RNS Number:4686C
NMBZ Holdings Ld
01 September 2004

                             NMBZ Holdings Limited
                               Holding company of
                                NMB Bank Limited
                          (Registered Commercial Bank)

                  RESULTS FOR THE HALF-YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2004



*         Attributable profit up 58.75% to Z$14 667 million (2003 - Z$9 239

*         Total asset base up 347.5% to Z$614 748 million (2003 - Z$137 373

*         Deposits up 814.1% to Z$251 177 million (2003 - Z$27 477 million)

Inflation Adjusted

*         Attributable profit of Z$5 179 million (2003 - loss Z$818 million)

*         Total asset base down 3% to Z$702 981 million (2003 - Z$722 154

*         Deposits up 84.8% to Z$251 177 million (2003 - Z$135 889 million)

Mr Paddy Zhanda, Chairman, said:

"The turbulent macro-economic conditions continue to subdue earnings in the
Group. The Bank has, however, continued to grow its infrastructure, improve its
systems and increase its asset and customer base."

                                                                1 September 2004


NMBZ HOLDINGS LIMITED                                     Tel: +263-4-759 601/6

Mario dos Remedios, CFO                                   Dr David Hatendi, CEO

COLLEGE HILL - LONDON                                     Tel: +44-207-457 2020
Corinna Dorward/Matthew Gregorowski

Chairman's Statement

The six months to 30 June 2004 was an extremely challenging period for the
country and the financial services sector.  Features of the macro-economic
landscape during the period included:

*          Decline in Gross Domestic Product (GDP).
*          Receding inflationary environment and decline in money supply
*          High domestic debt.
*          Weak Balance of Payments (BOP) position.

Some positive developments during the period were:

*          Improved inflows of foreign currency through the official financial
*          Concessionary financing for exporters and producers under the
           Productive Sector Financing facility.


Decline in Gross Domestic Product (GDP)

The decline in real Gross Domestic Product that has been witnessed in the last
few years is expected to be partly arrested by a better agricultural season and
some positive measures put in place to revive the productive sectors of the
economy. While the major focus seems to be on the agricultural sector, the
industrial base that has been built up should not be neglected. At its peak, the
manufacturing sector contributed an estimated 24% of GDP and it is essential
that beneficiation and value-addition be enhanced to become the engine of growth
for the economy. It is imperative that Government should continue with
appropriate policies to support the productive sectors of the economy in order
to enhance national revenues and a return to economic growth and prosperity.

Receding inflationary environment and decline in money supply growth.

The central bank aims to reduce inflation significantly from a peak of 622% in
January 2004 to below 200% by year-end, and beyond double-digit levels by
December 2005 and thereafter to single digit levels. Control of the growth in
money supply has seen year-on-year inflation fall from 622% in January 2004, to
448% in May 2004, 394.6% in June 2004 and 362% in July 2004. Inflation is
projected to continue declining due to monetary and fiscal restraints.

High Domestic Debt

Domestic debt, which stood at Z$590.5 billion at 31 December 2003, rose to Z$1.4
trillion at 25 June 2004.  Treasury Bills, which are mainly 2 year paper,
account for 93% (Z$1.3 trillion) while government stock accounts for the balance
of 7%.  The Government intends to further restructure the domestic debt in the
second half of the year.

Weak Balance of Payments (BOP) position

The country's BOP position has remained weak, largely as a result of poor export
performance, continuing importer demand coupled with the absence of adequate
external capital inflows.  Incentives that have been put in place, together with
the improved foreign exchange monitoring should see an increase in the figures
for exports of goods and services, but some difficult steps remain to ensure an
improvement in total foreign exchange inflows into the country. The capital
account remains in deficit although this deficit is expected to decline from
around US$309 million in 2003 to about US$270 million this year.

Foreign Exchange Market and Exchange Rate Policy

The controlled foreign currency auction has settled in to a pattern, but demand
for foreign currency continues to outstrip supply.  The amount of foreign
currency available at each auction has been increased marginally.  Exporters
continue to be unhappy with the exchange rate applied to them, although certain
incentives for early or pre-payments have helped.  More export incentives and a
market driven exchange rate are required to stimulate export growth. Foreign
currency inflows through the official channels have improved significantly owing
to tighter controls by the monetary authorities and the introduction of the
Homelink facility to tap what has become to be known as the Zimbabwean diaspora.

Improved concessionary financing facilities for exporters and producers

The Reserve Bank has extended the Export and Productive Sector Financing
facilities. The facilities allow for the release of banks' statutory reserves
for on lending to exporters and other producers in mining, manufacturing,
agriculture, construction and tourism at a concessionary rate currently 50% per
annum. This policy thrust has provided significant relief to the beneficiaries.

Financial Services Sector

The new Monetary Policy regime that was ushered in late last year has seen
dramatic changes in the financial services sector.  Out of the forty-one
institutions that comprise the market, six are under curatorship, two are in
liquidation and four have remained beneficiaries of the Troubled Bank Fund.
With more stringent requirements in the offing, the sector is likely to see more
mergers and acquisitions and pronounced restructuring.



The turbulent macro-economic conditions continue to subdue earnings in the
Group. The Bank has, however, continued to grow its infrastructure, improve its
systems and increase its asset and customer base.

Attributable Profit

The inflation adjusted attributable profit of Z$5 179 million was recorded
compared to a loss of Z$818 million in  2003. Historical attributable profit
grew a disappointing 58.75% to Z$14 667 million (2003 - Z$9 239 million),
although this showed a great improvement in the trend on the preceding six month
period to 31 December 2003.

Net Interest Income

Net inflation adjusted interest income at Z$60 015 million contributed 82% (2003
- 45%) to net operating income as the Group continues to grow this core
business, also aiming to grow deposits in retail banking to fund this.  Lending
also grew as clients were assisted to access the cheaper statutory reserve funds
offered by the RBZ for the Export and Productive sectors.

Non-Interest Income

Non-interest income at Z$12 882 million in inflation-adjusted terms contributed
18% (2003 - 55%) of net operating income.

Operating Expenses

Inflation adjusted operating expenditure increased by 11% over the same period
last year.  The inflation adjusted cost to income ratio increased to 59% (2003 -
31%) reflecting a sharp decline in revenues caused by upheavals in the financial
services sector in the first quarter of the year and high costs of maintaining

Charge for doubtful debts

The charge for the six month period, after factoring in the exposure at the
concessionary rates, decreased by 21% to Z$7 020 million (2003 - Z$8 873
million).   The Board continues to adopt a conservative approach on provisions
in view of the unstable macro-economic environment.


In view of the need to conserve cash resources and capital, no interim dividend
has been proposed.


