Unicorn AIM VCT II plc ("the Company")

Half-Yearly Report

for the six months ended 30 June 2008

Investment Objective

The objective of the Company is to provide Shareholders with an attractive
return from a diversified portfolio of investments predominantly in the shares
of AIM-quoted companies. This will be achieved by maximising the stream of
dividend distributions to Shareholders from the income and capital gains
generated by the portfolio.

To achieve Venture Capital Trust qualifying status, 70% of the Company's total
investments must be invested in qualifying investments within three years of
each share issue.

Investment Policy

In order to achieve the Company's Investment Objective, the Board has agreed an
Investment Policy which requires the Investment Manager to identify and invest
in a diversified portfolio, predominantly of VCT qualifying companies quoted on
AIM, that displays a majority of the following characteristics:

- experienced and well-motivated management;

- products and services supplying growing markets;

- sound operational and financial controls; and

- good cash generation to finance development allied with a progressive
dividend policy.

Asset allocation and risk diversification policies, including maximum
exposures, are to an extent governed by prevailing VCT legislation. Specific
conditions for HMRC approval of VCTs include the requirement that at no time
must any single holding represent more than 15% (by value) of the Company's

The Investment Manager is responsible for managing sector and stock specific
risk and the Board does not impose formal limits in respect of such exposures.
However, in order to maintain compliance with HMRC rules and to ensure that an
appropriate spread of investment risk is achieved, the Board receives and
reviews comprehensive reports from the Investment Manager and the Administrator
on a regular basis. When the Investment Manager proposes to make an investment
in an unquoted company the prior approval of the Board is required.

Where capital is available for investment while awaiting suitable VCT
qualifying opportunities, or in excess of the 70% VCT qualification threshold,
it may be invested in collective investment funds or in non-qualifying shares
and securities of smaller listed UK companies.

To date the Company has operated without recourse to borrowing. The Board may
however consider the possibility of introducing modest levels of gearing up to
a maximum of 20% of net assets, should circumstances suggest that such action
is in the interests of Shareholders.

Chairman's Statement

I am pleased to present to Shareholders the Half-Yearly Report of the Company
for the six months ended 30 June 2008.

Review of performance

In the period under review, equity markets worldwide have been particularly
weak as the impact of the banking crisis continues to undermine both investor
and consumer confidence. The increasingly uncertain economic outlook in the
United Kingdom has made life exceptionally difficult for smaller quoted
companies as banks have tightened the terms on which they are prepared to lend
and investors have concentrated their efforts on raising cash or in looking for
the perceived safety of larger, more liquid quoted companies. These
uncertainties have in turn adversely affected the performance of both the
Ordinary Share Fund and the C Share Fund.

Set out below is a summary of performance for each Fund over the six months
ended 30 June 2008:-

                                       Ordinary Fund            C Fund
Launch date                                 Jan 2005          Jan 2006
Net asset value ("NAV") at 30                   94.0              81.1
June 2008 (pence per share)                                           
Change in NAV per Share since 31             (11.7)%           (11.7)%
December 2007                                                         
Cumulative dividends paid to date                6.0               2.0
(pence per share)                                                     
Change in total NAV return since                 5.5            (11.4)
launch (pence per share)*                                             
Return against NAV at launch of                 5.8%           (12.1)%
94.5 pence per share                                                  

* NAV per share at 30 June 2008 plus cumulative dividends paid, minus NAV at
launch of 94.5p.

It should be noted that the above returns are stated before income tax relief
of up to 40% that Shareholders will have received in the tax year of their
initial investments, and that any dividends paid are also tax free.

Ordinary Share Fund

Over the six months there was a net loss on investments of �1,476,627 (�
1,635,625 net gain for the six months ended 30 June 2007). The deficit on the
revenue account for the Ordinary Share Fund was �49,491 (�32,615 surplus for
the six months ended 30 June 2007). Thus, the total loss on ordinary activities
after taxation was �1,692,750, the equivalent of 7.30 pence per share.

C Share Fund

Over the six months there was a net loss on investments of �1,191,663 (�519,013
net gain for the six months ended 30 June 2007). The surplus on the revenue
account for the C Share Fund was �25,623 (�83,193 surplus for the six months
ended 30 June 2007). Thus, the total loss on ordinary activities after taxation
was �1,216,552, the equivalent of 9.70 pence per share.

Top-up offers

During the period the Company issued 276,628 Ordinary Shares at a price of 98
pence per share and 79,246 C Shares at a price of 89 pence per share under the
Top-up Offers launched on 25 February 2008. May I take this opportunity to
welcome new shareholders as members of the Company.

Share buybacks

The Company has operated a share buyback facility for its shareholders. This
facility has enabled selling shareholders to realise their investment despite
very limited liquidity in the secondary market. The Board has now completed a
thorough evaluation of the buyback policy taking into account a number of
factors, namely; current equity market conditions, the average discount to Net
Assets of the AIM quoted VCT sector, the availability of capital to fund share
purchases, the long term investment objectives of the Fund and the interests of
all shareholders.

The Board believes that it is important to maintain a share buyback facility,
but after consideration of the above factors is increasing the discount to the
last published NAV at which the Company buys back shares for cancellation from
10% to a range of between 15%-20%. The Board will continue to review the
appropriateness of the buyback policy paying particular regard to possible
changes in market conditions, sector discounts and availability of capital.

No Ordinary or C Shares were bought back during the period under review.


The Board's policy remains to maximise the stream of dividend distributions to
Shareholders from the income and capital gains generated by the portfolio.
However, in view of continuing weakness in equity markets and the consequent
decline in the respective NAV, the Board will not be proposing dividends for
either Fund for the period under review.

