Half-Yearly Announcement of Results 
           For the period 1 July 2008 to 31 December 2008 
At a meeting of the Board of Directors held on 27 February 2009,  the 
half yearly accounts for the Company for the period 1 July 2008 to 31 
December 2008 were approved, details of which are attached. 
The financial  information  set out  in  this announcement  does  not 
constitute the Company's  statutory accounts  for the  period 1  July 
2008 to 31 December 2008, but is derived from those accounts. Printed 
accounts for  the period  1 July  2008 to  31 December  2008 will  be 
delivered to Shareholders during March 2009. 
The financial  statements  have  been  prepared  in  accordance  with 
International  Financial  Reporting   Standards  (IFRS). Whilst   the 
financial information included in  this preliminary announcement  has 
been computed in  accordance with  IFRS, this  announcement does  not 
itself contain  sufficient  information  to  comply  with  IFRS.  The 
Company will publish condensed financial statements that comply  with 
IFRS in  March  2009.   This announcement  has  been  prepared  using 
accounting policies consistent  with those set  out in the  Company's 
half yearly report  and financial  statements for the  period 1  July 
2008 to 31 December 2008. 
Company Secretary 
Kleinwort Benson (Channel Islands) Corporate Services Limited 
Telephone number:  01481 727111 
Fax number:  01481 728317 
27 February 2009 
Dorey Court 
Admiral Park 
St Peter Port 
GY1 3BG 
For the period from 1 July 2008 to 31 December 2008 
Alternative Asset  Opportunities  PCC  Limited  (the  "Company")  was 
registered on  27 February  2004 in  Guernsey, Channel  Islands as  a 
closed-ended protected cell company in accordance with the provisions 
of The Protected  Cell Companies  Ordinance, 1997  and The  Companies 
(Guernsey) Law, 1994. It is established with one Cell known as the US 
Traded Life Interests Fund (the "Fund" or "Cell") which has a planned 
life of approximately 8 years from launch. 
The Fund's redeemable participating preference shares were listed  on 
the Official List of the  UK Listing Authority and commenced  trading 
on the  London Stock  Exchange on  25 March  2004. This  Half  Yearly 
Report and Unaudited Condensed Financial Statements cover the  period 
from 1 July 2008 to 31 December 2008. 
The financial information for the period 1 July 2007 to 30 June  2008 
is derived from the financial statements delivered to the UK  Listing 
Authority. The Auditors reported on these accounts, their report  was 
unqualified although it included an  emphasis of matter paragraph  in 
connection with the valuation  of traded life  interests and did  not 
contain a statement under Section 65 (3) of The Companies  (Guernsey) 
Law, 1994. 
Investment objective 
The Company's  objective  in  respect  of  the  Fund  is  to  provide 
investors  with  an  attractive  capital  return  through  investment 
predominantly  in  a  diversified  portfolio  of  U.S.  Traded   Life 
Interests ("TLIs"). 
CPG Tracy 
Capita IRG (CI) Limited 
2nd Floor, TSB House 
Le Truchot 
CW Sherwell 
St Peter Port 
Guernsey, GY1 5BR 
Registered Office 
Investment Manager 
Dorey Court, Admiral 
Surrenda-link Limited 
St Peter 
8/11 Grosvenor Court 
Guernsey, GY1 
Foregate Street 
Chester, CH1 1HG 
Banker and Custodian 
Kleinwort Benson (Guernsey) Limited 
Dorey Court, Admiral Park 
London, EC2M 
St Peter Port 
     Guernsey, GY1 3BG 
Administrator and Secretary 
Advisers (Guernsey) 
Kleinwort Benson (Channel 
Carey Olsen 
    Fund Services Limited 
7 New Street 
Dorey Court, Admiral 
St Peter Port 
St Peter 
Guernsey, GY1 4BZ 
Guernsey, GY1 
Legal Advisers (UK) 
Herbert Smith 
Deloitte LLP 
Regency Court 
Glategny Esplanade 
London, EC2A 
St Peter Port 
Guernsey, GY1 3HW 
For the period from 1 July 2008 to 31 December 2008 
The Directors have been chosen for their investment and commercial 
experience and are listed below: 
Charles Tracy, Chairman, (aged 63) has over 30 years' experience as a 
merchant banker, covering both the investment management and  banking 
fields. On  joining  N.M. Rothschild  &  Sons  in 1975  he  was  made 
responsible for Asian and  commodity-related investments, working  in 
Malaysia and Hong Kong before taking up the post of Managing Director 
of N.M. Rothschild & Sons (C.I.) Ltd. in 1981, and remaining in  that 
position until  1998.  During that  period  he was  Chairman  of  the 
Association of  Guernsey  Banks  and of  the  Guernsey  International 
Business Association.  He  is  currently  non-executive  Chairman  of 
Louvre Fund Management Limited and the President of the Guernsey  Tax 
Tribunal. He is a resident of Guernsey. 
Ian Morris (aged  49) is a  partner at BWCI  Group in Guernsey  which 
through its  subsidiary  company,  BWCI  Limited,  provides  advisory 
services to  a  wide range  of  insurance company  clients  including 
Guernsey life assurance companies, UK friendly societies and  captive 
insurance companies based in  Guernsey and the Isle  of Man. He is  a 
Director of Nordben Life & Pensions Limited, a Guernsey life company. 
He is a  Fellow of  the  Institute of  Actuaries and  is resident  in 
Ian Reynolds  (aged 65)  is a  former Chief  Executive of  Commercial 
Union Life Assurance Company. He is a director of Liverpool  Victoria 
Friendly Society and a former consultant actuary at Towers Perrin. Mr 
Reynolds is a Fellow  of the Institute of  Actuaries and a  Chartered 
Director. He is UK resident. 
Chris Sherwell  (61)  is a  non-executive  director of  a  number  of 
investment-related companies.  He was Managing Director of  Schroders 
(CI) Limited  from April  2000 until  January 2004  and served  as  a 
director of various Schroder  group companies and investment  funds. 
He continued as  a non-executive director  of Schroders (CI)  Limited 
until  coming  off  the  board   on  31  December  2008.  His   other 
directorships include  chairmanship  of  Consulta  (Channel  Islands) 
Limited, a  specialist  investment  management  company,  and  Hermes 
Absolute Return Fund (Guernsey) Limited,  a fund of hedge funds.   He 
is a resident of Guernsey. 
The Investment Manager 
The  Investment  Manager,  Surrenda-link,  which  is  authorised  and 
regulated in the United Kingdom by the Financial Services  Authority, 
was formed  in 1990  and is  an  investment adviser  for a  range  of 
specialist investment products. 
