RNS Number : 5931F

O Twelve Estates Limited

18 June 2012

18 June 2012

                          O TWELVE ESTATES LIMITED 
                         ("O Twelve" / the "Company") 
                  RESULTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2012 
 O Twelve Estates Limited, the London and South East focused property 
  investment group, today announces results for the year ended 31 March 
       Key points 
         *    Portfolio valuation of GBP154.4 million (31 March 
              2011: GBP158.5 million) representing a decline of 
              2.6% on a like-for-like basis 
         *    Group net loss of GBP6.6 million, (31 March 2011: 
              loss of GBP8.6 million) representing a loss per 
              Ordinary Share of 1.37p (31 March 2011: loss per 
              Ordinary Share of 4.64p) 
         *    Consolidated net assets of GBP33.5 million (31 March 
              2011: GBP40.1 million), 6.98 pence per Ordinary Share 
              (31 March 2011: 8.34 pence per Ordinary Share) 
         *    Contracted annual rental income of GBP11.6 million 
              with an estimated rental value ("ERV") of GBP13.3 
              million per annum 
         *    Void rate increased to 13.0% (31 March 2011: 7.7%) 
              due to a lease surrender of the tenant at Western 
              Avenue, Thurrock 
         *    25 new leases contracted, accounting for 114,000 sq 
              ft of space and GBP1.1 million of annual rental 
              income after rent free periods 
  The Company is also pleased to announce that it is in advanced discussions 
  with VIII Investment UK S.a.r.l (a company entirely owned by funds 
  managed and/or advised by Westbrook Partners) ("VIII Investment") 
  in respect of a potential unconditional cash offer to be made by 
  VIII Investment for the entire issued and to be issued share capital 
  of the Company not already owned by VIII Investment at a price per 
  share of 7 pence. VIII Investment currently holds 370,025,139 Ordinary 
  Shares representing 77.06 per cent. of the issued share capital of 
  O Twelve. It is the current intention of the Board's independent 
  directors (being the Directors of O Twelve excluding Mark Donnor 
  and Ben Warner who are nominee directors of VIII Investment) to recommend 
  such offer, should it be made. These discussions may or may not lead 
  to an offer for the Company and therefore there can be no certainty 
  that an offer will be made. 
  Rule 2.6(a) of the City Code on Takeovers and Mergers (the "Takeover 
  Code"), requires the named potential offeror, by not later than 5.00 
  p.m. on 16 July 2012 (the "relevant deadline"), to either announce 
  a firm intention to make an offer for the Company in accordance with 
  Rule 2.7 of the Takeover Code or announce that it does not intend 
  to make an offer, in which case the announcement will be treated 
  as a statement to which Rule 2.8 of the Takeover Code applies. However, 
  the relevant deadline may be extended with the consent of the Takeover 
  Panel in accordance with Rule 2.6(c) of the Takeover Code, which 
  would normally be given at the request of the offeree. 
  This is an announcement falling under Rule 2.4 of the Takeover Code 
  and does not constitute an announcement of a firm intention to make 
  an offer under Rule 2.7 of the Takeover Code. There can be no certainty 
  that an offer will be made. A further announcement will be made in 
  due course. 
  This announcement is being made with the approval of VIII Investment. 
 Commenting on the results, Phillip Rhodes, Chairman of O Twelve, 
  "Property valuations are unlikely to increase significantly over 
  the next 12 months, in no small part due to the ongoing uncertainty 
  in the Eurozone. Your Board considers that the interests of shareholders 
  are best served by continuing to pursue latent value within the portfolio 
  by aggressive asset management, particularly of a number of opportunities 
  where there is clear potential to create additional value. As assets 
  mature they will be realised when right to do so in the circumstances 
  of each individual property." 
 For further information please contact: 
  Phillip Rhodes 
  Tel: +44 (0)20 7016 0050 
  David Tye / Andrew Wilson 
  Rugby Asset Management Limited 
  Tel: +44 (0)20 7016 0050 
  Simon Bennett / Katy Birkin 
  Fairfax I.S. PLC 
  Tel: +44 (0)20 7598 5368 
  Dido Laurimore / Stephanie Highett / Will Henderson 
  FTI Consulting 
  Tel: +44 (0)20 7831 3113 
 Rule 2.10 disclosure 
  In accordance with Rule 2.10 of the Code, the Company confirms that 
  it has 480,200,008 ordinary shares of 1p each in issue and admitted 
  to trading on the AIM market of the Stock Exchange with the ISIN 
  Disclosure requirements of the Takeover Code (the "Code") 
  Under Rule 8.3(a) of the Code, any person who is interested in 1 
  per cent. or more of any class of relevant securities of an offeree 
  company or of any paper offeror (being any offeror other than an 
  offeror in respect of which it has been announced that its offer 
  is, or is likely to be, solely in cash) must make an Opening Position 
  Disclosure following the commencement of the offer period and, if 
  later, following the announcement in which any paper offeror is first 
  identified. An Opening Position Disclosure must contain details of 
  the person's interests and short positions in, and rights to subscribe 
  for, any relevant securities of each of (i) the offeree company and 
  (ii) any paper offeror(s). An Opening Position Disclosure by a person 
  to whom Rule 8.3(a) applies must be made by no later than 3.30 pm 
  (London time) on the 10th business day following the commencement 
  of the offer period and, if appropriate, by no later than 3.30 pm 
  (London time) on the 10th business day following the announcement 
  in which any paper offeror is first identified. Relevant persons 
  who deal in the relevant securities of the offeree company or of 
  a paper offeror prior to the deadline for making an Opening Position 
  Disclosure must instead make a Dealing Disclosure. 
  Under Rule 8.3(b) of the Code, any person who is, or becomes, interested 
  in 1 per cent. or more of any class of relevant securities of the 
  offeree company or of any paper offeror must make a Dealing Disclosure 
