Financial highlights 
Per ordinary share (pence)         30.06.09 31.12.08 30.06.08 
Net asset value                        33.4     36.4     44.3 
Dividend paid (1)                         -      1.0      1.0 
Cumulative dividend (2)                 6.9      6.9      6.9 
Total return per share (3) 
SPARK VCT 2 plc                        40.3     43.3     51.2 
Return including tax benefits (5)      60.3     63.3     71.2 
Total return per 100p invested (4) 
Original investors in SPARK VCT 3 plc  52.3     56.7     65.4 
Return including tax benefits (5)      72.3     76.7     85.4 
(1)Dividend paid in the financial period ended on the date stated. 
(2)Cumulative dividends paid by SPARK VCT 2 plc. 
(3)Net asset value plus cumulative dividend per share to original shareholders in 
   SPARK VCT 2 plc since the launch of the Company (then called Quester VCT 4 plc) 
   in November 2000. 
(4)Total return to former shareholders in SPARK VCT 3 plc, launched in December 
   2001 (under the name Quester VCT 5 plc), which was merged with SPARK VCT 2 plc in 
   November 2008.The share exchange ratio for former shareholders in SPARK VCT 3 plc 
   was 1.4613.The total return stated is applicable only to subscribers of shares in 
   Quester VCT 5 plc at the time of launch of the Company in 2001-2. It does not 
   represent the return to subsequent subscribers or purchasers of shares. 
(5)Return after 20% income tax relief but excluding capital gains deferral. 
The Directors do not recommend an interim dividend. 
The Interim management report comprises the Chairmans statement, the Investment 
managers report, the fund summary and note 7 to the condensed financial statements. 
Chairman's statement 
The Company's principal objective for 2009 has been to ensure that the 
portfolio remains stable. Against this background, it gives some satisfaction 
to be able to report that the emphasis placed by the Manager on ensuring 
appropriate cost control and management of cash resources within the portfolio 
companies appears to have been successful so far in enabling companies to 
survive the recession. 
In this first half of 2009, the commercial performance of businesses within 
the portfolio has generally been 'on plan' following the downward revision to 
expectations at the end of last year. The development stage companies, which 
have reached substantial revenue generation and are cash-flow positive, have 
in most cases shown a satisfactory performance despite the recession.The 
recent trading results of Elateral Holdings Limited are most encouraging. 
Among the early stage venture capital investments that are beginning to show a 
degree of maturity, progress has generally been in line with expectations and 
in a number of cases gives cause for greater confidence in the prospect of an 
ultimately thriving business and a successful investment return. Cases in 
point are Oxford Immunotec Limited and Celona Technologies Limited. 
A number of the early stage companies in the TMT sector in which investment 
has been made more recently have been impacted by the recession, with initial 
sales progress being slower than anticipated. Where the Manager has judged the 
companies nevertheless to have good long-term prospects, management support 
and, where necessary, follow-on funding have been provided.The early stage 
life sciences companies have made generally good progress in their scientific 
and technical development. Highlights are set out in the Investment manager's 
The funding environment for all early stage companies continues to be very 
uncertain. At present it is difficult to obtain from new investors the 
additional equity capital needed to support the development of venture-backed 
companies, and where such finance is available the terms on which it is 
offered tend to involve much reduced pre-money valuations. In accordance with 
the International Private Equity and Venture Capital Valuation Guidelines, 
where a company has recently raised new funding or is expected to do so in the 
relatively near future, it has been necessary for the carrying value of the 
investment at 30 June 2009 to be reduced to reflect the actual or expected 
terms of the round.As a result, some of the most promising investments in the 
portfolio are reported at reduced valuations as at 30 June 2009, as compared 
with last year end. 
Overall, a valuation reduction of GBP2,022,000 has been recorded for the half 
year in respect of venture capital investments, including a net reduction of 
GBP2,151,000 for the unquoted investments and a net appreciation in value of 
GBP129,000 for the quoted investments. Details of the main valuation changes are 
given in the Investment manager's report. 
Results for the six months ended 30 June 2009 
The movement in net assets and net assets per share in the six months to 30 
June 2009 is summarised in the table below. 
