RNS Number:6537J
Wham Energy plc
29 September 2006

             Interim Results for the six months ended 30 June 2006

Operating Highlights

   *3D seismic survey on blocks 48/3 and 48/4 completed during September,
    under budget
   *22nd round licence farmout negotiations nearing completion
   *23rd round licence yields two quality prospects
   *24th round licence awards due shortly
   *New Competent Person's Report due in October 2006 highlighting the
    quality and breadth of our portfolio, and WHAM's progress since AIM
   *Producing or near-producing asset acquisition opportunities being

Financial Highlights

   *Interim loss before taxation was #141,920 (2005: #115,324)
   *Loss per share for the interim period was 0.45p (2005: 0.69p)
   *Liquid resources at 30 June 2006 amounted to #8.7million, or 27.4p/share

Date: 29 September 2006

For further information contact:

Wham Energy plc                                      cityPROFILE
Tom Windle, Chief Executive                          Simon Courtenay
Tel: 020-7924-4644; Mob: 07968162630                 Tel: 020-7448-3244
Alan Thomas, Finance Director
Mob: 07739800093

WHAM Energy plc is an AIM listed company. Further details about the company and
downloadable copies of this announcement are available on the Company's website:

Interim Results for the six months ended 30 June 2006

                              REVIEW OF OPERATIONS

Business environment

The oil and gas exploration business environment has changed dramatically over
the past eighteen months. On the positive side for the industry, oil and gas
prices have been very robust and there is a high demand which, we believe will
continue for the foreseeable future. However concomitant with the high commodity
prices there has been a dramatic increase in exploration costs. For example rig
rates have doubled. The rig hire rate when the Prometheus well was drilled in
October 2005 was approximately #55,000 per day; today the rate for new contracts
is of the order of #105,000 to #130,000 per day. In addition last year the
availability of rigs was reasonable whereas today the majority of the rigs have
been contracted, leaving relatively few drilling slots available. The increased
industry competitiveness, high costs, and relative scarcity of rigs have
adversely impacted our original plans to drill exploration prospects in 2006. We
believe that this set back is temporary and by no means diminishes the quality
of our portfolio or long term potential.

Seismic activity

Seismic activity has been confined to the two key licences outlined below. All
of the remaining licences are largely covered by quality 3D seismic and as such
only subject to internal mapping and seismic attribute analysis to further
define and generate new prospects.

Blocks 48/3 & 48/4

During September 2006, we conducted a 3D survey over our blocks 48/3 and 48/4.
This state of the art 3D programme has ensured that the whole licence is now
covered by high quality 3D seismic data, thus ensuring that any exploration well
drilled can be placed at the optimum location. The incremental benefits of this
survey are enormous; it will not only assist in refining our existing prospects
but should also help in identifying new prospects. In addition, in the event of
drilling success it will allow the group to fast track any development. The
gross acquisition cost of the survey was budgeted at #3 million but was executed
for a total cost of #2.58 million, with a net cost of #1.03 million to WHAM.

Block 47/12

As announced previously, WHAM planned to shoot a dense 2D seismic programme on
47/12 in June of this year to firm up a potentially attractive gas lead in the
northern part of the block. Our plans have been delayed to accommodate
environmental and local fishery concerns and it is now anticipated that the
survey will commence in February of 2007, subject to final planning consents.

Farm-out progress

22nd Round Blocks

Our exploration team has undertaken a thorough evaluation of all our 22nd Round
blocks which has given us a much better understanding of the prospects and
risks. We recognise that this has taken more time than originally anticipated
but we believe the effort has yielded a more robust portfolio.

At present we are in advanced negotiations with potential farminees for the
blocks 48/3 and 48/4 that contain the Morpheus and Nyx prospects and a number of
other very attractive prospects and leads. The farm-out will include a
commitment to drill a well at the earliest opportunity but probably no earlier
than mid 2007. WHAM's cost exposure and equity position are yet to be

Southern North Sea N.W. Core blocks 42/25b, 43/16 & 43/25b

These blocks have yielded a number of potentially very commercial gas prospects
made even more attractive by the fact that the prospects are close to a new
development, the Garrow field. WHAM has recently completed a farm-out campaign.
We are currently awaiting expressions of interest and offers and believe that we
will be in a position to make a firm decision on how best to proceed by mid

Southern North Sea S.E. Core blocks 49/29c, 50/26c, 53/3e & 53/4c

Three of these blocks (49/29c, 50/26c, & 53/4c) have yielded small but
potentially very commercial prospects, close to existing infrastructure. WHAM is
working closely with Ithaca Energy to investigate how a multi-well drilling
programme might be put together to explore the best structures in a cost
effective manner. As the target reservoir is very well known and the drilling
depths are relatively shallow we believe that there is a reasonable chance that
the group will be able to continue the licences and put together an exploration
programme to exploit these relatively low risk prospects in conjunction with

In December 2006, some 22nd Round licences with the least attractive prospects
will be relinquished.

