RNS Number : 6475O

Renewable Energy Generation Ltd

15 October 2012

15 October 2012

Renewable Energy Generation Limited

("REG", "the Company" or "the Group")

Preliminary Results for the year ended 30 June 2012


Renewable Energy Generation Limited (AIM: WIND), the renewable energy group, today announces its preliminary results for the year ended 30 June 2012.

 Financial Year Highlights 
 --   Revenue of GBP12.1 million (2011: GBP9.8 million) 
 --   Adjusted EBITDA(1) GBP2.7m (2011: GBP0.1m) 
 --   Loss after tax of GBP1.8 million (2011: loss of GBP3.0 million) 
 --   Second round of asset financing raises GBP25 million loan 
 --   Cash and cash equivalents of GBP9.6 million (2011: GBP14.9 million) 
 --   Proposal to pay final dividend of 1.5p per Ordinary Share (2011: 
 Operational highlights 
 --   Construction of 10MW Sancton Hill site and 2MW Leeds North Bio-Power 
 --   Planning permission granted for 10MW Denzell Downs wind farm 
 --   National Grid Short Term Operating Reserve contract extended 
 --   Construction at South Sharpley (6MW) and Orchard End (4MW) wind 
       farms underway 
 Post year end events 
 --   Provisional approval gained for re-powering of 10MW St Breock wind 
 --   Third round of asset financing raises GBP16 million 

(1) Earnings before interest, taxation, depreciation and amortisation ("EBITDA") is equal to the Group's continuing operating loss before exceptional items, share based payments, interest, taxation, depreciation and amortisation.

REG Chief Executive Officer Andrew Whalley said:

"This year has seen us over-achieve against our three-year target to commit GBP100m of investment in UK renewable projects.

Alongside successful construction of energetic new sites, we have also made considerable progress with planning submissions over the past 12 months and are well-positioned to significantly expand our operating portfolio."

A presentation to equity analysts will be held today at 9.30 am at the offices of City Profile, Augustine House, 6A Austin Friars, London, EC2N 2HA. Please contact Abigail Genis if you would like to attend.



 Renewable Energy Generation Limited 
  Andrew Whalley, Chief Executive Officer 
  David Crockford, Finance Director 
  Ian Lawrence, Communications Manager           +44 (0)1483 901 790 
 Smith & Williamson Corporate Finance Limited 
  (Nominated Adviser) 
  Nick Reeve / Martyn Fraser                     +44 (0)117 376 2213 
 Cenkos (Corporate Broker) 
  Bobbie Hilliam/Max Hartley                     +44 (0)20 7397 8900 
 City Profile 
  Simon Courtenay/Abigail Genis                  +44 (0)20 7448 3244 

Notes to editors

Renewable Energy Generation Ltd (REG) is a UK renewable energy group. Its main business is the development, construction and operation of wind farms and generating power from refined used cooking oil.

REG Windpower: based in Truro and Bath, UK, it currently operates 11 wind projects in Cambridgeshire, Cornwall, County Durham, Yorkshire, Cumbria and Gwynedd, with a total capacity of 51.15MW and has a development pipeline of over 1,000MW.

REG Bio-Power UK Ltd: based in Nottingham, UK: it operates electricity generation plant powered by fuel recovered from used cooking oil.

Headquartered in Jersey, REG was admitted to trading on AIM, a market operated by the London Stock Exchange, in May 2005 (AIM: WIND).


Chairman's Statement

Global Context

The term "Ecosterity" emerged during the past year as deteriorating public finances around the globe led governments, most notably in the developed economies, to prioritise urgent fiscal imperatives over important but longer-term issues such as environmental sustainability. Nevertheless global investment in renewable energy increased 17% to a new record of $257bn in 2011 of which developing countries made up 35%.

Uncertainty over future policy support in Europe and the US combined with over-supply as new manufacturing capacity came on stream in the solar and wind power sectors and this weighed heavily on clean energy equity markets, which fell 40% in 2011 and recovered only partially in the early part of 2012. Ironically, developers like REG, which benefit from improving contractual terms for equipment associated with this over-capacity, suffered from the same overarching market sentiment. In REG's case there remains a clear gap between the Discounted Cash Flow value of its assets and its market capitalisation- which currently appears to recognise value in its operating assets only and ignores the tangible value of consented projects and those under construction.

Governments such as the UK's have recently tried to clarify specific issues for investors, as they anticipate the impact of policy confusion on the ability to attract scarce capital to energy infrastructure needed urgently to meet the rapidly emerging and conflicting priorities of energy security, economy, affordability and sustainability for a growing global population.

Legally-binding EU targets oblige the UK to meet 20% of its total energy consumption from renewable sources by 2020, compared with only a 3% contribution existing when it was set in 2009.

The Government is focusing most of its compliance effort on the electricity industry with an aim to take renewably produced electricity to 30% of total energy supplied by 2027. It has set targets of 13GW of onshore wind capacity by 2020, up from about 5GW installed today, and 18GW of offshore wind, about 10 times current operational. These targets are not without controversy and the past year has witnessed high profile campaigns of disinformation, presenting them as unaffordable. In reality, onshore wind energy subsidies added less than GBP5 per year to household energy bills last year according to the UK's energy regulator OFGEM.

Our Performance and Outlook

We made good progress towards, and will comfortably exceed our objective announced in 2009, to commit GBP100m to renewable projects during the three year period ending December 2012. The momentum gained in achieving this target positions us well for the next stage of our growth. By the end of 2012 we will have 57.15MW of operational wind plant and 8MW of Bio-Power projects with a further 4MW of wind plant under construction. More significantly, if we maintain our three-year planning success rate we will in the next three years continue to add significantly to our operating fleet.

We expect to be capable of funding this programme without resorting to additional equity raising. We have demonstrated our ability to access debt at competitive rates and to date we have re-financed three tranches of our operational projects which we had built with all-equity, raising GBP53m. We maintain a prudent attitude to leverage and intend to keep gearing at Group level to manageable levels. Thus we expect to commence next year the construction of our pipeline of recently consented projects with our current equity, complemented by prudent project finance.

We remain confident that we can extract value for shareholders and energy users alike from amongst the chaotic conditions of energy policy which prevail in the UK. With no credible remedy yet for the electricity supply security risks arising from the forced retirement of one-fifth of its power stations for environmental and age reasons by 2015, we expect the UK's wholesale power prices to rise. By not fixing PPAs beyond the pinch point of 2015 the wind business is structured to benefit from higher prices. Furthermore, our proven ability to develop diesel engine power stations whilst attracting high subsidies via the Renewable Obligation subsidy scheme by using the bio-fuel which we manufacture from used cooking oil (UCO), lends itself perfectly to the National Grid Operator's need for highly flexible "stand-by" and "peaking" plant. Such plant will be required throughout and beyond the next decade's capacity tightness as more wind and other intermittent sources of renewable energy come into operation.

Our favourable experience in the past year with two plants contracted to National Grid Company's (NGC) short term operating reserve programme underpins our strategy to continue to bid for further STOR contracts. We expect to extend our small fleet by a further four plants in partnership with one of the world's leading diesel engine manufacturers following their positive validation of operation on UCO in the past year. We consider this business to be symbiotic with our wind operations and we plan a modest expansion of it, having significantly improved the annual operating cash performance of our existing 8MW fleet.

We welcome the Government enthusiasm for renewable energy schemes where local people benefit from the power produced. However, we believe that better mechanisms are needed than the proposed Contracts for Differences to unlock the potential of community-supported schemes. We will though, continue to invest much effort in engaging with local communities in the manner which has supported our success rate and their interests.

Your Board continues to be alert to the balance of shareholder benefit between reinvesting and distributing earnings. In view of the continued strength of asset building opportunities available to the Company, we propose to pay a final dividend of 1.5p per ordinary share (2011: 1.5p) in respect of the past year.

Chief Executive's Statement

Strategic Overview and Review of the Year

When REG successfully sold its Canadian business in 2009 it was with the objective of committing GBP100m to new UK onshore renewables projects by the end of 2012. We are now approaching the end of this three year programme and I set out in this report how we have performed against that commitment and what our targets are for the future.