                                      Venture        Net 
                                      capital    current 
                                  investments     assets   Total Pence per 
                                        GBP'000      GBP'000   GBP'000     Share 
Net asset value at 31 December 
2008                                   20,489      8,106  28,595      36.4 
Income                                      -         61      61       0.1 
Operating expenses                          -      (458)   (458)     (0.6) 
Net gain on disposal                       10          -      10         - 
Net loss on revaluation of 
investments                           (2,022)          - (2,022)     (2.6) 
Net investment by the Company             568      (568)       -         - 
Net assets before dividends and 
share buy-backs                        19,045      7,141  26,186      33.3 
Dividend paid                               -          -       -         - 
Share buy-backs                             -       (86)    (86)       0.1 
Net asset value at 30 June 2009        19,045      7,055  26,100      33.4 
As a result of the valuation changes and the impact of net operating costs, 
net assets per share, before taking account of share buy-backs, fell by some 
8% in the half year, from 36.4p at 31 December 2008 to 33.5p at 30 June 2009. 
The total return to shareholders from the launch of the Company in November 
2000 to 30 June 2009, inclusive of all dividends paid, now amounts to 40.5p 
per share before taking account of tax reliefs. 
The total return to original shareholders in SPARK VCT 3 plc from its launch 
in December 2001 (under the name Quester VCT 5 plc) to 30 June 2009, inclusive 
of all dividends paid, amounts to 52.6p per 100p originally invested, before 
taking account of tax reliefs. 
In the absence of realisations of investments during the half year, the Board 
does not recommend an interim dividend. 
The environment for achieving exits from venture capital investments continues 
to be very difficult and market conditions are not conducive to the achievement 
of satisfactory sale prices for even the most promising businesses. Against 
this background, and given the recessionary economic conditions, the Company's 
financial resources are being concentrated on the development of existing 
portfolio companies. It has retained a substantial amount of cash, which is 
available for this purpose. In order to maintain flexibility in the application 
of resources, the Board will seek to minimise the level of share buy¬-backs. 
A cautious approach is being taken to the consideration of new investment 
opportunities, pending greater visibility on the availability of cash from 
realisation of existing investments. 
For the year as a whole, it would at this stage be unwise to indicate any 
expectation of a positive return for shareholders, either in the form of a 
dividend or capital growth. Nevertheless the approach taken by the Manager 
appears to have been successful so far in enabling companies to survive the 
recession. In recent months it has been encouraging to see tangible progress 
in the development of some of the key companies, with improving sales and 
order books and the prospects of an improving M&A market. 
The Company has suffered from difficult times over the last two or three years 
and shareholders have seen a substantial decline in net asset value per 
share.A good deal of patience will still be required, but the Board believes 
there are now grounds for cautious optimism over the longer-term prospects. 
In the last Annual report we indicated the Board would be reviewing the future 
direction of the Company so as to ensure that returns, when they arise, are 
delivered to shareholders in the most effective way, while at the same time 
ensuring that the ongoing activities of the Company are appropriately funded. 
Shareholders should expect to receive a further communication on this before 
the year end. 
SPARK Ventures plc, the parent company of the Company's manager, SPARK Venture 
Management Limited, recently announced a proposal for a management buyout of 
its investment fund management business, which includes the contract for the 
provision of investment management services to the Company. SPARK Ventures plc 
also announced proposals for a change to its investment strategy, including 
the cessation of new investments on its own account.The latter proposals have 
been approved by its shareholders but the vote to approve the proposed buyout 
of its fund management business was adjourned. Following third party 
expressions of interest in acquiring SPARK Ventures plc it has also entered 
into an offer period. Presently, the outcome of these developments is 
uncertain.Your Board continues to monitor the situation closely, with a view 
to ensuring that the interests of shareholders in the Company are best served. 
We will update shareholders further once we are in a position to do so. 
With much regret, we have recently accepted the resignation from the Board of 
Patrick Seely, who has stepped down for reasons of a family illness with 
effect from 19 August 2009. 
Having previously served as a director of SPARK VCT 3 plc, Patrick became a 
director of the Company upon completion of the merger in November 2008. Over 
the relatively brief period of his appointment, Patrick has given wise advice 
at all times and made a most valuable contribution to the Company's affairs. 
I would like to express the Board's warmest thanks to him. 
Robert Wright 
21 August 2009 
Directors' responsibility statement 
The Directors confirm to the best of their knowledge that: 
- the condensed financial statements contained within the Half-Yearly Financial 
  Report have been prepared in accordance with the Accounting Standards Board's 
  Statement 'Half-Yearly Financial Reports'; and 
- the interim management report includes a fair review of the information 
  required by Disclosure and Transparency Rule 4.2.7R of important events that 
  have occurred during the first six months of the financial year and their 
  impact on the condensed financial statements, and a description of the 
  principal risks and uncertainties for the remainder of the financial year; and 
- the condensed financial statements (note 7) include a fair review of the 
  information concerning related parties transactions as required by Disclosure 
  and Transparency Rule 4.2.8R. 
