Octopus VCT 2 plc is a venture capital trust which, whilst it will have the 
ability to invest in a variety of sectors and technologies, the focus will be to 
build a portfolio of investments in the renewable energy sector, with a 
particular focus on solar energy where the Octopus team is confident that 
investments can be structured with a higher level of capital preservation. 
Financial Summary 
                                                               As at 
                                                    31 December 2011 
 Net assets ( GBP'000s) 
 Return on ordinary activities after tax ( GBP'000s)              (192) 
 Net asset value (NAV) per share                               93.5p 
Key Dates 
Annual General Meeting                                        Wednesday, 27 June 
2012 (3.00 p.m. 20 Old Bailey, London EC4M 7AN) 
Half Yearly Results to 30 June 2012                      Announced August 
Chairman's Statement 
I am pleased to present the first Annual Report of Octopus VCT 2 plc (the 
Company) for the period ended 31 December 2011. 
I am also delighted to report that Martijn Kleibergen has agreed to join the 
Board, effective from 11 November 2011. Martijn has extensive experience in 
providing debt finance to unquoted companies and joined Octopus Investments six 
months ago as their Portfolio Director responsible for overseeing the 
performance of this type of investments. At the same time, Chris Hulatt has 
decided to step down as Director to focus more on his principal job of CFO at 
Octopus Investments. I should like to take this opportunity to thank Chris for 
his dedication and advice to this Board since its inception. 
During the period the Net Asset Value (NAV) of the Company has declined from 
94.5 pence per share at inception to 93.5 pence per share, a negative return of 
1.1%. This decline is due to the initial start up costs of the Company, together 
with the standard running costs that outweigh any income or capital gains, as is 
expected at this stage of the Company's life. 
Going forward, the running costs should be covered by the income generated from 
investments. Over the longer term, as the underlying portfolio of investments is 
created, the Company's NAV will be linked increasingly to the value of the 
investments in the portfolio companies. 
Investment Portfolio 
The Company made several investments in the period to 31 December 2011, 
predominately into the Solar renewable energy sector. These investments are 
discussed in more detail in the Investment Manager's Review on pages X to X. At 
the period end, these investments remained held at cost as they were made within 
twelve months of the period, and therefore cost is considered to be a reasonable 
approximation to fair value at the balance sheet date. 
Since the period end, we have added to the portfolio, investing in Borro 
Limited, a secured asset loan provider. The Investment Manager is seeing a good 
level of quality investment propositions and these will allow the portfolio to 
continue to grow. 
The Company's portfolio consists entirely of unquoted investments. The current 
surplus cash of the Company is invested in a range of fixed term deposits and 
bank current accounts to fit with the Board's policy of preserving the capital 
of the Company before its deployment into Qualifying Investments. 
Investment Policy 
The Company will invest in a portfolio of predominately unquoted companies in a 
variety of sectors and technologies where the Octopus team is confident that 
investments can be structured with a higher level of capital security with the 
objective of building a portfolio of investments that focus on capital 
Whilst the Company will have the ability to invest in a variety of sectors and 
technologies, the focus will be to build a portfolio of investments in the 
renewable energy sector, with a particular focus on solar energy. 
VCT Qualifying Status 
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP provides the Board and Investment Manager with advice 
concerning ongoing compliance with HMRC rules and regulations concerning VCTs. 
The Board has been advised that the Company is compliant with the conditions 
laid down by HMRC for maintaining provisional approval as a VCT. 
A key requirement is to achieve a 70% qualifying investment level prior to 31 
December 2013.  As at 31 December 2011, 52.8% of the portfolio, as measured by 
HMRC rules, was invested in VCT qualifying investments. In view of the current 
investment activity, the Board continues to be confident that the 70% target 
will be met by the required date. 
Annual General Meeting 
I look forward to meeting as many shareholders as possible at our first Annual 
General Meeting on Wednesday, 27 June 2012 to be held at the offices of Octopus 
Investments Limited, 20 Old Bailey, London, EC4M 7AN. The AGM will start at 
3.00 p.m. 
It has been well documented in the media that the Government's commitment to 
feed-in-tariffs is being further reduced. However, before the Government's 
changes came into effect, the company had already made significant investment in 
the solar renewable energy sector and therefore your Board and investment 
manager remain confident that the Company will achieve its investment 
There remains uncertainty in the UK about the sustainability of the 
economic recovery, and the outlook for the public finances and inflation, while 
the euro-zone and European markets also face some fundamental challenges. These 
factors provide an uncertain environment for many businesses. The Board and 
Investment Manager will conduct the investment activities with these factors in 
Ian Pearson 
29 March 2012 
Investment Manager's Review 
Personal Service 
At Octopus we have a dual focus, on managing your investments and keeping you 
informed throughout the investment process.  We are committed to providing our 
investors with regular and open communication. Our updates are designed to keep 
you informed about the progress of your investment. During this time of economic 
upheaval, we consider it particularly important to be in contact with our 
investors. We are working hard to manage your money in the current climate. 
Octopus was established in 2000 and has a strong commitment to both smaller 
companies and to VCTs.  We currently manage 19 VCTs, including this VCT, and 
currently have over  GBP2.7 billion of funds under management.  Octopus has over 
200 employees and has been voted 'Best VCT Provider of the Year' by the 
financial adviser community every year since 2006. 
Portfolio Performance 
As at 31 December 2011 the NAV stood at 93.5 pence per share, compared to 94.5 
pence per share at inception. This decrease is expected at the company's infancy 
stage, as fixed running costs of the VCT exceed its income stream. As the 
portfolio matures, investment income is expected to rise; in addition we expect 
to attain capital appreciation which will further help to increase the NAV. 
The majority of investments are either loan based on which a steady flow of 
interest is received into the Fund or are invested in equity where there is no 
prior ranking investment, for example in the case of our solar companies. 
Portfolio Review 
In-line with the Company's mandate, large investments have been made in 
renewable energy companies that construct and operate solar sites that benefit 
from the Government's feed-in-tariffs. Whilst the Government has reviewed its 
feed-in-tariff rates and policy, the Company's portfolio of investments will 
still have exposure to the higher rates that were originally on offer, due to 
the dates at which these investments were completed. 
In addition to loan and equity investments in the solar companies, the Company 
has also invested  GBP578,000 into Acquire Your Business Limited, a Company that 
acquires existing Independent Financial Advisers' client bases. Since the period 
end, the VCT has also invested  GBP1million in Borro Limited, an online asset 
secured loan provider. 
There has been no change in the valuation of these investments made as they have 
all been made within the last twelve months and there are no reasons that 
indicate there should be any changes to their fair value at the balance sheet 
We remain cautious about the year ahead and continue to be on the lookout for 
potential difficulties in the portfolio to enable ourselves to be prepared and 
plan appropriately. However, the majority of the investments made to date are 
largely unaffected by the macroeconomic climate and we remain cautiously 
optimistic that your Company's NAV will be able to make progress. 
If you have any questions on any aspect of your investment, please call one of 
the team on 0800 316 2349. 
Stuart Nicol 
Octopus Investments Limited 
29 March 2012 
Investment Portfolio 
Valuation Methodology 
Initial measurement 
Financial assets are measured at fair value. The initial best estimate of fair 
value of a financial asset that is either quoted or not quoted in an active 
market is the transaction price (i.e. cost). 
Subsequent measurement 
Further funding rounds are a good indicator of fair value and this measure is 
used where appropriate.  Subsequent adjustment to the fair value of unquoted 
investments can be made using sector multiples based on information as at 
relevant reporting dates, where applicable. In some cases the multiples can be 
compared to equivalent companies, especially where a particular sector multiple 
does not appear appropriate. It is currently industry norm to discount the 
quoted earnings multiple to reflect the lack of liquidity in the investment, 
there being no ready market for our holding. Typically the discount is 30% but 
this can be increased where the relevant multiple appears too high. A lower 
discount would also be possible if an investment was close to an exit event. 
In accordance with the International Private Equity and Venture Capital (IPEVC) 
valuation guidelines investments made within 12 months are usually kept at cost 
unless performance indicates that fair value has changed. 
If you would like to find out more regarding the IPEVC valuation guidelines, 
please visit their website at: www.privateequityvaluation.com. 
Review of Investments 
During the period, the Company made twenty investments amounting to  GBP11.6 
million, predominately in the solar renewable energy sector.  In the case of 
unquoted equity investments, these are investments in ordinary shares with full 
voting rights. 
Unquoted investments are valued in accordance with the accounting policy set out 
on page X, which takes account of current industry guidelines for the valuation 
of venture capital portfolios and is compliant with IPEVC valuation guidelines 
and current financial reporting standards. 
Top Ten Holdings 
Helaku Power Limited 
Helaku Power Limited constructed and operates a solar renewable energy site at a 
carefully selected location in Trevemper, Cornwall. 
Initial investment date:                                                 March 
Voting rights held by Fund: 
Equity held by all funds managed by Octopus:              100.0% 
Last submitted unaudited accounts: 
                                31 December 2011 
Turnover                                         GBP169,000 
Loss before tax:                                             GBP48,000 
Net assets: 
Shakti Power Limited 
Shakti Power Limited constructed and operates a solar renewable energy site at a 
carefully selected location in Dunsfold, Surrey. 
Initial investment date:                                                 July 
Voting rights held by Fund: 
Equity held by all funds managed by Octopus:              100.0% 
Last submitted unaudited group accounts:                    31 December 2011 
Turnover                                         GBP91,000 
Loss before tax:                                             GBP156,000 
Net assets: 
Howbery Limited 
Howbery Limited constructed and operates a solar renewable energy site at a 
carefully selected location in Wallingford, Oxfordshire. 
Initial investment date:                                                 April 
Voting rights held by Fund: 
Equity held by all funds managed by Octopus:              100.0% 
Last submitted unaudited group accounts:                    31 December 2011 
Turnover                                         GBP132,000 
Profit before tax:                                            GBP15,000 
Net assets: 
Acquire Your Business Limited 
Acquire Your Business Limited is a company that acquires existing Independent 
Financial Advisers' client bases. 
Initial investment date: 
December 2011 
Voting rights held by Fund: 
Equity held by all funds managed by Octopus:              100.0% 
Last submitted unaudited group accounts:                    31 March 2011 
Turnover                                         GBP3,000 
Loss before tax:                                             GBP19,000 
Net assets: 
Aashman Power Limited 
Aashman Power Limited constructed and operates a solar renewable energy site at 
a carefully selected location in Wilburton, Cambridgeshire. 
Initial investment date:                                                 March 
Voting rights held by Fund: 
Equity held by all funds managed by Octopus:              100.0% 
Last submitted unaudited group accounts:                    31 December 2011 
Turnover                                         GBP711,000 
Loss before tax:                                             GBP559,000 
Net assets: 
Cyrah Power Limited 
Cyrah Power Limited is currently seeking a suitable location to construct and 
operate a solar renewable energy site. 
Initial investment date:                                                 April 
Voting rights held by Fund: 
Equity held by all funds managed by Octopus:              100.0% 
Last submitted unaudited group accounts:                    31 December 2011 
Turnover                                         GBP - 
Profit before tax:                                            GBP5,000 
Net assets: 
Donoma Power Limited 
Donoma Power Limited constructed and operates a solar renewable energy site at a 
carefully selected location in Howton, Nottinghamshire. 
Initial investment date:                                                 April 
Voting rights held by Fund: 
Equity held by all funds managed by Octopus:              100.0% 
Last submitted unaudited group accounts:                    31 December 2011 
Turnover                                         GBP513,000 
Loss before tax:                                             GBP615,000 
Net assets: 
Evaki Power Limited 
Evaki Power Limited is currently seeking a suitable location to construct and 
operate a solar renewable energy site. 
Initial investment date:                                                 April 
Voting rights held by Fund: 
Equity held by all funds managed by Octopus:              100.0% 
Last submitted unaudited group accounts:                    31 December 2011 
Turnover                                         GBP - 
Profit before tax:                                            GBP6,000 
Net assets: 
Gnowee Power Limited 
Helaku Power Limited constructed and operates a solar renewable energy site at a 
carefully selected location in Spalding, Lincolnshire. 
Initial investment date:                                                 April 
Voting rights held by Fund: 
Equity held by all funds managed by Octopus:              100.0% 
Last submitted unaudited group accounts:                    31 December 2011 
Turnover                                         GBP136,000 
Loss before tax:                                             GBP44,000 
Net assets: 
Grian Power Limited 
Grian Power Limited is currently seeking a suitable location to construct and 
operate a solar renewable energy site. 
Initial investment date:                                                 March 
Voting rights held by Fund: 
Equity held by all funds managed by Octopus:              100.0% 
Last submitted unaudited group accounts:                    31 December 2011 
Turnover                                         GBP - 
Profit before tax:                                            GBP17,000 
Net assets: 
Shareholder Information and Contact Details 
The Company was incorporated on 6 January 2011 with the first allotment of 
equity taking place on 16 March 2011. The Offer for new subscriptions for shares 
was open until 31 December 2011 by which time the Offer had raised a total 
amount of  GBP19.3 million ( GBP18.2 million net of upfront costs). The Company 
invests primarily in unquoted UK smaller companies and aims to deliver a high 
level of capital security. 
