RNS Number:9497A
Taylor Woodrow PLC
10 September 2002

                                         Embargoed:  07.00 hrs 10 September 2002

                      (for the six months to 30 June 2002)

13 per cent rise in operating profit to #122.4m with Bryant operating profit up
                                  39 per cent

*   Operating profits up 13 per cent to #122.4 million (2001: #108.7 million)
*   Profit before tax up 4 per cent to #108.1 million (2001: #103.8 million)
*   Worldwide housing operating profits up 29 per cent to #108.3 million on the sale of 4,460 homes and lots
*   Bryant operating profits up 39 per cent to #70.4 million (2001: #50.6 million)
*   Basic earnings per share are 12.7 pence
*   US housing business bolstered by the acquisition in August of Journey Homes in Phoenix, Arizona for #28.7 million
*   UK business refocused
    *   #21 million cost benefit in 2003 rising to #30 million in 2004, at a cost of #12 million charged in H2 2002
    *   Simplified business refocused around key value added processes

Dr Robert Hawley, Chairman of Taylor Woodrow, commented:

"The first half of 2002 has been one of continued progress, reflected in the
delivery of strong financial results for this period.  Our refocusing will
ensure we move successfully on to the next phase of our strategic journey."

Iain Napier, Chief Executive of Taylor Woodrow, commented:

"Taylor Woodrow has undergone some fundamental changes over recent years as we
realigned our business towards a strategy of stable and sustainable growth and a
clear focus on house building activities in the UK, North America and other
chosen markets.  We are financially very strong and our construction and
property expertise provides us with the competitive advantage of a broad base of
skills unique amongst our house building peer group.

"We have delivered excellent results in the first half, and I am confident we
will continue to make good progress to the end of 2002".

                                    - ends -

Shareholder Information

The interim dividend will be paid on Friday 1 November 2002 to shareholders
whose names appear on the register of members at the close of business on Friday
20 September 2002.

The company offers a Dividend Re-Investment Plan which provides shareholders
with a facility to use their cash dividends to purchase Taylor Woodrow plc
shares in the market. Details will be sent to ordinary shareholders with the
Interim Report which will be posted on 17 September 2001. Copies of the Interim
Report will also be available from that date on the Company's website
taylorwoodrow.com and from the registered office at Venture House, 42-54 London
Road, Staines, Middlesex, TW18 4HF.

Notes to editors

Attached is:

Financial and Business Review

Group Profit & Loss Account for the half year ended 30 June 2002.

Group Balance Sheet for the half year ended 30 June 2002.

Group Cash Flow Statement for the half year ended 30 June 2002.

Notes to the Interim Accounts.

High-resolution photographs of Taylor Woodrow's Chairman, Dr Robert Hawley and
Chief Executive, Iain Napier are available to the media, free of charge at
www.newscast.co.uk.  For any queries, please contact Rachael Morgan (01784
428773/07904 528106).

A presentation to analysts will be made at 10.30 hrs.  This presentation will be
broadcast live on taylorwoodrow.com.

For further information, please contact

Ian Morris                                     01784 428767/07816 518767
Miranda Bellord                                01784 428768/07946 722381
Taylor Woodrow Public Relations

Jonathan Murrin                                01784 428718 / 07816 518718
Taylor Woodrow Investor Relations

Scott Fulton                                   020 7269 7130 / 07788 144993
Peter Otero                                    020 7269 7121 / 07979 537408
Financial Dynamics

Financial and business review

Financial results

Group turnover for the six months ending 30 June 2002 was #984.3 million.
Operating profit rose to #122.4 million (2001: #108.7 million), up 13 per cent,
with operating margins rising to 12.4 per cent (2001: 11.1 per cent).

Profit before tax rose 4 per cent to #108.1 million (2001: #103.8 million).
Underlying Profit before tax, excluding asset disposals, grew by 13 per cent to
#106.5m (2001: #94.5m). Basic earnings per share are 12.7 pence (2001: 13.9
pence).  Annualised return on capital employed increased to 15 per cent (2001:
12.2 per cent).

The Board has declared an interim dividend of 2.2 pence per share (2001:  2.0
pence), an increase of 10 per cent.  This dividend will be paid on 1 November
2002 to shareholders on the register at close of business on 20 September 2002.