The Half-Yearly Financial Report was approved by the Board on 21 August 2009 
and the above responsibility statement was signed on its behalf by the 
Investment manager's report 
Over the six months to 30 June 2009, members of the SPARK management team have 
continued to be focused on working with the portfolio companies, with a 
particular emphasis on cost control and rates of cash burn, against the 
background of the risk of slower than expected revenue growth and the reduced 
availability of venture capital finance. 
Generally, the commercial performance of businesses within the portfolio has 
been 'on plan' following the downward revision of expectations at the end of 
last year. However, the economic and therefore funding environment continues 
to be very uncertain. Even where business development has been progressing 
well, there has been greater difficulty in obtaining from new investors the 
additional equity capital needed to support the development of venture-backed 
companies, and where such finance is available the terms on which it is 
offered tend to involve substantially reduced pre-money valuations. As a 
result, all but one of the valuation movements reported for the six months 
have been downward, and there has been increasing pressure for additional 
equity capital to be provided by the Fund and other existing investors. 
Against this background, it is important that the Fund retains resources to 
continue developing the value of the more promising portfolio companies and to 
maintain its position in follow-on funding rounds. 
With the M&A market effectively being closed, we continue to believe that 
achievement of significant profitable exits will not be possible before 2011 
at the earliest. There were no realisations during the six months to 30 June 
In view of the above, and given the currently poor visibility on the generation 
of cash proceeds from realisations, no new investments were made during the six 
months to 30 June 2009. 
Progress of investments 
Significant business developments within the portfolio are summarised below: 
- Celldex Therapeutics, Inc. has recently announced agreement to acquire 
  CuraGen Corporation, another NASDAQ-listed company with a portfolio of 
  oncology-focused antibodies complementary to Celldex's existing targeted 
  immunotherapy platform.This transaction, which is due to complete in the 
  third quarter, also provides cash resources to enable Celldex to advance 
  its clinical development programmes into 2012. 
- Celona Technologies Limited has now begun to see real progress in winning 
  contracts from major telecoms companies and others for its data migration 
  software. Recent contracts have been won and negotiated in much shorter 
  timeframes. Revenues in the year to March 2009 showed a fivefold increase 
  over the previous year, and current contracts already commenced will 
  deliver a substantial proportion of budgeted revenues in the current year. 
- Elateral Limited had an excellent year to 31 March 2009 delivering 44% 
  revenue growth, ahead of budgeted expectations.The company won a number of 
  new customer contracts including Ciena, Linksys, NetApp, Toyota and Symantec. 
  At the same time, it renewed and extended its relationship with a number of 
  existing customers including SAP, Coca Cola and New Balance and celebrated its 
  10th year in partnership with British Telecom. 
- Isango! Limited an early stage online travel website company offering users 
  an authoritative source of travel experiences such as holiday tours, 
  sightseeing, attractions and activities, was impacted in autumn 2008 by the 
  downturn in the travel sector. More recently, while revenues have improved 
  somewhat and the company has recently launched its new website which broadens 
  the range of its travel and holiday offering, growth continues to be slower 
  than had been expected. 
- Oxford Immunotec Limited has been building its marketing effort in the 
  United States following the July 2008 grant of FDA approval for its innovative 
  diagnostic test for tuberculosis, T-SPOT®.TB. The new test has been well 
  received by clinicians. With the benefit of feedback from the initial phase of 
  the marketing a new business model, using a new laboratory to process the 
  tests, is being adopted and should help accelerate sales growth.Very recently, 
  the company has secured additional funding (see 'Follow-on investments' below) 
  which will support this next phase of its development. 
- UniServity Limited is close to signing its first sales in the US market 
  which would be a major step in the development of the business, particularly 
  as the number of new contracts currently coming up for tender in the UK is 
  low.The company is awaiting the results of a trial in China, following the 
  framework agreement for the promotion of the company's web-based learning 
  platform in that country. 
- Vivacta Limited, which specialises in point-of-care diagnostic tests, 
  announced the successful completion of development of its first test, for 
  TSH (thyroid function) together with prototype commercial readers. This has 
  triggered the raising of a new financing round (see 'Follow-on investments' 
  below) which it is expected will fund the company through to regulatory 
  approval of the TSH test. 