Qualifying Investments

From September 2007 onwards, investors in UK equity markets, unsettled by the
emergence of a serious banking crisis, have progressively abandoned small, AIM
quoted companies. As a result, liquidity in smaller companies has evaporated.
This phenomenon, combined with instances of forced selling and a rising number
of profit warnings has driven already illiquid markets further down. In the six
months to 30 June 2008, the FTSE AIM All Share Index has fallen by 8.4% despite
its significant exposure to the more buoyant mining and resource sectors whilst
the FTSE SmallCap and Fledgling Indices have fared even worse, declining by
16.1% and 14.0% respectively.

The performance of the Ordinary Share Fund and the C Share Fund has also been
affected by a number of company specific setbacks. Profit warnings issued by
Claimar Care, Discover Leisure, Maxima Holdings, Optimisa and Shieldtech each
resulted in share price declines of between 40% and 87%. In the Ordinary Share
Fund the falls produced by these five companies accounted for over 70% of the
net decline generated by the qualifying portfolio overall. The Investment
Manager is confident that most, if not all, of the companies which suffered
recent setbacks have the potential to recover substantially in due course. On
the plus side, there is a healthy level of diversification in both Funds and a
majority of investee companies appear to be weathering the storm well. The
performances of Abcam (+40%), Crawshaw Group (+37%), IDOX (+22%), and Pressure
Technologies (+33%) are all worthy of special mention.

Mindful of deteriorating equity market conditions, no new investments were made
for the Ordinary Share Fund in the period under review and only four new VCT
qualifying investments were undertaken for the C Share Fund. Each of these new
investments has performed well relative to the market which bodes well for
their prospects when investor sentiment improves.

A partial disposal of units held in the Unicorn Mastertrust Fund was made by
the Ordinary Share Fund generating cash proceeds in excess of �500,000.

The Ordinary Share Fund portfolio now comprises 41 VCT qualifying investments,
whilst the C Share Fund holds 26 qualifying stocks.

At the end of June 2008, the value of the portfolios (for the Ordinary and C
Share Funds) which was invested in VCT qualifying investments represented
approximately 73% of the total assets of the Company.

All other HM Revenue & Customs tests have also been complied with and your
Board has been advised that the Company has maintained its venture capital
trust status.

A full list of all of the qualifying investments held in each Fund at the
period end is included below.


In the past six months smaller quoted companies have suffered significant share
price declines. Investor confidence remains at a low ebb and the fall-out from
the collapse of the sub-prime mortgage market continues. There are growing
concerns about the prospects of economic recession in both the United States
and in the UK.

As the current crisis deepened following the collapse of Northern Rock, prudent
managers of conventional funds might well have been expected to reposition
their portfolios toward investment in larger and more liquid stocks, whilst
also carrying higher than usual levels of cash. The technical requirements of
AIM based VCTs are such that the flexibility to implement such changes is
severely constrained. In these circumstances, AIM-based VCTs have suffered
disproportionately large falls as investors continue to sell shares of smaller,
less liquid companies.

On a positive note, significant value is starting to emerge in many of the
smaller quoted companies held in the portfolios. However, until the wider
equity market stabilises and the economic picture improves, it is unlikely that
this value will be reflected in strong share price performance.

Peter Andrews


5 August 2008

Principal risks and uncertainties

In accordance with DTR 4.2.7, the Board confirms that the principal risks and
uncertainties facing the Company have not materially changed since the
publication of the Annual Report and Accounts for the year ended 31 December
2007. The Board acknowledges that there is regulatory risk and continues to
manage the Company's affairs in such a manner as to comply with section 274
Income Tax Act 2007. Other risks relate to credit risk, market price risk,
interest rate risk and currency risk. A more detailed explanation of these can
be found in Note 19 on pages 44 - 46 of the 2007 Annual Report and Accounts -
copies are available on the Investment Manager's website, www.unicornam.com.

Related Party Transactions

Details of related party transactions in accordance with Disclosure and
Transparency Rule 4.2.8 can be found in Note 8 to the Accounts below.

Responsibility Statement

The Directors confirm that to the best of their knowledge:

 a. the condensed set of financial statements have been prepared in accordance
    with UK Generally Accepted Accounting Practice (UK GAAP) and the 2003
    Statement of Recommended Practice "Financial Statements of Investment Trust
    Companies", revised December 2005, and give a true and fair view of the
    assets, liabilities, financial position and profit or loss of the Company,
    as required by Disclosure & Transparency Rule 4.2.4; and
 b. the interim management report includes a fair review of the information
    required by Disclosure & Transparency Rules 4.2.7 - 8 in accordance with
    Disclosure & Transparency Rule 4.2.10.
Investment Portfolio Summary