At 30 June 2002, total shareholders' funds were #1,389.4 million (December 2001:
#1,356.2 million), equivalent to 251.5 pence per share.  Net debt was #239.6
million (2001:  #297.6 million).  At the half year, net gearing was 17.2 per
cent (2001: 21.9 per cent) giving a sound financial base for further growth.

The market

Strong market conditions have benefited our UK and North American housing
businesses and, overall, we have delivered another good set of financial

In the UK, underlying market conditions remain favourable as demand for new
housing is still under supplied. Interest rates remain at 38 year lows and
levels of employment are high. Also the mortgage market is significantly more
competitive than even a couple of years ago. In terms of disposable income,
housing also remains relatively affordable compared to long term trends.

Whilst we have seen strong growth in selling prices this first half, many
commentators are now pointing to a slowing down in sales prices in the second
half.  A return to more stable house price inflation seems likely.


Our housing operations worldwide, predominantly focused in the UK and North
America, recorded a 29 per cent rise in operating profit to #108.3 million on
the sale of 4,460 homes and lots.

Bryant Homes                        2002 - H1                          2001 - H1
Operating profit                    #70.4 million                      #50.6 million
Home completions                    2,476                              2,121
Lots completions                    392                                331
Average home selling price          #173,000                           #152,000
Operating margin                    15.2%                              14.7%

In the UK, Bryant Homes has experienced strong growth in selling prices and
volumes.  Operating profit in the first half rose by 39 per cent to #70.4
million reflecting the full six months' contribution and also the Taywood Homes/
Bryant merger synergies. Bryant's operating margins increased to 15.2 per cent.

Our Bryant forward order book reached record levels at #399 million, 38 per cent
higher than last year and we are currently experiencing high levels of visitors
and rates of reservation.

In the first half of 2002, 2,476 home sales were completed and average selling
prices increased to #173,000, a rise of 13.6 per cent.  We remain on track to
deliver 6,000 completions by the year end.

Bryant has just completed its largest ever land purchase - 193 acres, of which
60 acres is developable land, in Church Crookham, near Fleet in Hampshire.  We
will develop 1100 units on the site, a superstore, medical facility, schools and
shops.  The first sales will come on line in late 2003, early 2004.

The Bryant land bank remains strong with just under three and a half years of
supply and strategic land of 13,000 acres.  Overall, our total UK land bank
stands at 21,842 homes, a rise of 23 per cent against June 2001.

North American housing              2002 - H1                          2001 - H1
Operating profit                    #35.1 million                      #36.1 million
Home completions                    902                                714
Lot completions                     473                                1,821
Average home selling price          #216,000                           #318,000
Operating margin                    15.9%                              12.4%

Reported falls in American consumer confidence are not affecting demand in our
markets. Although profit performance at #35.1 million is nominally flat compared
to last year, this is because of two large bulk lot sales at Mirasol in Florida
and Steiner Ranch in Texas last year which contributed #6.2 million in profits.

At 30th June, the North American order book stood at #331 million. Ninety per
cent of the budgeted completions for the second half of 2002 are reserved.

Following last year's disappointing performance, it is pleasing to report that
our Californian operation has returned a small operating profit of  #3.1 million
six months ahead of schedule. We have been reinvesting capital in California
buying  land with planning permission in the middle market.

Our activities in Canada, which operate under the Monarch brand, enjoyed an
excellent first half.  The high rise city centre apartment market in Toronto
remains buoyant justifying our decision to buy-out the Monarch minority in 2000
and focus our activities on the high rise market. Toronto is now one of the
fastest growing cities in North America providing consistent demand.

Our North American strategy centres around our ability to identify growth
markets and manage them through local, entrepreneurial teams.  In August, we
extended our operations in the US through the acquisition of the business and
assets of Journey Homes of Phoenix, Arizona for #28.7 million.  The Phoenix new
home market is the second largest in the United States with some 35,000 housing
starts each year.

Journey Homes is a highly respected business whose management has an excellent
reputation for land acquisition and development expertise.  We are currently
projecting over 700 home sales in 2003.

Other housing                       2002 - H1                          2001 - H1
Operating profit                    #4.3 million                       #4.3 million
Home completions                    153                                92
Lot completions                     2                                  262
Average home selling price          #139,000                           #154,000
Operating margin                    19.7%                              16.2%

Our business in Spain and Gibraltar has continued to perform well with operating
margins of just under 20 per cent.