In inflation adjusted terms, the asset base at 30 June 2004 fell by 3% to Z$702
981 million from Z$722 154 million at 30 June 2003.   The decrease was caused by
a decline in balances with banks and cash which fell to Z$168 081 million from
$198 112 million, financial assets held for trading which decreased to Z$185 590
million from Z$291 115 million and customers indebtedness for acceptances which
decreased to Z$43 705 million from Z$70 464 million.

In historical cost terms, the total historical asset base grew 347.5% to Z$614
748 million from Z$137 373 million. It was also gratifying to note that
historical deposits increased 814.1% to Z$251 177 million from Z$27 477 million.


The banking subsidiary's capital adequacy ratio at 30 June 2004 calculated on
the historical cost basis in accordance with the guidelines of the RBZ was 8.37%
(30 June 2003 - 22.13%, 31 December 2003 - 14.51%). This compares unfavourably
with the Reserve Bank's minimum ratio of 10%.


Negotiations concerning possible strategic partnerships referred to in
cautionary announcements to shareholders from the beginning of June 2004 were
deferred in August 2004.


Despite the negative conditions, the Bank continued to improve its
infrastructure, information technology and systems to support its customers.
Notable achievements included:

*         The opening of a spacious modern branch with ample parking to serve
          the bank's customers in the Southerton industrial area of Harare
*         Following the granting of a licence for a Money Transfer Agency by the
          Reserve Bank, the opening of a facility to receive funds from the 
          diaspora in conjunction with a leading UK partner
*         The launch of a vastly improved internet banking platform

These should provide an impetus to improved efficiency and customer appeal.



It is comforting to see that stakeholders in the Zimbabwe economy are realizing
the need to resolutely implement economic and monetary policies that will turn
around the economy.  The failure to exercise restraint on wages and other costs
such as fuel, will militate against inflation targets and further worsen the
chances of economic revival and stability. To achieve economic recovery and
growth, the following factors are pertinent;

*          Continued containment of money supply growth and inflation.
*          Restoration of relationships with the international financial

We remain optimistic that, given the right economic and monetary policies and a
national commitment to embrace success, the country will continue on a recovery
and growth path.


The consolidation and rationalisation of the existing operations will continue
in the second half of the year.  The growth of non-funded income and expansion
in business volumes will continue to be a strategic focus and initiatives are
currently in progress to see these to fruition.


The Bank has received two (2) notices of the State's intention to bring court
proceedings relating to alleged dealings on the foreign exchange parallel
market.  The allegations are similar in nature to those that resulted in the
suspension of the Bank's foreign exchange trading licence in August 2003 for a
period of twelve months.  The licence was restored in January 2004 after an
appeal hearing.  Based on legal advice received, the bank intends to defend the


Effective 1 March 2004, the Board appointed as executive director Dr D T Hatendi
and resolved to appoint Dr Hatendi and Mr Mario L dos Remedios in the roles of
acting Managing Director and acting Finance Director respectively. Following
receipt of a communication from Dr J T Makoni, Messrs. J A Mushore, F Zimuto and
O O Chekeche's decision to relinquish their positions as executive directors of
NMB Bank Limited with immediate effect, the Board, at its meeting held on 1 June
2004, accepted the resignations of the four executive directors.  F Zimuto and O
O Chekeche also resigned from the Board of NMBZ Holdings Limited.  The Board
resolved to confirm Dr D T Hatendi and Mr M L dos Remedios respectively, as
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of NMB Bank
Limited and NMBZ Holdings Limited.

I would particularly like to welcome Dr Hatendi to the Bank and thank both
gentlemen for their agreement to take on this task.


I would like to thank our clients for their valuable support.  I would also like
to thank the Board, company's shareholders, management and staff for their
endeavours during the period under review.


31 August 2004



These financial statements are the responsibility of the directors.  This
responsibility includes the setting up of internal control and risk management
processes, which are monitored independently.


The Group adheres to principles of corporate governance derived from the King
Reports and the United Kingdom Combined Code.  The group is cognisant of its
duty to conduct business with due care and in good faith in order to safeguard
all stakeholders' interests.


Board appointments are made to ensure a variety of skills and expertise on the
Board.  Non-executive directors are of such calibre as to provide independence
to the Board.  The Chairman of the Board is a non-executive director.  The Board
is supported by various committees in executing its responsibilities.  The Board
meets at least quarterly to assess risk, review performance and provide guidance
to management on both operational and policy issues.


The Group financial statements are prepared on a going concern basis.  In the
opinion of the directors, the group's business is sound and adequate resources
exist to support this basis.


5.1     Risk management structures

In the ordinary course of business the group manages risks of all forms
especially operational, market, liquidity and credit risks. These risks are
identified and monitored through various channels and mechanisms. The risk
management department, headed by a General Manager reporting to the Chief
Executive Officer, is responsible for the management of the overall risk

The Group's main objective is to contain the risk inherent within the financial
services sector and to ensure that the Group's various risk profiles are
understood and appropriately managed to the benefit of customers, stakeholders
and shareholders.

The risk management committees of the bank are the Loans Review Committee (LRC),
Audit Committee (AC), Credit Committee (CC) and the Assets and Liabilities
Committee (ALCO).

The LRC and the AC are board level committees. The LRC reviews the bank's
lending policies for enforcement by the Risk Management department. The LRC also
meets regularly, at least once a quarter, to review the bank's loan book and to
assess the adequacy of provisions for doubtful debts. The committee is made up
of two non-executive directors and the Chief Financial Officer.

The AC is made up of four non-executive directors and one executive director as
an invitee.  The committee's main mandate is to review the bank's financial
statements before their approval by the Board, to recommend the appointment of
external auditors and their fees and to assess the effectiveness of the bank's
internal controls through the bank's internal audit function.

The CC sanctions loan approvals according to the amount requested by a

The ALCO decides on the best mix of assets and liabilities. The committee also
ensures that the interest rate, liquidity and foreign exchange risks being
carried by the bank are acceptable and are in line with the approved policies of
the Board. The committee meets monthly, or as necessary, and is chaired by the
General Manager Risk department, with its membership being the Chief Executive
Officer, Chief Financial Officer and departmental heads of Treasury, Corporate
banking, Retail banking and Finance.

5.2     Operational risk

This risk is inherent in all business activities and is the potential for loss
arising from ineffective internal controls, poor operational procedures to
support these controls, errors and deliberate acts of fraud. The balancing of
the risk and the cost incurred to reduce the risk is critical. The Board has an
Audit Committee whose function is to ensure that this risk is minimised. The
Audit Committee through the internal audit function assesses the adequacy of the
internal controls and makes the necessary recommendations to the board.

