -------   ------- 
TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES                        234,529  283,160   226,281 
                                                    -------  -------   ------- 
Group Cash Flow 
for the six months ended 30 June 2012 
                                                            30 June  30 June 
                                                               2012     2011 
                                                               GBP000     GBP000 
Operating activities 
Profit before tax                                             10,954   10,639 
Adjustments to reconcile profit before tax to 
net cash flows from operating activities 
Foreign exchange (gain)/loss                                    (66)      83 
Net finance costs                                              1,598   1,821 
Share of results of associates                                  (90)     (82) 
Depreciation of property, plant and equipment                    834      771 
Profit from sale of property, plant and                        (194)      (3) 
Share based payments                                             283      304 
Difference between pension contributions paid                  (963)  (1,349) 
and amounts 
recognised in the income statement 
Decrease in inventories                                        1,181    1,097 
Decrease in trade and other receivables                            4    2,525 
Decrease in trade and other payables                         (4,786)  (1,742) 
Decrease in provisions                                          (25)      (1) 
                                                             -------  ------- 
Cash generated from operations before                          8,730   14,063 
exceptional costs 
Exceptional costs                                              (107)        - 
Tax paid                                                       (178)  (1,118) 
                                                             -------  ------- 
Net cash inflow from operating activities                      8,445   12,945 
                                                             -------  ------- 
Investing activities 
Interest received                                                 64       75 
Proceeds on disposal of property, plant and                      263        3 
Purchase of property, plant and equipment                    (1,184)  (1,242) 
Outflow on acquisition of subsidiary                         (1,670)        - 
Outflow on acquisition of radio licences                       (180)        - 
                                                             -------  ------- 
Net cash flows from investing activities                     (2,707)  (1,164) 
                                                             -------  ------- 
Financing activities 
Borrowing costs                                              (2,320)  (1,916) 
Dividends paid to equity shareholders                            (8)      (7) 
Dividends paid to non-controlling interests                    (144)        - 
Repayment of borrowings                                     (61,416) (11,308) 
Proceeds from borrowings                                      65,595        - 
                                                             -------  ------- 
Net cash flows used in financing activities                    1,707 (13,231) 
                                                             -------  ------- 
Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash                       7,445  (1,450) 
Net foreign exchange differences                                (44)       62 
Cash and cash equivalents at 1 January                         7,205   11,250 
                                                             -------  ------- 
Cash and cash equivalents at 31 December                      14,606    9,862 
                                                             -------   ------ 
Group Statement of Changes in Equity 
for the six months ended 30 June 2012 
               Equity    Capital           Foreign Cashflow             Share        Non- 
                share redemption Treasury currency    hedge Retained   holder controlling 
              capital    reserve   shares  reserve  reserve earnings   equity    interest    Total 
                 GBP000       GBP000     GBP000     GBP000     GBP000     GBP000     GBP000        GBP000     GBP000 
At 1 January   55,557         50  (1,258)    9,499    (581)   54,441  117,708         475  118,183 
               ------    -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------     -------  ------- 
Profit for          -          -        -        -        -    8,699    8,699         167    8,866 
the period 
Other               -          -        -    4,946       66      437    5,449           -    5,449 
income in the 
               ------     ------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------     -------  ------- 
Total net                                    4,946       66    9,136   14,148         167   14,315 
income in the 
Share based         -          -        -        -        -      304      304           -      304 
Equity              -          -        -        -        -  (2,862)  (2,862)           -  (2,862) 
paid and 
               ------    -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------     -------  ------- 
At 30 June     55,557         50  (1,258)   14,445    (515)   61,019  129,298         642  129,940 
               ------    -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------     -------  ------- 
Loss for the        -          -        -        -        - (34,585) (34,585)         248 (34,337) 
Other               -          -        -  (7,274)      (6)  (2,893) (10,173)           - (10,173) 
income in the 
               ------    -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------     -------  ------- 
Total net                                  (7,274)      (6) (37,478) (44,758)         248 (44,510) 
income in the 
Share based         -          -        -        -        -      301      301           -      301 
Acquisition         -          -    (265)        -        -        -    (265)           -    (265) 
of treasury 
Equity              -          -        -        -        -  (1,428)  (1,428)       (421)  (1,849) 
               ------    -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------     -------  ------- 
At 31          55,557         50  (1,523)    7,171    (521)   22,414   83,148         469   83,617 
December 2011 
               ------    -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------     -------  ------- 
Profit for          -          -        -        -        -    6,729    6,729         185    6,914 
the period 
Other               -          -        -  (1,290)       77  (2,703)  (3,916)           -  (3,916) 
income in the 
               ------    -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------     -------  ------- 
Total net                                  (1,290)       77    4,026    2,813         185    2,998 
income in the 
Share based         -          -        -        -        -      283      283           -      283 
Equity              -          -        -        -        -  (4,284)  (4,284)       (144)  (4,428) 
paid and 
               ------    -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------     -------  ------- 
At 30 June     55,557         50  (1,523)    5,881    (444)   22,439   81,960         510   82,470 
               ------    -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------     -------  ------- 
Notes to the accounts 
1. Basis of preparation 
The interim financial statements have been prepared in accordance with IAS34 
"Interim Financial Reporting" and the Disclosure and Transparency Rules of the 
Finance Services Authority. 
