RNS Number:8869F
Norwich Union PLC
21 February 2000

Part 1

The  Boards of CGU and Norwich Union announce that
they  have agreed  the terms of a merger of the two
companies  to  create CGNU.   CGNU  will  be the
UK's largest insurance  group  with strong
positions  in Europe and other international
markets. The  combined group will have the scale and
financial strength to capitalise on growth
opportunities in the long-term savings markets.

CGU  also  announces its intention to dispose of its
property and casualty business in the US.

CGNU will be:

* the UK's largest insurance group, with worldwide
  premium income and retail investment sales of
  #26 billion

* the second largest writer of new life and
  pensions business in the UK with a diversified
  approach to distribution incorporating IFAs,
  financial institutions, agents and direct

* a top five  European life insurer,  based  on
  premium income, with leading positions in  the
  UK, France, the Netherlands, Ireland and Poland in
  addition to a strengthened presence in other
  European markets

* a significant asset management business with in
  excess of #200 billion of assets under management.
  CGNU will be the second largest UK-based fund
  manager by reference to  funds under management

* the largest provider of general insurance in the
  UK with a focus on personal lines and small
  commercial business

* a group with leading positions in a number of
  other general insurance markets

* a group committed to the development of innovative
  internet and e-commerce applications across its
The Merger is expected to generate at least #250
million  in annualised pre-tax cost savings within
18 months of completion of  the  Merger, to be
delivered by a management team  with  a proven track
record of successful integration.

CGNU  intends to be the leader in its core markets
in  the  UK and  one  of  the  leaders in the
European financial  services industry.  Its strategy
is to:

* grow its long-term savings business  aggressively
  and profitably, capitalising on demographic
  changes, the growing emphasis on private provision 
  for retirement and the rapid growth in demand 
  for retail investment products
* continue to build a world class asset management

* have a focused approach to personal and small
  commercial lines  general  insurance  with an
  emphasis  on  disciplined underwriting and efficient
  claims handling

* build top 5 positions in each of its chosen markets,
  both by  growing the business organically and by
  capitalising  on consolidation  opportunities that
  create shareholder  value. The  leading domestic
  position and financial strength of the combined
  group will be significant advantages in  achieving
  this objective

* withdraw  from  lines  of  business  or  markets
  where management  does  not believe there are good
  prospects  for achieving leading market positions or
  superior returns

Following the Merger, and after the intended disposal
of CGU's US  property  and  casualty operations, the
long-term  savings business  will  account for 62 per
cent. of CGNU's  pro  forma 1999  premium income and
retail investment sales  (or  56  per cent.  before
the disposal) and 71 per cent. of its pro  forma 1999
modified statutory operating profits before corporate
and other  activities (or 64 per cent. before the
disposal).   The Directors  of CGU and Norwich Union
expect that CGNU  will  be classified  in  the  FT-SE
life  assurance  sector  following completion of the

The  Board of Directors of CGNU will be drawn from the
Boards of  CGU and Norwich Union.  Pehr Gyllenhammar
will be Chairman and  George  Paul  will be Deputy
Chairman.   Bob  Scott  will become  Chief  Executive
of CGNU, while  Richard  Harvey  will become Deputy
Chief Executive.  It is intended that Bob  Scott will
retire by June 2001, at which time he will be
succeeded by Richard Harvey.

CGNU  will  leverage the existing brands  it  has  in
various countries.  It will use the Norwich Union
brand for both  life and  general  insurance in the
UK.  The brands to  be  adopted outside   the  UK
will  be  determined  by  their  respective strengths
in local markets.

The  combined group's head office will be in London.
The  UK life insurance operations will be
headquartered in York and UK general insurance
operations will be headquartered in Norwich. Other
important  operating  locations,  including  Perth
and Sheffield, will be maintained. Preliminary
estimates  indicate there are likely to be some 5,000
job losses worldwide (out of a total  combined
workforce of more than 70,000),  of  which
approximately 4,000 are likely to be in the UK.

Under  the  terms of the Merger, CGU Shareholders will
retain their  shares  in CGU (to be renamed CGNU) and
Norwich  Union Shareholders will receive:

 for every 100 Norwich Union Shares 48 New CGNU Shares
and so in  proportion for any other number of Norwich
Union Shares.   Norwich Union Shareholders will remain
entitled  to Norwich  Union's final dividend of 9.35
pence per share  which the Directors will recommend to
shareholders in respect of the year  ended 31
December 1999. CGU Shareholders will  have  the right
to receive CGU's final dividend of 23.75 pence per
share announced today in respect of the year ended 31
December 1999. The New CGNU Shares, to be issued to
Norwich Union Shareholders, will not carry the right
to receive  CGU's  1999 final dividend.

The terms of the Merger are based on the recent
relative equity market capitalisations of the two
companies.  Following the  Merger, CGU Shareholders
will hold approximately 58.5 per cent. and Norwich
Union Shareholders will hold approximately 41.5  per
cent. of the enlarged issued ordinary share  capital
of CGNU.