Venture Capital Trusts 
VCTs were introduced in the Finance Act 1995 to provide a means for private 
individuals to invest in unquoted companies in the UK.  Subsequent Finance Acts 
have introduced changes to VCT legislation. The tax benefits currently available 
to eligible new investors in VCTs include: 
  * up to 30% up-front income tax relief; 
 ·                     exemption from income tax on dividends paid; and 
 ·                     exemption from capital gains tax on disposals of shares in 
The Company has been provisionally approved as a VCT by HMRC.  In order to 
achieve approval the Company must comply with certain requirements on a 
continuing basis: 
  * at least 70% of the Company's investments must comprise 'qualifying 
    holdings'* (as defined in the legislation) by 31 October 2013; 
  * at least 30% of the 70% of qualifying holdings must be invested into 
    Ordinary shares with no preferential rights (from April 2011 this changed to 
    70% for new investments); 
  * no single investment made can exceed 15% of the total company value; and 
  * a minimum of 10% of each Qualifying Investment must be in Ordinary shares 
    with no preferential rights. 
*A 'qualifying holding' consists of up to  GBP1 million invested in any one year in 
new shares or securities in an unquoted UK company (or companies listed on AIM) 
which is carrying on a qualifying trade and whose gross assets do not exceed a 
prescribed limit at the time of investment.  The definition of a 'qualifying 
trade' excludes certain activities such as property investment and development, 
financial services and asset leasing. 
Share Price 
The Company's share price can be found on various financial websites including 
www.londonstockexchange.com, with the following TIDM/EPIC code: 
                                      Ordinary shares 
 TIDM/EPIC code                       OV2 
 Latest share price (28 March 2012)   100p per share 
Buying and Selling Shares 
The Company's Ordinary shares can be bought and sold in the same way as any 
other company quoted on the London Stock Exchange via a stockbroker. There may 
be tax implications in respect of selling all or part of your holdings, so 
shareholders should contact their independent financial adviser if they have any 
The Company operates a policy of buying its own shares for cancellation as they 
become available, and envisages that purchases will be made at a 10% discount to 
the prevailing net asset value. The Company is, however, unable to buy back 
shares directly from shareholders. If you are considering selling your shares or 
trading in the secondary market, please contact the Company's corporate broker, 
Matrix Corporate Capital ('Matrix'). 
Matrix is able to provide details of close periods (when the Company is 
prohibited from buying in shares) and details of the price at which the Company 
has bought in shares. Matrix can be contacted as follows: 
Chris Lloyd       0203 206 7176               chris.lloyd@matrixgroup.co.uk 
Paul Nolan        0203 206 7177               paul.nolan@matrixgroup.co.uk 
Notification of Change of Address 
Communications with shareholders are mailed to the registered address held on 
the share register. In the event of a change of address or other amendment this 
should be notified to the Company's registrar, Capita Registrars, as well as 
Octopus under the signature of the registered holder. Their contact details are 
provided on page X. 
Other Information for Shareholders 
Previously published documents are available for viewing on the Investment 
Manager's website at www.octopusinvestments.com.  All other statutory 
information will also be found there. 
Warning to Shareholders 
Many companies are aware that their shareholders have received unsolicited phone 
calls or correspondence concerning investment matters. These are typically from 
overseas based 'brokers' who target UK shareholders offering to sell them what 
often turn out to be worthless or high risk shares in US or UK investments. They 
can be very persistent and extremely persuasive. Shareholders are therefore 
advised to be very wary of any unsolicited advice, offer to buy shares at a 
discount, or offer for free company reports. 
Please note that it is very unlikely that either the Company or Octopus would 
make unsolicited telephone calls to shareholders and that any such calls would 
relate only to official documentation already circulated to shareholders and 
never in respect of investment advice. 
If you are in any doubt about the authenticity of an unsolicited phone call, 
please call Octopus at the number provided at the back of this report. 
Details of Directors 
Ian Pearson (Non-Executive Chairman - Age 53) 
Ian  is currently  engaged in  strategy and  business development as Senior Vice 
President   to  Global  Crossing  UK.  He  is  also  senior  adviser  to  Avanti 
Communications, Maven Capital Partners and MCD Developments. Until standing down 
before  the general election  in 2010, Ian had  over nine years  experience at a 
senior  level in government,  including important roles  as Minister for Climate 
Change  and  the  Environment,  Minister  for  Trade,  Minister  for Science and 
Innovation,  and  a  Minister  in  Northern  Ireland. More recently, as Economic 
Secretary  to the  Treasury until  May 2010, Ian  was at  the heart  of the UK's 
response   to  the  global  financial  crisis.  Amongst  other  things,  he  was 
responsible for growth, enterprise and productivity issues, the EU Budget, where 
he  led negotiations for  the UK, Public/Private  Partnerships including Private 
Finance Initiative, and Infrastructure UK. Prior to his governmental career, Ian 
was joint chief executive of WMEB Group, providing venture and growth capital to 
SMEs and consultancy to a range of public and private clients. 
Richard Hodgson (Non-Executive Director - Age 43) 
Richard  is currently  finance director  at Green  Compliance plc, an AIM traded 
company.  Prior to  this, Richard  held positions  as chief financial officer at 
Reconomy,  a private equity backed waste  management company that provided waste 
management  and recycling services across the UK, as chief financial officer for 
Triplearc  plc, an AIM  traded print management  company and as European finance 
director  for  Iron  Mountain  Europe,  an  information  and  records management 
company.  Richard also spent  several years in  the music industry  working as a 
finance   director   for   Universal   Music   International  and  Warner  Music 
International  and prior  to that  Richard qualified  as a  chartered accountant 
whilst working for the financial services group of Deloittes in London. 
Martijn Kleibergen (Non-Executive Director - Age 39) Appointed 11 November 2011 
Martijn was appointed a director on 11 November 2011.  He joined Investment 
Manager, Octopus in 2011.  Prior to that Martijn spent 12 years at Fortis Bank 
N.V. (renamed ABN AMRO Bank N.V. in 2010) both in the Netherlands and in the UK. 
 He held various positions over this period, most recently as Country Manager 
for its UK operations.  Other positions Martijn held within Fortis Bank 
included: Executive Director in its UK Corporate Banking & Project Finance team 
and Director in its Credit Restructuring / Portfolio Management Unit.  Mr 
Kleibergen holds a Master of Science Degree in Business Economics from Erasmus 
University Rotterdam where he specialised in Financial Economics. 
Chris Hulatt (Non-Executive Director - Age 35) Resigned 11 November 2011 
Chris  Hulatt  is  chief  financial  officer  and  co-founder of Octopus. He has 
particular  responsibility  for  finance,  compliance  and  risk  management. He 
oversaw  the transfer  of three  VCTs from  Close Brothers  to Octopus in August 
2008 and  is responsible for analysing acquisition opportunities. He sits on the 
investment  committees of a  number of funds  managed by Octopus  and has been a 
director  of four other VCTs  managed by Octopus. Chris  has a first class MA in 
Pharmacology  from  the  University  of  Cambridge  and is a Chartered Financial 
Directors' Report 
The Directors present their report and the audited financial statements for the 
period ended 31 December 2011. 
Principal Activity and Status 
The principal activity of the Company is to invest in a diversified portfolio of 
UK smaller companies with the focus on the renewable energy sector.  The Company 
has been granted provisional approval as a VCT by HMRC. 
The Directors have managed the affairs of the Company with the intention of 
achieving its status as a Venture Capital Trust. 
In order to gain approved status, the Company must comply on a continuing basis 
with the provisions of s280A of the Income Tax Act 2007; in particular, the 
Company is required to hold at least 70% of its investments (as defined in the 
legislation) in VCT 'qualifying holdings', of which at least 30% must comprise 
eligible ordinary shares by the end of the third accounting period (i.e. 31 
December 2013). 
The Directors are required by the Articles of Association to propose an Ordinary 
Resolution at the Company's Annual General Meeting in 2016 that the Company 
should continue as a VCT for a further five year period and at each fifth 
subsequent Annual General Meeting thereafter.  If any such Resolution is not 
passed, the Directors shall within nine months convene a general meeting to 
consider the proposals for the reorganisation or winding-up of the Company. 
Review of Business Activities 
The Directors are required by section 417 of the Companies Act 2006, to include 
a business review in their report to shareholders.  The Business Review is set 
out in the Chairman's Statement on pages X and X, and the Investment Manager's 
Review on pages X and X and is included in this Directors' Report by reference. 
The purpose of the review is to provide shareholders with a snapshot summary 
setting out the business objectives of the Company, the Board's strategy to 
achieve those objectives, the risks faced, the regulatory environment and the 
key performance indicators used to measure performance. 
Performance and Key Performance Indicators 
As a VCT, the Company's objective is to provide shareholders with a high level 
of capital security with the objective of building a portfolio of investments 
that focus on capital preservation in both debt and equity instruments with the 
focus on renewable energy. 
The Board expects the Investment Manager to deliver a performance which aims to 
meet the objective of returning 105p per Ordinary share to shareholders upon the 
winding up of the Company. The key performance indicator (KPI) in meeting this 
objective is the cumulative distributions paid to shareholders. Additional key 
performance indicators reviewed by the Board include the discount of the share 
price relative to the net asset value and the total expense as a proportion of 
shareholders' funds. The total running costs in the period, as defined in the 
prospectus, were 1.1% of the Company's net assets, below the annual limit of 
A record of some of the indicators is detailed on the first page entitled 
Financial Summary. Additional comments are provided in the Chairman's Statement 
regarding the performance of the Company over the current period. 
The Board regularly assesses the performance of the Investment Manager in 
meeting the Company's objectives against the KPIs highlighted above. 
Clearly, when making investments in unquoted companies at an early stage of 
their development, some are likely to disappoint, but investing the funds raised 
in high growth companies with the potential to become market leaders creates an 
environment of improved return for shareholders. The growth of these companies 
is largely dependent on continuing the existing levels of corporate spending. 
The current volatile economic environment could adversely affect corporate 
spending patterns, which would in turn have a negative impact on the development 
of the investee companies. 
Performance, measured by the change in NAV and total return per share, is also 
measured against the FTSE Small-Cap index.  This is shown in the graph on page X 
in the Directors' Remuneration Report. This index has been adopted as an 
informal benchmark.  Investment performance, cash returned to shareholders and 
share price are also measured against the Company's peer group of the other 
generalist VCTs. 
The Chairman's Statement, on pages X and X, includes a review of the Company's 
activities and future prospects; further details are also provided within the 
Investment Manager's Review on pages X and X. 
 Results and dividend                          Period ended 
                                           31 December 2011 
 Net return attributable to shareholders              (192) 
Objective and Investment Policy 
The Objective and Investment Policy is defined on Page X of the Chairman's 
The Directors control the overall risk of the portfolio by ensuring that the 
Company has exposure to a range of companies that focus on capital preservation. 
In order to limit the risk to the portfolio that is derived from any particular 
investment, no more than 10% of the amount invested by shareholders in the 
Company will be invested in any one unquoted company (including both Qualifying 
and Non-Qualifying Investments). Further details of the Company's risk 
management policies are provided in note 14 to the financial statements. 
Non-Qualifying Investments 
An active approach has been taken to manage the cash prior to investing in 
qualifying companies. Specifically, the majority of the funds raised were 
invested in a range of money market securities that place emphasis upon capital 
The  Company  may  also  make  Non-Qualifying  Investments  where the Investment 
Manager  believes that  the risk/return  profile is  consistent with the overall 
objective  of the Company, which may include,  from time to time, making a small 
number of investments or further investments in companies which meet the profile 
of a Qualifying Investment but would otherwise not be a Qualifying Investment. 
Qualifying Investments 
The Company intends to have the following investment profile at the end of the 
three year investment period: 
  * 75-85% Qualifying Investments, primarily in unquoted companies 
  * 15-25% in cash and money market securities 
The Company will not borrow money for the purposes of making investments.  The 
investment decisions made must adhere to the HMRC qualification rules as stated 
in the above section.  The Directors will continually monitor the investment 
process and ensure compliance with the investment policy. 
A review of the investment portfolio and of market conditions during the period 
is included in the Chairman's Statement and Investment Manager's Review. 
No material changes may be made to the Company's investment policy described 
above without the prior approval of shareholders by the passing of an Ordinary 
VCT Regulation 
Compliance with required rules and regulations is considered when all investment 
decisions are made. The Company is further monitored on a continual basis to 
ensure compliance. The main criteria to which the Company must adhere is 
detailed on page X (Shareholder Information and Contact Details). 
The Company will continue to ensure its compliance with the qualification 
Principal Risks, Risk Management and Regulatory Environment 
The Board carries out a regular review of the risk environment in which the 
Company operates.  The main areas of risk identified by the Board are as 
VCT qualifying status risk: from the end of the third accounting period onwards, 
the Company is required at all times to observe the conditions laid down in the 
Income Tax Act 2007 for the maintenance of approved VCT status.  The loss of 
such approval could lead to the Company losing its exemption from corporation 
tax on capital gains, to investors being liable to pay income tax on dividends 
received from the Company and, in certain circumstances, to investors being 
required to repay the initial income tax relief on their investment. 
The Investment Manager keeps the Company's VCT qualifying status under continual 
review and reports to the Board regularly throughout the year.  The Board has 
also retained PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP to undertake an independent VCT status 
monitoring role. 
Investment risk: the majority of the Company's investments will be in small and 
medium-sized companies which are VCT qualifying holdings, which by their nature 
entail a higher level of risk and lower liquidity than investments in large 
quoted companies. 
The Directors and the Investment Manager aim to limit the risk attached to the 
portfolio as a whole by careful selection and timely realisation of investments, 
by carrying out due diligence procedures and by maintaining a wide spread of 
holdings in terms of financing stage, industry sector and geographical 
location.  The Board reviews the investment portfolio with the Investment 
Manager on a regular basis. 
Financial risk: as most of the Company's investments involve medium to long-term 
commitment and are relatively illiquid, the Directors consider that it is 
inappropriate to finance the Company's activities through borrowing. 
