RNS No 3190q
20 August 1999

Sodra Petroleum AB announces that its parent company, Lundin Oil AB ("Lundin")
has today issued the following announcement:-
                             Lundin Oil AB (publ)
          Report for the first 6 months 1 January 1999 - 30 June 1999

The Group
The  Lundin Oil AB Group (Lundin Oil) reports a loss after taxes of MSEK  17.5
(MSEK  31.0)  corresponding to -0.22 (-0.38) SEK per share for the  first  six
months  of 1999. The loss before taxes was MSEK 1.3 (profit of MSEK 3.7). The
comparative numbers have been restated to reflect the change in accounting
principle as mentioned below. The continued  depressed world oil prices
throughout the majority  of  the  period were  primarily  responsible for the
reported loss. It is  expected  that  the recent recovery in oil prices will
result in a return to profitability for the company in the third quarter.

Operating cash flow was MSEK 145.1 (MSEK 140.6) corresponding to 1.8 (1.7) SEK
per  share.  The  operating cash flow has remained consistent  with  the  same
period in the prior year due to similar production levels and prices.

Lundin Oil received an average price on its crude oil sales of USD 13.54  (USD
13.73) per barrel for the first six months. The average price for 1998 was USD
12.89 per barrel. The average price received for July 1999 was USD 18.75.

Oil and gas related income amounted to MSEK 280.8 (MSEK 316.7) and relates  to
Lundin Oil's assets in the UK North Sea and Malaysia which generated operating
income  of  MSEK  202.7 (MSEK 236.2) and MSEK 74.8 (MSEK  71.4)  respectively.
Depletion charge on oil and gas assets was MSEK 115.3 (MSEK 127.0).

Net financial income and expenses were MSEK -10.4 (MSEK 11.0). Included within
the  period were gains of MSEK 11.8 resulting from the sale of 719,480  shares
in  Talisman Energy Corporation for proceeds of MSEK 112.3. Also included were
interest expenses amounting to MSEK 21.0 (MSEK 21.0) and net currency exchange
gains  of  MSEK 2.2 (MSEK 24.3).  The latter arose primarily as  a  result  of
translating loans from USD to SEK.

Taxes  were  MSEK 16.3 (MSEK 32.4).  The current corporation  tax  charge  has
increased from the previous period to MSEK 15.4 (MSEK 13.3) but was offset  by
a  refund in the United Kingdom of MSEK 10.1 relating to prior years, giving a
net  current  tax charge of MSEK 5.3.  Petroleum Revenue Tax, PRT,  was  lower
than  the previous period primarily due to a 1998 accounting adjustment and  a
tax refund received.

The net loss for the financial year ended 31 December 1998 was MSEK 378.3.

Parent Company
The  net loss for the parent company for the first six months of 1999 amounted
to  MSEK  4.5 (net profit of MSEK 2.8).  The loss resulted from administration
charges  of  MSEK 7.8 (MSEK 9.6) and interest charge of MSEK  9.8  (MSEK  8.3)
offset by a gain on sale of the company's shares in Talisman of MSEK 7.2.
Production  for the first six months on a working interest basis  amounted  to
2,441,295   (2,496,818)  barrels  of  oil  equivalents  of   which   2,119,720
(2,183,682) were barrels of oil.  This corresponds to a production  of  13,488
(13,795)  barrels  of  oil  equivalents per day  (boepd)  for  the  half  year
including production from the UK North Sea and Malaysia of 8,322 (9,101) boepd
and 5,165 (4,694) boepd respectively. Production for the first six months from
Malaysia  on an entitlement basis after government share amounted  to  660,448
(691,400) barrels.
The Group
Liquid  assets at 30 June 1999 amounted to MSEK 283.3 (MSEK 433.3) and relates
primarily to funds generated from UK North Sea production and the net proceeds
of the Red Sea Oil Corporation rights issue.

