PARKWOOD HOLDINGS PLC                             

             INTERIM RESULTS FOR THE SIX MONTHS ENDED 30 JUNE 2002             

Parkwood Holdings plc, the support services group, announces interim results
for the 6 months ended 30th June 2002.


  * Turnover increased by 6% to �21.7 million (2001: �20.5 million).
  * Operating profit before goodwill and joint venture losses increased by 7%
    to �0.65 million (2001: �0.61 million).
  * 17% increase in profit before tax to �0.51 million (2001: �0.44 million).
  * Earnings per share before goodwill up 16% to 2.11p for the first half
    (2001: 1.82p).
  * Interim dividend per share increased by 13% to 0.9p per share (2001: 0.8p
    per share).
  * Order book of �147 million equivalent to more than 3 times current year
  * Major progress made in PFI, with the group signing its third PFI contract
    and establishing Leisureplan an important funding joint venture with
    Barclays European Infrastructure Limited.
Tony Hewitt, Executive Chairman, commented:

"Parkwood Holdings is in a better shape than before, and the Group is
experiencing another satisfactory year. We are in a position to expand again
and push sales above the �50 million threshold next year, while increasing our


Parkwood Holdings plc

Tony Hewitt, Executive         01772 627111              
Doug Eadie, Finance            07710 652572              

Notes for Editors:

Parkwood Holdings plc specialises in providing outsourced services to the
public sector across England and Wales under long term contracts. Its three
main areas of operation are as follows:

  * Glendale - The management of parks and open spaces for a predominately
    local authority client base. This operation is currently being expanded
    into related "green" businesses under the "Think Green - Think Glendale"
  * Parkwood Leisure - The management of a diverse range of leisure facilities,
    again predominately for local authority clients. This Division is also the
    beneficiary of most of the Group's contracts won under the PFI procurement
  * Parkwood Healthcare - The provision of non emergency patient transport to
    NHS Trusts under the "National Ambulance Service" banner, together with the
    provision of nurses on an agency basis to a similar client base
                             CHAIRMAN'S STATEMENT                              

The half year ended 30th June 2002 has provided results in line with
expectations. The most significant event in the period was the creation of
Leisureplan Limited, a joint venture established with Barclays European
Infrastructure Limited, which will bid for local authority leisure and cultural
projects. Parkwood is now consequently examining its organisational structure
for the future in the light of this exciting development.

Group Results

Group turnover increased by 6% to �21.7 million (2001: �20.5 million) and
produced operating profits before goodwill and joint venture losses of �0.65
million (2001: �0.61 million). With the added benefit of lower interest
charges, profits before tax increased by 17% to �0.51 million (2001: �0.44

The Board is pleased to declare an increased interim dividend of 0.9p (2001:
0.8p), payable on 18th October 2002 to all shareholders on the register on 13th
September 2002.

Board and Management

There were no changes in the composition of the Board in the period. I would,
however, like to announce that Edwin Lee who has been a non-executive director
of the Parkwood Group since 1992 will retire at the Annual General Meeting in
May 2003, in keeping with the Group's belief that the rotation of non-executive
directors after eight or ten years service is in its best long term interests.
Edwin has agreed to remain with Parkwood and will take up a new non-executive
position as Chairman of the Group's Healthcare business from 17th September
2002. We will be seeking a replacement Non Executive Director for the main
Board during the course of the next few months.

Glendale Managed Services

The various Glendale businesses which include the two main activities of
Glendale Grounds Management and Glendale Leisure achieved sales of �19.20
million (2001: �18.81 million) and generated a profit before tax of �0.91
million - a small increase on the same period in the previous year (2001 : �
0.87 million).

Glendale Grounds Management and Glendale Countryside

The Managing Director of Glendale Countryside left the business in the period
and these two "green" businesses have been managed together since the Spring
and achieved a combined turnover of �12.94 million (2001 : �12.60 million).
Operating profit before divisional overheads increased to �0.92 million (2001:
�0.83 million) largely as a result of a good performance in the larger Grounds
Management contracts at Liverpool, Birmingham, Islington and Lewisham. The
Defence Animal Centre, which began operations at the end of January 2002, made
a small contribution in the period, and the new Grounds Management contracts at
Maidstone and Eastleigh performed well.