Since the end of 2009 we have commissioned 18.5MW of new wind generation projects, repowered an existing site to 12MW and acquired a 4.95MW operating project.

In total, we closed the year with 51.15MW of wind projects in operation, with an annual expected output of 134,000MWh compared to 21.3MW and 50,000MWh when we started out on our 3 year plan. Taking into consideration our consented pipeline we have been able to complete the programme started in 2009.

Additionally we have 10MW of new plant under construction, 7 wind sites totalling around 36MW moving to construction and potentially over 40MW of STOR projects available for construction. We have built a business with a strong revenue stream delivering positive operational cash flows and able, through its balance sheet, to deliver significant growth into the future.

However, this growth has not been achieved easily. The truth is that developing, building and owning wind farms is an immensely complex business. The regulatory and political backdrop to the sector is not easy whilst developing large infrastructure projects in a responsible and safe manner is never less than challenging. Nonetheless I think we can look back on the last three years with some satisfaction.

Our current development business has been structured in order to deliver, given average consenting rates in the UK, around 20-40MW of new projects per annum; that is to say projects that are "buildable" and thus readily deliver value for REG shareholders. We will continue to target an "all in" development expenditure around GBP4m per annum, or to put it another way around GBP125,000 per consented MW. Of course we hope that we will exceed these targets but development is a volatile and somewhat unpredictable business and some years we will perform well, others less well. But if our median annual goal of 30MW is achieved, your Company should generate sound shareholder value.

Over the last three years REG Bio-Power has undertaken a programme of research and development which has been fallow in terms of profits, but fruitful in terms of laying the foundation stones for creating shareholder value. REG Bio-Power is a unique business providing a vital service for National Grid in the UK, owning plant that can be started remotely running on our patented fuel made from recycled cooking oil. Volatility on the UK electricity system is likely to increase over coming years as variable supply, including wind, grows. So the STOR market will grow substantially and REG Bio-Power should be well placed to take advantage.

So what of the next three years? REG now has a stable operating base and an experienced team of professionals. We are awaiting planning decisions on almost 70MW of new projects whilst we anticipate submitting a further 70MW of projects in the coming year. Although our ability to all equity finance projects will inevitably diminish as we invest capital into our operational base, REG's current equity position remains strong.

Wind - Operational Overview of Year

Our new 10MW project at Sancton Hill in the East Riding of Yorkshire was completed in June 2012 on time and slightly below budget.

The project utilises five Vestas V80 Gridstreamer 2MW turbines and, in an average wind year, delivers around 28,000MWh of energy to the local grid. REG's next completed project will be the 6MW South Sharpley Wind Farm in County Durham, again utilising Vestas Gridstreamer turbines. This project is well advanced and is expected to be exporting power by November 2012. This will be followed by the 4MW Orchard End wind farm. Utilising two Vestas V90s, amongst the largest onshore wind turbines in the UK, this project is expected to be complete by March 2013. South Sharpley and Orchard End wind farms will increase REG's operational wind farms to thirteen, totalling 61MW of capacity and producing in excess of 160,000MWh of clean electricity per annum.

This will place REG amongst the top fifteen owners of onshore wind projects in the UK.

I am pleased to report that turbine availability for the year was excellent and at 97.1% allowed us to maximise the more favourable national wind conditions pertaining in this period relative to the unusually calm conditions during 2010/11.

We have invested significant effort in enhancing our operational systems to manage our larger portfolio and it is anticipated that the systems, processes and controls we have implemented are fully scalable to match the Company's growth plans.

Wind - Project Development

During the year we submitted eight new planning applications totalling 68.8MWs and lodged a planning appeal for a 12MW proposal. For the current financial year, the focus will be on enhancing the planning prospects of those schemes in the planning system, targeting a further nine planning applications totalling some 70MW, including our first projects in Scotland, while lodging and managing further planning appeals where this is necessary.

Following the year end we were pleased to announce the receipt of a planning permission for repowering our existing 4.95MW wind farm at St. Breock in Cornwall into a new 10MW wind farm. The site was purchased from E.ON in June 2010 with a view to repower and we were delighted to repeat our success in repowering sites as witnessed at Goonhilly in 2010.

