Stockcube PLC
                            Stockcube Plc ("Stockcube" or "the Company")
                       Preliminary Results for the year ended 31 December 2006
                                                                          2006                2005
                                                                          �000                �000
 Turnover                                                                2,713               2,420
 Profit   before  tax,  impairment  and  amortisation   of                 507                 433
 Profit before tax                                                         488                 251
 Profit after tax                                                          344                 164
 Earnings - pence per share - basic                                        3.6p                1.7p
 Earnings - pence per share - diluted                                      3.0p                1.5p

    *       Group turnover 12% up on last year.

    *       Profit before tax, impairment and amortisation of goodwill up 17% to �507,000.

    *       Profit before tax and impairment up 22% to �488,000.

    *       All elements of business show satisfactory performances.

    *       Strong balance sheet with net assets of 48.3p per share, of which 43.5p is cash.

    *       Earnings per share before impairment up 10% to 3.6p

    *       Dividend (proposed) increased by 33% to 1.0 pence per share.

Julian Burney, Chief Executive Officer, said:

"We  have continued to invest in our business during 2006 principally in the quality of our staff and
their  remuneration  structure in order to give us a broader and more stable platform  for  2007  and
beyond.  While  the  payment procedures of some of our institutional customers, following  regulatory
clarification of research expenditure, have taken somewhat longer to bed in than we and similar firms
would  have  wished  we are able to report a 22%  increase in profit before tax and  impairment  over
2005. We are hopeful that these payment procedures will enhance out ability both to procure customers
and to receive timely and transparent payments.

"While  we  remain  alert  to  growth by acquisition we have concluded  that  our  business  and  our
shareholders' interests will be better fulfilled through organic growth in the services we offer. The
effectiveness  of our consultancy services is dependent on building over time long-term relationships
so  we  can  tailor our advice to clients' needs and our web-based wider market services  are  highly
scaleable  from  relatively fixed analytical and technology basis. We are now generating growing  and
sustainable  profits  and  cash  from our trading activities and so, following  discussion  with  our
advisers, we propose to return surplus cash of 25p per share to shareholders.

For further information:

Stockcube plc                     Julian Burney                      020-7352-4001
Blue Oar Securities Plc           David Seal                         020-7448-4400
 Blue Oar Securities was formerly Corporate Synergy Plc and acts as Nominated Adviser & Broker for
the Company
Stockcube Plc
Chairman's Statement


We continue our steady progress to establish Stockcube through organic growth as a leading provider of
financial research and analysis.

Financial review

Turnover  for  the year ended 31 December 2006 was �2,713,000 - an increase of 12.1%  over  last  year
(2005:  �2,420,000). Profit before tax and amortisation of goodwill was �507,000, an increase  of  17%
over  2005 (�433,000, before impairment)). Basic earnings per share were 3.6p per 10p ordinary  share,
an   increase of 10% over 2005 (3.3p per ordinary share before impairment)

Our balance sheet had net assets of 48.3p per share at 31 December, 2006, of which 43.5p was in cash.

Business review

Turnover from Stockcube Research, our institutional consultancy service increased by 16% over 2005. We
now  have  a  solid  foundation  of motivated young analysts supported  by  a  number  of  experienced
technicians.  We expect the teething problems experienced by a number of our customers in interpreting
new  regulatory requirements introduced in mid-2006 for paying for research will soon evolve  into  an
efficient and effective mechanism.

The enhanced immediacy of the Fullermoney service through its daily on-line and audio formats,
together with the introduction of equity chart libraries and enhanced charting graphics, have helped
to generate an encouraging 34% increase in the number of subscriptions during the year. Revenues from
subscriptions have increased by an excellent 53% as unit prices are being steadily increased. Our bi-
annual London Chart Seminars continue to sell-out. The non-recurrence of some one-off specialist
consultancy work undertaken in 2005 has reduced year-on-year profit growth to 23% but this was
nevertheless a very healthy result from a highly-scalable service.
Investors Intelligence online produced a very pleasing increase of 26% in revenues and continues to
position itself as a business to business provider of generic statistical analysis and bespoke
research. We also sell our current and historical data to third party users for on-publication or as a
component in their own analytical models.
Income from our US subsidiary, Chartcraft, was up by 9% over 2005 in US dollar terms but due to the
dollar's weakness against sterling showed a drop of 17% when translated.
Ecube, our in-house software business, continues to develop and support the group's technology needs
and to provide invaluable web-based services to its third party customers.