In addition the interim financial statements have been prepared on a basis 
consistent with the accounting policies set out in the Group's Annual Report 
and Accounts for the year ended 31 December 2011. 
These interim financial statements have been prepared on the going concern 
basis as the directors, having considered available relevant information, have 
a reasonable expectation that the Group has adequate resources to continue in 
operational existence for the foreseeable future. 
The interim results are unaudited but have been formally reviewed by the 
auditors and their report to the Company is set out at the end of this Interim 
Report. The information shown for the year ended 31 December 2011 does not 
constitute statutory accounts within the meaning of Section 434 of the 
Companies Act 2006 and has been extracted from the Group's 2011 Annual Report, 
which has been filed with the Registrar of Companies. The report of the 
auditors on the accounts contained within the Group's 2011 Annual Report was 
unqualified and did not contain a statement under either Section 498(2) or 
Section 498(3) of the Companies Act 2006 regarding inadequate accounting 
records or a failure to obtain necessary information and explanations. 
2. Seasonality and cyclicality 
There is no significant seasonality or cyclicality affecting the interim 
results of the operations. 
3. Segmental information 
The Group operates in four principal areas of activity - radio in GB, radio in 
Ireland, commercial television and new media. These four principal areas of 
activity also form the basis on which the Group is managed and reports are 
provided to the Chief Executive and the Board. The following is an analysis of 
the revenue and results for the period, analysed by reportable segment. 
Six months ended 30 June 2012 
                          Radio GB      Radio Television   New Media    Total 
                              GBP000       GBP000       GBP000        GBP000     GBP000 
Sales to third parties      27,862     10,821     16,878       5,990   61,551 
Intersegmental sales           406        642      1,455          69    2,572 
                           -------    -------    -------     -------  ------- 
                            28,268     11,463     18,333       6,059   64,123 
                           -------    -------    -------     -------  ------- 
Six months ended 30 June 2011 
                          Radio GB      Radio Television   New Media    Total 
                              GBP000       GBP000       GBP000        GBP000     GBP000 
Sales to third parties      25,141     10,976     17,158       5,828   59,103 
Intersegmental sales           384        574      1,314           -    2,272 
                           -------    -------    -------     -------  ------- 
                            25,525     11,550     18,472       5,828   61,375 
                           -------    -------    -------     -------  ------- 
Six months ended 30 June 2012 
                          Radio GB      Radio Television   New Media    Total 
                              GBP000       GBP000       GBP000        GBP000     GBP000 
Segment operating profit     6,835      3,107      2,075         575   12,592 
before exceptional costs 
                           -------    -------    -------     ------- 
Associate income                                                           90 
Profit before                                                          12,682 
exceptional costs, tax 
and finance costs 
Exceptional costs                                                       (196) 
Net finance cost                                                      (1,598) 
Foreign exchange gain                                                      66 
Profit before taxation                                                 10,954 
Six months ended 30 June 2011 
                          Radio GB      Radio Television   New Media    Total 
                              GBP000       GBP000       GBP000        GBP000     GBP000 
Segment operating profit     5,787      2,960      3,053         874   12,674 
before exceptional costs 
                           -------    -------    -------     ------- 
Associate income                                                           82 
Profit before tax and                                                  12,756 
finance costs 
Net finance cost                                                      (1,821) 
Foreign exchange loss                                                    (83) 
Profit before taxation                                                 10,852 
4. Discontinued operations 
Discontinued operations in 2011 relate to UTV Interactive Ltd which was closed 
in February 2011. 