Commenting on the Merger, Bob Scott, Chief Executive
of  CGU, said:

"The merger of CGU and Norwich Union will create  the
UK's largest  insurance group with strong positions in
a number of European and international markets. CGNU
will have the increased scale and financial strength
to capitalise on consolidation  opportunities that
create shareholder  value. CGNU's  management team is
committed to market  leadership  in each of its core
businesses, delivering profitable growth  and
enhancing shareholder value.  The management teams at
both CGU and  Norwich  Union  have proven track
records  of  successful integration and delivering
cost savings."

Richard Harvey, Chief Executive of Norwich Union,

"We believe that this deal will create significant
value for both  sets  of  shareholders not only
through the considerable cost savings and efficiencies
achievable but also through  our ability to capitalise
on the significant  opportunities for profitable
growth, particularly in  the  long-term  savings
market. The development of CGNU's long-term savings
business will be our key strategic priority."

CGU is being advised by Goldman Sachs International.
Norwich Union is being advised by Dresdner Kleinwort
Benson. Cazenove &  Co. and Hoare Govett are joint
brokers to CGU.  Cazenove  & Co. and Dresdner
Kleinwort Benson are joint brokers to Norwich Union.

This summary should be read in conjunction with the
attached press release.


CGU  (020) 7283 2000 Norwich Union  (020) 7269 7188
Bob Scott            Richard Harvey
Peter Foster         Mike Biggs

Goldman Sachs International  (020)  7774 1000
Andrew Chisholm
John Reizenstein

Dresdner Kleinwort Benson (020) 7623 8000
Henry Somerset
Henrietta Baldock

Hoare Govett                 Cazenove & Co.
(020) 7678 8000              (020) 7588 2828
Peter  Meinertzhagen          John  Paynter
Andrew Thompson               Tim Wise

Dresdner Kleinwort Benson
(020) 7623 8000
Jonathan Roe

Maitland (020) 7379  5151
Angus Maitland
Laura Frost

Financial Dynamics(020) 7831 3113
Charles Watson
Alex Child-Villiers

Liddell Thomson (Scotland only) (0141) 221 5775
Colin Liddell

Transaction Press Office        (020) 7269 7188

There will be a presentation today to analysts at 9.15
am  and to  journalists at 12.00 pm.  Both will be
held at Stationers' Hall, Ave Maria Lane, London EC4.

Goldman Sachs International, which is regulated in the
United Kingdom  by  The Securities and Futures
Authority Limited,  is acting exclusively for CGU and
no-one else in connection  with the  Merger  and will
not be responsible to anyone other  than CGU for
providing protections afforded to customers of Goldman
Sachs  International, or for giving advice in relation
to  the Merger.

Kleinwort Benson Limited ("Dresdner Kleinwort
Benson"), which is  regulated by The Securities and
Futures Authority Limited, is  acting  exclusively for
Norwich Union and no-one  else  in connection  with
the Merger and will not  be  responsible  to anyone
other than Norwich Union for providing the protections
afforded  to  customers of Dresdner Kleinwort Benson,
or  for giving advice in relation to the Merger.

The  New CGNU Shares to be issued pursuant to the
Scheme  have not  been  and will not be registered
under the United  States Securities  Act of 1933 (as
amended) nor under the  securities laws  of  any
state of the United States. 

1.  Introduction

The  Boards of CGU and Norwich Union announce that
they  have agreed  the terms of a Merger of the two
companies  to  create CGNU.   CGU  also  announces its
intention to dispose  of  its property and casualty
business in the US.

CGNU  will  be the UK's largest insurance group with
worldwide premium  income  and retail investment sales
of  #26  billion. The  group will be the second 
largest writer of new life  and pensions  business  
in the UK with a diversified  approach  to distribution  
and  will be a top five European  life  insurer, based 
on premium income, with leading positions in France, the
Netherlands, Ireland and Poland.  CGNU will have
assets  under management  in excess of #200 billion
and will be  the  second largest  UK-based  fund
manager by reference  to  funds  under management.
The  group  will also  be  the  largest  general
insurer  in the UK, with a focus on personal lines
and  small commercial business, and have leading
positions in a number of other international markets.

Under  the  terms of the Merger, CGU Shareholders will
retain their  shares  in CGU (to be renamed CGNU) and
Norwich  Union Shareholders will receive:

 for every 100 Norwich Union Shares 48 New CGNU Shares
and so in  proportion for any other number of Norwich
Union Shares.  Norwich  Union Shareholders will remain
entitled  to Norwich  Union's final dividend of 9.35
pence per share  which the Directors will recommend to
shareholders in respect of the year  ended 31 December
1999. The record and payment dates  of this  dividend
will  be  14  April  2000  and  14  June  2000
respectively. CGU Shareholders will have the right to
receive CGU's  final dividend of 23.75 pence per share
announced today in respect of the year ended 31
December 1999.  The record and payment  dates of this
dividend will be 10 March 2000  and  17 May  2000
respectively. The New CGNU Shares, to be issued  to
Norwich  Union  shareholders, will  not  carry  the
right  to receive CGU's 1999 final dividend.