5.3     Market risk

This arises from adverse movements in the marketplace, which occur in the money
(interest rate risk), foreign exchange and equity markets in which the group
operates. The group has in place an Asset and Liability Management Committee
(ALCO), which comprises all the departmental heads of Risk, Treasury, Corporate
and Retail Banking and Finance, in addition to executive directors. The
committee monitors these risks and recommends the appropriate levels to which
the group should be exposed at any time. The approval of all dealing limits
ultimately rests with this committee.

5.4     Liquidity risk

The management of liquidity in the group is primarily designed to ensure that
the group meets its obligations timeously. The treasury department in
consultation with ALCO formulates and applies appropriate investment methods and
instruments to ensure that this is achieved. In pursuance of the management of
this risk, the risk management department periodically reports on facility
utilisations and excesses that need management attention.

5.5     Credit risk

The Board has put in place sanctioning committees which operate according to the
amount requested by an applicant. The risk management department reviews all
applications.  This initial review allows only those applications that do not
unduly expose the group to be considered by the sanctioning committees.

The directors are satisfied with the Risk management processes in the Bank, as
these have contributed to the minimisation of losses arising from risk


During the period under review, the Bank has submitted all compliance reports to
the Monetary Authorities on time, save for one instance when the BSD I Form
(Capital Adequacy Return) for the first quarter was submitted late.  As a result
of the late submission, the Bank was fined Z$50 000.  We remain committed to
comply with and adhere to all regulatory requirements.

for the six months ended 30 June 2004

Income Statements
                                           INFLATION ADJUSTED                               HISTORICAL
                                     Restated        Restated
                                    Unaudited       Unaudited    Unaudited     Unaudited       Unaudited        Audited
                                     6 months        6 months         Year      6 months        6 months           Year
                                        ended           ended        ended         ended           ended          ended
                                      30 June         30 June       31 Dec       30 June         30 June         31 Dec
                                         2004            2003         2003          2004            2003           2003
                         Note      Z$ million      Z$ million   Z$ million    Z$ million      Z$ million     Z$ million

Interest from lending                119 835          62 067      143 303       103 713           9 995         49 127

Income from investing                 18 976          58 298      105 379        15 030           9 638         33 010
                                -------------   ------------- ------------ -------------   -------------   ------------
                                     138 811         120 365      248 682       118 743          19 633         82 137

Interest expense                     (78 796)        (64 738)     (95 641)      (67 181)         (8 764)       (38 221)
                                -------------    ------------ ------------ -------------   -------------   ------------
Net interest income                   60 015          55 627      153 041        51 562          10 869         43 916
Other income                5          6 262          35 499       25 527         7 799           4 465          5 454

Net foreign exchange                   6 620          31 558       24 773         5 415           4 326          5 646
                                -------------    ------------  ----------- -------------    ------------    -----------
Net operating income                  72 897         122 684      203 341        64 776          19 660         55 016

Operating expenditure       6        (42 865)        (38 195)     (80 740)      (33 584)         (4 605)       (17 533)
Charge for bad and                    (7 020)         (8 873)     (11 158)       (7 020)         (1 794)        (7 209)
doubtful debts
Loss on disposal of         7         (6 399)               -            -       (4 449)               -              -
interest in
Loss on net monetary                  (3 498)        (48 125)         (135             -               -              -
position                                                              838)
                              --------------- --------------- ------------ ------------- --------------- --------------
Profit before taxation                13 115          27 491      (24 395)       19 723          13 261         30 274
Taxation                8             (6 962)        (27 873)     (17 311)       (4 082)         (3 733)       (12 565)

Financial Institution       8           (974)         (3 334)      (2 468)         (974)           (674)        (1 594)
                              ---------------  -------------- ------------  ------------  --------------   ------------
Profit/(loss) after                    5 179          (3 716)     (44 174)       14 667           8 854         16 115

Minority interests                          -          2 898             -             -            385               -
                               --------------  -------------- ------------  ------------  --------------   ------------
attributable to
shareholders                           5 179            (818)     (44 174)       14 667           9 239         16 115

                                      =======         =======      =======       =======         =======        =======
Dividend per share                          -        2 141.0      2 036.9              -          433.0          943.0

Earnings per share
Basic                       9        1 213.4          (209.9)   (10 912.3)      3 436.5         2 370.4        3 980.9

Headline                    9        1 213.9          (209.9)   (11 830.0)      3 436.7         2 370.4        3 764.2

Diluted                     9        1 212.4          (208.9)   (10 341.3)      3 433.6         2 359.5        3 772.6

Diluted headline            9        1 212.9          (208.9)   (11 211.0)      3 433.8         2 359.5        3 567.3

Weighted average
 number of issued                        426             390          405           426             390            405
shares (millions)

Diluted number of                        427             392          427           427             392            427
shares (millions)

As at 30 June 2004

Balance Sheets
                                             INFLATION ADJUSTED                              HISTORICAL
                                                     Restated      Restated
                                      Unaudited     Unaudited     Unaudited      Unaudited     Unaudited         Audited
                                     at 30 June    at 30 June     at 31 Dec     at 30 June    at 30 June       at 31 Dec
                                           2004          2003          2003           2004          2003            2003
                            Note     Z$ million    Z$ million    Z$ million     Z$ million    Z$ million      Z$ million

Shareholders' Funds

Share capital                            28 898       28 838        28 898            107           107             107

Capital reserves                         62 929       63 031        62 929            683           631             683

Revenue reserves                          3 535       35 445           997         35 518        18 006          23 028
                                  ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------- -------------  --------------
Total shareholders' funds                95 362      127 314        92 824         36 308        18 744          23 818
Minority Interest                             -       (5 737)          952               -         (446)            (59)
                                  ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------- ------------- ---------------
                                         95 362      121 577        93 776         36 308        18 298          23 759
Deferred taxation                        30 623       23 203        40 351          1 444         2 329          14 052

Deposits and other            12        251 177      135 889       268 241        251 177        27 477         173 306
Provision for current                    17 787       24 585         3 520         17 787         4 971           2 274
Financial liabilities held    13        264 327      346 436       103 585        264 327        70 050          66 924
for trading
Acceptances                              43 705       70 464        10 301         43 705        14 248           6 655
                                 --------------  ------------ ------------- -------------- ------------- ---------------
                                        702 981      722 154       519 774        614 748       137 373         286 970
                                       ========      ========      ========       ========      ========        ========

Balances with banks and                 168 081      198 112       100 122        168 081        40 059          64 684
Financial assets held for     13        185 590      291 115        55 823        185 590        58 864          36 069
Advances and other            14        176 421       79 737       231 819        176 421        16 123         149 774
Investment properties                       186             -          186             52              -             52
Trade investment                          1 708        1 954         2 014             48             3              48
Quoted and other                            953        1 380         1 538            953           279           1 001
Property, plant &                       126 337       79 392       117 971         39 898         7 797          28 687
Customers' indebtedness                  43 705       70 464        10 301         43 705        14 248           6 655
for acceptances
                                  ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------- -------------  --------------
                                        702 981      722 154       519 774        614 748       137 373         286 970
                                       ========      ========      ========       ========      ========        ========