In relation to Gemini Holdings Limited, the fresh milestones set by the SPARK 
management team (following the company's initial difficulties) were not 
met.The decision was therefore taken to provide no further support for this 
company and to seek to recover as much as possible of the cash invested. 
Follow-on investments 
The six months to 30 June 2009 saw significant follow-on investment in five 
Company                                 Sector          GBP'000 
Follow-on investments completed 
in the six months to 30 June 2009: 
Celona Technologies Limited               TMT              81 
Secerno Limited                           TMT              82 
Skinkers Limited                          TMT              37 
Xention Limited                    Healthcare             244 
Xtera Communications, Inc.                TMT             123 
Other                                                      11 
The amounts invested during the six months to 30 June 2009 in Celona 
Technologies Limited and Xention Limited represented the second 
tranches of funding originally agreed in March 2008 and December 2008 
respectively, as referred to in the last Annual report. 
The additional funding of Secerno Limited, which specialises in the supply of 
software and appliances to protect against internal and external threats to 
databases, has been provided to support its market development phase. This 
followed an earlier follow-on round in mid-2008 but at a lower valuation 
(anticipated in the financial statements at 31 December 2008). Skinkers 
Limited, a software company delivering information broadcast solutions to 
large enterprises, faced a similar requirement for additional finance, as its 
sales cycle had been impacted by the downturn in the financial services 
sector. The Fund contributed a modest amount in a follow-on round at a 
significantly reduced valuation, as part of arrangements which also involved 
the spin-off of the smaller consumer activity (Livestation) and the focusing 
of the company on its mainstream activities. 
In the case of Xtera Communications, Inc. the follow-on investment, made 
alongside a range of US and other syndicate partners, reflected a requirement 
for additional equity capital as a result of the credit crunch, with a 
reduction in the availability of trade credit. Participation by the Fund in 
this round has served to protect the value of its existing investment. 
Additionally, agreement has been reached in three cases for follow-on 
investment to be completed during the current quarter: 
Company                                     Sector     GBP'000 
Follow-on investments committed, 
for completion in the quarter to 
30 September 2009: 
Oxford Immunotec Limited                Healthcare       534 
UniServity Limited                             TMT       117 
Vivacta Limited                         Healthcare        91 
In relation to Oxford Immunotec Limited, the Fund has committed to a further 
investment as part of an externally led round: reflecting the current market 
conditions in venture capital generally, the terms involve a reduction in the 
pre-money valuation attributed to this investment. In the case of Vivacta 
Limited, the Fund has committed its share of a new round structured as an 
extension of the Series B round completed in November 2007. The Fund has also 
agreed to provide bridge finance to UniServity Limited ahead of a third-party 
funding round being planned for later in the year. 
Valuation changes 
The valuations of the unquoted investments have been reviewed as at 
30 June 2009 on the basis of the International Private Equity and Venture 
Capital Valuation Guidelines, having regard mainly to (i) prices of recent 
financing rounds and/or the terms of financing rounds expected in the 
relatively near future, (ii) earnings multiples and (iii) industry valuation 
benchmarks and/or M&A valuation criteria. 
The quoted venture capital investments (shares traded on AIM, the Frankfurt 
stock exchange and NASDAQ) have been valued at their bid prices at 30 June 
Overall, a valuation reduction of GBP2,022,000 has been recorded for 
the half year, including a net valuation reduction of GBP2,151,000 in respect 
of unquoted venture capital investments and a net appreciation of GBP129,000 in 
respect of the quoted investments. 
As indicated earlier, it is currently very difficult to obtain from new 
investors the additional equity capital needed to support the development of 
venture-backed companies, and where such finance is available the terms on 
which it is offered tend to involve substantially reduced pre-money 
valuations. Following the International Private Equity and Venture Capital 
Valuation Guidelines, where a company has recently raised new funding or is 
expected to do so in the releatively near future, the carrying value of the 
investment at 30 June 2009 has been reduced to reflect the actual or expected 
terms of the round. The reductions in the valuation of the holdings in Celona 
Technologies Limited and Oxford Immunotec Limited have been made for this 
Similar considerations have applied in relation to a number of the early stage 
companies in the TMT sector. Skinkers Limited has recently raised additional 
finance at a lower valuation. The reductions in the valuations of Isango! 
Limited and We7 Limited have been made against the background of difficult 
trading in very tough markets and the upcoming requirement in each company to 
raise the next round of venture capital finance. 