In April we were awarded a contract to provide the floral displays for the
Commonwealth Games in Manchester and this has been a great success with the
bedding plants grown at short notice by Woodbeck Nursery, a municipal nursery
owned by Stockport Metropolitan Borough Council.

Glendale Leisure

The Leisure business remained stable through the period with a turnover of �
6.26 million (2001 : �6.20 million) and excellent operating profits of �0.78
million (2001 : �0.76 million). The new Mulberry School PFI (Private Finance
Initiative) project (see below) was added to its portfolio of facilities at the
end of the period, otherwise there were no new contract awards.

Marketing and Strategy

The Group's main Grounds Management and Leisure businesses have been managed
together and marketed under the Glendale brand since 1998. The opportunities
afforded by the funds available via Leisureplan should now allow the Leisure
business to grow rapidly from the levels of the last two - three years when
annual sales have remained in the region of �12-�13 million per annum. With the
PFI / PPP (Private Finance Initiative / Public Private Partnership)
opportunities in the local government leisure and cultural market estimated to
total �3 billion over the next 5 years, the Group's Leisure business is well
placed for the future.

It has, therefore, been decided to re-brand our Leisure business which will be
known as Parkwood Leisure from 2nd September 2002. The business will then
operate as a separate division, under the capable leadership of Paul Cluett,
its managing director. A new business development director post has been
created and filled by Ian Richards who joins the business from Esporta.

This separation now allows Glendale to become a distinctly "green" business and
we are pleased to announce that a "new" Glendale launched on the 2nd September
2002 will broaden the scope of its activities under a Think Green - Think
Glendale logo. Glendale will enter the golf management market, with the
creation of Glendale Golf; set up green waste recycling facilities with
Glendale Green Waste Recycling and will establish a horticultural trading
activity via Glendale Horticulture.

As a result of these new initiatives a new Managing Director has been recruited
for Glendale Golf, and Peter Woodward, previously with Ornamental Plants of
Southport, joined Glendale in August to develop the business of Glendale
Horticulture. Unfortunately Larry Jones, the Managing Director of Glendale
Grounds Management has recently announced his resignation and will be leaving
the Company on 2nd November 2002.

Parkwood Healthcare

Having produced a profit in the second half of 2001 Parkwood Healthcare has
again disappointingly produced losses. Turnover increased to �2.4 million (2001
: �1.66 million) largely as a result of the new patient transport contract with
St George's Hospital, Tooting, South London. Unfortunately, this contract has
not initially produced the profits expected and Parkwood Healthcare recorded a
loss of �74k (2001: �34k) in the period, despite the fact that the nursing
agency business, especially the Central London office in Bloomsbury, performed
well. Parkwood Healthcare is one of twenty-nine nursing agencies approved by
the London Agency Project.

Peter Marlow age 48 joined the company as its new Managing Director in May 2002
and brings considerable experience having worked previously both within the NHS
and for Westminster Healthcare. A new post of Director of Ambulance Services
has been created and recruitment for this position should be successfully
completed in the Autumn. This appointment is timely because in August 2002
Parkwood Healthcare signed its second major patient transport contract with the
Royal Free Hospital NHS Trust which will commence on 1st December 2002 for a
minimum period of five years at an annual value of �1.35 million.

Private Finance Initiative / Public Private Partnerships (PFI / PPP)

Our PFI / PPP team based at Stratford upon Avon and led by Mark Davies goes
from strength to strength. Parkwood's third successful PFI scheme, the Mulberry
School project reached financial close on 14th May 2002 and Glendale Managed
Services commenced service provision to the school on 1st June 2002. The
working relationship with the school and our consortium partners, the Miller
Group and HBOS is very good.

We remain as preferred bidder on the �25 million leisure project known as
Boxwood Leisure with the London Borough of Bexley with financial close still
expected later this year. A Leisureplan subsidiary, Saffron Leisure, will
submit its best and final offer (BAFO) to the London Borough of Croydon in
September for a �15 million investment in 3 centres at Purley, New Addington
and South Norwood.

