RNS Number:7624Q
Silverdell PLC
26 March 2008

                                 SILVERDELL PLC

                            IFRS RESTATEMENT REPORT


Silverdell  plc  ("Silverdell  Plc" or  "the  Group")  is  required  to  prepare
consolidated  financial  statements in accordance with  International  Financial
Reporting  Standards  (IFRS) for  accounting  periods  commencing  on or after 1
January 2007.  Silverdell plc will therefore publish its 2008 Interim Report and
2008 Annual Report and Accounts in accordance with IFRS.

This report has been prepared to:-
A    Explain the basis on which  Silverdell  plc has effected the  transition to

B    Highlight the significant differences between UK GAAP and IFRS which affect
     Silverdell plc;

C    Set out the Group's principal accounting policies under IFRS; and

D    Show the  impact of  restatement  in  accordance  with IFRS on the  Group's
     previously reported results and financial position under UK GAAP.

The financial information is set out in four sections:-
Section 1      Basis of preparation

               This  describes  the IFRS 1  exemptions  the Group has elected to
               take and the assumptions made in implementing  IFRS. This section
               provides  an  overview  of the  impact  of IFRS on the  financial
               statements and explains the principal differences between UK GAAP
               and IFRS affecting the Group's financial statements.

Section 2      Financial information for the year ended 30 September 2007

               This comprises a restated consolidated income statement,  balance
               sheet,   cashflow   statement   and   statement   of  changes  in
               shareholders'  equity.  Also  included  is the  restated  opening
               balance sheet at 1 October 2006.

Section 3      Principal accounting policies

               This  comprises the principal  accounting  policies the Group has
               adopted and upon which the  restated  financial  statements  have
               been prepared.

Section 4      Appendices

               This section comprises detailed reconciliations showing:-
               -    The presentational adjustments that arise between previously
                    reported UK GAAP results when presented in IFRS format; and

               -    The   measurement   adjustments   that  arise   through  the
                    implementation of IFRS to the restatement schedules.


     1.1  Qualifications and IFRS 1 exemptions

          Alternative  Investment  Market  (AIM)  regulations  require  that the
          Group's financial  statements for the year ended 30 September 2008 are
          prepared on the basis of IFRS, including interpretations issued by the
          Standing  Interpretations  Committee (SIC) and International Financial
          Reporting  Interpretations  Committee  (IFRIC)  of  the  International
          Accounting  Standards  Board.  At the  date  of  publication  of  this
          document,  not all these  standards have been endorsed by the European
          Commission  and it is possible  that  changes  will be required to the
          restated financial statements before they are published as comparative
          information  in the Group's 2008 Interim Report and in the 2008 Annual
          Report and Accounts.

          IFRS 1 exemptions

          The transition to IFRS is governed by the requirements of IFRS1 "First
          Time  Adoption of IFRS".  The Opening IFRS balance  sheet on 1 October
          2006  (the  date of  transition  to  IFRS)  has  been  prepared  using
          accounting  policies which the directors expect to be applicable as at
          30 September 2008.

          IFRS 1 permits  companies  adopting  IFRS for the  first  time to take
          certain  exemptions  from  full  retrospective   application  of  IFRS
          accounting  policies.  Described  below are the  applicable  instances
          where the Group has not opted for these exemptions:
          (a)  Business  combinations:  The Group has chosen to restate business
               combinations that occurred prior to 1 October 2006 to comply with
               IFRS 3 'Business  Combinations'.  As a result that carrying value
               of goodwill  recorded under UK GAAP as at 1 October 2006 has been
               amended at transition date.
          (b)  Financial  instruments:  The Group has  applied IAS 32 and IAS 39
               from 1 October 2006.

               In  accordance  with IFRS 1 the Group has not  revised  estimates
               required  under IFRS that were also required  under UK GAAP as at
               31 September 2006 and 2007, and, in addition where estimates were
               not required  under UK GAAP,  they have been based on information
               known at that time, and not on subsequent events.

     1.2  Basis of presentation

          The  preliminary  comparative  financial  statements  included in this
          document  are in  accordance  with IAS 1  'Presentation  of  Financial
          Statements'.  This is  different  from the UK GAAP and  Companies  Act
          presentation, and introduces a new primary statement, the statement of
          changes in equity. In the balance sheet, debtors and creditors of more
          than one year are  presented  as non  current  assets and  liabilities

          IAS 1  explains  that,  due  to the  effects  of an  entity's  various
          activities,  transactions  and other events  differing  in  frequency,
          potential  for  gain  or  loss  and  predictability  on the  financial
          statements, disclosing the components of financial performance assists
          in an  understanding  of the  financial  performance  achieved  and in
          making projections of future results.

          Factors to be considered when deciding on separate  disclosure include
          materiality  and the nature and function of the  components  of income
          and expense, and when items of income and expense are material,  IAS 1
          requires  that  their  nature  and  amount  be  separately  disclosed.
          Accordingly  Silverdell  plc  considers  that  items  which  are  both
          material and  non-recurring  should be presented and disclosed as what
          the Group will term 'exceptional  items'.  Examples of items which may
          give rise to the  classification as exceptional items include gains or
          losses on the disposal of  businesses,  investments  and fixed assets,
          costs of  restructuring  and  reorganisation  of businesses  and asset

     1.3  Overview of impact of IFRS

          A summary of the  impact of IFRS on the  Group's  2007  profit for the
          year, earnings per share and net assets is set out below. Explanations
          of these changes are set out in paragraph 4.