Parent Company
Liquid  assets  at  30 June 1999 amounted to MSEK 1.4 (MSEK 9.9).  During  the
period the Company sold its 520,580 shares in Talisman Energy Corporation  for
MSEK  73.5  and  sold its shares in Red Sea Oil Corporation  to  a  subsidiary
company for MSEK 22.8.

During  the  period, investments in oil and gas assets have been  made  in  an
amount  of  MSEK  137.7  (MSEK  410.9).  These  primarily  relate  to  ongoing
exploration  / appraisal costs in Libya and drilling in Sudan. 

Whilst the Group records exploration expenditure under the full cost method of
accounting whereby exploration costs would only be written-off when an area is
relinquished, management decided to write-off the costs incurred offshore  the
Falkland Islands during 1998 given the disappointing drilling result  and  the
high  level of costs incurred to that date. Expenditure of MSEK 17.3 has  been
capitalised against the Falkland Islands concession during 1999.  A  study  of
the  North Falkland basin was commissioned to Robertson Research in the  first
quarter  of  1999 to analyse all the existing data. The report is  due  to  be
completed during the second half of 1999 when management will assess whether a
further write-off will be required.

The  Group  has entered into interest rate hedging contracts commencing  on  1
January 1999 for part of Lundin Oil's US$ borrowings  to  a  fixed rate of
interest for a period  of  three  years.  The contracts are in the amount of
US$50.0 million with an interest rate fixed  at 5.87%.

The  Group  has  also  entered into an oil price hedge for  part  of  its  oil
production  from  the  UK North Sea. From 1 August 1999 to  31  December  1999
approximately 50% of Lundin Oil's estimated UK crude oil production  has  been
fixed  at a dated Brent price of USD 18.40 per barrel. From 1 January 2000  to
31  December 2000 approximately 30% of Lundin's Oil's estimated UK  crude  oil
production has been fixed at a dated Brent price of USD 17.15 per barrel.

UK North Sea
The  UK  North Sea remains the main cash flow generating area for Lundin  Oil.
Production remains steady and ongoing investments have been of a going concern
basis  with  no new ventures or exploration activity undertaken  in  the  area
during the period.

The  Company  has a 40% interest in the Area NC177 located in the southeastern
portion  of  the  prolific  Sirte basin, in partnership  with  its  58%  owned
subsidiary Red Sea Oil Corporation which is the operator with a 60% interest.

Development Activity:
Sproule International Limited of Calgary estimates the proven and probable oil
reserves  for  the En Naga North and West oil field at 71 million  barrels  of
recoverable oil.

A  field  development plan for the En Naga North and West oil field  has  been
submitted  for  the approval of the Management Committee (which  committee  is
controlled  by  the Libyan National Oil Company). It is estimated  that  first
production  will commence within 12 months of the approval of the  development
plan  having been obtained. The forecast peak production rate from the En Naga
North and West field is estimated at 22,000 bpd (24 months after start-up).

The  Company  is currently in discussions with various financial  institutions
regarding  a  project  financing  for the development.  The  discussions  with
financial institutions are well advanced and the Company is confident that the
funding  of the development costs associated with the En Naga North  and  West
field will be successfully completed.

The  economic  sanctions  imposed upon Libya by the  UN  have  been  suspended
resulting  in an improved climate for investment and operations in the  Libyan
oil  industry.  This  has  been  followed  by  the  re-establishment  of  full
diplomatic ties between Libya and the United Kingdom.

Exploration Activity:
The C1-NC177 oil exploration well was spudded on 8 August 1999 on the Haruj  A
prospect   in  Area  NC177.  It  is  anticipated  that  drilling   will   take
approximately  56 days to complete. The well will be drilled  to  a  depth  of
approximately  12,500  feet testing several Eocene, Paleocene  and  Cretaceous

The  Haruj A prospect is one of many prospects and leads found as a result  of
the  extensive 1998 regional seismic campaign. It is parallel to the  En  Naga
structural  trend  responsible  for  the  Company's  En  Naga  North  &   West
discoveries  and the En Naga A & B discoveries made by Veba  Oil  in  the  mid
1990's. The style of the prospect is a four-way dip closed structure 33-km2 in
size and very similar to En Naga North's 10-km2 four-way dip closed structure;
it  is  also analogous to the En Naga trend discoveries in terms of structural
timing and depositional environment.

