RNS No 4402e
2nd March 1998

         Preliminary Results for the Year Ended
                    31 December 1997
*    Operating profits of continued operations up 17.0% to
     #42.0m (#35.9m)
*    Underlying earnings per share up 33.2% to 10.18p (7.64p)
*    Group's net cash inflow from operating activities up
     59.2% to #68.3 m (#42.9 m)
*    Record capital expenditure and acquisitions net of disposals
     of #44.4m (#27.2m)
*    Balance sheet remains strong with net debt of only #19.3m 
     representing gearing of 14.8%
*    Final dividend increased by 10.9% to 2.64p (2.38p) making     
     a total 4.24p (3.82p) for the year
Speaking today, Dr Alan Watkins, Chairman of Senior said:
"I believe that Senior has made significant progress.
The Group is in excellent financial health and we look
forward to the future with growing confidence."
For further information, please contact:
Senior Engineering Group plc             On 2 April  0171 253 2252
Dr A K Watkins, Chairman                 Thereafter  01923 775547
A R Parrish, Group Chief Executive
T B Garthwaite, Group Finance Director
Ludgate Communications                               0171 253 2252
Tim Davis
Sarah Harper
Internet users will, for the first time, be able to view  this 
announcement, together with other information about the Senior 
Engineering Group, on the web site http://www.segplc.com
Notes to Editors:
Senior  Engineering Group plc ("Senior") is a  specialist
international   engineering   group   with    a    market
capitalisation  of  approximately #560  million.   It  is
organised  into two principal divisions -  Flexonics  and
Engineered Products & Services.  The Flexonics  Division,
which provides over 90% of the Group's operating profits, 
is   a    world    leading   design   and   manufacturing   
business specialising in  thin-walled  metallic  flexible 
tubing  and bellows,  servicing the Automotive, Aerospace  
(including Space)  and  Industrial   markets.  Engineered  
Products  & Services is comprised of Precision  Tube, Air 
Systems  and Heat Treatment.
                   PRELIMINARY RESULTS
           For the year ended 31 December 1997
At  the  beginning  of  1997, the  Board  set  three  key
objectives.   First,  to  deliver  improved  results  for
shareholders; second, to develop a sound base on which to
grow  the  business over the longer term; and  third,  to
ensure  that  we have the right management  in  place  to
capitalise on the many opportunities that exist for  each
of  the  Group's companies.  I believe that in all  three
areas the Group has made significant progress.
Financial Highlights
The  turnover  of continuing operations -  Flexonics  and
Engineered  Products & Services - increased  by  5.0%  to
#473.7m  (1996:  #451.2m),  producing  operating  profits
before  exceptional  income up  17.0%  to  #42.0m  (1996:
#35.9m),  confirming a further improvement in  return  on
sales, now at 8.9% (1996: 8.0%).  This performance is all
the  more  creditable given that it is after taking  into
account  the impact of adverse foreign exchange movements
on  the  translation of turnover and operating profit  of
#25.1m and #2.0m respectively.
The  significant  growth  in the Flexonics  Division  has
increased its return on sales to 11.8% (1996: 9.4%), with
turnover   up  12.4%  to  #329.2m  (1996:  #292.8m)   and
operating  profits  by  41.5% to #38.9m  (1996:  #27.5m).
Although Flexonics continues to capitalise on its  strong
growth  in  the  world's automotive markets,  it  is  the
Aerospace sector that has seen its sales and profits grow
most  rapidly,  whilst  the  Industrial  sector  reported
turnover  for  the  year slightly  down,  although  still
showing a satisfactory increase in profitability.
In  contrast,  Engineered Products &  Services'  turnover
reduced   by  9.0%  to  #146.5m  (1996:  #161.0m),   with
operating  profit down by 63.1% to #3.1m  (1996:  #8.4m).
The  Precision Tube and Air Systems businesses  continued
to  experience  challenging trading  conditions  together
with  costs of rationalisation, much of it borne  in  the
second  half of the year.  These results were,  in  part,
mitigated  by  a  good  profit performance  in  the  Heat
Treatment businesses.