The  terms  of  the  Merger are based on the  recent
relative equity market capitalisations of the two
companies.  Following the  Merger, CGU Shareholders
will hold approximately 58.5 per cent.  and  Norwich
Union Shareholders will hold approximately 41.5  per
cent. of the enlarged issued ordinary share  capital
of CGNU.

Following an extensive review, CGU has concluded that,
despite the  scale  and strength of its US general
insurance  business and  its attractive portfolio of
personal and small commercial lines  businesses, it
will not be possible to reach a  leading position
without   a   substantial  level   of   investment,
particularly  in  view  of  the  likely  consolidation
in   a fragmented  market.  CGU has therefore decided
to  dispose  of its  US  general insurance business
and has appointed Goldman, Sachs & Co. in this

Following the Merger, and after the intended disposal
of CGU's US  property  and  casualty operations, the
long-term  savings business  will  account for 62 per
cent. of CGNU's  pro  forma 1999  premium income and
retail investment sales  (or  56  per cent.  before
the disposal) and 71 per cent. of its pro  forma 1999
modified statutory operating profits before corporate
and other  activities (or 64 per cent. before the
disposal).   The Directors  of CGU and Norwich Union
expect that CGNU  will  be classified  in  the  FT-SE
life  assurance  sector  following completion of the

2.   Background to and reasons for the Merger

Norwich  Union  and  CGU  are both  major  insurers
operating successfully  in  the long-term savings and
general  insurance markets.  The two companies have
complementary strengths in UK life and pensions,
general insurance and in their international
operations.  Against the background of increasing
competition and consolidation in the European
financial services industry, both companies recognise
the importance of scale and efficiency in order to
deliver products to customers on a competitive basis
whilst maintaining  high  standards  of  service.
The Merger will improve the competitive position of
the combined group as well as generating significant
opportunities for cost savings  and improving
operating efficiency.

The Directors believe that CGNU will have the scale
and financial  strength to develop its businesses both
organically and  by acquisition and to take full
advantage of the expected growth in the UK and other
European long-term savings markets. It  will also be
better placed to make significant investments in
important areas such as e-commerce and direct
distribution of savings products.


CGU  and Norwich Union have each focused on expansion
in  the long-term  savings  markets  in the  UK  and
overseas  whilst maintaining  profitable  general
insurance  businesses.   This strategic focus will be
enhanced by the Merger.

CGNU intends to be the leader in its core markets in
the UK and  one  of  the  leaders in the European
financial  services industry.  Its strategy is to:

* grow its long-term savings business aggressively and
  profitably, capitalising on demographic changes, the
  growing emphasis  on private provision for
  retirement and the  rapid growth in demand for
  retail investment products
* continue to build a world class asset management
* have a focused approach to personal and small
  commercial lines  general  insurance  with an
  emphasis  on  disciplined underwriting and efficient
  claims handling

* build top 5 positions in each of its chosen markets,
  both by growing the business organically and by
  capitalising  on consolidation  opportunities that
  create shareholder  value. The leading domestic
  position and financial strength of the combined
  group will be significant advantages in  achieving
  this objective

* withdraw from lines of business or markets where
  management  does  not believe there are good
  prospects  for achieving leading market positions or
  superior returns
UK life operations

The UK life and pensions market is growing rapidly as
a result of important factors such as the ageing of
the population, the shift towards greater private
provision for retirement and the growth in the demand
for equity related savings products.  In line with
this,  the expansion of the group's UK long-term
savings business is a key component of CGNU's

CGNU's UK life operations will be headquartered in
York and it will  distribute its products under the
Norwich  Union  brand. CGNU  will  be  the  second
largest writer  of  new  life  and pensions business
in the UK.  It will also have pro forma 1999 worldwide
sales of #10,986 million.

CGNU's UK life strategy is to:

* grow  revenues.  The combined group's enhanced
  market profile and larger share of the growing UK
  long-term savings market  will  create a platform
  for  increased  sales.   In particular, CGNU  will
  build on its  strengths  in  retail investment
  products under the Norwich Union brand.

* diversify its distribution capability.  CGNU's
  strong position in the IFA market will be
  complemented by  a  broad range  of other
  distribution channels.  The group will place
  increasing   emphasis  on  distribution  through
  financial institutions and will aggressively
  pursue opportunities in e-commerce.