A  small 80 km 2D seismic campaign has also been acquired on NC177 over  leads
discovered  during the 1998 seismic campaign. This acquisition  campaign  will
help to potentially upgrade the leads to drillable prospects.

Following  the drilling of the Haruj A prospect the Company will  continue  to
pursue  an  aggressive  exploration program. A number of additional  prospects
have  clearly  been identified and we remain extremely positive regarding  the
prospects for discovering additional reserves in area NC177.

Lundin  Oil has a 40.375% interest in Block 5A in the Sudan. The Block adjoins
the Greater Nile Petroleum Operating Company ("GNPOC") blocks on which the oil
reserves  discovered to date are reported to be in the order  of  800  million
barrels  recoverable. The GNPOC consortium has also reportedly  commenced  oil
production  through the 1,540 kilometres export pipeline  to  Port  Sudan  and
first  export  sales  are imminent. The initial capacity of  the  pipeline  is
250,000  barrels  per day, of which 100,000 barrels per day  is  reserved  for
third party users such as Lundin Oil.

The  successful completion of the pipeline is a major milestone for Lundin Oil
in  that  it  provides  an export route for any oil developed  from  Block  5A
thereby removing a major risk for our investment in Sudan.

In  April  1999  Lundin spudded its first exploration well on  the  Thar  Jath
prospect. The exploration well has established a significant new oil discovery
following  the completion and logging of the well. The well has drilled  to  a
depth  of  1,820  metres.  Due to the rainy season and  associated  logistical
difficulties,  the  testing  of  the  well  has  been  postponed  until    the
commencement  of  next  year's dry season at the end  of  1999.  Petrophysical
analysis  of the primary Bentiu and Aradeiba sandstone reservoirs indicates  a
substantial net pay interval which is further supported by excellent  oil  and
gas  shows  and  an oil gradient from RFT pressure samples. Reservoir  quality
appears to be excellent from both electric log and sample analysis.

The  Company is currently finalising next years work program for Block 5A. The
plan  is  to pursue an aggressive exploration program by drilling one or  more
additional prospects, in addition to the appraisal of the Thar Jath  discovery
with 3D seismic and appraisal drilling.

Lundin Oil holds a 41.44% interest in, and operates, Block PM3, the Commercial
Arrangement Area between Malaysia and Vietnam (the "PM3 CAA") on behalf of its
partners; Petronas Carigali Sdn Bhd (46.06%) and PetroVietnam Exploration  and
Production (12.5%).

Average  production for the period was approximately 12,460 BOPD from Phase  1
of  the  Development Project. The Company plans to drill a further development
well on Bunga Kekwa which will increase production for Phase 1 and extend  the
life of the project.

In the first quarter Lundin Oil announced the deferment of Phase 2 of the PM-3
CAA  oil  and  gas  development. Since then the  Company  has  been  in  close
consultation  with  Petronas, PetroVietnam and its partners  with  a  view  to
finalising  a  gas  sales  agreement for PM3 gas which  will  provide  a  firm
timetable  for  Phase 2 of the Development Project. Phase 2  is  estimated  to
boost  production from the area to 250 million cubic feet per day of  gas  and
40,000 barrels per day of liquids. The proven and probable reserves on PM3 CAA
stand  at 155.3 million barrels of hydrocarbon liquids and 1.85 trillion cubic
feet of hydrocarbon sales gas, on a gross basis.

The  Company has recently completed a three dimensional seismic survey in  the
southern  portion  of  Block PM-3. It is believed  the  Block  still  contains
excellent potential for further increases to existing oil and gas reserves.

Petronas  and PetroVietnam continue to express strong support for Phase  2  of
the  project  including the offtake of sales gas under take or pay  contracts.
The  economic  situation  in  South East Asia has  improved  and  the  Company
continues to pursue vigorously the finalisation of the gas sales agreement.

