Octopus Eclipse VCT 4 plc 
Half-Yearly Results 
31 March 2011 
Octopus Eclipse VCT 4 plc, managed by Octopus Investments Limited, today 
announces the Half-Yearly results for the six months ended 31 January 2011. 
These results were approved by the Board of Directors on 31 March 2011. 
You may shortly view the Half-Yearly Report in full atwww.octopusinvestments.com 
by navigating to Services, Investor Services, Venture Capital Trusts, Octopus 
Eclipse VCT 4. All other statutory information will also be found there. 
About Octopus Eclipse VCT 4 plc 
Octopus Eclipse VCT 4 plc ('Eclipse 4', 'VCT' or 'Company') is a venture capital 
trust  ('VCT')  which  aims  to  provide  shareholders  with attractive tax-free 
dividends and long-term capital growth. 
Eclipse 4 invests primarily in unquoted and AIM-quoted companies and aims to 
deliver absolute returns on its investments.  Eclipse 4 was launched in August 
2005 and raised approximately  GBP29.1 million ( GBP28.7 million net of expenses) 
through an offer for subscription. The Investment Manager is Octopus Investments 
Limited ('Octopus' or 'Investment Manager'). 
Eclipse 4 co-invests with the three other Eclipse funds which are all managed by 
the same investment team at Octopus. This is viewed as a benefit as it means 
Eclipse 4 will not only be able to invest in a wider range of opportunities but 
also in larger and more developed companies than are typically available to a 
single VCT. 
Venture Capital Trusts (VCTs) 
VCTs were introduced in the Finance Act 1995 to provide a means for private 
individuals to invest in unlisted companies in the UK.  Subsequent Finance Acts 
have introduced changes to VCT legislation. The tax benefits currently available 
to eligible new investors in VCTs include: 
  * up to 30% up-front income tax relief; 
  * exemption from income tax on dividends paid; and 
  * exemption from capital gains tax on disposals of shares in VCTs. 
Eclipse 4 has been approved as a VCT by HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC).  In order 
to maintain its approval the Company must comply with certain requirements on a 
continuing basis.  By the end of the Company's third accounting period at least 
70% of the Company's investments must comprise 'qualifying holdings' of which at 
least 30% must be in eligible ordinary shares.  A 'qualifying holding' consists 
of up to  GBP1 million invested in any one year in new shares or securities in an 
unquoted company (or companies listed on AIM) which is carrying on a qualifying 
trade and whose gross assets do not exceed  GBP7 million at the time of investment. 
The definition of a 'qualifying trade' excludes certain activities such as 
property investment and development, financial services and asset leasing. The 
Company will continue to ensure its compliance with these qualification 
Financial Summary 
                                      Six months to   Six months to      Year to 
                                    31 January 2011 31 January 2010 31 July 2010 
Net assets ( GBP'000s)                          18,085          18,206       19,265 
Net return after tax ( GBP'000s)                 (506)             419        2,112 
Net asset value per share (NAV)               66.1p           64.7p        69.4p 
Cumulative dividends since launch - 
paid and proposed                             11.7p            8.7p        10.2p 
Chairman's Statement 
I am pleased to present the half-yearly results for the six month period ended 
31 January 2011. 
As at 31 January 2011 the NAV stood at 66.1p, compared to 69.4p at 31 July 2010 
which represents a reduction in total return (being the change in NAV plus 
cumulative dividends paid) of 2.3%. The main driver of this fall in NAV has been 
the reduced value of the unquoted portfolio of investments during the period to 
31 January 2011 in addition to the standard running costs of the VCT. 
The Fund is invested in 13 unquoted and 11 AIM-quoted companies. The Manager 
continues to focus on the existing portfolio which is being financially 
supported where appropriate. Limited new additions to the portfolio are 
envisaged in the near future. By value, 78.1% of the VCT's net assets are in 
unquoted investments, 5.0% in AIM-quoted investments and 16.9% of the VCT's net 
assets are currently in cash or cash equivalents. 
The Board's strategy is to maintain an appropriate level of liquidity in the 
balance sheet to achieve four aims: 
  * to support further investment in existing portfolio companies, if required; 
  * to take advantage of new investment opportunities as they arise; 
  * to assist liquidity in the shares through the buyback facility; and 
  * to support a consistent dividend flow. 
