Interim Results for the six months ended 31 March 2007

Chairman's Statement

I am pleased to present the Company's Interim Results for the six months ended
31 March 2007.


At 31 March 2007, the Company's NAV per share was 111.73 pence (30 September
2006: 112.89 pence).

Whilst the Net Asset Value (NAV) overall has fallen marginally to 111.73 pence
over the last six months, it should be noted that positive progress in the MPEP
portfolio has been counterbalanced by a fall in the share price of several of
the quoted technology stocks within the Foresight portfolio. However these
figures are after the final dividends totalling 3.75 pence per share have been
accounted for and paid. Thus, after stripping out those dividends, the overall
net assets actually rose during the period.

The UK economy has continued to grow strongly across the board despite a
tighter monetary policy. This positive economic background has provided a good
backdrop for the majority of our investee companies, a significant number of
which are showing good progress in sales and/or profitability.

Both the FTSE 100 and AIM All-Share Indices showed strong growth over the six
month period to 31 March 2007 (despite the correction in markets in March of
this year), which has contributed to the continued activity in the M&A market
in the UK and Europe.

In the Foresight portfolio among the quoted holdings, Corero (formerly Mondas),
ANT and smartFOCUS all achieved strong trading progress. Oxonica, currently the
largest holding in the portfolio, recently reported its annual results.
Subsequently, however, the company announced that the results of a trial for
its fuel additive with Petrol Ofisi had proved inconclusive which caused
Oxonica on 27 April 2007 to request a temporary suspension of its share price
pending clarification of the position. This may impact materially upon the
valuation of this investment. The Board and Investment Manager are monitoring
this situation closely.

Overall, the MPEP portfolio has performed well with strong trading performances
being shown by some of the older investments; foremost among these are HWA,
Brookerpaks, Image Source and Original Additions, all of which have now
returned income to TriVest in excess of the original cost of investment. The
past six months has seen two companies added to the portfolio, namely, in
December 2006, �790,912 was invested into PXP Holdings, a company formed on the
�14 million management buy out ("MBO") of Pinewood Structures, a leading UK
manufacturer and supplier of timber frame components to the housebuilding
market. This was followed by a �550,852 investment in the MBO of Racoon
International, the UK's foremost supplier of hair extensions to professional
salons. Overall, the value of the MPEP portfolio has increased by a further �
2.2 million, including acquisitions of �1.3 million, since the year-end and at
31 March 2007 stands at almost �21 million, or 167% of current cost.

Within the Nova portfolio, NexxtDrive has been developing technology to
increase fuel efficiency and performance of both conventional and hybrid
vehicles. During the period TriVest made a further investment of �212,014 in
NexxtDrive as part of a �1.3 million funding round. This company is considering
an IPO. Elsewhere, Tikit, an AIM-quoted company, specialising in providing
consultancy services and software solutions to law firms, enjoyed strong
revenue growth, improved margins and increased profits. This has been reflected
in a 45.3% increase in their share price during the period. IDOX, an AIM-quoted
company providing knowledge management software and solutions to the public
sector, has reorganized itself, and has focused on account management and
pricing structures. This has been reflected in a positive start to 2007 with
the share price increasing by 34.7%.

Revenue account

For the period under review, the revenue return available for distribution to
shareholders was �283,866 (31 March 2006; �199,160). As in previous years, the
Board does not propose to declare an interim dividend but expects to be able to
propose a final dividend for the year ending 30 September 2007.

Investment company status

The Company revoked its investment company status on 30 November 2005. This
enables the Company to make distributions out of capital gains that have
started to be realised as the portfolio matures.

Share buy-backs

During the six months ended 31 March 2007, the Company bought back 300,000
Ordinary Shares (representing 0.67% of the shares in issue at the beginning of
the period) at a total cost of �249,330 (net of expenses). These shares were
subsequently cancelled by the Company.

Dividend Investment Scheme

184 Shareholders, who between them hold a total of 2,034,908 Ordinary Shares
representing 5.2% of the Company, are members of the Dividend Investment
Scheme. 68,881 shares were issued to them on 15 February 2007 in respect of the

Valuation policy

Quoted stocks are now valued at bid prices, rather than mid-market prices in
accordance with new accounting standards. It is worth commenting that the Fund
does hold a number of relatively early stage AIM listed stocks with limited
marketability. In such cases, the price at which a sizeable block of shares
could be traded, if at all, may vary significantly from the market price used.

