RNS Number : 2896V 
Touchstone Group PLC 
08 July 2009 

Touchstone Group plc 
Preliminary Results for the year ending 31st March 2009 
Touchstone Group plc, the AIM-listed provider of business software solutions and 
consultancy services, announces preliminary results for the year to 31 March 
  *  Revenue of GBP28.5m (2008:GBP31.4m), 
  *  Adjusted Operating Profits* GBP1m (2008:GBP2.5m) 
  *  Operating Loss before taxation of GBP349k (2008:GBP1.8m profit) following 
  GBP538k of pre-tax items relating to re-organisation costs, termination of 
  contract and one-off professional costs 
  *  Adjusted Basic Earnings per Share* 7.93p (2008:17.31p) 
  *  Basic Loss per Share 2.76p (2008:11.52p earnings) 
  *  Total Services Revenue of GBP24.6m (2008:GBP24.2m) representing 86% of total 
  operations (2008:77%) 
  *  Microsoft Dynamics representing 73% of total turnover (2008:70%) 
* Before depreciation, amortisation, share based payments, re-organisation costs 
and termination of contract and one-off professional costs 
Commenting, Keith Birch, Chief Executive Officer, said: 
"The Board has been encouraged by a number of new contracts wins in recent 
months and has also been selected as preferred supplier on several significant 
projects. However, whilst certain divisions are experiencing encouraging levels 
of demand, general market conditions are still difficult. The recent 
introduction of a more effective operational structure coupled with a review of 
overheads has ensured that the Group is in better shape and should be ideally 
placed to respond once general market conditions improve." 
Enquiries to: 
| Keith Birch, Chief Executive Officer          |                | 
| Touchstone Group plc                          | 020 7121 4700  | 
|                                               |                | 
| Matt Davis / Alison Barrow                    |                | 
| Brewin Dolphin (NOMAD)                        | 0845 213 4730  | 
Chairman's Statement 
During the year, the Group generated turnover of GBP28.5m (2008: GBP31.4m). 
Adjusted operating profit for the year before depreciation, amortisation, share 
based payments, re-organisation costs and termination of contract and one-off 
professional costs was GBP1m (2008: GBP2.47m). Operating loss on ordinary 
activities before tax was GBP349k (2008: GBP1.8m profit). Adjusted Earnings per 
Share were 7.93p (2008: 17.31p). Basic Losses per Share were 2.76p (2008: 11.52p 
earnings) and Fully Diluted Losses per Share were 2.76p (2008: 11.43p earnings). 
Cash and Dividends 
The Group had net cash balances at the end of the period of GBP1.53m (2008: 
GBP1.29m). The Board is not recommending the payment of a dividend this year 
(2008: 1.7p). 
Software revenues fell during the year to GBP4m (2008: GBP7.2m). This reflects a 
more cautious general trading environment but particularly within those market 
sectors hardest hit by recent economic turbulence. Against this it is pleasing 
to report modest growth from within the Group's service divisions (Professional 
Services and Annual Support Services). Together, these generated GBP24.6m of 
turnover (2008: GBP24.1m) representing 86% of total operations (2008: 77%) with 
Professional Services alone representing over 50% of Group turnover (2008: 46%). 
During the year, those clients whose business solutions are principally based 
upon Microsoft Dynamics technology contributed over 73% of total operations 
(2008: 70%). Further, and following an 8-year trading relationship with CRM 
software author Pivotal, the Group no longer promotes itself as a Pivotal 
service partner. During the year, Pivotal related revenues reduced by nearly 
GBP500k and contributed less than 1% of total turnover (2008: 2%). The closure 
of the Group's SalesLogix unit in 2007 and the Pivotal unit this year will 
result in all Group CRM operations now being exclusively focused upon Microsoft 
CRM. The Group's Integrated CRM unit (iCRM) is the fastest growing team in the 
Group with over 41 internal and external staff and now generates over 13% of 
total Group turnover. 
