RNS No 9603Q
13 October 1999

Finance Director's Report
Profit and Loss Account
The segmental analysis for the first time shows an allocation  of
the  group  interest  charge which reveals the  car  park  profit
before  taxation  of  #1.319 million and earnings  after  tax  of
#0.949  million  using  a full tax rate.   Borrowings  have  been
allocated based on capital expenditure since the restructuring of
car  parking  activities as a separate group  at  30  June  1997.
Intra-group borrowings are now on an arm's length basis and  will
be  substantially replaced by separate banking facilities  during
the  current  year.   Following this  restructuring  the  group's
investment in the car parking group can be calculated  at  #9.297
million as at 30 June 1999.
The  charge  for  taxation continues to  benefit  from  efficient
structuring of the group's activities and from tax allowances  in
respect of capital transactions.  We continue to provide for  tax
on a prudent basis.
Net Assets
The  financial highlights show a pro-forma net assets  per  share
figure split between property activities and car parking.  It  is
difficult  to combine the results of two businesses when  one  is
valued  on  the  basis  of assets and the other  using  earnings.
However   we   believe   that  the  pure  accounting   basis   of
consolidation  does  not  give shareholders  a  clear  basis  for
valuation,  so we have added a pro-forma net assets  calculation.
This makes two adjustments to the accounts net assets figure:
* an   adjustment  to  reflect  our  belief  that  the  car  park
  business is worth more that the sum of it's individual assets;
* a directors'  current  valuation  of the development properties
  which are not revalued in the accounts.
The  pro-forma  calculation shows net assets per  share  of  165p
compared to the accounts basis of 154p.
Borrowings at the year end amounted to #134.433 million including
long  term  fixed rate debenture stock of #87.5 million  and  #40
million  of bank borrowings maturing in the next four years.   An
interest rate swap agreement gives us a fixed rate on #30 million
of the bank borrowings.
The  disclosures required by Financial Reporting Standard 13  are
included  for  the  first time.   These disclosures  are  complex
and  will  allow  for  the  effect  of  our fixed  interest  debt
arrangements  to  be assessed.   However,  I would like to stress
that  the  calculations  in  respect of the  #85 million Mortgage
Debenture  Stock  are  purely  theoretical.   It  is the  group's
firm conviction that this debt will be repaid at par in  the year
2021 not at current  value.  There is therefore  no basis for any
adjustment to pro-forma net assets.
Year 2000 Compliance
The  group  has  undertaken a full review of the risks associated
with  the impact on the business by Year 2000. To ensure that the
groups  systems  are  Year  2000  compliant  a  project  team has
performed  testing  and  remedial  work. We have also established
contingency  plans  to  ensure  that  we  will  be  ready to take
appropriate  action  should  any  problems  occur,  to  limit the
effects  on  our  business.  Whilst  we have made every effort to
ensure  that we will achieve Year 2000 compliance, in common with
other  companies we can not offer a guarantee that we will not be
affected  in  any way. The costs associated with the costs of the
project are not significant.