The Manager 
RCM (UK) Limited is  manager of a range  of investment trusts.  Total 
assets managed by  RCM (UK)  Limited amounted  to approximately  GBP6.7 
billion as at 31 December 2008. 
On 1 December Deloitte & Touche LLP changed its name to Deloitte LLP. 
For the period from 1 July 2008 to 31 December 2008 
We confirm to the best of our knowledge 
a. the half yearly report and unaudited condensed financial 
statements have been prepared in accordance with IAS 34; 
b. the interim management report (contained in the Chairman's 
Statement, Investment Manager's report and Manager's report) includes 
a fair review of the information required by DTR 4.2.7R (indication 
of important events during the first six months and description of 
principal risks and uncertainties for the remaining six months of the 
year); and 
c. the interim management report includes a fair review of the 
information required by DTR 4.2.8R (disclosure of related party 
transactions and changes therein). 
By order of the Board 
CPG Tracy 
CW Sherwell 
27 February 2009 
For the period from 1 July 2008 to 31 
December 2008 
                               01.07.08        01.07.07      01.07.07 
                            to 31.12.08     to 31.12.07   to 30.06.08 
Redeemable participating 
preference shares in         40,000,000      40,000,000    40,000,000 
Total net assets at          37,518,243      46,473,978    38,375,705 
period end 
Net asset value per              93.80p         116.18p        95.94p 
redeemable participating 
preference share 
Total deficit on ordinary       (2.14p)         (1.63p)      (21.88p) 
activities for the 
Revenue deficit per             (1.65p)         (2.45p)       (3.65p) 
redeemable participating 
preference share for the 
financial period/year 
The directors are not declaring a dividend for the period ended 31 
December 2008. 
For the period from 1 July 2008 to 31 December 2008 
As in recent periods there  has been only modest portfolio  activity. 
During the six month period to 31 December 2008, 4 policy  maturities 
were identified, with  a total face  value of US$  7.0 million.  This 
compares with 7 policies with a face value of US$ 6.0 million in  the 
year to 30 June 2008, and 6  policies with a total face value of  US$ 
7.2 million, in the period from the Company's launch to 30 June 2007. 
Although now  received  in  full, the  proceeds  from  recent  policy 
maturities had not been  received as at the  balance sheet date,  and 
this  is   reflected   in   the   significant   balance   of   'other 
receivables'shown in the accounts. 
As at 31  December 2008 there  were a  total of 143  policies in  the 
portfolio, with a face  value of US$ 237  million and a valuation  of 
US$  96  million.  There  have  been  no  policy  acquisitions  since 
completion of the  original policy purchase  programme, but  premiums 
continued to  be  payable on  existing  holdings, totalling  US$  4.7 
million during the half year. 
The principal  risks  facing  the  Company  i.e.  valuation,  credit, 
gearing and foreign exchange are discussed below. 
The valuation  remains  the  best  estimate  of  the  Board  and  the 
Investment Manager of  the current  value of the  portfolio based  on 
expected future  cash  flows.   The three  major  components  of  the 
valuation  are  life  expectancy  (LE)  assessments,  the  tables  of 
predicted  mortalities  based  on  these  life  assessments  and  the 
discount rate (internal rate of return,  or IRR) used to arrive at  a 
present value of the resulting cash flow projections. Each  component 
has caused the Board and the Investment Manager some difficulty  over 
the last six months meaning that  there has been a higher than  usual 
degree of uncertainty in arriving at the current valuation. 
Past reports have alluded to  changing views on life expectancy  from 
the main US life assessors. In broad terms, there has recently been a 
significant  increase  in  LE  assessments.  In  so  far  as  new  LE 
assessments have been made on the Company's policies, these have been 
incorporated into  valuations,  and  the Company  will  continue  its 
present  approach  of  selecting  policies  for  LE  assessment   and 
incorporating  the  results  in  valuations.  So  far,  however,   no 
consistent trend  has  been  observed  within  the  policies  in  the 
portfolio that have  been assessed  and the Board  therefore has  not 
adopted a portfolio-wide LE increase. 
As previously observed, so  far actual rates  of mortality have  been 
significantly below those predicted in the mortality tables. This may 
be due to  underestimation of  LEs, but  it may  also be  due to  the 
particular  characteristics  of  the  portfolio.  Experience  in  the 
development  of  mortality   in  portfolios  of   TLIs  is  not   yet 
sufficiently extensive to explain what  seems to be an  industry-wide 
pattern in this respect. 
The Company's current  valuation policy  uses a  combination of  swap 
yields, to  represent market  interest rates,  with a  risk  premium, 
derived from actual trades,  to arrive at an  overall IRR. In  recent 
weeks, swap  yields have  been falling  sharply, but  there has  been 
insufficient trading  volume to  give a  reliable indicator  of  risk 
premiums. To the extent that there is market information available to 
the Investment Manager, there  is no evidence of  any fall in  market 
IRRs to reflect the general fall  in interest rates over the  period; 
if anything, IRRs rose somewhat to reflect general investor  caution. 
Under these  circumstances  the  board  decided  to  retain  for  the 
December month-end the  overall IRRs used  in the November  month-end 
valuation, which, in  turn, on the  recommendation of the  Investment 
Manager, included a higher risk  premium to offset decreases in  swap 
yields. The valuation has thus not as yet reflected the fall in  swap 
yields and the risk premium now  stands at over 9% compared to  7.25% 
as at 30  June 2008. The  board will keep  this matter under  regular 
review but believes a conservative approach is the correct one in the 
absence of better market information. 
To some extent  valuation uncertainties are  reflected in the  market 
pricing of policies, and  this is an added  reason why the Board  has 
thus not so far  adopted a portfolio-wide LE  increase. The table  of 
predicted yields  set  out  below, however,  gives  shareholders  the 
opportunity to see the effect on portfolio values of a wide range  of 
mortality assumptions. The  Board will continue  actively to  monitor 
market information  and  to  keep  the  valuation  assumptions  under 
IRRs Based On A Projection From The Current net asset value per 
redeemable participating preference share (NAV)"of 93.8p 
                                            IRR Based On Exit Price Range5: 
           Impact on 
Variation    LE for              Valuation 
    in      80yr old  Proportion    of      -10c   -5c     0c     5c    10c 
Mortality1    male    Surviving3 Surviving 
           non-smoker            Policies4 
   125%      -1.09       56%       41.c    +10.5% +13.3% +16.0% +18.6% +21.1% 
   110%      -0.48       59%       41.3c   +7.3%  +10.6% +13.6% +16.5% +19.2% 
   100%       0.00       62%       41.6c   +4.9%  +8.5%  +11.8% +14.9% +17.9% 
   80%        1.20       68%       42.1c   -0.6%  +3.7%  +7.7%  +11.4% +14.8% 
   50%        4.12       78%       42.9c   -12.5% -6.0%  -0.4%  +4.5%  +9.0% 
   30%        8.00       86%       43.4c   -24.9% -15.4% -7.9%  -1.5%  +4.1% 
   Ignore Medical 
 Underwriting & Use      77%       43.9c   -10.0% -4.0%  +1.3%  +6.0%  +10.3% 
   Full VBT Table6 
1.         The central case (100%) assumes that claims experience 
matches the valuation basis in force at 31 December 2008. The other 
scenarios assume mortality experience is higher (e.g. 110%) or lower 
(e.g. 80%). 