The Board acknowledges that overall results are behind original management 
expectations and that a fall-off of higher margin software sales in a number of 
market sectors has had a significant impact on performance for the year. Despite 
this, Gross Profit Margins at 41% (2008: 43%) are broadly comparable with last 
year helped by good performance in the Group's offshore wealth management unit 
together with healthier Group-wide professional services margins. 
Administrative expenses before depreciation, amortisation, share-based payments, 
re-organisation costs, termination of contract and one-off professional costs 
have decreased this year to GBP10.6m (2008: GBP10.9m). Total administrative 
expenses including these additional costs were GBP11.9m (2008:GBP11.6m). The 
Board has previously informed of quick action to re-balance overheads to lower 
business levels caused by the unprecedented economic conditions experienced over 
the last year. This action has resulted in a 15% reduction in headcount at the 
year-end and, importantly, a fundamental restructure of certain aspects of Group 
operations. During the year, this combined restructuring exercise has cost the 
Group approximately GBP380k. 
Structural Reorganisation 
Following the integration of 8 acquisitions since IPO in 1998, the Group's 
principle subsidiary, Touchstone Ltd, is responsible for over 78% of Group 
operations, contributing GBP22m of turnover and employing 76% of all Group 
The Group's traditional SunSystems' client base continues to represent an 
important and significant contribution to this subsidiary's activities yet its 
total client base has now expanded to include: three Microsoft Dynamics ERP 
units (AX, NAV & GP), a division totally focused on Microsoft CRM and also a 
procurement unit supplying spend control solutions to a cross section of Group 
The management structure of this subsidiary had evolved from the Group's pre-IPO 
single-solution approach and it was evident that recent tough market conditions 
had exposed fault-lines in managing such a diverse structure. As a result, a 
more logical, core client-specific orientation has now been introduced. 
From the start of the new financial year, each core client group (being 
SunSystems, GP, NAV, AX & CRM) will become more self sufficient. Without 
reducing any cross-selling potential, each of these units will have their own 
key management, sales, service and support functions with a total focus on 
customer care, retention and growth. 
Additionally, certain marketing, admin and senior Group management functions are 
believed to be better aligned to specific business units. This will help to 
minimise a number of Group-managed central resources and will avoid the need for 
maintaining larger than necessary central London premises. To this end, 
negotiations have now been concluded which will result in a reduction of office 
space in central London with lower cost space being leased in Watford. 
From this, the Board believes that cost effective accommodation, a more logical 
operating structure coupled with previous action to reduce headcount levels will 
help improve operating margins for each individual business unit and the Group 
as a whole. 
AIM Cancellation 
As previously confirmed, the Board has been considering the costs associated 
with maintaining its public company quotation as part of the review of general 
overheads. The Board believes that the costs and associated obligations of its 
AIM quotation are a considerable burden and that shareholders may be better 
served if the Group cancelled its AIM quotation. 
The Board is at an advanced stage in its reflections and hopes to place detailed 
proposals before shareholders within the next 4 to 6 weeks. The Board believes 
that all long-term shareholders would benefit from retaining their holding in 
the Group following any cancellation of its public market quotation but 
recognises that certain shareholders who do not wish to remain shareholders of 
an unquoted company will need an opportunity to divest all or part of their 
shareholding. To this end, the Board are considering, depending upon the 
cash-flow needs of the business, a tender offer to buy back a proportion of 
total shares in issue at an appropriate price. 
The Board is also considering establishing a matched bargain facility for those 
shareholders who may wish to dispose of their shareholding in the period 
following AIM Cancellation should the AIM Cancellation be approved by 
The Board recognises that shareholders will wish to hear appropriate proposals 
with regard to the future remuneration of Directors and advisors together with 
shareholder communications generally. Additionally, and with the prospect of 
improving market conditions and increasing distributable profits, shareholders 
will also wish to be assured of the Group's future dividend policy. To this end, 
the proposals will highlight the Board's conclusions on these points. 