    1.3.1 Income statement

          Impact of IFRS

          For the year ended 30 September 2007
                                                                                            Para No.         �'000
          UK GAAP profit for the year                                                                          872
          IAS 38 - Intangible Asset amortisation (net of taxation)                             1.4.1        (1,506)
          IFRS 3 - Goodwill Amortisation not charged                                           1.4.2         1,391
          IFRS restated profit for the year                                                                    757

          Table 1: IFRS Adjusted Profit for the year                                                            

    1.3.2 Earnings per share

          For the year ended 30 September 2007
                                                                                               Basic       Diluted
                                                                                               PENCE         PENCE
          UK GAAP                                                                               2.39          2.25
                                                                                            ________      ________      
          IFRS                                                                                  2.07          1.95
                                                                                            ________      ________      
          Change                                                                               (0.32)        (0.30)
          The movements in earnings per share are due to:                                                       
          Goodwill amortisation not charged                                                     3.81          3.58
          Intangible asset amortisation                                                        (4.13)        (3.88)
          Table 2: IFRS Adjusted Earnings per share                                                             
    1.3.3 Net assets

          Reconciliation of net assets
                                                                                            Para No.         �'000
          Net assets - UK GAAP at 30 September 2007                                                         33,981
          IAS 38 - Intangible assets amortisation (net of taxation)                            1.4.1        (1,709)
          IFRS 3 - Goodwill amortisation not charged                                           1.4.2         1,582
          IFRS 2/ - Share based payments - tax effects                                         1.4.3           169
          IAS 12                                                                                                
          IAS 39 - Derivative financial instruments                                            1.4.4            62
          IFRS restated net assets at 30 September 2007                                                     34,085
         Table 3: IFRS Adjusted net assets                                                                     

     1.4  Principal differences between UK GAAP and IFRS

          The principal differences between UK GAAP and IFRS affecting the Group
          are described below in paragraphs 1.4.1 to 1.4.4.

          1.4.1 IAS 36 and IAS 38: Intangible assets

               IFRS 3 requires recognition of separately identifiable intangible
               assets. These intangible assets are amortised over their expected
               useful lives.  Previously under UK GAAP, these  intangibles would
               have been  classified as goodwill and amortised over their useful
               lives (typically between 10 and 20 years).

               The Group has applied IAS 38 Intangible  Assets to  acquisitions,
               which has resulted in the  recognition of customer  relationships
               and order backlog  intangible  assets.  These  intangible  assets
               would not have qualified for recognition under UK GAAP. These are
               being amortised over 1 to 3 years.

          1.4.2 IFRS 3: Business combinations and Goodwill

               Under UK GAAP  goodwill was  amortised  on a straight  line basis
               over its  economic  useful  life of up to 20  years,  tested  for
               impairment and provided for as necessary.  Under IFRS 3 "Business
               Combinations", goodwill is no longer amortised but is carried and
               subject to annual review for impairment. Accordingly the goodwill
               amortisation  charged of  �1,391,000  in the year to 30 September
               2007 has been reversed.

               A full  impairment  review of the  carrying  value of goodwill is
               required  at the date of  transition  (1  October  2006)  and any
               impairment  losses  treated as a reduction in retained  earnings.
               Goodwill impairment losses may not be reversed.

          1.4.3 IFRS 2: Share based payments

               A deductible  temporary  difference  may arise on the  difference
               between the tax base of the  employee  services  received to date
               (being the amount accrued to date that the tax  authorities  will
               permit as a deduction in future  periods) and the carrying amount
               of nil on the balance  sheet,  resulting in a deferred tax asset.
               As the future deduction depends on the share price at the date of
               exercise in the  future,  the tax base of the  employee  services
               received must be estimated based on the information  available at
               the end of the period and is therefore  remeasured  at the end of
               each  period,  with a resulting  adjustment  to the  deferred tax
               asset.  This has  resulted in the  recognition  of an  additional
               deferred tax asset of �169k in the year to 30 September  2007. As
               a  deferred  tax  asset  equal  to the tax  rate  applied  to the
               cumulative  share-based  payment  charge  recorded  in the income
               statement  had  already  been  recognised  in the group's UK GAAP
               financial  statements,  the entire  increase in the  deferred tax
               asset  required  under  IFRS  has  been  credited  to the  equity

          1.4.4 IAS 39: Derivative financial instruments

               The Group uses derivative financial instruments  (derivatives) to
               manage interest rate risk. Under UK GAAP,  these  derivatives are
               not recognised as assets and liabilities on the Balance sheet and
               gains and losses are not  reported in the Profit and loss account
               until realised.

               Under IFRS,  derivatives are initially  recognised on the balance
               sheet at fair value and  subsequently  remeasured at each balance
               sheet  date at fair  value.  Changes  in the  fair  value  of the
               derivatives  are recognised in the Income  statement  unless they
               are  designated  and  qualify for hedge  accounting.  Under hedge
               accounting,  to the extent that the hedge is effective, the gains
               and  losses   arising  on  the  fair  valuation  of  the  hedging
               instrument is deferred in equity with the underlying hedged asset
               or liability recognised on the balance sheet.

               Hedge accounting will be applied to the interest rate swaps taken
               out to manage the Group's exposure to interest rates.



     2.1  Group Income  Statement in accordance  with IFRS for the year ended 30
          September 2007 

     2.2  Group Balance Sheet in accordance with IFRS at:

          -    1 October 2006

          -    30 September 2007

     2.3  Group  statement  of changes in  Shareholders'  Equity at 30 September

     2.4  Group Cash Flow statement at 30 September 2007

     2.1  Group income statement - in accordance with IFRS (unaudited)
          For the year ended 30 September 2007

Revenue                                                                                                     38,498
Cost of sales                                                                                             (24,808)
Gross profit                                                                                                13,690
Administrative expenses                                                                                   (11,489)
Operating profit                                                                                             2,201
Interest receivable                                                                                             72
Finance costs                                                                                                (846)
Profit before tax                                                                                            1,427
Analysed as:                                                                                                     
  Profit before tax and amortisation                                                                         3,557
  Amortisation                                                                                             (2,130)
Income tax expense                                                                                           (670)
Profit for the period attributable to equity shareholders of                                                         
  the Parent                                                                                                  757
Earnings per share                                                                                               
  Basic                                                                                                      2.07
  Diluted                                                                                                    1.95

For the reconciliation from the UK GAAP profit and loss account to the IFRS
income statement please refer to Section 4.