P T ZHANDA                            M B NAROTAM




31 August 2004


for the six months ended 30 June 2004

                                                       Capital Reserves

Restated                                                                                         Reserves
                   Share       Share    Statutory    Redemption    Revaluation                Accumulated
                 Capital     Premium      Reserve       Reserve        Reserve         Other       Profit         Total
              Z$ million  Z$ million   Z$ million    Z$ million     Z$ million    Z$ million   Z$ million    Z$ million

Balances at 1     28 759      46 409         8 121         5 549              -            84      37 844       126 766
January 2003
Own equity           109       2 063             -             -              -             -      11 148        13 320
             ------------ ----------- ------------ -------------    ----------- ------------- ------------  ------------

As restated at 1  28 868      48 472         8 121         5 549              -            84      48 992       140 086
January 2003
Shares issued -       15       1 642             -             -              -             -            -        1 657
Net loss for the        -           -            -             -              -             -        (818)         (818)
six months
ended 30 June
Dividends               -           -            -             -              -             -      (11 568)     (11 568)
Loss on net          (45)       (837)            -             -              -             -      (1 161)       (2 043)
position on
proceeds on own
             ------------ ----------- ------------ -------------    ----------- ------------- ------------  ------------
Balances at 30    28 838      49 277         8 121         5 549              -            84      35 445       127 314
June 2003
             ------------ ----------- ------------ -------------    ----------- ------------- ------------  ------------
Loss for the six
 ended 31               -           -            -             -              -             -     (43 356)      (43 356)
December 2003
Revaluation             -           -            -             -             81             -            -           81
Dividends               -           -            -             -              -             -      (8 014)       (8 014)
Monetary              60        (183)            -             -              -             -      16 922        16 799
adjustment on
own equity
             ------------ ----------- ------------ -------------    ----------- ------------- ------------  ------------
Balances at 31    28 898      49 094         8 121         5 549             81            84         997        92 824
December 2003
             ------------ ----------- ------------ -------------    ----------- ------------- ------------  ------------
Profit for the          -           -            -             -              -             -       5 179         5 179
six months
 ended 30 June
Dividends               -           -            -             -              -             -      (2 641)       (2 641)
             ------------ ----------- ------------ -------------    ----------- ------------- ------------  ------------
Balances at 30    28 898      49 094         8 121         5 549             81            84       3 535        95 362
June 2004
             ------------ ----------- ------------ -------------    ----------- ------------- ------------  ------------



for the six months ended 30 June 2004

                                               Capital Reserves
                                                           Capital                             Reserves
                         Share       Share    Statutory Redemption   Revaluation            Accumulated
                       Capital     Premium      Reserve    Reserve       Reserve     Other       Profit          Total
                    Z$ million  Z$ million   Z$ million Z$ million    Z$ million        Z$   Z$ million     Z$ million
Balances at 1               91           -           23         27             -         1       8 778          8 920
January 2003
Own equity                  13         248            -          -             -         -       2 019          2 280
                    ----------  ----------    --------- ----------  ------------ --------- ------------     ----------
As restated at 1           104         248           23         27             -         1      10 797         11 200
January 2003
Net profit for the           -           -            -          -             -         -       9 239          9 239
six months ended 30
June 2003
Dividends                    -           -            -          -             -         -      (2 030)        (2 030)
Share Issue -                3         332            -          -             -         -            -           335
                    ---------- ----------- ------------ ----------  ------------   -------  ----------- --------------
Balances at 30 June        107         580           23         27             -         1      18 006         18 744

 Net profit for the          -           -            -          -             -         -       6 876          6 876
for the six months
ended 31 December
Revaluation reserve          -           -            -          -            52         -            -            52
Dividends                    -           -            -          -             -         -      (1 854)        (1 854)
                    ---------- ----------- ------------ ----------  ------------   -------  -----------  -------------
Balances at 31             107         580           23         27            52         1      23 028         23 818
December 2003
                    ---------- ----------- ------------ ----------  ------------   -------  -----------  -------------
Net profit for the           -           -            -          -             -         -      14 667         14 667
six months  ended
30 June 2004
Dividends                    -           -            -          -             -         -      (2 177)        (2 177)
                    ---------- ----------- ------------ ---------- -------------   ------- ------------  -------------
Balances at 30 June        107         580           23         27            52         1      35 518         36 308
                        ======     =======      =======     ======      ========      ====      =======       ========


for the six months ended 30 June 2004

Cashflow Statements

                                                        INFLATION ADJUSTED                                HISTORICAL
                                                                  Restated      Restated
                                  Unaudited        Unaudited     Unaudited     Unaudited     Unaudited       Audited
                                   6 months         6 months          Year      6 months      6 months          Year
                                      ended            ended         ended         ended         ended         ended
                                    30 June          30 June        31 Dec       30 June       30 June        31 Dec
                                       2004             2003          2003          2004          2003          2003
                       Note      Z$ million       Z$ million    Z$ million    Z$ million    Z$ million    Z$ million

Profit before taxation 
and                                  16 613           75 616       111 443        19 723        13 261         30 274
loss on
 net monetary position
Non-cash items
Loss/(profit) on disposal of              2                 -       (5 306)            1              -       (1 235)
property, plant & equipment

Depreciation                          2 087            3 057        27 745         1 761           367          1 054
Charge for bad and doubtful           7 020           13 986        11 158         7 020         2 828          7 209
Loss on net monetary                 (3 498)         (48 125)     (135 838)             -             -             -
                               ------------   -------------- -------------  ------------- ------------- -------------
Operating cash flows before
changes in
Operating assets and                 22 224           44 534         9 202        28 505        16 456         37 302
Changes in operating assets
and liabilities:

Financial liabilities held          160 742           90 864      (103 439)      197 403        49 448         47 782
for trading

Deposits and other accounts         (17 064)        (255 079)     (130 845)       77 871        (9 424)       136 405

Advances and other accounts          48 378          226 642        68 673       (33 667)        9 865      (128 167)
Financial assets held for             4 014         (180 688)       11 754         2 594       (45 152)       (1 136)
                               ------------  --------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------
                                    218 294          (73 727)     (144 656)      272 706        21 193         92 186
Corporate tax paid                   (3 397)         (51 330)      (48 027)       (2 151)       (3 132)       (3 858)
                             --------------   -------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------