Repayment of surplus cash to shareholders

As  the group is cash positive and now generating sustainable operating profits we have been reviewing
the structure and composition of our balance sheet and our potential funding requirements.
While  we  continue to look closely at strategic acquisitions and other business alliances  to  expand
more  quickly  our  core  operations we have, for some time, emphasised  our  position  as  a  leading
technical  analysis  business and, in particular, the organic strengths of our institutional  advisory
consultancy and the scalability of our online wider market services. We have seen few businesses  that
would add shareholder value or enhance earnings sufficiently to encourage us to take un-necessary risk
or  venture  far outside our proven expertise. We have concluded, therefore, that we should  return  a
substantial proportion of our cash deposits to shareholders for them to employ elsewhere.

Such  return  of  surplus capital will not deflect us from succeeding with our aims of providing  high
quality services to our customers and sustained annual returns to shareholders.

Accordingly, we are proposing a capital reconstruction and repayment which, following shareholder  and
Court approval, will return 25p per ordinary share to shareholders.

The Company will be shortly sending out a circular explaining the proposed return of approximately
�2.4million to shareholders by way of capital reorganisation together with a Notice of Extraordinary
General Meeting.

Copies of the circular will be available free of charge during normal business hours on any weekday
(except Saturday, Sunday and public holidays)  at the offices of the Company at Unit 1.23, Plaza 535,
King's Road,  London SW10 0SZ from the date of the circular for a period of one month.


Once again I should like to thank all our staff for their continued efforts during the year.


We  are  pleased to seek shareholder approval for a dividend of 1.0 pence per share in respect of  the
results for 2006, an increase of 33% over 2005.


The  current  year  has  started satisfactorily and we expect continued and sustained  growth  in  our
business for the foreseeable future.

Edward Forbes,
25 April 2007

Profit and Loss account
For the year ended 31 December 2006
                                                                              2006        2005
                                                                              �000        �000
Turnover                                                                     2,713       2,420
Administrative expenses                                                     (2,424)     (2,188)
                                                                            -------     -------
Group operating profit                                                         289         232
Impairment in associate                                                          -        (150)
Share of associate profit for the year                                          11           6
Amortisation of goodwill                                                       (17)        (30)
                                                                                (6)       (174)
Total operating profit: group and share of associate                           283          58
Interest receivable and similar income                                         205         193
                                                                            -------     -------
Profit on ordinary activities before taxation                                  488         251
Tax on profit on ordinary activities                                          (144)        (87)
                                                                            -------     -------
Profit on ordinary activities after taxation                                   344         164
                                                                            -------     -------
Basic earnings per share                                                      3.6p        1.7p
Diluted earnings per share                                                    3.0p        1.5p

All amounts relate to continuing operations.

Group Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses
                                                                               2006        2005
                                                                               �000        �000
Profit for the financial year excluding share of profit of associate            333         158
Share of associate profit for the year                                           11           6
                                                                             -------     -------
Profit for the financial year attributable to members of the parent             344         164
Exchange differences on retranslation of net assets of subsidiary                              
 undertaking                                                                     33         (28)
                                                                             -------     -------
Total recognised gains/(losses) during the year                                 377         136
                                                                             -------     -------

Group Balance Sheet
At 31 December 2006

                                                                          2006              2005
                                                                          �000              �000
Fixed assets                                                                               
Intangible assets                                                           16                17
Tangible assets                                                            336               327
Investments in associate                                                   220               226
                                                                       -------           -------
                                                                           572               570
Current assets                                                         -------           -------
Debtors                                                                    719               426
Cash at bank and in hand                                                 4,185             3,900
                                                                       -------           -------
                                                                         4,904             4,326
Creditors: amounts falling due within one year                            (825)             (550)
                                                                       -------           -------
Net current assets                                                       4,079             3,776
                                                                       -------           -------
Total assets less current liabilities                                    4,651             4,346
                                                                       -------           -------
Capital and reserves                                                                       
Called up share capital                                                    961               961
Share premium account                                                    3,774             3,774
Merger reserve                                                             568               568
Profit and loss account                                                   (652)             (957)
                                                                       -------           -------
Equity shareholders' funds                                               4,651             4,346
                                                                       -------           -------