Consolidated Profit and Loss Account
Year ended 30 June 1999
                                                 1999        1998
                                                 #000        #000
Gross revenue
Continuing operations                          29,485      29,341
 Acquisitions                                   1,620           -
                                               ______      ______
                                               31,105      29,341
                                               ======      ======
Operating profit
 Continuing operations                         22,012      21,816
 Acquisitions                                     242           -
                                               ______      ______
                                               22,254      21,816
Profit on disposal of fixed assets              1,792         152
Exceptional loss on revaluation
 of investment                                      -      (2,592)
                                               ______      ______
Profit before interest                         24,046      19,376
Net interest payable                           11,231      10,848
                                               ______      ______
Profit before taxation                         12,815       8,528
Taxation                                        2,052       2,632
                                               ______      ______
Profit after taxation                          10,763       5,896
Dividends                                       5,067       5,079
                                               ______      ______
Profit retained for the year                    5,696         817
                                               ======      ======
Earnings per ordinary share of 25p each
(1998 restated)
 Underlying                                       6.9p        6.8p
 On reported profit and diluted                   8.8p        4.8p
Dividend per ordinary share of 25p each           4.3p        4.1p
Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses
Year ended 30 June 1999
                                                 1999        1998
                                                 #000        #000
Profit for the year after taxation             10,763       5,896
Unrealised surplus on the revaluation
 of properties                                  6,460       7,718
Unrealised deficit on the revaluation
 of investment in Stylo plc                         -      (6,408)
Unrealised (deficit)/surplus on the
 revaluation of other investments                 (63)         69
                                               ______      ______
Total recognised gains relating to the year    17,160       7,275
                                               ======      ======
Note of Historical Cost Profits and Losses
Year ended 30 June 1999
                                                 1999        1998
                                                 #000        #000
Reported profit before taxation                12,815       8,528
Realisation of investment revaluation gains     4,679       3,357
                                               ______      ______
Historical cost profit before taxation         17,494      11,885
                                               ======      ======
Historical cost retained profit                10,375       4,174
                                               ======      ======
Consolidated Balance Sheet as at 30 June 1999
                                       1999               1998
                                 #000        #000     #000       #000
Fixed assets
Intangible assets               2,689                    -
Tangible assets               324,679              307,234
Investments                     1,082                4,078
                              _______              _______
                                          328,450             311,312
Current assets
Trading properties                289                  291
Debtors                         7,510                7,299
                              _______              _______
                                7,799                7,590
                              _______              _______
Creditors (due within one year)
Bank overdraft (secured)        6,615               10,020
Loan capital (secured)             17                   18
Other creditors                20,646               21,213
                              _______              _______
                               27,278               31,251
                              _______              _______
Net current liabilities                   (19,479)            (23,661)
                                          _______             _______
Total assets less current
 liabilities                              308,971             287,651
Creditors (amounts due after
 more than one year)
Loan capital (secured)                   (127,801)           (111,845)
                                          _______             _______
                                          181,170             175,806
                                          =======             =======
Capital and reserves-equity
Called up share capital                    29,480              32,558
Share premium account                           4               1,544
Capital redemption reserve                  1,374                   -
Special reserve                             3,151                   -
Property revaluation surplus              103,676             101,895
Other reserves                                332                 395
Realised capital reserves                  11,134               4,663
Profit and loss account                    32,019              34,751
                                          _______             _______
Shareholders' funds                       181,170             175,806
                                          =======             =======
Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
Year ended 30 June 1999
                                       1999                1998
                                 #000        #000     #000       #000
Net cash inflow from operating
activities                                 21,984              23,162
Returns on investments and
 servicing of finance
Interest paid                             (11,266)            (10,880)
Taxation                                   (2,475)               (773)
Capital expenditure and
 financial investment
Purchase of investment
 properties                   (28,300)             (14,006)
Purchase of development
 properties                      (275)                   -
Purchase of car park
 properties                    (5,780)              (5,088)
Purchase of intangible
 assets                          (695)                   -
Purchase of other tangible
 assets                          (238)                (361)
Proceeds from sale of
 investment properties         25,456                9,266
Proceeds from sale of listed
 investments                        -                  127
Proceeds from sale of other
 tangible assets                   18                   18
Purchase of investments          (144)                   -
(Increase)/decrease in own
 shares held in trust             (24)                  58
                               ______               ______
                                           (9,982)             (9,986)
Purchase of investment in
 subsidiary undertakings                   (2,222)                  -
Equity dividends paid                      (5,046)             (5,071)
                                           ______              ______
Net cash outflow before
 financing                                 (9,007)             (3,548)
Shares issued on take up of
 options                            7                  158
Expenses associated with
 capital reorganisation          (100)                   -
Repurchase of share capital    (3,485)                   -
Loan repayments                   (19)              (1,058)
New loans                      16,009                    -
                               ______               ______
Net cash inflow/(outflow)
 from financing                            12,412                (900)
                                           ______              ______
Increase/(decrease) in cash                 3,405              (4,448)
                                           ______              ______
The group statement of cash flows should be read in conjunction
with the notes to the accounts.
Notes to the Accounts
1. Basis of preparation
The  foregoing statements are not the Group's statutory accounts.
