The Exclusive Survey Reveals a Country United by Similar Sexual Views CHICAGO, Jan. 10 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- The United States may be divided on social and cultural issues, but according to Playboy magazine's exclusive nationwide "Politics of Sex" poll by Frank Luntz, voters in both blue states and red states are surprisingly united when it comes to sexual matters, and there is less separation in the bedroom than originally thought (issue on newsstands and at Friday, January 11). "Today in America there may seem to be little or no consensus on matters of policy or politics. But according to the results of Playboy's 'Politics of Sex' survey, all you have to do is change the subject from what happens on Capitol Hill to what happens between the sheets, and the political chasm is bridged by unexpectedly similar sexual views," said Luntz in the magazine's February issue. "Social and cultural issues still divide us by gender, age and race, but on that most intimate of personal issues we are surprisingly united. Has the end of one revolution marked the beginning of another? Instead of 'Make love, not war,' today's slogan could be 'Let's stop arguing and go to bed.'" Following are selected results from Luntz' survey: -- More people under 40 have sex at least once a week than vote for president once every four years. -- 25 percent of all Republicans and 35 percent of all Democrats have had more than 10 sexual partners in their lifetime-a higher percentage than vote in congressional and local elections. -- 55 percent of Republicans have sex at least once a week, compared with just 43 percent of Democrats. -- 14 percent of Thompson supporters and 12 percent of Obama supporters claim to have sex "almost every day." 5 percent of Clinton and Giuliani supporters have sex that frequently. -- On average, Republicans say they were 18.4 years old when they first had sex. Independents were 17.6 and Democrats 17.5. -- 58 percent of respondents think Bill Clinton was the sexiest president of the past 40 years; Ronald Reagan is second, with 22 percent. 38 percent say Richard Nixon was the least sexy; Bill Clinton is second, with 18 percent. -- 23 percent of all Republicans and 24 percent of all Democrats would "definitely" or "probably" say yes to a one-night stand in the Oval Office with a president they found physically and sexually attractive. -- 51 percent of all Republicans and 67 percent of all Democrats have watched porn with their sexual partners. -- 55 percent of people who attend church every week consider themselves to be "sexually adventurous." -- Americans of both parties say they are more turned on by intelligence than by physical appearance. All findings were based on a nationally representative survey of 900 registered voters between the ages of 18 and 65, all of whom are very likely to vote in the 2008 Presidential election. DATASOURCE: Playboy CONTACT: Theresa Hennessey of Playboy, +1-312-373-2444, Web site:
