RNS No 5219b
30th September 1997

 #5.5m Pre-Tax Profits; Operating Margins Up; Outlook Positive
Watts   Blake  Bearne  &  Company  PLC  ("WBB"),  the  leading
international  clay  producer  with  operations  in  the   UK,
Germany, Europe, the United States and Asia-Pacific, announces
its Interim Results for the six months ended June 1997.

Highlights  of  the results and extracts from  the  Chairman's
Statement  and Chief Executive's Review of Operations  are  as

*    Growth  in  sales  and profits in the  majority  of  the
     operating units in local currency terms
*    Turnover of #50.5m (#53.3m) influenced by translation in
     - UK #4.9m (#4.6m)
     - Germany #8.5m (#8.6m)
     - Rest of Europe #23.1m (#26.6m)
     - North America #6.8m (#6.2m)
     - Rest of World #7.2m (#7.2m)
*    Operating Margin increases to 12.1% (11.7%)
*    Pre-tax Profit of #5.5m (#5.5m)
*    If last year's exchange rates had prevailed, Group sales
     and profits would have been #4.5m and #0.5m greater through 
     translation effects alone
*    Core  UK division, WBB Devon Clays, main contributor  to
     profits-only 3% less than record level of 1996; 80% exported
     from Devon
*    German division considerably enhances profitability
*    Continued improvement in US
*    Net profit achieved by new Indonesian Company
*    Indonesia quarry now in full production
*    Interim dividend maintained at 4.4p per share.

Regarding Prospects and the Outlook, Chairman Michael  Beckett
and Chief  Executive Graham Lawson in their reports said:

"The  Group  continues to develop its international  presence.
The  Group  is  committed  to  developing  a  major  operating
division in support of ceramic manufacture in the Asia-Pacific
region.  We expect creditable operating performances  for  the
second  half-year  and we hope, too that  Sterling's  strength
will begin to moderate.

The  second  half  has  started well.  Subject  to  unforeseen
circumstances,  the Board is confident about the  outcome  for
the full year".

For further information contact:

Dr Graham Lawson, Chief Executive 
Dr Michael Young, Finance Director  
both on 0171 786 9600 until 4pm
thereafter on 01626 332 345


Financial Performance

In   common  with  all  multinational  companies,  our  strong
underlying   trading  performance  is  being  masked   through
translation  of  our  overseas earnings into  Sterling,  which
stands  at an uncomfortably high valuation especially compared
to most European currencies.

From  a  Group  turnover, itself influenced  by  Sterling,  of
#50.5m  (#53.3m), I am pleased to report a pre-tax  profit  of
#5.5m,  matching the same level in Sterling terms as  achieved
in  the  first  half of 1996.  Our operating  margin  for  the
period was 12.1%, compared to 11.7% in 1996.

In particular, our German Division deserves congratulation for
its  prudent  cost management, which has helped in  difficult,
though  improving,  markets.  This  counteracts  the  relative
weakness of the Deutsche Mark which has fallen by 20%  against
Sterling.  Had last year's exchange rates prevailed, our Group
sales  and  profits would be recorded some  #4.5m  and  #0.5m,
respectively, greater through translation effects alone.

The  trends  in the underlying Operating Divisions have  been,
and  remain, positive accepting that the Devon Clays  Division
cannot be immune from the impact of Sterling's strength on its
substantial export trade.

Interim dividend
The  interim dividend per Ordinary Share is maintained at 4.4p
per share.

Earnings per share
The  earnings per share for the half-year is 15p  compared  to
15.7p  reported in last year's Interim Statement.  The  latter
figure  did  not, however, fully recognise the  effective  tax
rate which was indicated subsequently by the full-year results
for 1996.

Balance sheet
Gearing for the first half is unchanged at 22%, against 27% at
the end of 1996.

The  Group continues to develop its international presence and
is  researching  a  number of new  business  opportunities  in
various parts of the world.  In particular, negotiations for a
new   Joint-Venture  in  China  are  at  an  advanced   stage.
Notwithstanding  the  present economic difficulties  effecting
South-East  Asia,  the  new ventures in  Indonesia  and  China
underline  the  Group's long-term commitment to  developing  a
major operating Division in support of ceramic manufacture  in
the  Asia-Pacific region as we continue to do  in  Europe  and

The  second  half  has  started well.  Subject  to  unforeseen
circumstances,  the Board is confident about the  outcome  for
the full year.

