Preliminary Announcement of Results

                For the period 1 July 2007 to 31 December 2007

At a meeting of the Board of Directors held on 21 February 2008,
the half yearly accounts for the Company for the period 1 July 2007 to 31
December 2007 were approved, details of which are attached.

The financial information set out in this announcement does not
constitute the Company's statutory accounts for the period 1 July 2007 to 31
December 2007, but is derived from those accounts. Statutory accounts for the
period 1 July 2007 to 31 December 2007 will be delivered to Shareholders
during February 2008.

The financial statements have been prepared in accordance with
International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). Whilst the financial
information included in this preliminary announcement has been computed in
accordance with IFRS, this announcement does not itself contain sufficient
information to comply with IFRS. The Company will publish condensed financial
statements that comply with IFRS in February 2008. This announcement has been
prepared using accounting policies consistent with those set out in the
Company's half yearly report and financial statements for the period 1 July
2007 to 31 December 2007.

Company Secretary

Kleinwort Benson (Channel Islands) Corporate Services Limited

Telephone number: 01481 727111

Fax number: 01481 728317

25 February 2008

Dorey Court

Admiral Park

St Peter Port




For the period 1 July 2007 to 31 December 2007

This has been a quiet period, with no portfolio acquisitions and
only 2 maturities within the portfolio since 30 June 2007 involving policies
with a face value of US$2.4m. The portfolio thus consisted as at 31 December
2007 of 152 policies on 128 separate lives, with a face value of US$248
million. The Investment Manager's review and the accounts give further details
of the portfolio.


In my last report I referred to a change in the method of
valuation, which reflected the fact that the Company's portfolio is different
from a random portfolio of lives insured. This is now provided for by using a
24-month `select period' adjustment. Given that the period since most policies
were originally acquired is now over 24 months, the number of maturities
should now be beginning to increase significantly. Although this has not been
the case in the reporting period, subsequent to the period end there have been
a total of 4 policy maturities with a total face value of US$3 million,
involving two separate lives.

Your Board will continue to monitor closely with the Investment
Manager the rate of actual maturities compared with the mortality assumptions
included in the valuation basis. As part of this process, the Board is
proposing to commission a number of new life expectancy assessments to test
the assumed expectancies used for the valuation.

On the basis of the current valuation methodology, at the end of
December, and based on the NAV of 116.18 pence per share, the projected
returns were:

Illustrative redemption yields (% per annum)

Mortality   Proportion Exit Price    Variation in exit price

Assumption  Surviving

Note 1        Note 2     Note 3   -10c   -5c   0c    +5c  +10c

- 18 months   40.8%      45.90c   11.0% 12.1% 13.2% 14.3% 15.3%
- 6 months    44.7%      46.14c   9.2%  10.5% 11.8% 13.0% 14.2%
          0   47.8%      46.33c   7.8%  9.2%  10.6% 11.9% 13.2%
+ 6 months    51.1%      46.54c   6.1%  7.7%  9.3%  10.7% 12.1%
+ 18 months   57.1%      46.89c   2.8%  4.8%  6.6%  8.4%  10.1%


1. This assumes that deaths occur as predicted by the medical
assessors plus or minus the periods listed.

2. This shows the percentage of policy lives insured assumed to
survive throughout the life of the Company.

3. This shows the assumed average realisation values per US$1 of
TLI policy face value in respect of the policies of the surviving lives
insured at the end of life of the Company. The base case (Realisation Value =
46.33 cents per $1 of face value) corresponds to the market value assumptions
used in arriving at the end-December NAV.

Principal Assumptions

1. The illustrative returns have been prepared by reference to the
actual investments made by the Fund as at 31 December.

2. The Fund will in all other respects be managed in accordance
with its existing investment objective and investment policy.

Source: Surrenda-link Limited


In August the facility available to the Company was increased from
US$25 million to US$30 million and was extended to March 2009. Drawings
continue to reflect the balance between monthly outgoings and policy
maturities. Gearing remains well within facility covenants.

Foreign Exchange

There has been no change in the Company's policy as regards
currency hedging, which is to hedge the present value of the US Dollar
portfolio, but not to hedge future gains in portfolio value now; there have
been no further forward sales since my last report.


The percentage of the portfolio invested in policies from insurers
rated A+ or better by AM Best is currently at 95%. The board will continue to
monitor factors relevant to the valuation of the Company's TLI portfolio, but
actual returns will continue to depend principally on mortality experience.

CPG Tracy


21 February 2008


For the period 1 July 2007 to 31 December 2007

Portfolio Review

No further offers have been placed on behalf of the Fund since the
completion of the portfolio in July 2006. As at 31 December 2007, the Fund had
152 policies on 128 separate lives, with a total face amount of $248m. This
compares with the initial target of over 130 policies on over 100 lives. As at
31 December 2007 a total of 8 policies on 7 individual lives had matured.
Since the period end notification of a further 2 mortalities representing 4
policies have been recorded representing a face value of US$3 million.

