Although we believe that our estimates of the relevant expected useful lives, our assumptions concerning the business environment and developments in our industry and our estimations of the discounted future cash flows are appropriate, changes in assumptions or circumstances could require changes in the analysis. This could lead to additional impairment charges or allowances in the future or to valuation write backs should the expected trends reverse.

Use of estimates - deferred taxes

To compute provisions for taxes, estimates have to be applied. These estimates involve assessing the probability that deferred tax assets resulting from deductible temporary differences and tax losses can be utilised to offset taxable income in the future.

Due to the lack of certainty around future profits, the majority of deferred tax assets have been expensed in the year's income statement.

Deferred tax assets at 31 December 2012 totalled EUR0.2m (2011: EUR19.3m) (see note 18).

Use of estimates - provisions - onerous contract provisions

In keeping with normal practice in the industry at the time, the Group entered into long-term supply contracts for its raw material, polysilicon, with two major suppliers. Given the significant unexpected decline in market prices for polysilicon and silicon wafers, the resultant cost of polysilicon under these contracts means the Group is expecting losses on these contracts.

Consequently the financial statements include a provision of EUR52.0m (2011: EUR17.9m) for the discounted total of currently anticipated losses under these contracts.

Any further renegotiation of these contracts or improvement in market pricing would reduce this provided for loss.

Use of estimates - inventory valuation

Given the significant unexpected decline in market prices for polysilicon and silicon wafers, the carrying amount of inventory has been reduced to net realisable value.

Net realisable value has been determined as estimated selling price less all estimated costs of completion and costs to be incurred in marketing, selling and distribution.

Any improvement in anticipated selling prices would reduce the level of writedown necessary and would be taken as profit in 2013.

Basis of consolidation

The Group financial statements consolidate those of the Group and its subsidiary undertakings drawn up to 31 December 2012. Subsidiaries are entities over which the Group has the power to control the financial and operating policies so as to obtain benefits from its activities. The Group obtains and exercises control through voting rights.

The results of any subsidiary sold or acquired are included in the Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income up to, or from, the date control passes.

Consolidation is conducted by eliminating the investment in the subsidiary with the parent's share of the net equity of the subsidiary.

The Group owns 100% of the voting rights in PV Crystalox Solar Kabushiki Kaisha. Non-controlling interests in equity of EUR43,400 are related to non--redeemable preferred stock, subject to a guaranteed annual dividend payment of EUR2,000. As the fair value of the resulting dividend liabilities reduces the equity portion to marginal amounts, all non-controlling interests have been reclassified as liabilities.

On acquisition of a subsidiary, all of the subsidiary's separately identifiable assets and liabilities existing at the date of acquisition are recorded at their fair value reflecting their condition at that date. Goodwill arises where the fair value of the consideration given for a business exceeds the fair value of such net assets. So far no acquisitions

have taken place since inception of the Group.

Amounts reported in the financial statements of subsidiaries have been adjusted where necessary to ensure consistency with the accounting policies adopted by the Group. All intra-group transactions, balances, income and expenses are eliminated upon consolidation.

Going concern

A description of the market conditions including the continued decline in spot prices of wafers during 2012 and the Group's actions to conserve cash are included in the Operational Review.

As part of its normal business practice, the Group regularly prepares both annual and longer-term plans which are based on the directors' expectations concerning key assumptions. The assumptions around contracted sales volumes and prices and contracted purchase volumes and prices are based on management's expectations and are consistent with the Group's experience in the first part of 2013.

The Group has three remaining long-term wafer supply contracts and accordingly these should give the ability to sell wafers at prices that are above current market spot prices during 2013 despite the difficult market environment. Wafer sales to customers without long-term contracts are assumed in the longer term plans at values close to spot prices.

On the other hand, the Group has long-term contracts with two external suppliers for purchase of polysilicon, our main raw material, for unexpired periods of between two and three years and for volumes in excess of current reduced production requirements. The Group's management has been successful in reaching accommodation with these suppliers to secure periodic contract amendments and adjust prices and volumes. As a result, these amendments have brought the terms more in line with current market pricing. To manage inventory levels the Group will sell excess polysilicon and has been successful in this respect during 2012 and the first quarter of 2013.