Current Trading 
The Board has been encouraged by a number of new contracts wins in recent months 
and has also been selected as preferred supplier on several significant 
projects. However, whilst certain divisions are experiencing encouraging levels 
of demand, general market conditions are still difficult. The recent 
introduction of a more effective operational structure coupled with a review of 
overheads has ensured that the Group is in better shape and should be ideally 
placed to respond once general market conditions improve. 
David RT Thompson 
7 July 2009 
  Consolidated Income Statement 
for the year ended 31 March 2009 
|                                    |      |       |  For year | For year | 
|                                    |      |       |     ended |    ended | 
|                                    |      |       |      31st |     31st | 
|                                    |      |       |     March |    March | 
|                                    |      |       |      2009 |     2008 | 
|                                    | Note |       |    GBP000 |   GBP000 | 
|                                    |      |       |           |          | 
| Revenue                            |    3 |       |    28,527 |   31,374 | 
|                                    |      |       |  ________ | ________ | 
| Cost of sales                      |      |       |  (16,934) | (17,952) | 
|                                    |      |       |  ________ | ________ | 
| Gross profit                       |      |       |    11,593 |   13,422 | 
|                                    |      |       |  ________ | ________ | 
|                                    |      |       |           |          | 
| Administration expenses before     |      |       |  (10,590) | (10,948) | 
| depreciation, amortisation, share  |      |       |           |          | 
| based payments, re-organisation    |      |       |           |          | 
| costs and termination of contract  |      |       |           |          | 
| and one off professional costs     |      |       |           |          | 
| Depreciation                       |      |       |     (215) |    (212) | 
| Amortisation of intangibles        |      |       |     (575) |    (372) | 
| Share based payment costs          |      |       |      (24) |     (24) | 
| Re-organisation costs              |      |       |     (379) |        - | 
| Termination of contract and one    |      |       |     (159) |     (87) | 
| off professional costs             |      |       |           |          | 
|                                    |      |       |  ________ | ________ | 
| Total administrative expenses      |      |       |  (11,942) | (11,643) | 
|                                    |      |       |           |          | 
| Operating Profit before            |      |       |     1,003 |    2,474 | 
| depreciation, amortisation, share  |      |       |           |          | 
| based payments, re-organisation    |      |       |           |          | 
| costs and termination of contract  |      |       |           |          | 
| and one off professional costs     |      |       |           |          | 
| Depreciation                       |      |       |     (215) |    (212) | 
| Amortisation of intangibles        |      |       |     (575) |    (372) | 
| Share based payment costs          |      |       |      (24) |     (24) | 
| Re-Organisation costs              |      |       |     (379) |        - | 
| Termination of contract and one    |      |       |     (159) |     (87) | 
| off professional costs             |      |       |           |          | 
|                                    |      |       |  ________ | ________ | 
| Operating (loss) /profit           |      |       |     (349) |    1,779 | 
|                                    |      |       |           |          | 
| Finance income                     |      |       |        33 |       82 | 
| Finance expenses                   |      |       |      (48) |    (162) | 
|                                    |      |       |  ________ | ________ | 
| (Loss) / Profit before taxation    |      |       |     (364) |    1,699 | 
| Income tax relief /(expense)       |    4 |       |        16 |    (317) | 
|                                    |      |       |   _______ |  _______ | 
| (Loss) / Profit for the year       |      |       |     (348) |    1,382 | 
| attributable to equity             |      |       |           |          | 
| shareholders of parent             |      |       |           |          | 
|                                    |      |       |    ______ |   ______ | 
| (Loss) / Earnings per share        |      |       |           |          | 
| Basic                              |    6 |       |   (2.76)p |   11.52p | 
|                                    |      |       |           |          | 
| Diluted                            |    6 |       |   (2.76)p |   11.43p | 
|                                    |      |       |           |          | 
All of the above results are from continuing operations. 