The Fund's policies were issued from 41 separate Life Offices. No
issuing Life Office has an AM Best rating below A-, and the current
distribution by Life Office rating is:

   Rating       Number      % Investment
    A++           10           40.8%
     A+           24           54.6%
     A            6             3.9%
     A-           1             0.7%
   Total          41            100%

Approximately 64% of the remaining policies in portfolio were
issued on male lives.

In August 2007 the Fund agreed an increased loan facility with its
bankers of $30 million. At the same time the facility was extended for a
further twelve months to run until March 2009. The undrawn balance on this
facility will be used to fund premium payments until they can be fully funded
from maturities.

As anticipated, maturities remain irregular in this early stage of
the Fund's post-investment life and this is expected to continue.

Market Review

The Life Settlement market continued to grow in terms of size and
sophistication during the latter half of 2007. The significant growth in
awareness of the existence of the secondary market for Life Settlements is
continuing to stimulate the rapid market expansion coupled with increased
investor interest from around the globe.

Policy volumes seen by the Investment Manager remained high, only
pausing for breath in the month of November when a large fall in enquiry
levels was experienced. This was mainly due to Surrenda-link trimming its
supplier network to exclude those that were underperforming. The main effect
was a reduction in duplicate policy submissions received. The holiday period
also contributed to the reduced flow; as the year drew to a close, suppliers
switched their attention to the closing process to hit year-end targets.

The regulation of US Life Settlements continued to receive a
substantial amount of attention, and is expected to continue to attract such
interest into the foreseeable future. A proposed new model act released by
NCOIL (National Conference of Insurance Legislators) in November won support
from both the life settlement and life insurance industries. The proposal will
compete for adoption by state legislatures in 2008 with alternative
legislation drafted by the NAIC (National Association of Insurance

Surrenda-link Limited

21 February 2008


For the period 1 July 2007 to 31 December 2007

Cash management and borrowings

In view of the limited amount of cash received as a result of
maturities during the six month period, the Fund experienced continued demand
for cash in order to fund the premium payments on its policies. These were
funded out of existing resources, and the amount of US dollar borrowing
remained at $25 million throughout the period.

However, in anticipation of future cash flow needs, in August
Allied Irish Banks agreed to increase the facility from $25 million to $30
million and at the same time to extend it to March 2009. Part of this increase
was subsequently used to borrow sterling in order to cover expenses
denominated in sterling. As of end-December, the Fund had borrowed �300,000 in
addition to the US dollar borrowings referred to above.

As of 31 December 2007, the level of gearing was 27.7%. The maximum
level of gearing to be reached cannot be predicted precisely because the out
turn will depend upon the balance between, on the one hand, receipts arising
from the death of policy-holders and, on the other, outgoing premium payments
for ongoing policies.

Currency hedging

The Fund's US dollar exposure, that is the net current value of
those assets that are denominated in US dollars, is hedged back into sterling.
This has been implemented by means of forward sales of US dollars into
sterling partly for 31 March 2009 and partly for 30 March 2012, the latter
being the winding-up date for the Fund. Because the maturity of policies
cannot be quantified in advance, anticipated US dollar profits are not sold

While the above forward sales contracts establish a hedge to the
above dates, it does not mean that there is a perfect hedge for intermediate
periods. As the forward contracts move towards expiry, the spot rate and the
forward rate will gradually converge, but they will not do so in a smooth
progression, since the difference between the currency spot rate and the
forward rate will vary according to the difference between the applicable
interest rates for US dollars and sterling. The Fund marks to market its
forward positions, discounted to their net present value, so that at any
intermediate date there will almost certainly be an additional profit or loss
on the contracts that will eventually be reversed.

This additional, or excess, profit or loss will be reflected in the
ongoing calculations of the Fund's net asset value and in its financial
reporting. From time to time this balance may be material, but over the life
of the Fund it should largely disappear, such that the end result will be that
the Fund's current US dollar exposure will have been substantially hedged.

RCM (UK) Limited

21 February 2008


For the period 1 July 2007 to 31 December 2007

                     01.07.07 to 31.12.07            01.07.06 to 31.12.06               01.07.06 to 30.06.07

                Reve-      Capi-      Total      Reve-      Capi-        Total       Reve-       Capi-      Total
                 nue        tal                   nue        tal                      nue         tal
                  �          �          �          �          �            �           �           �          �
Net gains/(losses)     - 1,258,705  1,258,705          - (3,318,370)  (3,318,370)           -  3,267,606  3,267,606
Other capital          - (931,623)  (931,623)          -   1,127,347    1,127,347           -  1,675,344  1,675,344
on currency
Income            25,944         -     25,944     34,249           -       34,249      57,404          -     57,404

Management fee (255,066)         -  (255,066)  (102,369)           -    (102,369)   (263,778)          -  (263,778)
Investment     (171,595)         -  (171,595)   (95,479)           -     (95,479)   (214,554)          -  (214,554)
Custodian fee   (13,481)         -   (13,481)    (8,640)           -      (8,640)    (18,803)          -   (18,803)

Other expenses (170,107)         -  (170,107)  (139,789)           -    (139,789)   (270,607)          -  (270,607)
Net return on
before finance (584,305)   327,082  (257,223)  (312,028) (2,191,023)  (2,503,051)   (710,338)  4,942,950  4,232,612
payable        (396,543)         -  (396,543)  (270,983)           -    (270,983)   (608,857)          -  (608,857)

