RNS Number : 0016R

Ventus 2 VCT PLC

27 October 2011

Ventus 2 VCT plc

Half-yearly Financial Report

for the six month period ended 31 August 2011

Registered No: 05667210

Chairman's Statement

I am pleased to present the financial report of Ventus 2 VCT plc (the "Company") for the six month period ended 31 August 2011.


The period since 28 February 2011 has been a challenging one for the Company, as a further write-down of GBP4,141,000, or 16.87 pence per ordinary share, has been recorded on investments in companies operating biomass power plants. The Company also appointed a new Investment Manager during this period.

Wind speeds in the UK during the summer of 2011 were below long-term averages, however the wind energy generation of investee companies of the Company has been, on average, 90% of budget during the first nine months of 2011.

The net asset value of the ordinary share fund of the Company decreased from 75.9p per ordinary share at 28 February 2011 to 59.6p per ordinary share at 31 August 2011. The net asset value of the "C" share fund of the Company increased from 92.4p per "C" share at 28 February 2011 to 92.8p per "C" share at 31 August 2011.

Change of Investment Manager

With effect from 12 September 2011, the Board transferred the investment management of the Company from Climate Change Capital Limited to Temporis Capital LLP ("Temporis"). There was no notice period or charge due to Climate Change Capital Limited under the Termination and Transfer Agreement. Each of the members of staff formerly employed by Climate Change Capital Limited in respect of the Ventus Funds transferred to Temporis Capital LLP on 12 September 2011.

Temporis has been involved in asset management since its formation in 2005 and specialises in facilitating the provision of capital to the sustainable and clean tech sectors and, in particular, providing long-term liquidity to renewable energy projects. The Board considers that Temporis has the right level of resources, experience and expertise to manage the existing portfolio and to successfully implement the future investment programme. The new Investment Manager has begun a thorough review of each of the Company's assets and will report to the Board in due course.


The Company has a shareholding of 60% of the ordinary shares issued by each of Redeven Energy Limited and Spurlens Rig Wind Limited. These shareholdings constitute controlling interests therefore these companies are subsidiaries of the Company. The consolidated financial statements of the Company and its subsidiaries (the "Group") are presented in this half-yearly report.

Net Asset Value and Results - Ordinary Shares

At 31 August 2011, the net asset value of the ordinary share fund of the Company attributable to equity shareholders stood at GBP14,624,000 or 59.6p per ordinary share.

The Group's revenue profit attributable to ordinary shareholders for the six month period ended 31 August 2011 was GBP264,000 or 1.08p per ordinary share. The Group's capital loss attributable to ordinary shareholders for the period was GBP4,034,000 or 16.44p per ordinary share, resulting in a net loss to ordinary shareholders for the period of GBP3,770,000 or 15.36p per ordinary share (six months ended 31 August 2010: net profit of GBP842,000 or 4.18p per ordinary share; year ended 28 February 2011: net loss of GBP1,654,000 or 7.41p per ordinary share).

The value of investments and investments in subsidiaries held by the Company's ordinary share fund at 31 August 2011 was GBP13,328,000 compared to GBP17,106,000 at 28 February 2011. The Investment Manager's Report gives details of investments made during the period together with information about the valuation of all investee company holdings within the portfolio. The value of the Company's waste wood biomass investments was written down by a further GBP4,141,000 during the six months to 31 August 2011 which has had a significant impact on the Company's portfolio value.

The income generated in the ordinary share fund during the period comprised interest earned on loan stock and cash deposits and dividends earned from investee companies. Total income attributable to the ordinary share fund for the six month period to 31 August 2011 was GBP505,000 compared to GBP635,000 for the six month period ended 31 August 2010. The impairment of the interest accrued on the loans with the Company's waste wood biomass investments has had a significant impact on the Company's income. Also, the Company has received reduced dividends during the six months compared to the same period last year.

The Company has not declared an interim dividend in respect of the ordinary share fund in order to preserve the Company's cash resources.

Investments in PBM Power Limited, Sandsfield Heat & Power Limited and Twinwoods Heat & Power Limited - Ordinary Shares

In the financial statements of the Company for the year ended 28 February 2011, the Company recorded write-downs on its investments in three companies building and operating biomass power plants. The companies were PBM Power Limited ("PBM"), Sandsfield Heat & Power Limited ("SHPL") and Twinwoods Heat & Power Limited ("THPL"). The write-downs totalled GBP2,454,000, with PBM (including amounts advanced to fund the company's operating costs) being written down by GBP1,104,000, SHPL being written down by GBP950,000 and THPL being written down by GBP400,000. The written-down values at 28 Feburary 2011, including accrued interest on mezzanine loan stock were GBPnil for PBM, GBP2,096,000 for SHPL and GBP2,045,000 for THPL.

For the reasons set out below, the Board decided in September 2011 to record full write-downs of the remaining balances of the investments in SHPL and THPL, including the interest accrued on the mezzanine loan stock. The effect of the further write-downs of SHPL and THPL is to reduce the Company's NAV by GBP4,141,000, or 16.87 pence per share.

The financial statements of the Company for the year ended 28 February 2011 outlined the key factors impacting on the valuation of SHPL and THPL and stated that the valuations were subject to a high degree of uncertainty. The financial statements also stated that the validity of the valuation assumptions was dependent on the completion of renegotiation of contracts and debt finance terms with third parties which were in progress at the date of preparation of the financial statements.

Bioflame Limited ("Bioflame"), the technology provider and contractor for the biomass power plants owned by PBM, SHPL and THPL, became insolvent and stopped trading in September 2011 as a result of withdrawal of support of its principal backer. Bioflame entered liquidation on 4 October 2011. The financial, technical and operational stability of Bioflame was an important factor supporting the Company's valuations of SHPL and THPL as at 28 February 2011. Bioflame's ceasing to trade also resulted in a suspension of the contract renegotiations referenced above.

The Company's investment manager, Temporis Capital LLP ("Temporis"), is continuing to work with PBM, SHPL and THPL, as well as with the lending banks to these investee companies and with external engineering consultants, with a view to developing a plan for bringing the biomass power plants forward to sustainable operation. At the present time, the likely outcome of these efforts is uncertain.

The write-downs of the investments in PBM, SHPL and THPL do not affect the Company's "C" shares.

Effective Recovery of GBP530,000 Loaned to PBM - Ordinary Shares

The Company disclosed in its financial statements for the year ended 28 February 2011 that an unsecured loan of GBP530,000 was made to PBM to fund its operating expenses. This loan was not approved by the Ventus Investment Committee of Climate Change Capital Limited (the investment manager at the time) and was recognised as a realised capital loss in the financial statements for the year ended 28 February 2011.

Since the period end, Temporis has agreed to waive investment management fees amounting to GBP530,000 in relation to the ordinary share fund. Also, in order to reinforce the Company's financial position, Temporis has agreed to advance a GBP530,000 interest-free loan to the Company's ordinary share fund, to be repaid by the Company over the period of time that the waived investment management fees would otherwise have been charged.

Net Asset Value and Results and Dividend - "C" Shares

At the period end, the net asset value per "C" share of the Company stood at GBP10,510,000 or 92.8p per "C" share. The revenue profit attributable to "C" shareholders for the period was GBP101,000 or 0.89p per "C" share. The capital loss attributable to "C" shareholders for the period was GBP59,000 or 0.52p per "C" share, resulting in a net profit attributable to "C" shareholders for the six months ended 31 August 2011 of GBP42,000 or 0.37p per "C" share (six months ended 31 August 2011: loss of GBP45,000 or 0.43p per "C" share; year ended 28 February 2011: net loss of GBP75,000 or 0.68p per "C" share).

The value of investments held at 31 August 2011 by the "C" share fund was GBP5,533,000 compared to GBP3,960,000 at 28 February 2011.

The income generated in the "C" share fund during the period comprised interest earned on loan stock, cash on deposit and UK treasury bills. Total income attributable to the "C" share fund for the six months to 31 August 2011 was GBP210,000 (six months ended 31 August 2011: GBP95,000). The increase in income was primarily attributable to the increase in loan stock interest as the "C" share fund has made further investments.

The Company has declared an interim dividend of 1.00p per "C" share which will be paid on 11 January 2012 to all "C" shareholders on the register as at the close of business on 9 December 2011. This is the first dividend to be paid to "C" shareholders.

The Company's Investment Manager, Temporis Capital LLP, continues to be actively engaged in managing the portfolio of existing investments and in identifying and negotiating potential investment opportunities to invest the new "C" share capital that has been raised. The investments made constitute the important events of the period.

Group Key Performance Indicators

 For the six 
 period ended 
 31 August 2011                  Ordinary Shares                                                  "C" Shares                       Total 
                                           Pence                                                       Pence 
                                             per                                                         per 
                                           share                                                       share 
                                GBP000       (1)                    GBP000                               (1)                      GBP000 
 Revenue profit 
  shareholders                     264      1.08                       101                              0.89                         365 
 Capital loss 
  to equity 
  shareholders                 (4,034)   (16.44)                      (59)                            (0.52)                     (4,093) 
                                        --------                            -------------------------------- 
 Net loss 
  to equity 
  shareholders                 (3,770)   (15.36)                        42                              0.37                     (3,728) 
 Dividends paid 
  during the 
  period                         (245)      1.00                         -                                 -                       (245) 
                 ---------------------  --------  ------------------------  --------------------------------  -------------------------- 
 Total movement 
  in equity 
  funds                        (4,015)   (14.36)                        42                              0.37                     (3,973) 
                 =====================  ========  ========================  ================================  ========================== 
                                               %                                                           %                           % 
 Total expense 
  ratio (2)                                4.78%                                                       3.41%                       4.21% 
                                        ========                            ================================  ========================== 
 As at 31 
 2011                                             Ordinary Shares                                          "C" Shares                    Total 
                                                            Pence                                               Pence 
                                                              per                                                 per 
                                                            share                                               share 
                            GBP000                            (3)               GBP000                            (3)                   GBP000 
 Net asset 
  value                     14,616                           59.6               10,510                           92.8                   25,126 
               ===================  =============================  ===================  =============================  ======================= 
  return (4)                16,168                           70.5               10,510                           92.8                   26,678 
               ===================  =============================  ===================  =============================  ======================= 

(1) The "per share" value is determined in respect of the weighted average number of shares in issue during the period, except in respect of the dividends paid in the period, which is determined on the basis of the number of shares eligible to receive dividends at the time the dividends were paid.

(2) The total expense ratio represents the Company's total operating expenditure during the period (excluding irrecoverable VAT, merger costs and investment costs) as a percentage of the net asset value of the Company at period end, as determined in the Investment Management Agreement.

(3) The "per share" value is determined in respect of the number of shares in issue at period end, except in respect of the dividends paid, which is determined on the basis of the number of shares eligible to receive dividends at the time the dividends were paid.

(4) The total shareholder return represents the net asset value of the Group attributable to equity holders at period end plus the cumulative dividends paid since incorporation.

The performance of the Group is reviewed in the Investment Manager's Report, including the Company's compliance with HM Revenue & Customs ("HMRC") VCT regulations. The Group's prospects are considered in the UK Market Outlook section of the Investment Manager's Report.


As at 31 August 2011, the ordinary share fund of the Company held investments in 17 companies including two subsidiaries, with a total value of GBP13.33 million. The "C" share fund held investments in 8 companies with a total investment value of GBP5.53 million.

The Investment Manager's Report provides details of the investments held as at 31 August 2011. All investments are structured so as to be treated as qualifying holdings for the purposes of Venture Capital Trust ("VCT") regulations, unless otherwise stated.

Principal Risks and Uncertainties

Under the Financial Services Authority's Disclosure and Transparency Rules, the Directors are required to identify those material risks to which the Company is exposed and take appropriate steps to mitigate those risks. Other than the inherent risks associated with investment activities, which are discussed in the Investment Manager's Report, the risks described below are those which the Directors consider to be material. The Directors do not expect that the risks and uncertainties presented will change significantly over the current financial year.

   --      Failure to meet the investment requirements for compliance with HMRC VCT regulations 

The Board mitigates this risk by regularly reviewing investment management activity with appropriately qualified advisers and by obtaining pre-approval from HMRC for each qualifying investment.

   --      Inadequate control environment at service providers 

The Board mitigates this risk by only appointing service providers of a high standing under agreements that set out their responsibilities and by obtaining assurances from them that all exceptions have been reported to the Board. The new Investment Manager is undertaking a thorough review of processes and controls within the Company and each of its investee companies and is to implement improvements where appropriate. The Investment Manager will report to the Board in due course further to this review.

-- Non-compliance with the Listing Rules of the Financial Services Authority, Companies Act legislation, HMRC VCT regulations and other applicable regulations

The Board mitigates this risk by employing external advisers fully conversant with applicable statutory and regulatory requirements who report regularly to the Board on the Company's compliance.

VCT Qualifying Status

The Company retains PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP to review its compliance with VCT regulations. The Directors are satisfied that the Company has continued to fulfil the conditions for maintaining VCT status.

Responsibility Statement

The Directors acknowledge responsibility for the interim results and approve this half-yearly report. The Directors confirm that to the best of their knowledge:

(a) the condensed financial statements have been prepared in accordance with International Accounting Standard 34 ("IAS 34") Interim Financial Reporting and give a true and fair view of the assets, liabilities and financial position of the Company and Group and the loss of the Group as required by Disclosure and Transparency Rule ("DTR") 4.2.4R;

(b) the interim management report, included within the Chairman's Statement and Investment Manager's Report, includes a fair review of the information required by DTR 4.2.7R, being the significant events of the first half of the year and the principal risks and uncertainties for the remaining six months of the year; and

(c) the financial statements include a fair review of related party transactions and changes thereto, as required by DTR 4.2.8R.

The Responsibility Statement has been approved by the Board.

Alan Moore OBE


27 October 2011

Investment Manager's Report

Temporis Capital LLP (the "Investment Manager") presents a review of the investment activities of the Company since the last annual report.

Ordinary Share portfolio

A summary of the ordinary share fund's investments valuations as at 31 August 2011 and gains and losses during the six months ended 31 August 2011 is given below.

 Ordinary                   Voting          Investment                                           gains/   Investment   Investment 
  Shares                    rights             value                  Investment cost          (losses)        value         cost 
                                     Shares    Loans     Total   Shares    Loans     Total                     Total        Total 
                                as       as       as        as       as       as        as           as 
                                at       at       at        at       at       at        at           at        as at        as at 
                                31       31       31        31       31       31        31           31           28           28 
                            August   August   August    August   August   August    August       August     February     February 
                              2011     2011     2011      2011     2011     2011      2011         2011         2011         2011 
                                 %   GBP000   GBP000    GBP000   GBP000   GBP000    GBP000       GBP000       GBP000       GBP000 
  Limited        *    Q     12.50%      655      343       998      497      341       838           54          944          838 
  Limited        *    Q     40.40%    1,950    1,332     3,282    1,226    1,289     2,515          129        3,153        2,515 
 A7 Lochhead 
  Limited        *    Q     20.00%      556      122       678      569      121       690           32          646          690 
  Limited        *    PQ    16.65%      666    1,332     1,998      666    1,332     1,998            -        1,998        1,998 
  in the 
  Limited        *    Q      2.22%      500    1,800     2,300      200    1,800     2,000            -        2,300        2,000 
  Limited        *    Q     50.00%      196      200       396      200      200       400           96          300          400 
  LFG Limited    *    Q     50.00%        -        -         -    1,000        -     1,000            -            -        1,000 
  Limited              Q    50.00%      615    1,164     1,779      780    1,120     1,900           77        1,702        1,900 
 PBM Power 
  Limited              Q    25.00%        -        -         -      574        -       574            -            -          574 
  & Power 
  Limited              Q    44.90%        -        -         -    1,796    1,000     2,796      (2,096)        2,096        2,796 
  & Power 
  Limited              Q    50.00%        -        -         -    2,000      400     2,400      (2,045)        2,045        2,400 
  Limited                   50.00%      300       55       355      300       55       355            -          355          355 
 The Small 
  Limited                   22.50%      115      534       649      115      534       649            -          579          579 
  **             *          60.00%      167      367       534        -      534       534            -          534          534 
  Rig Wind 
  ***            *          60.00%      174       45       219      174       45       219            -          198          198 
  Limited        *    Q     48.00%       20      120       140      252      120       372        (116)          256          372 
  Limited        *          17.60%        -        -         -       68        -        68            -            -           68 
 Total                                5,914    7,414    13,328   10,417    8,891    19,308      (3,869)       17,106       19,217 
                                    =======  =======  ========  =======  =======  ========  ===========  ===========  =========== 

Q - Investment complies with VCT regulations on qualifying holdings.