2.         This shows the effect of the selected mortality 
experiences on the life expectation (in years) for an otherwise 
normal 80-year-old male non-smoker. 
3.         This shows the percentage of the lives assured which are 
assumed to survive throughout the life of the company. 
4.         This shows the assumed average realisation values (per 
US$1 of TLI policy face value) for the surviving lives at the end of 
the Company's life. The central case (41.6c) corresponds to the 
valuation assumptions used in arriving at the end-December NAV. 
5.         This shows how returns might be expected to vary should 
realisation values differ from those shown in column 4 by the margins 
6.         This shows the returns using the full US Society of 
Actuaries 2008 Valuation Basic Table (VBT)"Select Table without any 
adjustment for the life expectancy assessments. 
There have been  no major changes  in the financial  standing of  the 
insurers who have  issued the policies  in the portfolio.  As at  the 
period end more  than 98%  of the  Company's policies  by value  were 
issued by companies with an A.M.  Best rating of 'A' or better.  This 
figure has not changed significantly since 30 June. It is however  to 
be noted  that the  percentage of  policies by  value with  companies 
rated A+ or  better fell  over the  same period  from 98%  to 84%,  a 
reflection of generally more cautious ratings across the sector. 
In the  early stages  of the  period, policy  maturity proceeds  were 
modest and  it became  apparent  that a  standby  facility of  US$  5 
million would  be helpful.  This was  negotiated, and  was  partially 
drawn down at the period end. Drawings under this standby have, as at 
the date  of this  report, been  repaid out  of the  proceeds of  the 
maturing policies referred to above. The availability of credit lines 
is particularly important to the Company in view of the fixed  nature 
of premium payments due, the inherently unpredictable nature of  cash 
flow arising from policy maturities and the lack of liquidity in  the 
TLI market. Negotiations for the renewal of the overall facility in a 
total amount of US$38 million, were satisfactorily concluded  shortly 
prior to the date of this  report subject only to the formal  signing 
of the documentation by the bank and the Company's board. 
Foreign Exchange 
As at 30th June, the decline in portfolio values had resulted in  the 
portfolio being  over-hedged.  During the  period  therefore  certain 
forward contracts were closed  out with the  result that the  Board's 
original policy of hedging only the  current value of the US$  assets 
has been resumed. 
The market for TLIs  is currently subdued,  as investor appetite  for 
all forms of investment is affected by negative sentiment  generally. 
Quietly, however, the market continues to mature: improved regulation 
in the United States, improved standards of disclosure, the emergence 
of more professional intermediary firms; more accurate LE assessments 
and a greater  understanding of the  attractions of TLIs  are all  in 
Charles Tracy 
27 February 2009 
For the period from 1 July 2008 to 31 December 2008 
Market Background 
Heightened awareness of the secondary market in Life Settlements  was 
apparent throughout 2008 with a  continued increase in policy  supply 
volumes clearly  evident.  During  the first  half of  2008  investor 
demand predominantly from investment banks and financial institutions 
rose to meet this supply of policies.  During the second half of  the 
year however  this  dynamic  was severely  curbed  with  the  ensuing 
onslaught of adverse economic and financial market conditions. 
The resulting lack  of investor capital  culminated in a  significant 
contraction in market competition in the final quarter and the market 
continues to be significantly  subdued. Market intelligence  suggests 
that this  dislocation of  supply and  demand has  allowed those  few 
investors remaining active  to seek  highly opportunistic  purchasing 
opportunities from forced sellers  with little or  no options but  to 
liquidate their policy holdings. We are therefore seeing such  buyers 
demanding  significantly  increased  projected  yields  but   trading 
volumes remain low and such transactions are not being publicised. 
During the  period,  the  Investment Manager  received  an  increased 
number of enquiries  from vendors and  intermediaries seeking  buyers 
for their  surplus  supply  of policies  as  their  existing  funding 
sources withdrew.   Some major  industry  participants were  seen  to 
streamline their operations and there  have been signs of changes  in 
strategy with some  withdrawing from  the market  but others  pushing 
forward with expansion plans including  one major US Life  Settlement 
provider, Coventry opening a London office. 
In the latter part of 2008 a number of the life expectancy  providers 
made amendments to their mortality tables and some made modifications 
to their  own  proprietary  methodologies. These  changes  were  made 
principally as a consequence  of the release earlier  in the year  by 
the US Society  of Actuaries  of its updated  reference tables  (2008 
Valuation Basic  Table).  The  result of  these  changes  suggests  a 
lengthening of life expectancies for policies being transacted in the 
secondary market which  is more in  line with the  Fund's own  actual 
experience. Market participants have generally welcomed these updates 
and  refinements  and  the  improved  consensus  on  life  expectancy 
predictions is  being  seen  as  a positive  for  the  market  moving 
Other occurrences in the period include American International  Group 
(AIG) in September reporting over $18.5 billion in losses during  the 
previous nine months, prompting several  ratings agencies to cut  its 
credit ratings.   The  Fund  holds  policies with  a  number  of  AIG 
insurance subsidiaries, all of which are subject to separate  ratings 
and additional  regulatory  protections which  would  protect  policy 
holders in  the  event  of the  Group  company  encountering  further 
ratings changes. 
The regulation of the life  settlement market continued apace  during 
2008 with thirty-one states proposing legislation that would  address 
Life Settlements or amend existing Life Settlement laws, resulting in 
thirteen adopting  new laws.   As  the Fund  has ceased  to  purchase 
policies the impact of this legislation will be extremely limited  as 
it is all  directly focussed  on the  regulation of  the purchase  of 
policies from the secondary market and is not retrospective. 
In line with general market sentiment the Investment Manager  expects 
that the decline in purchasing activity experienced of late, together 
with reducing commission  rates, will see  the less efficient  market 
participants struggle in 2009  in the wake  of reduced capital.   The 
prospective   consolidation   of    providers   and   other    market 
intermediaries should improve the market share of the higher  quality 
operators, viewed as a positive move for future market participants. 