In addition, four further bids, also under the Leisureplan arrangement are
being submitted to: Penwith Borough Council, for Penzance; Breckland Council
for Thetford and Dereham; Amber Valley Borough Council for Ripley, Heanor and
Alfreton, and the London Borough of Lewisham for a new leisure centre, library
and healthcare centre at Downham. The investments in projects that Leisureplan
is currently bidding for total around �100 million and if success were achieved
on all projects, would generate operating revenues totalling �12-�14 million
per annum for Parkwood.

Parkwood's PFI unit is also making progress in positioning the Group to take
advantage of major forthcoming Defence Projects including opportunities arising
under the Defence Training Review. We hope to be able to announce our inclusion
in consortium arrangements with major players in the defence sector shortly.

Funding and Cashflow

Net borrowings of �2.9 million at 30th June 2002 have reduced from �3.0 million
at 30th June 2001. This reduction has been achieved despite a further purchase
of �110k of the Company's own shares by the Parkwood Group Employee Benefit
Trust in the period. The Group showed a net cash outflow of �1.3 million but
this is in line with expectations, and results from the seasonal nature of the
Grounds Management business. We expect to see the normal substantial cash
inflow in the second half of the year.


Parkwood Holdings is in a better shape than before, and the Group is
experiencing another satisfactory year. We are in a position to expand again
and push sales above the �50 million threshold next year, while increasing our


Executive Chairman

2nd September 2002

Financial Highlights

                                Interim   Interim         %
                                   2002      2001    Change
Turnover                         �21.7m    �20.5m      + 6%
Operating Profit (before         �0.65m    �0.61m      + 7%
& joint venture losses )                                   
Profit before Tax                �0.51m    �0.44m     + 17%
Earnings per share (EPS)          1.81p     1.53p     + 18%
EPS (before goodwill)             2.11p     1.82p     + 16%
Dividends per share                0.9p      0.8p     + 13%
Order Book                        �147m     �132m     + 11%
Gearing                           71.8%     87.8%     - 16%

Financial Calendar

Interim Dividend Paid          October 2002              
Full Year Results              March 2003                
Annual General Meeting         May 2003                  

This statement is being sent to all shareholders and copies are available from 
                                 the Company's                                 

                              registered office:                               

 Parkwood House, Cuerden Park, Berkeley Drive, Bamber Bridge, Preston PR5 6BY  

Summary Group Profit and Loss Account

                         Notes     6 Months Ended        Year Ended
                                   30 June     30 June  31 December
                                      2002        2001         2001
                               (unaudited) (unaudited)    (audited)
                                      �000        �000         �000
Turnover                     2      21,736      20,467       40,872
Net operating profit         3         596         551        1,522
Share of operating loss               (13)           -          (9)
in joint ventures                                                  
Interest payable                      (69)       (113)        (172)
Profit on ordinary           2         514         438        1,341
activities before                                                  
Tax on profiton                                                    
ordinary activities          4       (175)       (148)        (454)
Profit on ordinary                     339         290          887
activities after                                                   
Dividends                    6       (158)       (142)        (377)
Retained profit                        181         148          510
Earnings per share -         5       1.81p       1.53p         4.7p
Earnings per share           5       2.11p       1.82p         5.3p
(before goodwill) -                                                
Earnings per share -                 1.78p       1.52p         4.7p
Dividends per share          6        0.9p        0.8p         2.0p

Summary Group Balance Sheet

                      Notes  At 30 June  At 30 June         At 31
                                   2002        2001 December 2001
                            (unaudited) (unaudited)     (audited)
                                           Restated      Restated
                                   �000        �000          �000
Fixed assets                                                     
Intangible assets                   564         679           620
Tangible assets                   4,184       3,691         3,760
Investments               7         426         132           316
                                  5,174       4,502         4,696
Investments in joint                                             
Share of gross assets             1,962           -           939
Share of gross                  (1,958)           -         (923)
                                      4           -            16
Current assets                                                   
Stocks                              479         453           419
Debtors                           8,242       8,004         6,074
Cash at bank and in                   -           -           386
                                  8,721       8,457         6,879
Creditors: amounts              (8,627)     (8,286)       (6,669)
falling due within                                               
one year                                                         
Net current assets                   94         171           210
Total assets less                 5,272       4,673         4,922
current liabilities                                              
Creditors: amounts              (1,182)     (1,116)       (1,013)
falling due after                                                
more than one year                                               
Provisions for                    (105)       (115)         (105)
liabilities and                                                  
                                  3,985       3,442         3,804
Capital and reserves                                             
Called up share          10         196         196           196
Capital redemption       10         401         401           401
Share premium account    10       2,227       2,227         2,227
Profit and loss          10       1,161         618           980
Equity Shareholders'              3,985       3,442         3,804

