RNS Number:4488B
Pokphand (C.P.) Co Ltd
20 September 2002

                            C.P. POKPHAND CO. LTD.
               (Incorporated in Bermuda with limited liability)


The board of directors (the "Directors") announces the unaudited consolidated
results of C.P. Pokphand Co. Ltd. and its subsidiaries (the "Group") for the six
months ended 30th June, 2002 as follows:

Condensed Consolidated Profit and Loss Account

                                                                                 Six months ended 30th June,    
                                                                                    2002               2001    
                                                                              (Unaudited)        (Unaudited)    
                                                          Notes                  US$'000            US$'000    

  Turnover                                                    2                  704,971            678,043    
  Cost of sales                                                                 (611,980)          (597,892) 
                                                                          --------------     --------------    
  Gross profit                                                                    92,991             80,151    

  Selling expenses                                                               (25,719)           (22,799) 
  General and administrative expenses                                            (45,490)           (54,075) 
  Other income, net                                           3                   49,040              7,999    
                                                                          --------------     --------------    
  Profit from operating activities                            4                   70,822             11,276    
  Finance costs                                                                  (20,891)           (34,819) 
  Share of profits less losses of jointly controlled                                        
   entities                                                                        8,351              5,694
  Share of profits less losses of associates                                       1,387                758    
                                                                          --------------     --------------    
  Profit/(Loss) before tax                                    2                   59,669            (17,091) 
  Tax                                                         5                   (6,500)            (4,569) 
                                                                          --------------     --------------    
  Profit/(Loss) after tax                                                         53,169            (21,660) 
  Minority interests' share of profits less losses                                (5,596)              (598) 
                                                                          --------------     --------------    
  Net profit/(loss) from ordinary activities                                            
   attributable to shareholders                                                   47,573            (22,258)
  Accumulated losses at beginning of period                                     (140,483)          (135,918) 
                                                                          --------------     --------------    
  Accumulated losses                                                             (92,910)          (158,176) 
  Transfer to statutory reserves                                                  (1,286)              (851) 
                                                                          --------------     --------------    
  Accumulated losses at end of period                                            (94,196)          (159,027) 
                                                                          ==============     ==============    
                                                                                US cents           US cents    
  Earnings/(Loss) per share:                                                                                         
   Basic                                                      6                    2.204             (1.031) 
   Diluted                                                                           N/A                N/A    
  Dividend per share:                                                                                                 
   Interim: Nil (2001: Nil)                                                            -                  -    


1.    Accounting policies
      The condensed consolidated interim financial statements are unaudited and 
      have been prepared in accordance with the Rules (the "Listing Rules") 
      Governing the Listing of Securities on The Stock Exchange of Hong
      Kong Limited (the "Stock Exchange") and International Accounting Standard 
      34 "Interim Financial Reporting".

      The accounting policies adopted are consistent with those followed in the 
      Group's annual financial statements for the year ended 31st December, 2001.

2.    Segmental information
      Turnover represents rental income, dividend income and the net invoiced 
      value of sales after allowances for goods returned and trade discounts, 
      and after the elimination of intra-group transactions.

      Analyses of turnover and profit/(loss) before tax by activity and 
      geographical location are as follows:

                                                                                 Six months ended 30th June,
                                                                                    2002               2001
                                                                              (Unaudited)        (Unaudited)
                                                                                 US$'000            US$'000
      By activity:
       Feedmill and poultry operations                                           704,889            676,366
       Investment properties                                                          82                152
       Investment holding                                                              -              1,525
                                                                          --------------     --------------
                                                                                 704,971            678,043
                                                                          ==============     ==============
      By geographical location:
       People's Republic of China ("PRC"):
        Hong Kong                                                                     82                179
        Elsewhere                                                                647,062            633,483
                                                                          --------------     --------------
                                                                                 647,144            633,662

       Turkey                                                                     57,827             42,883
       Thailand                                                                        -              1,498
                                                                          --------------     --------------
                                                                                 704,971            678,043
                                                                          ==============     ==============

      The above analysis does not include the turnover of the Group's jointly 
      controlled entities and associates.

      Profit/(Loss) before tax:
                                                                                 Six months ended 30th June,
                                                                                    2002               2001
                                                                              (Unaudited)        (Unaudited)
                                                                                 US$'000            US$'000
      By activity:
       Feedmill and poultry operations                                            67,057            (13,030)
       Industrial operations                                                       3,676              3,794
       Investment properties                                                        (370)              (324)
       Investment holding*                                                       (10,694)            (7,531)
                                                                          --------------     --------------
                                                                                  59,669            (17,091)
                                                                          ==============     ==============
      By geographical location:
        Hong Kong                                                                (11,064)            (7,855)
        Elsewhere                                                                 59,081             (6,179)
                                                                          --------------     --------------
                                                                                  48,017            (14,034)
       Turkey                                                                      7,279             (7,522)
       Indonesia                                                                   3,829                  -
       Thailand                                                                      544              4,465
                                                                          --------------     --------------
                                                                                  59,669            (17,091)
                                                                          ==============     ==============