TriVest website

May I remind you that the Company has its own website which is available at

Colin Hook


Investment Portfolio Summary

as at 31 March 2007

                         Total cost at    Valuation at      Additional    Valuation at
                         31 March 2007    30 September     investments   31 March 2007
                                                  2006   in the period     (unaudited)
                                     �               �               �               �
Foresight Venture                                                                     
Oxonica plc                  2,136,763       7,245,512               -       6,083,892
Specialist in the                                                                     
design, manipulation                                                                  
and engineering of                                                                    
properties of                                                                         
materials at the                                                                      
Aquasium Technology            700,000       1,059,610               -       1,581,176
Design, manufacture                                                                   
and marketing of                                                                      
bespoke electron beam                                                                 
welding and vacuum                                                                    
furnace equipment                                                                     
smartFOCUS Group plc           366,667       1,856,969               -       1,375,504
Provider of analytic                                                                  
software to support                                                                   
targeting and                                                                         
execution of marketing                                                                
Camwood Limited              1,028,181       1,669,520               -       1,028,181
Provider of software                                                                  
repackaging services                                                                  
Alaric Systems Limited         595,803         595,763               -         595,763
Software development,                                                                 
implementation and                                                                    
support in the credit/                                                                
debit card                                                                            
authorisation and                                                                     
payments market                                                                       
Sarantel Group plc           1,670,252         798,621               -         587,221
Antennae for mobile                                                                   
phones and other                                                                      
wireless devices                                                                      
Corero plc (formerly           600,000         238,255               -         524,327
Mondas plc)                                                                           
Specialist provider of                                                                
software solutions to                                                                 
the banking and                                                                       
securities and                                                                        
education markets                                                                     
Aigis Blast Protection         272,120         333,320               -         333,320
Specialist blast                                                                      
containment materials                                                                 
DCG Datapoint Group            312,074         311,853               -         311,853
Design, supply and                                                                    
integration of data                                                                   
storage solutions                                                                     
ANT plc                        462,816         393,958               -         262,638
Provider of embedded                                                                  
browser/email software                                                                
for consumer                                                                          
electronics and                                                                       
internet appliances                                                                   
Rapide Communications          379,983          66,667               -          40,000
Mobile phone software                                                                 
Other investments in           339,285               -               -               -
the portfolio *                                                                       
                       --------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------
                             8,863,944      14,570,048               -      12,723,875
                       --------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------