The Group's statutory accounts for the year ended 30th June 1999,
on  which  the  Company's auditors, PricewaterhouseCoopers,  have
given  an unqualified opinion in accordance with Section  235  of
the  Companies Act 1985, are to be delivered to the Registrar  of
Companies.   The  Group's statutory accounts for the  year  ended
30th June 1998 have been filed with the Registrar of Companies.
2. Segmental analysis
                                Property        Car park         1999
                              investment      operations        Total
                                    #000            #000         #000
Gross revenue                     23,971           7,134       31,105
Intra group rents                    791            (791)           -
Property expenses/cost of
 sales                            (1,148)         (4,177)      (5,325)
                                 _______         _______      _______
Net rents/profits                 23,614           2,166       25,780
Administrative expenses           (3,346)           (180)      (3,526)
                                 _______         _______      _______
Operating profit                  20,268           1,986       22,254
Interest                         (10,564)           (667)     (11,231)
                                 _______         _______      _______
Profit before taxation
 (ongoing revenue activities)      9,704           1,319       11,023
                                 =======         =======      =======
Net operating assets             175,410           9,297      184,707
                                 =======         =======      
Dividend payable                                               (3,537)
Net assets                                                    181,170
                                    #000            #000         #000
Gross revenue                     24,917           4,424       29,341
Intra group rents                    694            (694)           -
Property expenses/cost of sales   (2,007)         (2,162)      (4,169)
                                 _______         _______      _______
Net rents/profits                 23,604           1,568       25,172
Administrative expenses           (3,186)           (170)      (3,356)
                                 _______         _______      _______
Operating profit                  20,418           1,398       21,816
Interest                         (10,781)            (67)     (10,848)
Profit before taxation
 (ongoing revenue activities)      9,637           1,331       10,968
                                 =======         =======      =======
Net operating assets             171,297           8,025      179,322
                                 =======         =======
Dividend payable                                               (3,516)
Net assets                                                    175,806
Car  park  operations include the results of  Universal  Parking
Group Limited for the period from 1 December 1998 being turnover
of   #1,620,000   and   operating  profit  of   #242,000   after
amortisation of goodwill of #59,000.
3. Net interest payable
                                               1999         1998
                                               #000         #000
Debentures                                    8,891        8,893
Mortgages                                        29           25
Bank interest                                 2,435        2,331
Interest receivable                            (124)        (401)
                                             ______       ______
                                             11,231       10,848
                                             ======       ======
Interest payable on loans repayable after five years included
above amounts to #8,925,000 (1998 #8,918,000).
4. Taxation
                                               1999         1998
                                               #000         #000
Based on the group profit at 30.75%
 (1998 31%)
Corporation tax                               2,541        2,713
Deferred taxation                                40         (152)
                                              _____        _____
                                              2,581        2,561
Prior year adjustments:
Corporation tax                                (559)          73
Deferred tax                                     30           (2)
                                              _____        _____
                                               (529)          71
                                              _____        _____
                                              2,052        2,632
                                              =====        =====
The  corporation  tax  charge for  the  year  has  been  reduced
principally  by the effect of capital allowances  on  investment
The  directors  estimate that a tax liability of  #10.6  million
would arise in the group (company #10.7 million) if the revalued
assets  were  disposed of at the amount stated in the  accounts.
There  is no other significant unprovided liability for deferred
5. Dividends
                                                  1999     1998
                                                  #000     #000
Interim paid 1.30p per share (1998 1.27p)        1,530    1,563
Final proposed 3.00p per share (1998 2.85p)      3,537    3,516
                                                 _____    _____
                                                 5,067    5,079
                                                 =====    =====
6. Earnings per share
The  earnings per share is calculated on profit for the  year  of
#10,763,000  (1998 #5,896,000) and on 122.3 million  (1998  123.3
million adjusted) ordinary shares, the weighted average number of
shares in issue during the year.
The  number  of dilutive potential ordinary shares  arising  from
share  options is 488,000 (1998 172,000). The dilutive  potential
ordinary shares have no impact on earnings per share.