Summary Group Cash Flow

                      Notes      6 Months Ended         Year Ended
                            30 June 2002     30 June   31 December
                                                2001          2001
                             (unaudited) (unaudited)     (audited)
                                    �000        �000          �000
Net cash inflow from      8           70         730         3,693
operating activities                                              
Returns on                                                        
investments and                                                   
servicing of finance                                              
Net interest                        (25)        (54)          (62)
Interest element of                 (44)        (59)         (110)
finance lease                                                     
                                    (69)       (113)         (172)
UK corporation tax                     -           -             7
Capital expenditure                                               
financial investment                                              
Purchase of fixed                  (503)       (464)        (1037)
Purchase of fixed                      -           -         (170)
asset investment                                                  
Sale of fixed assets                  22          81           192
                                   (481)       (383)       (1,015)
Acquisitions and                                                  
Purchase of business                   -        (71)         (294)
Cash acquired with                     -          70            70
Purchase of shares in                  -           -            25
joint venture                                                     
Purchase/(sale) of                 (110)           -            18
own shares by                                                     
Employee Benefit                                                  
                                   (110)         (1)         (231)
Equity dividends paid              (225)       (149)         (299)
Net cash (outflow) /               (815)          84         1,983
inflow before                                                     
use of liquid                                                     
resources and                                                     
Capital element of                 (321)       (383)         (717)
finance lease rental                                              
Debt due within one                                               
Loan from director                     -       (143)         (143)
Purchase of own                        -       (360)         (360)
Bank loan (repaid)/                (180)         360           180
                                   (501)       (526)       (1,040)
(Decrease)/increase              (1,316)       (442)           943
in cash in the period                                             

Notes to the Interim Accounts

 1. Accounting Policies
The interim financial statements have been prepared on the basis of the
accounting policies set out in the Group's statutory accounts for the year
ended 31 December 2001, as amended by the adoption in this period of one new
financial reporting standard, FRS 19 Deferred Taxation, which the Group will
adopt in its full year accounts to 31 December 2002. The Group has elected not
to discount the deferred tax assets and liabilities.

The profit and loss account, balance sheet and reconciliation of movement in
consolidated shareholders' funds have been amended to reflect the adoption of
FRS 19. The prior period figures have been restated to reflect full provision
for deferred tax and timing differences. The interim financial statements have
been approved by the Board and have neither been reviewed nor audited.

The figures for the year to 31 December 2001 have been extracted, from the
statutory accounts for the year. These accounts received an unqualified audit
report and have been filed with the Registrar of Companies.

2. Turnover and profit on ordinary activities before taxation

                     6 Months Ended         Year Ended
                30 June 2002 30 June 2001  31 December
                 (unaudited)  (unaudited)             
                        �000        �`000             
Grounds               12,943       12,606       25,122
Leisure                6,260        6,204       12,046
Managed               19,203       18,810       37,168
Healthcare             2,400        1,657        3,704
Holding Company          133            -            -
                      21,736       20,467       40,872

All Group turnover originated in the United Kingdom. Figures for June 2001 and
December 2001 have been restated to reflect the inclusion of the Countryside
Business within the Grounds Management Business.