Matrix Private Equity                                                                 
Partners LLP                                                                          
HWA Limited (trading            69,105       3,348,323               -       4,140,454
as Holloway White                                                                     
Specialist contractor                                                                 
in the high-value                                                                     
residential and                                                                       
heritage property                                                                     
refurbishment market                                                                  
Image Source Group           1,000,000       3,232,667               -       3,525,992
Royalty free picture                                                                  
Youngman Group Limited       1,000,052       2,368,418              52       2,768,443
Manufacturer of                                                                       
ladders and access                                                                    
Original Additions           1,000,000       3,127,944               -       2,714,557
(Beauty Products)                                                                     
Manufacturer and                                                                      
distributor of beauty                                                                 
BBI Holdings plc               496,119       1,227,231               -       1,337,958
Manufacturer of gold                                                                  
conjugate for the                                                                     
medical diagnostics                                                                   
Tottel Publishing              514,800         759,048               -         829,207
Specialist law and tax                                                                
PXP Holdings Limited           790,912               -         790,912         790,912
(Pinewood Structures)                                                                 
Designer, manufacturer                                                                
and supplier of timber                                                                
frames for buildings                                                                  
Ministry of Cake               721,280         556,169               -         760,428
(Holdings) Limited                                                                    
Manufacturer of                                                                       
desserts and cakes for                                                                
the food service                                                                      
Racoon International           550,852               -         550,852         550,852
Holdings Limited                                                                      
(formerly Castlegate                                                                  
435 Limited)                                                                          
Supplier of hair                                                                      
extensions, hair care                                                                 
products and training                                                                 
British International          500,000         500,000                         500,000
Holdings Limited                                                                      
Helicopter service                                                                    
Brookerpaks Limited             55,000         621,555               -         426,317
Importer and                                                                          
distributor of garlic                                                                 
and vacuum-packed                                                                     
VSI Limited                    388,853         388,842              11         388,853
Provider of software                                                                  
for CAD and CAM                                                                       
Blaze Signs Holdings           360,969         360,969                         360,969
Manufacturer and                                                                      
installer of signs                                                                    
Campden Media Limited          334,880         334,880               -         344,124
Magazine publisher and                                                                
conference organiser                                                                  
Pastaking Holdings             292,405         292,405                         292,405
Manufacturer and                                                                      
supplier of fresh                                                                     
pasta meals                                                                           
B G Consulting Group         1,153,976         128,344               -         273,128
Limited/Duncary 4                                                                     
Technical training                                                                    
business and                                                                          
outplacement careers                                                                  
Vectair Holdings               215,914         215,914               -         222,080
Provider of air care                                                                  
and sanitary washroom                                                                 
SectorGuard plc                150,000         150,000               -         150,000
Provision of manned                                                                   
guarding, mobile                                                                      
patrolling, and alarm                                                                 
response services                                                                     
Letraset Limited               650,000         622,737               -         102,691
Manufacturer and                                                                      
distributor of graphic                                                                
art products                                                                          
Inca Interiors Limited         350,000          50,000               -          50,000
Supplier of quality                                                                   
kitchens to house                                                                     
Other investments in         1,719,785               -               -               -
the portfolio *                                                                       
                       --------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------
                            12,314,902      18,285,446       1,341,827      20,529,370
                       --------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------
Nova Capital                                                                          
Management Limited                                                                    
Tikit Group plc                500,000         960,868               -       1,421,737
Provider of                                                                           
consultancy services                                                                  
and software solutions                                                                
for law firms                                                                         
Biomer Technology              137,170         753,837               -         753,837
Developer of                                                                          
biomaterials for                                                                      
medical devices                                                                       
NexxtDrive Limited             812,014         468,750         212,014         738,264
Developer of patented                                                                 
IDOX plc                       737,625         366,083               -         509,333
Developer of products                                                                 
for document, content                                                                 
and information                                                                       
                       --------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------
                             2,186,809       2,549,538         212,014       3,423,171
                       --------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------
                       --------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------
TOTAL                       23,365,655      35,405,032       1,553,841      36,676,416
                             =========       =========       =========       =========

* 'Other investments in the portfolio' comprises those investments that have   
been valued at nil and from which the Directors only expect to receive small   
recoveries: Monactive Limited in the Foresight portfolio and F H Ingredients   
Limited, The Hunter Rubber Company Limited and Stortext-FM Limited in the MPEP 

Investment Managers' Review

Foresight Venture Partners (Foresight)

During the period markets generally experienced benign trading conditions with
particular benefit to mid and large cap stocks. Technology stocks, however,
continued to remain out of favour and the Company's quoted technology
investments suffered accordingly with several companies dropping in value
during the period, often despite good underlying progress.

Among the portfolio's quoted holdings, Oxonica, Corero (formerly Mondas), ANT
and smartFOCUS achieved strong trading progress.

Oxonica, currently the largest holding in the portfolio, recently reported its
annual results which showed an eightfold increase in sales to �10.2 million and
reduced operating losses to �3,245,000 (2005: �4,504,000) and were in line with
market expectations for the year ended 31 December 2006. Revenue and cash flow
were positively impacted by the Petrol Ofisi and Becton Dickinson contract wins
in the second half of the year and, as a result, the company's year end cash
position was ahead of expectations. More recently, however, the share price has
eased following an announcement that the results of a trial for its fuel
additive with Petrol Ofisi at the second data point had proved inconclusive.
This has since led to the temporary suspension of the share price until the
position of the company has been determined.

Corero recently announced that it had made strong progress for the year ended
31 December 2006, achieving record revenues and profits. The Blue Curve
division (formerly a Foresight portfolio company) had a particularly successful
year, more than doubling its revenues compared to 2005.  Significant licence
revenues have been derived both from existing customers, and from new clients
added during the year. The company produced operating profits of approximately
�400,000 on revenues of approximately �6.3 million in the year ended 31
December 2006, which is a turnaround of just under �1.2 million from the �
770,000 operating loss incurred in the previous year. It also reported that all
business units were profitable. Corero has also substantially improved its
working capital position and operating cashflow is positive, putting it in an
excellent position to take advantage of the momentum built during the year and
the opportunities that have been created across all its business units.