  On 26 November 1999, CGU and Royal Bank of
  Scotland ("RBS") announced that they had entered
  into a memorandum of understanding for the
  provision  of  life,  pensions  and investment
  products by CGU to RBS.  In addition, CGU agreed
  in principle  to acquire a 50 per cent. interest
  in RBS's  life insurance  subsidiary,  Royal
  Scottish  Assurance  and,  on successful
  completion of RBS's offer for National Westminster
  Bank plc, expects to be able to start discussions
  to acquire a 50  per cent. interest in NatWest
  Life.  CGNU believes  that these joint ventures
  will provide access to new and important
  distribution channels resulting in additional
  value for  the shareholders of CGNU.
                            % of 1999 pro forma
Distribution channel          new business

IFA                              76%
Partnerships(1)                  12%
Direct                           12%

(1)   Includes  financial  institutions. Excludes RBSNatWest.

* improve margins.  CGNU will be an efficient
  provider of life, pension and investment
  products.  Following the Merger, unit costs are
  expected to fall as a result of improved sales
  and  significant cost reductions.  This will be
  particularly important  in the context of the
  shift towards simple  lower margin products such
  as stakeholder pensions.

Asset management

CGNU will have a significant asset management
business with in excess of #200 billion of assets
under management.  It will be the second largest UK-
based fund manager by reference to funds under
management.  In the UK, the Norwich Union brand
will  be used  for retail business while the Morley
brand will be  used for  institutional business.
CGNU will be among the  top  ten asset  managers
based in Europe, with strong market  positions in
France and the Netherlands.

CGNU intends to expand its asset management
business significantly  in the UK and
internationally  through  organic growth  and
further selective acquisitions.  The prime thrust
of  this expansion will be on the retail markets in
the UK and Continental  Europe,  where high market
growth  is  expected. CGNU  also  intends to
accelerate CGU's existing  strategy  of building
an  independent fund management presence  under
the Morley brand.

UK general insurance

The  Merger creates the largest provider of general
insurance in  the  UK.  CGNU's UK general insurance
operations  will  be headquartered  in  Norwich and
will  distribute  its  products under  the  Norwich
Union brand name.  The combined management team   is
well  placed  to  integrate  the  businesses  while
maintaining  strong  focus on customer  service,
underwriting discipline and claims management.
CGNU intends to increase profits from its UK general
insurance operations through:

* increased  business focus. CGNU will have an
  attractive portfolio of personal and smaller
  commercial lines businesses. It will concentrate
  on those lines which it believes are most likely
  to deliver value for shareholders.

CGNU UK 1999 pro forma general insurance premiums

     Motor               29%
     Homeowners          25%
     Other               10%
     Motor               11%
     Property            13%
     Liability            5%
     Other                7%

* lower unit costs. CGU and Norwich Union are
  already  two of the lowest cost providers in the
  general insurance market. The Merger will generate
  significant cost savings which will result in
  lower unit costs. Further opportunities for
  savings will  arise from CGNU's greater economies
  of scale in claims management, product purchasing
  and reinsurance cover.

* diversified distribution.  CGNU will continue to
  develop strong relationships with brokers, who
  will  be  serviced through an extensive branch
  network.  CGNU will have a strong direct business
  with one of the largest customer bases in the UK
  and   significant   potential  to  exploit   e-
  commerce opportunities.  The combined group will
  also have widespread relationships  with
  financial institutions  and  commercial groups.


CGNU  will be one of Europe's top five life insurers
based  on premium income, with leading positions in
the UK, France,  the Netherlands,  Ireland and
Poland in addition to a strengthened presence in
other European markets.

The acquisition of  NUTS  OHRA  in  the  Netherlands
has significantly  improved the position  of  Delta
Lloyd,  CGU's subsidiary  in the Netherlands market.
CGU is also progressing discussions  with Societe
Generale  with  the  intention  of significantly
strengthening its position as a leading  player in
the  French long-term savings market.  The
integration  of the  Norwich  Union business in
France, which is a  leader  in direct marketing,
will assist this aim.

The  Merger will strengthen both companies'
existing  presence in  the  fast  growing long-
term savings markets  in  Ireland, Spain  and
Italy.  In Germany, CGU's existing life  operation
will give CGNU a platform in a market which offers
significant opportunities for growth.  CGNU will
have a strong position in the  life  and  pensions
market in Poland  and  will  use  its position to
expand in emerging markets in Central and  Eastern
Europe.  The  combined group will also have  well
established positions  in  the general insurance
markets  in  France,  the Netherlands, Ireland and
Spain, which complement the long-term savings
businesses  in those countries, as  well  as
growing health businesses in selected markets.

One of CGNU's primary objectives will be to expand
further  in the  fast  growing  long-term savings
markets  of  Continental Europe.  CGNU's  leading
domestic  position  and  increased financial
strength will be significant advantages in
achieving this objective.


Outside Europe, CGNU will have a significant long-
term savings business  in  Australia. Norwich
Union  has  had  considerable success  in
Australia with Navigator, its fast growing  multi
fund product which has a 16 per cent. market
share.  CGNU will accelerate the roll-out of this
product in the UK,  Italy  and Spain. CGNU also
intends to build a platform to enable  it  to
capitalise on the next phase of profitable growth
in  selected emerging markets such as South East
Asia, India and China.