Dividend and Dividend Policy 
It is your Board's policy to strive to maintain a regular dividend flow where 
possible and this primarily relies on the level of profitable realisations and 
available cash reserves. In the current credit and economic environment we have 
to be conscious that the funding options for portfolio companies are more 
restricted than usual. We thus continue to place priority on maintaining a 
suitable quantum of cash reserves. Taking these factors into account, for the 
period ended 31 January 2011 the Board has declared an interim dividend of 1.5p 
per share. On 6 May 2011, this dividend will be paid to shareholders who are on 
the register as at 8 April 2011. 
Investment Portfolio Review 
Since 31 July 2010, the VCT's previous period end, the performance of the 
portfolio has been mixed. In many cases companies have progressed and recovered 
some of the ground lost in 2009.  However, with a minority of companies, that 
progress has been muted and the last quarter of 2010 saw some further slippage 
in a small number of cases. Your Manager is therefore continuing to take a 
cautious view about the prospects for companies in the short term, while the 
recovery across the economy gains traction. Notwithstanding this, the AIM 
portfolio has seen a rise in value, largely reflecting increased earnings 
multiples for companies which are performing satisfactorily. The unquoted 
portfolio has seen a small fall in value, with some prudent increases in the 
better performing companies being outweighed by further cautionary provisions in 
those companies that have not returned to growth.  It is not unusual to see the 
valuation of unquoted portfolios lag changes in the stock market as the latter 
tends to anticipate change whilst valuations of unquoted companies are based on 
actual performance. 
Over the last six months, the Investment Manager has continued to focus on 
supporting existing portfolio companies with both advice and funding. Eclipse 4 
has made small follow-on investments into several businesses and the Manager 
continues to work closely with all portfolio companies to help them take 
appropriate action to manage through the downturn and take advantage as the 
economy recovers.  In addition, the Manager's involvement is now turning towards 
helping companies move towards a successful exit and we expect to see a small 
number of full or partial exits in the coming year or two. 
I am pleased to report that despite tough trading conditions over the last 18 
months, many portfolio companies have promising news to report. The first of 
these is CSL, which continues to expand its estate of dual path alarms on 
commercial properties and has seen profits grow by over 40% in the current year. 
 The business has also connected 1,000 units in Ireland, which is its first 
international expansion.  Since the period end Eclipse 4 has refinanced 50% of 
its loan notes in CSL together with a substantial premium paid on redemption and 
the payment of accrued interest. 
Additionally, Audio Visual Machines has had a positive year.  Whilst sales to 
public sector clients in education have seen a drop, this has been counteracted 
by an uplift in other areas to give an overall sales increase.  Profits have 
risen by 10% in the year to date. T4 Holdings and Hydrobolt have each seen a 
small value increase.  The latter has recently seen an encouraging uplift in the 
order book as activity levels in the oil industry increase.  This company has 
also developed significant international sales since our investment, which is 
the result of the high quality of product and service it delivers. Finally, 
Tristar has also made some good progress with its international operations which 
have been started in New York and Hong Kong. 
Some portfolio companies are still finding it hard to recover from the downturn. 
Perfect Pizza has had a further reduction in fair value during the year. Despite 
a number of positive strategic improvements, the Manager has not yet seen the 
material increase in performance anticipated. Similarly Sweet Cred continues to 
suffer from a lack of liquidity, which is constraining sales both in the UK and 
overseas.  Although sales have increased in the year, the Manager believes it is 
prudent to take a further provision. Brandspace has been affected by weakness in 
the outdoor advertising market this year.  Whilst sales have continued to grow 
strongly, profits have been impacted by weak results in their poster business. 
 We believe the company has taken actions to redress these problems in 2011. 
Finally, much of the portfolio engaged in direct consumer sales and media have 
yet to return to growth and, as with much of the wider economy, the last quarter 
of 2010 was particularly sluggish. The reductions in valuation in portfolio 
companies are believed to be prudent and actions have been taken by these 
companies to address performance issues. On balance, the Manager is encouraged 
by the performance of the portfolio and, subject to there being no further 
economic upheaval, believes that the portfolio will make further progress in the 
coming period. 