Accordingly, they seek to maintain a proportion of the Company's assets in cash 
or cash equivalents in order to be in a position to take advantage of new 
investment opportunities. 
The Company has very little exposure to foreign currency risk and does not enter 
into derivative transactions.  The Company has cash deposits which are held on 
the balance sheet of HSBC Bank plc and the Co-operative Bank plc.  The risk of 
loss to this cash is deemed to be low due to the historical credit ratings. 
Inadequate controls might lead to misappropriation of assets. Inappropriate 
accounting policies might lead to mis-posting or breaches of regulations. 
Regulatory: the Company is required to comply with the Companies Act 2006, the 
rules of the UK Listing Authority and United Kingdom Accounting Standards. 
Breach of any of these might lead to suspension of the Company's Stock Exchange 
listing, financial penalties or a qualified audit report. 
Reputational: inadequate or failed controls might result in breaches of 
regulation or loss of shareholder trust. 
Internal control risk: the Board reviews annually the system of internal 
controls, financial and non-financial, operated by the Company and the 
Investment Manager.  These include controls designed to ensure that the 
Company's assets are safeguarded and that proper accounting records are 
Competitive Risk: retention of key personnel within Octopus is vital to the 
success of the Company. Incentives to the Investment Manager's key staff are 
continuously monitored. 
Price risk: the risk that the value of a security or portfolio of securities 
will decline in the future is mitigated by holding a diversified portfolio, 
across a broad range of sectors. 
Cash flow risk: the risk that the Company's available cash will not be 
sufficient to meet its financial obligations is managed by frequent budgeting 
and close monitoring of available cash resources. 
Due to the nature of the Company, environmental, social and employee issues do 
not apply and therefore no disclosures in respect of these have been included in 
the Directors' Report. 
The Board seeks to mitigate the internal risks by setting policy, regularly 
reviewing performance, enforcing contractual obligations and monitoring progress 
and compliance. In the mitigation and management of these risks, the Board 
applies rigorously the principles detailed in the 'Turnbull' guidance. Details 
of the Company's internal controls are contained in the Corporate Governance 
section on pages X to X. 
Further details of the Company's risk management policies are provided in note 
15 to the financial statements. 
The Directors of the Company during the period and their interests (in respect 
of which transactions are notifiable under Disclosure and Transparency Rule 
3.1.2R) in the issued ordinary shares of 1p are shown in the table below: 
                                                   31 December 2011 
 Ian Pearson (Chairman)                                      10,550 
 Richard Hodgson                                             10,550 
 Chris Hulatt (resigned 11 November 2011)                       N/A 
 Martijn Kleibergen (appointed 11 November 2011)                N/A 
All of the Directors' shares were held beneficially. There have been no changes 
in the Directors' share interests between 31 December 2011 and the date of this 
The following appointments were made during the accounting period: 
  * Chris Hulatt was appointed as a Director on 6 January 2011 and resigned on 
    11 November 2011 
  * Martijn Kleibergen was appointed as a Director on 11 November 2011 
  * Meaujo Incorporation Limited was appointed as a Corporate Director on 6 
    January 2011 and resigned on 
    17 January 2011 
  * Ian Pearson was appointed as a Director on 17 January 2011 
  * Richard Hodgson was appointed as a Director on 17 January 2011 
Brief biographical notes on the Directors are given on page X. 
All the Directors will retire at the Annual General Meeting and, being eligible, 
will offer themselves for election. The Board has considered provision B.7.2 of 
the UK Corporate Governance Code and believes that all the Directors are 
effective and demonstrate commitment to their role, the Board and the Company. 
Directors' and Officers' Liability Insurance 
The Company has, as permitted by the Companies Act 2006, maintained insurance 
cover on behalf of the Directors and Company Secretary indemnifying them against 
certain liabilities which may be incurred by them in relation to the Company. 
The Board has considered the arrangements implemented by the Investment Manager 
in accordance with the UK Corporate Governance Code's recommendations, to 
encourage staff of the Investment Manager or Company Secretary of the Company to 
raise concerns, in confidence, within their organisation about possible 
improprieties in matters of financial reporting or other matters. It is 
satisfied that adequate arrangements are in place to allow an independent 
investigation, and follow on action where necessary, to take place within the 
Octopus acts as Investment Manager to the Company.  The principal terms of the 
Company's management agreement with Octopus is set out in note 17 to the 
financial statements. The Investment Manager also provides secretarial, 
administrative and custodian services to the Company. 
The Company has in place an agreement with Octopus to act as Investment Manager 
which is central to the ability of the Company to continue in business. There 
are no other contracts which are deemed to be essential to the business of the 
As required by the Listing Rules, the Directors confirm that, in their opinion, 
the continuing appointment of Octopus as Investment Manager is in the best 
interests of the shareholders as a whole.  In reaching this conclusion the 
Directors have taken into account the performance of the investment portfolio 
and the ability of the Investment Manager to produce satisfactory investment 
performance in the future. It also considered the length of the notice period of 
the management agreement and fees payable to the Investment Manager together 
with the standard of other services provided which include secretarial and 
accounting services. 
With the exception of Martijn Kleibergen (and Chris Hulatt until his resignation 
on 11 November 2011) no Director has an interest in any contract to which the 
Company is a party.  Details of the fees paid to Octopus in respect of services 
provided are detailed in note 17 to the financial statements. 
It should be noted that there is no formal Management Engagement Committee as 
matters of this nature are dealt with by the independent Non-Executive 
The Board has delegated the routine management decisions such as the payment of 
standard running costs to the Investment Manager. However, investment decisions 
are discussed and agreed with the Board. 
Share Issues 
A total of 19,300,111 ordinary shares with a nominal value of  GBP193,001.11 were 
issued during the period to 31 December 2011. 
The 50,000 Redeemable Shares were redeemed upon Admission of the ordinary shares 
in accordance with their terms of issue. 
Share Buy Backs 
There were no share buy backs during the period. 
Share Capital & Rights Attaching to the Shares and Restrictions on Voting and 
The Company's ordinary share capital as at 31 December 2011 comprised 
19,300,111 ordinary shares of 1p each. 
Subject to any suspension or abrogation of rights pursuant to relevant law or 
the Company's Articles of Association, the shares confer on their holders (other 
than the Company in respect of any Treasury shares) the following principal 
(a) the right to receive out of profits available for distribution such 
dividends as may be agreed to be paid (in the case of a final dividend in an 
amount not exceeding the amount recommended by the Board as approved by 
shareholders in a general meeting or in the case of an interim dividend in an 
amount determined by the Board). All dividends unclaimed for a period of 12 
years after having become due for payment are forfeited automatically and cease 
to remain owing by the Company; 
(b) the right, on a return of assets on a liquidation, reduction of capital or 
otherwise, to share in the surplus assets of the Company remaining after payment 
of its liabilities pari passu with the other holders of Ordinary shares; and 
(c) the right to receive notice of and to attend and speak and vote in person or 
by proxy at any general meeting of the Company. On a show of hands, every member 
present or represented and voting has one vote, and on a poll, every member 
present or represented and voting has one vote for every share of which that 
member is the holder. The appointment of a proxy must be received not less than 
48 hours before the time of the holding of the relevant meeting or adjourned 
meeting or, in the case of a poll taken otherwise than at or on the same day as 
the relevant meeting or adjourned meeting, be received after the poll has been 
demanded and not less than 24 hours before the time appointed for the taking of 
the poll. 
These rights can be suspended. If a member, or any other person appearing to be 
interested in shares held by that member, has failed to comply within the time 
limits specified in the Company's Articles of Association with a notice pursuant 
to s793 of the Companies Act 2006 (notice by the Company requiring information 
about interests in its shares), the Company can, until the default ceases, 
suspend the right to attend and speak and vote at a general meeting. If the 
shares represent at least 0.25% of their class the Company can also withhold any 
dividend or other money payable in respect of the shares (without any obligation 
to pay interest) and refuse to accept certain transfers of the relevant shares. 
Shareholders, either alone or with other shareholders, have other rights as set 
out in the Company's Articles of Association and in company law (principally the 
Companies Act 2006). 
A member may choose whether his shares are evidenced by share certificates 
(certificated shares) or held in electronic (un-certificated) form in CREST (the 
UK electronic settlement system). Any member may transfer all or any of his 
shares, subject in the case of certificated shares to the rules set out in the 
Company's Articles of Association or in the case of un-certificated shares to 
the regulations governing the operation of CREST (which allow the Directors to 
refuse to register a transfer as therein set out); the transferor remains the 
holder of the shares until the name of the transferee is entered in the register 
of members. The Directors may refuse to register a transfer of certificated 
shares in favour of more than four persons jointly or where there is no adequate 
evidence of ownership or the transfer is not duly stamped (if so required). The 
Directors may also refuse to register a share transfer if it is in respect of a 
certificated share which is not fully paid up or on which the Company has a lien 
provided that, where the share transfer is in respect of any share admitted to 
the Official List maintained by the UK Listing Authority, any such discretion 
may not be exercised so as to prevent dealings taking place on an open and 
proper basis, or if in the opinion of the Directors (and with the concurrence of 
the UK Listing Authority) exceptional circumstances so warrant, provided that 
the exercise of such power will not disturb the market in those shares. Whilst 
there are no squeeze-out and sell out rules relating to the shares in the 
Company's Articles of Association, shareholders are subject to the compulsory 
acquisition provisions in s974 to s991 of the Companies Act 2006. 
Directors' Authority to Allot Shares, to disapply Pre-emption Rights 
The authority proposed under Resolution 7 is required so that the Directors may 
offer existing shareholders the opportunity to add to their investment or to 
offer potential shareholders an opportunity to invest in the Company in a tax- 
efficient manner without the Company having to incur substantial costs. Any 
consequent modest increase in the size of the Company will, in the opinion of 
the Directors, be in the interests of shareholders generally. Any issue proceeds 
will be available for investment in line with the Company's investment policy 
and may be used, in part, to purchase ordinary shares in the market. 
Resolution 7 renews the Directors' authority to allot ordinary shares. This 
would enable the Directors until June 2013, to allot up to 1,930,011 ordinary 
shares (representing approximately 10% of the Company's issued share capital as 
at 31 December 2011). 
Resolution 8 renews and extends the Directors' authority to allot equity 
securities for cash without pre-emption rights applying in certain 
circumstances. This Resolution would authorise the Directors, until the date 
falling 15 months after the date of the passing of the Resolution or, if 
earlier, the conclusion of the next Annual General Meeting of the Company, to 
issue ordinary shares for cash without pre-emption rights applying by way of an 
offer to existing shareholders, or re-issuing shares out of Treasury up to a 
maximum of 1,930,011 ordinary shares (representing approximately 10% of the 
Company's issued share capital as at 31 December 2011). This power will be 
exercised only if, in the opinion of the Directors, it would be in the best 
interests of shareholders, as a whole. 
Directors' Authority to Make Market Purchase of its Own Shares 
The authority proposed under Resolution 9 is required so that the Directors may 
make purchases of up to approximately 10% of the Company's issued share capital 
and seeks renewal of such authority until the next Annual General Meeting (or 
the expiry of 15 months, if earlier). The price paid for shares will not be less 
than the nominal value nor more than the maximum amount permitted to be paid in 
accordance with the rules of the UK Listing Authority in force as at the date of 
purchase. This power will be exercised only if, in the opinion of the Directors, 
a repurchase would be in the best interests of shareholders as a whole. Any 
shares repurchased under this authority will either be cancelled or held in 
Treasury for future re-sale in appropriate market conditions. 
International Financial Reporting Standards 
As the Company is not part of a group it is not mandatory for it to comply with 
International Financial Reporting Standards. The Company does not anticipate 
that it will voluntarily adopt International Financial Reporting Standards, nor 
would the current proposals issued by the ASB require that it does. If IFRS were 
to be adopted, it is not expected to have a significant impact upon the balances 
included in the financial statements, but would give rise to significant changes 
in presentation of information and disclosures. 
Creditor Payment Policy 
The Company's payment policy for the forthcoming financial year is to agree 
terms of payment before business is transacted and to settle accounts in 
accordance with those terms.  The Company does not follow any code or standard 
with regard to creditor payment practice.  At 31 December 2011 there were  GBPnil 
trade creditors. 
Environmental Policy 
The Company always makes full effort to conduct its business in a manner that is 
responsible to the environment. This responsibility is maintained in investment 
decisions where possible. 
Going Concern 
The Company's business activities and the factors likely to affect its future 
development, performance and position are set out in the Chairman's Statement 
and Investment Manager's Review on pages X to X. Further details on the 
management of financial risk may be found in note 14 to the Financial 
The Board receives regular reports from the Investment Manager and the Directors 
have a reasonable expectation that the Company has adequate resources to 
continue in operational existence for the foreseeable future. The assets of the 
company consist of cash, Money Market Funds and OEIC Investments, which are 
readily realisable (37.1% of net assets) and accordingly, the company has 
adequate financial resources to continue in operational existence for the 
foreseeable future.  Thus, as no material uncertainties leading to significant 
doubt about going concern have been identified, it is appropriate to continue to 
adopt the going concern basis in preparing the financial statements. 
Substantial Shareholdings 
As at the date of this report, no disclosures of major shareholdings had been 
made to the Company under Disclosure and Transparency Rule 5 (Vote Holder and 
Issuer Notification Rules). 
Annual General Meeting 
The notice convening the 2012 Annual General Meeting of the Company and a form 
of proxy in relation to the meeting can each be found at the end of this 
Independent Auditor 
James Cowper LLP was appointed as auditor on 17 January 2011.   A Resolution to 
re-appoint James Cowper LLP and to authorise the directors to fix their 
remuneration will be proposed at the forthcoming Annual General Meeting. 