During the year our 10MW project at Denzell Downs received a planning consent. This project is currently the subject of a legal challenge but we have always planned to build Denzell Downs alongside our repowered project at St Breock, the two projects being geographically close. Therefore assuming the legal challenge to Denzell Downs is dealt with speedily by the courts, then both it and St Breock should move to construction during 2013.

Significant progress has been made this year to advance our development portfolio into the formal planning system. At the year end we were awaiting determination for 76MW of capacity across eight projects.

This year has also seen us widen the geographic spread of our development drive. Two projects in South Wales have entered the planning system and two in Scotland have advanced into the public domain with applications expected in 2013. Additionally we acquired a two-thirds stake in a scheme in Northern Ireland which is now moving towards construction. Planning success in these areas will not only give the Company access to excellent wind resource but also further protect the operating portfolio from localised fluctuations in wind speed.

Bio-Power - Operational Overview of the Year

The performance of REG Bio-Power has improved dramatically as a result of tight cost control and the successful commissioning of a new 2MW project in Leeds utilising five Volvo Penta diesel engines operating on REG Bio's patented refined waste cooking oil. This project provides short term operating reserve ("STOR") for National Grid and increased REG Bio's operating plant to 8MWs. Both our existing 6MW plant at Bentwaters and Leeds North were utilised somewhat more than expected over the course of the year and this resulted in an adjusted EBITDA loss of GBP244,000 over the year, a significant improvement on the adjusted EBITDA loss last year of GBP1,013,000.

Our own waste cooking oil collection business processed 2.2 million litres of used cooking oil into our bioliquid, LF100, with almost 70% coming from our own customer base. We continued to expand the collection business and volumes within the Public Sector, signing contracts covering a further 80 Local Authority Household Recycling Centres and taking the total number of HRC sites to over 420. Collection volumes also increased from the commercial contracts we have with a number of food processing companies.

To date our power plants have all been built using engines operating at 400kW. In 2012, we successfully tested LF100 with two other engine manufacturers using engines rated at up to 2MW, a development which will allow us to build and operate STOR sites with a much larger MW capacity than at present. The STOR market is forecast to double between now and 2020 and REG Bio-Power is ideally placed to take advantage of this expansion.

Several industries, including oleochemical, polyurethane and lubrication, use premium-priced virgin vegetable oils in their production processes as a substitute for fossil oils. LF100 as our bioliquid is recovered from a waste and is therefore more sustainable than virgin vegetable oil. In 2011/12, we sold over 600,000 litres of LF100 under contract to two companies, who produce sustainable building cladding and specialist industrial metalworking fluids, as a replacement for virgin vegetable oil.

The political environment

At a policy level, the period has been dominated by discussion of the new National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF), the Government's Localism agenda and the Renewable Obligation re-banding. While the emergence of the NPPF has seen previous guidance swept aside, a commitment to sustainable development remains at the core of the new policy. There is scant evidence to date to suggest a fundamental shift in onshore wind schemes' prospects of success at appeal following the introduction of the new guidance.

Localism demands considerable attention be paid to early and thorough engagement with parish or community councils and the local population. However given the historic low rate of consent at local planning authority level for onshore wind farms compared to other forms of development, this has been an essential ingredient of the process for wind developers for a number of years.

Similarly the need to demonstrate tangible benefits to the communities hosting wind farms has been highlighted at Governmental level over the last year. We have adopted a standard Community Fund contribution of GBP4,000 per installed MW of capacity; typically administered by a third party over the project's operating life. An element of flexibility has been maintained, allowing the sum to be front-loaded if suitable capital projects are identified for funding.

This was put into practice this year at Sancton Hill in Yorkshire. Construction of the 10MW site commenced in November 2011 and simultaneously the first GBP70,000 was released into the Community Fund. Among a range of local good causes supported, the first tranche of funding enabled local volunteers to complete an 11-year project to return Sancton Village Hall to use. Close liaison throughout the construction and early operation period has engendered a more harmonious relationship with the host community than would otherwise have been the case.