Ordinary Share Fund

                                  Date of   Book cost   Valuation     % of net
                                    first                            assets by
                               investment                                value
Qualifying investments                          �'000       �'000             
AIM quoted investments                                                        
Abcam plc                        Oct 2005         467       1,257         5.7%
Online distributor of                                                         
antibodies for research                                                       
Cohort plc                       Feb 2006         831       1,207         5.5%
Provision of a wide range of                                                  
technical services to                                                         
clients in the defence and                                                    
security sectors                                                              
Concateno plc                    Oct 2006         745       1,183         5.4%
Drug and alcohol abuse                                                        
testing services                                                              
Crawshaw Group plc               Apr 2007         811       1,112         5.1%
A chain of meat focused                                                       
retail food stores                                                            
Pressure Technologies plc        May 2007         550         953         4.3%
Manufacturer of high                                                          
pressure steel gas cylinders                                                  
Mattioli Woods plc               Nov 2005         483         923         4.2%
Consultants in the provision                                                  
of pension and wealth                                                         
management services                                                           
IDOX plc                         May 2007         397         729         3.3%
Information management                                                        
Brulines (Holdings) plc          Oct 2006         584         679         3.1%
Dispense monitoring                                                           
equipment for use in pubs                                                     
and clubs                                                                     
Vindon Healthcare plc            May 2007         750         675         3.1%
Medical storage facilities                                                    
Hasgrove plc                     Nov 2006         600         585         2.7%
Pan-European marketing and                                                    
communications services                                                       
SnackTime plc                    Dec 2007         583         575         2.6%
Operator of vending machines                                                  
Hexagon Human Capital plc        Feb 2007         710         499         2.3%
Interim Recruitment                                                           
Driver Group plc                 Apr 2006         425         495         2.3%
Provision of commercial                                                       
project planning and dispute                                                  
resolution services to the                                                    
construction industry                                                         
Clerkenwell Ventures plc         Sep 2007         703         468         2.1%
Restaurant acquisition                                                        
Animalcare Group plc             Jan 2008         425         425         1.9%
Manufacturer and supplier                                                     
worldwide of livestock,                                                       
healthcare and management                                                     
Kiotech International plc        Nov 2006         300         400         1.8%
Manufacturer of animal feed                                                   
Shieldtech plc                   Jun 2007         750         390         1.8%
Manufacturer & supplier of                                                    
body armour to police &                                                       
defence forces                                                                
Maxima Holdings plc              Sep 2005         500         382         1.7%
Implementation and support                                                    
of enterprise software                                                        
Individual Restaurant            Dec 2006         538         364         1.6%
Company plc                                                                   
High Street restaurant chain                                                  
PHSC plc                         Mar 2007         450         323         1.5%
Health, safety &                                                              
environmental consultants                                                     
Melorio plc                      Oct 2007         400         320         1.5%
Vocational training                                                           
Mount Engineering plc            Jun 2007         300         317         1.4%
Manufacturer & distributor                                                    
of precision engineered                                                       
Surgical Innovations Group       May 2007         500         300         1.4%
Medical equipment                                                             
Tangent Communications plc       Dec 2007         500         279         1.3%
Digital marketing &                                                           
communication services                                                        
HML Holdings plc                 Jul 2007         480         267         1.2%
Provision of property                                                         
management and related                                                        
services in the South East                                                    
of England                                                                    
Datong Electronics plc           Sep 2005         333         255         1.2%
Development of a range of                                                     
advanced covert tracking and                                                  
location systems                                                              
Vitesse Media plc                Nov 2007         250         220         1.0%
Online, print publishing &                                                    
events company specialising                                                   
in growing businesses                                                         
Universe Group plc               Mar 2007         294         199         0.9%
Retail & information systems                                                  
software and hardware                                                         
INVU plc                         May 2007         200         197         0.9%
Document management services                                                  
Tracsis plc                      Nov 2007         120         165         0.8%
Provides resource                                                             
optimisation software to                                                      
transport companies                                                           
Cantono plc                      Jul 2007         350         158         0.7%
Managed IT services                                                           
ACM Shipping Group plc           Dec 2006          68         102         0.5%
Discover Leisure plc             Sep 2006         235          96         0.4%
UK retailer of Caravans and                                                   
Motor homes                                                                   
Optimisa plc                     Oct 2007         273          95         0.4%
Marketing services group                                                      
providing marketing                                                           
consultancy and research                                                      
eg solutions plc                 May 2005         250          88         0.4%
Provision of proprietary                                                      
workflow management tools                                                     
designed to improve                                                           
operational efficiencies                                                      
Access Intelligence plc          Sep 2006         176          73         0.3%
Software and computer                                                         
Belgravium Technologies plc      Sep 2005         117          40         0.2%
Development and supply of                                                     
rugged, hand-held, battery                                                    
powered, real time data                                                       
capture devices                                                               
Greatfleet plc                   Feb 2007         249          39         0.2%
Recruitment consultant                                                        
specialising in legal and                                                     
financial search and                                                          
Claimar Care Group plc           Sep 2007         411          39         0.2%
Provision of care services                                                    
to the public sector and                                                      
private individuals                                                           
The Debt Advisor Group plc       Feb 2006       1,000           -         0.0%
(in administration)                                                           
Consumer financial solutions                                                  
through mortgages, secured                                                    
and unsecured loans and IVAs                                                  
Unquoted investments                                                          
Amber Taverns Limited            Apr 2005         500         500         2.3%
Development of a chain of                                                     
unbranded, managed,                                                           
freehold, public houses in                                                    
the North of England                                                          
                                          ----------- -----------  -----------
Total qualifying investments                   18,608      17,373        79.2%
Non-qualifying investments                                                    
(also the five largest)                                                       
Unicorn Mastertrust Fund         Apr 2005       1,510       1,854         8.5%
Unicorn UK Smaller Companies     May 2005       1,269       1,429         6.5%
Fund (OEIC)                                                                   
Unicorn UK Income (OEIC)         May 2005         764         736         3.4%
Money Market Funds*              Jan 2005         375         375         1.7%
Non qualifying stocks quoted                        7           7         0.0%
on AIM                                                                        
                                          ----------- -----------  -----------
Total non-qualifying                            3,925       4,401        20.1%
                                          ----------- -----------  -----------
Total investments                              22,533      21,774        99.3%
                                               ======      ======       ======
Other assets                                                  270         1.1%
Current liabilities                                         (111)       (0.4)%
                                                      -----------  -----------
Net assets                                                 21,933       100.0%
                                                           ======       ======
* Disclosed within 'Current investments' in the Balance Sheet                 