Since 31 July 2010, we are pleased to report that the AIM element of the 
portfolio has seen an overall increase in valuation of  GBP100,000, increasing the 
NAV by 0.4p. This is primarily due to the holding in Plastics Capital plc almost 
doubling in value since the year end. The only transaction in the 6 months to 
31 January 2011 was to fully dispose of the holding in Pressure Technologies, 
realising a small profit of  GBP17,000. The recovery in AIM continued throughout 
2010, however much of this was led by the resources sectors, with the recovery 
in small domestically based companies being later in the cycle.  The AIM 
companies in the portfolio continue to be valued on very low ratings, so we 
expect further share price appreciation during 2011. 
VCT Qualifying Status 
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP provides the Board and Investment Manager with advice 
on the ongoing compliance with HMRC's rules and regulations concerning VCTs. 
 The Board has been advised that Eclipse 4 is in compliance with the conditions 
laid down by HMRC for maintaining approval as a VCT.  As at 31 January 2011, 
over 82% of the portfolio (as measured by HMRC rules) was invested in VCT 
qualifying investments, in line with our expectations at this stage of the 
Fund's life.  There is an ongoing requirement to maintain the level of 
qualifying investments above the 70% threshold which will be supported by the 
continuing deal flow from the Investment Manager. 
Principal Risks and Uncertainties 
The Company's assets consist of equity and fixed-rate interest investments, cash 
and liquid resources. Its principal risks are therefore market risk, credit risk 
and liquidity risk. Other risks faced by the Company include economic, loss of 
approval as a VCT, investment and strategic, regulatory, reputational, 
operational and financial risks. These risks, and the ways in which they are 
managed, are described in more detail in the Company's Annual Report and 
Accounts for the year ended 31 July 2010. The Company's principal risks and 
uncertainties have not changed materially since the date of that report. 
Commentators and the media continue to reiterate their concerns about the major 
issues facing the world and about the difficulty politicians will have in 
finding and implementing solutions. These remain substantially as they have been 
over the past year - the sustainability of recovery, inflationary pressures, the 
fragile condition of public finances and the long-term effects of some of the 
measures being taken. These difficulties have been complicated more recently by 
a sharply higher oil price, itself reflecting political turmoil in the Middle 
East and North Africa.  As a result stock markets have remained volatile. In 
addition to this, there are continued pressures on consumer income which may 
have an impact on some of the investee companies in the current climate. 
However, the majority of small companies have reported improving trading 
conditions so far in 2011, despite the persistent reluctance of banks to lend to 
them as a group. It seems likely that this will present investment opportunities 
for Eclipse 4 and also begin to reinforce distinctions between better and poorly 
managed companies which, to the extent that they are companies held in the 
portfolio, may have a beneficial impact on the NAV. At present, the UK economy 
does seem set to grow again this year and this should provide a better 
background against which the VCT's NAV can make progress. 
Alex Hambro 
31 March 2011 
Investment Portfolio Review 
|                                                                               %| 
|                                                                          equity| 
|                                                        Carrying         held by| 
|                               Investment               value at       %     all| 
|                                  at cost                    31   equity   funds| 
|                               31 January    Unrealised  January held by managed| 
|Unquoted                             2011 profit/(loss)     2011 Eclipse      by| 
|Investments Sector                   GBP'000          GBP'000     GBP'000       4 Octopus| 
|Audio       Technology &              711           388    1,099   10.1%   40.4%| 
|Visual      Telecommunications                                                  | 
|Machines                                                                        | 
|Limited                                                                         | 
|                                                                                | 
|Blanc       Leisure & Hotels           92            16      108    0.7%    3.0%| 
|Brasseries                                                                      | 
|Holdings                                                                        | 
|plc                                                                             | 
|                                                                                | 
|Brandspace  Media & Marketing       2,025            22    2,047   13.1%   40.5%| 
|Limited     Services                                                            | 
|                                                                                | 
|Bruce       Media & Marketing       1,524         (600)      924   12.5%   31.9%| 
|Dunlop &    Services                                                            | 
|Associates                                                                      | 
|Limited                                                                         | 
|                                                                                | 
|CSL DualCom Technology &              944         2,283    3,227   11.5%   45.8%| 
|Limited     Telecommunications                                                  | 
|                                                                                | 
|Hydrobolt   Engineering &           1,396           484    1,880   16.3%   43.5%| 
|Limited     Machinery                                                           | 
|                                                                                | 
|Lilestone   General Retail            448         (411)       37    2.0%   18.8%| 
|Holdings                                                                        | 
|Limited                                                                         | 
|                                                                                | 
|Perfect     Leisure & Hotels          526         (391)      135    9.6%   65.0%| 
|Pizza                                                                           | 
|Limited                                                                         | 
|                                                                                | 
|Sweet Cred  Consumer Products       2,315       (1,705)      610   14.7%   45.0%| 
|Holdings                                                                        | 
|Limited                                                                         | 
|                                                                                | 
|T4 Holdings Media & Marketing       1,141         (477)      664   14.2%   53.3%| 
|Limited     Services                                                            | 