Other businesses

Property                            2002 - H1                          2001 - H1
Operating profit                    #15.2 million                      #23.7 million
Rental income                       #8.2 million                       #14.1 million
Operating margin                    19.4%                              28.8%

Today our commercial property is almost entirely UK based following the disposal
of our assets in Canada. Sales of commercial properties delivered #12 million of
profits. Total operating profits fell against last year as investment rental
incomes declined by 33 per cent following our planned investment property

In the second half we expect to sell another two or three commercial properties.

We sold investment property, which had a net book value of #32 million in the
period, and our only significant remaining investment is St Katharine's.   The
sale of St Katharine's is now simply a timing issue and not a strategic issue.

Construction                        2002 - H1                          2001 - H1
Operating profit                    #5.3 million                       #6.4 million
Order book                          #593 million                       #591 million
Operating margin                    3.0%                               2.9%

The construction business, which currently accounts for only 4 per cent of
operating profit, has continued to perform well in the first half with operating
margins of 3 per cent.  Our objective to ensure a greater percentage of its
workload supports our house building and commercial property activities is on
track.   The proportion of work on internal projects currently stands at 20 per
cent from 12 per cent last year.  We intend to grow this to around 30 per cent
in the next two years.

Future strategy

In March, we instigated a review of the key value drivers and structure of
Taylor Woodrow.  This will result in a simplification of our organisation to
provide shorter reporting lines and clearer responsibilities as well as
significant cost synergies.  We expect to deliver savings of #21 million in
2003, rising to an annually recurring #30 million in 2004.

The company's UK operations will, in future, be organised through ten Taylor
Woodrow regions combining our house building and commercial property businesses
to reflect our skills in the areas of residential, mixed use and urban
regeneration projects.  We will continue to market homes under the Bryant brand
in the UK.

Our North American and UK site based operations are unaffected by the review.
The construction business will continue to operate separately but will not take
on new international contracts or high risk projects where we cannot guarantee
the right level of return.

The senior management structure has been streamlined and two Operations
Directors now provide joint leadership of the regional network responsible for
project delivery.  A Commercial Director will be appointed to work with them
delivering land and planning, sales and marketing and supply chain management.

As part of the refocusing, we will establish one central office, based in
Solihull and all senior management will be located there, reducing on-going
costs through the rationalisation of our office network.   This office will open
in October, with relocation completed by the end of the year.


Taylor Woodrow has undergone some fundamental changes over recent years as we
realigned our business towards a strategy of stable and sustainable growth and a
clear focus on house building activities in the UK, North America and other
chosen markets.  We are financially very strong and our construction and
property expertise provides us with the competitive advantage of a broad base of
skills unique amongst our house building peer group.

The realignment of our organisation will ensure we channel our resources
effectively and efficiently, work more closely to fully exploit all our
expertise and invest wisely so we are always in the best position to take
advantage of opportunities that may arise.

Summary Group profit and loss account
for the six months to 30 June 2002

                                                                    Goodwill    Six months   Six months  Year to 31
                                                                amortisation    to 30 June   to 30 June    December
                                                        Before                        2002         2001        2001
                                                      goodwill                 (unaudited)  (unaudited)
                                                  amortisation                              As restated As restated
                                                                                               (Note 3)    (Note 3)
                                           Notes            #m            #m            #m           #m          #m

Turnover:  Group and share of joint                                                  988.3        983.7     2,149.9
           Less: share of joint                                                      (4.0)        (6.5)      (11.5)
                 ventures' turnover
Group turnover                              1             984.3             -        984.3        977.2     2,138.4

Group operating profit                      1             128.8         (6.4)        122.4        108.7       224.2
Share of operating profit in joint ventures                 1.8             -          1.8          2.1         3.3
                                                          130.6         (6.4)        124.2        110.8       227.5
Profit on disposal of investments and                                                  1.6          9.3         7.9
Profit on ordinary activities before                                                 125.8        120.1       235.4
Interest receivable                                                                    2.4          2.7         5.2
Interest payable:     Group                                                         (18.3)       (16.9)      (34.3)
                      Joint ventures                                                 (1.8)        (2.1)       (4.0)

