RNS No 6698m
9th September 1998

                        Thistle Hotels Plc
         Announcement of Interim Results for the 28 weeks
                        ended 12 July, 1998

"Thistle announces 20% increase in half year profits"

                                       28 weeks  Increase   28 weeks
                                          ended         %      ended
                                        12/7/98              13/7/97
Turnover (#m)                             168.9       5.4      160.2
Gross profit before exceptional                                     
items (#m)                                 71.3      13.4       62.9
Operating profit before                                             
exceptional items (#m)                     63.1      14.7       55.0
Profit before taxation  and                                         
exceptional items (#m)                     44.5      19.6       37.2
Fixed asset write downs (#m)              (6.0)                    -
Profit on disposal of fixed                                         
assets (#m)                                 9.8                  0.9
Provision for loss on disposal                                      
of fixed assets (#m)                     (31.0)                    -
Adjusted earnings per share (p)            6.12       7.0       5.72
Revenue per available room                                          
(RevPar) (#)                              42.63      10.3      38.64

*  Profit before taxation and exceptional items up 20% to #44.5
*  RevPar up 10%
*  Gearing at 28% on equity shareholders' funds of #1,313.8
*  1.5 pence per share interim dividend
*  Proposed return of capital of #185 million (30 pence per share)

                         CHAIRMAN'S QUOTE

Mr Rodney Price, Chairman of Thistle, said ..........

"I  am  pleased to report a 20% increase in profit before taxation
and  exceptional items to #44.5 million, for the 28  weeks  to  12
July, 1998.  This very satisfactory result reflects a 10% increase
in  revenue  per  available room and a 9%  increase  in  operating
profit margin.

"The  Board  is proposing a return of capital of #185 million  (30
pence per share).

"Although the general economic outlook is less favourable than  it
was  six  months  ago, the Board considers that there  is  further
opportunity to improve the Group's performance".

KEY OPERATING STATISTICS                                    
                              28 weeks   28 weeks    Change   52 weeks
                                 ended      ended         %      ended
                              12/07/98   13/07/97             28/12/97
                             Unaudited  Unaudited              Audited
RevPar (#)                                                  
London                           56.10      52.18       7.5      56.68
Regional UK                      29.39      26.04      12.9      27.56
                                ------     ------    ------     ------
Group                            42.63      38.64      10.3      41.72
                                ======     ======    ======     ======
Occupancy (%)                                               
London                            73.6       75.4     (2.4)       78.9
Regional UK                       57.4       56.2       2.1       58.8
                                ------     ------    ------     ------
Group                             65.4       65.4         -       68.6
                                ======     ======    ======     ======
Average room rate (#)                                       
London                           76.22      69.21      10.1      71.84
Regional UK                      51.20      46.34      10.5      46.88
                                ------     ------    ------     ------
Group                            65.18      59.08      10.3      60.82
                                ======     ======    ======     ======
Hotel gross margins (%)                                     
London                            48.2       46.0       4.8       46.2
Regional UK                       34.2       30.8      11.0       31.8
                                ------     ------    ------     ------
Group                             42.2       39.3       7.4       40.0
                                ======     ======    ======     ======
Group operating margin (%)        37.4       34.3       9.0       35.2
                                ======     ======    ======     ======

I  am  pleased to report a 20% increase in profit before  taxation
and  exceptional items to #44.5 million, for the 28  weeks  to  12
July, 1998.

Hotel  gross profit improved by 13% to #71.3 million (1997 - #62.9

Revenue  per available room improved by 10.3% to #42.63 reflecting
occupancy unchanged at 65.4% and a 10.3% increase in average  room
rate to #65.18 (1997 - #59.08).

Operating  profit margins improved by 9% to 37.4% (1997  -  34.3%)
resulting  from initiatives to reduce the hotel cost base  and  to
hold administrative expenses.

The Board has declared an interim dividend of 1.5 pence per share,
up  0.1  pence,  an increase of 7% (1997 - 1.4 pence  per  share).
This  will  be  paid  on 19 November 1998 to shareholders  on  the
register as at 16 October 1998.



Hotel  gross  profit grew by 12% to #46.7 million  (1997  -  #41.7
million) and the hotel gross profit margin improved 2.2 percentage
points to 48.2%.

Revenue  per  available room grew by 7.5% with average  room  rate
growth  of 10.1% to #76.22 (1997 - #69.21) reflecting a change  in
business mix.

Occupancy  was  73.6% (1997 - 75.4%).  The decrease  reflects  the
loss  of  leisure group room nights from certain European  Markets
impacted  by  the  strength of Sterling and also reduced  business
from   markets  in  the  Far  East.   However,  25,000  additional
commercial room nights were sold, taking the overall share of room
nights for the commercial segment to 42% (1997 - 38%).