Amendment to the Company's Articles 
A resolution to amend Articles of Association of the Company to bring them into 
line with the Prospectus issued by the Company on 28 January 2011 will be 
proposed at the forthcoming Annual General Meeting.  This will provide that the 
directors are required to put continuation proposals to the Company at its fifth 
Annual General Meeting and, if passed, every five years thereafter. 
Corporate Governance 
The Board of the Company has considered the principles and recommendations of 
the AIC Code of Corporate Governance (AIC Code) by reference to the Association 
of Investment Companies Corporate Governance Guide for Investment Companies (AIC 
The AIC Code, as explained by the AIC Guide, addresses all the principles set 
out in The UK Corporate Governance Code, as well as setting out additional 
principles and recommendations on issues that are of specific relevance to the 
Company.  The Board considers that reporting against principles and 
recommendations of the AIC Code, by reference to the AIC Guide (which 
incorporates The UK Corporate Governance Code), will provide better information 
to shareholders. 
The Company is committed to maintaining high standards in corporate governance. 
The Directors consider that the Company has, throughout the period under review, 
complied with the provisions set out in The UK Corporate Governance Code with 
the exceptions set out in the Compliance Statement on page X. 
Performance Evaluation 
In accordance with The UK Corporate Governance Code, a performance evaluation 
must be completed by the Directors each year.  No evaluation was carried out 
during the period due to the early stage of the Company. 
Appointment and Replacement of Directors 
A person may be appointed as a Director of the Company by the shareholders in a 
general meeting by Ordinary Resolution (requiring a simple majority of the 
persons voting on the relevant resolution) or by the Directors. No person, other 
than a Director retiring by rotation or otherwise, shall be appointed or 
reappointed a Director at any general meeting unless he is recommended by the 
Directors or, not less than seven nor more than 42 clear days before the date 
appointed for the meeting, notice is given to the Company of the intention to 
propose that person for appointment or re-appointment in the form and manner set 
out in the Company's Articles of Association. Each Director who is appointed by 
the Directors (and who has not been elected as a Director of the Company by the 
members at a general meeting held in the interval since his appointment as a 
Director of the Company) is to be subject to election as a Director of the 
Company by the members at the first Annual General Meeting of the Company 
following his or her appointment. At each Annual General Meeting of the Company 
one third of the Directors for the time being, or if their number is not three 
or an integral multiple of three the number nearest to but not exceeding one- 
third, are to be subject to re-election. The Companies Act allows shareholders 
in a general meeting by Ordinary Resolution (requiring a simple majority of the 
persons voting on the relevant resolution) to remove any Director before the 
expiration of his or her period of office, but without prejudice to any claim 
for damages which the Director may have for breach of any contract of service 
between him or her and the Company. A person also ceases to be a Director if he 
or she resigns in writing, ceases to be a Director by virtue of any provision of 
the Companies Act, becomes prohibited by law from being a Director, becomes 
bankrupt or is the subject of a relevant insolvency procedure, or becomes of 
unsound mind, or if the Board so decides following at least six months' absence 
without leave or if he or she becomes subject to relevant procedures under the 
mental health laws, as set out in the Company's Articles of Association. 
Board of Directors 
The Company has a Board of three non-executive Directors, two of whom are 
considered to be independent.  Martijn Kleibergen and, at the time of his 
appointment, Chris Hulatt were not considered to be independent due to their 
roles within Octopus Investments Limited. The Board meets regularly on a 
quarterly basis, and on other occasions as required, to review the investment 
performance and monitor compliance with the investment policy laid down by the 
Subject to the provisions of the Companies Act, the Memorandum and Articles of 
Association of the Company and any directions given by shareholders by Special 
Resolution, the Articles of Association specify that the business of the Company 
is to be managed by the Directors, who may exercise all the powers of the 
Company, whether relating to the management of the business or not. In 
particular the Directors may exercise on behalf of the Company its powers to 
purchase its own shares to the extent permitted by shareholders. 
The  Board  has  a  formal  schedule  of  matters  specifically reserved for its 
decision which include: 
  * the consideration and approval of future developments or changes to the 
    investment policy, including risk and asset allocation; 
  * consideration of corporate strategy; 
  * approval of the appropriate dividend to be paid to the shareholders; 
  * the appointment, evaluation, removal and remuneration of the Investment 
  * the performance of the Company, including monitoring of the discount of the 
    net asset value to the share price; and 
  * monitoring shareholder profiles and considering shareholder communications. 
The Chairman leads the Board in the determination of its strategy and in the 
achievement of its objectives.  The Chairman is responsible for organising the 
business of the Board, ensuring its effectiveness and setting its agenda, and 
has no involvement in the day to day business of the Company.  He facilitates 
the effective contribution of the Directors and ensures that they receive 
accurate, timely and clear information and that they communicate effectively 
with shareholders. 
The Company Secretary is responsible for advising the Board through the Chairman 
on all governance matters.  All of the Directors have access to the advice and 
services of the Company Secretary, who has administrative responsibility for the 
meetings of the Board and its committees.  Directors may also take independent 
professional advice at the Company's expense where necessary in the performance 
of their duties. The Board does not consider it necessary for the size of the 
Board or the Company to identify a member of the Board as the senior non- 
executive director. 
The Company's Articles of Association and the schedule of matters reserved to 
the Board for decision provide that the appointment and removal of the Company 
Secretary is a matter for the full Board. 
During the period the following were held: 
                       Full Board         No. of Audit Committee Audit Committee 
                    meetings held       meetings   meetings held        meetings 
                                        attended                        attended 
Ian Pearson                     1              1               1               1 
Richard Hodgson                 1              1               1               1 
(appointed 11 
November 2011)                  -            N/A               -             N/A 
Chris Hulatt 
(resigned 11 
November 2011)                  1              -               -             N/A 
The Company's Articles of Association require that one third of Directors should 
retire by rotation each year and seek re-election at the Annual General Meeting, 
and that Directors appointed by the Board should seek re-appointment at the next 
Annual General Meeting. All Directors are required to submit themselves for re- 
election at least every three years. 
                      Date of Original Appointment   Due date for Re-election 
 Ian Pearson                            17/01/2011                   AGM 2012 
 Richard Hodgson                        17/01/2011                   AGM 2012 
 Martijn Kleibergen                     11/11/2011                   AGM 2012 
Board Committees 
The Board has appointed two committees to make recommendations to the Board in 
specific areas: 
Audit Committee: 
Richard Hodgson 
Ian Pearson 
The Audit Committee, chaired by Richard Hodgson, consists of two independent 
Directors. The Audit Committee believes Richard possesses appropriate and 
relevant financial experience as per the requirements of the UK Corporate 
Governance Code.  The Board considers that the members of the Committee are 
independent and have collectively the skills and experience required to 
discharge their duties effectively. 
The Audit Committee's terms of reference include the following roles and 
  * reviewing and making recommendations to the Board in relation to the 
    Company's published financial statements and other formal announcements 
    relating to the Company's financial performance; 
  * reviewing and making recommendations to the Board in relation to the 
    Company's internal control (including internal financial control) and risk 
    management systems; 
  * periodically considering the need for an internal audit function; 
  * making recommendations to the Board in relation to the appointment, re- 
    appointment, removal and non-audit services of the external auditor, 
    consider any  and approving the remuneration and terms of engagement of the 
    external auditor; 
  * reviewing and monitoring the external auditor's independence and objectivity 
    and the effectiveness of the audit process, taking into consideration 
    relevant UK professional regulatory requirements; 
  * monitoring the extent to which the external auditor is engaged to supply 
    non-audit services; and 
  * ensuring that the Investment Manager has arrangements in place for the 
    investigation and follow-up of any concerns raised confidentially by staff 
    in relation to propriety of financial reporting or other matters. 
The Committee will review its terms of reference and its effectiveness annually 
and will recommend to the Board any changes required as a result of the review. 
The terms of reference are available on request from the Company Secretary.  The 
Committee will meet twice per year and has direct access to James Cowper LLP, 
the Company's external auditor. The Audit Committee has reviewed the non-audit 
services provided by the external auditor and does not believe they are 
sufficient to influence their independence or objectivity, due to the fee being 
an immaterial expense. When considering whether to recommend the re-appointment 
of the external auditor, the committee take into account the tenure of the 
current auditor in addition to comparing the fees charged to similar sized audit 
The Company does not have an independent internal audit function as it is not 
deemed appropriate given the size of the Company and the nature of the Company's 
business.  However, the Committee considers annually whether there is a need for 
such a function and if so would recommend this to the Board. 
Once the committee has made a recommendation to the Board, in relation to the 
appointment of the external auditor, this is then ratified at the AGM through an 
Ordinary Resolution. 
During the period ended 31 December 2011, the Audit Committee discharged its 
responsibilities by: 
  * reviewing and approving the external auditor's terms of engagement and 
  * reviewing the external auditor's plan for the audit of the Company's 
    financial statements, including identification of key risks and confirmation 
    of auditor independence; 
  * reviewing Octopus Investments Limited's statement of internal controls in 
    relation to the Company's business and assessing the effectiveness of those 
    controls in minimising the impact of key risks; 
  * reviewing periodic reports on the effectiveness of Octopus Investments 
    Limited's compliance procedures; 
  * reviewing the appropriateness of the Company's accounting policies; 
  * reviewing the Company's annual and interim financial results statement prior 
    to Board approval; and 
  * reviewing the external auditor's detailed reports to the Committee on the 
    annual financial statements. 
Nomination Committee: 
Ian Pearson 
Richard Hodgson 
The Nomination Committee considers the selection and appointment of Directors 
considering the composition and selection of the Board, appointing members on 
merit, measured against objective criteria with due regard for the benefits of 
diversity.  It also makes recommendations to the Board as to the level of 
Directors' fees. 
A person may be appointed as a Director of the Company by the shareholders in 
general meeting by Ordinary Resolution  or by the Directors; no person, other 
than a Director retiring by rotation or otherwise, shall be appointed or 
reappointed a Director at any general meeting unless he is recommended by the 
Directors or notice is given to the Company of the intention to propose that 
person for appointment or re-appointment in the form and manner set out in the 
Company's Articles of Association. 
Each Director who is appointed by the Directors (and who has not been elected as 
a Director of the Company by the members at a general meeting held in the 
interval since his appointment as a Director of the Company) is to be subject to 
election as a Director of the Company by the members at the first Annual General 
Meeting of the Company following his appointment. At each Annual General Meeting 
of the Company one third of the Directors for the time being, or if their number 
is not three or an integral multiple of three the number nearest to but not 
exceeding one-third, are to be subject to re-election. 
The Companies Act allows shareholders in a general meeting by Ordinary 
Resolution to remove any Director before the expiration of his or her period of 
office, but without prejudice to any claim for damages which the Director may 
have for breach of any contract of service between him or her and the Company. 
A person also ceases to be a Director if he or she resigns in writing, ceases to 
be a Director by virtue of any provision of the Companies Act, becomes 
prohibited by law from being a Director, becomes bankrupt or is the subject of a 
relevant insolvency procedure, or becomes of unsound mind, or if the Board so 
decides following at least six months' absence without leave or if he or she 
becomes subject to relevant procedures under the mental health laws, as set out 
in the Company's Articles of Association. 
It has not yet been necessary for the Committee to meet and so terms of 
reference will be agreed if and when appropriate. The Board does not have a 
separate remuneration committee as the Company has no employees or executive 
Directors. Detailed information relating to the remuneration of Directors is 
given in the Directors' remuneration report. 
Internal Control 
The Directors have overall responsibility for keeping under review the 
effectiveness of the Company's systems of internal controls. The purpose of 
these controls is to ensure that proper accounting records are maintained, the 
Company's assets are safeguarded and the financial information used within the 
business and for publication is accurate and reliable; such a system can only 
provide reasonable and not absolute assurance against material misstatement or 
loss. The system of internal controls is designed to manage rather than 
eliminate the risk of failure to achieve the business objectives.  The Board 
regularly reviews financial results and investment performance with its 
Investment Manager. 
Octopus identifies the investment opportunities for the consideration of the 
Board who ultimately makes the decision whether to proceed with that 
opportunity.  Octopus monitors the portfolio of investments and makes 
recommendations to the Board in terms of suggested disposals and further 
Octopus is engaged to carry out the accounting function and retains physical 
custody of the documents of title relating to unquoted investments. Octopus 
regularly reconciles the client asset register with the physical documents. 
The Directors confirm that they have established a continuing process throughout 
the period and up to the date of this report for identifying, evaluating and 
managing the significant potential risks faced by the Company and have reviewed 
the effectiveness of the internal control systems. As part of this process an 
annual review of the internal control systems is carried out in accordance with 
the Financial Reporting Council guidelines for internal control. 
Internal control systems include the production and review of monthly bank 
reconciliations and management accounts. All outflows made from the Company's 
accounts require the authority of two signatories from Octopus. The Company is 
subject to a full annual audit whereby the auditor is the same auditor as other 
VCTs managed by the Investment Manager. Further to this, the Audit Partner has 
open access to the Directors of the Company and the Investment Manager is 
subject to regular review by the Octopus Compliance Department. 
Financial Risk Management Objectives and Policies 
The Company is exposed to the risks arising from its operational and investment 
activities. Further details can be found in note 14 to the Financial Statements. 
Relations with Shareholders 
Shareholders have the opportunity to meet the Board at the Annual General 
Meeting.  In addition to the formal business of the Annual General Meeting, the 
Board is available to answer any questions a shareholder may have. 