Net cash inflow/(outflows)          214 897         (125 056)     (192 683)      270 555        18 061         88 328
from operating activities
Movement in  minority                  (952)                -             -           59              -             -
Proceeds on disposal of                  21                 -        9 524            21              -         2 437
property, plant & equipment
Movement in trade investment            306                 -             -             -             -             -
Purchase of property, plant         (10 663)         (15 628)      (63 492)      (12 994)       (3 592)      (26 351)
& equipment
Movement in quoted and other            772           20 722        20 388            48         1 768            949
                              -------------    ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------
Net cash (outflows)/inflows         (10 516)           5 094       (33 580)      (12 866)       (1 824)      (22 965)
from investing activities

                              -------------    ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------

Net cash inflow/(outflows)          204 381         (119 962)     (226 262)      257 689        16 237         65 363
before financing activities

                             --------------   -------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------

Proceeds from issue of                    -           1 657         2 815              -          335            369
Dividends paid                       (2 641)         (11 568)      (19 580)       (2 177)       (2 030)       (3 884)
Proceeds on own equity                    -          13 318        26 906              -        2 280          2 280
                            --------------- ---------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------

                                     (2 641)           3 407        10 141        (2 177)          585        (1 235)
                                  =========        =========      ========      ========       =======       =======
Net increase/(decrease) in          201 740         (116 555)     (216 121)      255 512        16 822         64 128
cash and cash equivalents
Cash and cash equivalents at        151 931          368 052       368 052        98 159        34 031        34 031
beginning of the period
                              -------------     ------------ ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------
AT                        10        353 671          251 497       151 931       353 671        50 853        98 159
                                   ========         ========      ========      ========      ========      ========



1.             Accounting Policies

The interim financial statements have been prepared on the basis of the
accounting policies set out in the financial statements for the year ended 31
December 2003.

2.             Compliance with International Accounting Standards (IASs)

The Group's interim financial statements have been prepared in accordance with

3.             Currency

These interim financial statements are expressed in Zimbabwe dollars and are
rounded to the nearest million.

4.             Basis of preparation

The financial statements have been prepared on the historical cost basis and
restated in accordance with IAS 29, which requires that the results be stated in
terms of the measuring unit current at the balance sheet date.  The index used
was based on the closing index value for 30 June 2004.  The comparative figures
for the six months ended 30 June 2003 and the financial year ended 31 December
2003 have been restated based on the value current at 30 June 2004.  The income
statement for the six month period was derived from monthly index values
relative to 30 June 2004.  The comparative income statements have been restated
on average index values for the respective periods relative to  30 June 2004.

The interim report was approved by the Board on  31 August 2004.


The indices used were compiled by the Central Statistical Office of Zimbabwe and
are based on the Consumer Price Index which is the most widely accepted measure
of the inflation rate available.

The indices and conversion factors were as follows:

                       Indices            Conversion factors

June 2004             37 741.4            1.0000

December 2003         24 384.1            1.5478

June 2003              7 631.4            4.9455

IAS 29 discourages the publication of historical results as a supplement to
inflation adjusted accounts.  The Zimbabwe Accounting Practices Board and the
Zimbabwe Stock Exchange have permitted companies in Zimbabwe to publish
historical results in conjunction with inflation adjusted results.

5.       Other income

                                         INFLATION ADJUSTED                           HISTORICAL
                                                Restated      Restated
                                  Unaudited    Unaudited     Unaudited    Unaudited       Unaudited      Audited
                                   6 months     6 months          Year     6 months        6 months         Year
                                      ended        ended         ended        ended           ended        ended
                                    30 June      30 June        31 Dec      30 June         30 June       31 Dec
                                       2004         2003          2003         2004            2003         2003
                                 Z$ million   Z$ million    Z$ million   Z$ million      Z$ million   Z$ million

Gains less losses from quoted          250        3 739         2 365          211             460          449
and other investments
Net commission and fee income        2 838        5 350        11 291        2 648             659        1 228

- Income                             3 932         7 080       11 589        3 330             872        1 286
- Expense                           (1 094)      (1 730)         (298)        (682)           (213)         (58)
Broking income                            -         342         4 344             -             55          989
(Loss)/profit on disposal of            (2)            -        5 306           (1)               -       1 253
fixed assets
Other operating income               3 176       26 068         2 221        4 941           3 291        1 535
                                -----------  -----------  ------------  -----------     -----------  -----------
                                     6 262       35 499        25 527        7 799           4 465        5 454
                                    =======      =======       =======      =======         =======       ======

6.       Operating expenditure

The operating profit is after
charging the following:
Administration costs                 22 370        14 382       20 578         17 129          1 746         8 103
Depreciation                          2 087         3 057       27 745          1 761            367         1 054
Staff costs                          18 408        20 756       32 417         14 694          2 492         8 376
                               ------------  ------------  -----------   ------------   ------------  ------------
                                     42 865        38 195       80 740         33 584          4 605        17 533
                                    =======       =======       ======        =======        =======       =======

7.             Loss on disposal of interest in subsidiary

The loss on disposal of interest in subsidiary relates to the disposal of
Continental Securities Trading (Private) Limited on 1 January 2004.  At the date
of disposal, the net liabilities of the company amounted to Z$5 209 million and
the proceeds from the disposal amounted to Z$760 million.

8.             taxation
                                    INFLATION ADJUSTED                                HISTORICAL
                                            Restated        Restated
                           Unaudited       Unaudited       Unaudited      Unaudited         Unaudited     Audited
                            6 months        6 months            Year       6 months          6 months        Year
                               ended           ended           ended          ended             ended       ended
                             30 June         30 June          31 Dec        30 June           30 June      31 Dec
                                2004            2003            2003           2004              2003        2003
                          Z$ million      Z$ million      Z$ million     Z$ million        Z$ million  Z$ million
8.1 Tax Charge

Current taxation             15 438          14 727                -        15 438             2 978            -
Aids levy                     1 252             445                -         1 252                90            -
Deferred tax (credit)        (9 728)         12 701           17 311       (12 608)              665       12 565
                          ----------      ----------      ----------     ----------        ----------  ----------
                              6 962          27 873           17 311         4 082             3 733       12 565
Financial                       974           3 334            2 468           974               674        1 594
institutions levy
                          ----------      ----------      ----------     ----------        ----------  ----------
                              7 936          31 207           19 779         5 056             4 407       14 159
                              ======          ======          ======         ======            ======      ======

9.             Earnings per share

    The calculation of earnings per share is based on the following figures:

                                           INFLATION ADJUSTED                           HISTORICAL
                                               Restated          Restated
                                 Unaudited    Unaudited         Unaudited      Unaudited   Unaudited      Audited
                                  6 months     6 months              Year       6 months    6 months         Year
                                     ended        ended             ended          ended       ended        ended
                                   30 June      30 June            31 Dec        30 June     30 June       31 Dec
                                      2004         2003              2003           2004        2003         2003
                                Z$ million   Z$ million        Z$ million     Z$ million  Z$ million   Z$ million