PQ - Part of the investment complies with VCT regulations on qualifying holdings.

* - A company in which Ventus VCT plc's ordinary share fund has also invested. The Company and Ventus VCT plc are managed by Temporis Capital LLP.

** - Through development funding agreements entered into by Redeven Energy Limited, the Company holds the right to invest in companies which hold lease options on sites for which Redeven Energy Limited obtains planning permission (further details are presented below). On the Company's Statement of Financial Position the value attributed to Redeven Energy Limited is apportioned between investments, in respect of the investment rights attached to the development funding agreement and investments in subsidiaries in respect of the Company's holding in Redeven Energy Limited.

*** - Spurlens Rig Wind Limited is accounted for within investments in subsidiaries on the Company Statement of Financial Position.

Summary of Investments - Ordinary Share Portfolio

Operational wind farms

Each of the following investee companies owns and operates a single wind farm:

                    Wind farm      Operational    Location 
                     capacity       since 
                    10.0           October 2007   Scottish Borders 
  Craig Wind Farm 
 Achairn Energy     6.0            May 2009       Caithness, Scotland 
                    6.0            June 2009      Lanarkshire, Scotland 
  A7 Lochhead 
 Greenfield Wind    12.3           February 
  Farm Limited                      2011              South Lanarkshire, 

Technical availability on the operating wind farms in 2011 has been good, averaging greater than 97%. Wind speeds in the UK in 2011 have remained below long-term averages because of a poor summer. The Company's portfolio companies achieved good energy output during the spring and excellent output for September. On average, the Company's portfolio companies produced 90% of budgeted output during the first nine months of 2011.

Operational companies in the wind sector

Broadview Energy Limited

Broadview Energy Limited has continued to execute its business plan in 2011. Broadview's key achievements since the beginning of the 2011 have been:

-- completion and commencement of operations on Low Spinney, a four-turbine wind project in Leicestershire

-- financial close and commencement of construction on Seamer, a five-turbine wind project in Teesside

   --      receipt of planning consent on Westnewton, a 3-turbine wind project in Cumbria 

In total, Broadview's portfolio includes seven turbines (15.20 megawatts) in operation, five turbines (10.25 megawatts) in construction and three turbines (6 to 7.5 megawatts) with planning consent. It also has a portfolio of four proposed wind energy sites at various stages in the planning process.

Firefly Energy Limited

Firefly Energy Limited continues to provide power purchase agreements and to roll out its strategy to provide management accounting services to renewable energy project operators.

The increase in valuation of the Company's investment in Firefly Energy Limited is due the loan repayment cash flows from the power purchase agreement business now being discounted over a shorter period.

Other operational investee companies

Redimo LFG Limited

The operating environment for the Redimo LFG Limited landfill gas generation portfolio continues to be challenging, as contamination in the gas continues to cause problems for the generators at the two largest sites. The Investment Manager is exploring alternatives for more active management of the sites in the portfolio. Redimo LFG Limited retains the support of its lending bank. The Company did not receive cash distributions from Redimo LFG Limited during the year, and the investment in Redimo LFG Limited continues to be held in the Company's accounts at a nil valuation.

Renewable Power Systems (Dargan Road) Limited

Renewable Power Systems (Dargan Road) Limited continues to perform in line with expectations. The increase in valuation of the Company's investment is due to expected cash flows now being discounted over a shorter period.

Waste wood biomass investments

PBM Power Limited, Sandsfield Heat & Power Limited, Twinwoods Heat & Power Limited

As discussed in the Chairman's Statement, the Company's investments in PBM Power Limited, Sandsfield Heat & Power Limited, Twinwoods Heat & Power Limited have been written down to nil value. The Investment Manager is continuing to work with the three companies, as well as with the lending banks to the companies and with external engineering consultants, with a view to developing a plan for bringing the businesses forward to sustainable operation. At the present time, the likely outcome of these efforts is uncertain.

Development and pre-planning investments

Osspower Limited

Osspower Limited has begun construction of its first small hydro scheme (Allt Fionn Ghlinne) in Scotland, having secured GBP6.45 million of bank financing in May 2011. Ventus 2 VCT plc has entered into a cost overrun guarantee with the lending bank on behalf of Osspower Limited in the amount of GBP750,000. The guarantee is in the form of a loan to be drawn down in the event of the construction costs of this scheme exceeding GBP7.5 million. As at the date of this report, the Investment Manager considers the probability of the guarantee being drawn down to be very low and the value of the liability associated with the guarantee is considered to be insignificant at 31 August 2011. Further details are presented in note 19 of the financial statements. The value of the Company's investment is held at cost of investment as at 31 August 2011.

The Small Hydro Company Limited

The Small Hydro Company Limited holds planning permission on five low head run of river hydro electric projects in England and is currently assessing the strategic options for raising further finance to construct and operate the projects. The schemes are expected to be eligible under the Feed-In Tariff regime. The Feed-In Tariff regime is expected to be subject to further government consultation in the coming months and this is likely to have implications for the way forward for the current schemes and the longer term strategy of The Small Hydro Company Limited.

The Company has a 22.5% equity share in The Small Hydro Company Limited and has also provided a shareholder loan facility of GBP534,000.

Redeven Energy Limited

Through a development funding agreement entered into by Redeven Energy Limited, the Company holds investment rights in three companies intending to develop and operate wind farms in East Anglia. Each of the three companies holds a lease option over a site for which planning permission has been sought. The costs incurred in relation to the planning applications for these sites have been met by Redeven Energy Limited. The Company's right to invest in each of these wind farm companies is subject to Redeven Energy Limited securing planning permission on each site. Planning permission is held on two sites with schemes totalling seven turbines. Progress on the larger of these two schemes, which has permission to erect five turbines, is dependent on resolution of certain planning conditions, but the intention is to proceed with the building out of this project as soon as possible. The third planning application for a two turbine project was refused in January 2011. An appeal in relation to this project will be lodged in November 2011. The Company has not yet made an investment in any of the three development companies.

Spurlens Rig Wind Limited

A planning application for this proposed six turbine site was submitted in December 2010. It is expected that the outcome will be determined within the next six months.

Wind Power Renewables Limited

Wind Power Renewables Limited has submitted planning applications for three sites in East Anglia. Two of these applications have been refused, while a determination on the third site (for 2 turbines) is expected within six months. The second planning refusal took place during the half-yearly period of these accounts, as a consequence of which the enterprise value of Wind Power Renewables has been written down further (to one-third of the original investment cost). This has resulted in a further write down of GBP77,000 in the value of the equity held by the Company.

Olgrinmore Limited

Olgrinmore Limited was a potential two-turbine site in Caithness which was refused in planning and is being held at nil value. The Olgrinmore development team is reviewing the options to re-apply for permission to build a smaller project on the same site which would address the previous reasons for refusal.

"C" share portfolio

A summary of the "C" share fund's investments valuations as at 31 August 2011 is given below. There were no gains or losses in value recognised during the six months ended 31 August 2011.

                            Voting          Investment                   Investment            Investment   Investment 
 "C"Shares                  rights             value                         cost                   value         cost 
                                     Shares    Loans     Total    Shares     Loans     Total        Total        Total 
                                as       as       as        as        as        as        as           as           as 
                                at       at       at        at        at        at        at           at           at 
                                31       31       31        31        31        31        31           28           28 
                            August   August   August    August    August    August    August     February     February 
                              2011     2011     2011      2011      2011      2011      2011         2011         2011 
                                 %   GBP000   GBP000    GBP000    GBP000    GBP000    GBP000       GBP000       GBP000 
  Wind Farm 
  Limited        *    PQ    12.50%      500    1,000     1,500       500     1,000     1,500        1,500        1,500 
  Limited        *          50.00%      400        -       400       400         -       400          400          400 
  Limited        *           0.00%        -      350       350         -       350       350          350          350 
 BEGL 2 
  Limited        *           0.00%        -      500       500         -       500       500          500          500 
 BEGL 3 
  Limited        *           0.00%        -      500       500         -       500       500          500          500 
  Limited        *           0.00%        -        -         -         -         -         -          300          300 
  Limited        *           0.00%        -      410       410         -       410       410          410          410 
 Allt Dearg 
  Wind Farmers 
  LLP            *           0.00%        -      200       200                 200       200            -            - 
 White Mill 
  Wind Farm 
  Limited        *    PQ    25.00%    1,000      673     1,673     1,000       673     1,673            -            - 
 Total                                1,900    3,633     5,533     1,900     3,633     5,533        3,960        3,960 
                                    =======  =======  ========  ========  ========  ========  ===========  =========== 

PQ - Part of the investment complies with VCT regulations on qualifying holdings.

* - A company in which Ventus VCT plc's "C" share fund has also invested. The Company and Ventus VCT plc are managed by Temporis Capital LLP.

Summary of Investments - "C" Share Portfolio

Operational wind farms

Greeenfield Wind Farm Limited

Both the ordinary share fund and "C" share fund have made investments in Greenfield Wind Farm Limited, which are presented in the ordinary share fund's summary of investments above.

Development and pre-planning investments

Shareholders should note that the following investments are not structured so as to be qualifying holdings for the purposes of the VCT regulations.

Iceni Renewables Limited

Through Iceni Renewables Limited the Company has invested in and committed to provide further funding to two wind energy development projects in Scotland. The total investment and commitment is GBP400,000. Scoping and pre-planning work is underway on both sites. The first, named Craigannet, is likely to be submitted for planning permission this year as a six turbine scheme. The other site is known as Merkins and is likely to be submitted as a ten turbine scheme later this year. Lomond Energy Limited is the development manager of these sites.

Renewable Power Systems Limited

The Company's "C" share fund has provided a loan facility of GBP350,000 to Renewable Power Systems Limited, a company which specialises in the development and operation of energy from waste generating plants. The loan was due to be repaid in June 2011, however the term has been extended. The loan is currently being restructured to extend the term further and establish a repayment schedule. Since 31 August 2011, Renewable Power Systems has repaid GBP50,000 plus accrued interest on this loan, reducing the balance to GBP300,000.

BEGL 2 Limited and BEGL 3 Limited

The Company has provided medium term loan facilities of GBP500,000 to each of BEGL 2 Limited and BEGL 3 Limited.

These companies are subsidiaries of Broadview Energy Limited. BEGL 2 Limited is the development company for Seamer, a five-turbine wind farm in Teesside currently being constructed. BEGL 3 Limited is the development company for Low Spinney, an operational four-turbine wind farm in Leicestershire.

In each case the loans have been secured against the shares held by the development companies' parent company and will be used to meet construction and post consent development costs alongside long term bank loan facilities.

The loans, together with accrued interest, are to be repaid in full no later than 30 June 2012.

Osspower Limited

Loans to Osspower Limited by the Company's "C" share fund were repaid in May 2011. The lending facility to Osspower Limited has now been cancelled.

EcoGen Limited

The Company's "C" share fund has provided a medium term loan facility of GBP410,000 to EcoGen Limited. The loan, together with accrued interest, is to be repaid in full no later than 31 December 2012. It, together with the matching loan made by the "C" share fund of Ventus VCT plc, is secured against EcoGen Limited's one third shareholding in Fenpower Limited, a company in which the Company's ordinary share fund holds an investment (please refer to the section in the ordinary share report above for further details).

Allt Dearg Wind Farmers LLP

This LLP has consent to develop a 12 turbine site near Lochgilphead, Scotland. The "C" share fund has provided a secured short term loan facility of GBP300,000 to fund pre-financial close project expenditure of which GBP200,000 had been drawn down at 31 August 2011 and a further GBP75,000 since the period end. The Company has secured exclusivity to make a long term investment in the project.

White Mill Wind Farm Limited

The Company has completed an investment in White Mill Windfarm Limited, which will construct a 14.35 megawatt windfarm in the Cambridgeshire Fens. The Company invested GBP1million for 25% of the ordinary share capital, and has provided a mezzanine loan facility of GBP672,500. The "C" share fund of Ventus VCT plc has made an investment on the same terms as the Company. The remaining 50% of the ordinary shares are held by a subsidiary of the Co-operative Group Limited. White Mill Windfarm Limited has secured a debt facility from the Co-operative Bank plc which, together with the funding provided by the Company and Ventus VCT plc, will finance the construction of the project. Construction is underway, and the site is expected to begin exporting electricity in the summer of 2012. The windfarm will operate seven REpower MM82 turbines.

Valuation of Investments

It is the accounting policy of the Company to hold its investments and investments in subsidiaries at fair value. In this report, the Company's investments in investee companies which operate an asset and have passed an initial satisfactory operational period are valued using a discounted cash flow methodology. The key assumptions that have a significant impact on discounted cash flow valuations for these assets are the discount rate used, the price at which the power and associated benefits can be sold, the amount of electricity the investee company's generating assets are expected to produce and operating costs.

The fair value of the Company's investments in companies which have not passed an initial satisfactory operational period, or are engaged in seeking planning permission, are determined to be the investment cost subject to a periodic impairment review. The Company has resolved that it is appropriate to value its holding in Broadview Energy Limited on the basis of the price paid by investors in a recent capital raising round. Details of the valuations are shown in the table above.

Investment Policy

The Company is focused on investing in companies developing renewable energy projects with installed capacities of two to twelve megawatts, although larger projects may also be considered. Given the target investment size, investments will generally be in companies developing projects initiated by specialist small-scale developers and smaller projects which are not attractive to large development companies and utilities.

Asset Allocation

The Investment Manager primarily seeks to allocate the Company's investments in equity securities and loan stock of companies owning renewable energy projects with full planning consent, ready for construction of the project to commence or whose assets are already operational. Up to 10% of net proceeds raised from the initial share offer and the "C" share offer, respectively, may be allocated to development funding for early stage renewable energy projects prior to planning permissions being obtained.

The Company's policy is to maintain cash reserves of at least 5% of net proceeds raised from the initial share offer and the "C" share offer for the purpose of meeting operating expenses and purchasing its shares in the market. Circumstances may arise which would require the Company to hold less than 5% of net proceeds in cash for a limited period of time.

In order to comply with VCT requirements, at least 70% by value of the Company's investments are required to be comprised of qualifying investments.

The Company typically owns 25% to 50% of the equity share capital of each investee company and a portion of its investment in each investee company may be in the form of loan stock.

The Company's uninvested funds are placed on deposit or invested in short-term fixed income securities until suitable investment opportunities are found.

Risk Diversification

The geographical focus of the portfolio is the UK and the majority of investments made to date are in the wind sector. Funds are invested with a range of small-scale independent developers so project risk is not concentrated on only a few developers. The portfolio contains projects at different stages of the asset lifecycle, ranging from pre-planning, to construction and then into operation. Investments are also made in technologies that have no inherent operational correlation with the performance of wind farms. Investments are made via subscriptions for new share capital or via loan stock instruments in order to secure a negotiated level of return from the project. The majority of investments are made in special purpose companies set up specifically to develop each project and bank debt financing is non-recourse to the Company.

The returns from projects depend on the UK Government's continued support for renewable energy, primarily under the Renewables Obligation and Feed-in Tariff mechanisms. The effects of any negative change to this policy are mitigated by the UK Government's historic practice of grandfathering financial support mechanisms for existing assets. This risk is further mitigated by the Company typically negotiating fixed and/or floor price mechanisms into the power purchase agreements entered into by project companies for the sale of their generated output.