C Share Fund

                                  Date of   Book cost   Valuation      % of net
                                    first                             assets by
                               investment                                 value
Qualifying investments                          �'000       �'000              
AIM quoted investments                                                         
Cohort plc                       Jul 2006         350         453          4.4%
Provision of a wide range of                                                   
technical services to                                                          
clients in the defence and                                                     
security sectors                                                               
Concateno plc                    Oct 2006         255         405          4.0%
Drug and alcohol abuse                                                         
testing services                                                               
Hasgrove plc                     Nov 2006         300         293          2.9%
Pan-European marketing and                                                     
communications services                                                        
Animalcare Group plc             Jan 2008         275         275          2.7%
Manufacturer and supplier                                                      
worldwide of livestock,                                                        
healthcare and management                                                      
Pressure Technologies plc        May 2007         150         260          2.5%
Manufacturer of high                                                           
pressure steel gas cylinders                                                   
SnackTime plc                    Dec 2007         288         260          2.5%
Operator of vending machines                                                   
Crawshaw Group plc               Apr 2007         189         257          2.5%
A chain of meat focused                                                        
retail food stores                                                             
Fishworks plc                    Nov 2007         285         238          2.3%
High Street restaurant chain                                                   
Kiotech International plc        Nov 2006         154         205          2.0%
Manufacturer of animal feed                                                    
Hexagon Human Capital plc        Feb 2007         289         203          2.0%
Interim Recruitment                                                            
Clerkenwell Ventures plc         Sep 2007         300         200          2.0%
Restaurant acquisition                                                         
Vindon Healthcare plc            May 2007         200         180          1.8%
Medical storage facilities                                                     
Tracsis plc                      Nov 2007         120         165          1.6%
Provides resource                                                              
optimisation software to                                                       
transport companies                                                            
Melorio plc                      Oct 2007         200         160          1.6%
Vocational training                                                            
Maelor plc                       Mar 2008         154         152          1.5%
Specialist hospital                                                            
medicines group                                                                
HML Holdings plc                 Jul 2007         270         150          1.5%
Provision of property                                                          
management and related                                                         
services in the South East                                                     
of England                                                                     
Vitesse Media plc                Nov 2007         150         132          1.3%
Online, print publishing &                                                     
events company specialising                                                    
in growing businesses                                                          
Shieldtech plc                   Jun 2007         250         130          1.3%
Manufacturer & supplier of                                                     
body armour to police &                                                        
defence forces                                                                 
Essentially plc                  Apr 2008         136         127          1.2%
Leading independent sports                                                     
marketing, media, management                                                   
and services agency                                                            
Surgical Innovations Group       Mar 2007         143          86          0.8%
Medical equipment                                                              
Cantono plc                      Jul 2007         150          68          0.7%
Managed IT services                                                            
Discover Leisure plc             Sep 2006         115          47          0.5%
UK retailer of Caravans and                                                    
Motor homes                                                                    
Greatfleet plc                   Mar 2008          50          44          0.4%
Recruitment consultant                                                         
specialising in legal and                                                      
financial search and                                                           
Optimisa plc                     Oct 2007         130          45          0.4%
Marketing services group                                                       
providing marketing                                                            
consultancy and research                                                       
Access Intelligence plc          Sep 2006          88          37          0.4%
Software and computer                                                          
Claimar Care Group plc           Sep 2007         343          33          0.3%
Provision of care services                                                     
to the public sector and                                                       
private individuals                                                            
                                          ----------- -----------   -----------
Total qualifying investments                    5,334       4,605         45.1%
Non-qualifying investments                                                     
(also the five largest)                                                        
Unicorn Free Spirit Fund                        1,432       1,325         13.0%
Unicorn Mastertrust Fund                        1,305       1,238         12.1%
Unicorn UK Smaller Companies                    1,472       1,233         12.1%
Fund (OEIC)                                                                    
Unicorn UK Income (OEIC)                        1,444       1,108         10.9%
Money Market Funds*                               620         620          6.0%
                                          ----------- -----------   -----------
Total non-qualifying                            6,273       5,524         54.1%
                                          ----------- -----------   -----------
Total investments                              11,607      10,129         99.2%
                                               ======      ======        ======
Other assets                                                  134          1.3%
Current liabilities                                          (63)        (0.5)%
                                                      -----------   -----------
Net assets                                                 10,200        100.0%
                                                           ======        ======
* Disclosed within 'Current investments' in the Balance Sheet                  

Non-statutory analysis between the Ordinary Share and C Share Funds

Profit and Loss Accounts for the six months ended 30 June 2008

                                              Ordinary Share Fund                                 C Share Fund
                 Notes        Revenue       Capital         Total          Revenue       Capital         Total
                                    �             �             �                �             �             �
Unrealised                          -   (1,451,368)   (1,451,368)                -   (1,185,663)   (1,185,663)
losses on                                                                                                     
Losses on                           -      (25,259)      (25,259)                -       (6,000)       (6,000)
realisations of                                                                                               
Income                        138,945             -       138,945          104,941             -       104,941
Investment         2         (55,544)     (166,632)     (222,176)         (16,837)      (50,512)      (67,349)
management fees                                                                                               
Other expenses              (132,892)             -     (132,892)         (62,481)             -      (62,481)
                        ------------- ------------- -------------    ------------- ------------- -------------
(Loss)/profit on             (49,491)   (1,643,259)   (1,692,750)           25,623   (1,242,175)   (1,216,552)
before taxation                                                                                               
Tax on (loss)/                      -             -             -                -             -             -
profit on                                                                                                     
                        ------------- ------------- -------------    ------------- ------------- -------------
(Loss)/profit                (49,491)   (1,643,259)   (1,692,750)           25,623   (1,242,175)   (1,216,552)
attributable to                                                                                               
                            ========       ========      ========         ========      ========      ========
Basic and          4          (0.21)p       (7.09)p       (7.30)p           0.20 p       (9.90)p       (9.70)p
diluted earnings                                                                                              
per 1p share                                                                                                  