Similar to  other  investment  markets  at  present,  commitments  of 
capital  remain   subdued  in   the  Life   Settlement  space.    The 
low-correlation dynamic  associated  with Life  Settlements  and  the 
yield potential presently available  is expected to attract  interest 
once credit conditions improve. 
Portfolio Review 
As at  31st December  2008, there  were 143  active policies  on  122 
unique lives.  The total net  death benefit was $237m.  Three  deaths 
have been  identified in  the  six month  period, resulting  in  four 
policy maturities.  All were male  lives assured and occurred  before 
the assessed  life  expectancies.   The  realised  proceeds  totalled 
Since inception, there have been 13 deaths resulting in the  maturity 
of 17 policies in the portfolio.  Realised proceeds total $20.5m. 
The remaining  policies  in  the Fund  are  held  across  thirty-four 
holding life  companies.  The  minimum  AM Best  rating is  A-.   The 
current distribution by holding life company rating is shown below: 
|                |   Number of Holding Life    | % Investment Value | 
| AM Best Rating |          Companies          |                    | 
|      A++       |              7              |       33.0%        | 
|       A+       |             21              |       51.0%        | 
|       A        |              5              |       14.7%        | 
|       A-       |              1              |        1.3%        | 
|                |             34              |       100.0%       | 
Approximately 65% of the remaining policies in portfolio were issued 
on male lives. 
The portfolio valuation for AAO is an actuarial calculation that uses 
US swap yields plus a risk premium to arrive at the present value  of 
the cash  flows expected  to  arise on  each policy.   During  recent 
months the decrease in market interest rates has led to a decrease in 
the swap yields but  there is no evidence  of purchase yields in  the 
Life Settlement market  being similarly affected.   On the  contrary, 
there are indications that yields  have increased over recent  months 
but this  is  not  possible  to  verify  due  to  a  lack  of  market 
transactions. For this reason, yields  have been held at 30  November 
2008 levels for  both the 31  December 2008 and  the 31 January  2009 
valuation. The Investment Manager  in conjunction with the  Directors 
continues to evaluate market trends  and all available data in  order 
to provide a consistent and reliable mark-to-model valuation for  the 
Fund's assets. 
Surrenda-link Limited 
27 February 2009 
For the period from 1 July 2008 to 31 December 2008 
Cash Management and Borrowings 
As at 31st December, the  full amount available under the  principal, 
$30 million  tranche of  the borrowing  facility provided  by  Allied 
Irish Banks had been drawn down. In addition, $2 million of a second, 
$5 million, standby  tranche also available  under that facility  had 
been drawn down. Since the period  end, the standby tranche has  been 
fully repaid and the balance outstanding under the principal  tranche 
has been reduced to $28 million. 
The above facility expires in March 2009, and so the Company's cash 
flow requirement up to that date can be met. A new $38 million 
facility [subject only to the formal signing of the documentation by 
the bank and the Company's board] that expires in March 2010 has now 
been renegotiated with Allied Irish Banks. This is subject to terms 
and conditions that are similar to those relating to the present 
facility, except that the margin over US$ Libor has risen to 2.00% on 
the first $28 million borrowed and 2.75% on the balance of $10 
million. The total facility will ensure that, in the worst case of 
there being no further policy maturities, the Company's cash flow 
requirements can be met into the first quarter of 2010. 
It is expected that maturities over the next 12 months will allow the 
company to continue as a going concern until March 2010, the date  of 
renegotiation of the loan. 
As at  31st December,  the level  of gearing  was 87.5%.  This  takes 
account of the unrealised losses on  the forward sales of US  dollars 
(see below). The  maximum level of  gearing to be  reached cannot  be 
predicted precisely because the outcome will depend upon the  balance 
between, on  the  one  hand,  receipts  arising  from  the  death  of 
policy-holders and,  on  the  other, outgoing  premium  payments  for 
ongoing policies. 
Currency Hedging 
The Company hedges its US dollar  exposure by means of forward  sales 
of US dollars. As highlighted in  the last report, recent policy  has 
been to anticipate  some level  of profit from  maturing policies  in 
determining the extent of  the hedge, but by  31st December 2008  the 
extent of this anticipation was minimal. Following the re-purchase of 
US dollars through forward contracts during the period, the net  open 
position as of 31  December was the forward  sale of $71 million  all 
for 30 March 2012. The unrealised  loss on this position amounted  to 
GBP10,953,819, and  once the  unrealised FX  profit on  the  underlying 
policies, denominated in US dollars, is taken into account, there was 
a total net  loss on  the Company's  FX positions  equivalent to  2.5 
pence per share. 
RCM (UK) Limited 
27 February 2009 
For the period from 1 July 2008 to 31 December 2008 
We have been engaged  by the Company to  review the condensed set  of 
financial statements in the half-yearly financial report for the  six 
months ended 31  December 2008 which  comprise the income  statement, 
the  balance   sheet,  the   statement  of   changes  in   redeemable 
participating  preference   shareholders'   funds,  the   cash   flow 
statement, the portfolio of investments and related notes 1 to 15. We 
have  read  the  other  information  contained  in  the   half-yearly 
financial report  and considered  whether  it contains  any  apparent 
misstatements or material inconsistencies with the information in the 
condensed set of financial statements. 
This report  is  made  solely  to  the  Company  in  accordance  with 
International Standard  on  Review  Engagements 2410  issued  by  the 
Auditing Practices Board.  Our  work has been  undertaken so that  we 
might state to the Company those matters we are required to state  to 
them in an independent review report and for no other purpose. To the 
fullest  extent  permitted  by  law,  we  do  not  accept  or  assume 
responsibility to anyone other than the Company, for our review work, 
for this report, or for the conclusions we have formed. 
Directors' responsibilities 
The half-yearly financial  report is the  responsibility of, and  has 
been approved by, the directors.   The directors are responsible  for 
preparing the  half-yearly financial  report in  accordance with  the 
Disclosure and Transparency Rules  of the United Kingdom's  Financial 
Services Authority. 
As disclosed  in  note 2,  the  annual financial  statements  of  the 
Company are prepared in accordance with IFRSs.  The condensed  set of 
financial statements included  in this  half-yearly financial  report 
has  been  prepared  in  accordance  with  International   Accounting 
Standard 34, "Interim Financial Reporting". 
Our responsibility 
Our responsibility is to express to  the Company a conclusion on  the 
condensed set of  financial statements in  the half-yearly  financial 
report based on our review. 