|                                                                                | 
|The Capital Leisure & Hotels          200          (51)      149    1.1%    7.8%| 
|Pub Company                                                                     | 
|2 plc                                                                           | 
|                                                                                | 
|The History Publishing              2,247             -    2,247   15.2%   60.0%| 
|Press                                                                           | 
|Limited                                                                         | 
|                                                                                | 
|Tristar     Transport Services      1,000             -    1,000   10.0%   30.0%| 
|Worldwide                                                                       | 
|Limited                                                                         | 
|Total unquoted investments         14,569         (442)   14,127                | 
|                                                                               %| 
|                                                                          equity| 
|                                                        Carrying         held by| 
|                               Investment               value at       %     all| 
|                                  at cost                    31   equity   funds| 
|                               31 January    Unrealised  January held by managed| 
|AIM-quoted                           2011 profit/(loss)     2011 Eclipse      by| 
|Investments Sector                   GBP'000          GBP'000     GBP'000       4 Octopus| 
|Autoclenz   Support Services          125          (87)       38    1.0%   11.6%| 
|Holdings                                                                        | 
|plc                                                                             | 
|                                                                                | 
|Brulines    Support Services           94          (17)       77    0.3%    4.6%| 
|Group plc                                                                       | 
|                                                                                | 
|Cantono     Technology &              420         (420)        -     n/a     n/a| 
|plc*        Telecommunications                                                  | 
|                                                                                | 
|CBG Group   General Financial         383         (329)       54    1.7%   17.1%| 
|plc                                                                             | 
|                                                                                | 
|Cohort plc  Engineering &              69          (34)       35    0.1%    4.3%| 
|            Machinery                                                           | 
|                                                                                | 
|Hasgrove    Media & Marketing         400         (217)      183    1.4%   12.7%| 
|plc         Services                                                            | 
|                                                                                | 
|Hexagon     Support Services          677         (677)        -     n/a     n/a| 
|Human                                                                           | 
|Capital                                                                         | 
|plc*                                                                            | 
|                                                                                | 
|Northern    Construction &            299         (270)       29    1.1%    6.6%| 
|Bear plc    Materials                                                           | 
|                                                                                | 
|Plastics    Engineering &             500         (175)      325    1.8%   16.5%| 
|Capital plc Machinery                                                           | 
|                                                                                | 
|Tanfield    Engineering &             143         (107)       36    0.1%    2.0%| 
|Group plc   Machinery                                                           | 
|                                                                                | 
|Vertu       General Retail            250         (127)      123    0.2%    3.6%| 
|Motors plc                                                                      | 
|Total AIM-                          3,360       (2,460)      900                | 
|quoted                                                                          | 
|investments                                                                     | 
|Total                              17,929       (2,902)   15,027                | 
|investments                                                                     | 
|                                                                                | 
|Money                               2,947             -    2,947                | 
|market                                                                          | 
|securities                                                                      | 
|                                                                                | 
|Cash at                               175             -      175                | 
|bank                                                                            | 
|Total investments and cash at      21,051       (2,902)   18,149                | 
|bank                                                                            | 
|                                                                                | 
|Net current                                                 (64)                | 
|assets                                                                          | 
|Total net                                                 18,085                | 
|assets                                                                          | 
*in administration 
Responsibility Statement of the Directors' in respect of the half-yearly report 
We confirm that to the best of our knowledge: 
  * the half-yearly financial statements have been prepared in accordance with 
    the statement 'Half-Yearly Financial Reports' issued by the UK Accounting 
    Standards Board; 
  * the half-yearly report includes a fair review of the information required by 
    the Financial Services Authority Disclosure and Transparency Rules, being: 
  * an indication of the important events that have occurred during the first 
    six months of the financial year and their impact on the condensed set of 
    financial statements; 
  * a description of the principal risks and uncertainties for the remaining six 
    months of the year; and 
  * a description of related party transactions that have taken place in the 
    first six months of the current financial year, that may have materially 
    affected the financial position or performance of the Company during that 
    period and any changes in the related party transactions described in the 
    last annual report that could do so. 