                                       Total of both Funds
                   (per Statutory Profit and Loss Account)
                      Revenue       Capital          Total
                            �             �              �
Unrealised                  -   (2,637,031)    (2,637,031)
losses on                                                 
Losses on                   -      (31,259)       (31,259)
realisations of                                           
Income                243,886             -        243,886
Investment           (72,381)     (217,144)      (289,525)
management fees                                           
Other expenses      (195,373)             -      (195,373)
                ------------- -------------  -------------
(Loss)/profit        (23,868)   (2,885,434)    (2,909,302)
on ordinary                                               
before taxation                                           
Tax on (loss)/              -             -              -
profit on                                                 
                ------------- -------------  -------------
(Loss)/profit        (23,868)   (2,885,434)    (2,909,302)
attributable to                                           
                     ========      ========       ========

Balance Sheets as at 30 June 2008

                                    Ordinary Share Fund                  C Share Fund
                     Notes              �             �               �             �
Non current assets                                                                   
Investments                                  21,399,462                     9,508,561
Current assets                                                                       
Debtors and                       137,955                        92,495              
Current investments               374,627                       620,269              
Cash at bank                      132,027                        41,345              
                            ------------- -------------   ------------- -------------
                                  644,609                       754,109              
Creditors: amounts              (111,073)                      (62,759)              
falling due within                                                                   
one year                                                                             
                            ------------- -------------   ------------- -------------
Net current assets/                             533,536                       691,350
                                          -------------                 -------------
Net assets                                   21,932,998                    10,199,911
                                               ========                      ========
Called up share                                 233,272                       125,791
Capital redemption                                  400                             -
Share premium                                   253,561                        65,947
Revaluation reserve                             450,381                   (1,472,506)
Special                                      19,639,487                    11,436,365
Profit and Loss                               1,355,897                        44,314
                                          -------------                 -------------
Equity shareholders'                         21,932,998                    10,199,911
                                              ========                       ========
Number of Shares in                          23,327,209                    12,579,053
Net Asset Value per    6                          94.0p                         81.1p
1p share:                                                                            

                         Adjustments             Total of both Funds
                           (see note          (per Statutory Balance
                              below)                          Sheet)
                                   �                �              �
Non current assets                                                  
Investments                                               30,908,023
Current assets                                                      
Debtors and                 (37,299)          193,151               
Current investments                           994,896               
Cash at bank                                  173,372               
                       -------------    -------------  -------------
                            (37,299)        1,361,419               
Creditors: amounts            37,299        (136,533)               
falling due within one                                              
                       -------------    -------------  -------------
Net current assets/                                        1,224,886
Net assets                         -                      32,132,909
Called up share                                              359,063
Capital redemption                                               400
Share premium                                                319,508
Revaluation reserve                                      (1,022,125)
Special distributable                                     31,075,852
Profit and Loss                                            1,400,211
Equity shareholders'                                      32,132,909

Note: The adjustment above nets off the inter-fund debtor and creditor
balances, so that the "Total of both Funds" balance sheet agrees to the
Statutory Balance Sheet below.

Unaudited Profit and Loss Account

For the six months ended 30 June 2008

                                Six months ended 30 June 2008            Six months ended 30 June 2007

                Notes       Revenue      Capital        Total        Revenue      Capital        Total
                                  �            �            �              �            �            �
Unrealised                        -  (2,637,031)  (2,637,031)              -    1,954,029    1,954,029
on investments                                                                                        
Realised                          -     (31,259)     (31,259)              -      200,609      200,609
on investments                                                                                        
Income                      243,886            -      243,886        393,442            -      393,442
Investment        2        (72,381)    (217,144)    (289,525)       (61,871)    (185,611)    (247,482)
management fees                                                                                       
Other expenses            (195,373)            -    (195,373)      (208,415)            -    (208,415)
                       ------------ ------------ ------------   ------------ ------------ ------------
(Loss)/profit              (23,868)  (2,885,434)  (2,909,302)        123,156    1,969,027    2,092,183
on ordinary                                                                                           
before taxation                                                                                       
Tax on (loss)/                    -            -            -        (7,348)        7,348            -
profit on                                                                                             
                       ------------ ------------ ------------   ------------ ------------ ------------
(Loss)/profit              (23,868)  (2,885,434)  (2,909,302)        115,808    1,976,375    2,092,183
on ordinary                                                                                           
after taxation                                                                                        
                            =======      =======      =======        =======      =======      =======
Basic and                                                                                             
earnings per 1p                                                                                       
Ordinary shares   4         (0.21)p      (7.09)p      (7.30)p         0.14 p       6.54 p       6.68 p
C Shares          4          0.20 p      (9.90)p      (9.70)p         0.67 p       3.75 p       4.42 p

                         Year ended 31 December 2007

                    Revenue      Capital        Total
                          �            �            �
Unrealised                -  (2,959,092)  (2,959,092)
on investments                                       
Realised                  -    (759,338)    (759,338)
on investments                                       
Income              639,775            -      639,775
Investment        (137,523)    (412,569)    (550,092)
Other expenses    (380,103)            -    (380,103)
               ------------ ------------ ------------
(Loss)/profit       122,149  (4,130,999)  (4,008,850)
on ordinary                                          
Tax on (loss)/     (13,418)       13,418            -
profit on                                            
               ------------ ------------ ------------
(Loss)/profit       108,731  (4,117,581)  (4,008,850)
on ordinary                                          
after taxation                                       
                    =======      =======      =======
Basic and                                            
earnings per                                         
1p share                                             
Ordinary            (0.10)p     (12.88)p     (12.98)p
C Shares             1.06 p      (9.18)p      (8.12)p

Unaudited Note of Historical Cost Profits and Losses

For the six months ended 30 June 2008

                            Six months     Six months        Year ended
                                 ended          ended  31 December 2007
                          30 June 2008   30 June 2007                  
                                           (restated)         (audited)
                                 Total          Total             Total
                                     �              �                 �
(Loss)/ profit on          (2,909,302)      2,092,183       (4,008,850)
ordinary activities                                                    
before taxation                                                        
Less: Unrealised             2,637,031    (1,954,029)         2,959,092
losses /(gains) on                                                     
Realisation of               (142,284)      2,065,024         2,465,519
revaluation gains of                                                   
previous years                                                         
Historical cost (loss)       (414,555)      2,203,178         1,415,761
/profit on ordinary                                                    
activities before                                                      
Historical cost (loss)     (1,692,072)      1,962,928         1,175,511
/profit on ordinary                                                    
activities after                                                       
taxation and dividends                                                 

The notes below form part of these half-yearly financial statements.