Papua New Guinea
In Papua New Guinea, the Chevron promoted pipeline from Papua New Guinea to
Queensland, Australia, got one step further when the Queensland Government
owned utility committed to purchase enough gas (130 pentajoule per day,
approximately equivalent to 150 mmcf per day) to underwrite the pipeline.  If
the pipeline is built the chances for Lundin Oil to market its Papua New
Guinea gas discovery will increase substantially.

Lundin Oil owns approximately 58% of the outstanding share capital of Red  Sea
Oil Corporation ("RSO").

RSO  announced the successful completion of a rights offering on 4 June  1999.
The rights offering was fully subscribed and 34,894,870 units were taken up at
a  price of C$1.25 per unit resulting in gross proceeds to RSO in excess of C$
43.6  million. Each unit is comprised of one common share and one common share
purchase  warrant.  Every  two warrants entitles the  holder  to  purchase  an
additional common share at a price of C$1.50 at any time prior to 17.00  hours
(Alberta time) on 31 January 2000.

The  net  proceeds of the rights offering are being used to fund  the  ongoing
exploration program in Area NC177 onshore Libya, including the drilling of the
C1-NC177  well  which spudded on 8 August 1999 as well as funding  the  equity
requirement of the development costs of the En Naga North and West  field  and
to repay outstanding indebtedness to Lundin Oil.

Lundin  Oil  subscribed for the 20,334,100 units to which it was  entitled  to
pursuant  to  the  rights  offering  for an aggregate  subscription  price  of

At  the AGM on 20 May 1999 all serving Directors were re-elected and the Chief
Financial Officer of the Company, Ashley Heppenstall was newly elected to  the

Effective  14  July  1999 Lundin Oils Global Depository  Receipts  (GDR)  were
delisted from the Toronto Stock Exchange. The delisting was requested  by  the
Company following the low levels of trading activity in the Company's GDRs  on
the Toronto Stock Exchange. The Company's GDRs continue to be listed on NASDAQ
(LOILY). The Stockholm listing remains unaffected (LOILB).

The  company's  share  capital at 30 June 1999 amounts to  SEK  40,506,476.50
represented  by 81,012,953 shares of nominal value SEK 0.50 each.  The  shares
are  divided into 678,200 A shares with 10 votes each and 80,334,753 B  shares
with one vote each.

On 15 May 1998, 3,400,000 warrants with an exercise price of SEK 0.50 expiring
in November 2001 were issued to Sodra Petroleum AB.

On  30  March  1999  an EGM decided to issue warrants free of  charge  to  the
shareholders of the company as per the record date 12 April 1999.  One warrant
was  issued  for ten shares held. A total of 8 102 000 warrants  were  issued.
The  warrants  run  until 31 March 2000. One warrant entitles  the  holder  to
subscribe for one newly issued share of series B of the company.  Subscription
can  take place during two periods: At a price of SEK 23 for each newly issued
share between 1 October and 15 October 1999 or at a price of SEK 28 between 10
January  and  31 March 2000.  If all warrants are exercised the  Company  will
receive new issue proceeds of between MSEK 188.6-229.6 depending on the strike
price at which subscription occurred.

On  8 May 1998, 1,250,000 incentive options, under the Group incentive program
for  employees,  with a strike price of SEK 49 expiring on 15  May  2001  were

On  12 March 1999 the Board of Directors decided and announced that under  the
Group  incentive program for employees a new series of warrants  to  qualified
employees  would be issued.  This new series of warrants was approved  at  the
AGM on 20 May 1999. Under the new series up to a total of 800 000 warrants can
be issued at a strike price of SEK 24.00. This series of warrants expire on 11
March 2002.

Red Sea Oil Corporation
On  1  March 1999 Red Sea Oil Corporation issued 1,903,000 incentive  options,
under  a  RSO Stock Incentive Option program.  Among the recipients of these
incentive options are directors of RSO who are also directors of Lundin Oil AB
and employees of the Lundin Oil AB Group.  The strike price is C$1.00 and the
options expire on 28 February 2001. If exercised, these options would
contribute C$1.9 million to RSO and would dilute Lundin Oil AB Group's holding
in RSO by approximately 1.4 percentage points. 