                        6 Months                 Year Ended
                    30 June 2002 30 June 2001   31 December
                     (unaudited)  (unaudited)              
                            �000         �000              
Profit Before Tax                                          
Grounds Management           919          827         2,121
Leisure                      778          763         1,301
                           1,697        1,590         3,422
Divisional                 (785)        (718)       (1,439)
Managed Services             912          872         1,983
Healthcare                  (74)         (34)             1
Central Costs              (255)        (346)         (525)
Share of Joint              (13)            -           (8)
Venture Losses                                             
Profit before                570          492         1,451
Goodwill                    (56)         (54)         (110)
                             514          438         1,341

3. Analysis of Operating Profit

                      30 June     30 June    Year Ended
                         2002        2001              
                  (unaudited) (unaudited)   31 December
                         �000        �000          �000
Operating profit          652         605         1,632
Goodwill                 (56)        (54)         (110)
Net operating             596         551         1,522

 4. Taxation
Corporation Tax for the current year is charged at 30% of profits before
goodwill and joint venture losses, which is the current expected rate for the
year ending 31 December 2002. The introduction of FRS 19 in the year ending 31
December 2002 is not expected to have a material impact on the Group's tax

 5. Earnings Per Share
Earnings per share have been calculated on earnings for the period divided by
the weighted average number of Ordinary shares in issue of 18,727,039 (2001:

 6. Dividends
The Board has declared an interim dividend of 0.9p per Ordinary share (2001:
0.8p). The dividend will be paid on 18 October 2002 to all shareholders
registered on 13th September 2002. The final dividend for 2001 was paid in May

 7. Investments
Investments in own shares at 30 June 2002 of �236k comprise the holding of
931,625 shares in Parkwood Holdings Plc by Parkwood Group Trustees Ltd, the
corporate trustee of the Parkwood Group Employee Benefit Trust. At 30 June
2002, the market value of these shares was 66p per share, or �615k.

The other investment relates to the Group's 20% stake in Realm Services (DAC)
Limited of �190k.

 8. Reconciliation of operating profit to net cash inflow from operating
                               6 Months Ended             Year Ended
                               30 June     30 June  31 December 2001
                                  2002        2001                  
                           (unaudited) (unaudited)         (audited)
                                  �000        �000              �000
Net operating profit               596         551             1,522
Depreciation of tangible           751         690             1,413
fixed assets                                                        
Profit on sale of tangible         (9)        (25)              (74)
fixed assets                                                        
Amortisation of intangible          56          54               110
Amounts written off                  -          11                 -
investments in own shares                                           
(Increase)/decrease in            (60)         (7)                27
(Increase)/decrease in         (2,168)     (1,720)               401
Increase in creditors              904       1,176               294
Net cash inflow from                70         730             3,693
operating activities                                                

 9. Analysis of net debt
                  At 1        Cashflow  Other non-cash   At 30 June
                  January                      changes         2002
                         �000     �000            �000         �000
Bank overdraft/           386  (1,316)               -        (930)
cash at bank                                                       
Bank loan               (180)      180               -            -
Finance leases        (1,568)      321           (684)      (1,931)
                      (1,362)    (815)           (684)      (2,861)

10. Share Capital and Reserves
                    Share       Capital        Share  Profit & Loss
                  Capital    Redemption      Premium        Account
                                Reserve      Account               
                     �000          �000         �000           �000
As at 1               196           401        2,227          1,085
January 2002                                                       
Prior year              -             -            -          (105)
As at 1               196           401        2,227            980
January 2002                                                       
Retained                -             -            -            181
At 30 June            196           401        2,227          1,161

Reconciliation of movement in consolidated shareholders' funds

                                6 Months Ended           Year Ended
                                30 June   30 June  31 December 2001
                                   2002      2001                  
                                   �000      �000              �000
Profit for the financial            339       290               877
period as previously reported                                      
Effect of implementation of           -         -                10
FRS19 on the tax charge for                                        
the period                                                         
Profit for the financial            339       290               887
period as restated                                                 
Dividends                         (158)     (142)             (377)
Redemption of shares                  -     (360)             (360)
Net increase/(reduction) in         181     (212)               150
shareholders' funds                                                
Opening shareholders' funds       3,804     3,769             3,769
as previously reported                                             
Effect of implementation of           -     (115)             (115)
Opening shareholders' funds       3,804     3,654             3,654
as restated                                                        
Closing shareholders' funds       3,985     3,442             3,804


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