*     including Hong Kong headquarters' general expenses

3.    Other income, net
                                                                                 Six months ended 30th June,
                                                                                    2002               2001
                                                                              (Unaudited)        (Unaudited)
                                                                                 US$'000            US$'000             
  The Company and subsidiaries:
       Amortisation of deferred restructuring expenses                              (931)              (931)
       Gain on disposals of interests in an associate                             43,961                  -
       Gain on disposals of short term investment                                    544              3,037
       Unrealised gain of short term investment                                    3,829                  -
       Interest income                                                             1,637              5,893
                                                                          --------------     --------------             
                                                                                  49,040              7,999
                                                                          ==============     ==============

4.    Profit from operating activities

                                                                                 Six months ended 30th June,
                                                                                    2002               2001 
                                                                              (Unaudited)        (Unaudited)
                                                                                 US$'000            US$'000
      The Group's profit from operating activities is arrived at 
       after charging/(crediting):
      Dividend income from short term investment                                       -             (1,498)
      Foreign exchange loss, net                                                   1,008             12,386
      Depreciation                                                                24,459             25,015
      Loss on disposal of fixed assets, net                                          153                 42
      Amortisation of deferred borrowing expenses                                      -                166

5.    Tax
                                                                                 Six months ended 30th June,
                                                                                    2002               2001 
                                                                              (Unaudited)        (Unaudited)
                                                                                 US$'000            US$'000
      The Company and subsidiaries:
       Provision for taxation in respect of profit for the period:
         Hong Kong                                                                     -                  - 
         Elsewhere                                                                 4,239              2,882
        Overseas                                                                       -                  -
                                                                          --------------     --------------
                                                                                   4,239              2,882
                                                                          --------------     --------------
      Jointly controlled entities:
        Hong Kong                                                                      -                  -
        Elsewhere                                                                  2,129              1,379
                                                                          --------------     --------------
                                                                                   2,129              1,379
                                                                          --------------     --------------
        Hong Kong                                                                      -                  - 
        Elsewhere                                                                    132                132
                                                                          --------------     --------------
                                                                                     132                308
                                                                          --------------     --------------
      Tax charged for the period                                                   6,500              4,569
                                                                          ==============     ==============

      No provision for Hong Kong taxation has been made as the Group earned no 
      assessable income in Hong Kong during the period (2001: nil).

      No overseas tax has been made as there was no corporation tax required to 
      be provided in Turkey in respect of income earned in the country during 
      the period.

6.    Earnings/Loss per share are calculated based on the net profit from 
      ordinary activities attributable to shareholders of US$47,573,000 (six 
      months ended 30th June, 2001: net loss of US$22,258,000) and the
      weighted average of 2,158,480,786 shares (six months ended 30th June, 
      2001: ,158,480,786 shares) of the Company in issue during the period.

      As the exercise price of options outstanding during the period is higher 
      than the average market price of the Company's shares during the 
      respective periods, the diluted earnings/loss per share for the periods
      ended 30th June, 2002 and 2001 are not presented because the impact of the 
      options is anti-dilutive.

The breakdown of net profit/(loss) attributable to shareholders by activity is 
as follows:

                                                                                 Six months ended 30th June,
                                                                                    2002               2001
                                                                              (Unaudited)        (Unaudited)
                                                                                 US$'000            US$'000
      Agri-business operations
       PRC                                                                        46,642            (13,499)
       Turkey                                                                      6,096             (7,033)
       Indonesia                                                                   3,829                  -
       Thailand                                                                      544              4,465
                                                                          --------------     --------------

      Industrial operations                                                       57,111            (16,067)
      Investment properties/investment holding*                                    1,526              1,664
                                                                                 (11,064)            (7,855)
                                                                          --------------     --------------
      Total                                                                       47,573            (22,258)
                                                                          ==============     ==============

*     including Hong Kong headquarters' general expenses

The Directors do not recommend an interim dividend for the year ending 31st 
December, 2002 (2001: nil).

For the six months ended 30th June, 2002, our business operations recorded
improvement in its operating results. Consolidated turnover was US$705.0 million
(2001: US$678.0 million). Consolidated profit from operating activities was
US$70.8 million (2001: US$11.3 million). Net profit from ordinary activities
attributable to shareholders was US$47.6 million (2001: net loss of US$22.3

Our agri-business operations in the PRC made positive progress during the period
under review. Turnover under management was US$1,082.0 million (2001: US$1,201.3
million). Turnover on a consolidated basis was US$647.1 million (2001 : US$633.5
million), a slight increase by 2.1%, which was attributable to the better
performance of our subsidiaries. Consolidated profit attributable to
shareholders of this division during the period was US$46.6 million (2001: loss
of US$13.5 million). Unit sales of our two main products, complete feed and day-
old chicks, were 2.4 million tonnes (2001: 2.6 million tonnes) and 189.4 million
units (2001: 200.6 million units) respectively.