Unaudited Balance Sheet

As at 30 June 2008

                                     As at           As at            As at
                              30 June 2008    30 June 2007      31 December
                                                (restated)        (audited)
                       Notes             �               �                �
Non current assets                                                         
Investments             1b      30,908,023      35,937,478       33,035,473
Current assets                                                             
Debtors and                        193,151       2,196,245          479,171
Current investments      7         994,896       5,093,692        2,594,553
Cash at bank                       173,372         175,959           68,952
                              ------------    ------------     ------------
                                 1,361,419       7,465,896        3,142,676
Creditors: amounts               (136,533)     (1,305,677)        (181,485)
falling due within                                                         
one year                                                                   
                              ------------    ------------     ------------
Net current assets               1,224,886       6,160,219        2,961,191
                              ------------    ------------     ------------
           Net assets           32,132,909      42,097,697       35,996,664
                                   =======         =======          =======
    Share capital and                                                      
Called up share                    359,063         355,504          355,504
Capital redemption                     400             400              400
Share premium                      319,508               -                -
Revaluation reserve            (1,022,125)       6,786,241        1,472,625
Special distributable           31,075,852      33,260,111       31,295,511
Profit and loss                  1,400,211       1,695,441        2,872,624
                              ------------    ------------     ------------
Total shareholders'             32,132,909      42,097,697       35,996,664
                                   =======         =======          =======
Net asset value per                                                        
ordinary share                                                             
Ordinary Share           6           94.0p          126.1p           106.4p
C Share                  6           81.1p          104.3p            91.8p

Unaudited Reconciliation of Movements in Shareholders' Funds

for the six months ended 30 June 2008

                                   Six months        Six months        Year ended
                                        ended             ended       31 December
                                 30 June 2008      30 June 2007              2007
                       Notes                         (restated)         (audited)
                                            �                 �                 �
At 1 January 2008                  35,996,664        40,290,790        40,290,790
Net share capital                     323,065                 -                 -
subscribed for in the                                                            
Net share capital                           -          (45,026)          (45,026)
bought back in the                                                               
(Loss)/profit for the             (2,909,302)         2,092,183       (4,008,850)
Dividends paid in        5        (1,277,517)         (240,250)         (240,250)
                              ---------------   ---------------   ---------------
Closing shareholders'              32,132,910        42,097,697        35,996,664
funds at 30 June 2008                                                            
                                     ========          ========          ========

Unaudited Summarised Cash Flow Statement

for the six months ended 30 June 2008

                              Six months        Six months          Year ended
                                   ended             ended    31 December 2007
                            30 June 2008      30 June 2007                    
                                                (restated)           (audited)
                                       �                 �                   �
Operating activities                                                          
Investment income                542,625           223,370             651,014
Investment management          (114,524)         (121,575)           (550,092)
fees paid                                                                     
Other cash payments            (439,883)         (224,283)           (417,975)
                           -------------     -------------       -------------
Net cash outflow from           (11,782)         (122,488)           (317,053)
operating activities                                                          
Investing activities                                                          
Acquisitions of              (1,040,892)       (6,919,348)        (13,685,134)
Disposals of investments         502,569         4,401,400           8,755,605
                           -------------     -------------       -------------
Net cash outflow from          (538,323)       (2,517,948)         (4,929,529)
investing activities                                                          
Equity dividends paid        (1,277,517)         (240,250)           (240,250)
                           -------------     -------------       -------------
Cash outflow before          (1,827,622)       (2,880,686)         (5,486,832)
financing and liquid                                                          
resource management                                                           
Management of liquid                                                          
Decrease in current            1,599,657         3,022,740           5,521,879
Share capital raised/            332,385          (45,026)            (45,026)
(bought back)                                                                 
                           -------------     -------------       -------------
                                 332,385          (45,026)            (45,026)
                           -------------     -------------       -------------
Increase/(decrease) in           104,420            97,028             (9,979)
cash for the period                                                           
                                 =======           =======             =======

Reconciliation of loss on ordinary activities before taxation to net cash
outflow from operating activities

for the six months ended 30 June 2008

                                  Six months       Six months       Year ended
                                       ended            ended      31 December
                                30 June 2008     30 June 2007             2007
                                           �                �                �
(Loss)/profit on ordinary        (2,909,302)        2,092,183      (4,008,850)
activities before taxation                                                    
Net unrealised losses/(gains)      2,637,031      (1,954,029)        2,959,092
on investments                                                                
Net losses/(gains) on                 31,259        (200,609)          759,338
realisations of investments                                                   
Transaction costs                    (2,515)             (30)         (23,900)
Decrease/(increase) in debtors       256,909        (191,492)           15,681
(Decrease)/increase in              (25,164)          131,489         (18,414)
                               -------------    -------------    -------------
Net cash outflow from               (11,782)        (122,488)        (317,053)
operating activities                                                          
                                     =======          =======          =======

Notes to the unaudited financial statements

 1. Principal accounting policies
The following accounting policies have been applied consistently throughout the
period. Full details of principal accounting policies will be disclosed in the
Annual Report.

 a. Basis of accounting
The unaudited results cover the six months to 30 June 2008 and have been
prepared under UK Generally Accepted Accounting Practice (UK GAAP), consistent
with the accounting policies set out in the statutory accounts for the year
ended 31 December 2007 and, to the extent that it does not conflict with the
Companies Act 1985, the 2003 Statement of Recommended Practice, `Financial
Statements of Investment Trust Companies', revised December 2005.