     2.2  Group balance sheet
          As at 1 October 2006 and 30 September 2007

                                                                                                        Opening IFRS
                                                                                                       balance sheet
                                                                                     30 September 2007          2006
                                                                                                 �'000         �'000
Non-current assets                                                                                                
Goodwill                                                                                        37,127        17,525
Intangible assets                                                                                4,494         2,860
Property, plant and equipment                                                                    2,480         1,014
                                                                                             _________     _________    
                                                                                                44,101        21,399
                                                                                             _________     _________    
Current assets                                                                                                    
Inventory and work in progress                                                                   1,278         1,445
Trade and other receivables                                                                     17,135         7,336
Other financial assets                                                                              86             -
Cash and cash equivalents                                                                        1,418         3,300
                                                                                             _________     _________    
                                                                                                19,917        12,081
                                                                                             _________     _________    
TOTAL ASSETS                                                                                    64,018        33,480
                                                                                             _________     _________    
Current liabilities                                                                                               
Bank overdrafts and borrowings                                                                 (2,150)         (886)
Obligations under finance lease                                                                  (483)         (140)
Trade and other payables                                                                      (10,229)       (3,834)
Deferred consideration                                                                         (3,000)             -
Current tax liabilities                                                                        (1,932)         (232)
                                                                                             _________     _________    
                                                                                              (17,794)       (5,092)
                                                                                             _________     _________    
Net current assets                                                                               2,123         6,989
                                                                                             _________     _________    
Non-current liabilities                                                                                            
Bank overdrafts and borrowings                                                                 (6,850)             -
Obligations under finance lease                                                                  (529)         (336)
Trade and other payables                                                                       (1,001)       (1,001)
Deferred consideration                                                                         (2,649)       (5,206)
Deferred tax liabilities                                                                       (1,110)         (914)
                                                                                             _________     _________    
                                                                                              (12,139)       (7,457)
                                                                                             _________     _________    
TOTAL LIABILITIES                                                                             (29,933)      (12,549)
                                                                                             _________     _________    
Net assets                                                                                      34,085        20,931
                                                                                             =========     =========    
Share capital                                                                                    4,068         3,220
Share premium                                                                                   13,649        13,649
Other reserves                                                                                  15,233         4,081
Equity reserve                                                                                     368            33
Hedging reserve                                                                                     62             -
Retained earnings/(accumulated loss)                                                               705          (52)
                                                                                             _________     _________    
Total equity                                                                                    34,085        20,931
                                                                                             =========     =========    

For the reconciliation from the UK GAAP to the IFRS balance sheets please refer
to Section 4.

     2.3  Group cash flow statement
          30 September 2007

Cash flows from operating activities                                                                                 
  Cash generated from operations                                                                            3,043
Income taxes paid                                                                                           (734)
Net cash generated from operating activities                                                                2,309
Cash flows from investing activities                                                                                 
Purchases of property, plant and equipment                                                                  (438)
Disposal of property, plant and equipment                                                                      98
Acquisitions                                                                                             (11,277)
Net cash generated from investing activities                                                             (11,617)
Net cash used in financing activities                                                                            
Proceeds from new loans                                                                                     9,000
Finance lease principal repayments                                                                          (357)
Interest received                                                                                              72
Bank interest paid                                                                                          (324)
Interest paid on finance leases                                                                              (79)
Net cash generated from financing activities                                                                8,312
Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents                                                                   (996)
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period                                                            2,414
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period                                                                  1,418

(a) Cash generated from operations comprises:                                                                    
Profit from continuing operations                                                                           2,201
Amortisation                                                                                                2,130
Depreciation                                                                                                  556
Profit on disposal of property, plant and equipment                                                           (7)
Movements relating to share-based payments                                                                    171
Working capital decrease                                                                                  (2,008)
                                                                                                   At           At
                                                                                            1 October 30 September
                                                                                                 2006         2007
(b) Cash and cash equivalents comprise:                                                         �'000        �'000
Cash and cash equivalents                                                                       3,300        1,418
Bank overdrafts                                                                                 (886)            -
                                                                                             ________     ________    
                                                                                                2,414        1,418
                                                                                             ========     ========
2.4    Group statement of changes in shareholders' equity
       For the year ended 30 September 2007

                            Share         Share       Equity         Other      Hedging      Retained                
                          capital       premium      reserve      reserves      reserve      earnings        Total
                            �'000         �'000        �'000         �'000        �'000         �'000        �'000
Balance at 1 October                                                                                                 
2006                        3,220        13,649           33         4,081            -         (52)        20,931
Shares issued in the                                                                                           
current year                  848             -            -        11,152            -            -        12,000
Share based payments            -             -          335             -            -            -           335
Hedge accounting                -             -            -             -           62            -            62
Profit for the year             -             -            -             -            -          757           757
                          _______       _______      _______       _______      _______      _______       _______      
Balance at 30          
September 2007              4,068        13,649          368        15,233           62          705        34,085      
                          =======       =======      =======       =======      =======      =======       =======



     3.1  Accounting policies

          Basis of preparation

          For the year ended 30  September  2008 the Company will be required to
          prepare   consolidated   financial   statements  under   International
          Accounting  Standards.  These will be those  International  Accounting
          Standards (IAS),  International  Financial  Reporting Standards (IFRS)
          and related Interpretations (SIC/ IFRIC  interpretations),  subsequent
          amendments  to those  standards  and related  interpretations,  future
          standards  and  related  interpretations  issued  or  adopted  by  the
          International   Accounting  Standards  Board  (IASB)  that  have  been
          endorsed by the EC for use in the European Union.

          At the date of this  announcement,  the  Commission  has  endorsed all
          standards  issued by the IASB.  However,  the  endorsement  process is
          still ongoing in respect of certain Interpretations and Amendments.

          The  preliminary   opening  IFRS  balance  sheet,   preliminary   IFRS
          comparatives for 2007 ("consolidated  financial  information") and the
          reconciliation  between  UK  GAAP  and  IFRS  have  been  prepared  by
          management  using its best  knowledge  of the expected  standards  and
          interpretations of the IASB, facts and  circumstances,  and accounting
          policies  that will be applied  when the  company  prepares  its first
          complete set of IFRS  financial  statements  as at 30 September  2008.
          Therefore,  until such time, the  possibility  cannot be excluded that
          the accompanying  preliminary opening balance sheet,  preliminary IFRS
          comparatives for 2007 and the reconciliation  between UK GAAP and IFRS
          may  require  adjustment  before  constituting  the  final  positions.
          Moreover,  under IFRS,  only a complete  set of  financial  statements
          comprising a balance sheet, income statement,  statement of changes in
          equity,  cash flow  statement,  together  with  comparative  financial
          information and explanatory  notes, can provide a fair presentation of
          the company's financial position, results of operations and cash flow.