The Company does not intend to borrow funds for investment purposes. However the Company is exposed to gearing through its investee companies which typically fund the construction costs of each project through senior bank debt finance. The Investment Manager is involved in assisting investee companies in negotiating the terms of this finance to ensure competitive terms are achieved. The interest rate is typically fixed via an interest rate swap for the duration of the bank loan so that investee companies are not exposed to changes in market interest rates.

To the extent that borrowing should be required by the Group for any purpose, the Directors shall restrict the borrowings of the Group. The aggregate principal amount at any time outstanding in respect of money borrowed by the Group shall not without the previous sanction of an ordinary resolution of the Company exceed a sum equal to 10% of the adjusted share capital and reserves of the Company in accordance with its Articles.

Maximum Exposures

In order to gauge the maximum exposure of the funds to various risks, the following can be used as a guide:

i) Investments in qualifying holdings

70-95% of the funds will be invested in qualifying holdings no later than three years after the date that provisional approval by HMRC of the Company's status as a VCT becomes effective. The relevant compliance date for the initial share offer was 1 March 2009 and for the first "C" share offer and ordinary share "top-up" offer is 1 March 2012. The relevant compliance date for the second "C" share offer is 1 March 2013.

For the purposes of the 70% qualifying holdings requirement, disposals of qualifying investments for cash may be disregarded for a period of six months. Where a VCT breaches one or more of the requirements due to factors outside of its control, it may apply to HMRC for a determination that the breach will be disregarded for a period of 90 days while the breach is remedied.

ii) Concentration limits

Under VCT regulations no more than 15% of the Company's total assets should be in a single investee company at the time the investment is made in that investee company.

iii) Investments in pre-planning projects

In accordance with the Company's investment policy a maximum of 10% of the net funds raised from each of the initial share offer and "C" share offer respectively may be invested in pre-planning projects.

Market outlook

According to the Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC), approximately one-quarter of the UK's electricity generating capacity will shut down over the next ten years as old coal and nuclear power stations close. DECC predicts that more than GBP110 billion in investment is needed to replace this generation capacity and upgrade the grid. In the longer term, by 2050, DECC expects electricity demand to double, as the UK shifts more transport and heating onto the electricity grid.

In response to these challenges, the UK Government has announced a series of policy announcements and initiatives over the past 18 months that have created considerable uncertainty for participants in the UK renewable energy market. On 7 February 2011, the Government announced that it would carry out a comprehensive review of the Feed-in tariffs (FIT) scheme for small-scale low-carbon electricity generation, however to date the Government has only consulted on and made adjustments to the Feed-in Tariffs for solar PV and anaerobic digestion projects. The outcome of the comprehensive FIT review could be relevant to the Company's investments Osspower Limited and The Small Hydro Company. Further consultation on the comprehensive review of the FIT scheme is expected this autumn.

On 20 October 2011, the Government issued a consultation paper regarding ROC (Renewable Obligation Certificate) banding levels for renewable energy generating stations accredited from 1 April 2013 to 31 March 2017. This public consultation will be open until 12 January 2012, with the new rules going through the parliamentary process next year and coming into force on 1 April 2013. The level of support for onshore wind projects is proposed to be reduced from the current level of 1 ROC per megawatt-hour to 0.9 ROCs per megawatt-hour effective 1 April 2013. This change, if implemented, would reduce revenues from wind farms by approximately 5%, but would not apply to projects commissioned before 1 April 2013. It would have no impact on any existing wind farms operated by the Company's investee companies. The Investment Manager's analysis of any future investments by the Company will take into account the level of ROCs expected to be available for projects operated by investee companies. The Company's target returns will not be impacted by the proposed change in ROC banding for onshore wind projects.

On 12 July 2011, the UK Government published a White Paper setting out measures to reform the UK electricity market and encourage investment in electricity generating capacity. The Government's stated objective is to create a secure mix of electricity sources including gas, new nuclear, renewables and carbon capture and storage. Key elements of the reform package include:

-- a Carbon Price Floor (announced in Budget 2011) to reduce investor uncertainty, putting a fair price on carbon and providing a stronger incentive for investment in low-carbon generation;

-- the introduction of new long-term contracts (Feed-in Tariff with Contracts for Difference) to provide stable financial incentives to invest in all forms of low-carbon electricity generation;

-- an Emissions Performance Standard (EPS) set at 450g CO2/kWh to reinforce the requirement that no new coal-fired power stations are built without carbon capture and storage, but also to ensure necessary short-term investment in gas can take place; and

-- a Capacity Mechanism, including demand response as well as generation, to ensure future security of electricity supply.

The Government has stated its intention to legislate for the key elements of this package in the second session of this Parliament, which starts in May 2012, and for legislation to reach the statute book by the end of the next session (by spring 2013). The intent is that provisions in the reform package will begin to take effect in 2014. The Government has stated that it will put in place transitional arrangements to ensure there is no hiatus in investment while the new system is established.

The Localism Bill, which has been before Parliament since 13 December 2010, is expected to become law soon. This bill will result in a significant shift in power to the local level. There is concern in the renewables industry that the bill will increase the disconnect between local planning decisions and broader national policies encouraging renewable energy, resulting in fewer successful planning applications for renewable energy projects. The challenge for the renewable industry will be to engage effectively with local communities and show communities that renewable energy projects can provide meaningful local economic benefits.

The banking market for renewable energy projects has been relatively stable in the past year. No new entrants have been seen over the last year and lending margins and leverage packages remain consistent with the past few years. Turbine prices have stabilised in recent months after declining in the 2008-2010 period, although fluctuations in the Sterling/Euro exchange rate make the timing of purchasing decisions challenging. Wholesale electricity prices have been relatively stable in recent months, but are still expected to rise over the long term due to capacity constraints and to increases in demand as transport and heating are shifted onto the electricity grid.

Temporis Capital LLP

Investment Manager

27 October 2011

Directors and Advisers


Alan Moore (Chairman)

Paul Thomas

Colin Wood

Company Secretary

The City Partnership (UK) Limited

Thistle House

21 Thistle Street




PKF (UK) LLP Farringdon Place

20 Farringdon Road



Principal Banker

HSBC Bank plc

60 Queen Victoria Street



Investment Manager

Temporis Capital LLP

Berger House

36/38 Berkeley Square



Registrar & Registered Office

Capita Registrars

The Registry

34 Beckenham Road





Matrix Corporate Capital LLP

1 Vine Street



VCT Taxation Adviser

PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP

1 Embankment Place




Berwin Leighton Paisner LLP

Adelaide House

London Bridge



Independent Review Report to Ventus 2 VCT plc

We have been engaged by the company to review the condensed set of financial statements in the half-yearly financial report for the six months ended 31 August 2011 which comprise the group statement of comprehensive income, the group and company statements of financial position, the group and company statements of changes in equity, the group and company statements of cash flows and the notes to the financial statements. We have read the other information contained in the half-yearly financial report and considered whether it contains any apparent misstatements or material inconsistencies with the information in the condensed set of financial statements.

This report is made solely to the company in accordance with the terms of our engagement. Our review has been undertaken so that we might state to the company those matters we are required to state to it in this report and for no other purpose. To the fullest extent permitted by law, we do not accept or assume responsibility to anyone other than the company for our review work, for this report, or for the conclusions we have reached.

Directors' responsibilities

The half-yearly financial report is the responsibility of, and has been approved by, the directors. The directors are responsible for preparing the half-yearly financial report in accordance with the Disclosure and Transparency Rules of the United Kingdom's Financial Services Authority.

As disclosed in note 1, the annual financial statements of the company are prepared in accordance with IFRSs as adopted by the European Union. The condensed set of financial statements included in this half-yearly financial report has been prepared in accordance with International Accounting Standard 34, "Interim Financial Reporting," as adopted by the European Union.

Our responsibility

Our responsibility is to express to the company a conclusion on the condensed set of financial statements in the half-yearly financial report based on our review.

Scope of review

We conducted our review in accordance with International Standard on Review Engagements (UK and Ireland) 2410, "Review of Interim Financial Information Performed by the Independent Auditor of the Entity" issued by the Auditing Practices Board for use in the United Kingdom. A review of interim financial information consists of making enquiries, primarily of persons responsible for financial and accounting matters, and applying analytical and other review procedures. A review is substantially less in scope than an audit conducted in accordance with International Standards on Auditing (UK and Ireland) and consequently does not enable us to obtain assurance that we would become aware of all significant matters that might be identified in an audit. Accordingly, we do not express an audit opinion.


Based on our review, nothing has come to our attention that causes us to believe that the condensed set of financial statements in the half-yearly financial report for the six months ended 31 August 2011 is not prepared, in all material respects, in accordance with International Accounting Standard 34 as adopted by the European Union and the Disclosure and Transparency Rules of the United Kingdom's Financial Services Authority.


London, UK

27 October 2011

Group Statement of Comprehensive Income

for the six month period ended 31 August 2011 (unaudited)

                                      Ordinary Shares                 "C" Shares                      Total 
                                Revenue   Capital     Total   Revenue   Capital    Total   Revenue   Capital     Total 
                         Note    GBP000    GBP000    GBP000    GBP000    GBP000   GBP000    GBP000    GBP000    GBP000 
 Net unrealised 
  loss on investments     8           -   (3,126)   (3,126)         -         -        -         -   (3,126)   (3,126) 
  loss on investments     8           -     (576)     (576)         -         -        -         -     (576)     (576) 
 Income                   2         505         -       505       210         -      210       715         -       715 
  fees                     3       (63)     (189)     (252)      (33)      (98)    (131)      (96)     (287)     (383) 
 Other expenses           4       (130)     (293)     (423)      (51)       (4)     (55)     (181)     (297)     (478) 
                               --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  -------  --------  --------  -------- 
 (Loss)/ profit 
  before taxation                   312   (4,184)   (3,872)       126     (102)       24       438   (4,286)   (3,848) 
 Taxation                 6        (56)        38      (18)      (25)        43       18      (81)        81         - 
 (Loss)/ profit 
  and total 
  income for 
  the period                        256   (4,146)   (3,890)       101      (59)       42       357   (4,205)   (3,848) 
                               --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  -------  --------  --------  -------- 
 The Company's 
  equity shareholders               264   (4,034)   (3,770)       101      (59)       42       365   (4,093)   (3,728) 
  interest                          (8)     (112)     (120)         -         -        -       (8)     (112)     (120) 
                               --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  -------  --------  --------  -------- 
 (Loss)/ profit 
  and total 
  income for 
  the period                        256   (4,146)   (3,890)       101      (59)       42       357   (4,205)   (3,848) 
                               ========  ========  ========  ========  ========  =======  ========  ========  ======== 
 Return per 
 Basic and 
  diluted return 
  per share 
  (p)                     7        1.08   (16.44)   (15.36)      0.89    (0.52)     0.37 

The Group has only one class of business and derives its income from investments made in the UK.

The total column of this statement represents the Group's Statement of Comprehensive Income, prepared in accordance with the recognition and measurement principles of International Financial Reporting Standards as adopted by the European Union. The revenue and capital columns shown above constitute supplementary information prepared under the Statement of Recommended Practice "Financial Statements of Investment Trust Companies and Venture Capital Trusts" 2009 ("SORP") published by the Association of Investment Companies.

The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements.

Group Statement of Comprehensive Income

for the six month period ended 31 August 2010 (unaudited)

                                           Ordinary Shares                   "C" Shares                        Total 
                                Revenue   Capital    Total   Revenue   Capital    Total   Revenue   Capital    Total 
                         Note    GBP000    GBP000   GBP000    GBP000    GBP000   GBP000    GBP000    GBP000   GBP000 
 Net unrealised 
  gain investments        8           -       534      534         -         -        -         -       534      534 
 Income                   2         635         -      635        95         -       95       730         -      730 
  fees                    3        (52)     (156)    (208)      (31)      (92)    (123)      (83)     (248)    (331) 
 Merger costs                      (30)         -     (30)         -         -        -      (30)         -     (30) 
 Other expenses           4        (67)         -     (67)      (39)         -     (39)     (106)         -    (106) 
                               --------  --------  -------  --------  --------  -------  --------  --------  ------- 
 Profit/ (loss) 
  before taxation                   486       378      864        25      (92)     (67)       511       286      797 
 Taxation                 6        (54)        32     (22)       (5)        27       22      (59)        59        - 
                               --------  --------  -------  --------  --------  -------  --------  --------  ------- 
 Profit/ (loss) 
  and total 
  income attributable 
  to equity 
  shareholders                      432       410      842        20      (65)     (45)       452       345      797 
                               ========  ========  =======  ========  ========  =======  ========  ========  ======= 
 Return per 
 Basic and 
  diluted return 
  per share 
  (p)                     7        2.14      2.04     4.18      0.19    (0.62)   (0.43) 

The Company has only one class of business and derives its income from investments made in the UK.

The total column of this statement represents the Group's Statement of Comprehensive Income, prepared in accordance with the recognition and measurement principles of International Financial Reporting Standards as adopted by the European Union. The revenue and capital columns shown above constitute supplementary information prepared under the Statement of Recommended Practice "Financial Statements of Investment Trust Companies and Venture Capital Trusts" 2009 ("SORP") published by the Association of Investment Companies.

The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements.

Group Statement of Comprehensive Income

for the year ended 28 February 2011 (audited)

                                      Ordinary Shares                 "C" Shares                      Total 
                                Revenue   Capital     Total   Revenue   Capital    Total   Revenue   Capital     Total 
                         Note    GBP000    GBP000    GBP000    GBP000    GBP000   GBP000    GBP000    GBP000    GBP000 
 Net unrealised 
  loss on 
  investments             8           -   (1,284)   (1,284)         -         -        -         -   (1,284)   (1,284) 
  loss on 
  investments             8           -     (268)     (268)         -         -        -         -     (268)     (268) 
 Income                   2       1,127         -     1,127       262         -      262     1,389         -     1,389 
  fees                    3       (118)     (354)     (472)      (64)     (190)    (254)     (182)     (544)     (726) 
  charge                              -     (530)     (530)         -         -        -         -     (530)     (530) 
 Merger costs                      (31)         -      (31)         -         -        -      (31)         -      (31) 
 Other expenses           4       (154)      (42)     (196)      (83)         -     (83)     (237)      (42)     (279) 
                               --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  -------  --------  --------  -------- 
  profit before 
  taxation                          824   (2,478)   (1,654)       115     (190)     (75)       939   (2,668)   (1,729) 
 Taxation                 6        (90)        90         -      (24)        24        -     (114)       114         - 
                               --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  -------  --------  --------  -------- 
  profit and 
  total comprehensive 
  income attributable 
  to equity 
  shareholders                      734   (2,388)   (1,654)        91     (166)     (75)       825   (2,554)   (1,729) 
                               ========  ========  ========  ========  ========  =======  ========  ========  ======== 
 Return per 
 Basic and 
  return per 
  share (p)               7        3.29   (10.70)    (7.41)      0.84    (1.52)   (0.68) 

The Group has only one class of business and derives its income from investments made in the UK.

The total column of this statement represents the Group's Statement of Comprehensive Income, prepared in accordance with the recognition and measurement principles of International Financial Reporting Standards as adopted by the European Union. The revenue and capital columns shown above constitute supplementary information prepared under the Statement of Recommended Practice "Financial Statements of Investment Trust Companies and Venture Capital Trusts" 2009 ("SORP") published by the Association of Investment Companies.

The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements.