  if the person deals in any relevant securities of the offeree company 
  or of any paper offeror. A Dealing Disclosure must contain details 
  of the dealing concerned and of the person's interests and short 
  positions in, and rights to subscribe for, any relevant securities 
  of each of (i) the offeree company and (ii) any paper offeror, save 
  to the extent that these details have previously been disclosed under 
  Rule 8. A Dealing Disclosure by a person to whom Rule 8.3(b) applies 
  must be made by no later than 3.30 pm (London time) on the business 
  day following the date of the relevant dealing. 
  If two or more persons act together pursuant to an agreement or understanding, 
  whether formal or informal, to acquire or control an interest in 
  relevant securities of an offeree company or a paper offeror, they 
  will be deemed to be a single person for the purpose of Rule 8.3. 
  Opening Position Disclosures must also be made by the offeree company 
  and by any offeror and Dealing Disclosures must also be made by the 
  offeree company, by any offeror and by any persons acting in concert 
  with any of them (see Rules 8.1, 8.2 and 8.4). 
  Details of the offeree and offeror companies in respect of whose 
  relevant securities Opening Position Disclosures and Dealing Disclosures 
  must be made can be found in the Disclosure Table on the Takeover 
  Panel's website at www.thetakeoverpanel.org.uk, including details 
  of the number of relevant securities in issue, when the offer period 
  commenced and when any offeror was first identified. You should contact 
  the Panel's Market Surveillance Unit on +44 (0)20 7638 0129 if you 
  are in any doubt as to whether you are required to make an Opening 
  Position Disclosure or a Dealing Disclosure. 
 I am pleased to present the Group's results for the year ended 31 
  March 2012. 
  At 31 March 2012, the Group's property portfolio was valued at GBP154.4 
  million (31 March 2011: GBP158.5 million). On a like-for-like basis, 
  taking into account capital expenditure over the period, the value 
  of the portfolio fell during the year by 2.6%. The IPD Monthly Index 
  decreased by 0.2% for the same period. However, it should be noted 
  that this is not directly comparable to the Group's portfolio, due 
  to the inclusion of prime central London properties which improved 
  the IPD Monthly Index's performance, but which were not part of the 
  Group's portfolio. 
  During the year, the portfolio remained largely unchanged, with transactions 
  limited to the partial disposal of two units at Larkfield Mill in 
  Aylesford for a total consideration of GBP725,000. 
 The Group reported a net loss for the year. Whilst the Group generated 
  a small profit before valuation movements, the unrealised loss of 
  GBP4.0 million on revaluation of investment properties and the adverse 
  movement in the mark to market of interest rate swaps of GBP2.5 million 
  led to a net loss for the year of GBP6.6 million (31 March 2011: 
  loss of GBP8.6 million), representing a loss per Ordinary Share of 
  1.37p (31 March 2011: loss per Ordinary Share of 4.64p). Consolidated 
  net assets at 31 March 2012 were GBP33.5 million (31 March 2011: 
  GBP40.1 million), and net asset value per Ordinary Share was 6.98p 
  (31 March 2011: 8.34p). 
  During the period, the Group accepted a lease surrender from the 
  tenant of Western Avenue, Thurrock, which had been in financial difficulty, 
  on payment by the tenant of GBP262,500. Principally as a result of 
  this, rental income for the year was GBP11.5 million (31 March 2011: 
  GBP12.2 million). 
  During the year the Group repaid GBP6.5 million of loan principal. 
  At 31 March 2012, the outstanding loan principal was GBP118.3 million 
  (31 March 2011: GBP124.8 million), of which GBP89.0 million (31 March 
  2011: GBP115.0 million) was at a fixed rate of interest of 5.155% 
  per annum plus margin and GBP29.3 million (31 March 2011: GBP9.8 
  million) was at variable rates, giving a blended interest rate at 
  31 March 2012 of 6.14% per annum (31 March 2011: 6.82%). 
  The loss of the tenant at Western Avenue had a negative impact on 
  the interest cover ratio ("ICR"). However this was offset by the 
  reduction in interest cost following the hedging break and the twenty-five 
  new leases which were contracted in the period, accounting for 114,000 
  sq ft of space and GBP1.1 million of rental income after rent free 
  The ICR under the loan facility at 25 April 2012 was 129% (25 April 
  2011: 117%), against a current default level of 110%. The loan to 
  value ratio ("LTV") at 31 March 2012 was 73%. This is comfortably 
  below the default level of 85% although shareholders should be aware 
  that "cash lock up" arrangements come into effect above 75%. 
  At 31 March 2012, cash balances freely available to the Group amounted 
  to GBP5.3 million. In addition, GBP6.2 million was held on a blocked 
  deposit account which is offset against the loan principal in calculating 
  LTV under the loan facility. 
  The Board does not recommend the payment of a dividend in respect 
  of the year (31 March 2011: nil). 
 Future prospects 
  The Directors believe that property valuations are unlikely to increase 
  significantly over the next 12 months, in no small part due to the 
  ongoing uncertainty in the Eurozone. Your Board considers that the 
  interests of shareholders are best served by continuing to pursue 
  latent value within the portfolio by aggressive asset management, 
  particularly of a number of opportunities where there is clear potential 
  to create additional value. As assets mature they will be realised 
  when right to do so in the circumstances of each individual property. 
  In the present unfavourable economic and financial climate, the Directors 
  do not expect the lenders under the loan facility to approve new 
  acquisitions or projects other than those which directly benefit 
  existing assets. It must therefore be assumed that the greater part 
  of any realisation proceeds will not be reinvested and will be applied 
  in paying down the loan facility. 
  The Directors intention is that the balance of the Group's properties 
  will be disposed of by the end of the loan facility term in 2016. 
