RNS No 9513k                                                            
15th April 1998
               six months ended 31 December 1997

WHITE YOUNG GREEN Plc (formerly Ernest Green & Partners
Holdings Plc) the quoted construction services consultancy,
announces its interim results for the six months ended 31
December 1997.  White Young Green was formed in July 1997
through the merger of Ernest Green & Partners Holdings Plc and
White Young Consulting Group Ltd.

Financial Highlights
     *  Turnover up 40% to #14.4m
     *  Operating profit before merger expenses up 85% to #1.1m
     *  Earnings per share before merger expenses up 85% to 3.7p
     *  Interim dividend of 1.5p
Operational Highlights

     *  Successful merger with White Young Consulting Group
     *  Head-count up 10% since merger
     *  Increasing diversity of skill base creating improved
       quality of earnings
     *  Substantial order book from blue chip clients

Commenting on the results, Gareth Cooper, Chairman, said:

"These are the first results of White Young Green since it  was
formed  by  the  merger of Ernest Green Partnership  and  White
Young  Consulting Group in July 1997.  It is a great  pleasure,
therefore,  to report that the six months results  to  December
1997   demonstrate  the  rapid  success  of  the  merger   with
significant  increases  in turnover, profit  and  earnings  per

"With  a  substantial  forward  order  book  and  opportunities
arising  from a buoyant market place, we are very confident  of
the outcome for the financial year as a whole."

For further information, please contact:

Richard Brayson, Chief Executive     Today on Tel No: 0171 466 5000
White Young Green Plc             and thereafter on Tel No: 0113 278 7111

Tim Anderson / Lisa Baderoon
Buchanan Communications                 Tel No: 0171 466 5000

Meetings for analysts and press will be held at 10am at Buchanan 
Communications, 107 Cheapside, London EC2.

                     CHAIRMANS STATEMENT

These  are the first results of White Young Green since it  was
formed  by  the  merger of Ernest Green Partnership  and  White
Young  Consulting Group in July 1997.  It is a great  pleasure,
therefore,  to report that the six months results  to  December
1997   demonstrate  the  rapid  success  of  the  merger   with
significant  increases  in turnover, profit  and  earnings  per

I  am  delighted  with  the outcome of the integration  process
following  the  merger  and the Group has enjoyed  considerable
support  from  employees  during this time.   Substantial  cost
savings have been achieved following the rationalisation of the
administration  of the business.  The Group is benefiting  from
the  increased  opportunities arising from the wider  range  of
services  which  are  now being offered  to  existing  and  new


Profit increased 85% to #1.1m (1996: #0.6m) on turnover up  40%
at #14.4m (1996: #10.3m).

The   expenses  of  the  merger,  which  principally   comprise
professional fees, of #902k are shown as an exceptional item.

Adjusted earnings per share, before merger expenses, have risen
by 85% to 3.7p from 2.0p.


The  Group  has maintained its strong balance sheet  with  cash
balances of #1.3m at the half year.  It is intended to  pay  an
interim  dividend of 1.5p net per ordinary share (1996:   2.0p)
payable on 12 May 1998 to shareholders on the register at 1 May
1998.  The overall dividend for the current financial year will
not  be  less  than  the dividend paid in  the  previous  year,
provided the present trading performance continues.


The  workload  has increased since the merger,  with  important
contracts being secured from a wide range of private and public
sector clients.  The Group has diversified its skills base  and
specialist  expertise such as environmental  engineering,  rail
engineering,  process  engineering and project  management  are
making   an   increasing  contribution  to  profitability   and
improvement in quality of Group earnings.

The  Group  has  a  talented and skilled work  force  who  have
tremendous  experience within all of the sectors in  which  the
Group  trades.  With the commensurate increase in  order  book,
staff numbers have increased to over 600 - a 10% increase since
the merger.

New  commissions placed with the Group in the six month  period
following the merger include major alterations to Harrods store
in  Knightsbridge, PFI Adviser appointments on two new  private
prisons  for the Home Office, a major redevelopment scheme  for
Basingstoke  Town Centre and six project management commissions
for the Ministry of Defence on projects with a combined capital
value  well in excess of #40 million.  The Group has also  been
appointed  as  Property Maintenance Consultant to Railtrack  on
all of its properties in Northern England and Scotland.

The  Company operates throughout many sectors of the  industry.
This diversity of activity, together with the wide geographical
spread  of offices arising from the merger, allows considerable
opportunity for organic growth.  There is also the intention to
seek  acquisitions  that will enhance the capabilities  of  the
Company  and  further  contribute to its  organic  development,
providing  further profit growth.  Overseas  markets  are  also
being explored with work currently being undertaken on projects
in  the  Middle East, Khazakstan and Canada for established  UK

Associate Company

RGCM  was sold to its management on 6 February 1998 for  #250k.
The profit contributed by RGCM for the six month period reduced
to #82k (1996: #212k).


White  Young  Green  has  made  an  excellent  start.   With  a
substantial forward order book and opportunities arising from a
buoyant market place, we are very confident of the outcome  for
the financial year as a whole.