5. Exceptional items 
                                        30      30 
                                      June    June 
                                      2012    2011 
                                      GBP000    GBP000 
International start-up       (i)      (196)      - 
Tax credit associated                   48       - 
with exceptional costs 
Exceptional tax credit      (ii)       751      616 
Exceptional tax charge      (iii)   (2,435)       - 
                                    -------  ------- 
                                    (1,832)     616 
                                    -------  ------- 
(i) In April 2012, talkSPORT agreed a deal with the Premier League for an 
    exclusive package of international audio broadcasting rights for the next 
    four football seasons. The deal will see talkSPORT become a global audio 
    partner of the Premier League and broadcast commentary outside Europe on 
    all 380 Barclays Premier League games in multiple languages. This deal is 
    the first step in internationalising talkSPORT's brand. 
    Production of the international output requires an expansion of talkSPORT's 
    premises and also an increase its editorial and commercial teams. The total 
    investment in set up and pre-launch costs is expected to be in the region of 
    GBP0.8 million to 31 December 2012. 
(ii) In the budgets in 2010, 2011 and 2012, changes in future corporation tax 
    rates in the UK were proposed for the years up to 2014. The exceptional tax 
    credit of GBP751,000 (2011: GBP616,000) arises from the restatement of the relevant 
    deferred tax balances to reflect the change in the UK corporation tax rate from 
    25% to 24% with effect from 1 April 2012, which was substantially enacted on 26 
    March 2012. 
    On 3 July 2012, the revision of the UK corporation tax rate to 23% from 1 April 
    2013 was substantially enacted. As a result, it is expected that the deferred 
    tax will be calculated at 23% at 31 December 2012 and that a further 
    exceptional deferred tax credit of GBP751,000 will be recognised in the second 
    half of the year. 
    The further proposed changes in the UK corporation tax rate have not yet been 
    substantively enacted. If the proposed corporation tax rate changes were to be 
    fully approved and the tax rate reduced to 22% by 2014, the relevant deferred 
    tax assets and liabilities would be restated accordingly resulting in a net 
    exceptional credit of approximately GBP1,300,000 in future periods. 
(iii) In the finance bill published on 8 February 2012 and passed into law on 2 
    April 2012, the rate of capital gains tax in the Republic of Ireland was 
    increased from 25% to 30%. The exceptional tax charge of GBP2,435,000 (2011: 
    GBPNil) arises from the restatement of the relevant deferred tax assets and 
    liabilities to reflect this. 
6. Dividends 
                                                       30 June  30 June 
                                                          2012     2011 
                                                          GBP000     GBP000 
Equity dividends on ordinary shares 
Declared at the AGM during the period 
Final for 2011: 4.50p (2010: 3.00p)                      4,284    2,862 
                                                       -------  ------- 
Proposed but not recognised as a liability at 30 June 
Interim for 2012: 1.75p (2011: 1.50p)                    1,666    1,428 
                                                       -------  ------- 
The final dividend for 2011 was paid on 16 July 2012 (2010: 15 July 2011) 
7. Earnings per share 
Basic earnings per share is calculated based on the profit for the financial 
period attributable to equity holders of the parent and on the weighted average 
number of shares in issue during the period. 
Adjusted earnings per share are calculated based on the profit for the 
financial period attributable to equity holders of the parent adjusted for the 
exceptional items. This calculation uses the weighted average number of shares 
in issue during the period. 
Diluted earnings per share are calculated based on profit for the financial 
period attributable to equity holders of the parent. Diluted adjusted earnings 
per share are calculated based on profit for the financial period attributable 
to equity holders of the parent before exceptional items. In each case the 
weighted average number of shares is adjusted to reflect the dilutive potential 
of the awards expected to be vested on the Long Term Incentive Schemes. 