Consolidated Balance Sheet 
at 31 March 2009 
|                                   |      |  31 March 2009  |  31 March 2008  | 
|                                   | Note |    GBP000 |     |   GBP000 |      | 
| ASSETS                            |      |           |     |          |      | 
| Non - Current                     |      |           |     |          |      | 
| Property, plant and equipment     |      |       287 |     |      342 |      | 
| Goodwill                          |      |     6,161 |     |    6,368 |      | 
| Other Intangible assets           |      |     2,641 |     |    2,539 |      | 
| Investments                       |      |        53 |     |       53 |      | 
|                                   |      |    ______ |     |   ______ |      | 
|                                   |      |     9,142 |     |    9,302 |      | 
| Current assets                    |      |           |     |          |      | 
| Inventories                       |      |        32 |     |       26 |      | 
| Trade and Other Receivables       |      |     9,745 |     |   12,742 |      | 
| Cash and cash equivalents         |      |     1,743 |     |    1,723 |      | 
|                                   |      |   _______ |     |  _______ |      | 
|                                   |      |    11,520 |     |   14,491 |      | 
|                                   |      |   _______ |     |  _______ |      | 
| Total Assets                      |      |    20,662 |     |   23,793 |      | 
|                                   |      |    ______ |     |   ______ |      | 
| EQUITY AND LIABILITIES            |      |           |     |          |      | 
| Equity attributable to the equity |      |           |     |          |      | 
| holders of the parent             |      |           |     |          |      | 
| Share Capital                     |    7 |   (1,287) |     |  (1,249) |      | 
| Share premium reserve             |      |   (3,829) |     |  (3,440) |      | 
| Capital Reserve                   |      |      (19) |     |     (19) |      | 
| Retained earnings                 |      |   (4,855) |     |  (5,121) |      | 
|                                   |      |   _______ |     |  _______ |      | 
|                                   |      |   (9,990) |     |  (9,829) |      | 
| Non- current Liabilities          |      |           |     |          |      | 
| Interest bearing loans and        |      |       (-) |     |    (217) |      | 
| borrowings                        |      |           |     |          |      | 
| Deferred tax liabilities          |      |     (375) |     |    (311) |      | 
| Trade and other payables          |      |     (206) |     |    (219) |      | 
|                                   |      |   _______ |     |  _______ |      | 
|                                   |      |     (581) |     |    (747) |      | 
| Current Liabilities               |      |           |     |          |      | 
| Interest bearing loans and        |      |     (217) |     |    (217) |      | 
| borrowings                        |      |           |     |          |      | 
| Trade and other payables          |      |   (9,816) |     | (12,479) |      | 
| Tax payable                       |      |      (58) |     |    (461) |      | 
| Provisions for liabilities        |      |       (-) |     |     (60) |      | 
|                                   |      |   _______ |     |  _______ |      | 
|                                   |      |  (10,091) |     | (13,217) |      | 
|                                   |      |   _______ |     |  _______ |      | 
| Total Equity and Liabilities      |      |  (20,662) |     | (23,793) |      | 
|                                   |      |   _______ |     |  _______ |      | 
Consolidated cash flow statement 
for the period ended 31 March 2009 
|                                        |  Note |    Year Ended | Year Ended | 
|                                        |       | 31 March 2009 |   31 March | 
|                                        |       |               |       2008 | 
|                                        |  Note |        GBP000 |     GBP000 | 
| (Loss)/Profit for the year before tax  |       |         (364) |      1,699 | 
| Amortisation of intangible assets      |       |           575 |        372 | 
| Depreciation                           |       |           215 |        212 | 
| Share option cost                      |       |            24 |         24 | 
|                                        |       |               |            | 
| Operating cashflows before movements   |       |           450 |      2,307 | 
| in working capital                     |       |               |            | 
|                                        |       |               |            | 
| (Increase) / Decrease in inventory     |       |           (6) |         91 | 
| Decrease / (Increase) in trade and     |       |         2,997 |      (824) | 
| other receivables                      |       |               |            | 
| (Decrease) in trade and other payables |       |         (930) |       (81) | 
| Net finance cost                       |       |            15 |         80 | 
| (Decrease) / Increase in provisions    |       |          (60) |         60 | 
|                                        |       |               |            | 
| Cash flow from operating activities    |       |               |            | 