  All disposals will take into account the impact on loan covenant 
  compliance at that time. The greater part of realisation proceeds 
  will be applied against debt as required and the annual cash surplus, 
  after considering the Group's overall financial position, will be 
  repaid to shareholders. 
  In light of current market conditions, and the Group's realisation 
  plan for the next few years, your Board is reviewing all aspects 
  of the Group's operations to minimise costs over the period. This 
  involves consideration of all management and advisory arrangements 
  and the Group's tax residency and status. However, the Directors 
  do not believe shareholders' interests are best served by using freely 
  available cash resources to break fixed rate loans. Earlier property 
  realisations will therefore be limited to the outstanding debt not 
  subject to these arrangements (GBP29 million at 31 March 2012). Rather, 
  the adverse mark to market of fixed rate loans, amounting to GBP14 
  million as at 31 March 2012, should so far as possible be allowed 
  naturally to reduce to zero over the remaining loan term. 
  P B Rhodes 
 15 June 2012 
 Rugby Asset Management 
  Rugby Asset Management Limited ("RAM"), a member of the Rugby Estates 
  Plc group, was appointed Property Adviser to O Twelve Estates Limited 
  on its admission to AIM on 27 March 2006. Our role is to identify 
  transactions for recommendation to and consideration by the Board 
  of the Company and to negotiate on its behalf. We undertake, on a 
  day to day basis, under delegated authority from the Board, all aspects 
  of assembling, managing and financing O Twelve's property portfolio. 
  Rugby Estates Plc group holds a 1.6% interest in the issued share 
  capital of O Twelve Estates Limited. 
 Market Comment 
  In the latter part of 2011, the tide of investor sentiment clearly 
  changed with concerns over the wider external economy, particularly 
  the risk of sovereign default in the Eurozone. This nervousness has 
  continued into 2012 and the risk aversion that was present in 2008 
  and 2009 has now returned. Demand for prime and good secondary property 
  in London and the South East remains stable, although outside those 
  segments of the market investor demand tails off considerably. This 
  is reflected in the continued divergence in yields between prime 
  and poorer quality secondary property. 
  In the year ended 31 March 2012, capital values for UK real estate 
  generally remained stable with the IPD Monthly Index showing a fall 
  in values of 0.2%. While the Group's portfolio is entirely located 
  in the South East, it does not have any holdings in Central London, 
  which performed significantly better than most other sectors of the 
  market. Accordingly, on a like-for-like basis, and after having taken 
  into account capital expenditure, the capital value of the portfolio 
  over the year decreased by 2.6%. 
  The occupational market remains fragile, particularly in the retail 
  sector where tenant defaults present a challenge and in many instances 
  rental values are continuing to fall. In September 2011, we advised 
  that the void rate had increased to 13%, almost entirely due to the 
  loss of the tenant at Western Avenue, Thurrock. One of our principal 
  aims is to maximise cashflow with a particular focus on minimising 
  voids and reducing associated property outgoings. Despite the challenging 
  occupational market, we are pleased to report that twenty-five new 
  leases were contracted over the period, accounting for 114,000 sq 
  ft of space and GBP1.1 million of annual rental income after rent 
  free periods. 
      Portfolio Review as at 31 March 2012 
        *    Valuation GBP154.4 million 
        *    20 properties 
        *    Average lot size of GBP7.7 million 
        *    Contracted annual rental income of GBP11.6 million 
        *    Estimated rental value ("ERV") of GBP13.3 million per 
        *    174 separately lettable units* 
        *    140 units are let to 123 tenants* 
        *    34 units are vacant and available for letting with an 
             ERV of GBP1.7 million per annum * 
        *    28% of income is from leases with more than 5 years 
             to expiry 
        *    Weighted average unexpired lease term is 5.2 years 
       * Excluding long leasehold ground rents and assured shorthold tenancies 
 Capital Value Split by Sector as at 31 March 2012 
 Retail                                                        45% 
 Industrial                                                    37% 
 Office                                                        13% 
 Residential                                                   5% 
  The external valuation of the Group's properties as at 31 March 2012 
  was GBP154.4 million (31 March 2011: GBP158.5 million). On a like-for-like 
  basis, taking into account capital expenditure over the period, the 
  value of the portfolio fell during the year by 2.6%. The equivalent 
  yield for the portfolio remained stable over the period at 7.5%, 
  compared to the IPD Monthly Index which also remained relatively 
  stable at 7.3%. 
 Capital Value Movement compared to IPD Monthly Index (March 2011 
  to March 2012) 
                                                       O Twelve               IPD 
 All Property                                             -2.6%             -0.2% 
 Retail                                                   -4.3%             -1.2% 
 Office                                                   -2.5%              1.5% 
 Industrial                                               -1.7%             -0.9% 
 Rental values within the portfolio fell by 1.5% over the period representing 
  a slight underperformance when compared with the IPD Monthly Index 
  where rental values remained stable. Industrial was the best performing 
  sector showing a fall in rental values of just 0.8%. 
 Rental Value Movement compared to IPD Monthly Index (March 2011 to 
  March 2012) 
                                                O Twelve                       IPD 
 All Property                                      -1.5%                      0.0% 
 Retail                                            -3.8%                     -1.0% 