Major capital expenditure projects are underway at the Hospitality
Inn, Bayswater and the Charing Cross Hotel, both of which will  be
repositioned as Thistle Hotels and relaunched in October 1998  and
March   1999  respectively.   A  similar  number  of  rooms   were
unavailable for sale due to refurbishment as in 1997.


Hotel  gross  profit improved by 15.0% to #24.6  million  (1997  -
#21.4  million) and the hotel gross profit margin improved by  3.4
percentage points to 34.2%.

Revenue  per available room increased by 12.9% to #29.39  (1997  -
#26.04)  with  a 1.2 percentage point improvement in occupancy  to
57.4%  combined with a 10.5% increase in the average room rate  to
#51.20 (1997 - #46.34). The result reflects strong performances in
a  number  of  cities including Aberdeen, Glasgow, Birmingham  and


Following  a  review  of  the Group's hotel  portfolio,  38  small
regional  hotels  were  identified for disposal.   Five  of  these
hotels  were  sold during the period and contracts were  exchanged
for  the  sale  of a further 30 hotels on 3rd September  1998.   A
provision  for  loss  on  disposal  of  #31.0  million  has   been
established at the half year.

The  Hospitality Inn, Middlesborough was closed in July due to the
need  to  undertake structural repairs and a write  down  of  #6.0
million has been taken at the half year.

The Group's retail interests in the Mount Royal property were sold
during  the first half giving rise to an exceptional gain of  #9.8

The  net  impact  of  these  property  value  adjustments  is   an
exceptional loss of #27.2 million.

A  review of the 24 largest hotels representing approximately  70%
of  the  Group's property value has been undertaken by Christie  &
Co.   Overall this showed a small surplus to book value which  has
not been reflected in the Group's accounts.

Capital  expenditure during the half-year totalled #25.2  million.
The   priority  for  further  capital  expenditure   remains   the
refurbishment of those rooms and public areas that are not yet  at
the standard required for the Thistle brand.


The Group's focus is on establishing the Thistle brand as a strong
four  star brand.  Following the disposal of the hotels identified
for  sale, there will be 44 Thistle Hotels with over 7,500  rooms.
These hotels will be renamed as Thistle together with the city and
location descriptor, and the individual hotel name will be  phased
out.   For  example  The  Park Cardiff  will  become  the  Thistle

The 13 remaining non Thistle branded hotels will be evaluated over
the next six months to determine where there is an opportunity  to
position them as Thistle Hotels.


Interest  expense at #18.6 million was up from #17.8 million  last
year,  but  there was a reduction in debt from #373.9  million  to
#366.4 million leaving gearing at 28%.

The  effective tax rate increased to 19% from 5% as a  substantial
proportion of tax losses brought forward have been fully  utilised
and a provision has been made in respect of the adverse tax impact
arising on the disposal of hotels.

The  Board considers that the Group's financial position is strong
and  is proposing a #185 million return of capital to shareholders
(30  pence per share).  A circular setting out the details of  the
return will be sent to shareholders in the next few weeks.  It  is
expected  that  the return of capital will comprise two  tranches:
#90  million by November 1998 with the balance of #95  million  in
April  1999.  The Board believes that this can be achieved  whilst
maintaining  sufficient  flexibility  to  pursue  its   investment
strategy  and  that it will enhance shareholder value  through  an
appropriate gearing of the hotel portfolio.


Progress  continues to be made in upgrading and enhancing computer
systems  throughout the Group.  The Group intends to be Year  2000
compliant by mid 1999.


Although the general economic outlook is less favourable  than  it
was  six  months  ago, the Board considers that there  is  further
opportunity to improve the Group's performance.

For further information please contact:

Thistle Hotels Plc                              
Ian Burke, Chief Executive                      0171 723 8383
Hartley Sutcliffe, Group Finance Director       0171 723 8383
Julia Record, Director of Public Relations      0171 723 8383
Hogarth Partnership Limited                     
Nick Denton                                     0171 357 9477
Rachel Hirst



            28 weeks ended 12/07/98     Unaudited   28 weeks 52 weeks
                        Before                         ended    ended
                Notes  except-   Except-            13/07/97 28/12/97
                         ional    ional
                         items    items     Total  Unaudited  Audited
                           #'m      #'m       #'m        #'m     #'m