The Half-Yearly report has not been audited, nor has it been reviewed by the
auditors pursuant to the Auditing Practices Board (APB)'s guidance on Review of
Interim Financial Information.

As a result of the Directors' decision to distribute capital profits by way of
a dividend, the Company revoked its investment company status as defined under
section 266 (3) of the Companies Act 1985, on 31 October 2007.

Consequently, the financial statements have been drawn up to include a
statutory profit and loss account in accordance with Schedule 4 of the
Companies Act 1985 and Financial Reporting Standard 3 "Reporting Financial
Performance" and the comparatives have been re-stated on a consistent basis.
This has no effect on total returns or net assets per share.

 b. Investments
All investments held by the Company are classified as "fair value through
profit and loss" as the Company's business is to invest in financial assets
with a view to profiting from their total return in the form of capital growth
and income. For investments actively traded in organised financial markets,
fair value is generally determined by reference to Stock Exchange market quoted
bid prices at the close of business on the balance sheet date.

Unquoted investments are valued by the Directors in accordance with the
following rules, which are consistent with the International Private Equity
Venture Capital Valuation (IPEVCV) guidelines:

 i. Investments which have been made in the last 12 months are at fair value
    which, unless another methodology gives a better indication of fair value,
    will be at cost;
ii. Investments in companies at an early stage of their development are also
    valued at fair value which, unless another methodology gives a better
    indication of fair value, will be at cost;
iii. Where investments have gone beyond the stage of their development in (ii)
    above, the shares may be valued by applying a suitable price-earnings ratio
    to that company's post-tax earnings (the ratio used being based on a
    comparable listed company or sector but discounted to reflect lack of
iv. Where a value is indicated by a material arms-length transaction by a third
    party in the shares of a company, this value will be used.
Unquoted investments will not normally be re-valued upwards for a period of at
least twelve months from the date of acquisition for early stage investments.
Where a company's underperformance against plan indicates a diminution in the
value of the investment, provision against cost is made, as appropriate.

 2. The Directors have charged 75% of the investment management fee to the
    capital reserve.
 3. Taxation
There is no tax charge for the period, as the Company has incurred taxable
losses in the period.

 4. Basic and diluted earnings and return per share
                           Six months ended 30 June 2008          Six months ended 30 June 2007

                      Ordinary  C Share Fund       Total      Ordinary  C Share Fund      Total
                    Share Fund                              Share Fund                         
                                                            (restated)    (restated) (restated)
                             �             �           �             �             �          �
Total earnings     (1,692,750)   (1,216,552) (2,909,302)     1,540,437       551,746  2,092,183
after taxation:                                                                                
Basic and              (7.30)p       (9.70)p                     6.68p         4.42p           
diluted earnings                                                                               
per share                                                                                      
                 ------------- -------------             ------------- -------------           
Net revenue from      (49,491)        25,623                    32,615        83,193           
activities after                                                                               
Revenue return         (0.21)p         0.20p                     0.14p         0.67p           
per share                                                                                      
Net unrealised     (1,451,368)   (1,185,663)                 1,435,016       519,013           
capital (losses)                                                                               
Net realised          (25,259)       (6,000)                   200,609             -           
capital losses)/                                                                               
Capital expenses     (166,632)      (50,512)                 (127,803)      (50,460)           
                 ------------- -------------             ------------- -------------           
Total capital      (1,643,259)   (1,242,175)                 1,507,822       468,553           
Capital return         (7.09)p       (9.90)p                     6.54p         3.75p           
per share                                                                                      
Weighted average    23,176,345    12,537,207                23,064,724    12,499,807           
number of shares                                                                               
in issue in the                                                                                

                               Year ended 31 December 2007

                   Ordinary Share  C Share Fund       Total
                        (audited)     (audited)   (audited)
                                �             �           �
Total earnings        (2,993,046)   (1,015,804) (4,008,850)
after taxation:                                            
Basic and diluted        (12.98)p       (8.12)p            
earnings per                                               
                    ------------- -------------            
Net revenue from         (23,489)       132,220            
activities after                                           
Revenue return            (0.10)p         1.06p            
per share                                                  
Net unrealised        (1,912,923)   (1,046,169)            
capital (losses)/                                          
Net realised            (759,338)             -            
capital losses)/                                           
Capital expenses        (297,296)     (101,855)            
                    ------------- -------------            
Total capital         (2,969,557)   (1,148,024)            
Capital return           (12.88)p       (9.18)p            
per share                                                  
Weighted average       23,057,594    12,499,807            
number of shares                                           
in issue in the                                            

 5. Dividends
                             Six months ended 30 June 2008             Six months ended 30 June 2007

                      Ordinary  C Share Fund         Total      Ordinary  C Share Fund         Total
                    Share Fund                                Share Fund                            
                                                              (restated)    (restated)    (restated)
                             �             �             �             �             �             �
Ordinary Share                                                                                      
Final paid re        1,152,519             -     1,152,519       115,252             -       115,252
prior year                                                                                          
C Share Fund                                                                                        
Final paid re                -       124,998       124,998             -       124,998       124,998
prior year                                                                                          
                 ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------
                     1,152,519       124,998     1,277,517       115,252       124,998       240,250

                             Year ended 31 December 2007

                      Ordinary  C Share Fund         Total
                    Share Fund                            
                     (audited)     (audited)     (audited)
                             �             �             �
Ordinary Share                                            
Final paid re          115,252             -       115,252
prior year                                                
C Share Fund                                              
Final paid re                -       124,998       124,998
prior year                                                
                 ------------- ------------- -------------
                       115,252       124,998       240,250