Scope of Review 
We conducted our review in accordance with International Standard  on 
Review  Engagements  (UK  and  Ireland)  2410,  "Review  of   Interim 
Financial Information  Performed by  the Independent  Auditor of  the 
Entity" issued by the Auditing Practices Board for use in the  United 
Kingdom. A review of interim financial information consists of making 
inquiries,  primarily  of  persons  responsible  for  financial   and 
accounting  matters,  and  applying   analytical  and  other   review 
procedures. A review  is substantially  less in scope  than an  audit 
conducted in accordance with International Standards on Auditing  (UK 
and Ireland) and consequently does not enable us to obtain  assurance 
that we would become aware of  all significant matters that might  be 
identified in  an audit.  Accordingly,  we do  not express  an  audit 
Based on our review, nothing has come to our attention that causes us 
to believe  that the  condensed set  of financial  statements in  the 
half-yearly financial report  for the  six months  ended 31  December 
2008 is not prepared,  in all material  respects, in accordance  with 
International  Accounting  Standard   34  and   the  Disclosure   and 
Transparency  Rules  of  the  United  Kingdom's  Financial   Services 
Emphasis of Matter - Valuation of TLIs 
In arriving at our conclusion, we have considered the adequacy of the 
disclosure made in note 2 of the financial statements concerning  the 
Company's  actuarial  model  applied  in  valuing  its  Traded   Life 
Interests ("TLIs").  Note  2  describes the  method  adopted  by  the 
directors to value the TLIs. The methodology adopted by the directors 
is on the  basis that these  investments are intended  to be held  to 
maturity or the  end of the  life of the  Fund and makes  assumptions 
over  expected  lives  and  discount  rates.  There  is  an  inherent 
uncertainty within this  basis. Note  2 to  the financial  statements 
highlights that this valuation will differ from the realisable  value 
of these investments were  the TLIs to be  sold at the balance  sheet 
date. Note 12 refers to  the negotiations with the Company's  bankers 
to extend the facilities which are necessary to allow the Company  to 
hold investments to maturity and/or the end of the life of the Fund. 
Deloitte LLP 
Chartered Accountants 
St Peter Port 
27 February 2009 
For the period from 1 July 2008 to 31 December 2008 
                        01.07.08 to 31.12.08             01.07.07 to 31.12.07             01.07.07 to 30.06.08 
                  Revenue    Capital       Total      Revenue   Capital    Total     Revenue     Capital      Total 
                     GBP          GBP            GBP           GBP         GBP         GBP          GBP           GBP           GBP 
Operating income 
Net gains on          -      17,084,221   17,084,221      -    1,258,705 1,258,705        -    (5,594,955) (5,594,955) 
Other foreign         -    (17,280,572) (17,280,572)      -    (931,623) (931,623)        -    (1,696,030) (1,696,030) 
exchange losses 
Interest and        21,094         -          21,094    25,944      -       25,944      70,973        -         70,973 
similar income 
Management fee   (114,443)         -       (114,443) (255,066)      -    (255,066)   (236,161)        -      (236,161) 
Investment       (120,808)         -       (120,808) (171,595)      -    (171,595)   (230,968)        -      (230,968) 
manager's fee 
Custodian fee      (9,580)         -         (9,580)  (13,481)      -     (13,481)    (22,440)        -       (22,440) 
Other expenses        -            -            -    (170,107)      -    (170,107)   (265,357)       -       (265,357) 
Total operating 
before finance   (244,831)         -       (244,831) (610,249)      -    (610,249)   (754,926)        -      (754,926) 
  before finance (223,737)    (196,351)    (420,088) (584,305)   327,082 (257,223)   (683,953) (7,290,985) (7,974,938) 
Finance costs 
Interest payable (299,352)         -       (299,352) (396,543)      -    (396,543)   (777,101)        -      (777,101) 
Net              (523,089)    (196,351)    (719,440) (980,848)   327,082 (653,766) (1,461,054) (7,290,985) (8,752,039) 
(Deficit)/Return   (1.31p)      (0.49p)      (1.80p)   (2.45p)     0.82p   (1.63p)     (3.65p)    (18.23p)    (21.88p) 
per redeemable 
preference share 
The revenue column of this statement is the revenue account of the 
All revenue and capital items in the above statement derive from 
continuing operations. 
As at 31 December 2008 
                                     31.12.08    31.12.07   30.06.08 
                                         GBP          GBP          GBP 
Non-current assets 
Financial assets at fair value       66,051,919 57,131,795 50,895,244 
through profit or loss 
                                     66,051,919 57,131,795 50,895,244 
Current assets 
Cash and cash equivalents               397,196    496,688  1,196,096 
Fair value of derivative financial         -     2,110,490  1,305,132 
Other receivables                     4,104,515    147,492    243,501 
                                      4,501,711  2,754,670  2,744,729 
Total assets                         70,553,630 59,886,465 53,639,973 
Current liabilities 
Loan account                         21,874,359 12,894,776 14,904,495 
Fair value of derivative financial   10,953,819       -          - 
Other payables                          207,209    517,711    359,773 
Unrealised loss on forward foreign 
   exchange contract                       -          -          - 
Total liabilities                    33,035,387 13,412,487 15,264,268 
Net assets attributable to 
redeemable participating 
  preference shareholders            37,518,243 46,473,978 38,375,705 
Redeemable participating 
shareholders' funds 
Share premium account                39,168,236 39,168,236 39,168,236 
Reserves                            (1,649,993)  7,305,742  (792,531) 
Total equity                         37,518,243 46,473,978 38,375,705 
Net asset value per redeemable           93.80p    116.18p     95.94p 
participating preference share 
These financial statements were approved by the board of Directors on 
27 February 2009. 
Signed on behalf of the board. 