Gareth Cooper
15th April 1998

six months ended 31 December 1997

                          Six months  Six months        Year
                               ended       ended       ended
                            31/12/97   31/12//96    30/06/97
                         (unaudited) (unaudited) (unaudited)
                    NOTES       #000        #000        #000

 Turnover              2      14,442      10,345      22,690
                               ______      ______      ______

 Operating Profit              1,027         386         917

 Income from interests in
 Associated undertaking           82         212         497
                               ______      ______      ______

 Profit before merger expenses  1,109         598       1,414

 Merger expenses       3       (902)           -           -
                                ______      ______      ______

 Profit before interest          207         598       1,414

 Interest                       (37)        (38)        (65)
                               ______      ______      ______

 Profit before taxation          170         560       1,349

 Taxation              4       (365)       (180)       (428)
                               ______      ______      ______

 (Loss)/Profit for the period  (195)         380        921

 Dividend                      (289)       (154)       (502)
                               ______      ______      ______

 Transfer (from)/to reserves    (484)         226        419
                               =====       =====       =====

 Basic earning 
 per share           5          -1.0p        2.0p        4.7p

 Earnings per share before
 Merger expenses      5         3.7p        2.0p        4.7p


as at 31 December 1997

                            31/12/97  31/12//96    30/06/97
                          (unaudited)(unaudited) (unaudited)
                  NOTES        #000        #000        #000

Fixed assets                  2,716       2,812       2,615

Current assets
Work in progress              3,575       2,474       3,775
Debtors                       9,077       5,981       7,685

Cash at bank                  1,315       2,404       1,800
                             ______      ______     _______

                             13,967      10,859      13,260

Creditors - amounts falling
due within one year         (8,531)      (5,411)     (7,292)
                             ______      ______      ______
Net current assets            5,436       5,448       5,968
                             ______      ______      ______
Total assets less 
current liabilities           8,152      8,260        8,583
Creditors - amounts 
falling due after
more than one year          (1,334)     (1,325)     (1,281)

Provisions for 
liabilities and charges         (12)        (22)        (12)
                             ______      ______      ______
                              6,806       6,913       7,290
                             ______      ______      ______
Capital and reserves

Called up share capital         963         963         963

Share premium account            28          28          28

Profit and loss account       5,815       5,922       6,299
                             ______      ______      ______
Shareholders funds           6,806       6,913       7,290
                             ______      ______      ______
six months ended 31st December 1997
                                   Six months      Six months
                                        ended           ended        
                                     31.12.97        31.12.96                  
        (unaudited)     (unaudited)
                      NOTE               #000            #000
Net cash inflow from operating
 activities            1                  946           1,289
Returns on investment and 
servicing of finance                      (37)            (49)
Taxation paid                            (62)            (30)
Capital expenditure and 
financial investment                     (146)            304

Equity dividends paid                   (289)           (136)
Net cash outflow from financing         (270)           (355)
                                       ______          ______
Increase in cash during the period        142           1,023
                                       ______          ______
     (1) Reconciliation of 
operating profit to operating cashflows
Operating Profit                        1,027             386

Merger expenses                         (902)               -
Depreciation                              424             425
Dividend from associated undertaking        -             168
Decrease in work in progress              200             191
(Increase)/decrease in debtors        (1,540)             319
Increase/(decrease) in creditors        1,737           (200)
                                        _____           _____
                                          946           1,289
                                        _____           _____
    (2) Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net
Increase in cash during the period        142           1,023

Cash flow from decrease in 
debt and lease financing                 (95)            (534)                 
                                         _____           _____
Change in net debt resulting
 from cash flows                           47            489

Net debt at beginning of period         (708)              56
                                       _____             _____
Net debt at end of period               (661)             545
                                       _____             _____

1  Basis of preparation
    On  21  July  1997  the merger was completed  between  the
   Company and White Young
   Consulting  Group Limited.  Full details were  reported  in
   the  accounts for the year ended 30 June 1997.  The  merger
   has  been  accounted for using merger accounting principles
   in   accordance  with  Financial  Reporting   Standard   6.
   Accordingly,  the  financial information  for  the  current
   period  has been presented, and the comparatives  restated,
   as  if  the  two entities had been combined throughout  the
   current and prior periods.
   Information in respect of the Company before the merger has
   been  extracted from the published full year audited  group
   accounts  at  30 June 1997 and published unaudited  interim
   statement  at 31 December 1996.  The full year accounts  of
   the  Company  have  been  delivered  to  the  Registrar  of
   Companies and the report of the auditors on these  accounts
   was unqualified.
   Information concerning White Young Consulting Group Limited
   has been extracted from the accounts for the year ended  31
   December 1996 which have been delivered to the Registrar of
   Companies  and includes an unqualified audit  report.   The
   financial position at 30 June 1997
   and  1996  has  been  determined from  internal  management

2  Turnover
   Turnover includes sums invoiced on behalf of third  parties
   amounting  to  #2,169,000 (1996: #574,000)  which  is  also
   included in cost of sales.
3  Merger Expenses
   Merger  expenses  represents  the  professional  fees   and
   statutory costs incurred in completing the merger.
4  Taxation
   The  taxation  charge for the half year ended  31  December
   1997  has  been  calculated  at 34%,  being  the  estimated
   effective  rate  of taxation for the year  ending  30  June
5  Earnings per share
   Earnings per share has been calculated by dividing the loss
   for  the  period by the weighted average number of ordinary
   shares  in issue of 19,263,650 (1996: 19,263,650)  assuming
   that the 11,558,142 shares issued to effect the merger  had
   been in issue throughout the current and prior periods.
   Earnings   per  share  before  merger  expenses  has   been
   calculated by excluding the merger expenses from  the  loss
   for the period.
6  Interim Report
   The  Interim  Report will be posted to shareholders  on  20
   April  and  copies will be available from 1  April  at  the
   Companys  registered office at Arndale Court,  Headingley,
   Leeds LS6 2UJ.



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