ANT increased revenues by 48% to �3.7 million, reduced operating losses to �1.4
million (2005: �2.2 million) and announced an important new relationship with
Scientific Atlanta. SmartFOCUS recently announced strong revenue growth for
2006 with an increase of approximately 52% compared to 2005. It made a profit
of �918,000 in 2006 compared to a loss of �19,000 in 2005. SmartFOCUS repaid
its �333,333 loan to TriVest during the period under review.

Sarantel, although achieving a 43% increase in sales to �4.0m for the year to
30 September 2006, saw flat sales in the second half of that year and incurred
increased losses of �6.1 million from �5.3 million a year earlier. The company
is winning new orders but at a slower rate than originally envisaged.

Within the unquoted portfolio, the most significant movements were an increase
in the valuation of Aquasium Technology (�521,566) which continues to be
profitable and benefited from an increase in the price-earning sector multiple
of engineering companies and a decrease in the valuation of Camwood (�641,339).
Camwood's profits declined as it continued to invest in its new product
offerings. Following the recent release of Microsoft Vista, the company expects
an increase in demand for its products and services in 2007/8. 

Matrix Private Equity Partners LLP (MPEP)

In the six months to 31 March 2007 MPEP added two new investments to the
portfolio. In December, �791k was invested into PXP Holdings, a company formed
on the �14 million management buy out ("MBO") of Pinewood Structures, a leading
UK manufacturer and supplier of timber frame components to the housebuilding
market. This was closely followed by a �551k investment in the MBO of Racoon
International, the UK's foremost supplier of hair extensions to professional

The creation of value within the portfolio is very encouraging. The older
investments have continued to show strong trading performance; foremost among
these are HWA, Brookerpaks, Image Source and Original Additions, all of which
have now returned income to TriVest in excess of the original cost of

In October, Brookerpaks repaid a total of �512k, comprising TriVest's loan
stock together with a repayment premium. In early April after the period end,
Image Source repaid TriVest's loan investment, together with a premium,
totalling �834k. This was closely followed by Original Additions re-structuring
its capital in a �12 million transaction which returned �1.7 million to TriVest
in dividends and capital against its investment cost of �1 million; TriVest
continues to retain its 11% equity stake in the company.

In all of these investments TriVest now holds valuable minority shareholdings
at low residual cost. In total, these three transactions have returned income
of almost �890k above cost to TriVest.

Also pleasing has been the early trading performance of TriVest's more recent
investments, with a number, including Youngman, PastaKing, Blaze Signs and
Vectair, exceeding profitability anticipated at the time of investment. The
only disappointment has been the investment in FH Ingredients, where poor
implementation of a major capital expenditure programme soon after the
investment led to cash pressures and efforts to re-finance the company have
proved unsuccessful; its operating subsidiary entered into administration on 26
January 2007. Full provision had already been made against this �403k

The MPEP portfolio now comprises investments in 23 companies, almost all of
which are MBOs. The value of the portfolio has increased by a further �2.2
million, including new acquisitions of �1.3 million, since the year end and at
31 March 2007 stands at almost �21 million, or 167% of current cost (31 March
2006: 159%).

Nova Capital Management Limited (Nova)

There are four investments in the portfolio as at 31 March 2007. No investments
were made into any new companies in the period under review. The emphasis of
Nova's work has been on value improvement within the existing financial
resources of each company unless there is clear evidence that new investment
will make a significant difference.

Tikit, an AIM quoted company, specialising in providing consultancy services
and software solutions to law firms, performed well in 2006, consolidating on
the acquisitions it made in 2004 and 2005. It enjoyed strong revenue growth,
improved margins and increased profits. This has been reflected in a 62%
increase in their share price during the period. We remain optimistic about its
long term prospects.

IDOX, an AIM quoted company providing knowledge management software and
solutions to the public sector also enjoyed some improvement following a
disappointing prior period. The company has reorganized itself, and has focused
on account management and pricing structures. This has been reflected in a
positive start to 2007. The share price has increased by 27%, although this
continues to be below the level of TriVest's initial investment.

Biomer is a company concerned with the development of novel polymers for
product applications in cardiovascular and other interventional medical
devices. The company has signed a worldwide licence agreement for nitinol stent
coatings with Memry Corporation, which represents an important landmark in the
company's development.