          Basis of accounting

          The consolidated financial information has been prepared in accordance
          with  International   Financial  Reporting   Standards  (IFRSs).   The
          consolidated   financial   information   has  also  been  prepared  in
          accordance  with IFRSs adopted by the European Union and therefore the
          group  financial  statements  comply  with  Article  4 of  the  EU IAS

          The  consolidated  financial  information  has  been  prepared  on the
          historical cost basis except for the revaluation of certain  financial
          instruments.  The principal  accounting  policies  adopted are set out

          IFRS 1 permits  companies  adopting  IFRS for the  first  time to take
          certain  exemptions  from  full  retrospective   application  of  IFRS
          accounting  policies.  Described  below are the  applicable  instances
          where the Group has not opted for these exemptions:

          (a)  Business  combinations:  The Group has chosen to restate business
               combinations that occurred prior to 1 October 2006 to comply with
               IFRS 3 'Business  Combinations'.  As a result that carrying value
               of goodwill  recorded under UK GAAP as at 1 October 2006 has been
               amended at transition date.

          (b)  Financial  instruments:  The Group has  applied IAS 32 and IAS 39
               from 1 October 2006.

               The consolidated financial information incorporates the financial
               statements of the Company and entities  controlled by the Company
               (its  subsidiaries) made up to 30 September each year. Control is
               achieved  where the Company has the power to govern the financial
               and  operating  policies  of an  investee  entity so as to obtain
               benefits from its activities.

               The results of  subsidiaries  acquired or disposed off during the
               year are included in the  consolidated  income statement from the
               effective  date of  acquisition  or up to the  effective  date of
               disposal, as appropriate.

               Where necessary, adjustments are made to the financial statements
               of  subsidiaries  to bring the  accounting  policies used in line
               with those used by the group.

               All intra-group  transactions,  balances, income and expenses are
               eliminated on consolidation.

               Business combinations

               The  acquisition  of  subsidiaries  is  accounted  for  using the
               purchase  method.  The cost of the acquisition is measured at the
               aggregate of the fair values, at the date of exchange,  of assets
               given,  liabilities  incurred or assumed,  and equity instruments
               issued by the Group in exchange for control of the acquiree, plus
               any costs directly attributable to the business combination.  The
               acquiree's   identifiable  assets,   liabilities  and  contingent
               liabilities that meet the conditions for recognition under IFRS 3
               are recognised at their fair value at the acquisition date.

               Goodwill  arising on  acquisition  is  recognised as an asset and
               initially  measured at cost,  being the excess of the cost of the
               business  combination  over the Group's  interest in the net fair
               value of the  identifiable  assets,  liabilities  and  contingent
               liabilities  recognised.  If,  after  reassessment,  the  Group's
               interest  in the net fair  value of the  acquiree's  identifiable
               assets,  liabilities and contingent  liabilities exceeds the cost
               of the business combination, the excess is recognised immediately
               in profit or loss.


               Goodwill  arising on  consolidation  represents the excess of the
               cost of acquisition  over the group's  interest in the fair value
               of the identifiable assets and liabilities of a subsidiary at the
               date of acquisition. Goodwill is initially recognised as an asset
               at cost and is subsequently measured at cost less any accumulated
               impairment  losses.  Goodwill  which is recognised as an asset is
               reviewed for  impairment  at least  annually.  Any  impairment is
               recognised  immediately in profit or loss and is not subsequently

               For the purpose of impairment  testing,  goodwill is allocated to
               each of the  Group's  cash-generating  units  expected to benefit
               from the synergies of the combination.  Cash-generating  units to
               which  goodwill  has been  allocated  are tested  for  impairment
               annually, or more frequently when there is an indication that the
               unit  may  be  impaired.   If  the  recoverable   amount  of  the
               cash-generating  unit is less  than the  carrying  amount  of the
               unit,  the  impairment  loss is  allocated  first to  reduce  the
               carrying amount of any goodwill allocated to the unit and then to
               the  other  assets  of the  unit  pro-rata  on the  basis  of the
               carrying  amount of each asset in the unit.  An  impairment  loss
               recognised for goodwill is not reversed in a subsequent period.

               Revenue recognition

               Revenue  is  measured  at the  fair  value  of the  consideration
               received or receivable  and  represents  amounts  receivable  for
               services  provided  in the  normal  course  of  business,  net of
               discounts, VAT and other sales-related taxes.

               Profit is recognised on long-term  contracts if the final outcome
               can be assessed  with  reasonable  certainty  by including in the
               income statement  revenue and related costs as contract  activity
               progresses.  Revenue is  calculated  by reference to the value of
               work performed to date as a proportion of total contract value.


               Leases are classified as finance leases whenever the terms of the
               lease  transfer  substantially  all  the  risks  and  rewards  of
               ownership  to the  lessee.  All other  leases are  classified  as
               operating leases.

               Assets held under finance  leases are recognised as assets of the
               group at their fair value or, if lower,  at the present  value of
               the minimum lease  payments,  each determined at the inception of
               the lease.

               The  corresponding  liability  to the lessor is  included  in the
               balance sheet as a finance lease  obligation.  Lease payments are
               apportioned  between  finance  charges and reduction of the lease
               obligation  so as to achieve a constant  rate of  interest on the
               remaining  balance of the liability.  Finance charges are charged
               directly against income.

               Rentals payable under operating leases are charged to income on a
               straight-line basis over the term of the relevant lease.

               Benefits received and receivable as an incentive to enter into an
               operating lease are also spread on a straight-line basis over the
               lease term.

               Borrowing costs

               Borrowing costs are recognised in profit or loss in the period in
               which they are incurred.

               Retirement benefit costs

               Payments to defined  contribution  retirement benefit schemes are
               charged as an expense as they fall due.


               The tax expense  represents the sum of the tax currently  payable
               and deferred tax.

               The tax  currently  payable  is based on  taxable  profit for the
               year.  Taxable  profit differs from net profit as reported in the
               income  statement  because it excludes items of income or expense
               that are  taxable  or  deductible  in other  years and it further
               excludes items that are never taxable or deductible.  The group's
               liability for current tax is calculated using tax rates that have
               been enacted or substantively enacted by the balance sheet date.