|         Cash generated from operations |       |         2,466 |      1,633 | 
|         Interest paid                  |       |          (48) |       (70) | 
| Income taxes paid                      |       |         (323) |      (778) | 
|                                        |       |               |            | 
|                                        |       |               |            | 
|         Net cash generated from        |       |         2,095 |        785 | 
|         operating activities           |       |               |            | 
|                                        |       |               |            | 
|         Cashflows from investing       |       |               |            | 
|         activities                     |       |               |            | 
|         Acquisitions of subsidiaries   |   See |         (835) |      (453) | 
|         (net of cash acquired)         | below |               |            | 
|         Purchase of property, plant    |       |         (160) |      (137) | 
|         and equipment                  |       |               |            | 
|         Interest received              |       |            33 |         82 | 
|         Development costs              |       |         (677) |      (370) | 
|                                        |       |               |            | 
|         Net cash used in investing     |       |       (1,639) |      (878) | 
|         activities                     |       |               |            | 
|                                        |       |               |            | 
|         Cashflows from financing       |       |               |            | 
|         activities                     |       |               |            | 
|         Proceeds from the exercise of  |       |             - |         20 | 
|         share options                  |       |               |            | 
|         (Repayments) from long term    |       |         (217) |      (217) | 
|         borrowings                     |       |               |            | 
| Dividends paid                         |       |         (219) |      (509) | 
|                                        |       |               |            | 
|         Net cash generated /(used in)  |       |         (436) |      (706) | 
|         from financing activities      |       |               |            | 
|                                        |       |               |            | 
|        Net cash increase / (decrease)  |       |            20 |      (799) | 
|        in cash and cash equivalents    |       |               |            | 
|                                        |       |               |            | 
| Cash and cash equivalents at the       |       |         1,723 |      2,522 | 
| beginning of the period                |       |               |            | 
|                                        |       |               |            | 
|                                        |       |               |            | 
|         Cash and cash equivalents at   |       |         1,743 |      1,723 | 
|         the end of the period          |       |               |            | 
|                                        |       |               |            | 
Additional information: Acquisition of subsidiaries - reconciliation of 
significant non cash transactions 
|                                       |        2009 | 
|                                       |      GBP000 | 
| Contingent consideration accrued at 1 |       1,746 | 
| April 2008                            |             | 
|         Shares issued in settlement   |       (427) | 
|         of contingent consideration   |             | 
| Treasury shares utilised in           |       (277) | 
| settlement of contingent              |             | 
| consideration                         |             | 
| Cash paid (net of cash acquired)      |       (835) | 
|                                       |             | 
|         Over accrual of deferred      |         207 | 
|         consideration released -      |             | 
|         disposal of goodwill          |             | 
|                                       |             | 
Notes to the consolidated financial information 
1.Financial Information 
The financial information set out above does not constitute the Company's 
statutory financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2009 as defined in 
section 240 of the Companies Act 1995, but is derived from those statements, 
which were approved for issue on 7 July 2009, and as such does not contain all 
information to be disclosed in the financial statements prepared in accordance 
with International Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRS"). Statutory financial 
statements for 2009 will be delivered to the Registrar of Companies following 
the Annual General Meeting. The auditors have reported on the financial 
statements to 31 March 2009. Their report was unqualified and did not contain 
statements under section 237(2) or (3) of the Companies Act 1985. 
2.Annual Report 
The Annual Report will be posted to shareholders on or around 5th August 2009, 
it will also be available from the Company's head office at 1 Triton Square, 
London NW1 3DX and to download from the Company's website 
www.touchstonegroupplc.com. The location and date of the Annual General Meeting 
will be notified to shareholders on or before 17th August 2009. 