                                         1999                    1998
                                        Earnings             Earnings
                                             per                  per
                              Earnings     share  Earnings      share
                                  #000     pence      #000      pence
Earnings and earnings per
 share                          10,763      8.80     5,896       4.78
Profit on disposal of
 fixed assets                   (1,792)    (1.47)     (152)     (0.12)
Exceptional loss on revaluation
 of investment                       -         -     2,592       2.10
Prior year taxation adjustment    (529)   (0.43)        71       0.06
                                 _____    _____      _____      _____
Underlying earnings and earnings
 per share                       8,442     6.90      8,407       6.82
                                 =====    =====      =====      =====
Adjusted earning per share information has been shown to
facilitate comparison.
7. Intangible assets
                                       Goodwill      assets     Total
Cost                                       #000        #000      #000
Arising on acquisition (see below)        2,053           -     2,053
Car park concession                           -         695       695
At 30 June 1999                           2,053         695     2,748
Charge for the period                       (59)          -       (59)
Net book value at 30 June 1999            1,994         695     2,689
The car park concession will be amortised over its useful life of
5 years.
On 30 November 1998 the company acquired 100% of the issued share
capital  of  Universal  Parking  Group  Limited.  No  fair  value
adjustments have been made and the book and fair value of  assets
and liabilities acquired were:
Tangible fixed assets                         393
Debtors                                       408
Creditors                                    (435)
Debt                                         (169)
Taxation                                     (197)
Net assets                                      -
Goodwill                                    2,053
Satisfied by:                               
Consideration                               2,000
Acquisition expenses                           53
Deferred consideration up to a maximum of #1,062,000 is  payable
dependent upon the results for the year ended 31 March 2000.  No
provision  has  been  made in these accounts  based  on  current
The  cash  outflow in respect of the acquisition  of  #2,222,000
comprised #2,053,000 and #169,000 of assumed debt.  The goodwill
is being amortised over 20 years.
8. Tangible fixed assets
Investment properties at valuation
                                               Freehold          Long
                                                   #000          #000
Valuation at 1 July 1998                        248,202        32,910
Expenditure                                      24,494         3,806
Disposals                                       (22,143)       (1,521)
Increase/(decrease) in value on revaluation       7,390          (930)
                                                _______       _______
Balance at 30 June 1999                         257,943        34,265
                                                =======       =======
Valuation at 30 June 1999                              292,208
The  above freehold and long leasehold investment properties have
been  revalued  as at 30 June 1999 on the basis  of  open  market
value by Montagu Evans, Chartered Surveyors, (other than freehold
properties   which  have  been  valued  at  #4,753,000   by   the
Development properties                                   Freehold
Valuation at 1 July 1998                                   12,886
Additions                                                     275
Valuation at 30 June 1999                                  13,161
Operational car park properties
                                                 Long       Short
                                 Freehold   leasehold   leasehold
                                     #000        #000        #000
Balance at 1 July 1998              6,914       4,872         260
Additions                           3,911       1,869           -
Amortisation                            -           -         (29)
                                   ______      ______      ______
Balance at 30 June 1999            10,825       6,741         231
                                   ======      ======      ======
Net book value at 30 June 1999                       17,797
Whilst  it  is  the group's policy to depreciate tangible  assets
other  than investment properties, the estimated useful life  and
residual   value  of  freehold  and  long  leasehold  operational
properties are such that depreciation is immaterial.
Fixtures, equipment and motor vehicles
                                                Cost     Depreciation
                                                #000             #000
Balance at 1 July 1998                         2,910            1,720
Acquisition of subsidiary undertakings         1,103              710
Additions                                        238                -
Disposals                                        (65)             (47)
Depreciation charge for the year                   -              290
                                               _____            _____
Balance at 30 June 1999                        4,186            2,673
                                               =====            =====
Net book value at 30 June 1999                         1,513
Total tangible assets                                324,679
9.  Loan capital (secured)
                                                      1999       1998
                                                      #000       #000
Parent Undertaking
6.5%  Mortgage                       2004/7            326        339
7% Mortgage                          2005               32         37
10.5% First mortgage debenture
 stock                               2021           87,492     87,527
Bank loans                           2001/3         39,968      8,960
                                                   _______    _______
                                                   127,818     96,863
Subsidiary Undertakings
Bank loan                                                -     15,000
                                                   _______    _______
                                                   127,818    111,863
Less amounts repayable within one
 year, all of which relates to the
  parent undertaking                                   (17)       (18)
                                                   _______    _______
                                                   127,801    111,845
                                                   =======    =======
The  debenture  mortgages and bank loans  are  secured  by  fixed
charges  on  properties owned by the company and  its  subsidiary
10. Financial instruments
The Group has adopted the requirements of FRS 13, Derivatives and
other financial instruments. The group has taken advantage of the
exemption, that short term debtors and creditors be excluded from
the  following  disclosures.  The  exemption  on  the  ground  of
practicality from providing comparatives has also been  exercised
where appropriate.