Group Statement of Financial Position

as at 31 August 2011 (unaudited)

                                          As at 31 August               As at 31 August              As at 28 February 
                                                     2011                          2010                           2011 
                                                                          Reclassified*                  Reclassified* 
                                              (unaudited)                   (unaudited)                      (audited) 
                             Ordinary       "C"             Ordinary       "C"            Ordinary       "C" 
                               Shares    Shares     Total     Shares    Shares    Total     Shares    Shares     Total 
                      Note     GBP000    GBP000    GBP000     GBP000    GBP000   GBP000     GBP000    GBP000    GBP000 
 Investments           8       12,742     5,533    18,275     19,158     1,850   21,008     16,374     3,960    20,334 
  wind assets          10         331         -       331        271         -      271        293         -       293 
 Trade and 
  other receivables    11       1,372       164     1,536      1,078        62    1,140      1,373       103     1,476 
                               14,445     5,697    20,142     20,507     1,912   22,419     18,040     4,063    22,103 
                            ---------  --------  --------  ---------  --------  -------  ---------  --------  -------- 
 Trade and 
  other receivables    11         392       263       655      1,090        67    1,157        614       175       789 
 Cash and 
  cash equivalents     12         346     4,579     4,925        535     8,547    9,082        664     6,254     6,918 
                                  738     4,842     5,580      1,625     8,614   10,239      1,278     6,429     7,707 
                            ---------  --------  --------  ---------  --------  -------  ---------  --------  -------- 
 Total assets                  15,183    10,539    25,722     22,132    10,526   32,658     19,318    10,492    29,810 
                            ---------  --------  --------  ---------  --------  -------  ---------  --------  -------- 
 Trade and 
  other payables       13       (183)      (29)     (212)      (147)      (28)    (175)      (197)      (24)     (221) 
 Net current 
  assets                          555     4,813     5,368      1,478     8,586   10,064      1,081     6,405     7,486 
                            ---------  --------  --------  ---------  --------  -------  ---------  --------  -------- 
  liabilities          14       (386)         -     (386)      (372)         -    (372)      (372)         -     (372) 
                            ---------  --------  --------  ---------  --------  -------  ---------  --------  -------- 
 Net assets                    14,614    10,510    25,124     21,613    10,498   32,111     18,749    10,468    29,217 
                            =========  ========  ========  =========  ========  =======  =========  ========  ======== 
 Share capital         15       6,134     2,832     8,966      6,134     2,832    8,966      6,134     2,832     8,966 
 Share premium                  7,890     7,874    15,764      7,890     7,874   15,764      7,890     7,874    15,764 
  reserve                       7,803         -     7,803      7,803         -    7,803      7,803         -     7,803 
  - realised                  (2,663)     (329)   (2,992)      (775)     (169)    (944)    (1,755)     (270)   (2,025) 
  - unrealised                (4,968)         -   (4,968)       (24)         -     (24)    (1,842)         -   (1,842) 
  reserve                         420       133       553        467      (39)      428        401        32       433 
                            ---------  --------  --------  ---------  --------  -------  ---------  --------  -------- 
  to equity 
  holders                      14,616    10,510    25,126     21,495    10,498   31,993     18,631    10,468    29,099 
  interests                       (2)         -       (2)        118         -      118        118         -       118 
                            ---------  --------  --------  ---------  --------  -------  ---------  --------  -------- 
 Total equity                  14,614    10,510    25,124     21,613    10,498   32,111     18,749    10,468    29,217 
                            =========  ========  ========  =========  ========  =======  =========  ========  ======== 
 Basic and 
  net asset 
  value per 
  share (p)            16        59.6      92.8                 87.6      92.7                75.9      92.4 

* The Group Statements of Financial Position as at 31 August 2010 and 28 February 2011 have been adjusted to reflect the reclassification of development wind assets to trade and other receivables. These adjustments are further explained in notes 10 and 11 of the financial statements.

Approved by the Board and authorised for issue on 27 October 2011.

Paul Thomas


Ventus 2 VCT plc. Registered No: 05667210

The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements.

Company Statement of Financial Position

as at 31 August 2011 (unaudited)

                                          As at 31 August               As at 31 August              As at 28 February 
                                                     2011                          2010                           2011 
                                              (unaudited)                   (unaudited)                      (audited) 
                             Ordinary       "C"             Ordinary       "C"            Ordinary       "C" 
                               Shares    Shares     Total     Shares    Shares    Total     Shares    Shares     Total 
                      Note     GBP000    GBP000    GBP000     GBP000    GBP000   GBP000     GBP000    GBP000    GBP000 
 Investments           8       12,742     5,533    18,275     19,158     1,850   21,008     16,374     3,960    20,334 
  in subsidiaries      9          586         -       586        732         -      732        732         -       732 
 Trade and 
  other receivables    11         750       164       914        301        62      363        570       103       673 
                               14,078     5,697    19,775     20,191     1,912   22,103     17,676     4,063    21,739 
                            ---------  --------  --------  ---------  --------  -------  ---------  --------  -------- 
 Trade and 
  other receivables    11         340       263       603      1,002        67    1,069        510       175       685 
 Cash and 
  cash equivalents     12         325     4,579     4,904        442     8,547    8,989        630     6,254     6,884 
                                  665     4,842     5,507      1,444     8,614   10,058      1,140     6,429     7,569 
                            ---------  --------  --------  ---------  --------  -------  ---------  --------  -------- 
 Total assets                  14,743    10,539    25,282     21,635    10,526   32,161     18,816    10,492    29,308 
                            ---------  --------  --------  ---------  --------  -------  ---------  --------  -------- 
 Trade and 
  other payables       13       (119)      (29)     (148)      (142)      (28)    (170)      (187)      (24)     (211) 
 Net current 
  assets                          546     4,813     5,359      1,302     8,586    9,888        953     6,405     7,358 
                            ---------  --------  --------  ---------  --------  -------  ---------  --------  -------- 
 Net assets                    14,624    10,510    25,134     21,493    10,498   31,991     18,629    10,468    29,097 
                            =========  ========  ========  =========  ========  =======  =========  ========  ======== 
  to equity 
 Share capital         15       6,134     2,832     8,966      6,134     2,832    8,966      6,134     2,832     8,966 
 Share premium                  7,890     7,874    15,764      7,890     7,874   15,764      7,890     7,874    15,764 
  reserve                       7,803         -     7,803      7,803         -    7,803      7,803         -     7,803 
  - realised                  (2,663)     (329)   (2,992)      (775)     (169)    (944)    (1,755)     (270)   (2,025) 
  - unrealised                (4,968)         -   (4,968)       (24)         -     (24)    (1,842)         -   (1,842) 
  reserve                         428       133       561        465      (39)      426        399        32       431 
                            ---------  --------  --------  ---------  --------  -------  ---------  --------  -------- 
 Total equity                  14,624    10,510    25,134     21,493    10,498   31,991     18,629    10,468    29,097 
                            =========  ========  ========  =========  ========  =======  =========  ========  ======== 
 Basic and 
  net asset 
  value per 
  share (p)            16        59.6      92.8                 87.6      92.7                75.9      92.4 

Approved by the Board and authorised for issue on 27 October 2011.

Paul Thomas


Ventus 2 VCT plc. Registered No: 05667210

The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial


Group Statement of Changes in Equity

for the six month period ended 31 August 2011 (unaudited)

                                                                        Capital         Capital 
                          Share           Share         Special         reserve         reserve        Revenue          Minority 
                        capital         premium         reserve        realised      unrealised        reserve         interests          Total 
 Shares                  GBP000          GBP000          GBP000          GBP000          GBP000         GBP000            GBP000         GBP000 
 At 1 March 
  2011                    6,134           7,890           7,803         (1,755)         (1,842)            401               118         18,749 
 Loss and total 
  income for 
  the period                  -               -               -           (908)         (3,126)            264             (120)        (3,890) 
 Dividends paid 
  in the period               -               -               -               -               -          (245)                 -          (245) 
                 --------------  --------------  --------------  --------------  --------------  -------------  ----------------  ------------- 
 At 31 August 
  2011                    6,134           7,890           7,803         (2,663)         (4,968)            420               (2)         14,614 
                 --------------  --------------  --------------  --------------  --------------  -------------  ----------------  ------------- 
                          Share           Share                         reserve                        Revenue 
                        capital         premium                        realised                        reserve                            Total 
 "C" Shares              GBP000          GBP000                          GBP000                         GBP000                           GBP000 
 At 1 March 
  2011                    2,832           7,874                           (270)                             32                           10,468 
 Profit and 
  income for 
  the period                  -               -                            (59)                            101                               42 
                 --------------  --------------  --------------  --------------  --------------  -------------  ----------------  ------------- 
 At 31 August 
  2011                    2,832           7,874                           (329)                            133                           10,510 
                 --------------  --------------  --------------  --------------  --------------  -------------  ----------------  ------------- 
                                                                        Capital         Capital 
                          Share           Share         Special         reserve         reserve        Revenue          Minority 
                        capital         premium         reserve        realised      unrealised        reserve         interests          Total 
 Total                   GBP000          GBP000          GBP000          GBP000          GBP000         GBP000            GBP000         GBP000 
 At 1 March 
  2011                    8,966          15,764           7,803         (2,025)         (1,842)            433               118         29,217 
 Loss and total 
  income for 
  the period                  -               -               -           (967)         (3,126)            365             (120)        (3,848) 
 Dividends paid 
  in the period               -               -               -               -               -          (245)                 -          (245) 
                 --------------  --------------  --------------  --------------  --------------  -------------  ----------------  ------------- 
 At 31 August 
  2011                    8,966          15,764           7,803         (2,992)         (4,968)            553               (2)         25,124 
                 ==============  ==============  ==============  ==============  ==============  =============  ================  ============= 

The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements.

Group Statement of Changes in Equity

for the six month period ended 31 August 2010 (unaudited)

                                                                        Capital         Capital 
                          Share           Share         Special         reserve         reserve         Revenue        Minority 
                        capital         premium         reserve        realised      unrealised         reserve       interests           Total 
 Shares                  GBP000          GBP000          GBP000          GBP000          GBP000          GBP000          GBP000          GBP000 
 At 1 March 
  2010                    3,071             658           7,803           (651)           (558)              33               -          10,356 
 Shares issued 
  in the period           3,063           7,232               -               -               -               -               -          10,295 
 Changes in 
  subsidiaries                -               -               -               -               -               2             118             120 
 Profit and 
  income for 
  the period                  -               -               -           (124)             534             432               -             842 
                 --------------  --------------  --------------  --------------  --------------  --------------  --------------  -------------- 
 At 31 August 
  2010                    6,134           7,890           7,803           (775)            (24)             467             118          21,613 
                 --------------  --------------  --------------  --------------  --------------  --------------  --------------  -------------- 
                          Share           Share                         reserve                         Revenue 
                        capital         premium                        realised                         reserve                           Total 
 "C" Shares              GBP000          GBP000                          GBP000                          GBP000                          GBP000 
 At 1 March 
  2010                    1,731           4,813                           (104)                            (59)                           6,381 
 Shares issued 
  in the period           1,101           3,303                               -                               -                           4,404 
 Issue costs                  -           (242)                               -                               -                           (242) 
 Loss and total 
  income for 
  the period                  -               -                            (65)                              20                            (45) 
                 --------------  --------------  --------------  --------------  --------------  --------------  --------------  -------------- 
 At 31 August 
  2010                    2,832           7,874                           (169)                            (39)                          10,498 
                 --------------  --------------  --------------  --------------  --------------  --------------  --------------  -------------- 
                                                                        Capital         Capital 
                          Share           Share         Special         reserve         reserve         Revenue        Minority 
                        capital         premium         reserve        realised      unrealised         reserve       interests           Total 
 Total                   GBP000          GBP000          GBP000          GBP000          GBP000          GBP000          GBP000          GBP000 
 At 1 March 
  2010                    4,802           5,471           7,803           (755)           (558)            (26)               -          16,737 
 Shares issued 
  in the period           4,164          10,535               -               -               -               -               -          14,699 
 Issue costs                  -           (242)               -               -               -               -               -           (242) 
 Changes in 
  subsidiaries                -               -               -               -               -               2             118             120 
 Profit and 
  income for 
  the period                  -               -               -           (189)             534             452               -             797 
                 --------------  --------------  --------------  --------------  --------------  --------------  --------------  -------------- 
 At 31 August 
  2010                    8,966          15,764           7,803           (944)            (24)             428             118          32,111 
                 ==============  ==============  ==============  ==============  ==============  ==============  ==============  ============== 

The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements.

Group Statement of Changes in Equity

for the year ended 28 February 2011 (audited)

                                                                        Capital         Capital 
                          Share           Share         Special         reserve         reserve         Revenue        Minority 
                        capital         premium         reserve        realised      unrealised         reserve       interests           Total 
 Shares                  GBP000          GBP000          GBP000          GBP000          GBP000          GBP000          GBP000          GBP000 
 At 1 March 
  2010                    3,071             658           7,803           (651)           (558)              33                          10,356 
 Share issued 
  in the year             3,063           7,232               -               -               -               -                          10,295 
 Changes in 
  subsidiaries                -               -               -               -               -               2             118             120 
 Loss and total 
  income for 
  the year                    -               -               -         (1,104)         (1,284)             734                         (1,654) 
  paid in the 
  year                        -               -               -               -               -           (368)                           (368) 
                 --------------  --------------  --------------  --------------  --------------  --------------  -------------- 
 At 28 February 
  2011                    6,134           7,890           7,803         (1,755)         (1,842)             401             118          18,749 
                 --------------  --------------  --------------  --------------  --------------  --------------  --------------  -------------- 
                          Share           Share                         reserve                         Revenue 
                        capital         premium                        realised                         reserve                           Total 
 "C" Shares              GBP000          GBP000                          GBP000                          GBP000                          GBP000 
 At 1 March 
  2010                    1,731           4,813                           (104)                            (59)                           6,381 
 Shares issued 
  in the year             1,101           3,303                               -                               -                           4,404 
 Issue costs                  -           (242)                               -                               -                           (242) 
 Loss and total 
  income for 
  the year                    -               -                           (166)                              91                            (75) 
                 --------------  --------------  --------------  --------------  --------------  --------------  --------------  -------------- 
 At 28 February 
  2011                    2,832           7,874                           (270)                              32                          10,468 
                 --------------  --------------  --------------  --------------  --------------  --------------  --------------  -------------- 
                                                                        Capital         Capital 
                          Share           Share         Special         reserve         reserve         Revenue        Minority 
                        capital         premium         reserve        realised      unrealised         reserve       interests           Total 
 Total                   GBP000          GBP000          GBP000          GBP000          GBP000          GBP000          GBP000          GBP000 
 At 1 March 
  2010                    4,802           5,471           7,803           (755)           (558)            (26)               -          16,737 
 Shares issued 
  in the year             4,164          10,535               -               -               -               -               -          14,699 
 Issue costs                  -           (242)               -               -               -               -               -           (242) 
 Changes in 
  subsidiaries                -               -               -               -               -               2             118             120 
 Loss and total 
  income for 
  the year                    -               -               -         (1,270)         (1,284)             825               -         (1,729) 
  paid in the 
  year                        -               -               -               -               -           (368)               -           (368) 
                 --------------  --------------  --------------  --------------  --------------  --------------  --------------  -------------- 
 At 28 February 
  2011                    8,966          15,764           7,803         (2,025)         (1,842)             433             118          29,217 
                 ==============  ==============  ==============  ==============  ==============  ==============  ==============  ============== 

The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements.