 Office                                            -2.1%                      1.8% 
 Industrial                                        -0.8%                     -1.0% 
 Reversion by Sector (including vacant space) (as at 31 March 2012) 
                                                    Rent                       ERV 
                                              GBPmillion                GBPmillion 
 Retail                                              5.6                       5.7 
 Residential                                         0.4                       0.5 
 Office                                              1.9                       2.1 
 Industrial                                          3.7                       5.0 
      There were no material sales or acquisitions during the period. Two 
       industrial units at Larkfield Mill in Aylesford were sold realising 
       Our focus has continued to be on asset management and we are delighted 
       to report that twenty-five new leases have been contracted over the 
       period, accounting for 114,000 sq ft of space and GBP1.1 million 
       of annual rental income after rent free periods. Key events during 
       the year included: 
        *    Larkfield Mill, Aylesford - City Link taking a new 
             lease on just over 40,000 sq ft of distribution space 
             for a further ten years (with a break at year five) 
             at a rental rate of GBP203,585 per annum after 
        *    Queensgate, Waltham Cross - Telford Homes have 
             re-geared their lease and taken additional space. In 
             total they now occupy just over 19,000 sq ft (32% of 
             total area) paying a rent of almost GBP270,000 after 
             incentives. The income is now secure until 2021. 
        *    Mill River Trading Estate, Enfield - Following a cost 
             effective refurbishment of the estate, Edmundson 
             Electrical have completed leases on two units for a 
             total contracted rent of circa GBP130,000 per annum. 
             Both leases are for a ten year term with one of the 
             units having a break option in December 2017. 
 Since 31 March 2012, we have also completed a new reversionary lease 
  with Bank of New York ("BNY") Mellon in Brentwood. BNY Mellon occupy 
  46,000 sq ft of offices under a lease which was due to expire in 
  March 2013. The reversionary lease extends the term for a further 
  five years at the passing rent of GBP701,406 per annum. This is a 
  significant tenancy for the Company, accounting for 6% of the total 
  rent roll. This income stream is now secure until March 2018. 
 Rental Value Analysis - 31 March 2012 
                              31 March 2012      31 March 
                                GBP million   GBP million 
 Current annualised income             11.1          11.6 
 Rent free periods                      0.5           0.8 
                                   --------      -------- 
 Total Contracted Rent                 11.6          12.4 
 Available for letting                  1.7           1.0 
 Reversions                             0.0           0.2 
                                   --------      -------- 
 Rental Value                          13.3          13.6 
                                   --------      -------- 
 Void Analysis 
  The void rate within the portfolio has risen from 7.7% on 31 March 
  2011 to 13% at 31 March 2012. This increase is almost solely due 
  to accepting a surrender of the lease at the distribution unit at 
  Western Avenue, Thurrock. The tenant company was in financial difficulty 
  and, after a detailed review of its position, it was felt that the 
  best course of action would be to accept a surrender payment of GBP262,500 
  from them rather than pursue a claim after an insolvency event. During 
  the coming year our focus will continue to be on reducing the void 
  rate and minimising associated void costs. 
 Rent Collection 
  Maintaining a high level of rent collection remains one of our key 
  objectives. Despite the difficult trading conditions, the rent collection 
  statistics through the year remained good with 95% of rental income 
  collected within one month of the quarter day. 
 Income Expiry Profile - 31 March 2012 
 Under 5 years                                                  72% 
 5 - 10 years                                                   23% 
 Over 10 years                                                  5% 
 Of the portfolio's 123 tenants, 20 account for 56% of the contracted 
  rental income with the top 10 accounting for 39%. Tenants of, in 
  our view, a very strong or "national" standard account for 77% of 
  the contracted rent, while smaller regional and local businesses 
  account for 23% of the contracted rent. 
 Tenants in the portfolio include: 
 All Saints Ltd      Chelmsford Star     Hitachi Kokusai     Staples 
                      Co - Operative      Electric UK Ltd 
                      Society Ltd 
 Bank of New York    DHL                 Moss Bros Group     Telford Homes plc 
  Mellon                                  Plc 
 Barclays Bank plc   GE Transportation   O2 (UK) Ltd         WH Smith Plc 
                      Systems Ltd 
 Boots               Halfords            Somerfield Stores   Wilkinson Hardware 
                                          Ltd                 Stores Ltd 
 Portfolio at 31 March 2012 
                                                             Valuation band at 
                                                                 31 March 2012 
  Property                        Type                             GBP million 
 Gascoigne Road, Barking         Distribution warehousing               5 - 10 
 QED, Thurrock                   Distribution warehousing               5 - 10 
 Western Avenue, Thurrock        Distribution warehousing               5 - 10 
 Bakers Court, Basildon          Industrial                              0 - 5 
 Barratt Industrial Estate, 
  Bow                            Industrial                              0 - 5 
 Larkfield Mill, Aylesford       Industrial                            15 - 20 
 Mill River Trading Estate, 
  Enfield                        Industrial                             5 - 10 
 Baytree Shopping Centre, 