In  general insurance, CGNU will have leading
market positions in Canada, Australia and New

Use of technology

CGNU is committed to the use of advanced
technology throughout its  business.  CGU and
Norwich Union are developing a  number of
initiatives, in particular through internet-based
applications,  which CGNU believes will offer
significant opportunities to exploit the combined
group's brands,  market position  and  breadth  of
customer base.   These initiatives encompass both
business-to-business as well as customer-led e-
commerce propositions

Business-to-business  applications are  expected
to  play an important role  in achieving improved
customer service and efficiency and to offer  the
potential  for   generating significant  cost
savings  over time.  CGNU  plans  to  make
extensive  use of intranet and e-mail systems
which,  together with  integrated database and
management information  systems, are  expected  to
lead to greater efficiency in  a  number  of
internal operations.

CGNU  will adopt a flexible approach to customer
distribution channels,  combining face to face IFA
contact with  telephone, internet, mobile
technology and interactive TV, as appropriate.CGU
and Norwich Union already  operate  online
quote services for motor and household insurance
cover and are developing a number of other
customer propositions.  Specific proposals
include the parallel development of sophisticated
web-based wealth management vehicles, a dedicated
IFA internet site (which will provide quotes,
training and policy information), a new online ISA
service which will permit investors to purchase
and check valuations on-line and  a new digital
TV site, enabling the interactive purchase of
certain ISAs and motor and home insurance cover.
The internet is also expected  to play an
important role in the launch of off-shore
investments using the Navigator product.

Potential for cost savings

The  Merger is expected to generate substantial
cost  savings. The  Directors  estimate that, in
the  absence  of  unforeseen circumstances,
annualised pre-tax cost savings  of  at  least
#250  million will be achieved for the benefit of
shareholders within  18  months  following
completion of  the  Merger.  The management teams
at CGU and Norwich Union each have  a  proven
track  record of successful integration and of
creating  value for their shareholders.
The cost savings are expected to be generated as

Analysis of cost savings
Staff                   48%
Property                 6%
IT                      19%
Other                   27%

The  savings are expected to be achieved primarily
through the elimination of duplicated functions
within the branch and head office  operations  and
the consolidation of  data  processing facilities.
Preliminary estimates indicate there  are  likely
to be some 5,000 job losses worldwide (out of a
total combined workforce  of more than 70,000), of
which approximately  4,000 are  likely to be in
the UK.  Total one-off costs of achieving the
expected savings from the Merger are expected to
amount to approximately #350 million.

The expected cost savings have been estimated on
the basis  of the  existing costs, operating
structures and business volumes of the two groups
and by reference to current prices, exchange rates
and  economic  conditions and  the  current
regulatory environment.

Nothing  in  this  section should be  construed
as  a  profit forecast  or  be interpreted to mean
that the future  earnings per  share  of  CGNU
will necessarily be greater or less  than the  pro
forma earnings per share of  CGNU for the
financial year ended 31 December 1999.

3.   Board and management

The new Board of CGNU will comprise 17 directors,
drawn from the Boards of CGU and Norwich Union.

They will be:

Chairman                          Pehr Gyllenhammar
Deputy Chairman                   George Paul
Group Chief Executive             Bob Scott
Deputy Group Chief Executive      Richard Harvey
Group Finance Director            Peter Foster
Group Executive Director,         Philip Scott
responsible for UK Life
Group Executive Director,         Mike Biggs
responsible for UK General
Group Executive Director,         Philip Twyman
responsible for Asset Management,
Strategy & International
Group Executive Director,         Tony Wyand
responsible for Continental Europe
Non Executive Director            Lyndon Bolton
Non Executive Director            Guillermo de la Dehesa
Non Executive Director            Wim Dik
Non Executive Director            Sir Michael Partridge
Non Executive Director            Alan Perelman
Non Executive Director            Derek Stevens
Non Executive Director            Elizabeth Vallance
Non Executive Director            Andre Villeneuve  

It  is  intended that Bob Scott will retire by
June  2001,  at which time he will be succeeded by
Richard Harvey.  Peter Ward will   retire  as  an
Executive  Director  of  CGU  following completion
of  the  Merger.  Patrick Snowball,  currently  an
Executive   Director  of  Norwich  Union,  will
be   Managing Director,  UK  General Insurance and
Tom Fraser, currently  an Executive   Director  of
Norwich  Union,  will  be   Managing Director,
Continental Europe.

The group's head office will be in  London. The
UK  life insurance operations will be
headquartered in York and the UK general insurance
operations will be headquartered in Norwich. Other
important  operating  locations,  including  Perth
and Sheffield, will be maintained.