On behalf of the Board 
Alex Hambro 
31 March 2011 
Income Statement 
              |  Six months to 31    |  Six months to 31 
              |     January 2011     |    January 2010      Year to 31 July 2010 
              |                      | 
              |Revenue Capital  Total|Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total 
              |                      | 
              |   GBP'000    GBP'000   GBP'000|   GBP'000    GBP'000  GBP'000    GBP'000    GBP'000  GBP'000 
              |                      | 
              |                      | 
Realised      |                      | 
(loss)/gain on|                      | 
disposal of   |                      | 
fixed asset   |                      | 
investments   |      -    (38)   (38)|      -      57    57       -     411   411 
              |                      | 
Realised gain |                      | 
on disposal of|                      | 
current asset |                      | 
investments   |      -       2      2|      -       -     -       -       -     - 
              |                      | 
              |                      | 
              |                      | 
Fixed asset   |                      | 
investment    |                      | 
holding       |                      | 
(losses)/gains|      -   (577)  (577)|      -     467   467       -   1,970 1,970 
              |                      | 
Current asset |                      | 
investment    |                      | 
holding       |                      | 
(losses)/gains|      -       -      -|      -      19    19       -      32    32 
              |                      | 
              |                      | 
              |                      | 
Other income  |    451       -    451|    193       -   193     364       -   364 
              |                      | 
              |                      | 
              |                      | 
Investment    |                      | 
management    |                      | 
fees          |   (48)   (145)  (193)|   (44)   (130) (174)    (95)   (284) (379) 
              |                      | 
VAT management|                      | 
fee rebate    |      -       -      -|      -       -     -       -       -     - 
              |                      | 
              |                      | 
              |                      | 
Other expenses|  (151)       -  (151)|  (143)       - (143)   (286)       - (286) 
              |                      | 
              |                      | 
Return on     |                      | 
ordinary      |                      | 
activities    |                      | 
before tax    |    252   (758)  (506)|      6     413   419    (17)   2,129 2,112 
              |                      | 
              |                      | 
              |                      | 
Taxation on   |                      | 
return on     |                      | 
ordinary      |                      | 
activities    |      -       -      -|      -       -     -       -       -     - 
              |                      | 
              |                      | 
Return  on    |                      | 
ordinary      |                      | 
activities    |                      | 
after tax     |    252   (758)  (506)|      6     413   419    (17)   2,129 2,112 
Earnings per  |                      | 
share - basic |                      | 
and diluted   |   0.9p  (2.7)p (1.8)p|      -    1.4p  1.4p  (0.1)p    7.4p  7.3p 
  * The 'Total' column of this statement is the profit and loss account of the 
    Company; the supplementary revenue return and capital return columns have 
    been prepared under guidance published by the Association of Investment 
  * All revenue and capital items in the above statement derive from continuing 
  * The Company has only one class of business and derives its income from 
    investments made in shares and securities and from bank and money market 
  * The Company has no recognised gains or losses other than the results for the 
    period as set out above. 
  * The accompanying notes are an integral part of the half-yearly report. 
