RNS Number : 1351E
  Vitesse Media PLC
  24 September 2008


    Vitesse Media Plc
    Interim Results 

    The Board of Vitesse Media Plc (AIM: VIS), the publishing, events and multimedia company, today announces its interim results for the
six month ending 31 July 2008.  

    Commenting on the results, Vitesse Media's Chairman, Sara Williams, said:

    Highlights include:  

    *     Revenues including acquisitions up by 13.6% (2008: �2.36 million; 2007: �2.07 million). Loss for the six months (before expensing
share options) was �249,000 (2007: profit of �5,000)
    *     Information Age, acquired in November 2007, is now fully integrated
    *     Cost savings of �630,000 per year identified and introduced and will be coming through in the second half-year
    *     Activities refocused on higher-yield products, such as larger events
    *     Business now restructured into two divisions, Business and Investment, which is giving a greater focus to the sales teams
    *     Business XL has bucked the trend of disappointing print advertising figures for the first six months with a 21% upturn in revenues
for the magazine. In addition, its associated website, GrowthBusiness.co.uk produced revenues up by 11.2%, and revenues for its larger
events rose by nearly 50% due to the launch of the New Energy Awards
    *     Both online and event revenues for the continuing business showed increases over the 2007 figures, online up by 3.5% and event
revenues (excluding discontinued seminars) up by over 11%
    *     Information Age and What Investment have both increased their market share of display ads in 2008 compared with 2007. Information
Age has strengthened its market-leading position and What Investment has become the market leader for the first time
    *     Cash collections have continued strongly throughout the summer, with the average daily receipt for August being our highest ever
    *     The second-half figures should show a marked improvement over the first half. 

    Outlook for 2008/09

    Information Age has struggled to reach its budget revenue figures since we acquired it; however, under our restructuring, the title is
now ahead of budget revenue for September. Under our ownership, for the period from 1 February 2008 to 31 August 2008, there has been an
improvement of over �140,000 at the bottom line, compared with the same period last year under its original owners. All this augurs well for
the future for this title.

    What Investment has endured a very difficult first six months of the financial year, but the team reports an improvement in sentiment
for the autumn, and is ahead of budget for display advertising in both August and September; however, visibility remains poor. Subscriptions
for the title have increased since the start of the year and that trend is expected to continue. The magazine will be relaunched for the
November issue, with a brand new design, and we are busy planning to maximise the impact of this.

    Business XL continues to go from strength to strength. It has steadily met its budget for print advertising, and its associated website
has also done well. The launch and huge success of the Rosenblatt New Energy Awards in February has encouraged us to develop a new event,
the Media Magnate Awards, and we are delighted to have secured Canaccord Adams, a leading AIM broker and adviser, as headline sponsor. 

    Of our other brands, Growth Company Investor will publish more research documents in the autumn and the Quoted Company Awards is set
fair to improve upon last year's figure. Against that, list sales continue to disappoint and subscriptions are proving more difficult to

    SmallBusiness.co.uk was relaunched in June, generating much interest, but that has not yet fully translated into revenues; we are
looking for that to happen in the autumn.

    M&A Magazine was relaunched in July and the second M&A Awards was held in February. We continue to develop the brand, although at this
stage the economic background is making it difficult for us to progress in moving from a breakeven contribution in this financial year to
date to the sort of profit level that we are targeting.

    We have worked hard trimming costs and analysing more efficient methods of operation across the group. The full fruits of these should
be felt in the second half of this financial year and the first half of the next financial year.

    Outlook for 2009/10 and beyond

    We have built a strong cross-platform media business comprising six good brands with healthy franchises. Once the economy has recovered,
we expect there to be significant improvements in profitability. In the meantime, we continue to invest in the brands with a view to
improving the quality of the earnings stream and thus increasing the value of our intangible assets. There is a real opportunity for us to
build a highly profitable B2B media business. 
- Ends -


 Vitesse Media Plc 
 Sara Williams / Kym Kingwill  www.vitessemedia.co.uk 

 KBC Peel Hunt                  Tel:  020 7418 8900
 Matthew Tyler / Daniel Harris

                          Consolidated Income Statement
               For the six months ended    31 July 2008

                                         6 months ended  6 months ended    Period ended
                                          31 July 2008    31 July 2007    31 January 2008
                                          (unaudited)      (unaudited)       (audited)
                                             �'000            �'000            �'000