NexxtDrive is developing technology which will increase fuel efficiency and
performance of both conventional and hybrid vehicles. During the period TriVest
made a further investment of �212,014 in NexxtDrive as part of a �1.3 million
funding round. At the period end, TriVest's total holding was valued at �
738,264 which includes �325,000 of convertible loan. NexxtDrive is currently
considering an IPO on the AIM market, subject to market conditions for a
company at its current stage of development.

Unaudited Profit and Loss Account

for the six months ended 31 March 2007

                                                 Six months ended 31 March 2007
                                          Revenue        Capital          Total
                                                �              �              �
Unrealised gains/(losses) on                    -        752,297        752,297
Net gains/(losses) on realisation               -        160,181        160,181
of investments                                                                 
Income                                    703,103              -        703,103
Investment management fees              (114,298)      (342,892)      (457,190)
Other expenses                          (228,203)              -      (228,203)
                                   -------------- -------------- --------------
Profit/(loss) before taxation             360,602        569,586        930,188
Tax on ordinary activities               (76,736)         76,736              -
                                   -------------- -------------- --------------
Profit/(loss) for the financial           283,866        646,322        930,188
                                   -------------- -------------- --------------
Basic and diluted earnings per                                            2.38p
All the items in the above                                                     
statement derive from continuing                                               
There were no other recognised                                                 
gains or losses in the period.                                                 

                                                 Six months ended 31 March 2006
                                          Revenue        Capital          Total
                                                �              �              �
Unrealised gains/(losses) on                    -      (893,173)      (893,173)
Net gains/(losses) on realisation               -       (19,022)       (19,022)
of investments                                                                 
Income                                    596,717              -        596,717
Investment management fees              (119,952)      (359,854)      (479,806)
Other expenses                          (216,430)              -      (216,430)
                                   -------------- -------------- --------------
Profit/(loss) before taxation             260,335    (1,272,049)    (1,011,714)
Tax on ordinary activities               (61,175)         61,175              -
                                   -------------- -------------- --------------
Profit/(loss) for the financial           199,160    (1,210,874)    (1,011,714)
                                   -------------- -------------- --------------
Basic and diluted earnings per                                          (2.50)p

                                                   Year ended 30 September 2006
                                          Revenue        Capital          Total
                                                �              �              �
Unrealised gains/(losses) on                         (4,074,141)    (4,074,141)
Net gains/(losses) on realisation               -      1,556,784      1,556,784
of investments                                                                 
Income                                  1,135,895              -      1,135,895
Investment management fees              (233,097)      (699,292)      (932,389)
Other expenses                          (458,520)              -      (458,520)
                                   -------------- -------------- --------------
Profit/(loss) before taxation             444,278    (3,216,649)    (2,772,371)
Tax on ordinary activities              (101,347)        101,347              -
                                   -------------- -------------- --------------
Profit/(loss) for the financial           342,931    (3,115,302)    (2,772,371)
                                   -------------- -------------- --------------
Basic and diluted earnings per                                          (6.98)p

Unaudited Note of Historical Cost Profits and Losses

For the six months ended 31 March 2007


                                       Six months     Six months      Year ended
                                            ended          ended                
                                                                    30 September
                                    31 March 2007  31 March 2006            2006
                                      (unaudited)    (unaudited)       (audited)
                                                �              �               �
Profit/(loss) on ordinary                 930,188    (1,011,714)     (2,772,371)
activities before taxation                                                      
(Less)/add unrealised (gains)/          (752,297)        893,173       4,074,141
losses on investments                                                           
(Less)/add realisation of                (93,579)    (4,417,530)     (4,059,632)
revaluation (losses)/gains of                                                   
previous years                                                                  
                                   -------------- --------------  --------------
Historical cost profit/(loss) on           84,312    (4,536,071)     (2,757,862)
ordinary activities before                                                      
                                        =========      =========       =========
Historical cost (loss)/profit for     (1,382,310)    (5,779,578)     (4,062,494)
the period after taxation and                                                   
                                        =========      =========       =========