 6. Net asset value
                                 Six months ended            Six months ended
                                     30 June 2008                30 June 2007

                             Ordinary C Share Fund        Ordinary    C Share
                           Share Fund                   Share Fund       Fund
                                                        (restated) (restated)
                                    �            �               �          �
Net assets                 21,932,998   10,199,911      29,055,426 13,042,271
Number of shares in        23,327,209   12,579,053      23,050,581 12,499,807
Net asset value per             94.0p        81.1p          126.1p     104.3p

                                        Year ended
                                  31 December 2007

                             Ordinary C Share Fund
                           Share Fund             
                            (audited)    (audited)
                                    �            �
Net assets                 24,521,943   11,474,721
Number of shares in        23,050,581   12,499,807
Net asset value per            106.4p        91.8p

 7. Current investments
These comprise investments in seven Dublin based OEIC money market funds
managed by Royal Bank of Scotland, Blackrock Investment Management, Goldman
Sachs, Insight Investment Management, Barclays Global Investors, Scottish
Widows Investments Partners and Fidelity Investment Management. �993,857 (30
June 2007: �4,179,095; 31 December 2007: �2,477,371) of this sum is subject to
same day access, whilst �1,039 (30 June 2007: �914,597; 31 December 2007: �
117,182) is subject to two day access.

 8. Related Party Transactions
Kenneth Vere Nicoll is a director of, and owns 2.98% of the shares in Matrix
Group Limited. One of its subsidiaries is Matrix-Securities Limited, which
provides administration services to the Company for a fee of �57,612 (30 June
2007: �55,372; 31 December 2007: �110,745). Jeremy Hamer is non-executive
chairman of, and owns 2.7% of the shares in, Access Intelligence plc, in which
the Ordinary Share Fund has invested �176,000 and the C Share Fund has invested
�88,000. Both holdings are carried at fair value. Malcolm Diamond is a
shareholder in the Company's Investment Manager, who earned �289,525 (30 June
2007: �247,482; 31 December 2007: �550,092) in investment management fees.

 9. The financial information for the six months ended 30 June 2008 and the six
    months ended 30 June 2007 has not been audited. The information for the
    year ended 31 December 2007 does not comprise full financial statements
    within the meaning of Section 240 of the Companies Act 1985. The financial
    statements for the year ended 31 December 2007 have been filed with the
    Registrar of Companies. The auditors have reported on these financial
    statements and that report was unqualified and did not contain a statement
    under Section 237(2) of the Companies Act 1985. The accounting policies
    used by Unicorn AIM VCT II plc in preparing the Half-Yearly Report are
    consistent with those used in preparing the statutory accounts for the year
    ended 31 December 2007.
10. Copies of this statement are being sent to all shareholders. Further copies
    are available free of charge from the Company's registered office, One Vine
    Street, London, W1J OAH or can be downloaded via the Company Secretary's
    web site at www.matrixgroup.co.uk/investment_services/vct_services/
Shareholder Information

The Company's Ordinary Shares and C Shares are listed on the London Stock
Exchange. Shareholders wishing to keep in touch with the progress of both Funds
can visit the TrustNet website at www.trustnet.com. This contains publicly
available information about our largest investments, the latest NAVs and the
share prices. The share prices are also quoted in the Financial Times.

Shareholder enquires:

For general Shareholder enquiries, please contact Robert Brittain of
Matrix-Securities Limited (the Company Secretary) on 020 3206 7000 or by e-mail
on unicornII@matrixgroup.co.uk.

For enquiries concerning the performance of the Company, please contact the
Investment Manager, at Unicorn Asset Management Limited, on 020 7253 0889 or by
e-mail on info@unicornam.com.

Change of Address

To notify the Company of a change of address or to request a dividend mandate
form (should you wish to have future dividends paid directly into your bank
account) please contact the Company's Registrars, Computershare Investor
Services Plc on 0870 702 0010, or write to them at PO Box 82, The Pavilions,
Bridgewater Road, Bristol BS99 7NH or should you prefer visit their website at

Corporate information

                           Peter Andrews (Chairman)                            
                                Malcolm Diamond                                
                  Jeremy Hamer (Senior Independent Director)                   
                              Kenneth Vere Nicoll                              
                     All of whom are non-executive and of:                     
                                One Vine Street                                
                                London W1J 0AH                                 
                           Secretary & Administrator                           
                           Matrix-Securities Limited                           
                                One Vine Street                                
                                London W1J 0AH                                 
                     Company Registration Number : 5239433 

Investment Manager        Solicitors                Registrar                  
Unicorn Asset Management  CMS Cameron McKenna LLP   Computershare Investor     
Limited                                             Services plc 

Preacher's Court          Mitre House               PO Box 82     
The Charterhouse                                    The Pavilions              
                          160 Aldersgate Street                                
Charterhouse Square                                 Bridgwater Road            
London                                              Bristol                    
                          EC1A 4DD                                             
EC1M 6AU                                            BS99 7NH                   
Auditors                  Custodian                 VCT Tax Adviser            
PKF (UK) LLP              The Bank of New York      PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP 
Farringdon Place          One Canada Square         1 Embankment Place         
20 Farringdon Road        London                    London                     
London                    E14 5AL                   WC2N 6RH                   
EC1M 3AP                                                                       
Stockbroker and Sponsor   Bankers                                              
Landsbanki Securities     National Westminster Bank                            
(UK) Limited              plc                                                  
Beaufort House            City of London Office                                
15 St Botolph Street      PO Box 12264                                         
London                    1 Princes Street                                     
EC3A 7QR                  London                                               
                          EC2R 8PB                                             


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