               Deferred tax is the tax expected to be payable or  recoverable on
               differences   between   the   carrying   amounts  of  assets  and
               liabilities in the financial statements and the corresponding tax
               bases used in the computation of taxable profit, and is accounted
               for  using the  balance  sheet  liability  method.  Deferred  tax
               liabilities  are generally  recognised for all taxable  temporary
               differences  and deferred tax assets are recognised to the extent
               that it is  probable  that  taxable  profits  will  be  available
               against which deductible  temporary  differences can be utilised.
               Such assets and  liabilities  are not recognised if the temporary
               difference  arises  from the initial  recognition  of goodwill or
               from  the   initial   recognition   (other  than  in  a  business
               combination)  of other assets and  liabilities  in a  transaction
               that affects neither the tax profit nor the accounting profit.

               Deferred tax  liabilities  are recognised  for taxable  temporary
               differences arising on investments in subsidiaries,  except where
               the  group  is able to  control  the  reversal  of the  temporary
               difference and it is probable that the temporary  difference will
               not reverse in the foreseeable future.

               The  carrying  amount of deferred  tax assets is reviewed at each
               balance sheet date and reduced to the extent that it is no longer
               probable  that  sufficient  taxable  profits will be available to
               allow all or part of the asset to be recovered.

               Deferred tax is  calculated at the tax rates that are expected to
               apply in the period when the liability is settled or the asset is
               realised.  Deferred  tax is  charged  or  credited  in the income
               statement,  except  when it relates to items  charged or credited
               directly to equity,  in which case the deferred tax is also dealt
               with in equity.

               Deferred  tax assets and  liabilities  are offset when there is a
               legally  enforceable  right to set off current tax assets against
               current  tax  liabilities  and when they  relate to income  taxes
               levied by the same  taxation  authority  and the Group intends to
               settle its current tax assets and liabilities on a net basis.

               Property, plant and equipment

               Property,  plant and equipment is stated at cost less accumulated
               depreciation and any recognised impairment loss.

               Depreciation  is charged so as to write off the cost or valuation
               of assets,  other than land and assets under  construction,  over
               their estimated useful lives, on the following bases:

               Leasehold property              10% on cost
               Plant and machinery             10% on cost
               Office equipment                16.6%-25% on cost
               Motor vehicles                  25% on reducing balance

               Assets  held  under  finance  leases are  depreciated  over their
               expected useful lives on the same basis as owned assets or, where
               shorter, over the term of the relevant lease.

               The gain or loss  arising on the  disposal  or  retirement  of an
               asset is determined as the difference  between the sales proceeds
               and the carrying amount of the asset and is recognised in income.

               Impairment of tangible and intangible assets excluding goodwill

               At each  balance  sheet  date,  the group  reviews  the  carrying
               amounts  of its  tangible  and  intangible  assets  to  determine
               whether there is any  indication  that those assets have suffered
               an  impairment   loss.  If  any  such  indication   exists,   the
               recoverable  amount  of  the  asset  is  estimated  in  order  to
               determine the extent of the impairment  loss (if any).  Where the
               asset does not  generate  cash flows  that are  independent  from
               other assets,  the group estimates the recoverable  amount of the
               cash-generating  unit to which the asset  belongs.  An intangible
               asset with an  indefinite  useful  life is tested for  impairment
               annually and whenever  there is an indication  that the asset may
               be impaired.

               Recoverable amount is the higher of fair value less costs to sell
               and value in use. In assessing value in use, the estimated future
               cash flows are  discounted to their present value using a pre-tax
               discount rate that reflects  current  market  assessments  of the
               time value of money and the risks specific to the asset for which
               the estimates of future cash flows have not been adjusted.

               If the recoverable amount of an asset (or  cash-generating  unit)
               is estimated to be less than its  carrying  amount,  the carrying
               amount  of the asset  (cash-generating  unit) is  reduced  to its
               recoverable  amount.  An  impairment  loss  is  recognised  as an
               expense  immediately,  unless the relevant  asset is carried at a
               revalued amount,  in which case the impairment loss is treated as
               a revaluation decrease.

               Where an  impairment  loss  subsequently  reverses,  the carrying
               amount of the asset  (cash-generating  unit) is  increased to the
               revised  estimate  of its  recoverable  amount,  but so that  the
               increased  carrying  amount does not exceed the  carrying  amount
               that  would  have been  determined  had no  impairment  loss been
               recognised for the asset (cash-generating unit) in prior years. A
               reversal  of  an   impairment   loss  is   recognised  as  income
               immediately,  unless the relevant  asset is carried at a revalued
               amount,  in which case the  reversal  of the  impairment  loss is
               treated as a revaluation increase.

               Inventories and work in progress

               Inventories  are  stated at the lower of cost and net  realisable
               value.  Cost comprises  direct  materials and, where  applicable,
               direct labour costs and those  overheads  that have been incurred
               in  bringing  the  inventories  to  their  present  location  and
               condition.  Cost is calculated using the weighted average method.
               Net realisable value represents the estimated  selling price less
               all  estimated  costs of  completion  and costs to be incurred in
               marketing, selling and distribution.

               Work in  progress  on service  contracts  is stated at cost plus,
               where the  outcome  can be assessed  with  reasonable  certainty,
               estimated  profits  attributable  to the stage of completion less
               provision for any expected losses and progress  payments received
               on account.  Amounts  recoverable on long term service contracts,
               which are included in trade and other receivables,  are stated at
               the net  sales  value of the work  done  less  progress  payments
               received on account.  Excess  progress  payments  are included on
               trade and other payables. Cumulative costs incurred, less amounts
               transferred to cost of sales,  less  provision for  contingencies
               and expected future losses on service contracts,  are included as
               long-term service contract balances in inventories.

               Financial instruments

               Financial assets and financial  liabilities are recognised in the
               group's  balance  sheet  when the  group  becomes  a party to the
               contractual provisions of the instrument.

               Trade receivables

               Trade  receivables  are measured at initial  recognition  at fair
               value. Appropriate allowances for estimated irrecoverable amounts
               are recognised in profit or loss when there is objective evidence
               that the asset is impaired.