The following reflects the income and share data used in the basic, adjusted, 
diluted and diluted adjusted earnings per share calculations: 
Net profit attributable to equity holders 
                                    2012                            2011 
                       Continuing Discontinued         Continuing Discontinued 
                       Operations   Operations   Total Operations   Operations   Total 
                             GBP000         GBP000    GBP000       GBP000         GBP000    GBP000 
Net profit/(loss)           6,729            -   6,729      8,912        (213)   8,699 
attributable to equity 
Exceptional items           1,832            -   1,832      (616)            -   (616) 
                           ------       ------  ------     ------       ------  ------ 
Total adjusted and          8,561            -   8,561      8,296        (213)   8,083 
diluted profit/(loss) 
attributable to equity 
                          -------      ------- -------    -------      ------- ------- 
Weighted average number of shares 
                                                                2012       2011 
                                                           thousands  thousands 
Shares in issue                                              95,903     95,903 
Weighted average number of treasury shares                     (700)      (500) 
                                                             -------    ------- 
Weighted average number of shares for basic and               95,203     95,403 
adjusted earnings per share (excluding treasury shares) 
Effect of dilution of the Long Term Incentive Plan               609        609 
                                                             -------    ------- 
                                                              95,812     96,012 
                                                             -------    ------- 
Earnings per share 
                                                               2012       2011 
From continuing and discontinued operations 
Basic                                                          7.07p      9.12p 
                                                             -------    ------- 
Diluted                                                        7.02p      9.06p 
                                                             -------    ------- 
Adjusted                                                       8.99p      8.47p 
                                                             -------    ------- 
Diluted adjusted                                               8.93p      8.42p 
                                                             -------    ------- 
From continuing operations 
Basic                                                          7.07p      9.34p 
                                                             -------    ------- 
Diluted                                                        7.02p      9.28p 
                                                             -------    ------- 
Adjusted                                                       8.99p      8.70p 
                                                             -------    ------- 
Diluted adjusted                                               8.93p      8.64p 
                                                             -------    ------- 
From discontinued operations 
Basic and diluted                                                  -    (0.22)p 
                                                             -------    ------- 
Adjusted and diluted adjusted                                      -    (0.22)p 
                                                             -------    ------- 
8. Property, plant and equipment 
During the period the Group spent GBP1,271,000 on capital additions. 
9. Business Combinations 
Simply Zesty 
On 5 March 2012 the Group acquired the entire issued share capital of Simply 
Zesty Limited, a company incorporated in the Republic of Ireland. The total 
cash consideration paid to date amounts to GBP1,670,000 and the fair value of the 
estimated deferred consideration amounting to GBP3,001,000 was recognised at the 
date of acquisition. In line with the terms of the share purchase agreement, 
contingent consideration is payable over a five year ratchet period to 31 
January 2017 based on the achievement of future EBITDA targets. The maximum 
amount of future consideration payable is approximately GBP3,224,000. 
Analysis of the acquisition of Simply Zesty 
                                                  fair value 
Property, plant and                                       29 
Debtors                                                  354 
Bank Loans                                              (17) 
Creditors                                              (232) 
Fair value of net assets                                 134 
Goodwill arising on                                    4,537 
Discharged by: 
Cash                                                   1.671 
Accrued consideration                                  3,001 
The above fair values are provisional pending the finalisation of the complete 
fair value exercise in the second half of the year. 
Included in the GBP4,537,000 of goodwill recognised above are certain intangible 
assets that cannot be individually separated and reliably measured from the 
acquiree due to their nature. These primarily relate to the expected value of 
synergies arising from the integration of Simply Zesty with the Group's 
existing new media business and the wider strategic benefits of the acquisition 
to the Group. 
Details of the revenues and profits of Simply Zesty have not been disclosed as 
they are deemed to be immaterial. 
10. Financial liabilities 
                                                      30       30       31 
                                                    June     June December 
                                                    2012     2011     2011 
                                                    GBP000     GBP000     GBP000 
Current instalments due on bank loans              3,985    8,444    8,167 
Non-current instalments due on bank loans         60,622   64,519   53,752 
                                                  ------   ------   ------ 
                                                  64,607   72,963   61,919 
                                                  ------   ------   ------ 
The bank loans at 30 June 2012 are stated net of deferred financing costs 
amounting to GBP1,042,000 (30 June 2011: GBP342,000; 31 December 2011: GBP249,000). 
In May 2012 the Group completed an agreement in respect to the refinancing of 
its bank facilities for a five year period maturing in May 2017. The new 
facilities comprise a GBP65m Revolving Credit Facility and a EUR25m Term Loan 
Facility. The Term Loan Facility has bi-annual repayments of EUR2.5m in June and 
December with the first repayment due December 2012. 
11. Pension schemes 
The IAS 19 deficit at 30 June 2012 is GBP11,170,000 (30 June 2011: GBP4,930,000) 
compared with a deficit of GBP8,569,000 at 31 December 2011. The increase is 
predominately due to an increase in the benefit obligations arising from the 
adoption of updated longevity assumptions following the completion of the 
triennial valuation as at June 2011 and also higher than expected inflation. 