3.Segmental information 
The Group's turnover and profits before tax principally arise from its 
activities in the UK and Ireland. Turnover and profits before tax arising in 
Ireland are not material. The Group has one principal class of business, the 
provision of integrated business software and consulting services associated 
with these solutions. This can be classified into the following categories: 
|                                       |        2009 |        2008 | 
| Revenues                              |      GBP000 |      GBP000 | 
| Software                              |       3,491 |       6,421 | 
|         Consultancy                   |      14,531 |      14,554 | 
| Maintenance and support               |      10,052 |       9,552 | 
| Other (eg Hardware and rechargeable   |         453 |         847 | 
| costs)                                |             |             | 
|                                       |             |             | 
|         Totals                        |      28,527 |      31,374 | 
|                                       |             |             | 
|                                       |        2009 |         2008 | 
|                                       |      GBP000 |       GBP000 | 
|                                       |             |              | 
|   Recognised in the income            |        (80) |          491 | 
|   statement*                          |           - |         (63) | 
|   current year loss (relief) /        |             |              | 
|   charge*                             |    ________ |     ________ | 
|   adjustment to tax charge in respect |        (80) |          428 | 
|   of previous period                  |          64 |        (111) | 
|   Current tax (benefit) /expense      |             |              | 
|   *                                   |             |              | 
|   Deferred Tax movement               |             |              | 
|   (Origination and reversal of        |             |              | 
|   temporary differences)              |             |              | 
|                                       |    ________ |     ________ | 
| Total tax (benefit) / expense         |        (16) |          317 | 
|                                       |             |              | 
Factors affecting the tax charge for the current period 
The current tax charge for the period is lower (2008: lower) than the standard 
rate of corporation tax in the UK of 28% (2008: 30%). The differences are 
explained below: 
|                                       |        2009 |         2008 | 
|                                       |      GBP000 |       GBP000 | 
| Current tax reconciliation            |             |              | 
| (Loss) / Profit on ordinary           |       (364) |        1,699 | 
| activities before tax                 |             |              | 
|                                       |             |              | 
| Current tax at 28 % (2008: 30%)       |       (102) |          510 | 
|                                       |             |              | 
| Effects of:                           |             |              | 
| Expenses not deductible for tax       |           5 |            8 | 
| purposes and other adjustments        |             |              | 
| Effect of depreciation in excess of   |          17 |         (19) | 
| capital allowances                    |             |              | 
| Other timing differences              |           - |          (8) | 
| Adjustments to tax charge in respect  |           - |         (63) | 
| of previous periods                   |             |              | 
| Deferred tax movement                 |          64 |        (111) | 
| (origination and reversal of          |             |              | 
| temporary tax differences)            |             |              | 
|                                       |             |              | 
| Total current tax charge (see above)  |        (16) |          317 | 
|                                       |             |              | 
|                                        |       2009 |         2008 | 
|                                        |     GBP000 |       GBP000 | 
| Equity shares:                         |            |              | 
| Interim dividend paid in respect of    |          - |          182 | 
| current year (2009:Nil per share,      |            |              | 
| 2008: 1.5p per share)                  |            |              | 
| Final dividend paid in respect of      |        219 |          327 | 
| prior year but not recognised as       |            |              | 
| liabilities in that year (2009: 1.7p   |            |              | 
| per share, 2008: 2.7p per share)       |            |              | 
|                                        |            |              | 
|                                        |        219 |          509 | 
|                                        |            |              | 
The company waived the dividend due on the shares held by the Employee Share 
Ownership Trust and those held in treasury. No final dividend has been proposed 
after the balance sheet date in respect of the year ended 31 March 2009 (2008: 
6.Earnings per share 
|                                                    |               2009 |               2008 | 
|                                                    |             GBP000 |             GBP000 | 
|         (Loss)/profit for the financial year       |              (349) |              1,382 | 
|         attributable to shareholders               |                    |                    | 
| Depreciation                                       |                215 |                212 | 
| Amortisation of intangibles                        |                575 |                372 | 
| Share based payment costs                          |                 24 |                 24 | 
| Termination of contract and one-off professional   |                159 |                 87 | 
| Costs                                              |                379 |                  - | 
| Re-Organisation costs                              |                    |                    | 
|                                                    |                    |                    | 
|         Profit for the financial year before       |              1,003 |              2,077 | 
|         depreciation, amortisation of intangibles, |                    |                    | 
|         share based payments, re-organisation      |                    |                    | 
|         costs and termination of contract and      |                    |                    | 
|         one-off professional costs                 |                    |                    | 
|                                                    |                    |                    | 
|                                                    |                    |                    | 
|         Weighted average number of shares in issue |         12,641,977 |         11,999,500 | 
|                                                    |                    |                    | 
|         Dilutive potential ordinary shares         |                  - |             93,575 | 
|         Weighted average number of shares in issue |         12,641,977 |         12,093,075 | 
|         after dilution                             |                    |                    | 
|         Basic earnings per share before            |              7.93p |             17.31p | 
|         depreciation, amortisation of intangibles, |                    |                    | 
|         share based payments, re-organisation and  |                    |                    | 
|         termination of contract and one-off        |                    |                    | 
|         professional costs                         |                    |                    | 
|         (Loss) per ordinary share on adjustments   |           (10.69)p |            (5.79)p | 
|         for depreciation, amortisation of          |                    |                    | 
|         intangibles, share based                   |                    |                    | 
|         payments, re-organisation and termination  |                    |                    | 
|         of contract and one-off professional costs |                    |                    | 
|                                                    |                    |                    | 
|         Basic earnings per ordinary share          |            (2.76)p |             11.52p | 
|                                                    |                    |                    | 
|         Diluted earnings per ordinary share        |            (2.76)p |             11.43p | 
|                                                    |                    |                    | 
| Basic earnings per share before depreciation,      |              7.93p |             17.31p | 
| amortisation of intangibles, share based payments, |                    |                    | 
| re-organisation and termination of contract and    |                    |                    | 
| one-off professional costs                         |                    |                    | 
|                                                    |                    |                    | 
| Diluted earnings per share before depreciation,    |              7.93p |             17.18p | 
| amortisation of intangibles, share based payments, |                    |                    | 
| re-organisation and termination of contract and    |                    |                    | 
| one-off professional costs                         |                    |                    | 
|                                                    |                    |                    | 
Basic earnings per share is calculated by dividing the earnings attributable to 
ordinary shareholders by the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue 
during the year, excluding those held in employee benefit trusts which are 
treated as cancelled 
As at 31 March 2009, there were 121,549 (2008 - 136,968) share options in issue 
under an approved employee option scheme and 328,330 (2008 - 400,468) in an 
unapproved scheme. The options first became exercisable in 2001 dependant on the 
achievement of certain performance targets. The conversion of potential ordinary 
shares to ordinary shares would not decrease net basic loss per share, and so 
they are not dilutive (2008: - dilutive). 
7.   Called up share capital 
|                                          |      2009 |      2008 | 
|                                          |    GBP000 |    GBP000 | 
| Authorised                               |           |           | 
| 16,000,000 ordinary shares of 10p each   |     1,600 |     1,600 | 
| (2008:16,000,000)                        |           |           | 
|                                          |           |           | 
| Allotted, called up and fully paid       |           |           | 
| 12,871,686 ordinary shares of 10p each   |     1,287 |     1,249 | 
| (2008: 12,490,787)                       |           |           | 
|                                          |           |           | 
The number of shares allotted during the year was 380,899 with a nominal value 
of GBP38,090. The shares were issued in settlement of contingent consideration, 
the deemed proceeds from this share issue were GBP427,000. 
This information is provided by RNS 
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange 

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