  Brentwood                      Shopping centre                       20 - 25 
 George Yard, Braintree          Shopping centre                       15 - 20 
 The Mall, Dagenham              Shopping centre                        5 - 10 
 214/216 Heathway, Dagenham      Retail                                  0 - 5 
 38-42 High Street, Brentwood    Retail                                  0 - 5 
 75 High Street, Brentwood       Retail                                  0 - 5 
 Grove Farm, Chadwell 
  Heath                          Retail park                           10 - 15 
 Inspira House, Welwyn 
  Garden City                    Office                                  0 - 5 
 Mellon House, Brentwood         Office                                 5 - 10 
 Queensgate, Waltham 
  Cross                          Office                                 5 - 10 
 Redwing Court, Romford          Office                                  0 - 5 
 34 St Thomas Road, Brentwood    Residential                             0 - 5 
 Salway Place, Stratford         Residential                            5 - 10 
 Going Forward 
  With continuing uncertainty in the Eurozone, the long awaited investment 
  led recovery in the UK that many have been hoping for appears very 
  unlikely in the near future. Our focus will continue to be on unlocking 
  the latent value within the portfolio through proactive asset management. 
  We believe there are a good number of clear opportunities to both 
  maintain and create additional value within the portfolio. These 
  are actively being pursued. 
  Some asset sales may be considered where assets have reached their 
  optimal values and where proceeds can be applied against debt as 
  required, taking into account the impact on loan covenant compliance. 
  The focus of the portfolio in the London/South East area generally 
  and on the "Olympic" side of London in particular should have a positive 
  impact on its holdings and also mitigate the impact if there is a 
  prolonged period of nil or low economic growth. 
 David Tye 
  Andrew Wilson 
  Rugby Asset Management Limited 
 15 June 2012 
 The objective of O Twelve Estates Limited and its subsidiaries is 
  to generate an attractive return for Shareholders through the assembly 
  of a portfolio of investment properties in its Target Area, which 
  comprises all London boroughs and the counties of Kent, Surrey, East 
  Sussex, West Sussex, Hampshire, Berkshire, Buckinghamshire, Hertfordshire 
  and Essex. 
                                INVESTMENT POLICY 
      The investment policy of the Group is to establish a property portfolio 
       that is diverse by sector (whether industrial, retail, office, or 
       residential), by tenant and by capital value. The Group's key criterion 
       for property acquisitions is the potential for rental and capital 
       value growth through active property management and/or through a 
       re-characterisation of the acquired real estate. Re-characterisation 
       may arise purely as a result of the so called "Olympic effect" on 
       the location, or it may need to be actively encouraged. Bringing 
       about such re-characterisation may range from a simple image improvement 
       programme for a previously neglected industrial estate to attract 
       better quality tenants, to a full redevelopment scheme following 
       the grant of planning consent for a change of use (for example from 
       commercial to a residential or mixed-use project). 
       Whilst the majority of properties acquired are income-producing, 
       the creation of further value through development or refurbishment 
       is actively pursued. Development may be undertaken selectively across 
       the sectors either by the acquisition of sites, with or without the 
       benefit of planning consent, or through the management of income-producing 
       properties into development opportunities. In certain locations a 
       site assembly programme may be pursued with a view to obtaining planning 
       consent for a comprehensive re-development. Joint ventures may also 
       be entered into in circumstances where the continuing involvement 
       of existing landowners, local authorities or central government agencies 
       is necessary, or for large projects where a sharing of financial 
       risk is appropriate. The Group may also pursue other indirect investments 
       through property investment partnerships or unit trusts or investments 
       in the equities of other property investment or property holding 
       The structure used for each property acquisition is reviewed at purchase. 
       Accordingly, the Company may, without limit, incorporate further 
       subsidiaries to hold property or may acquire the share capital of 
       companies, units in unit trusts, or partnership interests in partnerships 
       which own one or more properties. 
       Investment Restrictions 
       No property acquisition or new letting will be made if, immediately 
       after the proposed acquisition or letting: 
        *    less than 75% of Gross Property Asset Value will be 
             situated within the Target Area; or 
        *    any single tenant, other than any government or 
             governmental (central or local), quasi-governmental, 
             supranational statutory or regulatory body will 
             account for more than 20% of contracted rental 
       Provided that these restrictions will not apply if Gross Property 
       Asset Value is less than GBP100 million. 
       Life span of the Company 
       There are no specific provisions for the life span of the Company, 
       although the Directors estimate it to be up to 12 years. In accordance 
       with the Articles of Incorporation, a resolution will be proposed 
       at the Annual General Meeting of the Company to be held in 2014 and 
       at each Annual General Meeting held every two years thereafter giving 
       Shareholders the opportunity to vote on whether the Company should 
       continue as an investment company or to call for a winding up of 
       the Company and a return of its distributable assets to Shareholders. 
       Dividend Policy 
       The initial focus of the Company is the delivery of capital growth 