Michael Beckett


The  impact of Sterling's strength is a significant issue that
we,  like others, are having to manage in 1997.  Much  of  the
impact  is purely mathematical in that it merely results  from
the  calculation  necessary  to translate  sales  and  profits
earned  in  overseas  currencies into our reporting  currency.
Were   there  a  common  European  currency,  this  particular
distortion  would be largely removed.  The jury is still  out,
however,  on how the economic realities pertinent to a  single
currency would impact on the financial health of citizens  and
businesses in the European Union.

Operating Margin
I am pleased to record that the operating results underpinning
our  Sterling figures are most encouraging and I comment below
on  the  performances  of  the  main  Divisions.   In  overall
Sterling terms our half-year operating profit of #6.lm is only
2%  lower than in 1996  showing the benefit of cost management
measures taken earlier and currently throughout the Group  and
to  more innovative approaches being applied for securing  new
business.   Our  operating margin for the six months  to  June
improved to 12.1% compared to 11.7% in 1996.

UK Division
Our  core  UK Division, WBB Devon Clays, remains the principal
contributor to Group profits.  We export 80% of our production
from Devon and it is here that the strength of Sterling has an
economic, rather than translational, impact. Nevertheless,  in
the  first half WBB Devon Clays has achieved a profit only  3%
less than the record level of 1996, which underlines the value
of  the material and service the Division provides. Management
is  acutely  aware that many of the Division's customers  have
accepted  effective price increases of 20% or more because  of
the adverse parity of their currencies against Sterling.

German Division
Construction activity in Europe continues to be depressed and,
against  this backdrop, our  German Division has succeeded  in
increasing  sales by 4.5%.  Through vigorous  pursuit  of  its
cost  management  programme,  the  Division  has  considerably
enhanced profitability.  The tight customer markets in  Europe
lead  to  intensification  of  competition  between  the   raw
material  suppliers  and we expect that this  will  result  in
further consolidation within our industry in due course.

US Division
Sustained  improvement is also strongly evidenced  in  our  US
Division,  United Clays. Management initiatives put  in  place
over  a  year  ago are resulting in enhanced profitability  in
what  continues to be a competitive marketplace. Sales in  the
first  half  were  17.5%  higher than  in  1996  and  although
softening of both wall tile and sanitaryware demand is  now  a
feature of the market, Divisional management remains confident
they will achieve their planned result.

Pacific Clays Division
I  turn  now  to  our Pacific Clays Division,  where  our  new
Indonesian  operations,  by July, had  already  established  a
cumulative profit for the current year so far.  The Indonesian
quarry  is now in full production.  Our associated company  in
Thailand  achieved sales and profits well ahead of their  plan
at  the  end  of  June.  The economic difficulties  now  being
experienced  in  Thailand will, however,  exert  an  arresting
impact on growth in the second half, although management still
expect  to  meet their original forecast for  the  year  as  a
whole.   I  am excited that we expect a new business in  China
soon to join the Division, which will increase our presence in
this important and rapidly growing market.

Ceramic Body Division
Following  reduced sales to depressed markets,  especially  in
Germany, encouraging new business has now been secured by each
of the companies that make up our recently constituted Ceramic
Body Division. The Division, which comprises businesses in the
Netherlands,  Germany  and Portugal, has  also  increased  its
profit  contribution  over last year by  taking  advantage  of
production rationalisation and cost management opportunities.

With  effect  from 1st August this year, our Italian  company,
WBB  Italia Srl, has taken over the agency for WBB Devon Clays
in   Italy  alongside  its  existing  agency  for  our  German
Division.  In line with this development, we are strengthening
its  organisation  and management in this  important  ceramic-
producing  country.  WBB Italia is also distributor for  clays
from  Donbas  Clays JSC which has substantially increased  its
supply   of   Ukrainian  clays,  the  demand  for   which   is
strengthening in Europe and beyond.

In  conclusion, the Group has seen growth in sales and profits
for  the  first  half-year in the majority  of  its  operating
units.   This  is disguised by translation into our  reporting
currency,  Sterling, which has strengthened at an  exceptional
rate  since 1996.  We expect creditable operating performances
for  the  second  half-year.  We hope,  too,  that  Sterling's
strength will begin to moderate.