CPG Tracy 
CW Sherwell 
For the period from 1 July 2008 to 31 December 2008 
                            Share     Capital     Revenue       Total 
                          Premium     Reserve     Reserve 
                                GBP           GBP           GBP           GBP 
At 1 July 2007         39,168,236   9,466,098 (1,506,590)  47,127,744 
Profit/(loss) for the        -        327,082   (980,848)   (653,766) 
At 31 December 2007    39,168,236   9,793,180 (2,487,438)  46,473,978 
Loss for the period          -    (7,618,067)   (480,206) (8,098,273) 
At 30 June 2008        39,168,236   2,175,113 (2,967,644)  38,375,705 
Loss for the period          -      (196,351)   (661,111)   (857,462) 
At 31 December 2008    39,168,236   1,978,762 (3,628,755)  37,518,243 
For the period from 1 July 2008 to 31 December 2008 
                                     01.07.08    01.07.07    01.07.07 
                                  to 31.12.08 to 31.12.07 to 30.06.08 
                                       GBP           GBP           GBP 
Cash flows from operating 
Revenue account operating loss 
before finance costs for the        (361,759)   (584,305)   (683,953) 
Interest paid                       (299,352)   (396,543)   (777,101) 
(Increase)/decrease in other      (3,861,014)     940,262     844,253 
(Decrease)/increase in other        (152,564)     265,082     107,144 
Premiums paid                     (2,683,369) (2,111,697) (4,490,367) 
Proceeds from maturity of           4,610,915     142,018   1,903,579 
Currency losses                     (132,787)   (131,258)    (90,307) 
Net cash outflow from operating   (2,879,930) (1,876,441) (3,186,752) 
Financing activities 
Issue of shares                                      - 
Issue costs paid                                     - 
Increase in loan account            2,081,030     449,535   2,459,254 
Net cash inflow from financing      2,081,030     449,535   2,459,254 
Reconciliation of cash flow to 
movement in net cash 
Decrease in cash and cash           (798,900) (1,426,906)   (727,498) 
equivalents in the period 
Cash and cash equivalents at the    1,196,096   1,923,594   1,923,594 
beginning of the period 
Cash and cash equivalents at the      397,196     496,688   1,196,096 
end of the period 
As at 31 December 2008 
Traded Life Interests 
                              Number               Portion of AM Best 
Issuer                      of Policies Investment Portfolio  Rating 
                                            GBP          % 
American General Life                    9,339,151      14.0% 
Insurance Company (TX)               13                       A 
Lincoln National Life                    8,932,480      13.5% 
Insurance Company                    19                       A+ 
Transamerica Life Insurance              7,634,607      11.6% 
Company                              21                       A+ 
Massachusetts Mutual Life                6,916,128      10.5% 
Insurance Company                    11                       A++ 
John Hancock Life Insurance              5,430,014       8.2% 
Company                              13                       A++ 
Pacific Life Insurance                   4,473,066       6.8% 
Company                               6                       A++ 
Indianapolis Life Insurance              3,801,980       5.8% 
Company                               6                       A+ 
Jackson National Life                    2,499,876       3.8% 
Insurance Company                     1                       A+ 
MetLife Insurance Company                2,336,624       3.5% 
of Connecticut                        8                       A+ 
New York Life Insurance and              1,944,638       2.9% 
Annuity Corporation                   6                       A++ 
Security Life of Denver                  1,878,586       2.8% 
Insurance Company                     1                       A+ 
John Hancock Variable Life               1,693,155       2.6% 
Insurance Company                     3                       A++ 
Columbus Life Insurance                  1,094,115       1.7% 
Company                               2                       A++ 
Lincoln L & A Company of NY           2    901,433       1.4% A+ 
AXA Equitable Life                         894,984       1.4% 
Insurance Company                     4                       A+ 
National Western Life                      869,427       1.3% 
Insurance Company                     1                       A- 
MONY Life Insurance Company           1    800,135       1.2% A+ 
ING Life Insurance and                     672,898       1.0% 
Annuity Company                       3                       A+ 
Genworth Life Insurance                    619,413       0.9% 
Company                               1                       A+ 
Aviva Life and Annuity                     416,047       0.6% 
Company of NY                         2                       A+ 
North American Company for                 411,027       0.6% 
L & H Ins                             2                       A+ 
Lincoln Benefit Life                       390,258       0.6% 
Company                               1                       A+ 
Transamerica Financial Life                332,318       0.5% 
Insurance Company                     1                       A+ 
United of Omaha Life                       313,884       0.5% 
Insurance Company                     2                       A+ 
ReliaStar Life Insurance                   244,939       0.4% 
Company                               2                       A+ 
Sun Life Assurance Company                 236,810       0.4% 
of CA (U.S.)                          2                       A++ 
Banner Life Insurance                      221,337       0.3% 
Company                               2                       A+ 
MONY Life Insurance Company                189,010       0.3% 
of America                            1                       A+ 
Reassure America Life                      157,186       0.2% 
Insurance Company                     1                       A+ 
Standard Insurance Company            1    151,845       0.2% A 
Security Mutual Life                       104,089       0.2% 
Insurance Company of NY               1                       A 
General American Life                       60,629       0.1% 
Insurance Company                     1                       A+ 
Phoenix Life Insurance                      54,421       0.1% 
Company                               1                       A 
Beneficial Life Insurance                   35,409       0.1% 
Company                               1                       A 
                                        66,051,919     100.0% 
For the period from 1 July 2008 to 31 December 2008 
1 Principal activity 
The Company  is a  Guernsey  registered closed-ended  protected  cell 
company established  with  one  Cell  known as  the  US  Traded  Life 
Interests Fund (the "Fund"  or "Cell"). The redeemable  participating 
preference shares (the "Shares") in the Fund are listed on the London 
Stock Exchange. The Company's objective in respect of the Fund is  to 
provide  investors  with   an  attractive   capital  return   through 
investment predominantly in  a diversified portfolio  of U.S.  Traded 
Life Interests ("TLIs"). 
2 Principal Accounting Policies 
(a) Basis of Preparation 
The condensed financial information for the six months ended 30  June 
2008 has been prepared in  accordance with IAS 34 'Interim  Financial 
Reporting'. The  condensed interim  financial information  should  be 
read in conjunction with the annual financial statements for the year 
ended 30  June 2008,  which  have been  prepared in  accordance  with 
International Financial Reporting Standards. 
The accounting policies applied in the condensed financial statements 
are consistent with those of the annual statements for the year ended 
30 June 2008, as described in those financial statements. 
Critical  accounting  judgements  and   key  sources  of   estimation 
The preparation  of  Financial  Statements in  conformity  with  IFRS 
requires management  to make  judgements, estimates  and  assumptions 
that affect the application of  policies and the reported amounts  of 
assets and  liabilities,  income  and  expenses.  The  estimates  and 
associated assumptions are based on historical experience and various 
other  factors  that  are  believed   to  be  reasonable  under   the 
circumstances,  the  results  of  which  form  the  basis  of  making 
judgements about the carrying values  of assets and liabilities  that 
are not  readily  apparent from  other  sources. Actual  results  may 
differ from these estimates. The estimates and underlying assumptions 
are reviewed on an ongoing  basis. Revisions to accounting  estimates 
are recognised in the  year in which the  estimate is revised if  the 
revision affects only that year, or  in the year of the revision  and 
future years if the revision  affects both current and future  years. 
Where such judgements are made they are discussed below. 
(b) Valuation of investments 
The Company invests  in US  Traded Life Interests  ("TLIs") which  it 
intends to hold to maturity or until the end of the life of the Fund. 
All investments are classified as fair value through profit and loss. 
Recognition and basis of measurement 
Purchases of investments were  recognised on a  trade date basis  and 
were initially measured at cost, being the consideration given. 