Company Statement of Changes in Equity

for the six month period ended 31 August 2011 (unaudited)

                                                                        Capital         Capital 
                          Share           Share         Special         reserve         reserve        Revenue 
                        capital         premium         reserve        realised      unrealised        reserve          Total 
 Shares                  GBP000          GBP000          GBP000          GBP000          GBP000         GBP000         GBP000 
 At 1 March 
  2011                    6,134           7,890           7,803         (1,755)         (1,842)            399         18,629 
 Loss and total 
  income for 
  the period                  -               -               -           (908)         (3,126)            274        (3,760) 
  paid in the 
  period                      -               -               -               -               -          (245)          (245) 
                 --------------  --------------  --------------  --------------  --------------  -------------  ------------- 
 At 31 August 
  2011                    6,134           7,890           7,803         (2,663)         (4,968)            428         14,624 
                 --------------  --------------  --------------  --------------  --------------  -------------  ------------- 
                          Share           Share                         reserve                        Revenue 
                        capital         premium                        realised                        reserve          Total 
 "C" Shares              GBP000          GBP000                          GBP000                         GBP000         GBP000 
 At 1 March 
  2011                    2,832           7,874                           (270)                             32         10,468 
 Profit and 
  income for 
  the period                  -               -                            (59)                            101             42 
                 --------------  --------------  --------------  --------------  --------------  -------------  ------------- 
 At 31 August 
  2011                    2,832           7,874                           (329)                            133         10,510 
                 --------------  --------------  --------------  --------------  --------------  -------------  ------------- 
                                                                        Capital         Capital 
                          Share           Share         Special         reserve         reserve        Revenue 
                        capital         premium         reserve        realised      unrealised        reserve          Total 
 Total                   GBP000          GBP000          GBP000          GBP000          GBP000         GBP000         GBP000 
 At 1 March 
  2011                    8,966          15,764           7,803         (2,025)         (1,842)            431         29,097 
 Loss and total 
  income for 
  the period                  -               -               -           (967)         (3,126)            375        (3,718) 
  paid in the 
  period                      -               -               -               -               -          (245)          (245) 
                 --------------  --------------  --------------  --------------  --------------  -------------  ------------- 
 At 31 August 
  2011                    8,966          15,764           7,803         (2,992)         (4,968)            561         25,134 
                 ==============  ==============  ==============  ==============  ==============  =============  ============= 

All amounts presented in the Company Statement of Changes in Equity are attributable to equity holders.The revenue reserve is a distributable reserve. The special reserve may be used to fund buy-backs of ordinary shares as and if it is considered by the Board to be in the interests of the shareholders.

The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements.

Company Statement of Changes in Equity

for the six month period ended 31 August 2010 (unaudited)

                                                                        Capital         Capital 
                          Share           Share         Special         reserve         reserve         Revenue 
                        capital         premium         reserve        realised      unrealised         reserve           Total 
 Shares                  GBP000          GBP000          GBP000          GBP000          GBP000          GBP000          GBP000 
 At 1 March 
  2010                    3,071             658           7,803           (651)           (558)              33          10,356 
 Shares issued 
  in the period           3,063           7,232               -               -               -               -          10,295 
 Profit and 
  income for 
  the period                  -               -               -           (124)             534             432             842 
                 --------------  --------------  --------------  --------------  --------------  --------------  -------------- 
 At 31 August 
  2010                    6,134           7,890           7,803           (775)            (24)             465          21,493 
                 --------------  --------------  --------------  --------------  --------------  --------------  -------------- 
                          Share           Share                         reserve                         Revenue 
                        capital         premium                        realised                         reserve           Total 
 "C" Shares              GBP000          GBP000                          GBP000                          GBP000          GBP000 
 At 1 March 
  2010                    1,731           4,813                           (104)                            (59)           6,381 
 Shares issued 
  in the period           1,101           3,303                               -                               -           4,404 
 Issue costs                  -           (242)                               -                               -           (242) 
 Loss and total 
  income for 
  the period                  -               -                            (65)                              20            (45) 
                 --------------  --------------  --------------  --------------  --------------  --------------  -------------- 
 At 31 August 
  2010                    2,832           7,874                           (169)                            (39)          10,498 
                 --------------  --------------  --------------  --------------  --------------  --------------  -------------- 
                                                                        Capital         Capital 
                          Share           Share         Special         reserve         reserve         Revenue 
                        capital         premium         reserve        realised      unrealised         reserve           Total 
 Total                   GBP000          GBP000          GBP000          GBP000          GBP000          GBP000          GBP000 
 At 1 March 
  2010                    4,802           5,471           7,803           (755)           (558)            (26)          16,737 
 Shares issued 
  in the period           4,164          10,535               -               -               -               -          14,699 
 Issue costs                  -           (242)               -               -               -               -           (242) 
 Profit and 
  income for 
  the period                  -               -               -           (189)             534             452             797 
                 --------------  --------------  --------------  --------------  --------------  --------------  -------------- 
 At 31 August 
  2010                    8,966          15,764           7,803           (944)            (24)             426          31,991 
                 ==============  ==============  ==============  ==============  ==============  ==============  ============== 

All amounts presented in the Company Statement of Changes in Equity are attributable to equity holders.The revenue reserve is a distributable reserve. The special reserve may be used to fund buy-backs of ordinary shares as and if it is considered by the Board to be in the interests of the shareholders.

The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements.

Company Statement of Changes in Equity

for the year ended 28 February 2011(audited)

                                                                        Capital         Capital 
                          Share           Share         Special         reserve         reserve         Revenue 
                        capital         premium         reserve        realised      unrealised         reserve           Total 
 Shares                  GBP000          GBP000          GBP000          GBP000          GBP000          GBP000          GBP000 
 At 1 March 
  2010                    3,071             658           7,803           (651)           (558)              33          10,356 
 Share issued 
  in the year             3,063           7,232               -               -               -               -          10,295 
 Loss and total 
  income for 
  the year                    -               -               -         (1,104)         (1,284)             734         (1,654) 
  paid in the 
  year                        -               -               -               -               -           (368)           (368) 
                 --------------  --------------  --------------  --------------  --------------  --------------  -------------- 
 At 28 February 
  2011                    6,134           7,890           7,803         (1,755)         (1,842)             399          18,629 
                 --------------  --------------  --------------  --------------  --------------  --------------  -------------- 
                          Share           Share                         reserve                         Revenue 
                        capital         premium                        realised                         reserve           Total 
 "C" Shares              GBP000          GBP000                          GBP000                          GBP000          GBP000 
 At 1 March 
  2010                    1,731           4,813                           (104)                            (59)           6,381 
 Shares issued 
  in the year             1,101           3,303                               -                               -           4,404 
 Issue costs                  -           (242)                               -                               -           (242) 
 Loss and total 
  income for 
  the year                    -               -                           (166)                              91            (75) 
                 --------------  --------------  --------------  --------------  --------------  --------------  -------------- 
 At 28 February 
  2011                    2,832           7,874                           (270)                              32          10,468 
                 --------------  --------------  --------------  --------------  --------------  --------------  -------------- 
                                                                        Capital         Capital 
                          Share           Share         Special         reserve         reserve         Revenue 
                        capital         premium         reserve        realised      unrealised         reserve           Total 
 Total                   GBP000          GBP000          GBP000          GBP000          GBP000          GBP000          GBP000 
 At 1 March 
  2010                    4,802           5,471           7,803           (755)           (558)            (26)          16,737 
 Shares issued 
  in the year             4,164          10,535               -               -               -               -          14,699 
 Issue costs                  -           (242)               -               -               -               -           (242) 
 Loss and total 
  income for 
  the year                    -               -               -         (1,270)         (1,284)             825         (1,729) 
  paid in the 
  year                        -               -               -               -               -           (368)           (368) 
                 --------------  --------------  --------------  --------------  --------------  --------------  -------------- 
 At 28 February 
  2011                    8,966          15,764           7,803         (2,025)         (1,842)             431          29,097 
                 ==============  ==============  ==============  ==============  ==============  ==============  ============== 

All amounts presented in the Company Statement of Changes in Equity are attributable to equity holders.The revenue reserve is a distributable reserve. The special reserve may be used to fund buy-backs of ordinary shares as and if it is considered by the Board to be in the interests of the shareholders.

The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements.

Group Statement of Cash Flows

for the six month period ended 31 August 2011 (unaudited)

                                                Six months ended                                   Six months ended                                     Year ended 28 
                                                  31 August 2011                                     31 August 2010                                     February 2011 
                                                     (unaudited)                                        (unaudited)                                       * (audited) 
                      Ordinary              "C"                          Ordinary              "C"                          Ordinary              "C" 
                        Shares           Shares            Total           Shares           Shares            Total           Shares           Shares           Total 
                        GBP000           GBP000           GBP000           GBP000           GBP000           GBP000           GBP000           GBP000          GBP000 
 Cash flows 
  received                 488               70              558              351               14              365              751               14             765 
  received                   1               14               15                1               16               17                2               34              36 
  fees paid              (252)            (131)            (383)            (179)            (123)            (302)            (443)            (254)           (697) 
 Other cash 
  payments               (241)             (55)            (296)            (207)             (48)            (255)            (482)            (118)           (600) 
               ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  -------------- 
 Net cash 
  activities               (4)            (102)            (106)             (34)            (141)            (175)            (172)            (324)           (496) 
               ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  -------------- 
 Cash flows 
 Purchases of 
  wind assets                -                -                -                -                -                -             (33)                -            (33) 
 Purchases of 
  investments             (91)          (1,873)          (1,964)          (1,420)          (1,900)          (3,320)          (1,572)          (4,010)         (5,582) 
  investments                -              300              300                -              375              375              850              375           1,225 
 Net cash 
  activities              (91)          (1,573)          (1,664)          (1,420)          (1,525)          (2,945)            (755)          (3,635)         (4,390) 
               ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  -------------- 
 Cash flows 
 "C" shares 
  issued                     -                -                -                -            3,960            3,960                -            3,960           3,960 
 "C" share 
  costs                      -                -                -                -            (242)            (242)                -            (242)           (242) 
  paid                   (245)                -            (245)                -                -                -            (368)                -           (368) 
  of net 
  from Ventus 
  3 VCT plc                  -                -                -              639                -              639              639                -             639 
 Stamp duty 
  on shares 
  to acquire 
  net assets 
  of Ventus 3 
  VCT plc                    -                -                -             (22)                -             (22)             (22)                -            (22) 
 Payments to 
  meet Ventus 
  3 VCT plc 
  costs                   (13)                -             (13)             (32)                -             (32)             (62)                -            (62) 
  financing                 35                -               35               40                -               40               40                -              40 
 Net cash 
  inflow from 
  activities             (223)                -            (223)              625            3,718            4,343              227            3,718           3,945 
               ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  -------------- 
  increase in 
  cash and 
  equivalents            (318)          (1,675)          (1,993)            (829)            2,052            1,223            (700)            (241)           (941) 
 Cash and 
  at the 
  of the 
  period                   664            6,254            6,918            1,364            6,495            7,859            1,364            6,495           7,859 
               ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  -------------- 
 Cash and 
  at the end 
  of the 
  period                   346            4,579            4,925              535            8,547            9,082              664            6,254           6,918 
               ===============  ===============  ===============  ===============  ===============  ===============  ===============  ===============  ============== 

* The Group Statement of Cash Flows for the year ended 28 February 2011 has been adjusted to reclassify purchases of development wind assets of GBP57,000 to other cash payments.

The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements.

Company Statement of Cash Flows

for the six month period ended 31 August 2011 (unaudited)

                                                        Six months ended                                       Six months ended                                     Year ended 28 
                                                          31 August 2011                                         31 August 2010                                     February 2011 
                                                             (unaudited)                                            (unaudited)                                         (audited) 
                              Ordinary              "C"                          Ordinary              "C"                              Ordinary              "C" 
                                Shares           Shares            Total           Shares           Shares                Total           Shares           Shares           Total 
                                GBP000           GBP000           GBP000           GBP000           GBP000               GBP000           GBP000           GBP000          GBP000 
 Cash flows 
  from operating 
  income received                  488               70              558              351               14                  365              751               14             765 
 Deposit interest 
  received                           1               14               15                1               16                   17                2               34              36 
  fees paid                      (252)            (131)            (383)            (179)            (123)                (302)            (443)            (254)           (697) 
 Other cash 
  payments                       (193)             (55)            (248)            (200)             (48)                (248)            (449)            (118)           (567) 
                       ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  -------------------  ---------------  ---------------  -------------- 
 Net cash (outflow)/ 
  inflow from 
  activities                        44            (102)             (58)             (27)            (141)                (168)            (139)            (324)           (463) 
                       ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  -------------------  ---------------  ---------------  -------------- 
 Cash flows 
  from investing 
 Purchases of 
  investments                     (91)          (1,873)          (1,964)          (1,480)          (1,900)              (3,380)          (1,632)          (4,010)         (5,642) 
 Proceeds from 
  investments                        -              300              300                -              375                  375              850              375           1,225 
 Net cash outflow 
  from investing 
  activities                      (91)          (1,573)          (1,664)          (1,480)          (1,525)              (3,005)            (782)          (3,635)         (4,417) 
                       ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  -------------------  ---------------  ---------------  -------------- 
 Cash flows 
  from financing 
 "C" shares 
  issued                             -                -                -                -            3,960                3,960                -            3,960           3,960 
 "C" share issue 
  costs                              -                -                -                -            (242)                (242)                -            (242)           (242) 
 Dividends paid                  (245)                -            (245)                -                -                    -            (368)                -           (368) 
 Cash received 
  on acquisition 
  of net assets 
  from Ventus 
  3 VCT plc                          -                -                -              639                -                  639              639                -             639 
 Stamp duty 
  on shares issued 
  to acquire 
  net assets 
  of Ventus 3 
  VCT plc                            -                -                -             (22)                -                 (22)             (22)                -            (22) 
 Payments to 
  meet Merger 
  costs                           (13)                -             (13)             (32)                -                 (32)             (62)                -            (62) 
 Net cash 
  from financing 
  activities                     (258)                -            (258)              585            3,718                4,303              187            3,718           3,905 
                       ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  -------------------  ---------------  ---------------  -------------- 
  in cash and 
  cash equivalents               (305)          (1,675)          (1,980)            (922)            2,052                1,130            (734)            (241)           (975) 
 Cash and cash 
  at the beginning 
  of the period                    630            6,254            6,884            1,364            6,495                7,859            1,364            6,495           7,859 
                       ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  -------------------  ---------------  ---------------  -------------- 
 Cash and cash 
  at the end 
  of the period                    325            4,579            4,904              442            8,547                8,989              630            6,254           6,884 
                       ===============  ===============  ===============  ===============  ===============  ===================  ===============  ===============  ============== 

The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements.

Notes to the Financial Statements

for the six month period ended 31 August 2011 (unaudited)

   1.         Accounting convention and policies 

Accounting convention

The half-yearly financial statements of the Group and the Company have been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRS") to the extent that they have been adopted by the European Union and with those parts of the Companies Act 2006 applicable to companies under IFRS. The half-yearly financial statements have been prepared under IAS 34 Interim Financial Reporting.

The presentation and accounting policies used in the preparation of the half-yearly financial statements are consistent with those adopted in the financial statements for the year ended 28 February 2011, with the exception of the reclassification of the Group Statement of Financial Position explained further in notes 10 and 11, and those that will be adopted in the financial statements for the year ending 29 February 2012.

Where presentational guidance set out in the Statement of Recommended Practice "Financial Statements of Investment Trust Companies and Venture Capital Trusts" 2009 is consistent with the requirements of IFRS, the Directors have sought to prepare the financial statements on a basis which is compliant with the guidance.

The financial information contained in this half-yearly report does not constitute statutory accounts as defined in Section 434 of the Companies Act 2006. The financial statements for the year ended 28 February 2011 have been filed with the Registrar of Companies. The auditor's report on these accounts included a reference to matters to which the auditor drew attention by way of emphasis without qualifying their report. The auditor's report did not contain a statement under Section 498 (2) or (3) of the Companies Act 2006.

Basis of consolidation

The Group financial statements consolidate the financial statements of the Company and its subsidiaries (the companies over which it exercises control) made up to the end of the financial period. The Company is deemed to have control where it has the power to govern the financial and operating policies of an investee company so as to obtain benefits from its activities. In the Company's financial statements investments in subsidiaries are accounted for as "fair value through profit or loss" investments in accordance with the Company's valuation policy. The Company's shareholding in its subsidiaries is held by the ordinary share fund.

Business combinations

Newly acquired or newly established businesses are recognised in the Group Financial Statements from the date of acquisition, which is the date that the Company achieved control over the business acquired and are subsequently de-recognised from the date that control ceases.