The  overall improvement in the Group's operating profit,
together with exceptional income of #1.2m (arising out of
an  insurance claim in respect of a fire in the Flexonics
factory  at  Dourdan,  France)  and  significantly  lower
interest  charges,  have  given rise  to  profits  before
taxation of #43.1m (1996: #2.7m).  With both the  interim
and   final  dividends  being  paid  as  Foreign   Income
Dividends (FIDs), the Group is expected to save #3.2m  in
cash  for the full year in Advance Corporation Tax (ACT),
following which the tax charge has reduced from 29.9%  in
1996  to  26.0%.  Earnings per share were  10.48p  (1996:
loss  per  share 1.29p). Underlying earnings  per  share,
which  exclude  one-off specified  exceptionals  and  the
impact of discontinued operations, increased by 33.2%  to
10.18p   (1996:   7.64p).    Given   the   Group's   very
satisfactory  performance, the Board  is  recommending  a
final  dividend  of  2.64p, which, when  taken  with  the
interim dividend of 1.60p, makes a total distribution for
the year of 4.24p (1996: 3.82p), an increase of 11%.
The  increased  emphasis  on  cash  generation  has  also
yielded  excellent  results with  net  cash  inflow  from
operating activities increasing by 59.2% to #68.3m (1996:
#42.9m).  This improvement has enabled the Group  to  end
the year with net debt largely unchanged at #19.3m (1996:
#20.5m),  representing  gearing  of  only  14.8%   (1996:
15.9%),  having  funded  record  capital  expenditure  of
#23.4m (1996: #18.3m) and acquisitions, net of disposals,
of #21.0m (1996:#8.9m).
Corporate Development
With Thermal Engineering sold in January 1997, management
was  able  to renew its focus on the development  of  the
continuing businesses. Significant emphasis was placed on
acquisitions,  in  particular those designed  to  broaden
Flexonics'  rapidly  growing range of  products  and  its
geographic  spread. These  acquisitions  included  Ketema
(California, USA) for #12.5m (Aerospace);  the  formation
of   a   joint   venture,   Inalsa   Flexonics   (India),
representing an investment of #2.2m (Industrial); and the
acquisition  of  Metal  Fab  (Florida,  USA)  for  #11.2m
(Industrial).   Heat   Treatment   benefited   from   the
acquisition of UK-based Nitrotec Services for  #3.0m  and
Astra Heat Treatment for #0.3m.
Since  the year end, this momentum has accelerated,  with
the acquisition within Flexonics of Bosman in Holland for
#2.3m   (Aerospace)  and  Bredan  in  Denmark  for  #4.4m
(Industrial) and, within Engineered Products &  Services,
Accles & Pollock in the UK for #1.1m (Precision Tube) and
the   remaining  50%  interest  in  Traitement  Thermique
Iberique (TTI) in Spain for #2.8m (Heat Treatment).
Equal  emphasis  has been placed on   cost  reduction  at
Engineered  Products & Services which has responded  well
to  organisational and management changes whilst managing
its  increasing capital expenditure programme. The  Board
is   confident  that  this  Division's  performance  will
improve substantially in the medium term.
The Board, Senior Management and Personnel
Following   Andrew  Parrish's  arrival  as  Group   Chief
Executive   in   January  1997,  the   Board   has   been
significantly strengthened.  Bill Kowal was promoted from
within  Flexonics to Division Director - Flexonics  North
America.   Glenn  Timms  joined  from  Guinness  plc   as
Director  -  Corporate Development and has responsibility
for   developing   and   implementing   Senior's   global
acquisition programme.
At  senior  management level, Carl  Francis  joined  from
Siebe  plc  as Division Director - Engineered Products  &
Services;  Peter  David  from Williams  Holdings  plc  as
Director   -   Operations  Development,  with  particular
responsibility   for  the  post-acquisition   integration
process; and Michael Oxborrow from Van der Horst  Ltd  as
Director  -  Senior Asia, based at our Singapore  office.
Further strengthening and restructuring of the management
within the divisions has also taken place.
On  behalf  of the Board, I would like to thank  all  our
employees  for their hard work and dedication.   Although
some  areas  of the Group still face challenging  trading
conditions,  much has been achieved.  I  am  grateful  to
everybody  for  their  continuing  support  and   efforts
towards the further development of the Group.
The  new  year has started well.  Flexonics  shows  every 
sign  of building on its impressive growth rate of recent
years  and  the  actions taken at Engineered  Products  &
Services  are  starting to produce improved  performance.
The Group is in excellent financial health.
Although  we recognise the problems potentially posed  in 
our  markets  by  factors outside our control,  including
Asian economic difficulties and exchange rate volatility,
we  have  cash  generative  businesses  with  revitalised
management  focusing  on  expansion,  both  organic   and
through  acquisition.  We therefore look forward  to  the
future with growing confidence.