During  the period the Group has adopted the new accounting principle for  the
valuation of provisions. In previous periods a provision has been created  for
the  abandonment  liability  that exists on the  UK  North  Sea  fields.  This
provision  has  been  calculated on a unit of production basis  for  the  full
estimated  amount of the future liability.  Under the new accounting treatment
an  asset  is  created to represent the discounted value  of  the  anticipated
abandonment  liability  and  depleted  over  the  life  of  the   field.   The
corresponding accounting entry adjusts the existing abandonment  provision  to
equal  the  discounted  value  of the anticipated abandonment  liability.  The
discount  applied  to  the anticipated abandonment liability  is  subsequently
released over the life of the field and is charged to financial expenses.  The
comparative  numbers  have been restated to reflect the change  in  accounting
principle. The effect is an additional depletion charge for the periods  ended
30 June 1999, 30 June 1998 and 31 December 1998 of MSEK 3.0, MSEK 3.5 and MSEK
7.1  respectively.  For the same periods the additional finance  charges  were
MSEK  2.7,  MSEK 2.5 and MSEK 4.9 respectively. The balance of the  adjustment
for the comparative periods was the reversal of the abandonment charge of MSEK
2.2  for  the period ended 30 June 1998 and MSEK 4.2 for the period  ended  31
December 1998.


                                         1 Jan       1 Jan      1 Jan
                                         1999-       1998-      1998-
                                        30 Jun      30 Jun     31 Dec
                                          1999        1998       1998
                                      6 months    6 months  12 months
Key Financial Ratios                                              
Return on capital employed1, %            (1.3)       (2.0)     (26.7)
Return on total assets2, %                 1.0         2.4      (20.9)
Equity ratio3, %                          60.7        64.2       58.4
Shareholders' equity SEK per share4       16.6        20.4       16.1
Operating cash flow SEK per share5         1.8         1.7        3.1
Earnings SEK per share  -                 (0.2)       (0.4)      (4.7)
Number of shares at the period      81,012,953  81,012,953 81,012,953
Weighted average number of shares   81,012,953  81,012,953 81,012,953
for the period                                                 

No diluted earnings per share figures have been shown because a net loss
creates anti-dilution

1 Return on capital employed is defined as the Group's net result divided by
  the average capital employed (the average of the net assets for the
  financial period).
2 Return on total assets is defined as the Group's result after financial
  items plus interest expenses plus/less exchange differences on financial
  loans divided by the average total assets (the average total assets less
  non-interest bearing liabilities for the period).
3 Equity ratio is defined as the Group's shareholders' equity including
  minority interest in relation to total assets.
4 Shareholders' equity SEK per share is defined as the Group's shareholders'
  equity divided by the number of shares at the period end.
5 Operating cash flow SEK per share is defined as the Group's operating income
  less production costs and less current taxes divided by the weighted average
  number of shares for the period.
6 Earnings SEK per share - undiluted is defined as the Group's net result
  divided by the weighted average number of shares for the period.


                                        1 Jan     1 Jan      1 Jan
Expressed in TSEK                       1999-     1998-      1998-
                              Note     30 Jun    30 Jun     31 Dec
                                         1999      1998       1998
                                     6 months  6 months  12 months            
Operating income                                                  
Net sales of oil and gas              253,564   272,507    488,255
Tariff income                          23,994    35,061     62,062
Service income                          3,251     9,152      8,702
                                      280,809   316,720    559,019
Operating expenses                                                
Production costs                 1   (124,843) (149,707)  (274,006)
Depletion of oil and gas             (115,265) (127,008)  (234,660)
Write-off of oil and gas                    -    (3,222)  (242,540)
properties                          --------------------------------
Gross profit (loss)                    40,701    36,783   (192,187)
Other income                            3,206     1,575      7,947
Administration expenses               (34,733)  (45,634)   (83,738)
Operating profit (loss)                 9,174    (7,276)  (267,978)
Financial income and                                              
expenses, net                         (10,441)   11,001   (183,166)
Profit (loss) before tax               (1,267)    3,725   (451,144)
Tax                              2    (16,321)  (32,366)   (40,796)
Minority interests                        106    (2,391)   113,646
Net result                            (17,482)  (31,032)  (378,294)