The Company accounts for business combinations using the acquisition method of accounting, with the identifiable assets and liabilities of acquired entities measured at their fair value at the time of acquisition. Identifiable intangible assets are recognised where they can be separated or arise from a contractual right, and their fair value can be reliably measured.

The difference between the fair value of the cost of the business acquired and the fair value of the identifiable assets and liabilities is recognised as goodwill or negative goodwill at the date of acquisition. Goodwill is not amortised but is tested for impairment annually and whenever impairment indicators require. Negative goodwill is recognised immediately in the Statement of Comprehensive Income.

Impairment testing

The carrying amount of the Group's and the Company's assets, other than those assets held at fair value through profit and loss, are reviewed for impairment whenever events or changes in circumstances indicate that the carrying amount may not be recoverable. If there is evidence of impairment, the recoverable amount, being the higher of the fair value less costs to sell and the value in use of the asset, is estimated to determine the extent of any such impairment. For goodwill and other intangible assets with an indefinite life or which are not ready for use, the test for impairment is carried out annually.


Income on investments is recognised on an accruals basis, by reference to the principal outstanding and at the effective interest rates applicable.

Where contractual arrangements in loan agreements allow for interest payments to be deferred and the timing of receipt of interest income may not be determined with reasonable certainty, the accrued interest is not recognised in the Statement of Comprehensive Income but is added to the carrying value of the loan investment. Interest receivable on cash and non-equity investments is accrued to the end of the period. No tax is withheld at source on interest income.

Dividend income from investments is recognised when the shareholders' rights to receive payment have been established, which is normally the ex-dividend date.


All expenses are accounted for on an accruals basis. In respect of the analysis between revenue and capital items presented within the Statement of Comprehensive Income, all expenses have been presented as revenue items except when expenses are split and charged partly as capital items where a connection with the maintenance or enhancement of the value of the investments held can be demonstrated. The investment management fee has been allocated 25% to revenue and 75% to capital, in order to reflect the Directors' expected long-term view of the nature of the investment returns of the Company.

Expenses are allocated between the ordinary and "C" share funds on the basis of the number of shares in issue during the period, except expenses which are directly attributable to a particular share fund.


The tax expense represents the sum of the tax currently payable and deferred tax.

The tax currently payable is based on taxable profit for the year. Taxable profit differs from profit before tax as reported in the Statement of Comprehensive Income because it excludes items of income or expense that are taxable or deductible in other periods and it further excludes items that are never taxable or deductible. The Company's liability for current tax is calculated using tax rates that have been enacted or substantively enacted by the period end.

Deferred tax is the tax expected to be payable or recoverable on differences between the carrying amounts of assets or liabilities in the financial statements and the corresponding tax bases used in the computation of taxable profit, and is accounted for using the balance sheet liability method. Deferred tax liabilities are recognised for all taxable temporary differences and deferred tax assets are recognised to the extent that it is probable that taxable profits will be available against which deductible temporary differences can be utilised.

Due to the Company's status as a Venture Capital Trust, no provision for deferred taxation is required in respect of any realised or unrealised appreciation in the Company's investments.

The carrying amount of deferred tax assets is reviewed at each period end date and reduced to the extent that it is no longer probable that sufficient taxable profits will be available to allow all or part of the asset to be recovered.

Deferred tax is calculated at the tax rates enacted or substantively enacted at the period end date. Deferred tax is charged or credited in the Statement of Comprehensive Income, except when it relates to items charged or credited directly to equity, in which case the deferred tax is also dealt with in equity.

Development wind assets

Costs incurred in the pre-planning consent phase of the development of a wind farm scheme are capitalised as intangible assets and recognised as development wind assets. Costs associated with the pre-planning phase of the wind farm development include options over land leases, planning application costs and environmental impact studies. These costs may be incurred directly or comprise part of the fair value attributed to a controlling interest in a business acquired. The capitalised costs are not amortised until the asset is substantially complete and available for its intended use, until which time the asset is subject to an annual impairment test.

When a consented wind farm scheme begins construction, the carrying value of the project is transferred to property, plant and equipment as assets under construction.

Financial Instruments

Financial assets and financial liabilities are recognised on the Company's Statement of Financial Position when the Company has become a party to the contractual provisions of each instrument.

Trade and other receivables

Trade and other receivables are initially recognised at fair value. They are subsequently measured at their amortised cost using the effective interest method less any provision for impairment. A provision for impairment is made where there is objective evidence (including counterparties with financial difficulties or in default on payments) that amounts will not be recovered in accordance with original terms of the agreement. A provision for impairment is established when the carrying value of the receivable exceeds the present value of the future cash flows discounted using the original effective interest rate. The carrying value of the receivable is reduced through the use of an allowance account and any impairment loss is recognised in the Statement of Comprehensive Income.

Cash and cash equivalents

Cash and cash equivalents comprise cash in hand and at bank and other short-term deposits held by the Company with maturities of less than three months. These short-term deposits are classified under cash equivalents as they meet the definition in IAS 7 "Cash Flow Statements" of a short-term highly liquid investment that is readily convertible into known amounts of cash and subject to insignificant risk of change in value.

Financial liabilities and equity

Financial liabilities and equity instruments are classified according to the substance of the contractual arrangements entered into. An equity instrument is any contract that evidences a residual interest in the assets of the Company after deducting all of its liabilities.

Loans, trade and other payables

Trade and other payables are initially recognised at fair value and subsequently at amortised cost using the effective interest method.

Equity instruments

Equity instruments issued by the Company are recorded at the proceeds received amount, net of direct issue costs.

Special reserve

The special reserve was created by approval of the High Court to cancel the Company's share premium account in respect of the shares issued in the initial offer for the Company's ordinary shares. The special reserve may be used to fund buy-backs of shares as and when it is considered by the Board to be in the interests of the shareholders.

Capital reserve - realised

This reserve includes gains and losses compared to cost on the realisation of investments and expenses, together with the related taxation effect, allocated to this reserve in accordance with the above policy on expenses.

Capital reserve - unrealised

This reserve includes increases and decreases in the valuation of investments held at fair value.


As the Company's business is investing in financial assets with a view to profiting from their total return in the form of interest, dividends and increases in fair value, all investments, including investments in subsidiaries, are designated as "fair value through profit or loss" on initial recognition. A financial asset is designated within this category if it is acquired, managed and evaluated on a fair value basis in accordance with the Company's documented investment policy. In the year of acquisition, investments are initially measured at cost, which is considered to be their fair value. Thereafter, the investments are measured at subsequent reporting dates on a fair value basis in accordance with IFRS. Gains or losses resulting from revaluation of investments are taken to the capital account of the Statement of Comprehensive Income.

Investments in unquoted companies and equity based derivatives are valued in accordance with International Private Equity and Venture Capital Valuation Guidelines, using the most appropriate valuation methodology as determined by the Board. Where there has been a recent arm's length transaction between knowledgeable, willing parties, the "price of recent investment" methodology is used to determine the value of the investment. In the absence of a recent market transaction, unquoted investee companies with renewable energy generating plant constituting a substantial portion of their assets and which have proved stable operational performance for an acceptable period of time are valued using the discounted future cash flows from the underlying business, excluding interest accrued in the accounts to date. The period of time to assess stable operational performance will vary depending on the nature of the renewable energy technology that the investee company uses, but is typically between 6 and 18 months following completion of the construction phase. Investments in unquoted companies and equity based derivatives which have not demonstrated stable operational performance will be valued using the "price of recent investment" methodology, reviewed for impairment. Notwithstanding the above, the Board may determine that an alternative methodology should be used where this more appropriately reflects the fair value of an investment.

When an investee company has gone into receivership or liquidation, the investment, although physically not disposed of, is treated as being realised.

The Company has taken the exemption, permitted by IAS 28 Investments in Associates and IAS 31 Interests in Joint Ventures, from equity accounting for investments where it has significant influence or joint control.

The majority of money held pending investment is invested in financial instruments with same day or two-day access and as such is treated as cash and cash equivalents.

Key assumptions and key sources of estimation uncertainty

The preparation of the financial statements requires the application of estimates and assumptions which may affect the results reported in the financial statements. With the exception of the changes to the estimates of the waste wood biomass investments explained in the Investment Manager's Report, the uncertainties surrounding the estimates and assumptions adopted in these financial statements are consistent with those adopted in the financial statements for the year ended 28 February 2011.

Dividends payable

Dividends payable are recognised as distributions in the financial statements when the Company's liability to make payment has been established.

Segmental Reporting

The Directors consider that the Company has engaged in a single operating segment as reported to the chief operating decision maker which is that of investing in equity and debt. The chief operating decision maker is considered to be the Board.

   2.         Income 
                                                                                 Six months ended 31 August 
                                                                                           2011 (unaudited) 
                                               Shares                  "C" Shares                     Total 
                                               GBP000                      GBP000                    GBP000 
 Income from investments 
 Loan stock interest                              449                         196                       645 
 Dividends                                         55                           -                        55 
                            -------------------------  --------------------------  ------------------------ 
                                                  504                         196                       700 
 Other income 
 UK treasury bill 
  income                                            -                           6                         6 
 Bank deposit interest                              1                           8                         9 
                                                  505                         210                       715 
                            =========================  ==========================  ======================== 
                                                                                 Six months ended 31 August 
                                                                                           2010 (unaudited) 
                                               Shares                  "C" Shares                     Total 
                                               GBP000                      GBP000                    GBP000 
 Income from investments 
 Loan stock interest                              463                          79                       542 
 Dividends                                        170                           -                       170 
                            -------------------------  --------------------------  ------------------------ 
                                                  633                          79                       712 
 Other income 
 UK treasury bill 
  income                                            -                          12                        12 
 Bank deposit interest                              2                           4                         6 
                                                  635                          95                       730 
                            =========================  ==========================  ======================== 
                                                                                Year ended 28 February 2011 
                                               Shares                  "C" Shares                     Total 
                                               GBP000                      GBP000                    GBP000 
 Income from investments 
 Loan stock interest                              696                         227                       923 
 Dividends                                        428                           -                       428 
                            -------------------------  --------------------------  ------------------------ 
                                                1,124                         227                     1,351 
 Other income 
 UK treasury bill 
  income                                            -                          24                        24 
 Bank deposit interest                              3                          11                        14 
                                                1,127                         262                     1,389 
                            =========================  ==========================  ======================== 

The income recognised by the Group was wholly derived from the Company's activities.

   3.         Investment management fees 

The Company pays the Investment Manager an annual management fee equal to 2.5% of the Company's net assets. The fee is not subject to VAT and is payable quarterly in advance. The annual management fee is allocated 75% to capital and 25% to revenue.

Temporis Capital LLP was appointed as Investment Manager on 12 September 2011 and Climate Change Capital Limited's appointment as Investment Manager was terminated on the same day with no notice period. The amount paid to the Investment Manager for the six months ended 31 August 2011 in respect of net asset value attributable to ordinary shareholders was GBP252,000 (six months ended 31 August 2010: GBP208,000; year ended 28 February 2011: GBP472,000). The amount paid to the Investment Manager for the six months ended 31 August 2011 in respect of the net assets attributable to the "C" shareholders was GBP131,000 (six months ended 31 August 2010: GBP123,000; year ended 28 February 2011: GBP254,000).

   4.         Other expenses 
                                                                                   Six months ended 31 August 
                                                                                             2011 (unaudited) 
                                                    Shares                "C" Shares                    Total 
                                                    GBP000                    GBP000                   GBP000 
 Revenue expenses: 
 Directors' remuneration                                22                        10                       32 
 Fees payable to the 
  Company's Auditor 
    - Audit of the Company's 
     Annual Financial Statements                        18                         8                       26 
    - The auditing of 
     accounts of associates 
     of the Company pursuant 
     to legislation                                     17                         -                       17 
    - Other services pursuant 
     to legislation                                      6                         3                        9 
    - Other services relating 
     to taxation                                         1                         -                        1 
 Legal and professional 
  fees                                                  18                         8                       26 
 Other expenses                                         48                        22                       70 
                                   -----------------------  ------------------------  ----------------------- 
                                                       130                        51                      181 
 Capital expenses: 
 Development funding 
  costs                                                279                         -                      279 
 Investment costs                                        2                         4                        6 
 Other expenses                                         12                         -                       12 
                                                       423                        55                      478 
                                   =======================  ========================  ======================= 
                                                                                   Six months ended 31 August 
                                                                                             2010 (unaudited) 
                                                    Shares                "C" Shares                    Total 
                                                    GBP000                    GBP000                   GBP000 
 Directors' remuneration                                16                        10                       26 
 Fees payable to the 
  Company's Auditor 
    - Audit of the Company's 
     Annual Financial Statements                         9                         6                       15 
    - Other services pursuant 
     to legislation                                      6                         3                        9 
    - Other services relating 
     to taxation                                         1                         -                        1 
 Legal and professional 
  fees                                                   2                         1                        3 
 Other expenses                                         33                        19                       52 
                                                        67                        39                      106 
                                   =======================  ========================  ======================= 
                                                                                       Year ended 28 February 
                                                                                               2011 (audited) 
                                                    Shares                "C" Shares                    Total 
                                                    GBP000                    GBP000                   GBP000 
 Revenue expenses: 
 Directors' remuneration                                38                        20                       58 
 Fees payable to the 
  Company's Auditor 
    - Audit of the Company's 
     Annual Financial Statements                        17                        10                       27 
    - Other services pursuant 
     to legislation                                      5                         3                        8 
    - Other services relating 
     to taxation                                         2                         1                        3 
 Legal and professional 
  fees                                                  13                         6                       19 
 Other expenses                                         79                        43                      122 
                                   -----------------------  ------------------------  ----------------------- 
                                                       154                        83                      237 
 Capital expenses: 
 Investment costs                                       42                         -                       42 
                                                       196                        83                      279 
                                   =======================  ========================  ======================= 

The other services pursuant to legislation provided by the Company's Auditor related to reviews of the half-yearly report. Other services relating to taxation were in respect of tax services provided by the Company's Auditor relating to corporation tax compliance.

   5.         Directors' remuneration 
                                                              Six months ended 31 August 
                                                                        2011 (unaudited) 
                                Shares               "C" Shares                    Total 
                                GBP000                   GBP000                   GBP000 
 A Moore                             8                        4                       12 
 P Thomas                            7                        3                       10 
 C Wood                              7                        3                       10 
  emoluments                        22                       10                       32 
               =======================  =======================  ======================= 
                                                              Six months ended 31 August 
                                                                        2010 (unaudited) 
                                Shares               "C" Shares                    Total 
                                GBP000                   GBP000                   GBP000 
 D Pinckney                          3                        2                        5 
 A Moore                             5                        4                        9 
 P Thomas                            4                        2                        6 
 C Wood                              4                        2                        6 
  emoluments                        16                       10                       26 
               =======================  =======================  ======================= 
                                                             Year ended 28 February 2011 
                                Shares               "C" Shares                    Total 
                                GBP000                   GBP000                   GBP000 
 D Pinckney                          3                        2                        5 
 A Moore                            13                        7                       20 
 P Thomas                           11                        6                       17 
 C Wood                             11                        5                       16 
  emoluments                        38                       20                       58 
               =======================  =======================  ======================= 

The Directors did not receive any other remuneration during the period except for that which is disclosed in the table above.

   6.         Taxation 

The half-yearly tax charge of GBP18,000 in the ordinary share fund (six months ended 31 August 2010: tax charge GBP22,000; year ended 28 February 2011: GBPnil) offsets a tax credit of GBP18,000 in the "C" share fund (six months ended 31 August 2010: tax credit GBP22,000; year ended 28 February 2011: GBPnil). The charge and credit have been accrued assuming an effective tax rate of 20%.