                                           Dr A K Watkins
For the year ended 31 December 1997
                                         1997       1996
                                           #m         #m
Continuing operations                   443.6      451.2
 Acquisitions                            30.1
Discontinued operations                   5.6      123.6
                                      --------   -------- 
                                        479.3      574.8
                                      --------   -------- 
Operating profit                      
Continuing operations                    39.3       35.9
     Acquisitions                         2.7
Discontinued operations                     -       (2.0)
                                      --------   -------- 
                                         42.0       33.9
Profit on sale of fixed assets 
in continuing operations                  1.2        0.5
Loss on disposal of 
discontinued operations                     -      (29.3)
                                      --------   -------- 
Profit on ordinary activities before 
interest and taxation                    43.2        5.1
Interest receivable                       3.2        2.2
Interest payable                         (3.3)      (4.6)
                                      --------   -------- 
Profit on ordinary activities before 
taxation                                 43.1        2.7
Tax on profit on ordinary activities    (11.2)      (6.6)
                                      --------   -------- 
Profit/(loss) for the financial year     31.9       (3.9)
Dividends                               (12.9)     (11.7)
                                      --------   -------- 
Profit/(loss) for the year               19.0      (15.6)
                                      --------   -------- 
Earnings/(loss) per share                10.48p    (1.29)p
                                      --------   -------- 
Underlying earnings per share            10.18p      7.64p
                                      --------   -------- 
Dividends per share                       4.24p      3.82p
                                      --------   -------- 
For the year ended 31 December 1997
                                         1997        1996
                                           #m          #m
Profit/(loss) for the financial year     31.9        (3.9)
Unrealised loss on property revaluation     -        (1.2)
Currency translation differences 
on overseas assets                       (2.1)       (3.5)
                                        -------     ------- 
Total recognised gains and losses 
relating to the year                     29.8        (8.6)          
                                        -------     ------- 
There is no material difference between profits/(losses)
as reported and those profits/(losses) restated on an
historical cost basis.
As at 31 December 1997
                                         1997        1996
                                           #m          #m
Fixed assets
Tangible assets                          90.0        87.8
Investment in associated undertaking      0.8         0.9
                                       --------   -------- 
                                         90.8        88.7
                                       --------   -------- 
Current assets
Stocks                                   61.4        64.5
Debtors                                 112.7       120.5
Investments - bank deposits              11.1        15.1
Cash                                     21.1        17.5
                                       --------   -------- 
                                        206.3       217.6
Creditors: Amounts falling due 
within one year                        (115.0)     (130.6)
                                       --------   -------- 
Net current assets                       91.3        87.0
                                       --------   -------- 
Total assets less current liabilities   182.1       175.7
Creditors: Amounts falling due after 
more than one year                      (47.3)      (44.8)
Provisions for liabilities and charges   (3.3)       (1.8)
                                       --------   -------- 
Net assets                              131.5       129.1
                                       --------   -------- 
Capital and reserves
Called-up share capital                  30.5        30.4
Share premium                             0.8        87.4
Reserves                                 99.5        11.3
                                       --------   -------- 
Shareholders' funds                     130.8       129.1
Minority interests                        0.7         -
                                       --------   -------- 
Total capital employed                  131.5       129.1
                                       --------   -------- 
For the year ended 31 December 1997
                                               1997              1996
                                                #m                #m
Net cash inflow from 
operating activities                           68.3              42.9
Returns on investments and 
servicing of finance
Interest received                      2.1                 2.6
Interest paid                         (3.3)               (4.7)
                                    --------            --------
Net cash outflow from returns on 
investments and servicing of finance           (1.2)             (2.1)
Taxation paid
U.K. corporation tax                  (4.1)               (2.2)
Overseas tax                          (6.9)               (5.4)
                                    --------            -------- 
                                              (11.0)             (7.6)
Capital expenditure and 
financial investments
Purchase of tangible fixed assets    (23.4)              (18.3)
Sale of property, plant and 
equipment                              1.7                 3.2
Maturity of investments 
        - bank deposits                2.5                 0.6