Reconciliation of Movements in Shareholders' Funds 
                        | Six months to 31 | Six months to 31    Year to 31 July 
                        |      January 2011|      January 2010              2010 
                        |                  | 
                        |              GBP'000|              GBP'000              GBP'000 
Shareholders' funds at  |                  | 
start of period         |            19,265|            18,531            18,539 
                        |                  | 
Return on ordinary      |                  | 
activities after tax    |             (506)|               419             2,112 
                        |                  | 
Cancellation of equity  |             (260)|             (315)             (535) 
                        |                  | 
Dividends paid          |             (414)|             (429)             (851) 
Shareholders' funds at  |                  | 
end of period           |            18,085|            18,206            19,265 
Balance Sheet 
                       |   As at 31 January|   As at 31 January    As at 31 July 
                       |               2011|               2010             2010 
                       |                   | 
                       |   GBP'000        GBP'000|   GBP'000        GBP'000    GBP'000     GBP'000 
                       |                   | 
                       |                   | 
Fixed asset            |                   | 
investments*           |             15,027|             15,279           16,478 
                       |                   | 
Current assets:        |                   | 
                       |                   | 
Money market securities|                   | 
and other deposits*    |  2,947            |  2,569               2,667 
                       |                   | 
Debtors                |    112            |    338                  11 
                       |                   | 
Cash at bank           |    175            |     99                 243 
                       |  3,234            |  3,006               2,921 
                       |                   | 
Creditors: amounts     |                   | 
falling due within one |                   | 
year                   |  (176)            |   (79)               (134) 
Net current assets     |              3,058|              2,927            2,787 
                       |                   | 
Net assets             |             18,085|             18,206           19,265 
                       |                   | 
                       |                   | 
Called up equity share |                   | 
capital                |  2,733            |  2,815               2,775 
                       |                   | 
Special distributable  |                   | 
reserve                | 23,228            | 24,288              23,488 
                       |                   | 
Capital redemption     |                   | 
reserve                |    220            |    138                 177 
                       |                   | 
Capital reserve -      |                   | 
gains/(losses) on      |                   | 
disposal               |(5,537)            |(5,133)             (4,472) 
                       |                   | 
                       |                   | 
   - holding           |                   | 
gains/(losses)         |(2,902)            |(4,152)             (2,794) 
                       |                   | 
Revenue reserve        |    343            |    250                  91 
Total equity           |                   | 
shareholders' funds    |             18,085|             18,206           19,265 
Net asset value per    |                   | 
share                  |              66.1p|              64.7p            69.4p 
*Held at fair value through profit and loss 
Company Number: 05487744 
Cash Flow Statement 
                             |   Six months to|   Six months to  Year to 31 July 
                             | 31 January 2011| 31 January 2010             2010 
                             |                | 
                             |            GBP'000|            GBP'000             GBP'000 
                             |                | 
                             |                | 
Net cash inflow/(outflow)    |                | 
from operating activities    |              48|           (236)             (38) 
                             |                | 
                             |                | 
                             |                | 
Financial investment :       |                | 
                             |                | 
Purchase of fixed asset      |                | 
investments                  |           (209)|           (831)            (871) 
                             |                | 
Sale of fixed asset          |                | 
investments                  |           1,047|             213              911 
                             |                | 
                             |                | 
                             |                | 
Management of liquid         |                | 
resources:                   |                | 
                             |                | 
Purchase of current asset    |                | 
investments                  |         (3,034)|           (194)          (1,485) 
                             |                | 
Sale of current asset        |                | 
investments                  |           2,754|           1,828            3,038 
                             |                | 
                             |                | 
                             |                | 
Taxation                     |               -|               -                - 
                             |                | 
                             |                | 
                             |                | 
Dividends paid               |           (414)|           (429)            (851) 
                             |                | 
                             |                | 
                             |                | 
Financing:                   |                | 
                             |                | 
Repurchase of own shares     |           (260)|           (315)            (535) 
(Decrease)/increase in cash  |                | 
resources at bank            |            (68)|              36              169 
Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net funds 
                             |   Six months to|   Six months to  Year to 31 July 
                             | 31 January 2011| 31 January 2010             2010 
                             |                | 
                             |            GBP'000|            GBP'000             GBP'000 
(Decrease)/increase in cash  |                | 
resources at bank            |            (68)|              36              169 
                             |                | 
Movement in cash equivalents |             280|         (1,615)          (1,521) 
                             |                | 
Opening net cash resources   |           2,910|           4,247            4,262 
Net funds at period end      |           3,122|           2,668            2,910 
Reconciliation of profit before taxation to cash flow from operating activities 
                             |   Six months to|   Six months to  Year to 31 July 
                             | 31 January 2011| 31 January 2010             2010 
                             |                | 
                             |            GBP'000|            GBP'000             GBP'000 
Return on ordinary activities|                | 
before tax                   |           (506)|             419            2,112 
                             |                | 
Loss/(gain)  on  disposal  of|                | 
fixed asset investments      |              38|            (57)            (411) 
                             |                | 
Gain  on disposal  of current|                | 
asset investments            |             (2)|               -                - 
                             |                | 
Loss/(gain) on valuation of  |                | 
fixed asset investments      |             577|           (467)          (1,970) 
                             |                | 
Gain on valuation of current |                | 
asset investments            |               -|            (19)             (32) 
                             |                | 
(Increase)decrease in debtors|           (101)|             (8)              318 
                             |                | 
Increase/(decrease) in       |                | 
creditors                    |              42|           (104)             (55) 
Inflow/(outflow) from        |                | 
operating activities         |              48|           (236)             (38) 
Notes to the Half-Yearly Report 
 1. Basis of preparation 
The unaudited half-yearly results which cover the six months to 31 January 2011 
have been prepared in accordance with the Accounting Standard Board's (ASB) 
statement on half-yearly financial reports (July 2007) and adopting the 
accounting policies set out in the statutory accounts of the Company for the 
year ended 31 July 2010, which were prepared under UK GAAP and in accordance 
with the Statement of Recommended Practice for Investment Companies issued by 
the Association of Investment Companies in January 2009. 