4.   Capital management

CGNU is committed to maximising shareholder value
through  the maintenance of an efficient capital
structure consistent  with its  investment  and
development plans and  will  maintain  a
combination   of  equity  shareholders'  funds
and   external borrowings  with  the  objective
of  minimising  its  overall weighted cost of
capital.  CGNU will use Return on Equity  and EVA
measures  to target and monitor the performance
of  each business unit, calculated after making a
risk adjusted  charge to  each  business  unit
for  the  capital  employed  by  its operations.
These targets will be reviewed regularly  in  the
light of changing market conditions.

CGNU's  capital will be maintained at an efficient
level  that demonstrates  the  sound financial
position of  its  regulated subsidiaries to the
rating agencies and the markets  in  which they

In the event that the intended disposal of CGU's
US property and casualty business results in CGNU
holding surplus capital, consideration will be
given to making a return of  capital  to
shareholders.  The amount, form and timing of any
such capital return  will depend, amongst other
things, on the net proceeds and  timing of the
sale, the prevailing trading conditions and the
status  of CGNU's investment and development
plans.   The sale is expected to be completed by
the end of 2000.

5.   Dividend policy

It is envisaged that CGNU will pay dividends  for
the  year ending  31  December  2000 in line with
CGU's  1999  dividend. Subsequently, it is
currently expected that CGNU will at least
maintain this level of payment, whilst building
dividend cover to  a level appropriate for a
company focused on the long-term
savings sector.

6.   With-profit funds

The issue of whether an attribution of the
inherited estate to shareholders is achievable for
certain life assurance companies has received wide
publicity in recent months and was considered
during the discussions leading to the Merger and
the  agreement on the share exchange terms. CGU's
policy  has been  to  utilise the inherited estate
within its  with-profit funds in order to build
its  life  insurance   business aggressively in
the interests of shareholders.

Following  the Merger, CGNU will have three UK
companies  with large  with-profit funds and will
consider how best to utilise the  resources  of
each of these funds  for  the  benefit  of
shareholders,  as well as policyholders, as  CGU
and  Norwich Union  have  done in the past.  Given
the growth potential  of the life insurance
market, CGNU expects to continue to use its
inherited  estate  to  develop  its  business.
If,  however, circumstances  should  arise in
which shareholders'  interests would  be better
served by a different policy, then this would be
considered at that time.

7.   Structure of the Merger

The  terms  of  the  Merger are based on the
recent  relative equity market capitalisations of
the two companies.

The  Merger  is expected to be effected by way  of
scheme  of arrangement  between Norwich Union and
its shareholders  under section 425 of the
Companies Act 1985.  Under the Scheme,  CGU will
issue  New CGNU Shares to Norwich Union
Shareholders  on the following basis:

for every 100 Norwich Union Shares 48 New CGNU Shares
and so in proportion for any other number of
Norwich  Union Shares.

Under the Scheme, Norwich Union's presently issued
share capital (other than certain Norwich Union
Shares held by the CGU Group) will be cancelled
and re-issued to CGU.  CGU will therefore be the
listed holding company of the combined  group and
will change its name to CGNU.

The Merger will be subject to the conditions and
further terms set out in Appendix V, including the
approval of the Merger by shareholders of both CGU
and Norwich Union as described below, satisfaction
of certain regulatory conditions and sanction  of
the Scheme by the Court.

The  Scheme  will require approval by a special
resolution  of Norwich  Union Shareholders to be
proposed at an extraordinary general  meeting  of
Norwich Union.   The  Scheme  will  also require
approval  separately by  Norwich  Union
Shareholders (other  than certain shareholders who
will instead consent  to be  bound  by  the
Scheme) at a meeting  to  be  convened  by
direction  of the Court.  The approval required at
the  Scheme Meeting  is a majority in number
representing 75 per cent.  in value of those
holders who vote at that meeting.

The Merger  will  also require approval by an
ordinary resolution of CGU Shareholders to be
proposed at an extraordinary general meeting of
CGU. Special resolutions to change the name of CGU
and to alter its articles of association will also
be proposed at this Extraordinary General
Meeting, although neither the Merger nor  the
Scheme will be conditional on the passing of these

The Scheme can only become effective if all the
conditions  to the  Merger  have  been satisfied
or, where relevant,  waived. The  Scheme  will
become effective upon the delivery  to  the
Registrar of Companies by Norwich Union of a copy
of the order of  the  Court sanctioning the Scheme
and the registration  of such  order.   It  is
expected that the  Scheme  will  become effective
and that the Merger will take effect by early
June 2000.

8.   Information on CGU

Created through the merger of Commercial Union and
General Accident in 1998,  CGU is Europe's fifth
largest insurance company  and  the largest in the
UK, based on worldwide  long term  savings sales of
#7,094 million.  The group operates  in over   50
countries, with  approximately  52,000  employees
worldwide and had total assets of #117 billion at
31  December 1999.  CGU is one of the top 20 fund
managers based in Europe, with  total  assets
under management of #136  billion  at  31 December
1999.  For the year ended 31 December 1999, the
group had  worldwide net premium income of #18,442
million, of which life  and savings business
accounted for approximately 52  per cent.