All financial liabilities are denominated in sterling.
Liquidity risk
The maturity profile of the group's financial liabilities at 30
June 1999 is set out below:
                                  Bank  Debenture  Mortgages
                            borrowings      stock               Total
                                  #000       #000       #000     #000
In one year or less or
 on demand                       6,615          -         17    6,632
In more than one year but not
 more than two years            10,000          -         19   10,019
In more than two years but not
 more than five years           29,968          -         73   30,041
In more than five years              -     85,000        249   85,249
                                46,583     85,000        358  131,941
Debenture issue premium
 allocated to future periods         -      2,492          -    2,492
Gross financial liabilities     46,583     87,492        358  134,433
The group has undrawn floating rate loan facilities as set out
Expiring in one year or less                                    6,685
Expiring in more than two years                                15,032
The  facilities  expiring  in one year are  overdraft  facilities
subject  to  annual  review. Other facilities  are  available  to
provide funding for future investments.
Interest rate risk
The interest rate risk of the group's financial liabilities at 30
June  1999  after  taking account of interest rate  swaps  is  as
                                Book value   Weighted        Weighted
                                              average         average
                                      #000     rate %    period years
Debenture stock                     85,000      10.50            21.8
Mortgages                              358       6.62             4.4
Bank fixed rate liabilities         30,000       7.40             8.5
                                   _______   ________         _______
Bank floating rate liabilities      16,583
Bank  fixed  rate liabilities include interest rate  swaps  which
have  the  effect of transforming floating rate liabilities  into
fixed rate liabilities.
Floating rate financial liabilities bear interest at rates  based
on  LIBOR, some of which are fixed in advance for periods  up  to
six months.
Fair values
The fair values of the group's financial liabilities at 30 June
1999 are set out below:
                                       Book        Fair    Fair value
                                      value       value    adjustment
                                       #000        #000          #000
Fixed rate instruments               87,850     126,937       (39,087)
Derivative instruments
 Interest rate swaps (notional
  principal #30,000,000)                  -       1,323        (1,323)
                                    _______     _______       _______
Fair value adjustment                87,850     128,260       (40,410)
                                    _______     _______       _______
Tax at 30%                                                     12,123
The  fair  values  are determined by prices  available  from  the
market  on  which  the financial liabilities and derivatives  are
traded.  All  gains  and losses arising from hedging  instruments
crystallised during the year have been recognised in  the  profit
and loss account.
11. Called up share capital
164,879,000 (1998 174,000,000) ordinary shares of
 25p each                                                 #41,220,000
Issued and fully paid                              Number     Nominal
                                                of shares       value
                                                      000        #000
Balance at 1 July 1998 adjusted for
 capital reorganisation                           123,404      30,851
Buy back of own shares                             (5,496)     (1,374)
Issued on take-up of options                           12           3
                                                  _______     _______
Balance at 30 June 1999                           117,920      29,480
                                                  =======     =======
On  3  September  1998  the issued share capital  of  130,231,000
shares   was   reorganised,  consolidated  and  subdivided   into
123,404,000 shares of 25 pence each.
On  8  April  1999 the company purchased in the market  5,496,000
ordinary shares for cancellation.