The Board is also happy to respond to any written queries made by shareholders 
during the course of the year and can be contacted at 20 Old Bailey, London, 
EC4M 7AN.  Alternatively, the team at Octopus is happy to answer any questions 
you may have and can be contacted on 0800 316 2396. 
Compliance Statement 
The Listing Rules require the Board to report on compliance throughout the 
accounting period with all relevant provisions set out in The UK Corporate 
Governance Code. The preamble to The UK Corporate Governance Code does, however, 
acknowledge that some provisions may have less relevance for investment 
companies adding that the AIC Code and AIC Guide can assist in meeting the 
obligations under The UK Corporate Governance Code. With the exception of the 
limited items outlined below, the Company has complied throughout the accounting 
period to 31 December 2011 with the provisions set out in The UK Corporate 
Governance Code. The section references to The UK Corporate Governance Code are 
shown in brackets. 
1. The Company does not have a Chief Executive Officer or a senior independent 
Director. The Board does not consider this necessary for the size of the 
Company. [A.2.2 and A.4.1] 
2. New Directors do not receive a full, formal and tailored induction on joining 
the Board. Such matters are addressed on an individual basis as they arise. 
3. The Company had two independent Directors, Ian Pearson and Richard Hodgson, 
as defined by The UK Corporate Governance Code. Martijn Kleibergen and, at the 
time of his appointment, Chris Hulatt were not considered to be independent due 
to their roles with Octopus. The Board considers that all Directors have 
sufficient experience to be able to exercise proper judgement within the meaning 
of The UK Corporate Governance Code. [B.1.1] 
 4. No performance evaluation was carried out during the year due to the early 
stage of the Company. [B.6.2.] 
5.  The Directors are not subject to annual election by the shareholders as one 
third of the Directors retire by rotation and are offered for re-election at the 
Annual General Meeting in accordance with the Articles of Association of the 
Company. At the first annual general meeting all the directors will offer 
themselves for election. [B.7.1] 
6. The Company conducts a formal review as to whether there is a need for an 
internal audit function. However, the Directors do not consider that an internal 
audit would be an appropriate control for a VCT. [C.3.2] 
7. The Company does not have a Remuneration Committee as it does not have any 
executive directors. [D.1.1 - 2.4] 
8. The Company has no major shareholders therefore shareholders are not given 
the opportunity to meet any Non-Executive Directors at a specific meeting other 
than the Annual General Meeting. [E.1.1 & E.1.2] 
By order of the Board 
Tracey Spevack 
Company Secretary 
29 March 2012 
Directors' Remuneration Report 
This report is submitted in accordance with chapter 6 of Part 15 of the 
Companies Act 2006, in respect of the period ended 31 December 2011.  An 
Ordinary Resolution for the approval of this report will be put to the members 
at the forthcoming Annual General Meeting. 
The Company's auditor, James Cowper LLP, is required to give its opinion on 
certain information included in this report; this comprises the Directors' 
emoluments section below only.  Their report on these and other matters is set 
out on pages X and X. 
Consideration by the Directors of Matters Relating to Directors' Remuneration 
The Board as a whole considers Directors' remuneration and has not appointed a 
separate committee in this respect.  The Board has not sought advice or services 
from any person in respect of its consideration of Directors' remuneration 
during the period (although the Directors expect from time to time to review the 
fees against those paid to the boards of directors of other VCTs). 
Statement of the Company's policy on Directors' Remuneration 
The Board consists entirely of non-executive Directors, who will meet at least 
four times a year and on other occasions as necessary, to deal with the 
important aspects of the Company's affairs.  Directors are appointed with the 
expectation that they will serve for, at least, a period of three years.  All 
Directors retire at the first general meeting after election and thereafter one 
third of all Directors are subject to retirement by rotation at subsequent 
Annual General Meetings.  Re-election will be recommended by the Board but is 
dependent upon shareholder vote. 
Each Director received a letter of appointment which is subject to termination 
by the Director or the Company on three months' notice in writing.  None of the 
Directors are entitled to compensation payable upon early termination of their 
contract other than in respect of any unexpired notice period. 
The Company's policy is that the fees payable to the Directors should reflect 
the time spent by the Board on the Company's affairs and the responsibilities 
borne by the Directors. They should be sufficient to attract candidates of high 
calibre to be recruited.  The policy is for the Chairman of the Board to be paid 
higher fees than the other Directors in recognition of his more onerous role. 
The policy is to review these rates from time to time, although such review will 
not necessarily result in any changes. Due to the nature of the Company, there 
are no employees other than the Directors and therefore no such issues to 
consider when determining the Directors' remuneration. 
The Company's policy is for the Directors to be remunerated in the form of fees, 
payable quarterly in arrears.  The fees are not specifically related to the 
Directors' performance, either individually or collectively. There are no long- 
term incentive schemes, share option schemes or pension schemes in place.  The 
Board is also entitled to be repaid all reasonable travelling, subsistence and 
other expenses incurred by them respectively whilst conducting their duties as 
Directors; however no other remuneration or compensation was paid or payable by 
the Company during the period to any of the current Directors. 
The Board has not sought advice or services from any person in respect of its 
consideration of Directors' remuneration during the period. 
Company Performance 
The Board is responsible for the Company's investment strategy and performance, 
although the management of the Company's investment portfolio is delegated to 
the Investment Manager through the investment management agreement. 
The graph below compares the NAV total return and Share Price total return 
(gross dividend re-invested) of The Company over the period from March 2011 to 
December 2011, with the total return from a notional investment in the FTSE 
Small-Cap index over the same period (all rebased to 100p).  This index is 
considered to be the most appropriate broad equity market index for comparative 
purposes. The Directors wish to point out that VCTs are not able to make 
qualifying investments in companies quoted on the Main Market in their 
observance of the Company rules. 
Directors' Emoluments (Information Subject to Audit) 
Amount of each Director's emoluments: 
 Directors' fees                                                Period ended 
                                                            31 December 2011 
 Ian Pearson                                                          15,777 
 Richard Hodgson                                                      11,942 
 Chris Hulatt (Paid to Octopus Investments Limited)                    9,916 
 Martijn Kleibergen (Paid to Octopus Investments Limited)              2,029 
 Total                                                                39,664 
The Directors do not receive any other form of emoluments in addition to the 
Directors' fees. 
By Order of the Board 
Tracey Spevack 
Company Secretary 
29 March 2012 
Directors' Responsibilities Statement 
The Directors are responsible for preparing the Annual Report and the financial 
statements in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. 
Company law requires the Directors to prepare financial statements for each 
financial year which they must not approve unless they are satisfied that they 
give a true and fair view of the assets, liabilities, financial position and 
profit or loss of the Company for that period. Under that law the Directors have 
elected to prepare financial statements in accordance with United Kingdom 
Generally Accepted Accounting Practice (United Kingdom Accounting Standards and 
applicable laws). 
In preparing these financial statements, the Directors are required to: 
  * select suitable accounting policies and then apply them consistently; 
  * make judgments and accounting estimates that are reasonable and prudent; 
  * state whether applicable UK Accounting Standards have been followed, subject 
    to any material departures disclosed and explained in the financial 
    statements; and 
  * prepare the financial statements on the going concern basis unless it is 
    inappropriate to presume that the Company will continue in business. 
The Directors are responsible for keeping adequate accounting records that are 
sufficient to show and explain the Company's transactions and disclose with 
reasonable accuracy at any time the financial position of the Company and enable 
them to ensure that the financial statements comply with the Companies Act 
2006. They are also responsible for safeguarding the assets of the Company and 
hence for taking reasonable steps for the prevention and detection of fraud and 
other irregularities. 
In so far as each of the Directors is aware: 
 ·            there is no relevant audit information of which the Company's 
auditor is unaware; and 
 ·            the Directors have taken all steps that they ought to have taken to 
make themselves aware of any relevant audit information and to establish that 
the auditor is aware of that information. 
To the best of my knowledge: 
  * the financial statements, prepared in accordance with the applicable set of 
    accounting standards, give a true and fair view of the assets, liabilities, 
    financial position and profit or loss of the Company; and 
  * the management report includes a fair review of the development and 
    performance of the business and the position of the Company, together with a 
    description of the principal risks and uncertainties that it faces. 
The financial statements are published at www.octopusinvestments.com, a website 
maintained by Octopus. The maintenance and integrity of the website is, so far 
as it relates to the Company, the responsibility of Octopus. The work carried 
out by the auditor does not involve considerations of the maintenance and 
integrity of the website and, accordingly, the auditor accepts no responsibility 
for any changes that have occurred to the accounts since they were originally 
presented on the website. Visitors to the website need to be aware that 
legislation in the United Kingdom governing the preparation and dissemination of 
the accounts differ from legislation in other jurisdictions. 
The Directors are responsible for the maintenance and integrity of the corporate 
and financial information included on the Company's website. Legislation in the 
United Kingdom governing the preparation and dissemination of financial 
statements may differ from legislation in other jurisdictions. 
On Behalf of the Board 
Ian Pearson 
29 March 2012 
Independent Auditor's Report to the Members of Octopus VCT 2 plc 
Independent auditor's report to the members of Octopus VCT 2 Plc 
We  have audited the  financial statements of  Octopus VCT 2 Plc  for the period 
ended  31 December  2011 which  comprise  the  income  statement, balance sheet, 
cashflow  statement, accounting policies and related notes. We have also audited 
the  information set out in the Directors' Remuneration Report that is described 
as  having been audited. The financial reporting framework that has been applied 
in  their preparation is applicable law  and United Kingdom Accounting Standards 
(United Kingdom Generally Accepted Accounting Practice). 
Respective responsibilities of Directors and auditors 
As  explained more  fully in  the Statement  of directors' responsibilities, the 
directors  are responsible for  the preparation of  the financial statements and 
for  being satisfied that they give a  true and fair view. Our responsibility is 
to  audit  the  financial  statements  in  accordance  with  applicable  law and 
International Standards on Auditing (UK and Ireland). Those standards require us 
to comply with the Auditing Practices Board's Ethical Standards for Auditors. 
This  report is made solely  to the company's members,  as a body, in accordance 
with  Chapter 3 of Part  16 of the Companies  Act 2006. Our audit  work has been 
undertaken  so that we might state to the company's members those matters we are 
required  to state to them  in an Auditor's report  and for no other purpose. To 
the  fullest extent permitted by law, we  do not accept or assume responsibility 
to  anyone other than the  company and the company's  members as a body, for our 
audit work, for this report, or for the opinions we have formed. 
Scope of the audit of the financial statements 
A  description of the scope  of an audit of  financial statements is provided on 
the APB's web-site at www.frc.org.uk/apb/scope/UKP. 
Opinion on financial statements 
In our opinion the financial statements: 
 ·             give a true and fair view of the state of the Company's affairs as 
at 31 December 2011 and of its loss for the period then ended; 
 ·             have  been  properly  prepared  in  accordance with United Kingdom 
Generally Accepted Accounting Practice; and 
 ·             have  been  prepared  in  accordance  with the requirements of the 
Companies Act 2006. 
Opinion on other matters prescribed by the Companies Act 2006 
In our opinion: 
  * the part of the Directors' Remuneration Report to be audited has been 
    properly prepared in accordance with the Companies Act 2006; 
  * the information given in the Chairman's statement, Investment Manager's 
    Report and Directors' Report for the financial year for which the financial 
    statements are prepared is consistent with the financial statements; and 
  * the information given in the Corporate Governance statement with respect to 
    internal control and risk management systems and about share capital 
    structures is consistent with the financial statements. 
Matters on which we are required to report by exception 
We  have  nothing  to  report  in  respect  of  the  following matters where the 
Companies Act 2006 requires us to report to you if, in our opinion: 
  * adequate accounting records have not been kept, or returns adequate for our 
    audit have not been received from branches not visited by us; or 
  * the financial statements and the part of the Directors' Remuneration Report 
    to be audited are not in agreement with the accounting records and returns; 
  * certain disclosures of director's remuneration specified by law are not 
    made; or 
  * we have not received all the information and explanations we require for our 
Under the listing rules we are required to review: 
  * the information given in the Report of the Directors in relation to going 
    concern; and 
  * the part of the Corporate Governance statement relating to the Company's 
    compliance with the nine provisions of the UK Corporate Governance Code 
    specified for our review. 
Mr Alexander Peal (Senior Statutory Auditor) 
For and on behalf of James Cowper LLP 
Chartered Accountants and Statutory Auditors 
Income Statement 
                                    | Period from 6 January 2011 to 31 December| 
                                    |                                      2011| 
                                    |Revenue Capital                      Total| 
                                    |                                          | 
                               Notes|   GBP'000    GBP'000                       GBP'000| 
                                    |                                          | 
                                    |                                          | 
Other income                     2  |     87       -                         87| 
                                    |                                          | 
                                    |                                          | 
                                    |                                          | 
                                    |                                          | 
                                    |                                          | 
Other expenses                   3  |  (279)       -                      (279)| 
                                    |                                          | 
                                    |                                          | 
Loss on ordinary activities         |                                          | 
before tax                          |  (192)       -                      (192)| 
                                    |                                          | 
                                    |                                          | 
                                    |                                          | 
Taxation on return on ordinary      |                                          | 
activities                       5  |      -       -                          -| 
                                    |                                          | 
                                    |                                          | 
Return on ordinary activities       |                                          | 
after tax                           |  (192)       -                      (192)| 
Earnings per share - basic and      |                                          | 
diluted                          6  | (1.3)p       -                     (1.3)p| 
  * The 'Total' column of this statement is the profit or loss account of the 
    Company; the supplementary revenue return and capital return columns have 
    been prepared under guidance published by the Association of Investment 
  * All revenue and capital items in the above statement derive from continuing 
  * The Company has only one class of business and derives its income from 
    investments made in shares and securities and from bank and money market 
The Company has no recognised gains or losses other than the results for the 
period as set out above. 