Unaudited Balance Sheet

as at 31 March 2007

                                   31 March 2007    31 March 2006    30 September
                                     (unaudited)      (unaudited)      (audited )
                                               �                �               �
Non current assets                                                               
Investments                           36,676,416       39,574,724      35,405,032
                                 ---------------  --------------- ---------------
Current assets                                                                   
Debtors and prepayments                  920,424        1,235,863         936,772
Investments at fair value              6,041,018        5,601,089       5,969,440
Cash at bank                              53,516           48,838       2,027,094
                                ---------------   --------------- ---------------
                                       7,014,958        6,885,790       8,933,306
Creditors: amounts falling due         (251,808)         (95,030)       (188,060)
within one year                                                                  
                                ---------------   --------------- ---------------
Net current assets                     6,763,150        6,790,760       8,745,246
                                ---------------   --------------- ---------------
Net assets                            43,439,566       46,365,484      44,150,278
                                ---------------   --------------- ---------------
Capital and reserves                                                             
Called up share capital                  388,788          396,099         391,099
Share premium account                    136,594           60,973          60,974
Capital redemption reserve                30,441           22,441          27,441
Special reserve                       24,509,138       26,756,241      25,025,881
Revaluation reserve                   13,464,704       16,140,070      12,618,828
Profit and loss account                4,909,901        2,989,660       6,026,055
                                 ---------------  --------------- ---------------
Equity shareholders' funds            43,439,566       46,365,484      44,150,278
                                 ---------------  --------------- ---------------
Net asset value per share                111.73p          117.06p         112.89p

Unaudited Cash flow Statement

For the six months ended 31 March 2007

                                   Six months ended      Six months      Year ended
                                      31 March 2007   31 March 2006    30 September
                                        (unaudited)     (unaudited)       (audited)
                                                  �               �               �
Operating activities                                                               
Net revenue on activities before            360,602         260,335         444,278
Capitalised fees                          (342,892)       (359,854)       (699,292)
Transaction costs                             (148)        (17,524)        (27,071)
(Increase)/decrease in debtors               16,348       (115,721)       (151,700)
(Decrease)/increase in creditors             63,748        (99,308)         (6,278)
                                    --------------- --------------- ---------------
Net cash inflow/(outflow) from               97,658       (332,072)       (440,063)
operating activities                                                               
Equity dividends paid                   (1,466,622)     (1,243,507)     (1,304,632)
Tax Refund                                                                         
Taxation paid                                                                      
Acquisitions of investments             (1,553,841)     (1,492,138)     (2,410,773)
Disposals of investments                  1,195,083          29,552       3,857,334
Management of liquid resources             (71,578)         744,784         376,433
Financing                                 (174,278)       (584,014)       (977,438)
                                    --------------- --------------- ---------------
Decrease in cash for the period         (1,973,578)     (2,877,395)       (899,139)
                                    --------------- --------------- ---------------
Reconciliation of net cash flow to                                                 
movement in net debt                                                               
Decrease in cash for the period         (1,973,578)     (2,877,395)       (899,139)
Net funds at the start of the             2,027,094       2,926,233       2,926,233
                                    --------------- --------------- ---------------
Net funds at the end of the period           53,516          48,838       2,027,094
                                    --------------- --------------- ---------------

Unaudited reconciliation of Movements in Shareholders' Funds

for the six months ended 31 March 2007

                                         Six months      Six months      Year ended
                                              ended           ended                
                                                                       30 September
                                      31 March 2007   31 March 2006            2006
                                        (unaudited)     (unaudited)       (audited)
                                                  �               �               �
Opening shareholders' funds              44,150,278      49,386,890      49,386,890
Restated for application of new                   -       (182,171)       (182,171)
accounting policies                                                                
                                    --------------- --------------- ---------------
At 1 October 2006                        44,150,278      49,204,719      49,204,719
                                    --------------- --------------- ---------------
Net share capital bought back /           (174,278)       (584,014)       (977,438)
subscribed for in the period                                                       
Profit/(loss) for the period                930,188     (1,011,714)     (2,772,371)
Dividends paid in period                (1,466,622)     (1,243,507)     (1,304,632)
                                    --------------- --------------- ---------------
Closing Shareholders' funds              43,439,566      46,365,484      44,150,278
                                    --------------- --------------- ---------------


 1. The accounts have been prepared under the historical cost convention,
    modified to include the revaluation of investments, and in accordance with
    the Companies Act 1985, with applicable accounting standards in the United
    Kingdom and with the Statement of Recommended Practice, `Financial
    Statements of Investment Trust Companies', revised December 2005.
 2. Investments are stated at "fair value through profit and loss", in
    accordance with the International Private Equity and Venture Capital
    Valuation ("IPEVCV") guidelines. Purchase and sales of quoted investments
    are recognised on the trade date where a contract of sale exists whose
    terms require delivery within a time frame determined by the relevant
    market. Purchases and sales of unlisted investments are recognised when the
    contract for acquisition or sale becomes unconditional.
The fair value of quoted investments is the bid price of those investments at
the close of business on 31 March 2007.