The methodology adopted by the  Directors is designed to reflect  the 
fair value of the policies.  This methodology uses a discounted  cash 
flow method. 
The value of a TLI  policy is the expected  present value of its  net 
future cash  flows.  The  calculation uses  the  following  data  and 
mortality rate assumptions provided by the Investment Manager: 
- Death benefit payable under the policy; 
- Premiums due under the policy; 
- Mortality  using  the  2008 Valuation  Basic  Table  (Ultimate)  as 
adjusted by  third  party life  expectancy  assessments and  using  a 
24-month "select period' adjustment; and 
- A discount rate derived by the Investment Manager based on the  US$ 
swap curve plus an appropriate risk premium for each period. 
There is  inherent uncertainty  within this  mark to  model basis  of 
valuation that this valuation will  differ from the realisable  value 
of these investments were  the TLIs to be  sold at the balance  sheet 
date. The Directors  and the Investment  Manager are considering  the 
assumptions used for this model in the light of recent information. 
For the period from 1 July 2008 to 31 December 2008 
2 Principal Accounting Policies 
(b) Valuation of investments (continued) 
The Company  de-recognises a  financial  asset when  the  contractual 
rights to cash  flows from  the financial asset  expire. A  financial 
liability is  de-recognised  when  the obligation  specified  in  the 
contract is discharged, cancelled or expired. 
(c) Going concern 
The accounts  have  been  prepared  on a  going  concern  basis.  The 
Directors believe that this basis  is appropriate as the Company  has 
net assets significantly in excess of its liabilities. The bank  loan 
(see note 12)  was extended to  March 2010 in  February 2009. If  the 
bank loan were to be recalled the Directors believe that the  Company 
could realise sufficient assets over time in order to repay the loan, 
albeit at amounts that would differ from their current fair value. 
The Directors have reviewed  the cash flow  and projected income  and 
expenses over the next twelve months and deemed that the Company  has 
adequate financial resources to meet its obligations. 
3 Income 
                             01.07.08    01.07.07    01.07.07 
                          to 31.12.08 to 31.12.07 to 30.06.08 
                               GBP           GBP           GBP 
  Bank deposit interest        21,094      25,944      70,973 
  Total income                 21,094      25,944      70,973 
4 Investment management and management fees 
Surrenda-link,  the  investment  manager,  was  appointed  under   an 
agreement with the Company and other  parties dated 16 March 2004  as 
amended and restated on 20 July 2004. The agreement may be terminated 
by either party  giving not  less than  12 months  notice or  shorter 
notice as the parties may agree to accept.  The basic remuneration of 
the investment manager has been at an annual rate of 0.5% of the  net 
assets of  the  Company payable  calendar  monthly in  arrears.   The 
investment  manager  has  delegated  certain  of  its  functions   to 
Preferred Asset Management Limited ("PAM"). The fee for the provision 
of these  services by  PAM was  2% of  the acquisition  cost of  each 
relevant policy to be invoiced monthly. 
RCM (UK) Limited, the manager, was appointed under an agreement  with 
the Company dated 16 March 2004 to manage the fixed interest and near 
cash assets of the Company  in accordance with the investment  policy 
and to  implement the  currency hedging  facility from  time to  time 
approved by  the Directors.  Either  party giving  not less  than  12 
months notice may  terminate the agreement.   The Manager receives  a 
fee at a rate of up to 1% per annum of the net assets payable monthly 
in  arrears.  In  the  period  under  review  the  Manager  has  been 
remunerated at the rate  of 0.5% per annum  net of trail  commissions 
paid to qualifying placees and other authorised intermediaries. 
For the period from 1 July 2008 to 31 December 2008 
5 Other expenses 
                                    01.07.08    01.07.07    01.07.07 
                                 to 31.12.08 to 31.12.07 to 30.06.08 
                                      GBP           GBP           GBP 
  Administration fees                 17,585      24,013      52,736 
  Broker fees                          3,289      12,500      24,308 
  Directors' fees and expenses        21,906      22,479      43,774 
  D&O Insurance                       11,262       6,843       8,959 
  Auditors' remuneration              18,272       5,069      24,432 
  Legal fees                          18,873      26,557      15,083 
  Printing                             5,521       5,069       1,033 
  Safe custody fees                    4,234       4,339       8,362 
  Sundry expenses                     37,080      63,238      86,670 
                                     138,022     170,107     265,357 
6 Taxation 
The Company is exempt from Guernsey  Income Tax under the Income  Tax 
(Exempt Bodies) (Guernsey) Ordinances 1989 and 1992 and is charged an 
annual exemption fee of GBP600 included in sundry expenses. The Company 
, as a  collective investment  scheme, will  be able  to continue  to 
apply for  exempt tax  status under  the revised  company income  tax 
regime that came into effect on 1 January 2008. 
7 Return per Share 
Revenue return per Share is based on the net loss attributable to the 
Shares  of  GBP661,111  (December  2007:  GBP980,848  loss,  June   2008: 
GBP1,461,054 loss) and  on the  average number  of Shares  in issue  of 
40,000,000. Capital  return per  redeemable participating  preference 
share is based on the net capital loss attributable to the Shares  of 
GBP196,351  (December 2007: GBP327,082 gain, June 2007: GBP7,290,985  loss) 
and on the average number of Shares in issue of 40,000,000. 
8 Net Asset Value per Share 
The net asset value per Share is based on net assets attributable  to 
Shares  of  GBP37,518,243  (December  2007:  GBP46,473,978,  June   2008: 
GBP38,375,705) and on the 40,000,000 Shares in issue at the period end. 