The  exercise  of all options outstanding at 30 June  1999  would
result  in  the  issue  of  a further 2,657,000  ordinary  shares
(adjusted  to  reflect  the  reorganisation  of  share  capital),
analysed as follows:
                                                 Number of shares
1984 Executive Share Option Scheme                            614
1994 Executive Share Option Scheme                          1,573
1997 Executive Share Option Scheme                            216
SAYE Schemes 1995-1998                                        254
12. Notes to the cash flow statement
a) Reconciliation of operating profit to net cash inflow from
operating activities
                                                1999         1998
                                                #000         #000
Operating profit                              22,254       21,816
Depreciation                                     290          321
Amortisation of goodwill                          59            -
Amortisation of lease premium                     29           28
Decrease in trading properties                     2          232
Decrease in current asset investments              -           90
Decrease/(increase) in debtors                   146         (143)
(Decrease)/increase in creditors                (746)         870
Share of profits of associated undertakings      (50)         (52)
                                              ______       ______
                                              21,984       23,162
                                              ======       ======
b) Analysis of changes in net debt
                            As at                 Other         As at
                      1 July 1998  Cash flow  movements  30 June 1999
                             #000       #000       #000          #000
Bank overdraft            (10,020)     3,405          -        (6,615)
Loan capital due within
 one year                     (18)         -          1           (17)
Loan capital due after
 more than one year      (111,845)   (15,990)        34      (127,801)
                         ________   ________   ________      ________
                         (121,883)   (12,585)        35      (134,433)
                         ========   ========   ========      ========
c) Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net debt
                                                   1999          1998
                                                   #000          #000
Increase/(decrease) in cash                       3,405        (4,448)
Net increase/(decrease) in loans                (15,990)        1,058
Other non-cash movements                             35            31
                                               ________      ________
Change in net debt                              (12,550)       (3,359)
Opening net debt                               (121,883)     (118,524)
                                               ________      ________
Closing net debt                               (134,433)     (121,883)
                                               ========      ========
13. Unaudited pro-forma net assets per share
The  consolidated balance sheet shows net assets of  #181,170,000
(1998  #175,806,000) which does not adequately reflect  the  full
value of two specific groups of assets:
Development properties
The  development  properties included as a separate  category  of
tangible fixed assets show a total at 30 June 1999 of #13,161,000
(1998  #12,886,000) comprising three sites in  Manchester,  Leeds
and   Glasgow.  The  Manchester  and  Leeds  sites  are   cleared
development  sites with planning permission where development  is
anticipated  in the near future. The directors therefore  believe
that  it  would be inappropriate to value these sites  until  the
details of the development schemes have been finalised and it  is
possible  to arrive at an appropriate appraisal of the  value  of
the  properties. However the directors believe using  comparative
information  that the value of these sites is not  less  that  as
stated below.
Car park business
The  consolidated  balance  sheet includes  all  the  assets  and
liabilities  of  the car park business comprising the  properties
owned  as  well as the assets and liabilities in respect  of  the
management  contracts.  The directors  believe  that  it  is  the
profits  and  cash flows of this business which should  form  the
basis for its valuation and for this reason the accounts shows  a
full  analysis of the profit and loss items attributable  to  car
parking  down  to  the level of profit after  taxation.  As  Town
Centre  Securities PLC is normally assessed on the basis  of  its
net  assets per share an adjustment is needed to exclude the  net
assets  attributable  to  car  parking  activities.  It  is  then
possible to calculate the value of the car park business based on
the  earnings information provided. In the pro-forma  calculation
below a price earnings ratio of 15 has been used for illustrative
purposes only.
                                        1999               1998
                                    Net       Net      Net        Net 
                                 assets    assets   assets     assets
                                              per                 per 
                                            share               share
                                   #000     pence     #000      pence
Net assets and net assets
 per share                      181,170       154  175,806        142
Development properties per
 accounts                       (13,161)           (12,886)
Development properties at
 current directors' valuation    22,000             18,000
Car parking net assets per
 accounts                        (9,297)            (8,025)
Car parking business valuation   14,235             14,205
                                _______   _______  _______    _______
Pro-forma net assets per share  194,947       165  187,100        152
                                =======   =======  =======    =======


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Town Centre (LSE:TCSC)
Historical Stock Chart
From Sep 2023 to Sep 2024 Click Here for more Town Centre Charts.