The accompanying notes form an integral part of the financial statements. 
 Reconciliation of Movements in Shareholders' Funds 
                                        |         Period from | 
                                        |      6 January 2011 | 
                                        | to 31 December 2011 | 
                                        |                     | 
                                        |                GBP'000 | 
 Shareholders' funds at start of period |                   - | 
 Loss on ordinary activities after tax  |               (192) | 
                                        |                     | 
 Issue of equity (net of expenses)      |              18,240 | 
 Shareholders' funds at end of period   |              18,048 | 
The accompanying notes form an integral part of the financial statements. 
Balance Sheet 
                                                    |   As at 31 December| 
                                                    |                2011| 
                                                    |                    | 
                                               Notes|  GBP'000          GBP'000| 
Fixed asset investments*                         8  |              11,653| 
                                                    |                    | 
                                                    |                    | 
                                                    |                    | 
Current assets:                                     |                    | 
                                                    |                    | 
Debtors                                          9  |    53              | 
                                                    |                    | 
Cash at bank                                        | 6,693              | 
                                                    | 6,746              | 
                                                    |                    | 
Creditors: amounts falling due within one year  11  | (351)              | 
Net current assets                                  |               6,395| 
Net assets                                          |              18,048| 
                                                    |                    | 
                                                    |                    | 
Called up equity share capital                  12  |   193              | 
                                                    |                    | 
Special Distributable Reserve                   13  |18,047              | 
                                                    |                    | 
Revenue reserve                                 13  | (192)              | 
Total shareholders' funds                           |              18,048| 
Net asset value per share                        7  |               93.5p| 
*Held at fair value through profit or loss 
The statements were approved by the Directors and authorised for issue on 29 
March 2012 and are signed on their behalf by: 
Ian Pearson 
Company No: 07484406 
The accompanying notes form an integral part of the financial statements. 
Cash Flow Statement                       |                                    | 
                                          |   Period from 6 January 2010 to 31 | 
                                          |                       December 2011| 
                                          |                                    | 
                                          |                                GBP'000| 
                                          |                                    | 
                                          |                                    | 
Net cash outflow from operating           |                                    | 
activities                                |                                 106| 
                                          |                                    | 
                                          |                                    | 
                                          |                                    | 
Financial investment:                     |                                    | 
                                          |                                    | 
Purchase of fixed asset investments     8 |                            (11,795)| 
                                          |                                    | 
Disposal of fixed asset investments     8 |                                 142| 
                                          |                                    | 
                                          |                                    | 
                                          |                                    | 
Management of liquid resources:           |                                    | 
                                          |                                    | 
Purchase of current asset investments   10|                             (3,000)| 
                                          |                                    | 
Sale of current asset investments       10|                               3,000| 
                                          |                                    | 
                                          |                                    | 
                                          |                                    | 
Financing:                                |                                    | 
                                          |                                    | 
Issue of shares                           |                              19,350| 
                                          |                                    | 
Cost of shares issue                      |                             (1,060)| 
                                          |                                    | 
Redemption of shares                      |                                (50)| 
Increase in cash resources at bank        |                               6,693| 
The accompanying notes form an integral part of the financial statements. 
Reconciliation of Return before Taxation to Cash Flow from Operating Activities 
                                      |      Period from 6 January 2011 to 31 | 
                                      |                          December 2011| 
                                      |                                       | 
                                      |                                   GBP'000| 
Loss on ordinary activities before tax|                                  (192)| 
                                      |                                       | 
Increase in debtors                   |                                   (53)| 
                                      |                                       | 
Increase in creditors                 |                                    351| 
Inflow from operating activities      |                                    106| 
Reconciliation of Net Cash Flow to Movement in Net Funds 
                                    |Period from 6 January 2011 to 31 December| 
                                    |                                     2011| 
                                    |                                         | 
                                    |                                     GBP'000| 
Increase in cash resources at bank  |                                    6,693| 
Net funds at 31 December 2011       |                                    6,693| 
Net Funds at 31 December comprised: 
                             |Period from 6 January 2011 to 31 December 2011| 
                             |                                              | 
                             |                                          GBP'000| 
Cash at bank                 |                                         6,693| 
Net Funds at 31 December 2011|                                         6,693| 
The accompanying notes form an integral part of the financial statements. 
Notes to the Financial Statements 
1.         Principal accounting policies 
Basis of accounting 
The   financial   statements  have  been  prepared  under  the  historical  cost 
convention,  except  for  the  measurement  at  fair  value of certain financial 
instruments,  and in accordance  with UK Generally  Accepted Accounting Practice 
(UK   GAAP),  and  the  Statement  of  Recommended  Practice  (SORP)  'Financial 
Statements  of  Investment  Trust  Companies'  (revised  2009). A summary of the 
principal accounting policies is set out below. 
The Company's business activities and the factors likely to affect its future 
development, performance and position are set out in the Chairman's Statement 
and Investment Manager's Review on pages X to X. Further details on the 
management of financial risk may be found in note 14 to the Financial 
The Board receives regular reports from the Investment Manager and the Directors 
have a reasonable expectation that the Company has adequate resources to 
continue in operational existence for the foreseeable future. The assets of the 
company consist of cash, which are readily realisable (37% of net assets) and 
accordingly, the company has adequate financial resources to continue in 
operational existence for the foreseeable future.  Thus, as no material 
uncertainties leading to significant doubt about going concern have been 
identified, it is appropriate to continue to adopt the going concern basis in 
preparing the financial statements. 
The Company presents its income statement in a three column format to give 
shareholders additional detail of the performance of the Company, split between 
items of a revenue or capital nature. 
The preparation of the financial statements requires management to make 
judgements and estimates that affect the application of policies and reported 
amounts of assets, liabilities, income and expenses. Estimates and assumptions 
mainly relate to the fair valuation of the fixed asset investments, particularly 
unquoted investments. Estimates are based on historical experience and other 
assumptions that are considered reasonable under the circumstances. The 
estimates and the assumptions are under continuous review with particular 
attention paid to the carrying value of the investments. 
Capital valuation policies are those that are most important to the depiction of 
the Company's financial position and that require the application of subjective 
and complex judgements, often as a result of the need to make estimates about 
the effects of matters that are inherently uncertain and may change in 
subsequent periods. The critical accounting policies that are declared will not 
necessarily result in material changes to the financial statements in any given 
period but rather contain a potential for material change. The main accounting 
and valuation policies used by the Company are disclosed below.  Whilst not all 
of the significant accounting policies require subjective or complex judgements; 
the Company considers that the following accounting policies should be 
considered critical. 
The Company has designated all fixed asset investments as being held at fair 
value through profit or loss; therefore all gains and losses arising from 
investments held are attributable to financial assets held at fair value through 
profit or loss.  Accordingly, all interest income, fee income, expenses and 
impairment losses are attributable to assets designated as being at fair value 
through profit or loss. 
Current asset investments comprising money market funds and deposits are held at 
fair value through profit or loss. Cash and short term deposits are held at 
amortised cost. 
Investments are regularly reviewed to ensure that the fair values are 
appropriately stated.  Quoted investments are valued in accordance with the bid- 
price on the relevant date, unquoted investments are valued in accordance with 
current International Private Equity and Venture Capital (IPEVC) valuation 
guidelines, although this does rely on subjective estimates such as appropriate 
sector earnings multiples, forecast results of investee companies, asset values 
of subsidiary companies and liquidity or marketability of the investments held. 
Although the Company believes that the assumptions concerning the business 
environment and estimate of future cash flows are appropriate, changes in 
estimates and assumptions could require changes in the stated values. This could 
lead to additional changes in fair value in the future. 
Purchases and sales of investments are recognised in the financial statements at 
the date of the transaction (trade date). 
These investments will be managed and their performance evaluated on a fair 
value basis in accordance with a documented investment strategy and information 
about them has to be provided internally on that basis to the Board. 
Accordingly, as permitted by FRS 26, the investments will be designated as fair 
value through profit or loss (FVTPL) on the basis that they qualify as a group 
of assets managed, and whose performance is evaluated, on a fair value basis in 
accordance with the documented investment strategy. The Company's investments 
are measured at subsequent reporting dates at fair value, with the holding gains 
and losses recorded in the income statement each year. In accordance with the 
investment strategy, the investments are held with a view to long-term capital 
growth and it is therefore possible that individual holdings may increase in 
value to a point where they represent a significantly higher proportion of total 
assets than the original cost. 
In the case of investments quoted on a recognised stock exchange, fair value is 
established by reference to the closing bid price on the relevant date or the 
last traded price, depending upon convention of the exchange on which the 
investment is quoted. This is consistent with the IPEVC valuation guidelines. 
In the case of unquoted investments, fair value is established by using measures 
of value such as the price of recent transactions, earnings multiple and net 
assets. This is consistent with IPEVC valuation guidelines. 
Gains or losses arising from the changes in fair value of investments at the 
period end are recognised as part of the capital return within the income 
statement and allocated to the capital reserve - investment holding 
In the preparation of the valuations of assets the Directors are required to 
make judgements and estimates that are reasonable and incorporate their 
knowledge of the performance of the investee companies. 
Current asset investments 
Gains and losses arising from changes in fair value of current asset investments 
are recognised as part of the capital return within the Income Statement and 
allocated to the capital reserve - investment gains/(losses) on disposal. 
The current asset investments are all invested with the Company's cash manager 
and are readily convertible into cash at the choice of the Company.  The current 
asset investments are held for trading, are actively managed and the performance 
is evaluated on a fair value basis in accordance with a documented investment 
strategy.  Information about them has to be provided internally on that basis to 
the Board. 
Other income 
Investment income includes interest earned on bank balances and money market 
funds and includes income tax withheld at source. 
Fixed returns on debt and money market funds are recognised on a time 
apportionment basis so as to reflect the effective yield; provided there is no 
reasonable doubt that payment will be received in due course. 
All expenses are accounted for on an accruals basis.  Expenses are charged 
wholly to revenue with the exception of the investment management fee, which, if 
payable, is to be charged 25% to the revenue account and 75% to the capital 
reserve to reflect, in the Directors' opinion, the expected long-term split of 
returns in the form of income and capital gains respectively from the investment 
The transaction costs incurred when purchasing or selling assets are written off 
to the income statement in the period that they occur. 
Revenue and capital 
The revenue column of the income statement includes all income and revenue 
expenses of the Company.  The capital column includes gains and losses on 
disposal of investments and on holding investments.  Gains and losses arising 
from changes in fair value of investments are recognised as part of the capital 
return within the income statement. 
Corporation tax payable is applied to profits chargeable to corporation tax, if 
any, at the current rate. The tax effect of different items of income/gain and 
expenditure/loss is allocated between capital and revenue return on the 
'marginal' basis as recommended in the SORP. 
Deferred tax is recognised on an undiscounted basis in respect of all timing 
differences that have originated but not reversed at the balance sheet date or 
where transactions or events have occurred at that date that will result in an 
obligation to pay more, or a right to pay less tax. This is with the exception 
that deferred tax assets are recognised only to the extent that the Directors 
consider that it is more likely than not that there will be suitable taxable 
profits from which the future reversal of the underlying timing differences can 
be deducted. 
Cash and liquid resources 
Cash, for the purposes of the cash flow statement, comprises cash in hand and 
deposits repayable on demand, less overdrafts payable on demand.  Liquid 
resources are current asset investments which are disposable without curtailing 
or disrupting the business and are either readily convertible into known amounts 
of cash at or close to their carrying values or traded in an active market. 
Liquid resources comprise term deposits of less than one year (other than cash), 
government securities, investment grade bonds and investments in money market 
managed funds. 
Loans and receivables 
The Company's loans and receivables are initially recognised at fair value and 
subsequently measured at amortised cost using the effective interest method. 
Financing strategy and capital structure 
We define capital as shareholders' funds and our financial strategy in the 
medium term is to manage a level of cash that balances the risks of the business 
with optimising the return on equity.  The Company currently has no borrowings 
nor does it anticipate that it will drawdown any borrowing facilities in the 
future to fund the acquisition of investments. 
The company does not have any externally imposed capital requirements. 
The value of the managed capital is indicated in note 12. The Board considers 
the distributable reserves and the total return for the year when recommending a 
dividend. In addition, the Board is authorised to make market purchases up to a 
maximum of 5% of the issued Ordinary share capital of the Company in accordance 
with Special Resolution 9 in order to maintain sufficient liquidity in the 
Capital management is monitored and controlled using the internal control 
procedures set out on page X of this report. The capital being managed includes 
equity and fixed-interest investments, cash balances and liquid resources 
including debtors and creditors. 
Financial instruments 
The Company's principal financial assets are its investments and the policies in 
relation to those assets are set out above. Financial liabilities and equity 
instruments are classified according to the substance of the contractual 
arrangements entered into. An equity instrument is any contract that evidences a 
residual interest in the assets of the entity after deducting all of its 
financial liabilities. Where the contractual terms of share capital do not have 
any terms meeting the definition of a financial liability then this is classed 
as an equity instrument. Dividends and distributions relating to equity 
instruments are debited direct to equity. 
Dividends payable are recognised as distributions in the financial statements 
when the Company's liability to make payment has been established.  This 
liability is established for interim dividends when they are paid, and for final 
dividends when they are approved by the shareholders. For the avoidance of 
doubt, no dividend has been proposed for the period ended 31 December 2011. 