9.1  Earnings

Basic earnings                       5 179        (818)          (44 174)        14 667       9 239       16 115
Headline earnings(note 9.4)          5 181        (818)          (47 889)        14 668       9 239       15 238
9.2  Number of shares
Weighted average shares in     426 804 812 389 757 429       404 809 987    426 804 812  389 757 429 404 809 987
Diluted number of shares       427 162 412 391 559 714       427 162 412    427 162 412  391 559 714 427 162 412
9.3                 Earnings
per share (cents)

Basic                              1 213.4      (209.9)        (10 912.3)       3 436.5      2 370.4     3 980.9
Headline                           1 213.9      (209.9)        (11 830.0)       3 436.7      2 370.4     3 764.2
Diluted basic                      1 212.4      (208.9)        (10 341.3)       3 433.6      2 359.5     3 772.6
Diluted headline                   1 212.9      (208.9)        (11 211.0)       3 433.8      2 359.5     3 567.3
9.4  Headline Earnings (Z$
Profit attributable to               5 179        (818)          (44 174)        14 667        9 239      16 115
Add/(deduct)  non-recurring
Loss/(profit) on disposal of:
 Fixed assets                            2            -           (5 306)              1           -      (1 253)
 Tax effect                              -            -            1 591               -           -         376
                                     5 181        (818)          (47 889)        14 668        9 239      15 238

The headline earnings are calculated in accordance with the Statement of
Investment Practice No. 1 issued by the Institute of Investment Management and
Research to assist users of accounts to identify earnings derived from trading

10.         Cash and Cash Equivalents

                                     INFLATION ADJUSTED                             HISTORICAL
                                           Restated        Restated
                            Unaudited     Unaudited       Unaudited     Unaudited    Unaudited         Audited
                             6 months      6 months            Year      6 months     6 months            Year
                                ended         ended           ended         ended        ended           ended
                              30 June       30 June          31 Dec       30 June      30 June          31 Dec
                                 2004          2003            2003          2004         2003            2003
                           Z$ million    Z$ million      Z$ million    Z$ million   Z$ million      Z$ million

Balances with banks and       168 081       198 112         100 122       168 081       40 059          64 684
Government and public
securities                    142 198        30 597          10 006       142 198        6 186           6 464

Bills receivable               43 392        22 788          41 803        43 392        4 608          27 011
                          -----------  ------------    ------------  ------------   ----------     -----------
                              353 671       251 497         151 931       353 671       50 853          98 159
                              =======       =======         =======       =======       ======         =======

11.         SHARE CAPITAL

11.1     Authorised

The authorised ordinary share capital at 30 June 2004 is at the historical
figure of Z$140 million

(2003 - Z$140 million) comprising 560 million ordinary (2003 - 560 million)
shares of Z$0.25 each.

11.2   Issued Fully Paid

The issued share capital at 30 June 2004 is at the historical figure of Z$107

(2003 - Z$107 million) comprising 427 million (2003 - 427 million) ordinary
shares of Z$0.25 each.

11.3  Share Buy Back

At the Annual General Meeting held on 1 June 2004, shareholders authorised the
directors to purchase up to 56 million (fifty six million) of the company's own
shares.  No shares were repurchased for the period to 30 June 2004.

12.    DepositS and other accounts

12.1     Deposits and other accounts by type

                                         INFLATION ADJUSTED                            HISTORICAL
                                                Restated        Restated
                               Unaudited       Unaudited       Unaudited    Unaudited    Unaudited      Audited
                                    June            June             Dec         June         June          Dec
                                    2004            2003            2003         2004         2003         2003
                              Z$ million      Z$ million      Z$ million   Z$ million   Z$ million   Z$ million
Deposits from other banks       199 859          32 418         143 033      199 859        6 555       92 411
Other money market deposits      41 186          59 282          25 865       41 186       11 987       16 711
Current and deposit             190 535         208 082         157 704      190 535       42 075      101 890
                              ----------      ----------      ----------   ----------    ---------    ---------
Total deposits                  431 580         299 782         326 602      431 580       60 617      211 012
Trade and other creditors        82 924         182 543          45 224       83 924       36 910       29 218
                              ----------      ----------      ----------   ----------    ---------    ---------
                                515 504         482 325         371 826      515 504       97 527      240 230
Less: Financial liabilities    (264 327)       (346 436)       (103 585)    (264 327)     (70 050)     (66 924)
held for trade (note 13.1)
                             -----------      ----------     -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------
                                251 177         135 889         268 241      251 177       27 477      173 306
                                 =======          ======          ======       ======       ======      =======

12.2Maturity analysis

                                         INFLATION ADJUSTED                             HISTORICAL
                                                 Restated       Restated
                               Unaudited        Unaudited      Unaudited      Unaudited    Unaudited      Audited
                                    June             June            Dec           June         June          Dec
                                    2004             2003           2003           2004         2003         2003
                              Z$ million       Z$ million     Z$ million     Z$ million   Z$ million   Z$ million
Withdrawals on demand            244 081          220 777        125 677        244 081       44 816       81 198
Maturing within one month        176 887           20 125        113 314        176 887        4 025       73 210
Maturing after one month           2 957           57 135         80 693          2 957       11 427       52 134
but within 6 months
Maturing after 6 months but        7 655            1 745          6 918          7 655          349        4 470
within 12 months
                              ----------       ----------     ----------     ----------   ----------   ----------
                                 431 580          299 782        326 602        431 580       60 617      211 012
                                  ======           ======         ======         ======       ======       ======

12.3   Sectoral analysis of deposits

                                                                 INFLATION ADJUSTED
                                                                   Restated                  Restated
                                        Unaudited                 Unaudited                 Unaudited
                                             June                      June                       Dec
                                             2004                      2003                      2003
                                       Z$ million          %     Z$ million            %   Z$ million            %
Banks and other financial                 199 859         46          8 255            3      143 033           44
Telecommunications companies                2 374          1             35            -        2 664            1
Industrial companies                       52 114         12          6 635            2      156 123           48
Other deposits                            169 739         39        284 608           95       24 758            7
Municipalities and parastatals              7 387          2            249            -            -            -
Mining Companies                              107          -              -            -           24            -
                                      ----------- ----------    -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------
                                          431 580        100        299 782          100      326 602          100
                                           ======     ======         ======       ======      =======       ======

12.4     Sectoral analysis of deposits

                                         Unaudited                 Unaudited                     Audited
                                              June                      June                         Dec
                                              2004                      2003                        2003
                                        Z$ million          %     Z$ million            %     Z$ million          %
Banks and other financial                  199 859         46          1 651            3         92 411         44
Telecommunications companies                 2 374          1              7            -          1 721          1
Industrial companies                        52 114         12          1 327            2        100 868         48
Other deposits                             169 739         39         57 363           95         15 997          7
Municipalities and parastatals               7 387          2            269            -              -          -
Mining Companies                               107          -              -            -             15          -
                                     ------------- ----------  -------------  -----------    ----------- ----------
                                           431 580        100         60 617          100        211 012        100
                                           =======      =====       ========       ======         ======     ======