Among the development stage companies, the recent trading results of Elateral 
Holdings Limited have supported an upward revaluation of the investment on the 
basis of an earnings multiple. 
The net reduction in valuation of unquoted venture capital investments is as 
Company                                          GBP'000 
Celona Technologies Limited                      (613) 
Elateral Holdings Limited                          113 
Isango! Limited                                  (563) 
Oxford Immunotec Limited                         (596) 
Skinkers Limited                                 (169) 
We7 Limited                                      (167) 
Others (3)                                       (156) 
Movements in valuation of the quoted venture capital investments over the six 
months were as follows: 
Company                                          GBP'000 
Allergy Therapeutics plc AIM                        62 
Celldex Therapeutics, Inc NASDAQ                 (144) 
MediGene AG FRANKFURT                             (87) 
Portrait Software plc AIM                          275 
Others (3)                                          23 
The actions that have been taken to position the portfolio companies to face 
the problems of the recession appear so far to have achieved their 
objectives.The combination of a reduced base of operating costs within the 
companies and, more recently, some signs of improving order books and early 
signs of potential corporate acquisition interest give grounds for belief that 
portfolio companies may be witnessing a slowing in the decline of their 
markets.The progress achieved so far would, however, be vulnerable to setback 
if there were to be a further loss of confidence within the business community 
SPARK Venture Management Limited 
21 August 2009 
Fund summary as at 30 June 2009 
                                                                           % of 
                                 Industry   Cost(1) Valuation Equity %  fund by 
                                 sector       GBP'000     GBP'000     held    value 
Fifteen largest venture capital 
Workshare Limited                TMT          2,947     3,066    10.2%    11.8% 
Xention Limited                  Healthcare   2,438     2,059     6.9%     7.9% 
Xtera Communications, Inc.       Healthcare   3,191     1,779     1.3%     6.8% 
UniServity Limited               TMT          1,400     1,400    23.2%     5.4% 
Oxford Immunotec Limited         Healthcare   2,388     1,206     6.2%     4.6% 
Elateral Holdings Limited(2)     TMT            479     1,161    13.3%     4.4% 
Vivacta Limited                  Healthcare     798       856     4.7%     3.3% 
Level Four Software Limited      TMT            795       795     7.3%     3.0% 
Cluster Seven Limited            TMT            845       765     5.8%     2.9% 
Antenova Limited                 TMT          1,718       659     6.2%     2.5% 
Sift Group Limited               TMT            917       600     8.3%     2.3% 
MediGene AG FRANKFURT            Healthcare     797       529     0.4%     2.0% 
Portrait Software plc            TMT          1,186       490     3.3%     1.9% 
Imagesound plc                   TMT            489       489     0.5%     1.9% 
Celona Technologies Limited      TMT          2,708       451    10.3%     1.7% 
                                             23,096    16,305             62.4% 
Other venture capital 
Celldex Therapeutics, Inc NASDAQ Healthcare   1,537       423     0.7%     1.6% 
Perpetuum Limited                TMT            479       374     4.4%     1.4% 
Secerno Limited                  TMT            476       351     3.4%     1.3% 
Haemostatix Limited              Healthcare     312       312     7.7%     1.2% 
Allergy Therapeutics plc AIM     Healthcare     795       239     0.6%     0.9% 
Isango! Limited                  TMT            750       188     6.8%     0.7% 
We7 Limited                      TMT            334       167     3.4%     0.6% 
Skinkers Limited                 TMT            354       159     2.9%     0.6% 
Quadnetics Group plc             TMT            166       106     0.5%     0.4% 
Celoxica Holdings plc            TMT            192       104     3.7%     0.4% 
Other investments: valuations 
less than GBP100,000(2)                         1,708       317              1.2% 
                                              7,103     2,740             10.3% 
Total venture capital                        30,199    19,045             72.7% 
Total unquoted venture capital               25,650    17,210             65.9% 
Total quoted venture capital                  4,549     1,835              6.8% 
Total investments                            30,199    19,045             72.7% 
Cash and other net assets                     7,055     7,055             27.3% 
Net assets                                   37,254    26,100            100.0% 
(1) Amounts shown as cost represent acquisition cost (in the case of investments 
    originally made by the Company) and/or the valuation attributed to the 
    investment at the date of the merger (in the case of investments originally 
    made by SPARK VCT 3 plc), plus any subsequent acquisition cost, as reduced 
    in certain cases(2) by amounts written off as representing an impairment in 
(2) Cost reduced by amounts written off as representing an impairment in value. 