       for Shareholders and therefore the Company will only consider the 
       payment of dividends as and when it is appropriate to do so. To the 
       extent that any dividends are paid they will be paid in accordance 
       with any applicable laws and the regulations to which the Company 
       is subject. 
       Borrowings will not normally exceed 65% of the value of the Group's 
       property portfolio at the time new borrowings are drawn down. Interest 
       rate hedging is considered in the light of prevailing conditions 
       at that time. 
for the year ended 31 March 2012 
                                                                  Year ended       Year ended 
                                                               31 March 2012    31 March 2011 
                                                                     GBP'000          GBP'000 
Rent receivable                                                       11,483           12,157 
Service charges receivable                                             2,444            2,314 
Bank interest                                                             34               15 
Other interest                                                             -                1 
                                                             ---------------  --------------- 
Total income                                                          13,961           14,487 
                                                             ---------------  --------------- 
Other operating expenses                                             (3,045)          (3,156) 
Service charges payable                                              (2,444)          (2,314) 
Management fees                                                        (968)          (1,035) 
                                                             ---------------  --------------- 
Total expenses                                                       (6,457)          (6,505) 
                                                             ---------------  --------------- 
Investment gains and losses 
Unrealised loss on revaluation of investment 
 properties                                                          (3,974)          (5,048) 
Realised loss from sale of investment properties                       (101)            (630) 
                                                             ---------------  --------------- 
Total investment gains and losses                                    (4,075)          (5,678) 
                                                             ---------------  --------------- 
Net profit from operating activities                                   3,429            2,304 
                                                             ---------------  --------------- 
Interest payable and similar charges                                 (7,502)         (10,928) 
Net (losses)/gains on interest rate swap                             (2,486)               18 
                                                                 -----------      ----------- 
Total financing gains and losses                                     (9,988)         (10,910) 
                                                                 -----------      ----------- 
Loss before taxation                                                 (6,559)          (8,606) 
Taxation                                                                 (1)             (37) 
                                                                 -----------      ----------- 
Total comprehensive loss for the year attributable 
 to owners of the Company                                            (6,560)          (8,643) 
                                                                ------------     ------------ 
Loss per Ordinary Share - basic and diluted                          (1.37)p          (4.64)p 
All items in the above statement are derived from continuing operations. 
for the year ended 31 March 2012 
                                         Share capital   Other reserves       Total 
                                               GBP'000          GBP'000     GBP'000 
Balance at 1 April 2011                          4,802           35,257      40,059 
Total comprehensive loss for the year                -          (6,560)     (6,560) 
                                            ----------       ----------  ---------- 
Balance at 31 March 2012                         4,802           28,697      33,499 
                                            ----------       ----------  ---------- 
for the year ended 31 March 2011 
                                         Share capital   Other reserves       Total 
                                               GBP'000          GBP'000     GBP'000 
Balance at 1 April 2010                          1,225           12,386      13,611 
Total comprehensive loss for the year                -          (8,643)     (8,643) 
Issue of Ordinary Shares                         3,577           31,514      35,091 
                                            ----------       ----------  ---------- 
Balance at 31 March 2011                         4,802           35,257      40,059 
                                            ----------       ----------  ---------- 
 as at 31 March 2012 
                                                       31 March          31 March 
                                                           2012              2011 
                                                        GBP'000           GBP'000 
 Non-current assets 
 Investment property                                    154,380           158,540 
 Restricted cash and cash equivalents                     8,119            14,413 
                                                ---------------   --------------- 
                                                        162,499           172,953 
                                                ---------------   --------------- 
 Current assets 
 Receivables and prepayments                              3,887             4,359 
 Cash and cash equivalents                                5,258             8,137 
                                                ---------------   --------------- 