2.         Other income 
                                            Period ended 
                                        31 December 2011 
 Interest receivable on bank balances                 38 
 Interest receivable on investments                   49 
3.         Other expenses 
                                                                    Period ended 
                                                                31 December 2011 
Directors' remuneration                                                       40 
Fees payable to the Company's auditor for the audit of the 
financial statements                                                           8 
Fees payable to the Company's auditor for other services - tax 
compliance                                                                     2 
Accounting and administration services                                        41 
UK Listing Fees                                                               47 
Trail commission                                                              74 
Other expenses                                                                67 
Total  annual  running  costs  are  capped  at  1.2% of  net  assets  (excluding 
irrecoverable VAT, rolled up management fees and IFA trail commission).  For the 
period to 31 December 2011 the running costs, as defined in the prospectus, were 
1.1% of net assets. 
4.         Directors' remuneration 
                                                                    Period ended 
                                                                31 December 2011 
Directors' emoluments 
Ian Pearson (Chairman)                                                        16 
Richard Hodgson                                                               12 
Chris Hulatt (paid to Octopus Investments Limited) to 11                      10 
November 2011 
Martijn Kleibergen (paid to Octopus Investments Limited) from                  2 
12 November 2011 
None of the Directors received any other remuneration or benefit from the 
Company during the period.  The Company has no employees other than non- 
executive Directors.  The average number of non-executive Directors in the 
period was three. 
5.         Tax on ordinary activities 
The corporation tax charge for the period was  GBPnil. 
The current rate of tax is the small companies' rate of corporation tax at 
 Current tax reconciliation:              31 December 2011 
 Loss on ordinary activities before tax              (192) 
 Current tax at 20.25%                                (39) 
 Unrecognised tax losses                                39 
 Total current tax charge                                - 
Approved VCTs are exempt from tax on capital gains within the Company.  Since 
the Directors intend that the Company will continue to conduct its affairs so as 
to achieve approval as a VCT, no current deferred tax has been provided in 
respect of any capital gains or losses arising on the revaluation or disposal of 
6.         Earnings per Share 
The total, revenue and capital earnings per share is based on 14,677,386 
Ordinary shares, being the weighted average number of Ordinary shares in issue 
during the period. 
There are no potentially dilutive capital instruments in issue and, therefore no 
diluted return per share figures are relevant. The basic and diluted earnings 
per share are therefore identical. 
7.        Net asset value per share 
The calculation of net asset value per share as at 31 December 2011 is based on 
net assets of  GBP18,048,000 and 19,300,111 Ordinary shares in issue at that date. 
8.         Fixed asset investments 
The  Company has adopted the amendment to FRS 29 regarding financial instruments 
that  are measured in the balance sheet  at fair value; this requires disclosure 
of  fair value  measurements by  level of  the following  fair value measurement 
Level 1: quoted prices in active markets for identical assets and liabilities. 
The fair value of financial instruments traded in active markets is based on 
quoted market prices at the balance sheet date. A market is regarded as active 
if quoted prices are readily and regularly available, and those prices represent 
actual and regularly occurring market transactions on an arm's length basis. The 
quoted market price used for financial assets held is the current bid price. 
These instruments are included in level 1 and comprise AIM-listed investments 
classified as held at fair value through profit or loss. The Company held no 
such investment in the current period. 
Level 2: the fair value of financial instruments that are not traded in an 
active market is determined by using valuation techniques. These valuation 
techniques maximise the use of observable data where it is available and rely as 
little as possible on entity-specific estimates. If all significant inputs 
required to fair value an instrument are observable, the instrument is included 
in level 2. The Company held no such investment in the current period. 
Level 3: the fair value of financial instruments that are not traded in an 
active market (for example investments in unquoted companies) is determined by 
using valuation techniques such as earnings multiples. If one or more of the 
significant inputs is not based on observable market data, the instrument is 
included in level 3. 
There have been no transfers between these classifications in the period. The 
change in fair value for the current period is recognised through the income 
All items held at fair value through profit or loss were designated as such upon 
initial recognition. Movements in investments at fair value through profit or 
loss during the period to 31 December 2011 are summarised below and in note 10. 
                                                      Level 3: 
                                          Unquoted investments Total investments 
                                              31 December 2011  31 December 2011 
                                                          GBP'000              GBP'000 
Purchases at cost                                       11,795            11,795 
Disposals                                                (142)             (142) 
Profit/(loss) on realisation of 
investments - current period                                 -                 - 
Revaluation in period                                        -                 - 
Valuation at 31 December 2011                           11,653            11,653 
Book cost at 31 December 2011:                          11,653            11.653 
Revaluation to 31 December 2011:                             -                 - 
Valuation at 31 December 2011                           11,653            11,653 
Further details in respect of the methods and assumptions applied in determining 
the fair value of the investments are disclosed in the Investment Manager's 
Review and within the principal accounting policies in note 1. 
At 31 December 2011, there were no commitments in respect of investments not yet 
9.         Debtors 
                  31 December 2011 
 Prepayments                     4 
 Accrued income                 49 
10.        Current Asset Investments 
Current asset investments at 31 December 2011 comprised fixed term deposits. 
                                       GBP'000      GBP'000 
 Purchase at cost: 
 - Fixed term deposits                3,000 
 Disposal proceeds 
 - Fixed term deposits              (3,000) 
 Valuation as at 31 December 2011                   - 
All current asset investments held at the period end sit with the level 1 
hierarchy for the purposes of FRS 29. 
Level 1 money market funds: Level 1 valuations are based on quoted prices 
(unadjusted) in active markets for identical assets or liabilities. The 
valuation of money market funds at 31 December 2011 was  GBPnil. 
11.        Creditors: amounts falling due within one year 
                   31 December 2011 
 Accruals                       121 
 Other creditors                230 
12.        Share capital 
                                      31 December 2011 
 Allotted and fully paid up: 
 19,300,111 ordinary shares of 1.0p                193 
The capital of the Company is managed in accordance with its investment policy 
with a view to the achievement of its investment objective as set on page X. 
The Company is not subject to any externally imposed capital requirements. 
We define capital as shareholders' funds and our financial strategy in the 
medium term is to manage a level of cash that balances the risks of the business 
with optimising the return on equity.  The Company currently has no borrowings 
nor does it anticipate that it will drawdown any borrowing facilities in the 
future to fund the acquisition of investments. 
The Board considers the distributable reserves and the total return for the year 
when recommending a dividend. In addition, the Board is authorised to make 
market purchases up to a maximum of 5% of the issued Ordinary share capital of 
the Company in accordance with Special Resolution 8 in order to maintain 
sufficient liquidity in the Company. 
Capital management is monitored and controlled using the internal control 
procedures set out on page X of this report. The capital being managed includes 
equity and fixed-interest investments, cash balances and liquid resources 
including debtors and creditors. 
The Company issued 19,300,109 Ordinary shares during the period at a price of 
100p per share and 2 Ordinary shares at a price of 1p per share on 
incorporation. The share premium arising on these shares totalled  GBP18,047,022 
after the company incurred total share issue costs of  GBP1,060,086. The Company 
did not repurchase any Ordinary shares for cancellation during the period. 
On 17 January 2011, the company made an allotment of 50,000 redeemable 
preference shares of  GBP1 each. These shares were allotted at par and fully paid 
up. These were subsequently redeemed on 28 March 2011 out of the proceeds of a 
further share issue. 
13.        Reserves 
                                                      Distributable      Revenue 
                    Share Capital Share premium            Reserves      reserve 
                             GBP'000          GBP'000                GBP'000         GBP'000 
As at date of                   -             -                   - 
incorporation                                                                  - 
Issue of equity               193        19,107                   -            - 
Cost of shares                  -       (1,060)                   - 
issue                                                                          - 
Loss on ordinary                -             -                   -        (192) 
activities after 
Cancellation of                 -      (18,047)              18,047            - 
share premium 
Balance as at 31              193             -             18,047* 
December 2011                                                             (192)* 
*Reserves  considered  when  calculating  potential  distribution  by  way  of a 
When the Company re-values its investments during the period, any gains or 
losses arising are credited/ charged to the income statement.  Changes in fair 
value of investments held are then transferred to the capital reserve - holding 
gains/(losses).  When an investment is sold, any balance held on the 'capital 
reserve - holding gains/(losses)' is transferred to the 'capital reserve - 
gains/(losses) on disposal' as a movement in reserves. 
Following the company's petition which was heard on 2 November 2011, the 
Companies Court ordered that the 
special resolution passed by the shareholders on 17 January 2011 to effect the 
cancellation of the share premium 
account be confirmed. The Order relating to the same was duly registered by the 
Registrar of Companies on 2 November 2011. The purpose of the cancellation was 
to create a reserve which will be capable of being used by 
the Company for the purpose of making repurchases of its own shares in the 
market with a view to narrowing 
the discount at which the Company's Ordinary Shares trade to net asset value. 
14.        Financial instruments and risk management 
The   Company's   financial  instruments  comprise  equity  and  fixed  interest 
investments  and  cash  balances  and  liquid  resources  including  debtors and 
creditors.  The Company intends to hold  financial assets in accordance with its 
investment  policy of investing mainly in a portfolio of VCT qualifying unquoted 
securities  whilst  holding  a  proportion  of  its  assets in cash or near-cash 
investments in order to provide a reserve of liquidity. 
Classification of financial instruments 
The company held the following categories of financial instruments, all of which 
are included in the balance sheet at fair value, at 31 December 2011. 
                                               31 December 2011 
 Assets at fair value through profit or loss 
 Fixed asset investments                                 11,653 
 Total                                                   11,653 
 Loans and receivables 
 Cash at bank                                             6,693 
 Other debtors                                                4 
 Accrued income                                              49 
 Total                                                    6,746 
 Liabilities at amortised cost 
 Accruals and other creditors                             (351) 
 Total                                                   18,048 
Fixed asset investments (see note 8) are carried at fair value. Unquoted 
investments are carried at fair value as determined by the directors in 
accordance with current venture capital industry guidelines. The fair value of 
all other financial assets and liabilities is represented by their carrying 
value in the balance sheet.  The Directors believe that the fair value of the 
assets held at the period end is equal to their book value. 
In carrying on its investment activities, the Company is exposed to various 
types of risk associated with the financial instruments and markets in which it 
invests. The most significant types of financial risk facing the Company are 
price risk, interest rate risk, credit risk and liquidity risk. The Company's 
approach to managing these risks is set out below together with a description of 
the nature and amount of the financial instruments held at the balance sheet 
Market risk 
The Company's strategy for managing investment risk is determined with regard to 
the Company's investment objective, as outlined on page X. The management of 
market risk is part of the investment management process and is a central 
feature of venture capital investment. The Company's portfolio is managed with 
regard to the possible effects of adverse price movements and, with the 
objective of maximising overall returns to shareholders. Investments in unquoted 
companies, by their nature, usually involve a higher degree of risk than 
investments in companies quoted on a recognised stock exchange, though the risk 
can be mitigated to a certain extent by diversifying the portfolio across 
business sectors and asset classes. The overall disposition of the Company's 
assets is regularly monitored by the Board. 
Details of the Company's investment portfolio at the balance sheet date are set 
out on pages X and X.  An analysis of investments is given in note 8. 
64.6% by value of the Company's net assets comprises investments in unquoted 
companies held at fair value.  A 10% overall increase in the valuation of the 
unquoted investments at 31 December 2011 would have increased net assets and the 
total return for the period by  GBP1,165,000. An equivalent change in the opposite 
direction would have reduced net assets and the total return for the period by 
the same amount. 
Interest rate risk 
Some of the Company's financial assets are interest-bearing, some of which are 
at variable rates.  As a result, the Company is exposed to fair value interest 
rate risk due to fluctuations in the prevailing levels of market interest rates. 
Floating rate 
The Company's floating rate investments comprise cash held on interest-bearing 
deposit accounts and, where appropriate, within interest bearing money market 
funds.  The benchmark rate which determines the rate of interest receivable on 
such investments is the bank base rate, which was 0.5% at 31 December 2011. The 
amounts held in floating rate investments at the balance sheet date were as 
                   31 December 2011 
 Cash on deposit              6,693 
A 1% increase in the base rate would increase income receivable from these 
investments and the total return for the period by  GBP66,930. 
Credit risk 
There were no significant concentrations of credit risk to counterparties at 31 
December 2011.  By cost, no individual investment exceeded 15.7% of the 
Company's net assets at 31 December 2011. 
Credit risk is the risk that counterparty to a financial instrument will fail to 
discharge an obligation or commitment that it has entered into with the Company. 
The Investment Manager and the Board carry out a regular review of counterparty 
risk. The carrying values of financial assets represent the maximum credit risk 
exposure at the balance sheet date. 
At 31 December 2011 the Company's financial assets exposed to credit risk 
comprised the following: 
                   31 December 2011 
 Cash on deposit              6,693 
                   Credit risk relating to listed money market securities is 
mitigated by investing in a portfolio of investment instruments of high credit 
quality, comprising securities issued by the UK Government and major UK 
companies and institutions. Credit risk relating to loans to and preference 
shares in unquoted companies is considered to be part of market risk. 
Those assets of the Company which are traded on recognised stock exchanges are 
held on the Company's behalf by third party custodians (The Co-operative bank in 
the case of fixed term deposits and Capita Financial in the case of quoted 
equity securities).  Bankruptcy or insolvency of a custodian could cause the 
Company's rights with respect to securities held by the custodian to be delayed 
or limited. 
Credit risk arising on the sale of investments is considered to be small due to 
the short settlement and the contracted agreements in place with the settlement 
The Company's interest-bearing deposit and current accounts are maintained with 
HSBC Bank plc and The Co-operative bank. 