Total return on
for the        (980,848)   327,082  (653,766)  (583,011) (2,191,023)  (2,774,034) (1,319,195)  4,942,950  3,623,755
Balance      (1,506,590) 9,466,098  7,959,508  (187,395)   4,523,148    4,335,753   (187,395)  4,523,148  4,335,753
Balance      (2,487,438) 9,793,180  7,305,742  (770,406)   2,332,125    1,561,719 (1,506,590)  9,466,098  7,959,508
Basic and        (2.45p)     0.82p    (1.63p)    (1.46p)     (5.48p)      (6.94p)     (3.30p)     12.36p      9.06p
return per

The revenue column of this statement is the revenue account of the Company.

All revenue and capital items in the above statement derive from continuing


For the period 1 July 2007 to 31 December 2007

                                     Share       Share    Capital      Capital      Revenue        Total
                                   Capital     Premium    Reserve      Reserve      Reserve
                                                         Realised   Unrealised

                                         �           �          �            �            �            �
At 1 July 2006                           -  39,168,236  1,252,676    3,270,472    (187,395)   43,503,989
Realised gain on maturities              -           -    608,313            -            -      608,313
Unrealised loss on investments           -           -          -  (3,926,683)            -  (3,926,683)
Unrealised currency gain on forward
foreign currency contracts               -           -          -      562,386            -      562,386
Unrealised currency gains                -           -          -      564,961            -      564,961
Revenue loss for the period              -           -          -            -    (583,011)    (583,011)
At 31 December 2006                      -  39,168,236  1,860,989      471,136    (770,406)   40,729,955
Realised gain on maturities              -           -    960,022            -            -      960,022
Unrealised gain on investments           -           -          -    5,625,954            -    5,625,954
Unrealised currency gain on forward
foreign currency contracts               -           -          -      363,705            -      363,705
Unrealised currency gains                -           -          -      184,292            -      184,292
Revenue loss for the period              -           -          -            -    (736,184)    (736,184)
At 30 June 2007                          -  39,168,236  2,821,011    6,645,087  (1,506,590)   47,127,744
Realised gain on maturities              -           -     96,385            -            -       96,385
Unrealised gain on investments           -           -          -    1,162,320            -    1,162,320
Unrealised currency loss on forward
foreign currency contracts               -           -          -    (800,365)            -    (800,365)
Unrealised currency loss                 -           -          -    (131,258)            -    (131,258)
Revenue loss for the period              -           -          -            -    (980,848)    (980,848)
At 31 December 2007                      -  39,168,236  2,917,396    6,875,784  (2,487,438)   46,473,978


As at 31 December 2007

                                               31.12.07     31.12.06    30.06.07
                                                   �           �            �
Investments                                    57,131,795  47,261,039   53,903,411
Debtors                                           147,492     299,711    1,087,754
Unrealised gain on                              2,110,490   2,547,150    2,910,855
forward foreign
exchange contract
Cash on fixed deposit                                   -           -    1,494,251
Cash at bank                                      496,688   1,007,808      429,343
Total Assets                                   59,886,465  51,115,708   59,825,614
Current Liabilities
Creditors                                         517,711     175,941      252,629
Loan account                                   12,894,776  10,209,812   12,445,241
                                               13,412,487  10,385,753   12,697,870
Capital and reserves
Share premium account                          39,168,236  39,168,236   39,168,236
Capital reserve                                 9,793,180   2,332,125    9,466,098
Revenue reserve                               (2,487,438)   (770,406)  (1,506,590)
Equity Shareholders                            46,473,978  40,729,955   47,127,744
Total Equity and                               59,886,465  51,115,708   59,825,614
Net asset value per                               116.18p     101.82p      117.82p
redeemable participating
preference share


For the period 1 July 2007 to 31 December 2007

                                                 01.07.07     01.07.06     01.07.06
                                              to 31.12.07  to 31.12.06  to 30.06.07
                                                   �            �            �
Operating activities
Net loss                                        (980,848)    (583,011)  (1,319,195)
Decrease/(increase) in debtors                    940,262      161,856    (626,187)
Increase/(decrease) in creditors                  265,082     (33,452)       43,236
Net cash inflow/(outflow)                         224,496    (454,607)  (1,902,146)
from operating activities
Financing activities
Loan                                              449,535    (339,853)    1,895,576
Exchange movements                              (131,258)      564,961      749,253
Net cash inflow from                              318,277      225,108    2,644,829
financing activities
Investing activities
Premiums paid                                 (2,111,697)  (2,417,368)  (4,831,210)
Proceeds from maturity                            142,018    1,277,085    3,634,531
of investments
Net cash outflow from                         (1,969,679)  (1,140,283)  (1,196,679)
investing activities
Decrease in net funds                         (1,426,906)  (1,369,782)    (453,996)
in the period
Opening net funds                               1,923,594    2,377,590    2,377,590
Closing net funds                                 496,688    1,007,808    1,923,594


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