The nature of the Group's operation means that it can vary production levels to match market requirements. As part of the cash conservation measures and the associated planning assumptions, production output has been reduced to match expected demand. In line with the Group's strategy of retaining flexibility in production levels, production can be brought back on stream when market conditions allow.

Following the fall in employment costs in 2012 resulting from the reduction in contract labour in Germany and redundancies in the United Kingdom, further cost savings will be obtained in 2013 as a result of the announced Group restructuring. The Group expects to reduce other costs through negotiation with suppliers and by achieving greater efficiencies within the Group's operations.

As a result of these modelling assumptions the base plans indicate that the Group will be able to operate within its net cash reserves for the foreseeable future.

On 31 December 2012 there was a net cash balance of EUR89.4 million, comprising cash or cash equivalents of EUR94.7 million and short--term loans of EUR5.3 million. The borrowings are in Japanese Yen and security/comfort is given to the lender by the Japanese accounts receivable. The Group's plans are based upon remaining within its net cash balance and are not dependent upon these short-term borrowings.

Therefore, whilst any consideration of future matters involves making a judgement at a particular point in time about future events that are inherently uncertain, the Directors, after careful consideration and after making appropriate enquiries, are of the opinion that the Group has adequate resources to continue in operational existence for at least twelve months from the date of approval of the financial statements. Thus the Group continues to adopt the going concern basis of accounting in preparing the annual financial statements.

Effects of new accounting pronouncements

Accounting standards in effect or applied for the first time in 2012

-- Amendment to IFRS 7, Financial instruments: Transfers of financial assets (effective 1 July 2011)

The above has not made a material difference to the financial statements.

In issue, but not yet effective

The following interpretations are in issue, but not yet effective. The Group does not believe that any will have a material impact on the Group's financial positions, results of operations or cash flows.

-- Amendment to IAS 1, 'Financial statement presentation', regarding other comprehensive income (effective 1 July 2012)

   --      Amendment to IAS 12,'Income taxes' on deferred tax (effective 1 January 2013) 
   --      Amendment to IAS 19, 'Employee benefits' (effective 1 January 2013) 
   --      Amendment to IFRS 1, 'First time adoption', on government loans (effective 1 January 2013) 
   --      Amendment to IFRS 1 on hyperinflation and fixed dates (effective 1 January 2013) 

-- Amendment to IFRS 7, 'Financial instruments: Disclosures', on asset and liability offsetting (effective 1 January 2013)

   --      Annual improvements 2011 (effective 1 January 2013) 

-- IFRIC 20, 'Stripping costs in the production phase of a surface mine' (effective 1 January 2013)

   --      IFRS 13, 'Fair value measurement' (effective 1 January 2013) 
   --      IFRS 10, 'Consolidated financial statements' (effective 1 January 2014) 
   --      IFRS 11, 'Joint arrangements' (effective 1 January 2014) 
   --      IFRS 12, 'Disclosures of interests in other entities' (effective 1 January 2014) 

-- Amendment to IAS 32, 'Financial instruments: Presentation', on asset and liability offsetting (effective 1 January 2014)

   --      IAS 27 (revised 2011), 'Separate financial statements' (1 January 2014) 
   --      IAS 28 (revised 2011), 'Associates and joint ventures' (effective 1 January 2014) 
   --      IFRS 9, 'Financial instruments' (effective 1 January 2015) 

Intangible assets

Intangible assets are stated at cost net of accumulated amortisation. The Group's policy is to write off the difference between the cost of intangible assets systematically over their estimated useful life. Amortisation of intangible assets is recorded under 'Depreciation and impairment of property plant and equipment and amortisation of intangible assets' in the Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income.

Acquired computer software licences and patents are capitalised on the basis of the costs incurred to purchase and bring into use the software.

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