Group Financial Highlights

Wind speeds this year were in line with P50 estimates and this, together with improved results from REG Bio, resulted in revenues of GBP12.1m (2011: GBP9.8m) with adjusted EBITDA of GBP2.7m (2011: nil). Pre tax losses narrowed from GBP3.0m in 2011 to GBP2.0m this year.

Our expenses this year were GBP5.0m, 6% more than the GBP4.7m we spent last year. We have been conscious that in establishing the cost base of the Company to develop a significant portfolio of operating assets as quickly as possible, we must work hard to hold our expense ratio at a satisfactory level. We anticipate that expenses will be approximately the same this current year.

As a result of investing GBP17.2m in new projects year end free cash declined from GBP14.9m to a still healthy GBP9.6m. This is a sound achievement when it is realised that our latest three wind projects with capital investment of over GBP22m have been financed entirely using our own equity.

In order to finance future growth we closed a second project financing with the Co-operative Bank. This covered the 20.5MW of wind projects at Goonhilly, High Haswell and Loscar. The debt is a fifteen year GBP25m facility at a fixed rate of 5.5%. This led to an increase in net debt to GBP16.3m (2011: GBP4.7m net cash) as the strategy of gearing from a position of all equity progresses.

Restricted cash increased from GBP0.9m last year to GBP8.6m at the end of the period. Much of this restricted cash is the balance of the turbine contract relating to South Sharpley and Orchard End, effectively meaning the majority of our upcoming construction cash flows are fully funded.

(1) Adjusted earnings before interest, taxation, depreciation and amortisation ("EBITDA") is equal to the Group's continuing operating loss before exceptional administrative costs, share based payments, interest, taxation, depreciation and amortisation.

Health and Safety

REG aims to adhere to best practice in the industry and health and safety underpins all of our projects, both development and operational. REG has been nominated for the CIR Risk Magazine Transformation Award 2012 which is testament to the effort that has been made in this extremely important area.


REG's staff have, once again, worked ceaselessly in an often difficult environment. They continue to perform over and above the call of duty and I and the Board are indebted to them for their dedication.

Post Year End Activity

On 3 October 2012 it was announced that the Group had completed the project financing of two wind farms; Sancton Hill (10MW) and South Sharpley (6MW).

The project financing is for GBP16m repayable over 10 years at a rate fixed at 5.7% and is provided by The Co-operative Bank. Funds from the loan are drawn down in two tranches, GBP9.7m on 3 October 2012, and GBP6.3m on the commercial operation date of the South Sharpley wind farm, expected to be by the end of the calendar year.


It has now been seven years since REG listed on the London Stock Exchange's AIM Market. Whilst we have declared over GBP18.5m in dividends for our shareholders in that period, it is apparent that there remains a wide disparity between the intrinsic value of the Company and its share price. Therefore the next period of growth for REG must be balanced by a need to return some of the benefits of this growth to our patient shareholders.

Overall REG remains in sound health. The environment for consenting and then building onshore wind projects will remain, rightly, challenging but REG is well placed to exploit its market leading position.

Consolidated Income Statement

For the year ended 30 June 2012

                                                    2012             2011 
                                                  GBP000           GBP000 
 Revenue                                          12,108            9,818 
 Cost of sales                                   (6,968)          (6,020) 
                                          --------------   -------------- 
 Gross profit                                      5,140            3,798 
---------------------------------------  ---------------  --------------- 
 Administrative expenses                         (4,980)          (4,701) 
 Exceptional administrative expenses               (462)            (670) 
---------------------------------------  ---------------  --------------- 
 Total administrative expenses                   (5,442)          (5,371) 
 Development costs                               (1,029)          (1,742) 
                                          --------------   -------------- 
 Group trading loss                              (1,331)          (3,315) 
 Other operating income                              125                - 
                                          --------------   -------------- 
 Group operating loss from continuing 
  operations                                     (1,206)          (3,315) 
 Finance revenue                                      41              333 
 Finance costs                                     (791)                - 
                                          --------------   -------------- 
 Loss on continuing operations before 
  taxation                                       (1,956)          (2,982) 
 Tax credit                                          159              337 
                                          --------------   -------------- 
 Loss for the year from continuing 
  operations                                     (1,797)          (2,645) 
 Discontinued operations 
 Loss for the year from discontinued 
  operations                                           -            (373) 
                                          --------------   -------------- 
 Loss for the year                               (1,797)          (3,018) 
 Loss for the year attributable to: 
     Equity holders of the parent                (1,797)          (3,018) 
     Non-controlling interests                         -                - 
                                          --------------   -------------- 
                                                 (1,797)          (3,018) 
 Loss per share (pence) 
 Basic and diluted LPS from continuing 
  operations                                     (1.74p)          (2.56p) 
 Basic and diluted LPS on loss for 
  the year                                       (1.74p)          (2.92p) 

Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income

For the year ended 30 June 2012

                                                         2012             2011 
                                                       GBP000           GBP000 
 Loss for the year                                    (1,797)          (2,645) 
 Effective portion of changes in fair 
  value of cash flow hedges: 
     Foreign currency letters of credit                 (161)                - 
     Interest rate swaps                              (2,661)                - 
     Taxation on financial instruments                    677                - 
                                               --------------   -------------- 
 Other comprehensive income (net of                   (2,145)                - 
                                               --------------   -------------- 
 Total comprehensive income for the 
  period                                              (3,942)          (2,645) 
 Loss for the year attributable to: 
 Equity holders of the parent                         (3,942)          (2,645) 
 Non-controlling interests                                  -                - 
                                               --------------   -------------- 
                                                      (3,942)          (2,645) 
 Consolidated Balance Sheet 
  For the year ended 30 June 2012                2012               2011 
                                               GBP000             GBP000 
 Non-current assets 
 Goodwill                                       7,390              7,390 
 Development costs                              7,682              5,009 
 Property, plant and equipment                 67,205             50,578 
 Deferred tax asset                               941                342 
                                     ----------------   ---------------- 
                                               83,218             63,319 
                                     ----------------   ---------------- 
 Current assets 
 Inventories                                      242                153 
 Trade and other receivables                    4,395              5,454 
 Intangibles                                    2,362              2,278 
 Restricted cash                                8,582                900 
 Cash and cash equivalents                      9,566             14,901 
                                     ----------------   ---------------- 
                                               25,147             23,686 
                                     ----------------   ---------------- 
 Total assets                                 108,365             87,005 
 Current liabilities 
 Trade and other payables                       4,949              2,834 
 Borrowings                                     1,356                717 
                                     ----------------   ---------------- 
                                                6,305              3,551 
 Non-current liabilities 
 Borrowings                                    33,137             10,421 
 Derivative financial instruments               2,661                  - 
 Other long term liabilities                        -              1,200 
 Deferred tax liabilities                         113                380 
                                     ----------------   ---------------- 
                                               35,911             12,001 
                                     ----------------   ---------------- 
 Total liabilities                             42,216             15,552 
                                     ----------------   ---------------- 
 Share capital                                 10,330             10,325 
 Share premium                                 79,707             79,707 
 Share based payment reserve                    1,311              1,179 
 Hedging reserve                              (2,145)                  - 
 Retained earnings                           (23,604)           (19,758) 
                                     ----------------   ---------------- 
 Total equity attributable to the 
  Company's equity holders                     65,599             71,453 
 Non-controlling interests                        550                  - 
                                     ----------------   ---------------- 
 Total equity                                  66,149             71,453 
                                     ----------------   ---------------- 
 Total equity and liabilities                 108,365             87,005 