13.1      Financial liabilities held for trading

                                            INFLATION ADJUSTED                           HISTORICAL
                                                     Restated    Restated
                                      Unaudited     Unaudited   Unaudited       Unaudited    Unaudited      Audited
                                           June         June          Dec            June         June          Dec
                                           2004          2003        2003            2004         2003         2003
                                     Z$ million    Z$ million  Z$ million      Z$ million   Z$ million   Z$ million

Liabilities discounted                  216 509             -      10 633         216 509            -        6 870
Negotiable certificate of                47 818       346 436      92 952          47 818       70 050       60 054
                                   ------------  ------------ -----------    ------------    ---------   ----------
                                        264 327       346 436     103 585         264 327       70 050       66 924
                                        =======       =======     =======         =======       ======       ======

13.1     Financial assets held for trading

                                        INFLATION ADJUSTED                            HISTORICAL
                                                Restated      Restated                    Restated
                                 Unaudited     Unaudited     Unaudited     Unaudited     Unaudited       Audited
                                      June          June           Dec          June          June           Dec
                                      2004          2003          2003          2004          2003          2003
                                Z$ million    Z$ million    Z$ million    Z$ million    Z$ million    Z$ million
Government and public sector       142 198        30 597        10 006       142 198         6 186         6 464
Bills receivable                    43 392        22 788        41 803        43 392         4 608        27 011
Fixed term loans                         -       237 730         4 014             -        48 070         2 594
                              ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------
                                   185 590       291 115        55 823       185 590        58 864        36 069
                                   =======       =======       =======       =======       =======       =======

13.2     Financial liabilities held for trading

                                   INFLATION ADJUSTED                              HISTORICAL
                                          Restated        Restated
                         Unaudited       Unaudited       Unaudited    Unaudited    Unaudited          Audited
                              June            June             Dec         June         June              Dec
                              2004            2003            2003         2004         2003             2003
                        Z$ million      Z$ million      Z$ million   Z$ million   Z$ million       Z$ million
Demand to 3 months         254 305         346 436         103 571      254 305       70 050           66 915
3 months to 1 year              22               -              14           22            -                9
1 year to 5 years           10 000               -               -       10 000            -                -
                        ----------      ----------      ----------   ----------   ----------       ----------
                           264 327         346 436         103 585      264 327       70 050           66 924
                            ======          ======          ======       ======       ======           ======

13.3          Financial assets held for trading

                                     INFLATION ADJUSTED                              HISTORICAL
                                            Restated        Restated
                           Unaudited       Unaudited       Unaudited     Unaudited     Unaudited         Audited
                                June            June             Dec          June          June             Dec
                                2004            2003            2003          2004          2003            2003
                          Z$ million      Z$ million      Z$ million    Z$ million    Z$ million      Z$ million
Demand to 3 months           125 975         220 059          41 852       125 975        44 496          27 042

3 months to 1 year            17 576          14 800          13 971        17 576         2 993           9 027
1 year to 5 years             42 039          56 256               -        42 039        11 375               -
                          ----------      ----------        --------    ----------      --------        --------
                             185 590         291 115          55 823       185 590        58 864          36 069
                              ======          ======           =====        ======         =====           =====

14.       Advances and other accounts

14.1          Advances and other accounts

                                         INFLATION ADJUSTED                            HISTORICAL
                                              Restated         Restated
                               Unaudited     Unaudited        Unaudited     Unaudited     Unaudited      Audited
                                    June          June              Dec          June          June          Dec
                                    2004          2003             2003          2004          2003         2003
                              Z$ million    Z$ million       Z$ million    Z$ million    Z$ million   Z$ million
14.1.1 Total advances and
   other accounts

Advances                         153 235        46 335          155 755       153 235         9 369      100 631
Other accounts                    23 186        33 402           76 064        23 186         6 754       49 143
                             -----------  ------------  ---------------  ------------  ------------  -----------
                                 176 421        79 737          231 819       176 421        16 123      149 774
                                 =======       =======        =========       =======       =======      =======

14.1.2   Maturity analysis

                                          INFLATION ADJUSTED                            HISTORICAL
                                               Restated         Restated
                                  Unaudited   Unaudited        Unaudited     Unaudited     Unaudited      Audited
                                       June        June              Dec          June          June          Dec
                                       2004        2003             2003          2004          2003         2003
                                 Z$ million  Z$ million       Z$ million    Z$ million    Z$ million   Z$ million
Demand to 3 months                  51 086      32 423          116 657        51 086         6 556       75 370
3 months to 1 year                 131 019      33 947           53 350       131 019         6 864       34 469
1 year to 5 years                    2 075       5 371            8 892         2 075         1 086        5 745
Over 5 years                         6 519            -                -        6 519              -            -
                               ------------ -----------  ---------------  ------------  ------------  -----------
Total advances                     190 699      71 741          178 899       190 699        14 506      115 584
Specific and general doubtful
   debt provisions                 (15 781)    (18 986)         (13 560)      (15 781)       (3 839)      (8 761)
Suspended interest                 (21 683)     (6 420)          (9 584)      (21 683)       (1 298)      (6 192)
                                ----------- -----------     ------------  ------------   -----------  -----------
                                   153 235      46 335          155 755       153 235         9 369      100 631
Other accounts                      23 186      33 402           76 064        23 186         6 754       49 143
                                ----------- -----------     ------------  ------------   -----------  -----------
Total                              176 421      79 737          231 819       176 421        16 123      149 774
                                    =======     =======          =======       =======       =======      =======

14.2     Sectoral analysis of utilizations

                                                              INFLATION ADJUSTED
                                                                Restated                 Restated

                                       Unaudited               Unaudited                Unaudited
                                            June                    June                 December
                                            2004                    2003                     2003
                                      Z$ million         %    Z$ million          %    Z$ million           %

Industrials                              134 822        58        46 587         33        64 366          34
Agriculture and horticulture              28 791        12         8 398          6        33 498          18
Conglomerates                             10 862         5        11 335          8        20 693          11
Construction and property                      -         -        20 593         15             -           -
Services                                  16 689         7        21 251         15        10 905           5
Mining                                    19 512         8         6 231          4        10 435           6
Food & beverages                          23 666        10         5 905          4        14 651           8
Other                                         62         -        21 905         15        34 652          18
                                     -----------  --------   -----------  ---------   -----------  ----------
                                         234 404       100       142 205        100       189 200         100
                                         =======     =====       =======      =====        ======      ======