Liquidity risk 
The Company's fixed term deposits are considered to be readily realisable as 
they are of high credit quality as outlined above. 
The Company's liquidity risk is managed on a continuing basis by the Investment 
Manager in accordance with policies and procedures laid down by the Board. The 
Company's overall liquidity risks are monitored on a quarterly basis by the 
The Company maintains sufficient investments in cash and readily realisable 
securities to pay accounts payable and accrued expenses.  At 31 December 2011 
these investments were valued at  GBP6,693,000. 
15.        Post balance sheet events 
The following events occurred between the balance sheet date and the signing of 
these financial statements: 
  * On 20 January 2012 an equity investment of  GBP400,000 was made into Atlantic 
    Screen International, a media company. 
  * On 3 February 2012 a debt investment of  GBP1,000,000 was made into Borro 
    Limited, an asset secured loan provider. 
16.        Contingencies, guarantees and financial commitments 
Provided that an intermediary continues to act for a shareholder and the 
shareholder continues to be the beneficial owner of the shares, intermediaries 
will be paid an annual trail commission of 0.5% of the initial net asset value. 
Trail commission of  GBP74,000 was accrued during the period and there was  GBPnil 
outstanding at the period end. 
There were no contingencies, guarantees or financial commitments as at 31 
December 2011. 
17.        Related party transactions 
Chris Hulatt, a non-executive director of Octopus VCT 2 plc during the period 
ended 31 December 2011, who resigned on 11 November 2011, is a Director of 
Octopus Investments Limited.   Following Chris Hulatt's resignation, Martijn 
Kleibergen, an employee of Octopus Investments Limited, was appointed as a non- 
executive director of Octopus VCT 2 plc on 11 November 2011. 
Octopus provides investment management and administration & accounting services 
to the Company under a management agreement which runs for a period of five 
years with effect from 6 January 2011 and may be terminated at any time 
thereafter by not less than twelve months' notice given by either party.  No 
compensation is payable in the event of terminating the agreement by either 
party, if the required notice period is given.  The fee payable, should 
insufficient notice be given, will be equal to the fee that would have been paid 
should continuous service be provided, or the required notice period was given. 
The administration and accounting fee is payable quarterly in arrears for a fee 
of 0.3% of the NAV calculated at annual intervals as at 31 December. During the 
year  GBP41,000 was paid to Octopus Investments and there was  GBPnil outstanding at 
the balance sheet date, for the accounting and administrative services. 
Octopus is entitled to an annual management fee of 2.0% of net assets. In order 
to ensure the alignment of interests between Octopus and Shareholders, the 
annual management fee will be rolled up (without interest) and will only be paid 
to Octopus once shareholders have received dividends during the life of the Fund 
and distributions totaling or exceeding 105p per Share. Octopus will only be 
entitled to receive an annual management fee for the period from the date on 
which shares are first allotted under the Offer until the date on which the 
general meeting is held (expected to be in August 2016) at which shareholders 
will be asked to approve a notion regarding the future of the Company. 
In addition, Octopus also provides secretarial services for an additional fee of 
 GBP15,000 per annum.  During the year  GBP12,000 was due to Octopus Investments 
Limited and there was  GBPnil outstanding at the balance sheet date. 
Octopus will also be entitled to receive a performance related incentive fee of 
20% on returns to shareholders 
in excess of 105p per share. The calculation of this fee is based wholly on the 
payment of cash proceeds to 
shareholders and will, therefore, not be paid until after the general meeting in 
Directors and Advisers 
Board of Directors 
Ian Pearson (Chairman)                Independent Auditor and Taxation Adviser 
Richard Hodgson                       James Cowper LLP 
Martijn Kleibergen                    3 Wesley Gate 
                                      Queen's Road 
Company Number                        Reading 
Registered in England No. 07484406    Berkshire 
                                      RG1 4AP 
Secretary and Registered office 
Tracey Spevack ACIS                   VCT Status Adviser 
20 Old Bailey                         PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP 
London                                1 Embankment Place 
EC4M 7AN                              London 
                                      WC2N 6RH 
Investment and Administration Manager 
Octopus Investments Limited           Bankers 
20 Old Bailey                         HSBC Bank plc 
London                                31 Holborn 
EC4M 7AN                              London 
Tel: 0800 316 2349                    EC1N 2HR 
Corporate Broker                      Capita Registrars Limited 
Matrix Corporate Capital LLP          The Registry 
1 Vine Street                         34 Beckenham Road 
London                                Beckenham 
W1J 0AH                               Kent 
Tel: 0203 206 7176                    BR3 4TU 
                                      Tel: 0871 664 0300 
                                      (Calls cost 10p per minute plus network 
                                      extras. Lines are open Monday - Friday 
                                      8.30am - 5.30pm) 
                        Notice of Annual General Meeting 
Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of Octopus VCT 2 plc will 
be  held at 20 Old Bailey, London,  EC4M 7AN on Wednesday, 27 June 2012 at 3.00 
p.m.  for the for  the purposes of  considering and if  thought fit, passing the 
following  resolutions of which Resolutions 1 to  7 will be proposed as Ordinary 
Resolutions and Resolutions 8, 9 and 10 will be proposed as Special Resolutions: 
 1. To receive and adopt the financial statements for the period to 31 December 
    2011 and the Directors' and Auditor's Reports thereon. 
 2. To approve the Directors' Remuneration Report. 
 3. To elect Ian Pearson as a Director. 
 4. To elect Richard Hodgson as a Director. 
 5. To elect Martijn Kleibergen as a Director. 
 6. To re-appoint James Cowper LLP as auditor of the Company and to authorise 
    the Directors to agree their remuneration. 
To consider and if thought fit, pass Resolution 7 as an Ordinary Resolution and 
Resolutions 8, 9 and 10 as Special Resolutions: 
THAT the Directors be and are generally and unconditionally authorised in 
accordance with s551 of the Companies Act 2006 to exercise all the powers of the 
Company to allot shares in the Company up to a maximum nominal amount of  GBP19,300 
(representing approximately 10% of the ordinary share capital in issue at 
today's date) such authority to expire at the later of the conclusion of the 
Company's next Annual General Meeting following the passing of this Resolution 
and the expiry of 15 months from the passing of the relevant Resolution (unless 
previously revoked, varied or extended by the Company in a general meeting but 
so that such authority allows the Company to make offers or agreements before 
the expiry thereof, which would or might require relevant securities to be 
allotted after the expiry of such authority). 
TO empower the Directors pursuant to s571 of the Companies Act 2006 to allot or 
make offers or agreements to allot equity securities (as defined in s560(1) of 
the said Act) for cash pursuant to the authority referred to in Resolution 7 as 
if s561 (1) of the said Act did not apply to any such allotments and so that: 
 a. reference to allotment in this Resolution shall be construed in accordance 
    with s560(2) of the said Act; and 
     a. the power conferred by this Resolution shall enable the Company to make 
        any offer or agreement before the expiry of the said power which would 
        or might require equity securities to be allotted after the expiry of 
        the said power and the Directors may allot equity securities in 
        pursuance of such offer or agreement notwithstanding the expiry of such 
And this power, unless previously varied, revoked or renewed, shall come to an 
end at the conclusion of the next Annual General Meeting of the Company 
following the passing of this Resolution or, if earlier, on the expiry of 15 
months from the passing of this Resolution. 
THAT  the Company be  and is hereby  generally and unconditionally authorised to 
make  market purchases (within the meaning of s693(4) of the Companies Act 2006 
of ordinary shares of 10p each in the Company ("Ordinary shares") provided that: 
 a. the maximum number of ordinary shares so authorised to be purchased shall 
    not exceed 5% of the present issued ordinary share capital of the Company; 
(b)     the minimum price which may be paid for an ordinary share shall be 10p; 
 a. the maximum price, exclusive of expenses, which may be paid for an ordinary 
    share is an amount equal to 105 per cent of the average of the middle market 
    quotations for an ordinary share taken from the London Stock Exchange Daily 
    Official List for the five business days immediately preceding the day on 
    which the ordinary share is contracted to be purchased; 
(d)     the authority conferred comes to an end at the conclusion of the next 
Annual General Meeting of the 
            Company or upon the expiry of 15 months from the passing of this 
Resolution, whichever is the later; and 
(e)     the Company may enter into a contract to purchase its ordinary shares 
under this authority prior to the expiry of this authority which would or might 
be completed wholly or partly after the expiry of this authority. 
       THAT Article 165.1 of the Company's Articles of Association be amended by 
deleting   the   word  "tenth"  and  substituting  the  word  "fifth"  therefor. 
By Order of the Board                                        20 Old Bailey 
                                       EC4M 7AN 
Tracey Spevack (ACIS) 
Company Secretary 
29 March 2012 
Notice of Annual General Meeting (continued) 
 a. A member entitled to attend and vote at the Annual General Meeting may 
    appoint one or more proxies to attend and vote on his or her behalf. A proxy 
    need not be a member. 
 b. A form of proxy is enclosed which, to be effective, must be completed and 
    delivered to the registrars of the Company, Capita Registrars, PXS, The 
    Registry, 34 Beckenham Road, Beckenham, Kent BR3 4TU so as to be received by 
    no later than 48 hours before the time the Annual General Meeting is 
    scheduled to begin. The completion and return of the form of proxy will not 
    affect the right of a member to attend and vote at the Annual General 
 c. As an alternative to returning a hard-copy proxy form by post, you can 
    appoint a proxy by sending it by fax to Octopus Investments Limited on 
    020 7657 3338. For the proxy appointment to be valid, your appointment must 
    be received by Octopus Investments Limited in such time as it can be 
    transmitted to the registrars of the Company so as to be received no later 
    than 48 hours before the time appointed for the meeting or any adjourned 
    meeting, or in the case of a poll taken subsequent to the date of the 
    meeting or adjourned meeting, so as to be received no later than 24 hours 
    before the time appointed for taking the poll. Capita Registrars will not be 
    liable for any proxy forms rendered illegible by means of fax transmission. 
 d. Any person receiving a copy of the Notice as a person nominated by a member 
    to enjoy information rights under section 146 of the Companies Act 2006 (a 
    'Nominated Person') should note that the provisions in Notes (a) and (b) 
    above concerning the appointment of a proxy or proxies to attend the meeting 
    in place of a member, do not apply to a Nominated Person as only 
    Shareholders have the right to appoint a proxy. However, a Nominated Person 
    may have a right under an agreement between the Nominated Person and the 
    member by whom he or she was nominated to be appointed, or to have someone 
    else appointed, as a proxy for the meeting. If a Nominated Person has no 
    such proxy appointment right or does not wish to exercise it, he/she may 
    have a right under such an agreement to give instructions to the member as 
    to the exercise of voting rights at the meeting. 
 e. Section 319A of the Companies Act 2006 requires the Directors to answer any 
    question raised at the AGM which relates to the business of the meeting 
    although no answer need be given (a) if to do so would interfere unduly with 
    the preparation of the meeting or involve disclosure of confidential 
    information; (b) if the answer has already been given on the Company's 
    website; or (c) if it is undesirable in the best interests of the Company or 
    the good order of the meeting. 
 f. Members satisfying the thresholds in section 527 of the Companies Act 2006 
    can require the Company to publish a statement on its website setting out 
    any matter relating to (a) the audit of the Company's accounts (including 
    the auditor's report and the conduct of the audit) that are to be laid 
    before the Annual General Meeting; or (b) any circumstances connected with 
    an auditor of the Company ceasing to hold office since the last Annual 
    General Meeting, that the members propose to raise at the meeting. The 
    Company cannot require the members requesting the publication to pay its 
    expenses. Any statement required to be placed on the website must also be 
    sent to the Company's auditors no later than the time it makes its statement 
    available on the website. The business which may be dealt with at the 
    meeting includes any statement that the Company has been required to publish 
    on its website. 
 g. Under sections 338 and 338A Companies Act 2006, members meeting the 
    threshold requirements in those sections have the right to require the 
      i. To give, to members of the Company entitled to receive notice of the 
         meeting, notice of a resolution which may properly be moved and is 
         intended to be moved at the meeting, and/or 
     ii. To include the business to be dealt with at the meeting any matters 
         (other than a proposed resolution) which may be properly included in 
         the business. 
A  resolution may properly be moved or a  matter may properly be included in the 
business unless: 
   i. (in the case of a resolution only) it would, if passed, be ineffective 
      (whether by reason of inconsistency with any enactment or the company's 
      constitution or otherwise); 
  ii. It is defamatory of any person; or 
 iii. It is frivolous or vexatious. 
Such a request may be in hard copy form or in electronic form, and must identify 
the  resolution of which notice is  to be given or the  matter to be included in 
the  business, must be  authorised by the  person or persons  making it, must be 
received by the Company not later than six weeks before the meeting, and (in the 
case  of a matter to be included in  the business only) must be accompanied by a 
statement setting out the grounds for the request. 
 a. A copy of the Notice of Annual General Meeting and the information required 
    by Section 311A Companies Act 2006 is included on the Company's website, 
    www.octopusinvestments.com under Products/Venture Capital Trusts. 
 b. Copies of the Directors' Letters of Appointment, the Register of Directors' 
    Interests in the Ordinary shares of the Company kept in accordance with the 
    Listing Rules and a copy of the Memorandum and Articles of Association of 
    the Company will be available for inspection at the registered office of the 
    Company during usual business hours on any weekday from the date of this 
    notice until the Annual General Meeting, and at the place of that meeting 
    for at least 15 minutes prior to the commencement of the meeting until its 
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     originality of the information contained therein. 
Source: Octopus VCT 2 PLC via Thomson Reuters ONE 

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