Expressed in TSEK              Note     30 Jun    30 Jun     31 Dec
                                          1999      1998       1998
Tangible fixed assets                                             
Oil and gas properties           3   2,158,655 2,034,070  2,041,071
Other fixed assets                       9,823     8,134      9,693
Total tangible fixed assets          2,168,478 2,042,204  2,050,764
Financial fixed assets           4      49,315   334,305     50,666
Total fixed assets                   2,217,793 2,376,509  2,101,430
Current Assets                                                    
Current  receivables and               116,966   143,405    107,999
Cash and bank,                                                    
short term investments                 283,278   433,313    258,803
Total current assets                   400,244   576,718    366,802
Total assets                         2,618,037 2,953,227  2,468,232
SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY                                              
Shareholders' equity                 1,340,793 1,650,656  1,302,703
including net result for the
financial period
Minority interests                     249,475   246,096    138,451
Provisions and long-term               691,712   804,990    757,727
Current liabilities                    336,057   251,485    269,351
Total shareholders' equity           2,618,037 2,953,227  2,468,232
and liabilities
Pledged assets                   5     940,820 1,065,807    969,781
Contingent liabilities                     639       378        378


                                        1 Jan     1 Jan      1 Jan
Expressed in TSEK                       1999-     1998-      1998-
                                       30 Jun    30 Jun     31 Dec
                                         1999      1998       1998
                                     6 months  6 months  12 months
Cash flow from operations                                         
Net result                            (17,482)  (31,032)  (378,294)
Adjustment for depletion and other    116,039   147,513    537,106
non cash related items
Changes in working capital            (56,310)  (39,716)    (3,030)
Total cash flow from operations        42,247    76,765    155,782
Investment in oil and gas            (137,675) (410,873)  (777,982)
Investment in other fixed assets       (2,997)   (1,885)    (6,664)
Investment in other shares                  -    (4,049)         -
Sale of other shares                  112,344         -     36,109
Other                                       -         -    (13,468)
Total cash flow used for              (28,329) (416,807)  (762,005)
Increase in long-term liabilities        (926)  198,279    191,956
Proceeds from share issues            111,130   277,339    306,940
Decrease in long term assets                -    31,496          -  
Total cash flow from financing        110,204   507,114    498,896
Other                                  (3,714)   (2,451)    (5,460)
Change in cash and bank               120,408   164,621   (112,787)

Note 1. Production costs, TSEK          1 Jan     1 Jan      1 Jan
                                        1999-     1998-      1998-
                                       30 Jun    30 Jun     31 Dec
                                         1999      1998       1998
                                     6 months  6 months  12 months
Costs of operations                    76,641    81,555    163,227
Tariff costs                           37,475    41,771     88,009
United Kingdom royalty                  4,450     6,245     11,821
Changes in inventories and                                        
position                                6,277    20,136     10,949
                                      124,843   149,707    274,006

Note 2. Tax                             1 Jan     1 Jan      1 Jan
 TSEK                                   1999-     1998-      1998-
                                       30 Jun    30 Jun     31 Dec
                                         1999      1998       1998
                                     6 months  6 months  12 months
The tax charge comprises                                          
Corporation tax                                                   
- current                               5,268    13,278     17,992
- deferred                              5,364       182      5,004
                                       10,632    13,460     22,996
PRT (Petroleum revenue tax)                                       
- current                               5,554    13,094     18,976
- deferred                                135     5,812     (1,176)
                                        5,689    18,906     17,800
Total charge to income                 16,321    32,366     40,796