                                                          9,145            12,496 
                                                ---------------   --------------- 
 Total assets                                           171,644           185,449 
                                                ---------------   --------------- 
 Current liabilities 
 Payables and accruals                                  (5,723)           (5,984) 
 Fair value of interest rate swap                             -           (2,990) 
                                                ---------------   --------------- 
                                                        (5,723)           (8,974) 
                                                ---------------   --------------- 
 Non-current liabilities 
 Bank loan                                            (118,344)         (124,824) 
 Fair value of interest rate swap                      (14,078)          (11,592) 
                                                ---------------   --------------- 
                                                      (132,422)         (136,416) 
                                                ---------------   --------------- 
 Total liabilities                                    (138,145)         (145,390) 
                                                ---------------   --------------- 
 Net assets                                              33,499            40,059 
                                                ---------------   --------------- 
 Capital and reserves attributable to owners 
  of the Company 
 Called-up share capital                                  4,802             4,802 
 Other reserves                                          28,697            35,257 
                                                ---------------   --------------- 
 Attributable to owners of the Company                   33,499            40,059 
                                                ---------------   --------------- 
 Net asset value per Ordinary Share - basic 
  and diluted                                             6.98p             8.34p 
  for the year ended 31 March 2012 
                                                          Year ended      Year ended 
                                                            31 March        31 March 
                                                                2012            2011 
                                                             GBP'000         GBP'000 
 Operating activities 
 Loss before taxation                                        (6,559)         (8,606) 
 Adjustments for: 
       Unrealised loss on revaluation of investment 
        properties                                             3,974           5,048 
       Realised loss from sale of investment 
        properties                                               101             630 
       Net losses/(gains) on interest rate swap                2,486            (18) 
       Interest payable and similar charges                    7,502          10,928 
 Taxation (paid)/refunded                                       (71)              39 
                                                       -------------   ------------- 
 Net cash inflow from operating activities 
  before working capital changes                               7,433           8,021 
 Decrease in receivables and prepayments                         515             681 
 (Decrease)/increase in payables and accruals                   (58)             267 
                                                       -------------   ------------- 
 Net cash inflow from operating activities 
  ([1])                                                        7,890           8,969 
 Investing activities 
 Refurbishment of investment property                          (620)           (194) 
 Net proceeds from sale of investment 
  property                                                       705           6,036 
                                                       -------------   ------------- 
 Net cash inflow from investing activities                        85           5,842 
 Financing activities 
 Loan interest and similar charges paid                      (7,678)         (8,498) 
 Net repayment of loan                                       (6,480)        (19,874) 
 Interest rate swap break cost                               (2,990)               - 
 Net equity raising proceeds                                       -          35,091 
 Loan arrangement fees paid                                        -         (3,121) 
                                                       -------------   ------------- 
 Net cash (outflow)/inflow from financing 
  activities                                                (17,148)           3,598 
                                                       -------------   ------------- 
 (Decrease)/increase in cash and cash 
  equivalents                                                (9,173)          18,409 
                                                       -------------   ------------- 
 Cash and cash equivalents at beginning 
  of year                                                     22,550           4,141 
 (Decrease)/increase in cash and cash 
  equivalents                                                (9,173)          18,409 
                                                       -------------   ------------- 
 Cash and cash equivalents at end of year                     13,377          22,550 
                                                       -------------   ------------- 
 Cash and cash equivalents at the end 
  of the year comprise: 
 Non-current cash and cash equivalents                         8,119          14,413 
 Cash and cash equivalents                                     5,258           8,137 
                                                       -------------   ------------- 
                                                              13,377          22,550 
                                                       -------------   ------------- 
 ([1]) Net cash inflow from operating 
  activities includes: 
    Bank interest received                                        34              15 