                                                                                    (20.1)       (19.0)      (38.3)
Profit on ordinary activities before                                                 108.1        103.8       202.3
Tax on profit on ordinary activities        3                                       (37.8)       (34.2)      (64.8)
Profit on ordinary activities after                                                   70.3         69.6       137.5
Minority equity interests                                                            (0.4)        (1.2)       (2.5)
Profit for the period                                                                 69.9         68.4       135.0
Dividends paid and proposed                                                         (12.2)       (11.6)      (37.2)
Profit retained                                                                       57.7         56.8        97.8
Basic earnings per share                    4                                         12.7p        13.9p       25.3p
Diluted earnings per share                  4                                        12.7p        13.8p       25.2p
Adjusted basic earnings per share           4                                        12.7p        14.9p       26.4p

Group statement of total recognised gains and losses
for the six months to 30 June 2002

                                                                             Six months    Six months  Year to 31
                                                                             to 30 June    to 30 June    December
                                                                                   2002          2001        2001
                                                                            (unaudited)   (unaudited)
                                                                                          As restated As restated
                                                                                             (Note 3)    (Note 3)
                                                                                      #m           #m          #m


Profit for the period                                                               69.9         68.4       135.0
Unrealised (deficit)/ surplus on revaluation of properties                             -            -       (2.5)
Revaluation reversed on fixed asset properties transferred to                     (19.2)            -           -
Tax on realised revaluation surplus                                                (1.0)        (1.4)       (1.3)
                                                                                    49.7         67.0       131.2
Currency translation differences on foreign currency net                           (5.8)         13.5       (1.1)
Total recognised gains and losses relating to the period                            43.9         80.5       130.1
Prior year adjustment                                                     3         21.1
Total recognised gains and losses recognised since last annual                      65.0

Summary Group balance sheet
as at 30 June 2002

                                                                    30 June             30 June   31 December
                                                                       2002                2001          2001
                                                                (unaudited)         (unaudited)  
                                                                                    As restated   As restated
                                                                                       (Note 3)      (Note 3)
                                                                        #m                   #m            #m

Fixed assets
Intangible assets
Goodwill                                                             240.5                 250.3        247.0
Tangible assets
Investment properties                                                228.5                 285.5        259.9
Other                                                                 38.3                  91.9         71.9
Joint ventures
Share of gross assets (30 June 2001,#36.4m
                   31 December 2001, #37.1m)              35.4
Share of gross liabilities (30 June 2001,#36.1m
                   31 December 2001, 36.8m))            (35.0)
                                                                      0.4                    0.3          0.3
                                                                    507.7                  628.0        579.1
Current assets
Stocks                                                            1,577.7                1,573.4      1,441.4
Debtors                                                             215.1                  217.8        210.1
Current asset investments                                             4.1                    5.5          4.3
Cash at bank and in hand                                            207.9                  104.4        116.5
                                                                  2,004.8                1,901.1      1,772.3
Creditors: amounts falling due within one year                    (650.8)                (615.1)      (756.1)
Net current assets                                                1,354.0                1,286.0      1,016.2
Total assets less current liabilities                             1,861.7                1,914.0      1,595.3
Non-current creditors and provisions                              (472.1)                (529.2)      (238.5)
                                                                  1,389.6                1,384.8      1,356.8
Represented by:
Capital and reserves - equity
Called up ordinary share capital                                    138.1                  145.1        137.9
Share premium account                                               591.5                  590.3        590.5
Revaluation reserve                                                 102.1                  151.8        134.2
Capital redemption reserve                                           21.5                   14.2         21.5
Profit and loss account                                             536.2                  480.7        472.1
Shareholders' funds                                               1,389.4                1,382.1      1,356.2
Minority interests in equity of subsidiary                            0.2                    2.7          0.6
                                                                  1,389.6                1,384.8      1,356.8

Summary Group cash flow statement
for the six months ended 30 June 2002

                                                                     Six months to Six months to   Year to 31
                                                                      30 June 2002  30 June 2001     December
                                                                       (unaudited)   (unaudited)         2001
                                                                                #m            #m           #m

Group operating profit                                                       122.4         108.7        224.2
Depreciation and amortisation                                                 10.5           9.5         22.0
(Increase)/ decrease in stocks                                             (137.0)           2.4         78.6
Increase in debtors                                                          (8.9)        (38.4)       (26.2)
Increase/ (decrease) in creditors                                             80.1        (31.7)       (75.7)
Exchange differences                                                           1.7         (2.7)        (3.9)

Net cash inflow from operating activities                                     68.8          47.8        219.0