                  Revenue  - continuing           2,657            1,813            3,630
                             - acquired               0              544            1,310
                                                  2,657            2,357            4,940

            Cost of sales                         1,049              802            1,661

             Gross profit                         1,608            1,555            3,279

                Administration expenses           1,845            1,546            3,365

 Operating (Loss) /profit                         (237)                9             (86)

            Finance costs                          (35)              (7)             (12)

          (Loss)/profit before taxation           (272)                2             (98)

                 Taxation                             0                0                0

           (Loss)/profit for the period           (272)                2             (98)

                      (Loss)/earnings per share (pence)
                    Basic                       (1.11)p           0.001p          (0.45)p
                  Diluted                       (1.11)p           0.001p          (0.45)p


      Consolidated Balance Sheet
              as at 31 July 2008

                                  6 months ended  6 months ended    Period ended
                                   31 July 2008    31 July 2007    31 January 2008
                                   (unaudited)      (unaudited)       (audited)
                                      �'000            �'000            �'000


              Non-current assets
           Tangible fixed assets             185              257              209
         Other intangible assets           2,675            1,469            2,703
                 Trade and other              21               21               21
                                           2,881            1,747            2,933

                  Current assets
                     Inventories              12                0               17
                 Trade and other           1,231            1,277            1,248
                                           1,243            1,277            1,265

                    Total assets           4,124            3,024            4,198


                   Share capital           2,451            2,091            2,451
                   Share premium           2,369            1,843            2,369
                  Other reserves             164              139              141
               Retained earnings         (3,466)          (3,095)          (3,194)

                                           1,518              978            1,767

         Non-current liabilities
                      Bank loans               0               21              153
               Obligations under              13               37               23
                   finance lease
                    Deferred tax             147                0              147

                                             160               58              323

             Current liabilities
        Trade and other payables           2,075            1,966            1,896
             Bank overdrafts and             371               22              212
                                           2,446            1,988            2,108

    Total equity and liabilities           4,124            3,024            4,198

    Consolidated cash flow statement
   For the six months ended  31 July                

                                      6 months ended  6 months ended     Period ended
                                       31 July 2008    31 July 2007    31 January 2008
                                       (unaudited)      (unaudited)       (audited)
                                          �'000            �'000            �'000

                    Cash inflow from
                operating activities
                      (Loss)/profit            (272)                2             (98)
                     before taxation

                       Interest paid              37                8               17
                   Interest received             (3)              (1)              (5)
                        Amortisation              28                0                2
                        Depreciation              40               42              102

                                               (170)               51               18

                  Share option costs              22                3                6
                         Decrease in               5                0                6
                 Decrease/(increase)              16            (656)            (357)
                      in receivables
                Increase in payables             187              490               40

                      Cash generated              60            (112)            (287)
                      from/(used in)

                       Interest paid            (37)              (8)             (17)

                 Net cash from/(used              23            (120)            (304)
                       in) operating

                Investing activities
                   Interest received               3                1                5
                      Acquisition of               0              (2)            (678)
                         Purchase of             (7)             (43)            (133)
                 property, plant and

                  Net cash (used in)             (4)             (44)            (806)
                investing activities

                Financing activities
                 Proceeds from issue               0                0              751
                    of share capital
                   Share issue costs               0                0             (81)
                       Repayments of           (233)             (10)             (44)
                       Repayments of            (27)             (29)             (45)
                   obligations under
                      finance leases
                      New bank loans               0                0              250

                      Net cash (used           (260)             (39)              831
                  in)/from financing

                Net decrease in cash           (241)            (203)            (279)
                and cash equivalents

                       Cash and cash            (98)              181              181
                      equivalents at
                 beginning of period

                       Cash and cash           (339)             (22)             (98)
                  equivalents at end
                           of period
 Consolidated Statement of changes in equity
       For the six months ended 31 July 2008

                                              Share capital  Share premium Account  Retained earnings  Other reserves     Share options     
                                                 � '000             � '000               � '000            � '000             � '000        
� '000

                 6 months ended 31 July 2007

                       As at 7 February 2007          2,091                  1,845            (3,097)             104                    32 

                       Profit for the period                                                        2                                       

                          Shares issue costs                                   (2)                                                          

                  Share based payment charge                                                                                              3 

            As at  31 July 2007                       2,091                  1,843            (3,095)             104                    35 