               Investments in  subsidiaries  are stated at cost,  less provision
               for any impairment.

               Cash and cash equivalents

               Cash  and  cash  equivalents  comprise  cash on hand  and  demand
               deposits and other short-term highly liquid  investments that are
               readily  convertible to a known amount of cash and are subject to
               an insignificant risk of changes in value.

               Financial liabilities and equity

               Financial  liabilities  and  equity  instruments  are  classified
               according  to  the  substance  of  the  contractual  arrangements
               entered into. An equity instrument is any contract that evidences
               a residual  interest in the assets of the group  after  deducting
               all of its liabilities.

               Bank borrowings

               Interest-bearing  bank loans and  overdrafts  are recorded at the
               proceeds  received,  net of direct issue costs.  Finance charges,
               including premiums payable on settlement or redemption and direct
               issue costs,  are  accounted for on an accrual basis in profit or
               loss using the  effective  interest  rate method and are added to
               the carrying amount of the instrument to the extent that they are
               not settled in the period in which they arise.

               Trade payables

               Trade payables are initially measured at fair value.

               Equity instruments

               Equity  instruments  issued by the  Company  are  recorded at the
               proceeds received, net of direct issue costs.

               Derivative financial instruments and hedge accounting

               The group's  activities expose it primarily to the financial risk
               of changes in interest  rates.  The group uses interest rate swap
               contracts  to  hedge  this  exposure.  The  group  does  not  use
               derivative financial instruments for speculative purposes.

               The use of  financial  derivatives  is  governed  by the  group's
               policies  approved  by the  board  of  directors,  which  provide
               written principles on the use of financial derivatives.

               Changes in the fair  value of  derivative  financial  instruments
               that are  designated and effective as hedges of future cash flows
               are recognised  directly in equity and the ineffective portion is
               recognised immediately in the income statement.  If the cash flow
               hedge of a firm commitment or forecasted  transaction  results in
               the recognition of an asset or a liability, then, at the time the
               asset or liability is recognised,  the associated gains or losses
               on the derivative  that had previously  been recognised in equity
               are  included  in  the  initial   measurement  of  the  asset  or
               liability. For hedges that do not result in the recognition of an
               asset or a liability,  amounts  deferred in equity are recognised
               in the income  statement  in the same  period in which the hedged
               item affects net profit or loss.

               Changes in the fair  value of  derivative  financial  instruments
               that do not qualify for hedge  accounting  are  recognised in the
               income statement as they arise.

               Hedge  accounting  is  discontinued  when the hedging  instrument
               expires  or is  sold,  terminated,  or  exercised,  or no  longer
               qualifies for hedge accounting. At that time, any cumulative gain
               or  loss  on the  hedging  instrument  recognised  in  equity  is
               retained in equity until the forecasted  transaction occurs. If a
               hedged  transaction  is no  longer  expected  to  occur,  the net
               cumulative  gain or loss  recognised in equity is  transferred to
               net profit or loss for the period.


               Provisions are recognised when the Group has a present obligation
               as a result of a past event,  and it is  probable  that the Group
               will be  required  to  settle  that  obligation.  Provisions  are
               measured  at the  directors'  best  estimate  of the  expenditure
               required to settle the  obligation at the balance sheet date, and
               are discounted to present value where the effect is material.

               Share-based payments

               The group issues  equity-settled  share-based payments to certain
               employees.  Equity-settled  share-based  payments are measured at
               fair  value  (excluding  the effect of non  market-based  vesting
               conditions)  at the date of grant.  The fair value  determined at
               the grant  date of the  equity-settled  share-based  payments  is
               expensed on a straight-line basis over the vesting period,  based
               on the group's  estimate of shares that will  eventually vest and
               adjusted for the effect of non market-based vesting conditions.

               Fair value is measured  by use of the  Black-Scholes  model.  The
               expected  life  used in the  model  has been  adjusted,  based on
               management's    best    estimate,     for    the    effects    of
               non-transferability,   exercise  restrictions,   and  behavioural

               Intangible assets

               Customer relationships

               Customer  relationships are measured as the present value of cash
               flows   attributable  to  the  relationship  after  deduction  of
               appropriate  contributory  assets  charged.  The  relationship is
               amortised over its expected useful life, typically 3 years.

               Order book

               Order  book is the  value  of  confirmed  orders  on the  date of
               acquisition after appropriate costs have been deducted. The order
               book is  amortised  over the  period in which it is  expected  to


At 1 October 2006

     4.1  Restatement   of  Opening  IFRS  balance  sheet  -  effect  of  IAS  1
          Presentation  of Financial  Statements 4.2 Restatement of Opening IFRS
          balance sheet - reconciliation of UK GAAP to IFRS

          At 30 September 2007

     4.3  Restatement  of  Balance  sheet  -  effect  of IAS 1  Presentation  of
          Financial Statements

     4.4  Restatement of Balance sheet - reconciliation of UK GAAP to IFRS

     4.5  Restatement of Income statement - reconciliation of UK GAAP to IFRS

     4.6  Reconciliation of Statement of changes in equity

4.1  Restatement  of opening IFRS balance sheet as at 1 October 2006 - effect of
     IAS1 'Presentation of Financial Statements'                                                                        

                                                    UK GAAP 
                                                   balances          UK GAAP
                                                      in UK         balances 
                                                       GAAP          in IFRS 
                                                     format           format
                                                      �'000   �'000    �'000
Fixed assets                                                                        Non-current assets
Intangible assets                                    19,539       -   19,539        Goodwill
Tangible assets                                       1,014       -    1,014        Property, plant and equipment

Current assets                                                                      Current assets
Stocks and work in progress                           1,445       -    1,445        Inventory and work in progress
Debtors                                               7,336       -    7,336        Trade and other receivables
Cash at bank and in hand                              3,300       -    3,300        Cash and cash equivalents

Creditors: amounts falling due within one year                                      Current liabilities
Bank overdraft                                        (886)       -    (886)        Bank overdraft and borrowings
Hire purchase and finance lease                       (140)       -    (140)        Obligations under finance lease
Corporation tax                                       (232)       -   ( 232)        Current tax liabilities
Other creditors                                     (3,834)       -  (3,834)        Trade and other payables