Net cash inflow from operating activities                                     68.8          47.8        219.0
Dividends from joint ventures                                                    -           1.0          1.0
Returns on investments and servicing of finance                              (9.7)        (20.3)       (39.3)
Taxation                                                                    (37.3)        (38.0)       (78.5)
Capital expenditure and financial investment                                  35.5          63.6        129.0
Acquisitions and disposals                                                       -       (280.3)      (280.3)
Equity dividends paid                                                            -             -       (36.4)

Net cash inflow/(outflow) before use of liquid                                57.3       (226.2)       (85.5)
resources and financing

Cash (outflow)/inflow from (increase)/decrease in                           (44.1)          71.9         50.8
liquid resources
Net cash inflow/(outflow) from financing                                      35.7         119.3        (3.0)

Increase/ (decrease) in cash in the period                                    48.9        (35.0)       (37.7)

Movement in net debt

Increase/ (decrease) in cash in the period                                    48.9        (35.0)       (37.7)
Cash inflow from increase in debt                                           (34.2)       (117.5)       (45.0)
Cash outflow/(inflow) from increase/(decrease) in                             44.1        (71.9)       (50.8)
liquid resources
Decrease/(increase) in net debt resulting from cash                           58.8       (224.4)      (133.5)
Debt of acquired subsidiary undertaking (excluding bank                          -       (116.5)      (116.5)
Exchange/ other non-cash changes in net debt                                 (0.8)         (8.8)        (3.7)

Decrease/(Increase) in net debt in the period                                 58.0       (349.7)      (253.7)

Net debt at the beginning of the period                                    (297.6)        (43.9)       (43.9)

Net debt at the end of the period                                          (239.6)       (393.6)      (297.6)

Notes to the interim accounts
for the six months ended 30 June 2002

1. Segmental analysis
                                                                                    Group               employed
                                                           Group                operating                     31  
                                                        turnover                   profit               December
                                                     (by origin)              (by origin)     30 June       2001
                                                      Six months               Six months        2002         As
                                                      to 30 June               to 30 June As restated   restated
                                               2002         2001        2002         2001    (Note 3)   (Note 3)
                                                 #m           #m          #m           #m          #m         #m
By activity
Housing                                       726.6        673.2       108.3         83.7     1,155.7    1,129.6
Property development and investment            78.3         82.4        15.2         23.7       282.4      347.8
Construction                                  179.4        221.6         5.3          5.6      (49.4)     (70.0)
Continuing operations                         984.3        977.2       128.8        113.0     1,388.7    1,407.4
Goodwill amortisation/goodwill -                                       (6.4)        (4.3)       240.5      247.0
                                                                       122.4        108.7     1,629.2    1,654.4
By market
United States of America                      151.3        240.0        23.5         28.8       238.0      207.5
Canada                                         91.2         76.6        12.6         12.2        75.2      103.1
Rest of World                                  48.3         73.9        13.1         12.3       (1.6)     (15.4)
Total overseas                                290.8        390.5        49.2         53.3       311.6      295.2
United Kingdom                                693.5        586.7        79.6         59.7     1,077.1    1,112.2
                                              984.3        977.2       128.8        113.0     1,388.7    1,407.4
Goodwill amortisation/goodwill - United                                (6.4)        (4.3)       240.5      247.0
                                                                       122.4        108.7     1,629.2    1,654.4
Net debt                                                                                      (239.6)    (297.6)
Minority interests                                                                              (0.2)      (0.6)
Equity shareholders' funds                                                                    1,389.4    1,356.2

Turnover by origin represents sales to third parties and is not materially
different from turnover to third parties by destination.

Operating profit for construction excludes its share of the construction joint
ventures and interest.  Profit before taxation for construction for the six
months to 30 June 2002 is #8.1m (2001 interim: #8.0m) including these items.

Notes to the interim accounts
for the six months ended 30 June 2002

2.  Basis of preparation of the interim accounts

The interim accounts have been prepared on a basis which is consistent with the
accounting policies adopted for the year to 31 December 2001, with the exception
that deferred taxation is now stated in accordance with FRS 19, "Deferred
Taxation" on a full liability basis and comparative information has been
restated as necessary.  In accordance with our stated accounting policy,
investment properties are valued annually and were last valued at 31 December
2001, fixed asset properties are valued every three years and have not been
valued since 31 December 2000.  Investment properties will next be valued at 31
December 2002 and fixed asset properties will be valued at 31 December 2003.