 2. Publication of non-statutory accounts 
The unaudited half-yearly results for the six months ended 31 January 2011 do 
not constitute statutory accounts within the meaning of Section 415 of the 
Companies Act 2006 and have not been delivered to the Registrar of Companies. 
The comparative figures for the year ended 31 July 2010 have been extracted from 
the audited financial statements for that year, which have been delivered to the 
Registrar of Companies. The independent auditor's report on those financial 
statements, in accordance with chapter 3, part 16 of the Companies Act 2006, was 
unqualified. This half-yearly report has not been reviewed by the Company's 
 3. Earnings per share 
The total earnings per share is based on 27,652,042 (31 January 
2010: 28,444,194 and 31 July 2010: 28,668,324) ordinary shares, being the 
weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue during the period. 
There are no potentially dilutive capital instruments in issue and, therefore no 
diluted returns per share figures are relevant. The basic and diluted earnings 
per share are therefore identical. 
 4. Net asset value per share 
The calculation of NAV per share as at 31 January 2011 is based on 27,344,694 
(31 January 2010: 28,158,774 and 31 July 2010: 27,774,104) ordinary shares in 
issue at that date. 
 5. Dividends 
The interim dividend declared of 1.5p per share for the six months ending 31 
January 2011 will be paid on 6 May 2011, to those shareholders on the register 
on 8 April 2011. 
A final dividend of 1.5p per share was paid on 10 January 2011 to those 
shareholders on the register on 10 December 2010. 
 6. Buy Backs 
During the six months ended 31 January 2011 the Company bought back 429,410 
shares at a weighted average price of 60.3p per share (six months ended 31 
January 2010: 557,840 shares at a weighted average price of 56.5p per share and 
year ended 31 July 2010: 944,882 shares at a weighted average price of 56.6p per 
share). No shares were issued during the period. 
 7. Related Party Transactions 
Octopus acts as the Investment Manager of the Company. Under the management 
agreement, Octopus receives a fee of 2.0 per cent per annum of the net assets of 
the Company for the investment management services. During the period, the 
Company incurred management fees of  GBP193,000 payable to Octopus (31 January 
2010:  GBP174,000 and 31 July 2010:  GBP379,000). At the period end there was  GBPnil 
outstanding to Octopus (31 January 2010:  GBPnil and 31 July 2010:  GBPnil). 
Furthermore, Octopus provides administration and company secretarial services to 
the Company. Octopus receives a fee of 0.3 per cent per annum of net assets of 
the Company for administration services and  GBP10,000 per annum for company 
secretarial services. 
8.        Copies of this report are available from the registered office of the 
Company at 20 Old Bailey, London, EC4M 7AN. 
This announcement is distributed by Thomson Reuters on behalf of 
Thomson Reuters clients. The owner of this announcement warrants that: 
(i) the releases contained herein are protected by copyright and 
    other applicable laws; and 
(ii) they are solely responsible for the content, accuracy and 
     originality of the information contained therein. 
Source: Octopus Eclipse VCT 4 plc via Thomson Reuters ONE 

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