   7.         Basic and diluted return per share 

The Group's net loss attributable to the ordinary shareholders of 15.36p per ordinary share (six months ended 31 August 2010: net profit of 4.18p per ordinary share; year ended 28 February 2011: net loss of 7.41 per ordinary share) is based on the net loss for the period of GBP3,770,000 (six months ended 31 August 2010: net profit of GBP842,000; year ended 28 February 2011: net loss of GBP1,654,000) and the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue during the period of 24,537,560 (six months ended 31 August 2010: 20,143,427; year ended 28 February 2011: 22,322,435).

The Group's basic revenue return to the ordinary shareholders of 1.08p per ordinary share (six months ended 31 August 2010: 2.14p; year ended 28 February 2011: 3.29p) is based on the basic revenue return for the period of GBP264,000 (six months ended 31 August 2010: GBP432,000; year ended 28 February 2011: GBP734,000) and the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue during the period of 24,537,560 (six months ended 31 August 2010: 20,143,427; year ended 28 February 2011: 22,322,435).

The Group's net capital loss to the ordinary shareholders of 16.44p per ordinary share (six months ended 31 August 2010: gain of 2.04p; year ended 28 February 2011: loss of 10.70p) is based on the net capital loss for the period of GBP4,034,000 (six months ended 31 August 2010: gain of GBP410,000; year ended 28 February 2011: loss of GBP2,388,000) and the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue during the period of 24,537,560 (six months ended 31 August 2010: 20,143,427; year ended 28 February 2011: 22,322,435).

There were no differences between basic and diluted return per ordinary share because no dilutive instruments had been issued or granted.

The Group's net profit per "C" share of 0.37p (six months ended 31 August 2010: net loss of 0.43p per "C" share; year ended 28 February 2011: net loss of 0.68p per "C" share) is based on the net profit for the period of GBP42,000 (six months ended 31 August 2010: net loss of GBP45,000; year ended 28 February 2011: net loss of GBP75,000) and the weighted average number of "C" shares in issue during the period of 11,329,107 (six months ended 31 August 2010: 10,515,992; year ended 28 February 2011: 10,919,208).

The Group's basic revenue return per "C" share of 0.89p (six months ended 31 August 2010: 0.19p; year ended 28 February 2011: 0.84p) is based on the basic revenue return for the period of GBP101,000 (six months ended 31 August 2010: GBP20,000; year ended 28 February 2011: GBP91,000) and the weighted average number of "C" shares in issue during the period of 11,329,107 (six months ended 31 August 2010: 10,515,992; year ended 28 February 2011: 10,919,208).

The Group's net capital loss per "C" share of 0.52p (six months ended 31 August 2010: 0.62p; year ended 28 February 2011:1.52p) is based on the net capital loss for the period of GBP59,000 (six months ended 31 August 2010: GBP65,000; year ended 28 February 2011: GBP166,000) and the weighted average number of "C" shares in issue during the period of 11,329,107 (six months ended 31 August 2010: 10,515,992; year ended 28 February 2011: 10,919,208).

There were no differences between basic and diluted return per "C" share because no dilutive instruments had been issued or granted.

   8.         Investments 
  Group and 
  Company                        Ordinary Shares                                        "C" Shares                                             Total 
 Six months 
  ended 31 
  August                                    Loan                                                 Loan                                                 Loan 
  2011                   Shares            stock             Total            Shares            stock           Total              Shares            stock             Total 
 (unaudited)             GBP000           GBP000            GBP000            GBP000           GBP000          GBP000              GBP000           GBP000            GBP000 
  cost                   10,242            8,242            18,484               900            3,060           3,960              11,142           11,302            22,444 
  gains                 (2,233)              391           (1,842)                 -                -               -             (2,233)              391           (1,842) 
  losses                  (266)              (2)             (268)                 -                -               -               (266)              (2)             (268) 
  fair value              7,743            8,631            16,374               900            3,060           3,960               8,643           11,691            20,334 
  the period 
  at cost                     -               70                70             1,000              873           1,873               1,000              943             1,943 
  proceeds                    -                -                 -                 -            (300)           (300)                   -            (300)             (300) 
  losses                (1,429)          (1,697)           (3,126)                 -                -               -             (1,429)          (1,697)           (3,126) 
  losses                  (574)              (2)             (576)                 -                -               -               (574)              (2)             (576) 
  fair value              5,740            7,002            12,742             1,900            3,633           5,533               7,640           10,635            18,275 
               ----------------  ---------------  ----------------  ----------------  ---------------  --------------  ------------------  ---------------  ---------------- 
  cost                   10,242            8,312            18,554             1,900            3,633           5,533              12,142           11,945            24,087 
  losses                (3,662)          (1,306)           (4,968)                 -                -               -             (3,662)          (1,306)           (4,968) 
  losses                  (840)              (4)             (844)                 -                -               -               (840)              (4)             (844) 
  fair value              5,740            7,002            12,742             1,900            3,633           5,533               7,640           10,635            18,275 
               ================  ===============  ================  ================  ===============  ==============  ==================  ===============  ================ 
  Group and 
  Company                       Ordinary Shares                                       "C" Shares                                  Total 
 Six months 
  ended 31 
  August                                    Loan                                               Loan                                            Loan 
  2010                   Shares            stock           Total            Shares            stock           Total          Shares           stock          Total 
 (unaudited)             GBP000           GBP000          GBP000            GBP000           GBP000          GBP000          GBP000          GBP000         GBP000 
  cost                    5,345            3,647           8,992                 -              325             325           5,345           3,972          9,317 
  gains                   (611)               53           (558)                 -                -               -           (611)              53          (558) 
  fair value              4,734            3,700           8,434                 -              325             325           4,734           4,025          8,759 
  the period 
  from Ventus 
  3 VCT plc               4,891            3,879           8,770                 -                -               -           4,891           3,879          8,770 
  at cost                   334            1,086           1,420               500            1,350           1,850             834           2,436          3,270 
  proceeds                    -                -               -                 -            (325)           (325)               -           (325)          (325) 
  gains                     489               45             534                                  -               -             489              45            534 
  fair value             10,448            8,710          19,158               500            1,350           1,850          10,948          10,060         21,008 
               ----------------  ---------------  --------------  ----------------  ---------------  --------------  --------------  --------------  ------------- 
  cost                   10,570            8,612          19,182               500            1,350           1,850          11,070           9,962         21,032 
  gains                   (122)               98            (24)                 -                -               -           (122)              98           (24) 
  fair value             10,448            8,710          19,158               500            1,350           1,850          10,948          10,060         21,008 
               ================  ===============  ==============  ================  ===============  ==============  ==============  ==============  ============= 
 Group and 
  Company                    Ordinary Shares                                   "C" Shares                                       Total 
 Year ended 
  28 February                             Loan                                                                                         Loan 
  2011                 Shares            stock        Total           Shares      Loan stock           Total        Shares            stock        Total 
 (audited)             GBP000           GBP000       GBP000           GBP000          GBP000          GBP000        GBP000           GBP000       GBP000 
  cost                  5,345            3,647        8,992                -             325             325         5,345            3,972        9,317 
  gains                 (611)               53        (558)                -               -               -         (611)               53        (558) 
  fair value            4,734            3,700        8,434                -             325             325         4,734            4,025        8,759 
  the year 
  from Ventus 
  3 VCT plc             4,891            3,879        8,770                -               -               -         4,891            3,879        8,770 
  at cost                 406            1,166        1,572              900           3,110           4,010         1,306            4,276        5,582 
  proceeds              (400)            (450)        (850)                -           (375)           (375)         (400)            (825)      (1,225) 
  gains               (1,622)              338      (1,284)                -               -               -       (1,622)              338      (1,284) 
  losses                (266)              (2)        (268)                -               -               -         (266)              (2)        (268) 
  fair value            7,743            8,631       16,374              900           3,060           3,960         8,643           11,691       20,334 
               --------------  ---------------                                                --------------  ------------  --------------- 
  cost                 10,242            8,242       18,484              900           3,060           3,960        11,142           11,302       22,444 
  gains               (2,233)              391      (1,842)                -               -               -       (2,233)              391      (1,842) 
  losses                (266)              (2)        (268)                -               -               -         (266)              (2)        (268) 
  fair value            7,743            8,631       16,374              900           3,060           3,960         8,643           11,691       20,334 
               ==============  ===============                                                ==============  ============  =============== 

The shares held by the Company represent equity holdings in unquoted UK companies and equity based derivatives. The Investment Manager's Report above provides details in respect of the Company's shareholding in each investment.

Through development funding agreements entered into by Redeven Energy Limited, the Company holds the right to invest in companies which hold lease options on sites for which Redeven Energy Limited obtains planning permission. The value attributed to the investment rights attached to this development funding agreement is recognised in the fair value of the investments held on the Group and Company Statement of Financial Position.

The investments acquired and disposed of during the period are detailed in the Investment Manager's Report.

   9.         Investments in subsidiaries 
Subsidiary          Country of            Portion of voting   Portion of voting   Portion of voting          Principal 
undertaking         incorporation                    rights              rights              rights           activity 
                                            As at 31 August     As at 31 August   As at 28 February 
                                                       2011                2010                2011 
                                                                                                     Wind farm 
 Redeven Energy                                                                                      development 
  Limited           England & Wales                     60%                 60%                 60%  funding 
 Spurlens Rig Wind                                                                                   Wind farm 
  Limited           England & Wales                     60%                 60%                 60%  development 
                                                                Ordinary Shares 
Six months ended 31 August 2011                       Shares         Shareholder loans                   Total 
(unaudited)                                           GBP000                    GBP000                  GBP000 
Opening position 
Opening cost                                             174                       558                     732 
Opening fair value                                       174                       558                     732 
During the period 
Purchases at cost                                          -                        21                      21 
Realised loss                                              -                     (167)                   (167) 
Closing fair value                                       174                       412                     586 
Closing position 
Closing cost                                             174                       579                     753 
Closing unrealised loss                                    -                     (167)                   (167) 
Closing fair value                                       174                       412                     586 
                                                                       Ordinary Shares 
Six months ended 31 August 2010                            Shares           Shareholder loans                    Total 
(unaudited)                                                GBP000                      GBP000                   GBP000 
Opening position 
Opening cost                                                    -                           -                        - 
Opening fair value                                              -                           -                        - 
During the period 
Investments held by the Company 
 becoming subsidiaries by virtue of 
 the Merger                                                    87                         249                      336 
Investments transferred from Ventus 3 
 VCT plc                                                       87                         249                      336 
Purchases at cost                                               -                          60                       60 
Closing fair value                                            174                         558                      732 
Closing position 
Closing cost                                                  174                         558                      732 
Closing fair value                                            174                         558                      732 
                                                                       Ordinary Shares 
Year ended 28 February 2011                                Shares           Shareholder loans                    Total 
(audited)                                                  GBP000                      GBP000                   GBP000 
Opening position 
Opening cost                                                    -                           -                        - 
Opening fair value                                              -                           -                        - 
During the year 
Investments held by the Company 
 becoming subsidiaries by virtue of 
 the Merger                                                    87                         249                      336 
Investments transferred from Ventus 3 
 VCT plc                                                       87                         249                      336 
Purchases at cost                                               -                          60                       60 
Closing fair value                                            174                         558                      732 
Closing position 
Closing cost                                                  174                         558                      732 
Closing fair value                                            174                         558                      732 
   10.        Development wind assets 

The Group's development wind assets comprise capitalised costs incurred in the pre-planning phase of the development of wind farm schemes. The development wind assets are held by the Company's subsidiary undertakings which are held by the ordinary share fund only. There have been no impairments to the value of these assets during the period. However, the carrying values of the Group's development wind assets have been adjusted in respect of the prior periods to account for a reclassification to trade and other receivables in respect of recoverable development funding costs incurred by Redeven Energy Limited as this company does not hold the investment rights in the projects directly (refer to note 11).

Six months ended 31 August 2011                         Ordinary Shares 
(unaudited)                                                      GBP000 
Opening position 
Gross carrying amount                                             1,096 
Opening value prior to reclassification                           1,096 
Reclassification to trade and other receivables                   (803) 
Opening value (reclassified)                                        293 
During the period 
Purchases at cost                                                    38 
Closing value                                                       331 
Closing position 
Gross carrying amount                                               331 
Closing value                                                       331 
Six months ended 31 August 2010                                       Ordinary Shares 
(unaudited)                                                                    GBP000 
Opening position 
Gross carrying amount                                                               - 
Opening value                                                                       - 
During the period 
Assets acquired or recognised through business combinations                     1,006 
Reclassification to trade and other receivables                                 (777) 
Purchases at cost                                                                  42 
Closing value                                                                     271 
Closing position 
Gross carrying amount                                                             271 
Closing value (reclassified)                                                      271 
Year ended 28 February 2011                                           Ordinary Shares 
(audited)                                                                      GBP000 
Opening position 
Gross carrying amount                                                               - 
Opening value                                                                       - 
During the year 
Assets acquired or recognised through business combinations                     1,006 
Reclassification to trade and other receivables                                 (803) 
Purchases at cost                                                                  90 
Closing value                                                                     293 
Closing position 
Gross carrying amount                                                             293 
Closing value (reclassified)                                                      293 
   11.       Trade and other receivables 

The carrying values of the Group's trade and other receivables as at 31 August 2010 and 28 February 2011 have been adjusted to take account of a reclassification from development wind assets to other receivables in respect of development funding costs incurred by the Company's subsidiary, Redeven Energy Limited, as this company does not hold the investment rights in the projects directly (refer to note 10).

                                                                                         As at 31 August 2011 (unaudited) 
                                                 Ordinary Shares                  "C" Shares                        Total 
                                                          GBP000                      GBP000                       GBP000 
 income                                                      750                         164                          914 
 receivables                                                 622                           -                          622 
                                                           1,372                         164                        1,536 
 income                                                      328                         187                          515 
 receivables                                                  54                          48                          102 
 tax                                                           -                          23                           23 
Prepayments                                                   10                           5                           15 
                                                             392                         263                          655 
                                                                                      As at 31 August 2010 (unaudited) 
                                                Ordinary Shares                  "C" Shares                      Total 
                                                         GBP000                      GBP000                     GBP000 
Non-current assets 
Accrued interest income                                     301                          62                        363 
Balance prior to reclassification                           301                          62                        363 
Other receivables reclassified from 
 development wind assets                                    777                           -                        777 
 Balance as reclassified                                  1,078                          62                      1,140 
Current assets 
Accrued interest income                                     669                          15                        684 
Other receivables                                           408                          46                        454 
Prepayments                                                  13                           6                         19 
                                                          1,090                          67                      1,157 
                                                                                      As at 28 February 2011 (audited) 
                                          Ordinary Shares                     "C" Shares                        Total 
                                                      GBP000                        GBP000                     GBP000 
Non-current assets 
Accrued interest income                                   570                          103                         673 
Balance prior to reclassification                         570                          103                         673 
Other receivables reclassified 
 from development wind assets                             803                            -                         803 
Balance as reclassified                                 1,373                          103                       1,476 
Current assets 
Accrued interest income                                   493                          122                         615 
Other receivables                                         111                           48                         159 
Prepayments                                                10                            5                          15 
                                                          614                          175                         789 
                                                                          As at 31 August 2011 (unaudited) 
                                     Ordinary Shares                 "C" Shares                      Total 
                                              GBP000                     GBP000                     GBP000 
Non-current assets 
Accrued interest income                          750                        164                        914 
                                                 750                        164                        914 
Current assets 
Accrued interest income                          328                        187                        515 
Other receivables                                  2                         48                         50 
Corporation tax                                    -                         23                         23 
Prepayments                                       10                          5                         15 
                                                 340                        263                        603 
                                                                         As at 31 August 2010 (unaudited) 
                                    Ordinary Shares                 "C" Shares                      Total 
                                             GBP000                     GBP000                     GBP000 
Non-current assets 
Accrued interest income                         301                         62                        363 
                                                301                         62                        363 
Current assets 
Accrued interest income                         669                         15                        684 
Other receivables                               320                         46                        366 
Prepayments                                      13                          6                         19 
                                              1,002                         67                      1,069 
                                                                         As at 28 February 2011 (audited) 
                                    Ordinary Shares                 "C" Shares                      Total 
                                             GBP000                     GBP000                     GBP000 
Non-current assets 
Accrued interest income                         570                        103                        673 
                                                570                        103                        673 
Current assets 
Accrued interest income                         493                        122                        615 
Other receivables                                 7                         48                         55 
Prepayments                                      10                          5                         15 
                                                510                        175                        685 

As at 31 August 2011, accrued interest income on loan stock of GBP914,000 due to the Group and Company and other receivables due to the Group of GBP622,000 represent non-current assets (31 August 2010: GBP363,000; 28 February 2011: GBP673,000). The Directors consider that the carrying amount of trade and other receivables approximates to their fair value.