23rd Round licences

Blocks 43/11 and 43/12

This 100% WHAM licence has yielded two well defined prospects at the prospective
Carboniferous level directly on trend to the Cavendish field. Currently WHAM is
determining the resource potential of the prospects and undertaking further
mapping to assess any additional prospectivity on the blocks.

24th Licence Round

WHAM participated in the 24th licence round that closed in early June. At
present we are awaiting the results which are due to be announced very shortly.
In the event of success, WHAM will have additional licences that will
strengthen, broaden and add value to our portfolio. Time permitting, for the
preparation of a farm-out package WHAM would consider placing any 24th round
awards in the industry's Prospect Fair this December.

Competent Persons Report (CPR)

At the time of our admission to the market we told investors that in addition to
the verified prospects we had a number of leads that, when fully evaluated, we
would submit for a Competent Persons Report update. These unverified prospects
were documented in our 2005 annual report. Thanks to the intensive efforts of
our geo-technical team, many of these and several additional prospects have been
developed sufficiently to warrant independent verification. WHAM has contracted
TRACS International to conduct this verification and the results will be
available in mid October. WHAM is confident that this CPR will convincingly
demonstrate the breadth and depth of our portfolio, show the considerable value
we have added to our asset base over the last year and provide valuable
information to investors. In addition we have requested TRACS to provide a
continuing service of verification such that we will be able to update
shareholders and potential investors on a regular basis in future.

Future opportunities

Annually the industry holds a Prospect Fair in early December. WHAM has secured
a booth at the fair and intends to market blocks 43/11, 43/12 and 47/12 for
farm-out. We anticipate there will be significant interest in the blocks and the
early marketing coupled with high working interests should allow us to obtain
favourable farm-out terms.

Whilst still focussing our efforts on exploration opportunities, we are also
evaluating the acquisition of near development and producing assets. Should we
identify an appropriate asset it would be our intention to make an acquisition
to provide the company with early cash-flow to support our operations and
enhance our asset base. Industry observers will have seen that recent
acquisitions and divestments have achieved record prices, making such
acquisitions difficult to achieve. However, we believe that under the right
circumstances value-adding asset purchases can still be made which would
compliment our existing portfolio.

In summary, we now have a well developed exploration prospect inventory and are
in the process of negotiating farm-out terms on several prospects. The inventory
is shortly to be independently verified, a regulatory process that will allow us
to demonstrate to shareholders and investors the value addition achieved through
our exploration work during the past year. We will continue to pursue
exploration opportunities but at the same time evaluate near developments and
producing assets with the potential to provide cash-flow and value addition to
the company. We will also evaluate selective international opportunities where
the cost base and potential meet our criteria. Licences that we deem to have
very low chances of commercial success will not be retained.

Tom Windle
Chief Executive Officer
29 September 2006

For the six months ended 30 June 2006

                                       6 Months        6 Months            Year
                                          Ended           Ended           Ended
                                      30-Jun-06       30-Jun-05       31-Dec-05
                                      Unaudited       Unaudited         Audited
                                              #               #               #
Turnover                                      -          23,598          23,598
Cost of sales                                 -               -               -
Gross profit                                  -          23,598          23,598
Administrative expenses                (335,816)       (141,239)       (395,086) 
(Loss) on ordinary activities before 
interest                               (335,816)       (117,641)       (371,488)
Interest receivable                     193,896           2,317         113,313
(Loss) on ordinary activities before
taxation                               (141,920)       (115,324)       (258,175)
Tax on (loss) on ordinary activities          -          12,981          41,446
(Loss) for the period after taxation   (141,920)       (102,343)       (216,729)
Retained (loss)/ profit brought 
forward at 1 January 2006              (115,400)        101,329         101,329
Retained (loss) carried forward at        
30 June 2006                           (257,320)         (1,014)       (115,400)
Basic and diluted (loss) per share             
(see note 4)                             (0.45)p        (0.69)p         (1.05)p

1. All of the Company's activities are classed as continuing.

2. There are no recognised gains or losses in either year other than the amounts 
shown in the profit and loss account.

3. Basis of presentation:
These interim financial statements have been prepared on the basis of the 
accounting policies adopted in the statutory accounts for the year ended 31st 
December 2005. They were approved by the Directors on 27 September 2006, are 
unaudited and have not been subject to independent review, as defined in the 
Auditing Practices Board bulletin 1999/4, and do not constitute full statutory 
accounts as defined in section 240 of the Companies Act.