Consolidated Cash Flow statement

For the year ended 30 June 2012

                                                             2012               2011 
                                                           GBP000             GBP000 
 Cash flows from operating activities 
 Net cash generated/(used) in operating 
  activities                                                  671            (2,032) 
 Cash flows from investing activities 
 Purchase of property, plant and equipment               (17,211)           (16,041) 
 Proceeds from disposal of fixed assets                         -                480 
 Capitalised development costs                            (3,283)            (1,427) 
 Acquisition of subsidiaries                                (450)                  - 
 Net proceeds from sale of subsidiary                       2,329              3,604 
 Interest received                                              -                 63 
 Movement in restricted cash accounts                     (7,682)              3,957 
                                                 ----------------   ---------------- 
 Net cash used in investing activities                   (26,297)            (9,364) 
 Cash flows from financing activities 
 New bank loans raised (net of issue 
  costs)                                                   23,892             11,138 
 Repayment of borrowings                                    (717)                  - 
 Interest paid (including interest rate                     (819)                  - 
 Dividends paid to the Company's equity 
  shareholders                                            (2,065)            (2,065) 
                                                 ----------------   ---------------- 
 Net cash generated from financing activities              20,291              9,073 
 Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents                (5,335)            (2,323) 
 Cash at the beginning of the year                         14,901             17,224 
                                                 ----------------   ---------------- 
 Cash at end of year                                        9,566             14,901 

Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity

For the year ended 30 June 2012

                                            Share        based                                      Non 
                               Share      premium      payment     Retained      Hedging    controlling          Total 
                             capital      account      reserve     earnings      reserve       interest         Equity 
                              GBP000       GBP000       GBP000       GBP000       GBP000         GBP000         GBP000 
 At 1 July 2010               10,325       79,707        1,102     (14,675)            -              -         76,459 
 Loss for the 
  year and total 
  income                           -            -            -      (3,018)            -              -        (3,018) 
                          ----------   ----------   ----------   ----------   ----------     ----------   ------------ 
 Share based payments              -            -           77            -            -              -             77 
 Dividend                          -            -            -      (2,065)            -              -        (2,065) 
                          ----------   ----------   ----------   ----------   ----------     ----------   ------------ 
 At 30 June 2011              10,325       79,707        1,179     (19,758)            -              -         71,453 
 Loss for the 
  year                             -            -            -      (1,797)            -              -        (1,797) 
 Effective portion of 
  changes in fair value 
  of cash flow hedges: 
     Foreign currency 
      letters of credit            -            -            -            -        (161)              -          (161) 
     Interest rate 
      swaps                        -            -            -            -      (2,661)              -        (2,661) 
     Taxation                      -            -            -            -          677              -            677 
                          ----------   ----------   ----------   ----------   ----------     ----------   ------------ 
 Total comprehensive 
  income                           -            -            -      (1,797)      (2,145)              -        (3,942) 
                          ----------   ----------   ----------   ----------   ----------     ----------   ------------ 
 Issue of new 
  equity                           5            -            -            -            -              -              5 
 Share based payments              -            -          148            -            -              -            148 
 Reserves transfer                 -            -         (16)           16            -              -              - 
 Dividend                          -            -            -      (2,065)            -              -        (2,065) 
 Sale of 
  interest                         -            -            -            -            -            550            550 
                          ----------   ----------   ----------   ----------   ----------     ----------   ------------ 
 At 30 June 2012              10,330       79,707        1,311     (23,604)      (2,145)            550         66,149 


   1.      Report & Accounts 

The Group's financial statements have been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards as issued by the IASB as they apply to the financial statements of the Group for the year ended 30 June 2012. The accounting policies which follow set out those policies which apply in preparing the financial statements for the year ended 30 June 2012 and are consistent with those applied for the year ended 30 June 2011.

The Group financial statements are presented in Sterling and all values are rounded to the nearest thousand pounds (GBP) except when otherwise indicated.

The financial information in this announcement which was approved by the Board of Directors does not constitute the Group's statutory accounts for the years ended 30 June 2011 or 2012 but is derived from those accounts.

The auditors have reported on the 2012 accounts and their report was unqualified and did not draw attention to any matters by way of emphasis.

This preliminary announcement is based on the Report & Accounts which are prepared in accordance with IFRS. However, this announcement does not, in itself, contain enough information to comply with IFRS'.

This statement is not being posted to shareholders. The Report & Accounts for the year ended 30 June 2012, together with notice the Notice of Meeting will be posted to shareholders in due course. Further copies will be available on request from, The Company Secretary, Renewable Energy Generation Limited, Elizabeth House, 9 Castle Street, St Helier, Jersey, JE4 2QP, or on-line from www.renewableenergygeneration.co.uk

This document contains forward-looking statements. The forward-looking statements reflect the knowledge and information available to the Group during the preparation and up to the publication of this document. By their very nature, these statements depend on circumstances and relate to events that may occur in the future thereby giving a degree of uncertainty. Therefore nothing in this document should be construed as a profit forecast by the Group.