Note 3. Oil and gas properties,          Book      Book       Book
TSEK                                    value     value      value
                                       30 Jun    30 Jun     31 Dec
                                         1999      1998       1998
United Kingdom                        940,820 1,065,807    969,781
Malaysia                              471,495   389,161    471,506
Libya                                 468,321   256,614    392,086
Falkland Islands                       17,293   105,395          -
Sudan                                 203,332   146,781    159,633
Papua New Guinea                       35,646    32,217     33,231
Others                                  4,115     4,715      3,377
Albania                                17,633         -     11,457
Tanzania                                    -    33,380          -
                                    2,158,655 2,034,070  2,041,071

Note 4. Financial fixed assets includes shares in Khanty Mansiysk Oil
Corporation and deferred financing fees.

Note 5. Pledged assets represent the UK North Sea assets.


                                       1 Jan      1 Jan     1 Jan
Expressed in TSEK                      1999-      1998-     1998-
                                      30 Jun     30 Jun    31 Dec
                                        1999       1998      1998
                                    6 months   6 months 12 months
Other income                             549        229     1,245
Administration expenses               (7,798)    (9,642)  (22,092)
Operating loss                        (7,249)    (9,413)  (20,847)
Financial income and expenses, net     2,791     12,237  (146,495)
Result before tax                     (4,458)     2,824  (167,342)
Tax                                      (40)         -      (425)
Net result                            (4,498)     2,824  (167,767)


                                        1 Jan     1 Jan      1 Jan
Expressed in TSEK                       1999-     1998-      1998-
                                       30 Jun    30 Jun     31 Dec
                                         1999      1998       1998
                                     6 months  6 months  12 months
Cash flow from operations                                         
Net result                             (4,498)    2,824   (167,767)
Adjustment for other non cash          (8,468)  (21,620)   125,923
related items
Changes in working capital            (60,934)  (26,476)    37,624
Total cash flow from operations       (73,900)  (45,272)    (4,220)
Investment in other fixed assets          (46)     (320)      (460)
Investment in shares in                     -   (16,480)   (44,365)
Sale of other shares                   73,519    62,640     38,463
Total cash flow used for               73,473    45,840     (6,362)
Proceeds from share issue                   -         -      3,141
Total cash flow from financing              -         -      3,141
Change in cash and bank                  (427)      568     (7,441)

                           Stockholm, 20 August 1999
                                 Ian H. Lundin

For further information, please contact:

Magnus Nordin
Managing Director - Sodra Petroleum AB
Tel: +46 705 766 555

Ashley Heppenstall
Tel: +41 22 319 66 00

Simon Rothschild / Nicholas Nelson
Millham Communications
Tel: 0171 256 5756

Notes for editors:

1.   Lundin is the parent company of Sodra by virtue of its holding of
40,506,500 Ordinary Shares of SEK0.05 each.  The 40,506,476 Convertible Shares
of SEK0.05 each in Sodra listed on the AIM market are effectively convertible
into the right to subscribe for B Shares in Lundin in November 2001.  Upon
exercise of the conversion right, for every 12 Convertible Shares, the holder
will receive a warrant to subscribe for 1 new Lundin B Share at the nominal
value of SEK0.50.

2.   Convertible Shares in Sodra are also listed on the New Market of the
Stockholm Stock Exchange.  Lundin B Shares are currently quoted on the
Stockholm Stock Exchange, Toronto Stock Exchange and the Nasdaq National

                               AUDITORS' REPORT

We  have  performed a limited review of this six months interim report  at  30
June  1999 of Lundin Oil AB in accordance with a recommendation issued by  the
Swedish Institute of Authorised Public Accountants (FAR). This limited  review
is  considerably  less in scope than a full audit. Nothing  has  come  to  our
attention that caused us to believe that this six months interim report at  30
June  1999  of  Lundin  Oil AB does not comply with the  requirements  of  the
Swedish Annual Accounts Act.

                           Stockholm, 20 August 1999
                 Carl-Eric Bohlin                   Klas Brand
        Authorised Public Accountant       Authorised Public Accountant
                           PriceWaterhouseCoopers KB



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