1. The financial information set out in this announcement does not constitute the Group's statutory financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2012 or 2011 but from the Chairman's Statement onwards is derived from those accounts. Statutory accounts for 2011 have been filed with the Guernsey Financial Services Commission, and those for 2012 will be filed in due course. The auditors have reported on those accounts and their reports were unqualified.

   2.     Annual Report 

The Annual Report will be posted to shareholders within two weeks of the date of this announcement. Copies of the Annual Report will be available from the Company's office at 1st Floor, Royal Chambers, St Julian's Avenue, St Peter Port, Guernsey, GY1 3JX and on its website, www.otwelveestates.com.

   3.     Dividends 

The Directors do not propose an interim or final dividend for the year ended 31 March 2012.

   4.     Loss per Ordinary Share 

The loss per Ordinary Share (basic and diluted) is based on a loss of GBP6,560,000 (31 March 2011: loss of GBP8,643,000) and on a weighted average number of 480,200,008 (31 March 2011: 186,200,003) Ordinary Shares in issue.

   5.     Net asset value per Ordinary Share 

Basic and diluted

The net asset value per Ordinary Share is based on the net assets attributable to owners of the Company of GBP33,499,000 (31 March 2011: GBP40,059,000) and on 480,200,008 (31 March 2011: 480,200,008) Ordinary Shares in issue at the end of the year.

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



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