Income Statement 
                        Six months to             Six months to             Twelve months to 
                        30 June 2009               30 June 2008             31 December 2008 
                         (unaudited)                 (unaudited)                   (audited) 
                       Revenue  Capital  Total  Revenue Capital Total  Revenue Capital   Total 
                  Note   GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000 GBP'000    GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000 
Loss on revaluation 
of investments at 
fair value through 
profit or loss               - (2,022) (2,022)       -   (379) (379)        - (4,084) (4,084) 
Gain/(loss) on 
disposal of 
investments at fair 
value through 
profit or loss                      10      10              74     74       -   (526)   (526) 
Income                      61       -      61     129       -    129     235       -     235 
Recoverable VAT              -       -       -       -       -      -     400       -     400 
Investment               (329)       -   (329)   (283)       - (283)    (592)       -   (592) 
management fee 
Other expenses           (129)       -   (129)   (187)       - (187)    (661)       -   (661) 
Loss on operating        (397) (2,012) (2,409)   (341)   (305) (646)    (618) (4,610) (5,228) 
Interest payable on          -       -       -     (3)       -    (3)     (5)       -     (5) 
loan notes 
Loss on ordinary 
activities before 
taxation                 (397) (2,012) (2,409)   (344)   (305) (649)    (623) (4,610) (5,233) 
Tax on loss on               -       -       -       -       -      -       -       -       - 
ordinary activities 
Loss on ordinary 
activities after 
taxation                 (397) (2,012) (2,409)   (344)   (305) (649)    (623) (4,610) (5,233) 
Basic and fully 
diluted loss per 
share               3   (0.5)p  (2.6)p  (3.1)p  (0.7)p  (0.7)p (1.4)p (1.1 )p  (8.3)p  (9.4)p 
The 'Total' column of this statement is the profit and loss account of the 
Company; the supplementary revenue return and capital return columns have been 
prepared under guidance published by the Association of Investment Companies. 
All revenue and capital items in the above statement derive from continuing 
The Company has only one class of business and derives its income from 
investments made in shares and securities and from bank deposits. 
There are no gains and losses for the period other than those passing through 
the income statement of the Company. 
The accompanying notes are an integral part of this statement. 
Balance sheet 
                                            30 June 31 December     30 June 
                                               2009        2008        2008 
                                        (unaudited)   (audited) (unaudited) 
                                  Notes       GBP'000       GBP'000       GBP'000 
Fixed assets 
Investments at fair value through 
profit or loss                        4      19,045      20,489      18,044 
Current assets 
Debtors                                         903       1,364         737 
Cash at bank                                  6,310       7,139       2,099 
                                              7,213       8,503       2,836 
Creditors: amounts falling due                (158)       (397)       (331) 
within one year 
Net current assets                            7,055       8,106       2,505 
Creditors: amounts falling due in                 -           -        (99) 
over one year 
Net assets                                   26,100      28,595      20,450 
Capital and reserves 
Called-up share capital                         780         785         462 
Share premium account                           339         339         339 
Capital redemption reserve                       84          79          72 
Special reserve                              20,305      21,196      21,528 
Investment holding losses                  (11,154)     (9,937)     (5,113) 
Merger reserve                               12,615      12,615           - 
Profit and loss account                       3,131       3,518       3,162 
Total equity shareholders'funds              26,100      28,595      20,450 
Net asset value per share             5       33.4p       36.4p       44.3p 
The accompanying notes are an integral part of this statement. 
Cash flow statement 
                                         Six months     months Six months 
                                                 to         to         to 
                                            30 June 31 December   30 June 
                                               2009       2008       2008 
                                        (unaudited)  (audited)(unaudited) 
                                        Note  GBP'000      GBP'000      GBP'000 
Net cash outflow from operating activities 6  (175)    (1,954)      (332) 
Financial investment 
Purchase of venture capital investments       (578)    (1,584)      (979) 
Purchase of listed equities and fixed 
interest investments                              -      (158)      (159) 
Sale of venture capital investments               -      4,381      3,345 
Sale/redemption of listed equity and fixed 
interest investments                              -      2,933        190 
Amounts recovered from investments 
previously written off                           10         97         82 
Total net financial investment                (568)      5,669      2,479 
Equity dividends paid                             -      (467)      (464) 
Funds received as part of merger                  -      3,792          - 
Buy-back of ordinary shares                    (86)      (395)      (182) 
Redemption of loan notes                          -      (100)          - 
Repayment of redeemable loan notes                -          -        (1) 
Net interest on loan notes                        -        (5) 
Total financing                                (86)      3,292      (183) 
(Decrease)/increase in cash for the period    (829)      6,540      1,500 
Reconciliation of net cash flow to 
movement in net funds 
(Decrease)/increase in cash for the period    (829)      6,540      1,500 
Net funds at the start of the period          7,139        599        599 
Net funds at the end of the period            6,310      7,139      2,099 
The accompanying notes are an integral part of this statement. 