Turnover            3    168.9        -     168.9      160.2     319.7
Cost of sales           (97.6)    (6.0)   (103.6)     (97.3)   (192.0)
                         -----    -----     -----      -----     -----
Gross profit        3    71.3    ( 6.0)     65.3       62.9     127.7
expenses                 (8.2)        -     (8.2)      (7.9)    (15.2)
                         -----    -----     -----      -----     -----
profit                   63.1     (6.0)     57.1       55.0     112.5
Profit on sale                                                        
of fixed assets             -      9.8       9.8        0.9       1.3
Provision for                                                         
loss on                                                               
disposal of                                                           
fixed assets                 -   (31.0)    (31.0)          -         -
payable                 (18.6)        -    (18.6)     (17.8)    (33.2)
                         -----    -----     -----      -----     -----
Profit before                                                         
taxation                 44.5     (27.2)    17.3       38.1      80.6
Taxation            4    (6.7)     (1.8)    (8.5)      (1.9)     (4.3)
                         -----    -----     -----      -----     -----
Profit after                                                          
taxation                 37.8     (29.0)     8.8       36.2      76.3
Dividends                (9.3)        -     (9.3)      (8.6)    (25.9)
                         -----    -----     -----      -----     -----
profit retained          28.5     (29.0)    (0.5)      27.6      50.4
                         =====    =====     =====      =====     =====
Earnings Per                                                          
Share               5                       1.43p      5.87p    12.36p
Earnings Per                                                          
Share               5                       6.12p      5.72p    12.15p



                                    12/07/98    13/07/97    28/12/97
                                   Unaudited   Unaudited     Audited
Fixed assets                             #'m         #'m         #'m
Tangible assets                      1,724.6     1,703.5     1,716.0
                                       -----       -----       -----
Current assets                                           
Stocks                                   1.5         1.7         2.0
Debtors                                 60.6        54.6        44.8
Investments                              0.1         0.1         0.1
Cash at bank and in hand                 2.3         5.2         6.1
                                       -----       -----       -----
                                        64.5        61.6        53.0
Creditors (falling due within                                       
one year)                              (94.5)      (98.7)      (84.9)
                                       -----       -----       -----
Net current liabilities                (30.0)      (37.1)      (31.9)
                                       -----       -----       -----
Total assets less current                                           
liabilities                          1,694.6     1,666.4     1,684.1
Creditors (falling due after                                        
one year)                             (349.8)     (374.9)     (369.8)
Provisions for liabilities and                                      
charges                                (31.0)          -           -
                                       -----       -----       -----
Net assets                           1,313.8     1,291.5     1,314.3
                                       =====       =====       =====
Capital and reserves                                     
Called up share capital                123.5       123.5       123.5
Share premium account                  490.3       490.3       490.3
Revaluation reserve                    455.6       456.5       456.2
Other reserves                          50.8        50.8        50.8
Profit and loss account                193.6       170.4       193.5
                                       -----       -----       -----
Equity shareholders' funds           1,313.8     1,291.5     1,314.3
                                       =====       =====       =====



                           28 weeks           28 weeks          52 weeks
                              ended              ended             ended
                           12/07/98           13/07/97          28/12/97
                          Unaudited          Unaudited           Audited
                                #'m                #'m               #'m
Cash flow from                                                          
activities (see                                                         
Note 2)                        72.5               55.1             124.0
Returns on                                                     
investments &                                                 
servicing of                                                  
Interest paid    (17.5)              (16.6)             (32.7)
                  -----               -----              -----          
Net cash                                                                
outflow for                                                             
returns on                                                              
investments &                                                           
servicing of                                                            
finance                      (17.5)             (16.6)            (32.7)
Tax paid                      (9.0)              (7.1)            (10.1)
Purchase of                                                    
tangible fixed                                                
assets           (25.2)              (26.4)             (50.0)
Sale of                                                        
tangible fixed                                                
assets             4.0                 3.1                6.2
                  -----               -----              -----          
Net cash                                                                
outflow for                                                             
expenditure                  (21.2)             (23.3)            (43.8)
dividends paid               (17.3)             (12.3)            (21.0)
                              -----              -----             -----
Cash inflow/                                                            
financing                       7.5              (4.2)              16.4
New loans             -                59.2               59.2 
Repayments of                                                  
loans            (15.0)              (45.0)             (70.0)
                  -----               -----              -----
increase in                                                             
debt                         (15.0)               14.2            (10.8)
                              -----              -----             -----
increase in                                                             
cash                          (7.5)               10.0               5.6
                              =====              =====             =====
of net debt
increase in                                                   
cash in the                                                   
period            (7.5)                10.0                5.6
Cash flow from                                                 
(increase) in                                                 
debt               15.0              (14.2)               10.8
                  -----               -----              -----
Change in net                                                           
debt resulting                                                          
from cash flows                 7.5              (4.2)              16.4
Provision for                                                           
finance costs                                                           
on debenture                                                            
stock                             -              (0.2)             (0.1)
                              -----              -----             -----
Movement in net                                                         
debt in the                                                             
period                          7.5              (4.4)              16.3
Net debt at                                                             
beginning of                                                            
period                      (373.9)            (390.2)           (390.2)
                              -----              -----             -----
Net debt at end                                                         
of period                   (366.4)            (394.6)           (373.9)
                              =====              =====             =====