Unquoted investments are stated at fair value by the Directors in accordance
with the following rules, which are consistent with the IPEVCV guidelines:

 i. Investments which have been made in the last 12 months are at fair value
    which, unless another methodology gives a better indication of fair value,
    will be at cost;
ii. Investments in companies at an early stage of their development are valued
    at fair value which, unless another methodology gives a better indication
    of fair value, will be cost;
iii. Where investments have been held for more than 12 months or have gone
    beyond the stage in their development in (i) or (ii) above, the shares may
    be valued by applying a suitable price-earnings ratio to that company's
    historic, current or forecast earnings (the ratio used being based on a
    comparable listed company or sector but the resulting value being
    discounted to reflect lack of marketability). Where overriding factors
    apply, alternative methods of valuation will be used. These will include
    the application of a material arms-length transaction by an independent
    third party, discounted cash flow, or a net asset basis;
iv. Where a value is indicated by a material arms-length transaction by a third
    party in the shares of a company, this value will be used;
 v. Where fair value cannot be reliably measured under paragraphs (i)-(iv)
    above, an investment is held at the most recent carrying value, reduced
    where there is evidence of impairment by the estimated extent of
Capital gains and losses on investments, whether realised or unrealised are
shown in the Profit and Loss Account.

Although the Company holds more than 20% of the equity of certain companies, it
is considered that the investments are held as part of an investment portfolio.
Accordingly, and as permitted by FRS 9 `Associate and Joint Ventures', their
value to the Company lies in their marketable value as part of that portfolio.
It is not considered that any of our holdings represents investments in
associated companies.

 3. In accordance with the policy statement published under "Management and
    Administration" in the Company's prospectus dated 13 October 2000, the
    Directors have charged 75% of the investment management expenses to the
    capital reserve.
 4. All revenue and capital items in the above Profit and Loss account derive
    from continuing operations
 5. Earnings for the six months ended 31 March 2007 should not be taken as a
    guide to the results for the full year.
 6. Earnings and return per share
                              Six months     Six months ended        Year ended
                                                31 March 2006 30 September 2006
                           31 March 2007                                       
                                         �                  �                 �
Total earnings after               930,188        (1,011,714)       (2,772,371)
Basic earnings per share              2.38             (2.50)            (6.98)
                           ---------------    ---------------   ---------------
Net revenue from ordinary                                                      
before taxation                    283,866            199,160           342,931
Revenue return per share              0.73               0.49              0.86
                           ---------------    ---------------   ---------------
Net unrealised capital             752,297          (893,173)       (4,074,141)
Net realised capital               160,181           (19,022)         1,556,784
Capital expenses                 (266,156)          (298,679)         (597,945)
                           ---------------    ---------------   ---------------
Total capital return               646,322        (1,210,874)       (3,115,302)
Capital return per share              1.65             (2.99)            (7.84)
                           ---------------    ---------------   ---------------
Weighted average number         39,081,898         40,522,780        39,694,960
of shares in issue in the                                                      

 7. Net asset value per Ordinary Share is based on net assets at the end of the
    period, and on 38,878,803 (31 March 2006: 39,609,922, 30 September 2006:
    39,109,922) Ordinary shares, being the number of Ordinary shares in issue
    on that date.
 8. The information for the year ended 31 March 2007 does not comprise full
    financial statements within the meaning of Section 240 of the Companies Act
    1985. The financial statements for the year ended 30 September 2006 have
    been filed with the Registrar of Companies. The auditors have reported on
    these financial statements and that report was unqualified and did not
    contain a statement under Section 237(2) of the Companies Act 1985.
 9. Copies of the Interim Report to Shareholders for the six months ended 31
    March 2007 will be sent to all Shareholders shortly. Further copies will be
    available free of charge from the Company's registered office, One Jermyn
    Street, London SW1Y 4UH.

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