Creditors: amounts falling due after more 
 than one year                                                                      Non-current liabilities
Hire purchase and finance lease                       (336)       -    (336)        Obligations under finance lease
                                                               (61)     (61)        Deferred tax liabilities
                                                            (5,206)  (5,206)        Deferred consideration 
                                                            (1,001)  (1,001)        Trade and other payables
Provisions for liabilities and charges
Deferred taxation                                      (61)      61        -
Deferred consideration                              (5,206)   5,206        -
Other                                               (1,001)   1,001        -
                                                    _______ _______  _______
Net assets                                           20,938       -   20,938        Net assets
                                                    ======= =======  =======
Capital and reserves                                                                Equity
Called up share capital                               3,220       -    3,220        Share capital
Share premium account                                13,649       -   13,649        Share premium account
Equity reserve                                           28       -       28        Equity reserve
Other reserves                                        4,081       -    4,081        Other reserves
Profit and loss account                                (40)       -     (40)        Accumulated loss
                                                    _______ _______  _______
Equity shareholders' funds                           20,938       -   20,938        Total equity
                                                    ======= =======  =======          

     4.2  Restatement  of  opening  IFRS  balance  sheet as at 1 October  2006 -
          reconciliation of UK GAAP to IFRS

                                           UK GAAP         IFRS2                
                                          balances        Share-       IAS38            IFRS3               
                                           in IFRS         based  Intangible         Business              IFRS         
                                            format      payments      assets     combinations          Balances
                                             �'000         �'000       �'000            �'000             �'000    
Non-current assets
Goodwill                                    19,539             -    (2,205)               191            17,525
Intangible assets                                -             -      2,860                 -             2,860
Property, plant and equipment                1,014             -          -                 -             1,014

Current assets
Inventory and work in progress               1,445             -          -                 -             1,445
Trade and other receivables                  7,336             -          -                 -             7,336
Cash and cash equivalents                    3,300             -          -                 -             3,300
                                           _______       _______    _______           _______           _______
Total assets                                32,634             -        655               191            33,480
                                           _______       _______    _______           _______           _______
Current liabilities
Bank overdrafts and borrowings               (886)             -          -                 -             (886)
Obligations under finance lease              (140)             -          -                 -             (140)
Trade and other payables                   (3,834)             -          -                 -           (3,834)
Current tax liabilities                      (232)             -          -                 -             (232)

Non-current liabilities
Obligations under finance lease              (336)             -          -                 -             (336)
Trade and other payables                   (1,001)             -          -                 -           (1,001)
Deferred taxation                             (61)             5      (858)                 -             (914)
Deferred consideration                     (5,206)             -          -                 -           (5,206)
                                           _______       _______    _______           _______           _______
Total liabilities                         (11,696)             5      (858)                 -          (12,549)
                                           _______       _______    _______           _______           _______
Net assets                                  20,938             5      (203)               191            20,931
                                           =======       =======    =======           =======           =======
Share capital                                3,220             -          -                 -             3,220
Share premium account                       13,649             -          -                 -            13,649
Other reserve                                4,081             -          -                 -             4,081
Equity reserve                                  28             5          -                 -                33
(Accumulated loss)/retained earnings          (40)             -      (203)               191              (52)
                                           _______       _______    _______           _______           _______     
Total equity                                20,938             5      (203)               191            20,931
                                           =======       =======    =======           =======           =======

     4.3  Restatement  of balance sheet as at 30 September 2007 - effect of IAS1
          'Presentation of Financial Statements'
                                                UK GAAP          
                                               balances                     UK GAAP
                                                  in UK                    balances 
                                                   GAAP                     in IFRS
                                                 format                      format
                                                  �'000         �'000         �'000
Fixed assets                                                                           Non-current assets
Intangible assets                                40,523             -        40,523    Goodwill
Tangible assets                                   2,480             -         2,480    Property, plant and equipment

Current assets                                                                         Current assets
Stocks and work in progress                       1,278             -         1,278    Inventory and work in progress
Debtors                                          17,135             -        17,135    Trade and other receivables
Cash at bank and in hand                          1,418             -         1,418    Cash and cash equivalents

Creditors: amounts falling due within one year                                         Current liabilities
Bank loans                                      (2,150)             -       (2,150)    Bank overdraft and borrowings
Hire purchase and finance lease                   (483)             -         (483)    Obligations under finance lease
Corporation tax                                 (1,932)             -       (1,932)    Current tax liabilities
Deferred consideration                          (3,000)             -       (3,000)    Deferred consideration
Other creditors                                (10,229)             -      (10,229)    Trade and other payables

Creditors: amounts falling due after 
 more than one year                                                                    Non-current liabilities
Bank loans                                      (6,850)             -       (6,850)    Bank overdraft and borrowings
Hire purchase and finance lease                   (529)             -         (529)    Obligations under finance lease
                                                                 (30)          (30)    Deferred tax liabilities
                                                              (2,649)       (2,649)    Deferred consideration
                                                              (1,001)       (1,001)    Trade and other payables
Provisions for liabilities and charges 
Deferred taxation                                  (30)            30             -
Deferred consideration                          (2,649)         2,649             -
Other                                           (1,001)         1,001             -
                                                _______       _______       _______
Net assets                                       33,981             -        33,981    Net assets
                                                =======       =======       =======
Capital and reserves                                                                   Equity
Called up share capital                           4,068             -         4,068    Share capital
Share premium account                            13,649             -        13,649    Share premium account
Equity reserve                                      199             -           199    Equity reserve
Other reserves                                   15,233             -        15,233    Other reserves
Profit and loss account                             832             -           832    Retained earnings
                                                _______       _______       _______
Equity shareholders' funds                       33,981             -        33,981    Total equity
                                                =======       =======       =======

     4.4  Restatement of balance sheet as at 30 September 2007 -  reconciliation
          of UK GAAP to IFRS

                                          UK GAAP        IFRS2         
                                         balances       Share-                     IAS38          IFRS3
                                          in IFRS        based        IAS39   Intangible       Business          IFRS
                                           format     payments  Derivatives       assets   combinations      Balances
                                            �'000        �'000        �'000        �'000          �'000         �'000
Non-current assets
Goodwill                                   40,523            -            -      (4,978)          1,582        37,127