   2.      Going Concern 

A review of business activity and future prospects of the Group are covered in the Chairman's and Chief Executive Officer's statement. Detailed information regarding the Group's current facility levels, liquidity risk and maturity dates are provided in note 25 of the full Report & Accounts.

The continued strategy of the Group to replace a proportion of cash equity in its operational wind portfolio with long term non recourse bank finance has allowed the Group to release cash for onward investment in its growing portfolio of consented renewable energy projects. As a result, the immediate cash flow needs of the Group are covered by its current cash balances. Given that the debt is secured against operating sites, with a known history of operating costs, the key assumption in satisfying covenants is wind volumes. Covenant compliance is maintained with wind volumes in the lowest 10% of long term statistical averages. Over the 12 year term of this debt this is considered remote, and the Group has the ability to inject equity into the projects if wind volumes are below covenant levels.

Going forward, the preference will be to continue to finance future construction with non recourse debt.

The Board has reviewed the Group's forecasts and budgets over the next 36 months and are satisfied that current cash balances in combination with cash generation from operating activities will provide sufficient liquidity for the Group. Accordingly the accounts have been prepared on the going concern basis.

   3.      Exceptional administrative costs 
                                                            2012             2011 
                                                          GBP000           GBP000 
 Loss on disposal on repower of Goonhilly                      -            (275) 
 Legal and professional fees relating to 
  offer to acquire the group                                   -             (95) 
 Acquisition costs(1)                                       (64)            (120) 
 Impairment of intangible development costs(2)             (398)            (180) 
                                                  --------------   -------------- 
                                                           (462)            (670) 

(1) Transaction costs connected to the acquisition of a controlling interest in REG Creagh JV Company Limited have been written off to the consolidated statement of comprehensive income. The details of the transaction are given in note 32 of the full Report and Accounts.

(2.) Following the Group's annual impairment reviews, the Directors considered that GBP398,000 (2011 - GBP180,000) of capitalised development costs were impaired due to a current assessment of the respective planning prospects.

   4.      Dividends per share 
                                                               2012             2011 
 Declared and paid during the                                GBP000           GBP000 
 Equity dividends on ordinary shares 
    Final paid for 2011 of 1.5p (2010 - 1.5p) per 
     ordinary share                                           1,549            1,549 
    Interim Dividend for 2012 paid of 0.5p (2011 
     - 0.5p) per ordinary share                                 516              516 
                                                     --------------   -------------- 
                                                              2,065            2,065 

A final dividend of 1.5p per ordinary share, amounting to GBP1,549,000 has been proposed by the Directors. The proposed dividend has not been recognised as a liability as at 30 June 2012. The dividend is subject to shareholder approval at the Annual General Meeting on 7 December 2012 and will be paid on 9 January 2013 to shareholders on the record at 7 December 2012. The shares will go ex-dividend on 5 December 2012.

   5.      Events subsequent to the balance sheet date 

On 1 October it was announced the Strategic Planning Committee of Cornwall Council had voted to grant planning permission for a 10MW wind farm. The application was for five 100 metre turbines to replace the existing eleven turbines erected on St Breock Downs in 1994.

On 3 October 2012 it was announced that the Group had completed the project financing of two wind farms; Sancton Hill (10MW) and South Sharpley (6MW).

The project financing is for GBP16m repayable over 10 years at a fixed rate of 5.7% and is provided by The Co-operative Bank. Funds from the loan are drawn down in two tranches, GBP9.7m on 3 October 2012, and GBP6.3m on the commercial operation date of the South Sharpley wind farm, expected to be by the end of the calendar year.

   6.      Annual General Meeting 

The Annual General Meeting will be held at Elizabeth House, 9 Castle Street, St Helier, Jersey, Channel Islands on 7 December 2012 at 9.30 a.m.

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



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