             12 months ended 31 January 2008

                       As at 7 February 2007          2,091                  1,845            (3,097)             104                    32 

                         Loss for the period                                                     (98)                                       

                  Shares issued                         360                    605                                                          

                          Shares issue costs                                  (81)                                                          

                  Share based payment charge                                                                                              5 

          As at 31 January 2008                       2,451                  2,369            (3,195)             104                    37 

                 6 months ended 31 July 2008

                       As at 1 February 2008          2,451                  2,369            (3,195)             104                    37 

                         Loss for the period                                                    (272)                                       

                  Shares issued                                                                                                             

                  Share based payment charge                                                                                             23 

             As at 31 July 2008                       2,451                  2,369            (3,467)             104                    60 

    Notes to the Interim Results

    1. Basis of preparation
    These interim condensed consolidated financial statements are for the six months ended 31 July 2008. They have been prepared in
accordance with IAS 34 "Interim Financial Reporting". This is now the Group's second year of reporting under IFRS and the comparative
information is therefore taken from financial information previously reported under IFRS.

    These financial statements have been prepared under the historical cost convention.

    These consolidated interim financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the accounting policies used in the period ended
31 January 2008, which are based on the recognition and measurement principles of IFRS in issue as adopted by the European Union (EU). 

    Nature of operations and general information
    Vitesse Media Plc and subsidiaries' ("the Group's") principal activities include the provision of online and print publications and
events, specialising in growing businesses.

    Vitesse Media Plc is the Group's ultimate parent company. It is incorporated and domiciled in Great Britain. The address of Vitesse
Media Plc's registered office is 20 Black Friars Lane, London EC4V 6HD. Vitesse Media Plc's shares are listed on the Alternative Investment
Market of the London Stock Exchange.

    Vitesse Media Plc's consolidated interim financial statements are presented in Pounds Sterling (�), which is also the functional
currency of the parent company.

    These condensed consolidated interim financial statements have been approved for issue by the Board of Directors on 24 September 2008.

    The financial information set out in this interim report does not constitute statutory accounts as defined in Section 240 of the
Companies Act 1985. The Group's statutory financial statements for the period ended 31 January 2008, prepared under IFRS, have been filed
with the Registrar of Companies. The auditor's report on those financial statements was unqualified and did not contain a statement under
Section 237(2) of the Companies Act 1985.

2. Segmental information

    The group operates in one geographical location, being the UK. Accordingly the primary segmental disclosure is based on activity.

                                  Online  Print publishing  Events  Total
                                   �'000             �'000   �'000  �'000

 6 months ended 31 July 2008

 Segmental revenue - continuing      670              1250     737  2,657
 Segmental revenue - acquired          0                 0       0      0
 Total segmental revenue             670             1,250     737  2,657

 Segmental result                    557               695     356  1,608

 6 months ended 31 July 2007

 Segmental revenue - continuing      458               732     623  1,813
 Segmental revenue - acquired         54               490       0    544
 Total segmental revenue             512             1,222     623  2,357

 Segmental result                    480               753     322  1,555

 12 months ended 31 January 2008

 Segmental revenue - continuing      918             1,460   1,252  3,630
 Segmental revenue - acquired        182             1,023     105  1,310
 Total segmental revenue           1,100             2,483   1,357  4,940

 Segmental result                  1,064             1,577     638  3,279

    3. Earnings/(loss) per share

    The calculation of loss per share is based on the following losses and numbers of shares. Diluted earnings per share is calculated by
adjusting the weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding to assume conversion of all dilutive potential ordinary shares. The
Company has one category of dilutive potential ordinary shares: share options. The Company has made a loss and the potential share options
are therefore anti-dilutive.
                                 6 months to 31 July 2008  6 months to 31 July 2007  Period end 
                                              (Unaudited)               (Unaudited)   31 January
                                                    �'000                     �'000        �'000
 (Loss)/earnings for the period                     (272)                         2         (98)
                                                      No.                       No.          No.
 Weighted average number of                    24,505,577                20,908,914   21,812,906

    4. Dividends
    No dividend is proposed for the six months ended 31 July 2008.

    5. Copies of Interim Results
    Copies of the Interim Results will be available from www.vitessemedia.co.uk and from the Company's registered office, 20 Black Friars
Lane, London EC4V 6HD.

This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange

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