Intangible assets                               -            -            -        4,494              -         4,494
Property, plant and equipment               2,480            -            -            -              -         2,480

Current assets
Inventory and work in progress              1,278            -            -            -              -         1,278
Trade and other receivables                17,135            -            -            -              -        17,135
Other financial  assets                         -            -           86            -              -            86
Cash and cash equivalents                   1,418            -            -            -              -         1,418
                                          _______      _______      _______      _______        _______       _______
Total assets                               62,834            -           86        (484)          1,582        64,018
                                          _______      _______      _______      _______        _______       _______
Current liabilities
Bank overdrafts and borrowings            (2,150)            -            -            -              -       (2,150)
Obligations under finance lease             (483)            -            -            -              -         (483)
Trade and other payables                 (10,229)            -            -            -              -      (10,229)

Current tax liabilities                   (1,932)            -            -            -              -       (1,932)
Deferred consideration                    (3,000)            -            -            -              -       (3,000)

Non-current liabilities
Bank overdrafts and borrowings            (6,850)            -            -            -              -       (6,850)
Obligations under finance lease             (529)            -            -            -              -         (529)
Trade and other payables                  (1,001)            -            -            -              -       (1,001)
Deferred tax liabilities                     (30)          169         (24)      (1,225)              -       (1,110)

Deferred consideration                    (2,649)            -            -            -              -       (2,649)
                                          _______      _______      _______      _______        _______       _______
Total liabilities                        (28,853)          169         (24)      (1,225)              -      (29,933)
                                          _______      _______      _______      _______        _______       _______   
Net assets                                 33,981          169           62      (1,709)          1,582        34,085
                                          =======      =======      =======      =======        =======       =======
Share capital                               4,068            -            -            -              -         4,068
Share premium account                      13,649            -            -            -              -        13,649
Equity reserve                                199          169            -            -              -           368
Other reserves                             15,233            -            -            -              -        15,233
Hedging reserve                                 -            -           62            -              -            62
Retained earnings                             832            -            -      (1,709)          1,582           705
                                          _______      _______      _______      _______        _______       _______
Total equity                               33,981          169           62      (1,709)          1,582        34,085
                                          =======      =======      =======      =======        =======       =======

     4.5  Restatement of income statement for the year ended 30 September 2007 -
          reconciliation of UK GAAP to IFRS

                                                    UK GAAP                          
                                                   balances           IAS38             IFRS3    
                                                    in IFRS      Intangible          Business            IFRS
                                                     format          assets      combinations        Balances
                                                      �'000           �'000             �'000           �'000 
Continuing operations:
Revenue                                              38,498               -                 -          38,498
Cost of sales                                      (24,808)               -                 -        (24,808)
                                                    _______         _______           _______         _______
Gross profit                                         13,690               -                 -          13,690

Administrative expenses                            (10,750)         (2,130)             1,391        (11,489)
                                                    _______         _______           _______         _______
Operating profit                                      2,940         (2,130)             1,391           2,201
Interest receivable                                      72               -                 -              72
Finance costs                                         (846)               -                 -           (846)
                                                    _______         _______           _______         _______
Profit before tax                                     2,166         (2,130)             1,391           1,427
Income tax expense                                  (1,294)             624                 -           (670)
                                                    _______         _______           _______         _______
Profit for the period from continuing operations        872         (1,506)             1,391             757
                                                    _______         _______           _______         _______
Profit for the period attributable to equity
 shareholders of the Parent                             872         (1,506)             1,391             757
                                                    =======         =======           =======         =======

4.6    Reconciliation of changes in equity for the year ended 30 September 2007
                                             Share      Share      Other    Equity   Hedging   Retained
                                           capital    premium   reserves   reserve   reserve   earnings     Total
                                             �'000      �'000      �'000     �'000     �'000      �'000     �'000
Balance at 30 September 1 October 2006            
- UK GAAP                                    3,220     13,649      4,081        28         -       (40)    20,938

IFRS adjustments
- IFRS2 - Share based payments                   -          -          -         5         -          -         5
- IFRS3 - Business combinations                  -          -          -         -         -        191       191
- IAS38 - Intangible assets                      -          -          -         -         -      (203)     (203)
                                           _______    _______    _______   _______   _______    _______   _______
Balance at 1 October 2006 - IFRS             3,220     13,649      4,081        33         -       (52)    20,931 
                                           =======    =======    =======   =======   =======    =======   =======

Profit for the year                              -          -          -         -         -        757       757
Shares issued in the current year              848          -     11,152         -         -          -    12,000
Share based payments (net of tax)                -          -          -       335         -          -       335
Movement in hedging reserve                      -          -          -         -        62          -        62
                                           _______    _______    _______   _______   _______    _______   _______
Total equity at 30 September 2007            4,068     13,649     15,233       368        62        705    34,085
                                           =======    =======    =======   =======   =======    =======   =======


Silverdell Plc
Chris Sims, Finance Director                      020 7004 2744

Collins Stewart
Chris Howard / Oliver Quarmby                     020 7523 8350

Jonathon Brill, Billy Clegg, Alex Beagley         020 7831 3113

Notes to Editors:

Silverdell is a leading nationwide  supplier of asbestos removal and consultancy
services to both the private and public  sectors.  The Company was listed on AIM
as Bow Lane Capital Plc in April 2006. In July 2006 it acquired  Silverdell (UK)
Limited for up to �22.2m, following which it changed its name to Silverdell Plc.

The  Company  acquired  Redhill  Analysts   Limited,   a  provider  of  asbestos
consultancy,  survey,  air  monitoring  and  contract  management  services,  in
December 2006 for up to �10m. In July 2007,  Silverdell  acquired  Kitsons Group
Limited,  which provides asbestos removal,  insulation and scaffolding  services
for �14m.

The Silverdell  group employs nearly 600 staff  operating from 15 offices across
the UK. Silverdell (UK) Limited won Specialist  Contractor of the Year (Asbestos
Removal) at Construction News Awards in both 2006 and 2007.

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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Silverdell (LSE:SID)
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