The interim accounts were approved by the board of directors on 10 September

These interim accounts do not constitute statutory accounts.  Comparative
figures for the year to 31 December 2001 have been extracted from the latest
published accounts as restated for FRS 19 "Deferred Taxation".  The report of
the auditors on the 2001 annual accounts was unqualified and did not contain a
statement made under section 237 (2) or section 237 (3) of the Companies Act
1985.  The 2001 annual accounts have been delivered to the Registrar of

3.  Tax on profit on ordinary activities

                                                                        Six months   Six months   Year to 31
                                                                        to 30 June   to 30 June     December
                                                                              2002         2001         2001
                                                                                    As restated  As restated
                                                                                #m           #m           #m
United Kingdom
                Corporation tax                                               23.8         19.7         52.9
                Deferred tax                                                 (0.8)        (8.8)       (11.1)
Overseas tax
                Tax payable                                                   11.4         22.7         26.1
                Deferred tax                                                   3.4          0.6        (2.9)
Joint ventures                                                                   -            -        (0.2)
                                                                              37.8         34.2         64.8

United Kingdom corporation tax has been charged at 30% (2001: 30%).  The
effective tax rate is higher than this rate due to higher rates of tax on
overseas profits and the Bryant goodwill charge and fair value adjustments.

FRS 19 "Deferred Taxation" has been adopted with a consequent restatement of
prior periods.  FRS 19 requires that deferred tax is recognised in respect of
all timing differences that have originated but not reversed by the balance
sheet date.

The effect of the restatement in 2001 is to decrease the effective tax rate by
1.0%.  This equates to #2.0m in the year to 31 December 2001 and #0.6m in the
half year to 30 June 2001.  The effect of the restatement in the six months to
30 June 2002 is to decrease the effective tax rate by 0.5%.  This equates to

4.  Earnings per share

                                                                        Six months   Six months   Year to 31
                                                                        to 30 June   to 30 June     December
                                                                              2002         2001         2001
                                                                                    As restated  As restated
                                                                                       (Note 3)     (Note 3)
                                                                                #m           #m           #m
Earnings per share have been calculated by dividing:                          69.9         68.4        135.0

Profit for the period
by the weighted average number of shares for basic earnings per share       549.8m       492.5m       534.3m
weighted average of dilutive options                                          2.4m         2.3m         1.8m
weighted average of dilutive awards under the Group Executive Bonus           0.4m         0.9m         0.5m
for diluted earnings per share                                              552.6m       495.7m       536.6m
Adjusted basic earnings per share adjusts profit for period as
add: exceptional integration costs (net of tax effect)                           -          5.0          6.6
less: losses / (profits) on sale of businesses (net of tax effect)               -            -          0.3
for adjusted basic earnings per share                                         69.9         73.4        141.3

Independent review report to Taylor Woodrow plc


We have been instructed by the company to review the financial information for
the six months ended 30 June 2002 which comprises the summary Group profit and
loss account, the Group statement of total recognised gains and losses, the
summary Group balance sheet, the summary Group cash flow statement and related
notes 1 to 4.  We have read the other information contained in the interim
report and considered whether it contains any apparent misstatements or material
inconsistencies with the financial information.

Directors' responsibilities

The interim report, including the financial information contained therein, is
the responsibility of, and has been approved by the directors.  The directors
are responsible for preparing the interim report in accordance with the Listing
Rules of the Financial Services Authority which require that the accounting
policies and presentation applied to the interim figures should be consistent
with those applied in preparing the preceding annual accounts except where any
changes, and the reasons for them, are disclosed.

Review work performed

We conducted our review in accordance with guidance contained in Bulletin 1999/4
issued by the Auditing Practices Board for use in the United Kingdom.  A review
consists principally of making enquiries of group management and applying
analytical procedures to the financial information and underlying financial data
and based thereon, assessing whether the accounting policies and presentation
have been consistently applied unless otherwise disclosed.  A review excludes
audit procedures such as tests of controls and verification of assets,
liabilities and transactions.  It is substantially less in scope than an audit
performed in accordance with United Kingdom auditing standards and therefore
provides a lower level of assurance than an audit.  Accordingly, we do not
express an audit opinion on the financial information.

Review conclusion

On the basis of our review we are not aware of any material modifications that
should be made to the financial information as presented for the six months
ended 30 June 2002.

Deloitte & Touche

Chartered Accountants


10 September 2002

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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