The financial statements were approved by the Board on 25 April 2007 and signed on its behalf

Julian Burney

Group Statement of Cash Flows
For the year ended 2006

                                                                          2006           2005
                                                                          �000           �000
Net cash inflow from operating activities                                  295            276
                                                                       --------        --------
Returns of investments and servicing of finance                                          
Interest and other income received                                         205            193
                                                                       --------       --------
Corporation tax paid                                                      (116)           (68)
                                                                       --------       --------
Capital expenditure                                                                      
Payments to acquire tangible fixed assets                                 (27)           (14)
Equity dividends paid                                                     (72)           (48)
                                                                      --------       --------
Net cash  inflow                                                           285           339
                                                                      --------        -------
Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net funds                                 
                                                                      2006           2005
                                                                      �000           �000
Increase in cash and short term deposits                               285            339
Net funds at 1 January                                               3,900          3,561
                                                                  --------       --------
Net funds at 31 December                                             4,185          3,900
                                                                  --------       --------

(a)     Reconciliation of operating profit to net cash outflow from operating activities
                                                                     2006             2005
                                                                     �000             �000
Operating profit                                                      289              232
Depreciation                                                           18               32
Amortisation of goodwill                                                2                2
(Increase)/decrease in debtors                                       (293)             124
Increase/ (decrease) in creditors                                     279             (114)
                                                                  --------         --------
Net cash inflow from operating activities                             295              276
                                                                  --------         --------

 (b)    Analysis of changes in net funds
                                                    At 1                    At 31 December
                                                    2006         Cashflow             2006
                                                    �000             �000             �000
Cash at bank and in hand                             112              (3)              109
Short-term deposits                                3,788              288            4,076
                                                --------          -------         --------
                                                   3,900              285            4,185
                                                --------          -------         --------


    1.      Nature of financial information
        These accounts do not constitute accounts under section 240 of the Companies Act 1985. The
        results for the year ended 31 December 2005 are extracts from the Group accounts which have
        been delivered to the Registrar of Companies. They carry an unqualified auditor's report and
        did not contain a statement under Section 237 (2) or (3) of the Company's Act 1985. The
        statutory accounts for the year ended 31 December 2006 will be finalised on the basis of the
        financial information in this preliminary announcement and will be filed with the Registrar of
        Companies after the Annual General Meeting.
    2.      Basis of preparation
        The accounts are prepared under the historical cost convention and in accordance with
        applicable accounting standards. The accounting policies set out in the group accounts for the
        year ended 31 December 2005 have been applied for the purposes of this statement.
    3.      Basis of consolidation

        The group financial statements consolidate the financial statements of Stockcube PLC and all
        of its subsidiary undertakings for the year to 31 December 2006.
        Entities other than subsidiary undertakings, in which the group has a participating interest
        and over whose operating and financial policies the group exercises a significant influence,
        are treated as associates.  In the group financial statements, associates are accounted for
        using the equity method
        No profit and loss account is presented for Stockcube PLC as permitted by Section 230 of the
        Companies Act 1985
    4.      Earnings per share

    The calculation of basic earnings per ordinary share is based on earnings as follows:
                                                                               2006           2005
                                                                                000            000
     Profit for the year after taxation                                        �344           �164
     Weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding                   9,611          9,611
     Basic earnings per share                                                  3.6p           1.7p
     Diluted earnings per share                                                3.0p           1.5p

    The diluted  earnings  per  share  is  based on 10,952,135 (2005: 10,970,259)  ordinary  shares  which
    takes into account theoretical ordinary shares that would have been issued based on average market
    value if all outstanding options were exercised

    5.      Dividend record and payment date

        The Directors have proposed the payment of a dividend. The dividend of 1.0o per ordinary share
        will  be paid on 1 June 2007. Dividends will be paid to those shareholders on the Register  at
        the close of business on 4 May 2007.

    6.      Annual report and accounts

    This will be posted to shareholders on 27 April 2007 and copies will be available free of charge
    during normal business hours on any weekday (except Saturday, Sunday and public holidays) at the
    offices of the Company at Unit 1.23, Plaza 535, King's Road, London SW10 0SZ.


Stockcube PLC


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