Employer contributions included GBP1,181,000 of a discretionary contribution in 
addition to normal funding during the period. 
12. Related party transactions 
The nature of related parties disclosed in the consolidated financial 
statements for the Group as at and for the year ended 31 December 2011 has not 
changed. There have been no significant related party transactions in the six 
month period ended 30 June 2012. 
Risks and uncertainties 
The 2011 Annual Report sets out the most significant risk factors relating to 
UTV Media plc's operations in the Company's judgement at the time of that 
report. The Company does not consider that these principal risks and 
uncertainties have changed. However additional risks and uncertainties not 
currently known to the Company, or that the Company does not currently deem 
material may also have an adverse effect on its business. 
With respect to the risks and uncertainties identified within the Annual 
Report, the Chairman's statement highlights those risks and uncertainties that 
will have significant impact throughout 2012. 
Statement of directors' responsibilities 
The interim report is the responsibility of, and has been approved by, the 
directors of UTV Media plc. Accordingly, the directors confirm that to the best 
of their knowledge: 
  * the condensed set of financial statements has been prepared in accordance 
    with IAS 34 "Interim Financial Reporting" as adopted by the European Union; 
  * the interim report includes a fair review of the information required by 
    the Disclosure and Transparency Rules: 
      + DTR 4.2.7R, being an indication of important events that have occurred 
        during the first six months of the financial year and their impact on the 
        condensed set of financial statements, and a description of the principal 
        risks and uncertainties for the remaining six months of the year; and 
      + DTR 4.2.8R, being related party transactions that have taken place in the 
        first six months of the current financial year and that have materially 
        affected the financial position or performance of the entity during that 
        period, and any changes in the related party transactions described in the 
        last annual report that could do so. 
By order of the Board: 
John McCann 
Group Chief Executive 
28 August 2012 
Independent review report to UTV Media plc 
We have been engaged by the Company to review the condensed set of financial 
statements in the half-yearly financial report for the 6 months ended 30 June 
2012 which comprises the Group Income Statement, Group Statement of 
Comprehensive Income, Group Balance Sheet, Group Statement of Changes in 
Equity, Group Cash Flow Statement and the related notes 1 to 12. We have read 
the other information contained in the half yearly financial report and 
considered whether it contains any apparent misstatements or material 
inconsistencies with the information in the condensed set of financial 
This report is made solely to the company in accordance with guidance contained 
in ISRE 2410 (UK and Ireland) "Review of Interim Financial Information 
Performed by the Independent Auditor of the Entity" issued by the Auditing 
Practices Board. To the fullest extent permitted by law, we do not accept or 
assume responsibility to anyone other than the company, for our work, for this 
report, or for the conclusions we have formed. 
Directors' Responsibilities 
The half-yearly financial report is the responsibility of, and has been 
approved by, the directors. The directors are responsible for preparing the 
half-yearly financial report in accordance with the Disclosure and Transparency 
Rules of the United Kingdom's Financial Services Authority. 
As disclosed in note 1, the annual financial statements of the group are 
prepared in accordance with IFRSs as adopted by the European Union. The 
condensed set of financial statements included in this half-yearly financial 
report has been prepared in accordance with International Accounting Standard 
34, "Interim Financial Reporting", as adopted by the European Union. 
Our Responsibility 
Our responsibility is to express to the Company a conclusion on the condensed 
set of financial statements in the half-yearly financial report based on our 
Scope of Review 
We conducted our review in accordance with International Standard on Review 
Engagements (UK and Ireland) 2410, "Review of Interim Financial Information 
Performed by the Independent Auditor of the Entity" issued by the Auditing 
Practices Board for use in the United Kingdom. A review of interim financial 
information consists of making enquiries, primarily of persons responsible for 
financial and accounting matters, and applying analytical and other review 
procedures. A review is substantially less in scope than an audit conducted in 
accordance with International Standards on Auditing (UK and Ireland) and 
consequently does not enable us to obtain assurance that we would become aware 
of all significant matters that might be identified in an audit. Accordingly, 
we do not express an audit opinion. 
Based on our review, nothing has come to our attention that causes us to 
believe that the condensed set of financial statements in the half-yearly 
financial report for the 6 months ended 30 June 2012 is not prepared, in all 
material respects, in accordance with International Accounting Standard 34 as 
adopted by the European Union and the Disclosure and Transparency Rules of the 
United Kingdom's Financial Services Authority. 
Ernst & Young LLP 
28 August 2012 

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