As compared with the same period last year, the price of raw materials such as
corn and soybean meal was reduced due to good harvest and favourable importing
factors. This has resulted in a better gross profit margin for our products in
the first half of 2002.

In order to cope with the domestic and export market needs, the Group has
extended its focus on poultry products from concentrating on frozen and chilled
products to further processed meat and cooked products. Moreover, it has
established a new plan to change the chicken raising pattern towards large
scale, standardised and fully automated chicken houses such that effective
control on raising of chicken and use of medicine can be achieved. Thus,
production efficiency can be increased and production cost will be reduced.

During the period under review, the Group disposed of 100,935,116 shares in
Shanghai Dajiang (Group) Stock Co., Ltd. ("Shanghai Dajiang") at an average
price of US$0.576 per share and recorded a gain of US$44.0 million. As at 30th
June, 2002, the Group's interest in Shanghai Dajiang was 21.5%.

Industrial business
In the first six months of 2002, the motorcycle business of Ek Chor China
Motorcycle Co. Ltd., our 68.2%-owned New York-listed subsidiary, continued to
face difficult business conditions due to intense price competition. Although
our motorcycle manufacturing venture still reported a loss for the period, its
sales volume was able to grow, which could form the foundation for a turnaround
by year end. Taking into consideration the competitive market environment, the
operating results of our parts manufacturing ventures were satisfactory. Net
income was RMB18.5 million (US$2.2 million) as compared with RMB20.2 million
(US$2.4 million) in 2001.

The performance of our Turkish operation has significantly improved and
achieved a profit of US$6.1 million (2001: loss of US$7.0 million). During the
period, our Turkish operation registered an increase in sales of poultry meat
both in terms of volume and unit price. Moreover, it has benefited from the
relatively stable value of Turkish Lira this year when compared with the
exchange loss from free float of Turkish Lira last year.

During the period, all the warrants of Charoen Pokphand Foods Public
Company Limited held by the Group were disposed and there was a gain of US$0.5
million on disposal.

As at 30th June, 2002, the Group had total assets of US1,072.3 million, down 
0.9% from US$1,081.5 million at the year end of 2001. Total debt and debt to 
equity ratio (debt to equity ratio is calculated by dividing the total debt by 
the net asset value) were US$684.9 million and 343% respectively, as compared 
with US$752.4 million and 508% as at 31st December, 2001.

Most of the borrowings are in U.S. dollars and RMB, and the interest rates
ranged from 2.12% to 7.92% per annum for the period.

The Group had not engaged in any derivative for hedging against both the
interest and exchange rate.

The Group finances its working capital requirements through a
combination of funds generated from operations, short term and long term bank
loans, floating rate notes and from the disposal of certain assets and
investments. The Group had cash and cash equivalents of US$86.9 million as at
30th June, 2002 (31st December, 2001: US$88.6 million), a decrease of US$1.7

As at 30th June, 2002, out of the total borrowings of US$684.9 million (31st 
December, 2001: US$752.4 million) obtained by the Group, only US$112.0 million 
(31st December, 2001: US$120.3 million) were secured and accounted for 16.4% 
(31st December, 2001: 16.0%) of the total. Certain of the Group's fixed assets 
located in the PRC with net book value of US$170.6 million
(31st December, 2001: US$132.6 million) and fixed deposits of US$1.5 million
(31st December, 2001: US$3.2 million) have been pledged as security for various
short and long term bank loans.

As at 30th June, 2002, the guarantees provided by the Group was US$27.4 million 
(31st December, 2001: US$33.2 million).

As at 30th June, 2002, the Group employed around 60,000 staff (including 30,000 
staff from the jointly controlled entities and associates) in the PRC, Hong Kong 
and Turkey. The Group remunerates its employees based on their performance, 
experience and prevailing market rate while performance bonuses are granted on a 
discretionary basis. Other employee benefits include insurance and medical 
cover, subsidized educational and training programme as well as share option 

The closing date of the Group restructuring was 28th March, 2002.
The Company has made a distribution of US$50.8 million during the period under
review, amounting to an aggregate distribution of US$267.6 million.

Faced with keen competition and stringent international trading
regulations, we are confident that by improving our efficiency and focusing on
product development, we are able to cope with the challenges ahead. The
Directors remain optimistic about the prospect of our Group.

There was no purchase, sale or redemption of the Company's listed securities by 
the Company or any of its subsidiaries during the period under review.

In the opinion of the Directors, the Company complied with the Code of Best 
Practice as set out in Appendix 14 of the Listing Rules throughout the 
accounting period covered by the interim report.

The Audit Committee comprises the two independent non-executive
directors of the Company. The Audit Committee has reviewed with management the
accounting principles and practices adopted by the Group and discussed internal
control and financial reporting matters including the review of the unaudited
interim financial statements.

All the information required by paragraphs 46(1) to 46(6) of Appendix 16 of the 
Listing Rules will be published on the website of the Stock Exchange.

                                                        By Order of the Board
                                                           Sumet Jiaravanon

Hong Kong, 19th September, 2002

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



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