Net funds comprise cash at bank and on short-term deposit. 
Reconciliation of movements in shareholders' funds 
Six months to 30 June 2009 
                                  Share   redemp-          Investment              Profit 
                        Share   premium      tion   Special   holding    Merger  and loss 
                      capital   account   reserve   reserve    losses   reserve   account     Total 
                        GBP'000     GBP'000     GBP'000     GBP'000     GBP'000     GBP'000     GBP'000     GBP'000 
At 1 January 2009         785       339        79    21,196   (9,937)    12,615     3,518    28,595 
Shares purchased for      (5)         -         5      (86)         -         -         -      (86) 
Realisation of prior        -         -         -         -       805         -     (805)         - 
years' net losses on 
Transfer from special 
reserve to income 
statement                   -         -         -     (805)         -         -       805         - 
Net loss on revaluation 
of investments              -         -         -         -   (2,022)         -     2,022         - 
Loss on ordinary 
activities after 
taxation                    -         -         -         -         -         -   (2,409)   (2,409) 
At 30 June 2009           780       339        84    20,305  (11,154)    12,615     3,131    26,100 
Twelve months to 31 
December 2008 
At 1 January 2008         467       339        67    23,157   (4,701)         -     2,416    21,745 
Shares issued in 
connection with the 
merger                    330         -         -         -         -    12,615         -    12,945 
Shares purchased for     (12)         -        12     (395)         -         -         -     (395) 
Realisation of prior 
years' net gains on 
investments                 -         -         -         -   (1,306)         -     1,306         - 
Transfer from special 
reserve to income 
statement                   -         -         -   (1,566)         -         -     1,566         - 
Net loss on revaluation 
of investments              -         -         -         -   (3,930)         -     3,930         - 
Loss on ordinary 
activities after 
taxation                    -         -         -         -         -         -   (5,233)   (5,233) 
Dividends paid              -         -         -         -         -         -     (467)     (467) 
At 31 December 2008       785       339        79    21,196   (9,937)    12,615     3,518    28,595 
Six months to 30 June 
At 1 January 2008         467       339        67    23,157   (4,701)         -     2,416    21,745 
Shares purchased for      (5)         -         5     (182)         -         -         -     (182) 
Realisation of prior        -         -         -         -     (400)         -       400         - 
years' net gains on 
Transfer from special 
reserve to income 
statement                   -         -         -   (1,447)         -         -     1,447         - 
Net loss on revaluation 
of investments              -         -         -         -      (12)         -        12         - 
Loss on ordinary 
activities after 
taxation                    -         -         -         -         -         -     (649)     (649) 
Dividends paid              -         -         -         -         -         -     (464)     (464) 
At 30 June 2008           462       339        72    21,528   (5,113)         -     3,162    20,450 
1 The financial information contained in this Half-Yearly Financial 
Report has been prepared in accordance with the Statement of Recommended 
Practice (SORP) "Financial Statements of Investment Trust Companies and 
Venture Capital Trusts" and in accordance with the accounting policies set out 
in the Annual Report for the year ended 31 December 2008. As a change to the 
presentation previously adopted in the Annual Report, the results for the half 
year are presented in the form of an Income statement in three columns, 
'Revenue', 'Capital', and 'Total', instead of a single-column profit or loss 
account. The revaluation reserve has been renamed 'Investment holding losses'. 
Additionally note 2 states the amount of the total reserves of the Company 
that is available for distribution by way of a dividend. 
The annual financial statements of the Company are prepared under the historical 
cost convention, except for the measurement at fair value offixed asset 
investments, and in accordance with the applicable UK accounting standards. 
2 The total reserves available for distribution by way of a dividend is 
GBP12,282,000 (31 December 2008: 14,777,000, 30 June 2008: GBP19,577,000), 
being made up of the special reserve and profit and loss account, net of 
investment holding losses. 