                                    --------            -------- 
Net cash outflow from capital 
expenditure and financial investments         (19.2)            (14.5)
Acquisitions and disposals
Purchase of subsidiary 
undertakings                         (31.1)               (9.0)
Net cash acquired with 
subsidiary undertakings                0.1                 0.1
Sale of business                      10.0                   -
                                    --------            -------- 
Net cash outflow from 
acquisitions and disposals                    (21.0)             (8.9)
Dividends paid on ordinary shares             (12.1)            (11.2)
Management of liquid resources
Maturity of short-term deposits        3.2                22.7
Investment in short-term deposits     (7.1)               (3.2)
                                    --------            -------- 
Net cash (outflow)/inflow from 
management of liquid resources                 (3.9)             19.5
Share issues                                    0.5               1.4
New loans initiated by Group           9.1                14.4
Repayment of existing loans           (7.0)              (38.7)
                                    --------            -------- 
                                                2.1             (24.3)
                                             --------          -------- 
Increase/(decrease) in cash 
in the period                                   2.5              (4.8)
                                             --------          -------- 
1. Segment Information
Group turnover, operating profit and net assets are
analysed as follows -
a) By class of business -
                              Turnover   Operating profit  Net assets
                            1997    1996    1997    1996   1997  1996
                              #m      #m      #m      #m     #m    #m
Flexonics                  329.2   292.8    38.9    27.5  105.1  89.5
                          --------------  --------------  -----------
Engineered Products 
& Services
   Precision Tube           70.6    76.5     2.7     3.7   20.7  19.4
   Air Systems              60.7    69.7    (2.2)    3.0   13.6  18.1
   Heat Treatment           15.2    14.8     2.6     1.7   11.6   9.7
                          --------------  --------------  ----------- 
                           146.5   161.0     3.1     8.4   45.9  47.2
                          --------------  --------------  ----------- 
Total                      475.7   453.8    42.0    35.9  151.0 136.7
Inter-segment sales         (2.0)   (2.6)      -       -      -     -
                          --------------  --------------  ----------- 
Total continuing 
operations                 473.7   451.2    42.0    35.9  151.0 136.7
Discontinued operations      5.6   123.6       -    (2.0)   2.7  13.4
                          --------------  --------------  ----------- 
                           479.3   574.8    42.0    33.9  153.7 150.1
                          --------------  --------------  ----------- 

Discontinued operations reflect the turnover and operating results of 
the Thermal Engineering Division sold in January 1997.
Additional operating profit arising from acquisitions relating to 
Ketema A & E (#2.3 million) and Nitrotec Services (#0.4 million) has 
been included within Flexonics and Heat Treatment respectively.
b) By geographical market -
                     Turnover     Turnover    Operating   Net assets
                           by           by       profit
                  destination       origin    by origin
                   1997  1996   1997  1996   1997  1996   1997  1996
                     #m    #m    #m     #m     #m    #m     #m    #m
United Kingdom    151.7 155.1 184.5  184.9   11.3  13.7   58.3  55.7
Rest of Europe    110.2 125.8  84.8  102.1    1.6   5.2   28.9  31.1
North America     191.3 152.9 200.3  160.8   29.1  16.3   58.7  47.3
Rest of World      27.7  28.9   8.5    9.1      -   0.7    5.1   2.6
                 ------------ ------------  -----------  -----------
                  480.9 462.7 478.1  456.9   42.0  35.9  151.0 136.7
sales              (7.2)(11.5) (4.4)  (5.7)     -     -      -     -
                 ------------ ------------  -----------  -----------  
Total continuing 
operations        473.7 451.2 473.7  451.2   42.0  35.9  151.0 136.7
operations          5.6 123.6   5.6  123.6      -  (2.0)   2.7  13.4
                 ------------ ------------  -----------  -----------  
                  479.3 574.8 479.3  574.8   42.0  33.9  153.7 150.1
                 ------------ ------------  -----------  -----------  
c) Net assets reconciliation -
                                                       1997     1996
                                                         #m       #m
Net assets, as above                                  153.7    150.1
Unallocated liabilities, net                           (2.9)    (0.5)
Net borrowings                                        (19.3)   (20.5)
Net assets, per balance sheet                         131.5    129.1
Notes :
2. Group Cash Flow Statement
a) Reconciliation of operating profit to net cash inflow
from operating activities -
                                                1997      1996
                                                  #m        #m
Group operating profit                          42.0      33.9
Depreciation charges                            15.9      16.3
(Increase)/decrease in stocks                   (1.1)      2.6
Increase in debtors                             (6.2)     (1.3)
Increase/(decrease) in creditors                18.0      (8.0)
Working capital currency variations             (0.3)     (0.6)
                                              -------   -------
Net cash inflow from operating activities       68.3      42.9
                                              -------   -------
Within the Group's total 1996 cash flow from operating
activities of #42.9 million, the Thermal Engineering
Division (discontinued on disposal in January 1997)
contributed an inflow on trading of #2.7 million.
b) Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net
debt -
                                      1997             1996
                                   #m     #m         #m     #m
Increase/(decrease) in cash 
in the period                     2.5              (4.8)
(Increase)/decrease in loans     (2.1)             24.3
Increase/(decrease) in liquid 
resources                         3.9             (19.5)
Decrease in current asset
investments due after one year   (2.5)             (0.6)
                               --------          --------
Change in net debt resulting 
from cash flows                          1.8              (0.6)
Currency variations on net 
borrowings                              (0.6)              2.8
                                      --------          -------- 
Movement in net debt in 
the period                               1.2               2.2
Net debt at 1 January                  (20.5)            (22.7)
                                      --------          -------- 
Net debt at 31 December                (19.3)            (20.5)
                                      --------          -------- 
3. Dividends
The proposed final dividend is at the rate of 2.64p per
share making 4.24p for the year and is payable on 3 June
1998 to shareholders on the register at the close of
business on 1 May 1998.
Notes :
4. Earnings per Share
The calculations of earnings per share and underlying
earnings per share are shown below and have been based on
the weighted average number of shares in issue and
ranking for dividend during 1997.The dilution that would
arise from the future exercise of share options is not
                                 Total Group   Continuing Operations
                                                   Exceptional items
                                 1997    1996          1997     1996
                                   #m      #m            #m       #m
Operating profit                 42.0    33.9          42.0     35.9
Profit on sale of fixed assets    1.2     0.5             -        -
Loss on disposal of operations      -   (29.3)            -        -
Interest payable, net            (0.1)   (2.4)         (0.1)    (2.4)
                               -------  ------        ------   ------
Profit before taxation           43.1     2.7          41.9     33.5
Taxation                        (11.2)   (6.6)        (10.9)   (10.3)
                               -------  ------        ------   ------  
Profit/(loss) after taxation     31.9    (3.9)         31.0     23.2
                               -------  ------        ------   ------  
Average number of shares        304.5m  303.5m        304.5m   303.5m
                               -------  ------        ------   ------  
Earnings/(loss) per share       10.48p   (1.29)p
                               -------  ------          
Underlying earnings per share                          10.18p    7.64p
                                                      -------  ------  
The  provision  of  an  underlying  earnings  per  share
has  been  included  to  identify the performance of the
continuing  operations before exceptional  items  and
thus excludes the results from discontinued operations
together with the impact of the losses on disposal of
operations and profit on sale of fixed assets.
5. Reconciliation of movements in shareholders' funds
                                Share        Share   Profit and 
                              capital      premium         loss   
                                           account      account    
Group -                            #m           #m           #m  
At 1 January 1997                30.4         87.4          9.1 
Profit for the financial year       -            -         31.9     
Dividends                           -            -        (12.9)   
Share issues                      0.1          0.4            -
Transfers                           -        (87.0)        87.0    
Goodwill                            -            -        (15.7)      
Currency variations                 -            -         (2.1)     
At 31 December 1997              30.5          0.8         97.3
                          Revaluation        Total        Total
                            reserve -     reserves
Group -                            #m           #m           #m         
At 1 January 1997                  2.2        11.3        129.1
Profit for the financial year        -        31.9         31.9
Dividends                            -       (12.9)       (12.9)
Share issues                         -           -          0.5
Transfers                            -        87.0            -
Goodwill                             -       (15.7)       (15.7)
Currency variations                  -        (2.1)        (2.1)
At 31 December 1997                2.2        99.5        130.8
6. Status of financial information
The   financial  information  set  out  above  does   not
constitute the Group's statutory accounts for  the  years
ended  31  December 1997 or 1996  but  is   derived  from
those  accounts.   Statutory  accounts for 1996 have been
delivered  to the Registrar of Companies, and  those  for
1997  will  be  delivered following the Company's  Annual
General  Meeting.  The  auditors have  reported on  those
accounts;  their  reports were unqualified  and  did  not
contain  statements under Section 237(2) or  (3)  of  the
Companies Act 1985.


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