The above sectoral analysis comprises advances of Z$190 699 million (2003 - Z$71
741 million) and

customers' indebtedness for acceptances of Z$43 705 million (2003 - Z$70 464

14.3   Sectoral analysis of utilisations

                                                              Unaudited                    Audited
                                        June                       June                        Dec
                                        2004                       2003                       2003
                                  Z$ million            %    Z$ million            %    Z$ million             %
Industrials                          134 822           58         9 420           33        41 586            34
Agriculture and horticulture          28 791           12         1 698            6        21 643            18
Conglomerates                         10 862            5         2 292            8        13 370            10
Construction and property                  -            -         4 164           14             -             -
Services                              16 689            7         4 297           15         7 046             6
Mining                                19 512            8         1 260            4         6 742             6
Food & beverages                      23 666           10         1 194            4         9 466             8
Other                                     62            -         4 429           16        22 386            18
                                  ----------  -----------  ------------  -----------  ------------  ------------
                                     234 404          100        28 754          100       122 239           100
                                      ======      =======       =======       ======       =======       =======

The above sectoral analysis comprises advances of Z$190 699 million (2003 - Z$14
506 million) and

customers' indebtedness for acceptances of Z$43 705 million (2003 - Z$14 248

14.4    Risk concentrations

The material concentration of loans and advances are in the industrial sector
58% (2003 - 33%).

14.5     Provisions for doubtful debts including acceptances

                                                           INFLATION ADJUSTED
                                           Unaudited                                   Unaudited
                            ----------------June 2004--------------      -----------Restated Dec 2003----------
                                Specific         General          Total     Specific        General        Total
                              Z$ million      Z$ million     Z$ million   Z$ million     Z$ million   Z$ million
At 1 January                      8 668           4 892         13 560        9 203          7 582       16 785

Charge against profits            3 855           3 165          7 020        7 348          3 810       11 158
Bad debts written off                  -               -              -           1               -           1
Monetary adjustment              (3 068)         (1 731)        (4 799)      (7 884)        (6 500)     (14 384)
                            ------------     -----------  ------------- ------------  ------------- ------------
At 30 June                        9 455           6 326         15 781        8 668          4 892       13 560
                                 =======          ======        =======      =======        =======      =======

14.6     Provisions for doubtful debts including acceptances

                                            Unaudited                                    Audited
                             ----------------June 2004--------------          -----------Dec 2003----------
                         Specific        General          Total          Specific    General       Total
                         Z$ million       Z$ million      Z$ million     Z$ million  Z$ million    Z$ million

At 1 January                       5 600            3 161          8 761           851         700         1 551
Charge against profits             3 855            3 165          7 020         4 748       2 461         7 209
Bad debts written off                                                 -
                                   -              -                             1            -            1
                            ------------      -----------  -------------  ------------ -----------  ------------
At 30 June                         9 455            6 326         15 781         5 600       3 161         8 761
                                 =======           ======        =======       =======     =======       =======

14.7     Non performing loans and advances

                                        INFLATION ADJUSTED                            HISTORICAL

                                                 Restated     Restated
                                 Unaudited      Unaudited    Unaudited      Unaudited    Unaudited      Audited
                                      June           June          Dec           June         June          Dec
                                      2004           2003         2003           2004         2003         2003
                                Z$ million     Z$ million   Z$ million     Z$ million   Z$ million   Z$ million

Total non performing loans         33 914        176 862       25 940         33 914       35 762       16 759
and advances
Specific provision for        (9 455)            (14 703)      (8 668)        (9 455)      (2 973)      (5 600)
doubtful debts
Interest in suspense        (21 683)              (6 420)      (9 584)       (21 683)      (1 298)      (6 192)

                             -------------  -------------  -----------  ------------- ------------ ------------
                                    2 776        155 739        7 688          2 776       31 491        4 967
                                   =======        =======       ======        =======      =======       ======

The residue on these accounts represents recoverable portions covered by
realisable security.

15.         Capital Commitment

Capital commitments amounting to Z$24 970 million (31 December 2003 - Z$42 643
million) will be financed as necessary  from the Group's own resources.

16.     Operating Lease Commitments

Lease commitments amounting to Z$276 million (31 December 2003 - Z$185 million)
relate to future rental commitments up to the expiry of the lease agreements.

17.         Contingent liabilities

Contingent liabilities as at 30 June 2004 amounted to Z$1 553 million (31
December 2003 - Z$5 241 million).

18.         Related parties

Loans to directors and officers or their companies amounting to Z$6 128 million
(30 June 2003 - Z$ 3 162 million) are included in advances and other accounts.

Loans to officers (including executive directors) amounting to Z$7 956 million
(30 June 2003 - Z$ 1 317 million) were granted at preferential rates of up to
16% per annum as part of their overall remuneration agreements.  Loans to
non-executive directors, Group companies and officers companies are on normal
commercial terms.

19.         Exchange Rates

The following exchange rates have been used to translate the foreign balances to
Zimbabwe dollars at period end:-

                                    30 June       30 June         31 Dec
                                       2004          2003           2003

British Sterling      GBP 1.00   Z$9 660.59    Z$1 359.06     Z$7 744.16

United States Dollar  USD 1.00   Z$5 347.98    Z$824.00       Z$4 196.58



M B Narotam
Email:               muneshn@nmbz.co.zw

Registered Offices
1st Floor                                         NMB Centre
Unity Court                                       George Silundika Avenue/
Cnr 1st Street/Kwame Nkrumah Avenue               Leopold Takawira Street
Harare                                            Bulawayo
Zimbabwe                                          Zimbabwe

Telephone          +263 4 759651                  +263 9 70169

Facsimile          +263 4 759648                  +263 9 68535

Website:           http://www.nmbz.co.zw

Email:             enquiries@nmbz.co.zw

KPMG Chartered Accountants (Zimbabwe)
Mutual Gardens
100 The Chase (West)
Emerald Hill

Transfer Secretaries
In Zimbabwe                                      In UK
First Transfer Secretaries                       Computershare Services PLC
4th Floor, Gold Bridge North                     36 St Andrew Square
Eastgate Building                                Edinburgh
Cnr. Robert Mugabe/S Nujoma                      EH2 2YB
P O Box 11                                       UK

Legal Practitioners to the Company

In Zimbabwe                                      In UK
Kantor and Immerman                              Dechert
MacDonald House                                  2 Serjeants' Inn
10 Selous Avenue                                 London EC4Y 1LT
Harare                                           UK

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


Nmbz Holdings Ld (LSE:NMB)
Historical Stock Chart
From Jun 2024 to Jul 2024 Click Here for more Nmbz Holdings Ld Charts.
Nmbz Holdings Ld (LSE:NMB)
Historical Stock Chart
From Jul 2023 to Jul 2024 Click Here for more Nmbz Holdings Ld Charts.