For the period from 1 July 2008 to 31 December 2008 
9 Investments 
  (a) Investments at fair value 
  through profit or loss 
                                     01.07.08    01.07.07    01.07.07 
                                  to 31.12.08 to 31.12.07 to 30.06.08 
                                       GBP           GBP           GBP 
  Opening valuation                50,895,244  53,903,411  53,903,411 
  Purchases at cost                 2,683,369   2,111,697   4,490,367 
  (including premiums paid) 
  Maturities - proceeds           (4,610,915)   (142,018) (1,903,579) 
  Realised gains on maturities      2,670,192      96,385     844,038 
  Unrealised movement in           14,414,029   1,162,320 (6,438,993) 
  appreciation / 
  (depreciation) of investments 
  Closing valuation                66,051,919  57,131,795  50,895,244 
  Closing book cost                55,919,765  53,812,357  55,177,119 
  Closing unrealised               10,132,154   3,319,438 (4,281,875) 
  appreciation / 
  Closing valuation                66,051,919  57,131,795  50,895,244 
  (b) Net gain/(loss) on             01.07.08    01.07.07    01.07.07 
  investments held 
  at fair value through profit    to 31.12.08 to 31.12.07 to 30.06.08 
  or loss 
                                       GBP           GBP           GBP 
  Realised gain on maturities       2,670,192      96,385     844,038 
  Unrealised movement in           14,414,029   1,162,320 (6,438,993) 
     /(depreciation) on 
  revaluation of investments 
                                   17,084,221   1,258,705 (5,594,955) 
10 Other receivables 
                                  31.12.08  31.12.07 30.06.08 
                                      GBP        GBP        GBP 
   Sundry debtors                     2,879      955   17,631 
   Maturity proceeds receivable   4,101,442  145,696  225,870 
   Accrued income                       194      841     - 
                                  4,104,515  147,492  243,501 
For the period from 1 July 2008 to 31 December 2008 
11 Other payables 
                            31.12.08 31.12.07 30.06.08 
                               GBP        GBP        GBP 
   Accrued expenses          207,209  517,711  359,773 
   Amounts due to brokers       -        - 
                             207,209  517,711  359,773 
12 Loan facility 
The Company has a US$ 35,000,000 (December 2007: US$ 30,000,000, June 
2008 US$ 30,000,000) secured,  revolving credit facility with  Allied 
Irish Banks  plc. Interest  is payable  at LIBOR  plus 0.75%  on  the 
balance up to US$ 30,000,000 and at LIBOR plus 2% on the balance over 
US$ 30,000,000. As at 31  December 2008 US$ 32,000,000  (GBP21,874,359) 
had been drawn down  (December 2007: US$ 25,000,000 (GBP12,594,776) and 
GBP300,000, June 2008: US$ 28,200,000 (GBP14,154,495) and GBP750,000).  The 
facility expires in March 2009. 
Since the period end,  the Directors have agreed  to extend the  loan 
facility to March  2010 subject  only to  the formal  signing of  the 
documentation by the bank and  the Company's board. The renewed  loan 
will be subject  to terms and  conditions that are  similar to  those 
relating to the existing facility, except that the margin over  LIBOR 
has risen to 2.00% on the first US$ 28,000,000 borrowed and 2.75%  on 
the balance of US$ 10,000,000. The loan is expected to be repaid with 
proceeds receivable from the maturity of the TLIs. 
Were it to  be necessary,  the Company could  sell TLIs  in order  to 
repay the loan. It is noted  that the valuation methodology does  not 
assume sales of TLIs, rather that they would be held to maturity.  In 
the event of a sale, the proceeds received would in all likelihood be 
lower than the valuation. 
13 Other reserves 
                                             Unrealised         Total 
                                                31.12.08     31.12.08 
                                                 GBP            GBP 
   Opening balance                           (1,489,936)  (1,489,936) 
   Realised gain on maturities                      -            - 
   Movement in unrealised gain on                   -            - 
   Movement in unrealised currency loss 
   on forward 
     foreign currency contracts             (12,258,951) (12,258,951) 
   Movement in unrealised currency loss      (5,021,621)  (5,021,621) 
   Revenue loss for the period                      -            - 
   Closing balance                          (18,770,508) (18,770,508) 
For the period from 1 July 2008 to 31 December 2008 
13 Other reserves (continued) 
                                              Unrealised        Total 
                                                 31.12.07    31.12.07 
                                                   GBP           GBP 
   Opening balance                              6,645,087   6,645,087 
   Realised gain on maturities                       -           - 
   Movement in unrealised gain on               1,162,320   1,162,320 
   Movement in unrealised currency loss 
   on forward 
     foreign currency contracts                 (800,365)   (800,365) 
   Movement in unrealised currency loss         (131,258)   (131,258) 
   Revenue loss for the period                       -           - 
   Closing balance                              6,875,784   6,875,784 
                                              Unrealised        Total 
                                                 30.06.08    30.06.08 
                                                   GBP           GBP 
   Opening balance                              6,645,087   6,645,087 
   Realised gain on maturities                       -           - 
   Movement in unrealised loss on             (6,438,993) (6,438,993) 
   Movement in unrealised currency gain 
   on forward 
     foreign currency contracts               (1,605,723) (1,605,723) 
   Movement in unrealised currency loss          (90,307)    (90,307) 
   Revenue loss for the year                         -           - 
   Closing balance                            (1,489,936) (1,489,936) 
14 Related party transactions 
Fees earned by the  Directors of the Company  during the period  were 
GBP21,530 (December 2007: GBP21,541, June 2008: (12 months): GBP42,470). 
15 Forward foreign exchange contracts and other foreign exchange 
The Shares in issue  are Sterling denominated  but the TLI  portfolio 
and borrowings are denominated in US Dollars.  In accordance with the 
Company's investment objectives and  policies the Company hedges  the 
currency exposure of  its net  US Dollar assets  into Sterling  using 
forward foreign exchange contracts. At  the period end there were  16 
outstanding forward foreign  exchange contracts for  the net sale  of 
US$ 71 million against Sterling; 3  maturing on 31 March 2009 and  13 
maturing on 30  March 2012.  The fair  value of  the forward  foreign 
exchange contracts is shown on  the Condensed Balance Sheet as  'Fair 
value of derivative financial instruments'. 
For the period from 1 July 2008 to 31 December 2008 
15 Forward foreign exchange contracts and other foreign exchange 
losses (continued) 
The forward foreign exchange  contracts in place  have resulted in  a 
balance of unrealised  foreign exchange  loss of  GBP10,953,819 at  the 
period end  (December 2007:  GBP2,110,490 gain,  June 2008:  GBP1,305,132 
gain). As a result the  movement in unrealised foreign exchange  gain 
or loss  on  forward  contracts  during the  period  was  a  loss  of 
GBP12,258,951 (December  2007:  GBP800,365 loss,  June  2008:  GBP1,605,723 
loss), which is included under 'Other foreign exchange losses' on the 
face of the Condensed Income Statement. 
The Company also incurred currency foreign exchange losses during the 
period of GBP5,021,621 (December  2007: GBP131,258, June 2008  GBP90,307). 
These losses arose predominantly on the revaluation of the  Company's 
US$ denominated borrowings (see Note 12) and are also included  under 
'Other foreign exchange losses' on  the face of the Condensed  Income 
In total, the Company incurred foreign exchange losses of GBP17,280,572 
(December 2007:  GBP931,623  loss,  June  2008:  GBP1,696,030  loss).  As 
intended, the total losses offset  the foreign exchange gain made  on 
the underlying portfolio of TLI policies. 
This announcement was originally distributed by Hugin. The issuer is 
solely responsible for the content of this announcement. 

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Alternative Asset Opps Pcc (LSE:TLI)
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