   12.       Cash and cash equivalents 

The total cash and cash equivalents held in the Company's ordinary share fund was GBP325,000 at 31 August 2011 (31 August 2010: GBP442,000; 28 February 2011: GBP630,000). The reduction, over the period, in cash and cash equivalents held by the ordinary share fund was due to the purchase of investments, payment of dividends and expenses exceeding cash proceeds from investments.

The cash balances of the subsidiaries held by the Company's ordinary share fund are consolidated into the Group's financial statements. At 31 August 2011 the cash held by the subsidiaries totalled GBP21,000 (31 August 2011: GBP93,000; 28 February 2011: GBP34,000).

The total cash and cash equivalents held in the Company's "C" share fund was GBP4,579,000 at 31 August 2011 (31 August 2010: GBP8,547,000; 28 February 2011: GBP6,254,000). The decrease in cash and cash equivalents during the period was attributable to the purchase of investments and payment of investment management fees and other expenses which was offset by income received from investments, proceeds from loan investments repaid and deposit interest received.

The Directors consider that the carrying amounts of the cash and cash equivalents approximate to their fair value.

   13.       Trade and other payables 
                                                                               As at 31 August 2011 (unaudited) 
                                Ordinary Shares                       "C" Shares                          Total 
                                         GBP000                           GBP000                         GBP000 
Corporation tax                              23                                -                             23 
Trade payables                               48                                2                             50 
Accruals                                    112                               27                            139 
                                            183                               29                            212 
                                                                                   As at 31 August 2010 (unaudited) 
                                  Ordinary Shares                       "C" Shares                            Total 
                                           GBP000                           GBP000                           GBP000 
Corporation tax                                26                             (26)                                - 
Trade payables                                  -                                -                                - 
Other payables                                 12                               18                               30 
Accruals                                      109                               36                              145 
                                              147                               28                              175 
                                                                                  As at 28 February 2011 (audited) 
                                 Ordinary Shares                       "C" Shares                            Total 
                                          GBP000                           GBP000                           GBP000 
Corporation tax                                4                              (4)                                - 
Trade payables                                17                                -                               17 
Other payables                                10                                8                               18 
Accruals                                     166                               20                              186 
                                             197                               24                              221 
                                                                                 As at 31 August 2011 (unaudited) 
                                 Ordinary Shares                       "C" Shares                           Total 
                                          GBP000                           GBP000                          GBP000 
Corporation tax                               23                                -                              23 
Trade payables                                 2                                2                               4 
Accruals                                      94                               27                             121 
                                             119                               29                             148 
                                                                                   As at 31 August 2010 (unaudited) 
                                  Ordinary Shares                       "C" Shares                            Total 
                                           GBP000                           GBP000                           GBP000 
Corporation tax                                26                             (26)                                - 
Trade payables                                  -                                -                                - 
Other payables                                  7                               18                               25 
Accruals                                      109                               36                              145 
                                              142                               28                              170 
                                                                                   As at 28 February 2011 (audited) 
                                  Ordinary Shares                       "C" Shares                            Total 
                                           GBP000                           GBP000                           GBP000 
Corporation tax                                 4                              (4)                                - 
Trade payables                                 17                                -                               17 
Other payables                                  -                                8                                8 
Accruals                                      166                               20                              186 
                                              187                               24                              211 

The Directors consider that the carrying amounts of trade and other payables approximate to their fair value.

   14.       Financial liabilities 
                                              As at 31 August 2011 (unaudited) 
                                                               Ordinary Shares 
Shareholder loans                                                          386 
                                              As at 31 August 2010 (unaudited) 
                                                               Ordinary Shares 
Shareholder loans                                                          372 
                                              As at 28 February 2011 (audited) 
                                                               Ordinary Shares 
Shareholder loans                                                          372 

The Group's financial liabilities consist of shareholder loans of GBP30,000 and GBP356,000 provided by Ventus VCT plc to the Company's subsidiaries, Redeven Energy Limited and Spurlens Rig Wind Limited respectively.

The Directors consider that the carrying amounts of the financial liabilities approximate to their fair value.

   15.       Share capital 
                          Ordinary Shares                      "C" Shares                          Total 
                  Number of shares                  Number of shares                  Number of shares 
Authorised             of 25p each          GBP000       of 25p each          GBP000       of 25p each          GBP000 
At 1 March 2011 
 (audited)              30,000,000           7,500        20,000,000           5,000        50,000,000          12,500 
At 31 August 
 (unaudited)            30,000,000           7,500        20,000,000           5,000        50,000,000          12,500 
                          Ordinary Shares                      "C" Shares                          Total 
Allotted, called 
up and fully      Number of shares                  Number of shares                  Number of shares 
paid                   of 25p each          GBP000       of 25p each          GBP000       of 25p each          GBP000 
At 1 March 2011 
 (audited)              24,537,560           6,134        11,329,107           2,832        35,866,667           8,966 
At 31 August 
 (unaudited)            24,537,560           6,134        11,329,107           2,832        35,866,667           8,966 
                          Ordinary Shares                      "C" Shares                          Total 
                  Number of shares                  Number of shares                  Number of shares 
Authorised             of 25p each          GBP000       of 25p each          GBP000       of 25p each          GBP000 
At 1 March 2010 
 (audited)              30,000,000           7,500        20,000,000           5,000        50,000,000          12,500 
At 31 August 
 (unaudited)            30,000,000           7,500        20,000,000           5,000        50,000,000          12,500 
                          Ordinary Shares                      "C" Shares                          Total 
Allotted, called 
up and fully      Number of shares                  Number of shares                  Number of shares 
paid                   of 25p each          GBP000       of 25p each          GBP000       of 25p each          GBP000 
At 1 March 2010 
 (audited)              12,287,249           3,071         6,924,686           1,731        19,211,935           4,802 
Allotted, called 
 up and fully 
 paid during the 
 period                 12,250,311           3,063         4,404,421           1,101        16,654,732           4,164 
At 31 August 
 (unaudited)            24,537,560           6,134        11,329,107           2,832        35,866,667           8,966 
                          Ordinary Shares                      "C" Shares                          Total 
                  Number of shares                  Number of shares                  Number of shares 
Authorised             of 25p each          GBP000       of 25p each          GBP000       of 25p each          GBP000 
At 1 March 2010 
 (audited)              30,000,000           7,500        20,000,000           5,000        50,000,000          12,500 
At 28 February 
 2011 (audited)         30,000,000           7,500        20,000,000           5,000        50,000,000          12,500 
                          Ordinary Shares                      "C" Shares                          Total 
Allotted, called 
up and fully      Number of shares                  Number of shares                  Number of shares 
paid                   of 25p each          GBP000       of 25p each          GBP000       of 25p each          GBP000 
At 1 March 2010 
 (audited)              12,287,249           3,071         6,924,686           1,731        19,211,935           4,802 
Allotted, called 
 up and fully 
 paid during the 
 year                   12,250,311           3,063         4,404,421           1,101        16,654,732           4,164 
At 28 February 
 2011 (audited)         24,537,560           6,134        11,329,107           2,832        35,866,667           8,966 
   16.       Basic and diluted net asset value per share 

The calculation of the Group's net asset value per ordinary share of 59.6p as at 31 August 2011 (31 August 2010: 87.6p; 28 February 2011: 75.9p) is based on net assets attributable to equity holders of GBP14,616,000 (31 August 2010: GBP21,495,000; 28 February 2011: GBP18,631,000) divided by 24,537,560 ordinary shares in issue at that date (31 August 2010: 24,537,560 ordinary shares; 28 February 2011: 24,537,560 ordinary shares). The "C" share fund did not hold investments in subsidiaries at 31 August 2011.

The Company's net asset value per ordinary share of 59.6p at 31 August 2011 (31 August 2010: 87.6p; 28 February 2011: 75.9p) is based on net assets attributable to the ordinary shareholders of GBP14,624,000 (31 August 2010: GBP21,493,000; 28 February 2010: GBP18,629,000) and the number of shares in issue as at 31 August 2011 of 24,537,560 (31 August 2010: 24,537,560 ordinary shares; 28 February 2011: 24,537,560 ordinary shares).

The net asset value per "C" share of 92.8p at 31 August 2011 (31 August 2010: 92.7p; 28 February 2011: 92.4p) is based on net assets attributable to the "C" shareholders of GBP10,510,000 (31 August 2010: GBP10,498,000; 28 February 2011: GBP10,468,000) and the number of shares in issue as at 31 August 2011 of 11,329,107 (31 August 2010: 11,329,107; 28 February 2011: 11,329,107).

   17.       Dividends 

A final dividend for the year ended 28 February 2011 of 1.00p per ordinary share was paid to ordinary shareholders on 10 August 2011.

An interim dividend of 1.00p per "C" share has been declared for the six month period ended 31 August 2011 which will be paid on 11 January 2012 to all "C" shareholders on the register as at close of business on 9 December 2011. This is the first dividend to be paid to "C" shareholders.

   18.       Events since period end 

Since the period end the Company's "C" share fund has invested a further GBP75,000 in Allt Dearg Wind Farmers LLP by way of a loan under a GBP300,000 two year loan facility dated 15 March 2011 of which a total GBP275,000 has now been drawn.

Since the period end Renewable Power Systems Limited part repaid its loan with the Company's "C" share fund by GBP50,000 and paid interest of GBP10,600. The outstanding balance of the loan is GBP300,000.

Since the period end, the new investment manager, Temporis, has agreed to waive investment management fees amounting to GBP530,000 in relation to the ordinary share fund. Also, in order to reinforce the Company's financial position, Temporis has agreed to advance a GBP530,000 interest-free loan to the Company's ordinary share fund, to be repaid by the Company over the period of time that the waived investment management fees would otherwise have been charged.

   19.             Contingencies, guarantees and financial commitments 

The contingencies, guarantees and financial commitments of the Company were disclosed in the annual report and financial statements for the year ended 28 February 2011. In addition to those contingencies, guarantees and financial commitments previously disclosed, the Company has entered into the following agreements:

On 29 July 2010, the Company registered a charge over its shares in Twinwoods Heat & Power Limited to The Co-operative Bank plc as security for a senior loan facility of GBP5.6 million raised by Twinwoods Heat & Power Limited to finance the construction costs of the waste wood biomass plant. The liability of the Company under this charge of shares is limited to the value of the Company's investment in shares of Twinwoods Heat & Power Limited.

On 17 May 2011, the Company registered a charge over its shares in Osspower Limited to The Co-operative Bank plc as security for senior loan funding of up to GBP6,450,000 raised by Osspower Limited to finance the construction costs of the Allt Fionn Ghlinne small hydro scheme. The liability of the Company under this charge of shares is limited to the value of the Company's investment in shares of Osspower Limited.

The Company has provided a cost overrun guarantee of GBP750,000 to the Co-operative Bank plc on behalf of Osspower Limited. Any sums called under this guarantee shall be payable by way of a loan from the Company to Osspower Ltd which may be drawn down in the event of the construction of Allt Fionn Ghlinne small hydro scheme exceeding its budget of GBP7.5 million. In the event of cost overrun, the loan is repayable over a term of 15 years, interest free. The Directors consider the probability of the loan being drawn down to be very low and the fair value of the liability associated with the guarantee is not considered to be significant at the period end.

On 26 July 2011, the Company registered a charge over its shares in White Mill Wind Farm Limited to The Co-operative Bank plc as security for a senior loan facility of up to GBP15.5 million raised by White Mill Wind Farm Limited to finance the construction costs of the wind farm. The liability of the Company under this charge of shares is limited to the value of the Company's investment in shares of White Mill Wind Farm Limited.

As at 31 August 2011, the Company had provided a two year loan facility to Allt Dearg Wind Farmers LLP of GBP300,000 of which GBP200,000 had been drawn down and GBP100,000 was outstanding to be drawn. A further GBP75,000 has been drawn down since the period end.

   20.            Related party transactions 

The Company appointed Temporis Capital LLP as Investment Manager on 12 September 2011 and terminated the appointment of Climate Change Capital Limited as its Investment Manager on the same day with no notice period. Details of the fees paid to Climate Change Capital Limited, the Investment Manager during the six months ended 31 August 2011, are set out in note 3.

The investee companies in which the Company has a shareholding of 20% or more are considered to be related parties. The significant changes to the balances and transactions with these companies are presented in the Investment Manager's Report. The aggregate balances at the period end and transactions with these companies during the six months to 31 August 2011 are summarised below.

                                                                      As at 31 August 2011 (unaudited) 
                                                                  Ordinary Shares  "C" shares    Total 
                                                                           GBP000      GBP000   GBP000 
Balances as at 31 August 2011 (unaudited) 
Investments - shares                                                        4,872       1,900    6,493 
Investments - loan stock                                                    5,158       1,673    7,110 
Accrued interest income                                                       504         192      696 
Transactions in the six months ended 31 August 2011 (unaudited) 
Loan stock interest income                                                    304          80      384 
Dividend income                                                                48           -       48 
                                                                       As at 31 August 2010 (unaudited) 
                                                                  Ordinary Shares   "C" shares    Total 
                                                                           GBP000       GBP000   GBP000 
Balances as at 31 August 2010 (unaudited) 
Investments - shares                                                        8,312            -    8,312 
Investments - loan stock                                                    4,785            -    4,785 
Accrued interest income                                                       497            -      497 
Other receivables                                                             255            -      255 
Transactions in the six months ended 31 August 2010 (unaudited) 
Loan stock interest income                                                    245            -      245 
Dividend income                                                               160            -      160 
                                                                          As at 28 February 2011 
                                                            Ordinary Shares  "C" shares    Total 
                                                                     GBP000      GBP000   GBP000 
Balances as at 28 February 2011 (audited) 
Investments - shares                                                  6,817         900    7,717 
Investments - loan stock                                              7,047       1,000    8,047 
Accrued interest income                                                 540         124      664 
Transactions in the year ended 28 February 2011 (audited) 
Loan stock interest income                                              559         124      683 
Dividend income                                                         428           -      428 

There are no differences between the Group and Company related party transactions with the exception of investments included above totalling GBP753,000 relating to Redeven Energy Limited and Spurlens Rig Wind Limited (31 August 2010: GBP732,000; 28 February 2011: GBP732,000) which are consolidated into the Group accounts, of which GBP174,000 was invested in shares (31 August 2010: GBP174,000; 28 February 2011: GBP174,000) and GBP300,000 in shareholder loans (31 August 2010: GBP558,000; 28 February 2011: GBP558,000).

At 31 August 2011 the Company's ordinary share fund was owed GBP541,000 by PBM Power Limited in respect to amounts which had been advanced to fund the investee company's operating expenses. The Company's shareholding in PBM Power Limited was 25% at the period end. The carrying value of the amount receivable is considered to be fully impaired due to the poor performance of this investment.

   21.             Report distribution 

In accordance with the Company's commitment to environmental sustainability and to minimise costs wherever appropriate, the financial statements will continue to be made available through regulated news service providers and will also be available in the Financial Reports section of the Company's website www.ventusvct.com. Any shareholder who wishes to receive notification of reports by email or post may request this by contacting the Registrar at the Company's registered address c/o Capita Registrars, The Registry, 34 Beckenham Road, Beckenham, Kent, BR3 4TU.

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



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