CGU  is  one  of the UK's leading providers of
life insurance, pensions  and investment products.
It distributes  through  a range   of  channels
including  IFAs,  direct  sales   force, financial
institutions and estate agencies.  The group is
the UK's second largest general insurer, with
leading positions in both  commercial  and
personal lines.  The  UK  accounted  for
approximately  38 per cent. of net premium income
and  retail investment  sales of #18,442 million
in 1999.  The  other  key markets   include
France,  the  Netherlands,  Italy,  Poland,
Ireland, Canada, Asia, Australia and New Zealand.
CGU is  one of  France's  top  ten life insurers,
the third  largest  life insurer  in  the
Netherlands, the largest general  insurer  in
Canada and a market leader in the rapidly growing
Polish  life and  pensions market.  CGU intends to
dispose of its  property and casualty business in
the US.

9.  Information on Norwich Union

Norwich Union is a leading UK insurance group with
a range of international businesses.  It has 10
million customers worldwide and approximately
19,000 employees.  At 31  December 1999,  it had
assets under management in excess of #71 billion
and for the year ended 31 December 1999  worldwide
net premium income  and  retail  investment sales
of #8,004  million.  It operates in the life and
general insurance markets, with  life business
accounting for approximately 83 per  cent.  of
1999 operating profits.

Norwich  Union  is one of the UK's leading
providers  of  life insurance,  pensions and
investment products.  It  distributes primarily
through  the IFA channel.  It is  the  UK's
fourth largest  general insurer and is a highly
focused,  direct  and intermediary-based provider
of personal lines  insurance. It also sells a
range of commercial insurance to small and medium
sized   businesses.   Its  other  European  and
international businesses are focused on personal
lines insurance in the life and  general insurance
markets and investment management.  Its main
overseas  businesses are in Australia, France,
Ireland, Poland, Spain and New Zealand.

10.  Employees

The  Boards believe that the prospects of
employees of CGU and Norwich  Union generally will
be enhanced as a result  of  the strengthened
market  position and  growth  prospects  of the
combined group.  It is expected that staff
reductions will arise across the combined
worldwide operations as a result  of bringing the
two companies together.  The integration process
is likely to take place over a period of 18 months
and every effort  will  be  made to reduce the
number of compulsory  job losses.  CGNU will be
flexible to employee needs and will use a  variety
of  alternatives  before  implementing compulsory
redundancies.   Communication and consultation
with  employees will  play  a major part in the
integration process and  there will  be  a  fair
and transparent process  for  selection  of
people.   The  process of consolidating employment
terms  and conditions  will  be undertaken with
the full  involvement  of recognised employee
representative bodies.

CGNU is committed to policies and practices which
are expected to  provide enhanced opportunities
for employees generally  to learn  and  grow
through experience and training.   Management and
staff positions are intended to be filled with
the  best people from either CGU or Norwich Union.
Participants  in  the  Norwich Union  Share
Schemes  will  be advised  separately in due
course of the impact of the  Merger on their
entitlements and of the choices available to them.

11.  Settlement, listing and dealing

Application will be made to the London Stock
Exchange for  the New  CGNU  Shares to be admitted
to the Official List  of  the London Stock
Exchange. It is expected that listing of the  New
CGNU Shares will become effective and that
dealings for normal settlement  will  commence on
the  day  on  which  the  Scheme becomes
effective.  Application will also be made for the
New CGNU Shares to be listed on the Paris Stock
Exchange where the existing  shares are already
listed.  In addition,  CGNU  will apply  for the
listing of its shares (including the  New  CGNU
Shares) on the Irish Stock Exchange.

CGU  Shareholders  who hold their shares in
certificated  form will  retain  their  existing
certificates which  will  remain valid.   New
certificates in the name of CGNU will  be  issued
when  transfers to persons who wish to hold their
CGNU  Shares in    certificated   form   are
lodged   for   registration. Certificates for New
CGNU Shares to be issued to Norwich Union
Shareholders are expected to be despatched in June
2000  after the Scheme has become effective.

Further  details  on settlement, listing and
dealing  will  be included in the documents to be
sent to CGU and Norwich  Union Shareholders.

12.  Interests in shares

As at  31 January 2000, CGU companies in the UK
had interests in a total of 26,229,890 Norwich
Union Shares (1.35 per cent.) excluding any
stockbroking subsidiaries and shares held within
funds under management.  In addition, certain
Directors of CGU are interested in a total of
2,060 Norwich Union Shares.  Save for  these
interests, CGU and the Directors of  CGU  are  not
aware  of  any  other interests of the CGU  Group
or  of  the Directors of CGU in Norwich Union.