The comparative financial information for the year ended 31st December 2005 set 
out in this announcement, which does not constitute the statutory accounts of 
the Company, is extracted from the Company's audited statutory accounts for the 
year ended 31st December 2005. The auditors have reported on those accounts and 
their report was unqualified.

4. Basic and diluted (loss) per share:
The basic loss per share has been calculated on the loss on ordinary activities 
after taxation of #141,920 (6 months to 30 June 2005: #102,343, year to 31 
December 2005: #216,729) divided by the weighted average number of ordinary 
shares in issue during the period of 31,695,611 (6 months to 30 June 2005: 
14,873,264, year to 31 December 2005: 20,720,816). As the Company reported a 
loss for the year then, in accordance with Financial Reporting Standard Number 
22, the warrants and options in issue are not considered dilutive.

As at 30 June 2006

                                         30-Jun-06     30-Jun-05     31-Dec-05
                                         Unaudited     Unaudited       Audited
                                                 #             #             #
Fixed assets
Intangible assets                          671,441       197,471       518,901
Tangible fixed assets                       20,446         6,535        20,344
                                           691,887       204,006       539,245
Current assets
Debtors                                    166,578       115,157       178,766
Investments (see note)                   8,562,495             -     9,130,277
Cash at bank and in hand                   127,364       454,690       122,736
                                         8,856,437       569,847     9,431,779
Amounts falling due within one year       (147,211)     (168,214)     (427,991)
Net current assets                       8,709,226       401,633     9,003,788

Total assets less current liabilities    9,401,113       605,639     9,543,033

Provision for liabilities                        -       (12,058)            -
NET ASSETS                               9,401,113       593,581     9,543,033

Capital and reserves
Called-up share capital                     31,696        20,564        31,696
Share premium account                    9,568,287       515,581     9,568,287
Other reserves                              58,450        58,450        58,450
Profit and loss account                   (257,320)       (1,014)     (115,400)
EQUITY SHAREHOLDERS' FUNDS               9,401,113       593,581     9,543,033

Investments consisted of money market deposits which earn interest at rates set
in advance for periods of 1-2 months by reference to Sterling LIBOR.

Cash Flow Statement
For the six months ended 30 June 2006

                                  6 Months          6 Months               Year
                                     Ended             Ended              Ended
                                 30-Jun-06         30-Jun-05          31-Dec-05
                                 Unaudited         Unaudited            Audited
                                         #                 #                  #
Net cash inflow/ (outflow) from   
operating activities (see note)   (630,523)          (22,930)             9,806

Returns on investment and servicing of finance

Bank and investment interest 
receipts                           215,209             2,317             76,322

Taxation (paid)/ recovered           9,138                 -            (35,000)

Capital expenditure and financial investment
Payments to acquire tangible        
fixed assets                        (4,438)           (2,753)           (18,558)
Payments to acquire intangible    
fixed assets                      (152,540)         (182,279)          (503,709)
                                  (156,978)         (185,032)          (522,267)
Net cash flow before use of     
liquid resources and financing    (563,154)         (205,645)          (471,139)
Management of liquid resources
Decrease/(Increase) in short       
term deposits                      567,782                 -         (9,130,277)

Proceeds from issue of ordinary          
shares                                   -           602,820         10,602,820
Costs associated with share issue        -            (9,884)          (946,067)
                                         -           592,936          9,656,753
Increase in cash                     4,628           387,291             55,337

Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net funds

Increase in cash in the year         4,628           387,291             55,337
Decrease in short term deposits   (567,782)                -          9,130,277
Change in net funds               (563,154)          387,291          9,185,614

Net funds at 1 January 2006      9,253,013            67,399             67,399
Net funds at 30 June 2006        8,689,859           454,690          9,253,013

Reconciliation of operating result to net cash flow from operating activities

Operating (loss)/ profit for      
the year                          (335,816)         (117,641)          (371,488)
Depreciation                         4,336             1,147              3,142
(Increase) in debtors              (18,263)          (29,108)           (35,686)
Increase/ (decrease) in creditors (280,780)          122,672            413,838
Net cash inflow/ (outflow)         
from operating activities         (630,523)          (22,930)             9,806

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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