1.  Basis of preparation
    The interim financial information has been prepared on the
    basis of the accounting policies set out in the 1997 Annual
    Report and has been reviewed by the Company's Auditors,
    PricewaterhouseCoopers.  Their review report is set out below.
    The Group profit and loss account for the year ended 28
    December 1997 and the Group balance sheet as at that date are
    an abridged version of the statutory accounts for that period
    which, together with an unqualified report, have been filed
    with the Registrar of Companies.
2.  Reconciliation of operating profit to net cashflow from
    operating activities

                                  28 weeks     28 weeks    52 weeks
                                     ended        ended       ended
                                  12/07/98     13/07/97    28/12/97
                                 Unaudited    Unaudited     Audited
                                       #'m          #'m         #'m
    Operating profit                                               
    before exceptional                                             
    items                             63.1         55.0       112.5
    Depreciation                       7.6          6.1        14.6
    Decrease/(increase) in                                         
    stocks                             0.5          0.3       (0.1)
    Increase in debtors              (4.6)       (13.6)       (3.3)
    Increase in creditors              5.9          7.3         0.3
                                     -----        -----       -----
    Net cash inflow from                                           
    operating activities              72.5         55.1       124.0
                                     =====        =====       =====

3.  Segment analysis
                                  28 weeks     28 weeks    52 weeks
                                     ended        ended       ended
                                  12/07/98     13/07/97    28/12/97
                                 Unaudited    Unaudited     Audited
                                       #'m          #'m         #'m
    Turnover by UK region                               
    London                            96.9         90.7       182.1
    Regional                          72.0         69.5       137.6
                                     -----        -----       -----
    Total group turnover             168.9        160.2       319.7
                                     =====        =====       =====
                                  28 weeks     28 weeks    52 weeks
                                     ended        ended       ended
                                  12/07/98     13/07/97    28/12/97
                                 Unaudited    Unaudited     Audited
                                       #'m          #'m         #'m
    Gross profit by UK                                  
    London                            46.7         41.7        84.2
    Regional                          24.6         21.4        43.8
                                     -----        -----       -----
    Hotels gross profit               71.3         63.1       128.0
    Other operating                                                
    expenses                             -        (0.2)       (0.3)
                                     -----        -----       -----
    Total group gross                                              
    profit                            71.3        62.9       127.7
                                     =====        =====       =====

4.  Taxation
    The  tax charge for the 28 weeks ended 12 July, 1998 is  based
    upon the estimated effective tax rate for the full year.
5.  Earnings per share
    Earnings per share of 1.43 pence (1997: 5.87 pence) are  based
    on  the  group's profit after taxation of #8.8 million  (1997:
    #36.2  million) and on the average number of shares  in  issue
    during the period of 617,296,108 (1997: 617,289,588).
    Adjusted  earnings per share of 6.12 pence are  based  on  the
    group's profit after taxation but before exceptional items  of
    #37.8  million (1997: #35.3 million).  The tax charge used  in
    this  calculation is based on an effective rate of 15%  before
    the adverse tax impact arising on the disposal of 30 hotels.


We  have  reviewed the interim financial information for  the  six
months  ended 12 July, 1998 set out on pages 6 to 10 which is  the
responsibility  of, and has been approved by, the directors.   Our
responsibility is to report on the results of our review.

Our  review was carried out having regard to the Bulletin  'Review
of   Interim  Financial  Information',  issued  by  the   Auditing
Practices  Board.  This review consisted principally  of  applying
analytical procedures to the underlying financial data,  assessing
whether  accounting policies have been consistently  applied,  and
making  enquiries  of  management responsible  for  financial  and
accounting matters.  The review excluded audit procedures such  as
tests of controls and verification of assets and liabilities,  and
was  therefore substantially less in scope than an audit performed
in  accordance  with Auditing standards.  Accordingly  we  do  not
express an audit opinion on the interim financial information.

On the basis of our review:

*  in  our  opinion  the  interim financial information  has  been
   prepared  using  accounting  policies  consistent  with   those
   adopted  by Thistle Hotels Plc in its financial statements  for
   the year ended 28 December 1997, and
*  we  are not aware of any material modifications that should  be
   made to the interim financial information as presented.

Chartered Accountants, Leeds

8 September 1998



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