3 The revenue loss per share of 0.5p (30 June 2008: loss 0.7p, 31 
December 2008: loss 1.1 p) is based on the revenue loss on ordinary activities 
after tax of GBP397,000 (30 June 2008: loss GBP344,000, 31 December 2008: loss 
GBP623,000) and on the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue 
during the period of 78,023,615 (30 June 2008:46,380,000,31 December 2008: 
The capital loss per share of 2.6p (30 June 2008: loss 0.7p, 31 
December 2008: loss 8.3p) is based on the capital loss on ordinary activities 
after tax of GBP2,012,000 (30 June 2008: loss GBP305,000,31 December 2008: loss 
GBP4,610,000) and on the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue as 
The total loss per share of 3.1 p (30 June 2008: loss 1.4p, 31 
December 2008: loss 9.4p) is based on the loss on ordinary activities after 
tax of GBP2,409,000 (30 June 2008: loss GBP649,000, 31 December 2008: loss 
GBP5,233,000) and on the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue 
as above. 
4 Movements in investments during the six months ended 30 June 2009 are 
as follows: 
Cost at 1 January 2009                                           30,426 
Net loss at 1 January 2009                                      (9,937) 
Valuation at 1 January 2009                                      20,489 
Movements in the period: 
Purchases at cost                                                   578 
Net loss on revaluation of investments                          (2,022) 
Valuation at 30 June 2009                                        19,045 
Book cost at 30 June 2009                                        30,199 
Net loss at 30 June 2009                                       (11,154) 
Valuation at 30 June 2009                                        19,045 
Amounts shown as cost represent acquisition cost, less any reduction 
made on account of impairment in value. 
5 The net asset value per share as at 30 June 2009 of 33.4p (31 
December 2008: 36.4p, 30 June 2008: 44.3p) is based on net assets of 
GBP26,100,000 (31 December 2008: GBP28,595,000, 30 June 2008: 20,450,000) divided 
by the 77,990,533 ordinary shares in issue at that date (31 December 2008: 
78,534,876,30 June 2008: 46,168,525).There is no dilution effect in respect of 
the period ended 30 June 2009 (31 December 2008: nil, 30 June 2008: nil). 
6 Reconciliation of operating loss to net cash outflow from operating 
                                        Six months    months  Six months 
                                                to        to          to 
                                          30.06.09  31.12.08    30.06.08 
                                       (unaudited) (audited) (unaudited) 
                                             GBP'000     GBP'000       GBP'000 
Loss on ordinary activities                (2,409)   (5,228)       (646) 
Loss on investments at fair value            2,012     4,610         305 
through profit or loss 
Decrease/(increase) in debtors                 461   (1,224)        (17) 
(Decrease)/increase in creditors             (239)     (112)          29 
Interest payable on loan notes                   -         -         (3) 
Net cash outflow from operating              (175)   (1,954)       (332) 
7 Spark Investors Limited (a fellow subsidiary of the Manager), of which 
JR Patel is a director, may from time to time be eligible to receive 
transaction fees and/or directors' fees from investee companies. During the 
period to 30 June 2009, fees of GBP11,668 attributable to the investments of the 
Company were received pursuant to these arrangements (30 June 2008: GBP11,000, 
31 December 2008: GBP26,000). During the six months to 30 June 2009 there were no 
transactions by Directors in shares of companies in which the company has 
invested (30 June 2008: none, 31 December 2008: none). 
8 This Half Yearly Financial Report, has been neither audited nor 
reviewed by the Company's auditors and does not constitute statutory accounts 
within the meaning of Section 434 of the Companies Act 2006. The statutory 
accounts for the period ended 31 December 2008 have been delivered to the 
Registrar of Companies and received an audit report which was unqualified, did 
not include a reference to any matters to which the auditors drew attention by 
way of emphasis without qualifying the report and did not contain any 
statements under Section 498(2) and (3) of the Companies Act 2006. 
9 Interim management statements relating to the first and third 
quarters of the financial year will be released via the Regulatory News 
Service on or shortly before 18 May and 18 November each year. 
10 Copies of the Half-Yearly Financial Report are expected to be sent to 
shareholders on 25 August 2009. Further copies can be obtained from the 
Company's registered office. 
33 Glasshouse      Tel: +44 (0)20 7851 7777      contact@sparkvct.com 
Street London      Fax: +44 (0)20 7851 7770      www.sparkvct.com 
W1B 5DG 

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