Graham Lawson
Chief Executive


                           Six months ended            Year to
                        30.06.97       30.06.96       31.12.96
                           #'000          #'000          #'000
United Kingdom             4,904          4,620          9,020
Germany                    8,478          8,610         19,901
Rest of Europe            23,140         26,610         47,861
North America              6,801          6,249         12,238
Rest of World              7,200          7,227         13,911
                   -------------  -------------  -------------
                          50,523         53,316        102,931
Operating Costs         (44,417)       (47,087)       (90,751)
                   -------------  -------------  -------------
Operating Profit           6,106          6,229         12,180
Net Interest               (638)          (761)        (1,470)
                   -------------  -------------  -------------
Profit        on                                              
Activities                 5,468          5,468         10,710
Tax on Profit on                                              
Ordinary                 (2,297)        (2,188)        (4,611)
                   -------------  -------------  -------------
Profit        on                                              
Activities after           3,171          3,280          6,099
Minority                    (24)             13              9
Dividends                  (926)          (924)        (3,403)
                   -------------  -------------  -------------
Balance Retained           2,221          2,369          2,705
                   -------------  -------------  -------------
Earnings per                                                  
Ordinary Share             15.0p          15.7p          29.1p
Dividend per                                                  
Ordinary Share              4.4p           4.4p          16.2p

                        30.06.97       30.06.96       31.12.96
                           #'000          #'000          #'000
Fixed Assets                                                  
Intangible assets             30             26             35
Tangible assets           84,142         91,175         88,916
Investments                1,401          1,520          1,279
                   -------------  -------------  -------------
                          85,573         92,721         90,230
                   -------------  -------------  -------------
Current Assets                                                
Stocks                     7,482          7,367          8,349
Trade Debtors             21,817         23,225         18,867
Other Debtors              2,947          4,216          3,691
Investments                   14             14             14
Cash at bank  and         10,490          9,596          6,248
in hand
                   -------------  -------------  -------------
                          42,750         44,418         37,169
                   -------------  -------------  -------------
Amounts   falling                                             
within one year
Borrowings               (5,398)        (5,000)        (7,996)
Other Creditors         (16,302)       (18,390)       (15,802)
                   -------------  -------------  -------------
Net       Current         21,050         21,028         13,371
                   -------------  -------------  -------------
Total assets less                                             
current                  106,623        113,749        103,601
Amounts   falling                                             
due   within  one
Borrowings              (21,844)       (22,405)       (18,808)
Other Creditors            (176)          (492)          (186)
Provisions    for                                             
liabilities   and        (8,811)       (10,275)        (8,803)
                   -------------  -------------  -------------
Total Net Assets          75,792         80,577         75,804
                   -------------  -------------  -------------
Capital       and                                             
Reserves                   5,389          5,383          5,384
Called  up  share
Reserves                  70,119         74,909         70,139
                   -------------  -------------  -------------
Total                     75,508         80,292         75,523
Minority                     284            285            281
                   -------------   ------------  -------------
                          75,792         80,577         75,804
                   -------------  -------------  -------------
Net Borrowings            16,752         17,809         20,556
As a percentage                                               
of shareholders'             22%            22%            27%

1.    The  dividend  will be payable on 21  November  1997  to
 shareholders on the Register at the close of business  on  10
 October 1997.

2.    Earnings  per  share  are based  on  the  profits  after
 taxation  attributable  to Ordinary  shareholders.  They  are
 calculated on 21.006.232 shares (1996 - 20.946.845) being the
 average number of shares in issue during the period.

3.    Foreign  currency exchange rates used to  translate  the
 trading results:

  Average rates        Deutschmark         US Dollar
  Half year 1997       2.77                1.63
  Half year 1996       2.30                1.53
  Full year 1996       2.38                1.57

 Were  the average exchange rates extant for the half-year  in
 1996  applicable  to  the half-year in 1997,  turnover  would
 have  been  approximately  #55m and profit  before  taxation,
 approximately #6m.

4.   The   Interim   Results  are  unaudited.  The   financial
 information  does  not amount to full   accounts  within  the
 meaning  of  Section  240  of  the  Companies  Act  1985  (as
 amended).  Full  accounts for the year to  31  December  1996
 with  an  unqualified audit report have been filed  with  the
 Registrar of companies.

      Further  copies of the Interim Statement  are  available
     The Company Secretary
     Park House, Courtenay Park, Newton Abbot TQ12 4PS
     Telephone: +44 (0) 1626 332345 Fax: +44 (0) 1626 332344



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