13.  Recommendations

The  Directors  of  CGU, who have been so advised
by  Goldman Sachs  International, financial
adviser to CGU,  consider  the terms  of  the
Merger to be fair and reasonable.  In providing
advice  to  the  Directors of CGU, Goldman Sachs
International has  taken into account the
commercial assessments of the  CGU Directors.

The  Directors of CGU believe that the terms of
the Merger are in  the best interests of CGU
Shareholders as a whole and will unanimously
recommend CGU Shareholders to vote in  favour  of
the  resolutions relating to the Merger to be
proposed at  the CGU  Extraordinary General
Meeting as they  intend  to  do  in respect of
their own beneficial holdings.

The  Directors of Norwich Union, who have been so
advised  by Dresdner Kleinwort Benson, financial
adviser to Norwich Union, consider the terms of
the Merger (including the Scheme) to  be fair and
reasonable.  In providing advice to the Directors
of Norwich  Union,  Dresdner  Kleinwort  Benson
has  taken  into account  the  commercial
assessments  of  the  Norwich  Union Directors.

The  Directors of Norwich Union believe that the
terms of  the Merger  (including  the Scheme) are
in the best  interests  of Norwich  Union
Shareholders as a whole and will  unanimously*
recommend Norwich Union Shareholders to vote in
favour of  the resolutions relating to the Merger
(including the  Scheme)  to be  proposed  at  the
Norwich Union Scheme  Meeting  and  the Norwich
Union Extraordinary General Meeting as they intend
to do in respect of their own beneficial holdings.

*Except  for Guillermo de la Dehesa who is a Vice-
Chairman  of Goldman  Sachs  Europe Limited (an
affiliate of Goldman  Sachs International,
financial adviser to CGU) and will abstain from
the recommendation to Norwich Union Shareholders.

14.  General

As  noted above, completion of the Merger requires
approval by CGU  Shareholders and approval of the
Scheme by Norwich  Union Shareholders.   A
circular summarising the background  to  and
reasons  for the Merger, including a notice
convening the  CGU Extraordinary   General
Meeting, will be sent to CGU Shareholders  in  due
course together with,  for  information only,  the
formal Scheme documentation incorporating  summary
listing particulars relating to CGNU.

The formal Scheme documentation, incorporating
summary listing particulars relating to CGNU and
notices convening the  Scheme Meeting  and  the
Norwich Union Extraordinary General  Meeting will
be sent to Norwich Union Shareholders in due


CGU  (020) 7283 2000 Norwich Union  (020) 72697188
Bob Scott            Richard Harvey
Peter Foster         Mike Biggs

Goldman Sachs International  (020)  7774 1000
Andrew Chisholm
John Reizenstein

Dresdner Kleinwort Benson (020) 7623 8000
Henry Somerset
Henrietta Baldock

Hoare Govett                       Cazenove & Co.
(020) 7678 8000                   (020) 7588 2828
Peter  Meinertzhagen               John  Paynter
Andrew Thompson                    Tim Wise

Dresdner Kleinwort Benson
(020) 7623 8000
Jonathan Roe

Maitland (020) 7379  5151
Angus Maitland
Laura Frost

Financial Dynamics(020) 7831 3113
Charles Watson
Alex Child-Villiers

Liddell Thomson (Scotland only) (0141) 221 5775
Colin Liddell

Transaction Press Office           (020) 7269 7188

There will be a presentation today to analysts at
9.15 am  and to  journalists at 12.00 pm.  Both
will be held at Stationers' Hall, Ave Maria Lane,
London EC4.

In  this press announcement, comparative rankings
are based on figures  for  the calendar year 1998
unless otherwise  stated. Assets  and  premium
income rankings are based on figures  for the
calendar  year  1999.   In this press
announcement,  the calculation  of  the percentage
ownership of  CGNU  by  former Norwich Union
Shareholders and CGU Shareholders following  the
Merger assumes that no further shares of Norwich
Union or  CGU are issued prior to the Merger
becoming effective.

Goldman Sachs International, which is regulated in
the  United Kingdom  by  The Securities and
Futures Authority Limited,  is acting exclusively
for CGU and no-one else in connection  with the
Merger  and will not be responsible to anyone
other  than CGU for providing protections afforded
to customers of Goldman Sachs  International, or
for giving advice in relation to  the Merger.

Kleinwort Benson Limited ("Dresdner Kleinwort
Benson"),  which is  regulated by The Securities
and Futures Authority Limited, is  acting
exclusively for Norwich Union and no-one  else  in
connection  with  the Merger and will not  be
responsible  to anyone  other than Norwich Union
for providing the protections afforded  to
customers of Dresdner Kleinwort Benson,  or  for
giving advice in relation to the Merger.

The  New CGNU Shares to be issued pursuant to the
Scheme  have not  been  and will not be registered
under the United  States Securities  Act of 1933
(as amended) nor under the  securities laws of any
state of the United States.



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